Soy sauce bottle

30 Pins
a bottle with a hose attached to it and the caption beware the heat
Start A Fire
Tabasco graphic. The sauce looks like an extinguisher to showcase how hot the sauce is.
a white vase with the words panscho written on it in black ink, sitting on a glass table
Vodka, Vodka Bottle, Drinks
スプレー醤油【霧醤油】 80ml Design
垣崎醤油店 - 創業九十年の知恵と技今も昔も変わらぬこだわりの「味」
スプレー醤油【霧醤油】 80ml
a person is holding an egg in front of some food on a white plate and red background
【即納】ちょいかけスプレー シュッとひと吹き!しょうゆが細かい霧状に。減塩に! かけ過ぎが防止できる醤油差し しょうゆスプレー 【RCP】:楽天
a figurine that is on top of a table with a box and glass
シュワッチ・・・ : 【耐えたらネ申】笑わざるを得ないおもしろ画像集【爆笑画像集】 - NAVER まとめ
a shelf with various kitchen utensils on it
a table topped with lots of different types of vases and dishes on display next to each other
an empty glass bottle with a red cap
a bottle of black liquid with chinese writing on the side and red cap, sitting on a white surface
しょうゆ卓上びん(150ml) - WORKS
卓上しょうゆびん(150ml) - WORKS
a woman in a long black skirt and red jacket with her hands on her head
「キッコーマン しょうゆ」の素晴らしい広告 工藤真穂:DDN JAPAN
キッコーマン「キッコーマン しょうゆ」 工藤真穂(AD) / 加藤正博(P)