Find and use assets

You can find assets in the asset library by adding filters:

  • Asset name, type, ID, dimensions, duration, file size, date created, or date last modified
  • Location (which folder the asset is in)

To narrow your search, you can apply more than one filter. Each filter is added together. If you add one filter for assets that are 300 pixels wide and another filter for assets created today, you'll only find assets that meet both of those requirements.

In the coming months, you'll also be able to search for items featured in images.

Find assets or folders by name

To find assets or folders in the folder you're currently in by name, use the "Name" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Name.
    2. Optional: Click contains to choose a different type of name filter to apply.
    3. Enter the name or part of the name of the asset (at least 1 letter or character).
    4. Optional: To search for more than one name or word, press Enter and add another word on the next line. For example, you can search for asset names with either "cat" or "dog" by adding each word on a different line.
    5. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Name contains" and ends with the name you entered. Assets and folders with matching names are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Name filter types

Filter Type Description

Search for assets or folders with names that have the letters or characters you enter, ignoring case

does not contain Search for assets or folders with names that do not have the letters or characters you enter, ignoring case
contains (case sensitive) Search for assets or folders with names that have the letters or characters you enter, with the same capitalization you used
does not contain (case sensitive) Search for assets or folders with names that do not have the letters or characters you enter, with the same capitalization you used
equals Search for assets or folders with names that exactly match the letters or characters you enter
starts with Search for asset or folders with names that start with the letters or characters you enter

Find assets or folders in all folders, including sub-folders

By default, filters only apply to the current folder you're in. That means if you use a name filter, it will only match assets in the current folder. Assets or folders in sub-folders won't be filtered.

To expand your search to include all assets and folders that are in sub-folders, use the "Location" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Location. If there's no "Location" filter available, make sure you're at the top level of the asset library. This filter isn't available when you're viewing a sub-folder.
    2. Select Everywhere.
    3. Click Apply.

The filter "Location: Everywhere" is added to the filter bar. All assets and folders are listed, even assets and folders that are in sub-folders. To go back, remove the filter.

Find assets with a certain file type

To find an asset by its file type, use the "Asset type" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Asset type.
    2. Select one or more asset types to search for. The options are: image, font, audio, and video.
    3. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Asset type:" and ends with the asset types you selected. Only assets that match the selected types are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Find an asset by ID

To find an asset by the unique ID assigned by Ads Creative Studio, use the "Asset ID" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Asset ID.
    2. Enter the unique asset ID.
    3. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Asset ID =" and ends with the asset ID you entered. Only the asset with the matching ID is listed, if it exists in the folder you're currently in. To go back, remove the filter.

Find an asset ID

To get the asset ID for an asset, click the asset in the asset library. The unique, numeric asset ID is listed in "About this asset" in the "Details" section.

Find an asset by its dimensions

To find an asset by its width or height, use the "Width" or "Height" filters.

Search by width

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Width.
    2. Select the dimension filter type to use. You can find more details about each type below.
    3. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Width" and ends with the selected dimension filter type and value you entered. Only assets that match the filter are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Search by height

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Height.
    2. Select the dimension filter type to use. You can find more details about each type below.
    3. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Height" and ends with the selected dimension filter type and value you entered. Only assets that match the filter are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Dimension filter types

Filter Type Description

Search for assets with a width or height greater than the value you enter

>= Search for assets with a width or height greater than or equal to the value you enter
= Search for assets with a width or height that matches the value you enter
not equals Search for assets with a width or height that doesn't match the value you enter
< Search for assets with a width or height less than the value you enter
<= Search for assets with a width or height less than or equal to the value you enter

Find a video or audio asset based on length

To find a video or audio asset by how many seconds long it is, use the "Duration" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Duration (seconds).
    2. Select which filter type to use:
      1. Select ">" to search for assets with a duration that's longer than the value you enter.
      2. Select "<" to search for assets with a duration that's shorter than the value you enter.
    3. Enter the duration value to use with the filter type you selected.
    4. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Duration" and ends with the selected filter type and value you entered. Only assets that match the filter are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Find an asset based on file size

To find an asset by how big of a file it is, use the "File size (KB)" or "File size (MB)" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter. Select one of the two file size filters:
    • To find smaller file sizes, select File size (KB).
    • To find larger file sizes, select File size (MB).
  4. Select which filter type to use:
    1. Select ">" to search for assets with a file size that's larger than the value you enter.
    2. Select "<" to search for assets with a file size that's smaller than the value you enter.
  5. Enter the file size value to use with the filter type you selected.
  6. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "File size" and ends with the selected filter type and value you entered. Only assets that match the filter are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Find an asset that was created or modified on a certain date

To find an asset by when it was created or modified, use the "Creation date" or "Last modified date" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter. Select one of the two date filters:
    • To find assets based on when they were created, select Creation date.
    • To find assets based on when they were last edited, select Last modified date.
  4. Select which filter type to use:
    1. Select before to search for assets that were created or modified before a specific date.
    2. Select on to search for assets that were created or modified on a specific date.
    3. Select after to search for assets that were created or modified after a specific date.
  5. Select the date to use with the filter type you selected.
  6. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Creation date" or "Last modified date" and ends with the selected filter type and date you entered. Only assets that match the filter are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Find only assets or only folders

To find only assets or only folders, use the "Type" filter.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Click Asset library.
  3. Click Add filter.
    1. Select Type.
      • To find assets only, select Asset.
      • To find folders only, select Folder.
  4. Click Apply.

A filter is added to the filter bar. It starts with "Type:" and ends with the selected filter type. Only assets that match the filter are listed. To go back, remove the filter.

Use assets in projects

When you're adding assets to a project, template, or variant, you can select an asset you've already uploaded to the asset library.

  • If no asset has been added yet, you'll find "Drop file here or Browse".
  • If an asset is already added, you'll find edit and remove options instead.

Use an asset from the asset library

After you upload assets to the asset library, you can find and use them in your video projects or display projects created from a template.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Open or create a project.
  3. Find the element you want to use the asset for.
    • If no asset is selected, click Browse.
    • If an asset is already selected, click Open media library.
  4. The media gallery will open to the Asset library tab.
  5. If the asset needs to be a certain file type, you'll only be able to find and select assets of that type. For example, if you're selecting an asset for a video element, you'll only be able to find and select video assets.
  6. Optional: Navigate to a folder or add filters to find a specific asset.
  7. Click the asset you want to select.

The asset will be added and the preview will update.

Upload and use an asset from your computer

When you add an asset to a project, you can upload and use an asset from your computer.

  1. Sign in to Ads Creative Studio.
  2. Open or create a project.
  3. Find the element you want to use the asset for.
    • If no asset is selected, click Browse.
    • If an asset is already selected, click Open media library.
  4. The media library will open to the Asset library tab.
  5. Click the Upload tab.
  6. Drag one or more assets from your computer into the Upload tab or click Choose files to upload to browse for a file.
  7. Wait for the asset to upload. To keep working on other things on the same page, you can click Hide to hide the media library. The asset will continue to upload.

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