
Great Aether (大天�� lit "Great/Big Heavenly Sky") is Ike's Final Smash.


Ike swings Ragnell upward in front of him, catching any opponent immediately in front of him and knocking them upward to the highest point in the stage's middle (in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, directly above where Ike was standing when the move started). Ike will then proceed to follow them and use a combination of sword slashes and kicks to attack the opponent while shouting "GREAT AETHER!" For the finishing blow, Ike brings Ragnell downward toward the ground, dragging the caught opponents down before colliding with the stage in a massive explosion, sending opponents upward with high vertical knockback.

Great Aether is one of the most powerful Final Smashes, dealing 64-72% damage. The initial strike deals 15% up close and 5% far away, the barrage of attacks dealt 52-62% in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and 31-41% in 3DS/Wii U, and the explosion deals 12% in Brawl and 19% in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Because Great Aether takes Ike and its victims to the highest point in the center of the stage, it will be a guaranteed OHKO on small stages, and a Sacrificial KO on stages with gaps in the center. In Ultimate, it's slightly more versatile as it will take place in the same horizontal position where the move started, meaning it can be used closer to the side blast lines for more reliable KOs, but isn't 100% guaranteed to KO at a certain % because of this variability in position.

Despite the flame effect of Great Aether, there are no flame hitboxes. The effects were red in Brawl, but changed to blue in 3DS/Wii U to fit with Ike's title in Radiant Dawn.

Trophy Description[]


The Great Aether trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[]

Ike's Final Smash--a powered-up version of his signature move, Aether. Ike faces a foe and swings his sword up for a hit, then tosses his sword into the air, performs multiple nasty strikes, and finally unleashes a mighty overhand blow to send his opponent plummeting down. It's a very impressive sight, but if Ike misses with the first upward swing, he can't use the move.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U[]


The Great Aether trophy in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

Ike's Aether up special is combined with a relentless barrage of sword blows in this powerful Final Smash. He knocks targets into the air with an upward swing, and then they're stuck there as he strikes over and over. Finally, he slams them down to the ground and launches them. Just make sure that first strike hits!


While based on Aether, a move called Great Aether has never been performed in the Fire Emblem universe. However, in Radiant Dawn, Ike performed Aether after receiving a blessing by the goddess Yune, coating Ragnell in a blue flame to defeat the goddess Ashera. Thus the Final Smash's flaming properties may be a reference to this scene.


  • When Ike first appears in the Subspace Emissary, he uses a regular Aether on the Ancient Minister, but in the English versions he yells out "Great Aether". However, the voice clip of "Aether" in Japanese is said in two parts (天空 Tenkū, lit. "Heavenly Sky"). Because this is not the case in the English versions, the voice clip of "Great Aether" was used instead.
  • Great Aether was described by the DOJO!! as a more powerful version of his Aether.
  • Ike's Final Smash can be canceled, as can Toon Link's Triforce Slash, by attacking at the right time.
  • Mr. Game & Watch can use his up aerial to make those trapped escape the hits of Great Aether by pumping the trapped upwards. This also happens if a Poké Ball with Latias and Latios or Kyogre is sent out right before the Final Smash is activated.
  • As with End of Day, it is possible to self-destruct with this Final Smash if it is used on a custom stage that has a gap in the center.
  • There is a glitch that can be done when fighting Ice Climbers. When having the Final Smash without being activated and fighting Ice Climbers with high damage gauge, he can grab the leading Ice Climber and throw him out of the stage (or by some other ways, but the important thing here is to kill the leading Ice Climber first), and then quickly unleash the Great Aether on the second Ice Climber. The previously KO of the leading IC will cause the second to disappear, but Ike will still use the Great Aether, resulting in Ike slashing and hitting the air with the Great Aether. This will also happen if a Kyogre blows away an opponent in the Final Smash.
  • Great Aether is an OHKO on 75m, Mushroomy Kingdom stage 1-2, Gaur Plains, and on certain custom stages (if they have a floor that is close enough to the upper blast line)
  • Great Aether is a One-hit KO move dealing 300% damage on two stages in two specific situations - on Spear Pillar, by using it when the beam of light is firing down the center, and on Norfair, by using it when the wall of lava has gone halfway across the stage.
  • If the player is on Frigate Orpheon and the Final Smash is used while the stage is turning it will freeze in its current position.
  • The move consists of 2 full vertical slashes downward, 1 vertical downward slash stopping short, 1 stab, a horizontal backhand slash, another vertical slash, a horizontal forehand slash resulting in a spin allowing him to kick his enemy, or enemies twice, a backhand downward diagonal slash, an upward vertical beginning a spin that allows him to make 2 more upward verticals and then flip to a charge position with Ragnell above his head before making the final vertical slash downward to the floor, resulting in a total of 14 hits excluding the initial strike.
  • Despite this being Ike's Final Smash, it is actually only his third most powerful attack, KO power wise. Both his Eruption and his Forward Smash can launch opponents farther, if they are charged enough.
    • Great Aether is his most damaging attack however, dealing almost twice as much damage as a stage 8 Eruption.
  • If the opponent is KO'd in Stamina Mode while Ike is still attacking, Ike will continue to attack.
  • In 3DS/Wii U, this move will take place on a nearby platform if the stage has a gap in the middle (i.e. Gaur Plains), preventing SDs.


External links[]

Ike's Special Moves
Brawl 3DS/Wii U Ultimate
Standard Special Eruption
Side Special Quick Draw
Up Special Aether
Down Special Counter
Final Smash Great Aether