

For other uses, see Tala.

Tala 2 was a Z-95t Headhunter[1] which was developed by Alliance to Restore the Republic tactician Adar Tallon.[2] As with all Z-95t Headhunters, Tala 2 had a class 3 hyperdrive,[3] which individually allowed Tala 2 long-range reconnaissance.[1]

During the Galactic Civil War fought between the Alliance and the Galactic Empire, Tala 2 served in Tala Squadron and was piloted by Lieutenant Blount[4] by 4 ABY.[5] Blount worked for Alliance Intelligence and flew as the wingman of Colonel Airen Cracken,[4] who flew the Z-95t Headhunter Tala 1 and was operationally assigned to support Alliance Special Forces commandos led by Crix Madine,[6] an Alliance general.[7] Tala 2 was equipped with a sophisticated sensor suite to monitor Imperial activity during the Alliance commandos' operations.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Tala 2 was created in 2000 by Decipher, Inc. for their Death Star II Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.[1]


Notes and references[]
