


"You seem to have missed the order that all Stromma aboard the Admonitor were to report to the Number Three hangar deck for disembarkation."
―Lieutenant Dramos Sanjin to Stormtrooper Lhagva[1]

Number Three was one of the the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Admonitor's hangar decks.[1] In 8 ABY,[2] after Stromma Council Liaison removed the Stromma stormtrooper contingent from the Empire of the Hand's service, all Stromma aboard the Admonitor were commanded to travel to Number Three for disembarkation. Stromma Stormtrooper Lhagva ignored the order, as he wanted to participate in the incoming Imperial attack on alien warlord Nuso Esva's forces on the[1] Unknown Regions[3] planet Quethold's Red City, which led to lieutenant Dramos Sanjin, who reminded Lhagva of the order, allowing him not to disembark and to participate in the attack.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Number Three was mentioned in Timothy Zahn's 2011 Crisis of Faith novella, published within the 20th Anniversary Edition of his 1991 novel Heir to the Empire.[1]


Notes and references[]
