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Pfibee Jhorn

Pfibee Jhorn can be found in Fort Bestine, the Imperial Garrison to the town of Bestine, on Tatooine. Jhorn hires you to deal with a number of pest problems. Jhorn's missions are only available to Imperial players who are Combatant or Special Forces.

/way tatooine -1128 -3914 Pfibee Jhorn

Kill some Womp Rats[]

  • Rewards: 2000 credits, 50 Imperial Faction points

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: I'm Custodial Officer here. Ihh, fallen a long way from my good days -- never mind. Got problems with womp rats, and I want 'em dead. All of 'em. Got a budget for pest removal, so I can pay. Interested?
PC: Why do you want the womp rats killed?
Pfibee Jhorn: Oh, they get into the water tanks, and -- ihh, I tell a lie. Truth is, I just hate furry things. Empire sent me to some forest moon in the back end of nowhere. Little furry creatures there made trouble all day, every day. Ever since, I like to see furry things die horribly. What about it?
PC: Sounds like an easy job. I'll do it.
Pfibee Jhorn: Right. I've found where they sleep. Destroy them, then check back here.

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: Nice job. I hope those rats screeched loud as they died. Ihh, me, once an officer, fallen to gloating over dead womp rats! Life's funny.

Kill some Tatooine Mynocks[]

  • Rewards: 3000 credits, 100 Imperial Faction points

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: Got more problems with animals -- mynocks, now. Not space mynocks, but the ground-bound Tatooine kind. Not the kind of problem I used to worry about as an Imperial officer, but anyway -- You interested?
PC: If you were an officer, why are you a custodian now?
Pfibee Jhorn: I was records officer on an Imperial scouting mission to this one forest moon -- place you never heard of. Didn't like the place, and said so. Seems the Emperor himself saw my report. That can end a career fast. Anyway, these mynocks -- will you kill 'em?
PC: I like killing mynocks. Sure, I'll get it done.
Pfibee Jhorn: Good. Those mynocks are eating the silica right out of my walls. Blow up their hive, or whatever it is, and check back here for payment.

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: Good. Mynocks -- lousy vermin, worse than Ewoks. Ihh? What's an Ewok? Never mind, you don't want to know.

Kill some Dragonets[]

  • Rewards: 4000 credits, 150 Imperial Faction points

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: Know those big dragonets? They're prowling around the trash compactors here, growling at the troops. I need 'em dead. That's my life now, lining up pest control. One trip to the forest moon, and poof! Disaster.
PC: What did you do after the forest moon mission?
Pfibee Jhorn: Me? After Endor, I got put on lonely duty riding solar focusing mirrors in orbit around Coruscant. Thought that was the worst duty in the galaxy, 'til I got sent here. About those dragonets -- want to kill 'em?
PC: I'll kill them for you, yes.
Pfibee Jhorn: Good. Folks say those dragonets are young krayt dragons. Don't know about that, but be careful anyway. Kill 'em and report back here.

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: Good. Dragonets, huh. Let a few of 'em loose on Endor, and the Ewok population would drop pretty dramatically.

Kill some Dune Lizards[]

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: Dune lizards. Hate 'em. They think this is their territory. One Imperial officer gets eaten, and suddenly it's my problem. Now it's yours. Kill 'em -- the lizards, not the troops. Don't have any credits left in the budget, but maybe I can work out some other payoff.
PC: Where is the forest moon you visited?
Pfibee Jhorn: You want to go? Heh. Way back when, Imperial Security sent me a duplicate security clearance for Endor by mistake. Tell you what -- you take out these lizards, I'll give you that clearance.
PC: I'll wipe them from the face of this planet!
Pfibee Jhorn: Good. Check back here after you kill all those lizards.

Conversation with Pfibee Jhorn[]

Pfibee Jhorn: Good work! Here, take this. Not sure why I saved a painting of that horrible place, can't stand to look at it anyway.

Star Wars Lore[]
