


Patricia A. Jackson is the author of a number of short stories that originally appeared in the Star Wars Adventure Journal, mainly focused on original characters, such as the Socorran smuggler Drake Paulsen, and perhaps most famously, Imperial Inquisitor Adalric Cessius Brandl.

A further story called Emanations of Darkness, continuing the story of Adalric Brandl, his son Jaalib, and Rebel operative Fable Astin, was written for Star Wars Adventure Journal, but eventually appeared online at the SWRPGNetwork website.

Jackson wrote a canon short story titled “Gone to the Winner's Circle,” which was published as part of the anthology book From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi.



Year Title Contribution(s) Notes
1994 "Out of the Cradle" Author Published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 2
1994 "When the Domino Falls" Author Published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
1994 "The Final Exit" Author Published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
1995 "A Bitter Winter" Author Published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 5
1995 "Uhl Eharl Khoehng" Author Published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
1996 "The Longest Fall" Author Published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 11
1997 "Betrayal by Knight" Author Published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 12
2023 "Gone to the Winner's Circle" Author Published in From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi


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