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<< Previous Quest: Commando Training

Level: 1

  • XP
  • 500 credits
  • Worn Sharpshooter's Bandolier
  • Standard Issue Uniform Package


Sergeant Snopel is a retired Imperial Commando. Stories have it he fought on Geonosis, during the begining of the clone wars. If anyone knows of work a commando can do, he would.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Conversation with Sergeant Snopel[]

Sergeant Snopel: Are you a new recruit? Stand at attention when speaking to a superior, soldier!
PC: Yes, sir!
Sergeant Snopel: That's better. I'm in a bit of a situation, and could use someone with some know-how.
PC: What kind of situation?
Sergeant Snopel: There is some trouble in the lower levels. Apparently, some Hutts have punched a hole in the station and infiltrated the lower level. They are causing a ruckus. We need someone to make them stop, and I'm getting too old for this kind of thing.
PC: You want me to 'persuade' them to stop?
Sergeant Snopel: Exactly. I can't think of a more suitable person for this job. Here are some grenades to reinforce your point. If in the future you need more grenades, look up people skilled in the Trader profession. Lock and load, soldier!

Use the Elevator to go to the Lower Level[]

Head over to the elevator and take it down to the lower level.

Use the Grenade on the Thugs in Lower Level[]

Go to the appointed location and take the thugs out. Sergeant Snopel suggests you use the grenade he gave you.

Use the Elevator to go to the Main Level[]

The thugs are dead, now use the Elevator to return to the main level.

Return to Sergeant Snopel[]

Now that you have taken out the thugs, return to the sergeant.

Conversation with Sergeant Snopel[]

Sergeant Snopel: Welcome back, soldier. How did you fare on your assignment?
PC: Threat eliminated, sir!
Sergeant Snopel: Well done. The life of a commando is full of fun tactics and loud weapons. I see you know about demolition. No one likes to be on the receiving end of that shot.
PC: Really? I will start to use it more often.
Sergeant Snopel: Now, on to business. I have just learned that there was a shipment recently delivered that may be useful to my superiors. I need you to find one named Terry. He has a record of the shipment in his datapad. Recover that datapad by any means necessary. I want no witnesses.
PC: Yes, sir!
Sergeant Snopel: Go now, soldier.

Use the Elevator to go to the Atrium[]

Use the elevator to head up to the Atrium.

Kill Terry and Take His Datapad in the Atrium[]

Sergeant Snopel needs information pertaining to a shipment recently delivered here. He thinks his superiors might be interested. He has learned that a dock worker named Terry has a record of the shipment in his datapad. You are to retrieve that datapad with extreme violence, leave no witnesses.

Sergeant Snopel: Datapad was retrieved? Good, just send me the contents.

Uploading Datapad Contents[]

You are sending Sgt. Snopel the contents of Terry's Datapad.

Sergeant Snopel: No mention of a shipment, but apparently, Terry planted a bomb. You must stop this bomb from going off. There is no time to waste, I suggest you start searching one of the back rooms.

Find the Bomb and Defuse it[]

The bomb is up here in the Atrium somwhere. You must find it, and defuse it. Hurry!

Use the Elevator to go to the Main Level[]

Now that you have killed the menacing creatures, use the elevator to return the main level.

Return to Sergeant Snopel[]

You have defused the bomb, return to Sgt. Snopel. He will be anxiously awaiting your return.

Conversation with Sergeant Snopel[]

Sergeant Snopel: Did you defuse it!?
PC: Piece of cake.
Sergeant Snopel: Astounding! We all owe you our lives.
PC: All in a day's work, sir.
Sergeant Snopel: I like your attitude, soldier! While you were gone, this package came in. Looks like it's your uniform. Here, take it. Take this as well...you've earned it.
PC: Thank you.
Sergeant Snopel: I have nothing else for you to help me with. I hear Han Solo was trying to find you. You should go talk to him.

Following Quest: Getting off the station >>
