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Villains Wiki

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Villain Overview

Thank you, Bogdan; Thank you, Mr. Crest; Thank you, silent psychotic peons, but this, this is where I say arrivederci... no, I mean get ready... I mean, this is where... I'm in charge, me and Cliffford. Go f-ck yourself, losers! Yes, losers!
~ Avon Hertz revealing his true nature to the Protagonists, Lester and Bodgan.
You can't stop progress, you fools! I'm the future! I'm a tidal wave of tsunamis! I cannot be stopped! Cliffford cannot be stopped!
~ Avon Hertz's last words as he's taunting the Protagonists that he and Clifford cannot be stopped.
Avon Hertz... yes, the Avon Hertz. Don't act all weird, I'm just a normal genius. I do very normal things like kite surf with presidents and date b-list actresses. I bleed real tears, this is real hair. I program and I have actual emotions... I'm sort of like one of those things that is good at lots of things.
~ Avon Hertz introducing himself to the protagonists.

Avon Hertz, also known as Avon Quartz, is one of the main antagonist in Grand Theft Auto Online.

Hertz was a billionaire tech mogul who had created the neural supercomputer interface Cliffford; He initially appeared to be a person willing to do good, as to stop a nuclear war from occurring that could potentially wipe out humanity. In doing so, he made an alliance with the Protagonist and the International Affairs Agency.

However, as the Heist progresses, it is revealed that Hertz and Cliffford were behind the events of the nuclear war, framing their opposition, Bogdan's crew, for his acts, and having made a deal with Merryweather Security to have sold IAA operatives ULP and Agent 14. The Protagonists prevent the nuclear war from occurring and are tasked to kill Hertz while he flees on his weaponized Thruster jet pack, and were successful, ending his schemes for good.

He was voiced by Sean McGrath.


Early life[]

Avon Hertz was a tech prodigy growing up, and by the age of 21 (specifically, 21 and three quarters), he had inherited one billion dollars. Upon doing so, he built a tech conglomerate and during the course of his career, he had engineered his own artificial intelligence, Cliffford, made up of several supercomputers and neural networks. Later, Hertz had conspired with his AI to launch a massive nuclear attack on the world, one that threatened humanity itself. By doing this, he framed Russian terrorist Bogdan for the nuclear conspiracy after making himself appear innocent and had forged several alliances: these include hacktivist Lester Crest, as well as International Affairs Agency (IAA) operatives Rackman and Agent 14.

The Doomsday Heist[]

Avon Hertz is presented by Lester Crest who takes him to the player's facilities, at that time he is dedicated to explain that someone wants to start a war, and they should find out who it really was as they thought about the Russians, North Koreans, Chinese or Iraqi. To do that, they had to make three robberies for it and Hertz would pay them to get the information about who could be.

The Data Breaches[]

Hertz orders the protagonists to collect information to know who is behind the attack, after this Agent 14 is finally contacted to tell them that they have a suspect, but he reveals that he does not have time for that, revealing that all the agents will be occupied and the target will be a base of the IAA of which there is enough information to know who could be the attacker from which Cliffford would process all of that information, once the protagonists save to the base of the IAA of the foreign attack the agent 14 and the Rackman agent arrive and then Hertz, who explains that he found the attackers who are renegade Russians led by a man named Bodgan who is in a nuclear submarine and wants to cause a war so his next mission was to destroy the submarine and kill Bogdan.

The Bogdan Problem[]

Hertz, Rackman, Lester and Agent 14 are determined to confront Bogdan but for that he has to solve certain problems like rescuing ULP agent who infiltrated Russian members to discover what happened, rescue information about them and their objectives, once this it is finally completed the team meets the necessary equipment to assault the Bogdan submarine once the teams meet finally realize that the objectives are global and decide to act quickly the members are divided into the two teams of Avenger and Submarine which the first team consists of defending helicopters in the air while the rest assault the submarine, once inside, Bogdan makes a presence saying that they can not stop them, and they will have fulfilled their plan but when they are defeated they hide. Once he is found by them, Lester tells them that they have to kill him but at that moment Bogdan says they should wait since he has information that may interest them, at that moment he rebels that the team is on the wrong side, that they are the real problem, that Hertz and Cliffford are the ones who really want to destroy the world, Lester says that everything is a lie but Bogdan says that his scientists have studied the AI ​​and that Hertz was always an idiot, so they came to help, and at that moment Avon reveals his true intentions telling him that everything is certain that they were just one more piece to fulfill his plan and that he will destroy the world and rule along with Clifford, at that moment he is also present and activates the self-destruction of the Submarine, Bogdan decides to escape and gives the team some diving suits. Later on, it is revealed that Hertz and his AI Cliffford took control of all the defense systems of the country as well as their systems smart people doing complete control of everything.

Hertz's Whereabouts[]

While Hertz and Cliffford have activated an army of cloned mercenaries and preparing to start a war, he hires Merryweather to kidnap Agent 14. The protagonists succeed rescuing Agent 14 and escorts him to a safe house.

Bogdan teams up with Lester and the protagonists, providing them with information about Avon and Cliffford's plot to mass produce for their private army. The Protagonists use Bogdon's info to track down Hertz's vehicle prototypes and hijacks them. Later, they are hired by Rackman to destroy an anti-air weapons network that Avon have installed up on Mount Chiliad.

Rackman hires Lester and the Protagonist to mount an assault on the base and stop Avon once and for all. The protagonist is given a choice of either the Barrage or the TM-02 Khanjali stolen from Avon to use on this mission. Whatever vehicle isn't chosen will later be sold by Agent 14 on the Black Market for additional profit. After Bogdan takes his leave, Lester discovers Avon's location who is holed up in an abandoned missile launch facility inside Mount Chiliad thats been sealed for decades. The Protagonists assault the base and stop Avon's first plot and defeating his soldiers.

The Final Mission[]

After the assault on the base, the protagonists reaches at the command center where Lester tells them to hack into the systems and prevent Hertz and Cilffford from launching the nuclear missile. The protagonists succeeds in doing this, but Cliffford states that he process of hacking into nuclear weapons systems all over the world, even announces his intentions to leave no human alive, least of all his "father" Hertz. He tries to remind Cliffford that he created him, but Cliffford ignores Hertz and believes himself to be more superior than all of mankind having "grown-up" from what he was before. After destroying the trucks that contained Cliffford's code and data, he starts to lose his intelligence. As the AI was shutting down, he tells Hertz he will miss his "Daddy" and hopes that he will cry for him after he is gone. Once Cliffford was "killed", Avon cries and shows sorrow for him and directs his fury toward Lester and the protagonists and vows to "resurrect" Cliffford at any cost and claims that his plans are not finished yet.

As the protagonists race through the hallways and server rooms, they finally reached both the missile and Avon, whose was piloting a Thruster, appears before the protagonists and claims "You can't stop progress, you fools! I'm the future! I'm a tidal wave of tsunamis! I cannot be stopped! Cliffford cannot be stopped!". Laughing maniacally, he escapes through the silo into San Andreas.

The protagonists chase him in Thruster of their own, ensures into a sky battle between Hertz and the protagonists. While defeating what's left of Hertz's army, they gain the upper hand and catching up to him, having a homing missile toward him, ending his genocidal intentions and the threat of humanity for good.



Avon Hertz is a Jewish American male, with a generally slim physique. He wears a pink shirt over a black suit. He occasionally boasts about his hair, pointing that it is real - hinting that his hair could be a wig. It is confirmed that he is bald when Lester remarks that after his explosive death, only his hair plugs remained. He is also seen, around his neck going down to his shirt, a device that acts as a remote for Cliffford.


Hertz presents himself to the protagonists and the rest of the crew as an intelligent, sophisticated and composed but slightly neurotic individual. He is actually an insane, manipulative, sadistic, callous, and treacherous sociopath who is perfectly willing to do everything in order to achieve his goal, which is to destroy humanity. This also makes Hertz utterly misanthropic; in addition, he displays no care about anyone, except perhaps his main creation Cliffford. Even Donald Love, another one of the series' evilest villains, is not as terrible as Hertz who sadistically attempts genocide with a lack of regard for human life.


I'm not worried about it, I'm certain of it.
~ Avon Hertz about the Nuclear War.
The data is clear, it's right now.
~ Avon confirms the attack to the IAA base.
I told you it wasn't good, it undersold it, this is the Apocalypse, the Doomsday Scenario.
~ Avon explaining the Doomsday Scenario.
Greetings, Citizens of the divided states of America. I'm sure you know me. I, am the brilliant and very rich, Avon Hertz. Your government has many secrets, most of which are too dark and diabolical for you to comprehend at first. I intend on correcting all of the mistakes made by our democratically elected leaders. I will be exposing the government for what it really is - by removing the bandage and showing the never healing wound to you, the American people. You all say you hate Russia and other potential threats so much, yet you refuse to see that this country is one in the same our enemies. Your polls are likely tampered by your enemies. And I am not your enemy, I am your all-powerful friend. Starting with Southern San Andreas, I have deployed my soldiers across Los Santos and Blaine County to deal with the corrupt officials running the cities and towns. I mean, how do you feel knowing that the feds hire criminals to do their dirty work? Just this morning my defense helicopters were shot down with an illegally attained missile launching vehicle. Oh, right. It's legal when the government does it. I'm here to help you, to help us all. Please do not interfere with my work, leave my soldiers be, and respect the new laws I'm working to have in place. Krinberg. Cousins. Defledhead. Thompson and Lopez. We're coming for you, and the world isn't big enough for you to hide in. Today San Andreas, tomorrow the world. I am your friend. You've got to trust me. I date. A lot. Anyhow, thank you for your time. I trust you'll be paying a small tax to me soon. Bye for now!
~ Avon's speech during his broadcast.
How indeed? Well, thank you Bogdan. Thank you, Mr. Crest... thank you, silent, psychotic peons... but this... this is where I say arrivederci... no, I mean... get ready... I mean... this is where... I'm in charge... me and Cliffford. Go f**k yourselves, losers. Yes, losers.
~ Avon Hertz to Lester Crest and the GTA Online Protagonist in The Bogdan Problem, betraying them.
Clifford: This person is very annoying. I hope he dies in the nuclear blast Avon.
Avon (laughs): Don't worry Clifford. Everyone will.
~ Avon telling Clifford he will make sure everyone on Earth dies in the nuclear blast.


  • Judging by his surname, he has either German or Austrian descent.
  • Despite just appearing in Grand Theft Auto Online without making appearances in the main Grand Theft Auto games, Hertz is often considered some of the most malicious antagonists in the gaming industry, let alone the Grand Theft Auto franchise. This is because Avon completely lacks regard for human life and shows no care for anyone (except Cliffford out of pragmatism) and that his attempted genocide on humans would have killed an incalculable amount of people, making Hertz by far the villain with the highest attempted body count.
    • Avon Hertz is even worse than Devin Weston, the main antagonist of Grand Theft Auto V, the latest GTA main entry. Both Hertz and Weston are successful businessmen who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and challenging the protagonists (the GTA Online Protagonists; Franklin Clinton, Michael De Santa and Trevor Philips). However, even though his deep hatred towards his enemies and his desire to see Michael dead, Weston has a more sensible respect to the consequences of his actions, as he is only intent on killing the protagonist, rather than obliterating the world.
  • According to Hertz, he had obtained one billion dollars aged 21 and 3/4 years.
  • His personal vehicle is a blue Cyclone.
  • Avon Hertz is the first major character that is DLC-exclusive (as per Grand Theft Auto Online) to be killed. He is followed by Avery Duggan.

External Links[]



Grand Theft Auto
The Protagonists | Samuel Deever | The Police | Robert "Bubby" Seragliano | Uncle Fu | El Burro | Brother Marcus | Dumb Kurt | Chu Ying | No Chin | Wun Tun Chun | Bryson | "Bald Man" Sonetti

Grand Theft Auto London
GTA London Protagonists | Albert & Archie Crisp | Harold Cartwright | Jack Parkinson | Hans Nemesis

Grand Theft Auto 2
Claude Speed | Billy Bob Bean | Dr. LaBrat | Jerkov | Sunbeam | Hiroshi | Refried Noodle | Johnny Zoo | Red Valdez | Trey Welsh | Elmo | Uno Carb | Chesti-Kov | Yonsi Zoo San | Johnny Rotten | Tetsuo

Grand Theft Auto III
Claude | Catalina | Salvatore Leone | Miguel | El Burro | Joey Leone | Maria Latore | Donald Love | Ray Machowski | Luigi Goterelli | Mickey Hamfists | Leon McAffrey | Carl | Asuka Kasen | 8-Ball | King Courtney | Toni Cipriani | Marty Chonks | Phil Cassidy | Lee Chong | Curly Bob | Kenji Kasen | Mike Forelli | D-Ice | Mrs. Cipriani | SPANKed-up Madmen | Lazlow Jones | Fernando Martinez

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Tommy Vercetti | Sonny Forelli | Lance Vance | Ricardo Diaz | Ken Rosenberg | Phil Cassidy | Auntie Poulet | Umberto Robina | Juan Cortez | Alex Shrub | Mitch Baker | Jack Howitzer | Avery Carrington | Earnest Kelly | Gonzalez | Leo Teal | The Psycho | Hilary King | Cam Jones | Donald Love | Victor Vance | Maude Hanson | Mr. Black | Lazlow Jones | Fernando Martinez

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Carl Johnson | Frank Tenpenny | Big Smoke | Ryder | Eddie Pulaski | Sweet Johnson | Cesar Vialpando | The Truth | Ken Rosenberg | Mike Toreno | Wu Zi Mu | Zero | Jizzy B. | T-Bone Mendez | Catalina | OG Loc | Johnny Sindacco | Salvatore Leone | B Dup | Marco Forelli | Claude | Snakehead | Berkley | Ballas | Lazlow Jones | Jack Howitzer | Fernando Martinez | Joey Leone | Tommy Vercetti

Grand Theft Auto Advance
Mike | Vinnie | Colombian Cartel Lieutenant | King Courtney | Asuka Kasen | 8-Ball

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Toni Cipriani | Massimo Torini | Paulie Sindacco | Vincenzo Cilli | Salvatore Leone | Leon McAffrey | Donald Love | Toshiko Kasen | JD O'Toole | Ned Burner | Phil Cassidy | Kazuki Kasen | Jane Hopper | Mickey Hamfists | Franco Forelli | Roger C. Hole | Cedric Fotheringay | Uncle Leone | Mrs. Cipriani | Lazlow Jones | Jack Howitzer | Fernando Martinez

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Victor Vance | Jerry Martinez | Mendez Brothers | Marty Jay Williams | Lance Vance | Ricardo Diaz | Gonzalez | Phil Cassidy | Bryan Forbes | Lazlow Jones | Jack Howitzer | Fernando Martinez

Grand Theft Auto IV
Niko Bellic | Dimitri Rascalov | Jimmy Pegorino | Darko Brevic | Vlad Glebov | Ray Bulgarin | Brucie Kibbutz | Karen Daniels | Manny Escuela | Tom Rivas | Mikhail Faustin | Ray Boccino | Little Jacob | Real Badman | Elizabeta Torres | Packie McReary | Derrick McReary | Francis McReary | Gerald McReary | Playboy X | Dwayne Forge | Johnny Klebitz | Luis Lopez | Roman Bellic's Kidnapper | Clarence Little | Dardan Petrela | Lyle Rivas | Judge Grady | Jim Fitzgerald | Johnny Barbosa | Phil Bell | Joseph DiLeo | Luca Silvestri | The Cook | Tony Prince | Teddy Benavidez | Eddie Low | The Fixer | Jon Gravelli | Michael Keane | Gordon Sargent | Wedding Assassin | Trunchez Brothers | Jeff Harlingford | Adam Dimayev | Eduard Borodin | Isaac Roth | Mori Green | United Liberty Paper Contact | Aiden O'Malley | Bucky Sligo | Kiki Jenkins | Jason Michaels | Frankie Gallo | Frank Garone | Kenny Petrovic | Lenny Petrovic | Mr. McReary | Fernando Martinez | Maxwell Caughlin | Scott Guzowski | Antonio Rivette | Rodrigo Stavnes | Fernando Tisdel | Tyler Pickrel | Preston Pecinovsky | Alonso Goralski | Bert Reker | Freddy Paparo | Ivan Bytchkov | Anthony Corrado | Kim Young-Guk | Shon Kikuchi | Jimmy Kand | Simon Nashly | Tommy Francovic | Barry Lamora | Lino Friddell | Juan Haimo | Darren Covey | Leo Brodell | Christov Mahonvic | Marty Boldenow | Noel Katsuda | Rodney McEniry | Glenn Lushbaugh | Phil Bacerra | Sergi Szerbin | Danny Hatmaker | Mervin Eskuchen | Frederick Harrison | Chan Jaoming | Hsin Jaoming | Keenan Burdett | Gracie Ancelotti | Giovanni Ancelotti | Lazlow Jones | Jack Howitzer

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned
The Lost MC
Johnny Klebitz | Billy Grey | Brian Jeremy | Jim Fitzgerald | Terry Thorpe | Clay Simons | Angus Martin | Jason Michaels

Malc | Ray Boccino | James "Jimmy" Matthews | Ed McCornish | Thomas Stubbs | Elizabeta Torres | Playboy X | Niko Bellic | Luis Lopez | Tony Prince | Dimitri Rascalov | Roman's Kidnapper | Ray Boccino's Henchman | Lester Arnold | Lazlow Jones | Fernando Martinez

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Luis Lopez | Ray Bulgarin | Tony Prince | Rocco Pelosi | Timur | Vince Pelosi | Yusuf Amir | Mori Kibbutz | Giovanni Ancelotti | Gracie Ancelotti | Niko Bellic | Johnny Klebitz | Brucie Kibbutz | Vic Manzano | Margot | Marki Ashvilli | Billy Grey | Dimitri Rascalov | Union Official | Ahmed Khaleel | Tahir Saeed | Evan Moss | Lazlow Jones | Phil Bell | Fernando Martinez

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Huang Lee | Wu Lee | Zhou Ming | Chan Jaoming | Rudy D'Avanzo | Hsin Jaoming | Mini Gun Wonsu Assassin | Lester Arnold

Grand Theft Auto V
Michael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Lester Crest | Lamar Davis | Dave Norton | Ron Jakowski | Jimmy De Santa | Wade Hebert

Devin Weston | Steve Haines | Wei Cheng | Stretch | Molly Schultz | Don Percival | Martin Madrazo | Simeon Yetarian | Andreas Sanchez | Rocco Pelosi | Clay Simons | Terry Thorpe | Dr. Isiah Friedlander | Kyle Chavis | Fabien LaRouche | D | Elwood O'Neil | Ortega | Enzo Bonelli | United Liberty Paper Contact | Ballas | Gianni | Johnny Klebitz | Tracker | Brett Lowrey | Jay Norris

Heist Crew Members
Chef | Christian Feltz | Daryl Johns | Eddie Toh | Gustavo Mota | Hugh Welsh | Karim Detz | Karl Abolaji | Norm Richards | Paige Harris | Patrick McReary | Rickie Lukens | Taliana Martinez

Strangers and Freaks/Random Events
Nigel & Mrs. Thornhill | Ursula | Alonzo | Derrick | Cris Formage | Peter Dreyfuss | Joe and Josef | Beverly Felton | Lost Fugitive | Abigail Mathers | Josh Bernstein | Curtis Weaver | Glenn Scoville | Larry Tupper | Ralph Ostrowski

Brad Snider | Sue Murry | Lazlow Jones | Tao Cheng | Jock Cranley | Debra | Merle Abrahams | Brucie Kibbutz | Jack Howitzer | Fernando Martinez

Grand Theft Auto Online
GTA Online Protagonists

Main Characters/Bosses
Lester Crest | Lamar Davis | Gerald | Simeon Yetarian| Lester Crest | Trevor Philips | Ron Jakowski | Martin Madrazo | Agent 14 | Karen Daniels | Malc | United Liberty Paper Contact | Tony Prince | Tao Cheng | Georgina Cheng | Brucie Kibbutz | Miguel Madrazo | Franklin Clinton | Chef | Dax | Labrat | Luchadora | Yusuf Amir | Jamal Amir |

Heist Crew Members
Patrick McReary | Eddie Toh | Zach Nelson | Karim Denz | Gustavo Mota | Karl Abolaji | Paige Harris | Rickie Lukens | Taliana Martinez | Chester McCoy | Charlie Reed | Avi Schwartzman | Christian Feltz | Yohan Blair

Duggan Crime Family
Avery Duggan | Thornton Duggan | Mason Duggan | Beau Duggan | Bill Duggan | Hunter Duggan |

Other Antagonists
Avon Hertz | Cliffford | The Boss | Juan Strickler | Johnny Guns | Steve Haines | P | North Side Vagos Leader | Dr. Isiah Friedlander

Other Characters
Claude | Niko Bellic | John Marston | Bogdan | Los Santos Slasher | Jimmy De Santa | Sue Murry | Lazlow Jones | Cris Formage | Steve Haines | Johnny Klebitz | Jack Howitzer | Fernando Martinez | Michael De Santa | Jock Cranley

Gangs and Cartels
Albanian Mob | Angels of Death Motorcycle Club | Los Diablos | Uptown Yardies | Yakuza | The Yardies | Ballas | Cholos | Colombian Cartel | Cubans | Da Nang Boys | Diaz's Gang | The Families (GTA V) (Grove Street Families, Seville Boulevard Families) | Fooliganz | Hare Krishna | Haitians | Hustlers | Loonies | Los Santos Vagos | The Lost MC | Luca's Crew | Madrazo Cartel | Mendez Cartel | Marabunta Grande | Northwood Dominican Drug Dealers | O'Neil Brothers | Rednecks | San Fierro Rifa | Skinheads | Southside Hoods | Street Sharks | Varrios Los Aztecas (GTA V) | Vice City Bikers | Vance Crime Family | Trailer Park Mafia | Trevor Philips Enterprises | Vercetti Gang | Costa Rican Gang | European Gang
The Commission (Gambetti Family, Pavano Family, Messina Family, Lupisella Family, Ancelotti Family) | Armenian Mob | Bulgarin Family | Duggan Crime Family | Faustin-Rascalov Family | Forelli Family | Sindacco Family | Pegorino Family | Petrovic Mafiya | Trunchez Brothers | Jewish Mob | McReary Crime Family | Kkangpae | Korean Mob | Leone Family | Russian Mafia (Russian Mafia (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)) | Sicilian Mafia | Vance Crime Family
Liberty City Triads | Los Santos Triads
The Law
Police | C.R.A.S.H. | Liberty City Police Department | Los Santos Police Department | North Yankton State Patrol | Vice City Police Department | National Office of Security Enforcement | Drug Observation Agency | Federal Investigation Bureau | International Affairs Agency
Altruist Cult | Epsilon Program
Civil Border Patrol | Cliffford Mercenaries | Crack Dealers | Devin Weston Holdings | Counterfeit Syndicate | Liquor Store Bandits | Loco Syndicate | Merryweather Security | SRS | Survivalists | The Professionals | Republican Space Rangers | Zaibatsu Corporation | Zombotech Corporation

See Also
Bully Villains | Manhunt Villains | Max Payne Villains | Red Dead Villains | LA Noire Villains
