SWG Wiki

Game Info[]

Two Chadra-Fan can be seen at the bar of the Mos Eisley cantina.

A chadra-fan can also be found in Nym's Palace in Nym's Stronghold near Nym's desk.

Chadra-fan male

A Chadra-Fan male

Named NPCs[]

NPC Vendor[]

The Chadra-Fan species can't be chosen as a vendor species by a trader.

Star Wars Lore[]

Chadra-Fan were short, rodent-like humanoids (usually no more than one meter tall) with bat-like faces. They hailed from the watery planet Chad.

Chadra-Fan had seven different senses (sight, touch, taste, sound, smell, infrared sight, and chemoreceptive smell), all of which were much more acute than Human senses. They were usually no more than a meter tall, some depicted with plantigrade two-toed feet, while others seemed to have four-toed digitigrade feet. The metabolism of Chadra-Fan was amazingly fast, allowing them to work almost constantly. They only slept in two hour naps during the day. Because of their metabolism, the average Chadra-Fan matured by age fifteen and rarely lived more than forty years.

Chadra-Fan were covered from head to foot in fur. Their species evolved from small, arboreal rodents. The two different sexes of Chadra-Fan were indistinguishable to other species, though the Chadra-Fan could readily tell the difference using their powerful sense of smell. If a male and a female Chadra-Fan were interested in one another they released special pheromones that relayed their feelings. Chadra-Fan also had involuntary pheromones that conveyed information about their family line and created an aura of attractiveness. Other voluntary pheromones often conveyed a Chadra-Fan's state of emotion-anger, fear, or joy. Chadra-Fan even created more complex messages using their pheromones, though the pheromones when mixed sometimes caused confusion

Source: Wookieepedia
