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Friday, September 20, 2024 - 03:42 AM


First Published in 1994


“The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance, which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.” 

John Curran (1750-1817), Irish lawyer and statesman.  From a speech given in Dublin, Ireland on July 10, 1790.  (Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, John Bartlett, Ed., Brown & Co., 1968, p. 454).

John Philpot Curran
John Philpot Curran

It has long been postulated that it was Thomas Jefferson who first said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”. However, it’s now considered very doubtful that Jefferson ever uttered those famous words. Others of our Founders may have expressed similar thoughts during their conflict with Great Britain, but it was Irishman John Curran who iscredited with the original coining of that sentiment. Without any doubt, constant vigilance has always been a key element in the eons-long battle of mankind to attain or retain some degree of freedom and limited self-government, two indispensable elements in the forging of a life worth living that have been historically denied far too often to most of mankind by conniving and ruthless parts of the human “herd”.  

The evil urges that men (and some women) have always exhibited—as tribal chiefs, Princes, Princesses, Pharaohs, Emperors, or Conquerors, to “lord” it over their fellow men, to bend them to their often tyrannical wills, to deny real liberty or freedom to all except a small “clique” of inner-circle “suck ups”--has been a curse that the virus of “sin” brought upon mankind when our first parents listened to Satan in God’s beautiful garden and began to believe that it was more pleasing to accept Satan’s lies than God’s promises, thereby condemning all future generations to death, slavery, and physical and/or mental degradations, at least until the Advent of our LORD and Savior, Jesus the Messiah.


There was a time, in this slowly vanishing historic American nation that many of us claim to still love, when Curran’s call for “eternal vigilance” to maintain liberty was taken seriously and was practiced by patriotic men and women all over this land.  That was before the “Lords of Darkness”, those purveyors of collectivist lies, took over our once-patriotic government schools—that I now call “Institutes of Induced Ignorance”-- and started to fill the minds of our young people with poisonous lies--collectivist, socialist, and Marxist mush that slowly and subtly began to kill the once strong “love of country” and “love of God’s Word” that had always assured the continuation of the Constitutional Republic that our Forefathers sacrificed and died to give to  us. 

That was before the “Titans of Commerce” and “Academia” and “Banking”—before the “Monsters of Money” with their private banking system (the “Federal Reserve System—which is NOT “Federal” nor does it have any “reserves”) decided that the destruction of America’s financial strength  and its vaunted stability would allow them to reap vast profits by creating “money” out of “thin air” and then charging interest to member “banks” (and all the rest of  us) for the privilege of using that “money”, while at the same time scheming with others of their collectivist ilk to construct a society based on DEBT SLAVERY, so that the vision of free people living in a free society would eventually become only a fondly remembered dream.  Sad to say, we are almost at that point today.

At one time this vigilance that our American  people practiced made us strong.  Our values were clear and defined, for  they came to us through the often painful experiences of our ancestors, who suffered under the despotism of European and Asiatic kings and conquerors.  They came from God’s Word, from Magna Charta, from the Mayflower Compact and other early colonial documents, from our nation’s “birth certificate”, our Declaration of Independence, and from our once, but no longer honored and obeyed U.S. Constitution that codified our God-bequeathed rights.  Above all they came from the Judeo-Christian faith that most Americans of earlier generations strongly practiced.  But no longer, I fear.  Today these values are considered by so many Americans to be “passé”, remnants of an earlier time when daily life wasn’t as “complicated” as it is now.  If we must sacrifice “some’ freedoms, far too many “Americans” apparently believe, in order to live “a good life”, a life of “security” and “safety”, then so be it.  It’s a sacrifice worth making, according to these timid and fearful souls.  Whatever attacks on our freedom that “the government” mandates is OK with these pathetic wimps.  Our Revolutionary forebears did not agree with that brand of timidity and faithlessness.  Thank God that they didn’t!

Once upon a time, Americans protected their clearly defined values and were vigilant regarding threats to their liberties.  Where are those precious values today, I wonder? Where are those erstwhile protectors? If we who call ourselves Americans are to have any hope of restoring the freedoms that are disappearing in front of our eyes, and restore our splintering nation into some semblance of its former greatness and cohesiveness,  and be an example to the world (as the Statue of Liberty was originally intended to be), then we ALL have a lot of work to do.  Or else we’ll LOSE everything we value—especially our freedom, which we all are on the verge of losing, and our own nation, which is being invaded and surreptitiously STOLEN from Americans by the disgusting ARMY of illegal invaders from all over the world, courtesy of the “policies” of the ANTI-AMERICAN Klan of New Bolsheviks (Dumbocrat Party) and its “leadership” under Comrade Joe Biden and his fellow Marxists.

To save our nation, AND OURSELVES, we need to return to our origins, as I have written in these pages before.  We as Americans need to be LED by faith motivated clergy, in the same manner as the “Black Robed Regiment” of our colonial days led their flocks, as they proclaimed allegiance to God and to freedom, but not to forces of authoritarianism.  Sadly, finding clergy who subscribe to those sentiments is getting more difficult with each passing year.

It’s sad, and more than a little embarrassing to those of us who call ourselves Christians, to contemplate that since our Savior, Jesus the Messiah, who essentially was the progenitor of political and personal freedom, came to earth two millennia ago to offer mankind the way to life eternal, the history of this planet has been, for the most part, a history of violence, of slaughter, of conquerors or kings or tribal chiefs delighting in how many innocents they could decimate in their despicable wars and conquests and lusts for power.  The history of the past two thousand years surely has “The Prince of Darkness” rubbing  his hands in glee, for he has been doing “his job” quite well.  It has documented a world of violence, a world where only “the fittest” had any chance of survival, a world where slavery was the norm and “serfdom” was the best that most people could hope for, and there was no distinction between men and women, or children, of all races, for ALL were enslaved in one manner or other.  The personal freedom that we Americans once valued so highly was totally unknown for almost all of recorded human history, until……………..

Until, after eons of time and death and persecutions and violence—of hell on earth suffered by our ancestors—in the mid-to-late 16th century a small bright light began to slowly but surely proclaim truth, opening the possibility to men that real “liberty”, a concept that was mostly unknown except in the esoteric writings of philosophers, was beginning to become a possibility in the midst of endless darkness and evil  and godless men.  A torch of brilliant light began to be carried among some of our ancestors in Germany, in England, in Switzerland, and in a few other places of spiritual and political “enlightenment”--at first only by a small number of separated  and spiritually-minded men and women whose lives, praise God, had been connected to each other through their reading and studying  of accurate translations of God’s Word, through the persecutions they endured from their own countrymen and their own governments, and who, over time, became deeply committed  to each other and to what they believed was a Judeo-Christian worldview. 

From our vantage point of “looking back into history”, we know that, although these political ancestors were only a relative handful among their fellow citizens in Germany, England, Switzerland, and in Holland, and soon thereafter in British North America in an early colony called “Plymouth”, these God-inspired Founders—men and women—people of all walks of life and different faiths—eventually fought a violent revolution to claim the freedom that God had intended for all men, and they nobly committed their “lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor” to the righteous, and in my opinion, holy cause of freedom, eventually protected by “the chains” of a written constitution that they all took an oath to obey.


Patriots and Christians and people of faith in the past have warned those of us who live today that if we truly want to preserve our liberties under law, then we will all have to be constantly vigilant regarding the attacks that the “evil ones”—the sons of Satan—will forever launch against free people—attacks which are this very day being launched by the enemies of liberty—the despisers of freedom--the collectivist scum from the pit of Hell that we call socialists, fascists, Marxists, and vile globalists, all of who entertain the hatred of their kind for that unique Constitutional Republic that our wise Founders gave to us.

God’s Word has long commanded that “those who call on the LORD” must be the “watchmen” to guard the “walls” of our nation:

ISAIAH 62:6-7 (NIV):

(6) I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night.  You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, (7) and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.

ISAIAH 62:6-7 (AKJV):

(6) I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the LORD, keep no silence, (7) and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

And again……….


(6) But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.


(6) But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.

It seems obvious that being a “watchman” is of utmost importance in God’s Realm here on earth.  But how many of us are true “watchmen”, informing ourselves regarding the approaching dangers that our fellow citizens may soon face and doing our utmost to warn them?  Precious few, I fear, compared to the great need for “watchmen” (and “watchwomen”) here in our greatly troubled nation.  Disregarding our faith or lack thereof, what should we say about ourselves in the context of warning our fellow countrymen (many of who do NOT want to be warned) when we see an obvious threat approaching?  Are we satisfied to be just “bleacher” Christians or “sunshine patriots”, watching or endlessly texting senseless trash on the government-controlled “social media” while our U.S.A. disintegrates around us, and we, or surely our children and their children, live (or die) through a great tidal wave of collectivist evil and increasing darkness, caused partly because we—because YOU AND I—couldn’t be “bothered” to get involved?  God calls His people to be WARRIORS, not “milquetoasts” who are afraid of the dark—or fearful of being called “unwoke” or “politically incorrect” by a herd of low-life collectivist cowards who are attempting to dominate all of us with their mental incompetence and their malignant mediocrity! 

EVERYTHING that we as Americans and as people of faith hold of value is slipping away from us, more and more rapidly with each passing season.  Once  upon a time, not too long ago, our nation’s real strength came from her unique free enterprise economic system that is increasingly being attacked by the mental collectivist zombies of “socialism”, a political philosophy apparently well thought of by at least half of our fellow American citizens (because they’ve never experienced living under a REAL Marxist/socialistic economic system, and in their delusions they believe the LIES about socialism being constantly proclaimed by the purveyors of perfidy that control our nation today).

But our economic strength, and all of the blessings of freedom that most of our people have long enjoyed came about as a result of the love of and loyalty to Jesus the Messiah as He acted upon their lives.  The famous “battle cry” of the American Revolution:  “NO KING BUT KING JESUS”, was not shouted by timid men and women who were afraid of shadows, and who “kowtowed” to the mental vacuousness of a minority of their fellows!  No, indeed.  Those people were really the “warriors” needed at that time in history, and whether they fought with words or bullets, or both, they acted—they determined to do something, so they banded together and DID IT!

And that brings us to the sad reality of today’s United States of America:  Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride”, “Land that I love”, “Sweet Land of Liberty---what has happened to that land?  Today our economic and “moral” treasures are just about gone, aren’t they?  They’re just about lost, especially to younger generations who may never know the blessings, and the responsibilities, of freedom as we “experienced” citizens knew them.  Just about everyone can see that our America is dying right in front of our eyes.  Even the purposely blind among us are starting to develop a sense of foreboding, of danger, of uncertainty over the future.  Perhaps our nation’s problems are the fault of we older generations, because so few of our citizens really understand what is happening to us.  Some percent of them don’t even appear to care that we’re all “circling the drain” faster and faster. 

Yes, it probably is mostly our fault because we lived through much of the “good times” that America produced.. Through our indifference we let the “evil ones” of big money and lust for power slowly destroy what was once an economic powerhouse that produced the greatest abundance and the highest standard of living for most of our citizens that the world had ever experienced.  We of “the Silent Generation” were not just “silent”, we were blinded by “the good life”, we joined in and we became uncaring compromisers! The desire to “go along to get along” overwhelmed our common sense and dulled our observations of what was surreptitiously happening all around us.  May God forgive us for our sloth!

Today, the moral “vacuum” that we allowed to come upon us is being rapidly filled by a satanic evil that has succeeded in enslaving, to a great extent, the minds of our American people—even people of faith—Christians, Jews, whatever we as a people profess.  Too many of us, sadly, now profess NO FAITH at all, thus allowing our culture and our mores to be dragged into Satan’s pit of confusion where we are all totally vulnerable to the deceit and the lies of unscrupulous politicians, sons of Satan like those who have, over several generations, infested our once noble capital of Washington, D.C.  

Today we are “ruled” by an un-American administration in The District of Criminals and Communists that is “hell-bent” on totally destroying what is left of our freedoms under the ravaged U.S. Constitution—an Administration that openly flaunts and supports those abominations that are condemned in God’s Word and that would not have been tolerated by earlier generations of GENUINE Americans.  We are threatened by external entities such as the Marxist controlled United Nations Organization and its endless quest for world government, by the communist-dominated World Health Organization as it seeks to formulate new and harsh and UNCONSTITUTIONAL “regulations” and “agreements” that would condemn all the nations on earth, and particularly the U.S., to an absolute dictatorship when the “next” pandemic occurs (and these WHO commies are assuring us that another PLANDEMIC is on the horizon), and by the fascist-loving World Economic Forum under its evil gnome, Klaus Schwab (a “child” of our extremely powerful Central Intelligence Agency), with all his “trans humanism-promoting” insanity and his insane babble that “by 2030 we’ll all own nothing, and we’ll love it”; all of who are determined to erase political and economic freedom from this world, despite the soothing lies to the contrary  that they proclaim every day.

The world ahead may look bleak, and more than a little hopeless.  But all is NOT lost.  There are still groups and organizations of Christians, Christian Patriots, and Political Patriots in our land who have determined, in some cases long ago, to RESIST the threats to our freedoms that these foul disrupters of liberty are posing.  One of these organizations, to which my wife and I have belonged to for many years, is The John Birch Society, a large band of dedicated patriots—men and women of faith (most of us) and of good will (all of us) to those who determine to  share our values of limited government under a newly respected Constitution.  Our Founder, the late Robert Welch, said it best:  We of the John Birch Society believe in LESS GOVERNMENT, MORE RESPONSIBILITY, AND WITH GOD’S HELP—A BETTER WORLD. 

We’ve been lied about, attacked, ridiculed, and ignored.  But with more dedicated patriots willing to be “pullers at the oars” and not just “riders in the boat”, WE WILL  PREVAIL.  Please consider helping us save this last, best refuge of freedom and humanity that our Founders sacrificed so much to give to us.  PLEASE GO TO JBS.ORG, to learn how YOU can help your fellow patriots do what we can to rescue our nation, not just for ourselves but for the futures of generations yet unborn who, if we are not successful today, will never know what it was like to live as free people, and who will curse US for not doing all we could to preserve our freedoms for them.  And then please email me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to discuss ways for you to get involved in “conserving” this last, best bastion of freedom. 

Or, just continue on as you have been doing, and watch civilization and history and beauty and our freedom and our culture crumble around you as the “glories of collectivism” are forced upon all of us in overwhelming brutality and hatred and violence.  The choice, now, is YOURS.  Please make the right one.



A native of Cleveland, Ohio W. H. (Bill) Lamb was graduated from Cleveland State University (Ohio) in 1960, and relocated to South Carolina in 1964.  For many years he was an Industrial Engineer, Chief Industrial Engineer, and plant manager in the steel, electronics, and apparel industries in Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. 

An avid and long time writer concentrating on political and cultural issues of concern to America’s Christian Patriot community, he was published in the Lancaster, S.C. “News” during the mid-to-late 1960’s and in Greenville’s “The Times Examiner” since 1999.   The late Christian Patriot, Col. Bobby Dill, was his first editor for The Times Examiner, the publication he always refers to as “a great journal of truth”.

Married to Barbara for 65 years, he has two adult kids, five grandkids, and six great grandkids, plus a “feisty and opinionated” 80 lb. Pit Lab named Hayley, who runs the entire house.

A long time member, with Barbara, of the patriotic John Birch Society, he believes that it is the duty of ALL Christians to first, share the love of his Savior, Jesus, with others, and then to be dedicated patriots and do everything possible to both resist the evil of collectivism that is smothering Western Civilization and educate and motivate his fellow Americans in the preservation of our unique Constitutional Republic.