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Look around at the world... what do you see? A planet at the brink of collapse. Human beings... are disposable! But man, and symbiote combined. This is a new race. New species. A higher lifeform.
~ Carlton Drake to one of his test subjects, explaining his motive.
You're being dumb, Brock. I'm not insane. What's insane is the way humans choose to live today. Think about it. All we do is take, take, take. It can't go on. We've brought the planet to the brink of extinction. We're parasites. You're a good example. Think about it. All you do is take. You took my Symbiote. You take potshots at a great man trying to get something done. Didn't you take from the person you loved the most, who trusted you the most? That's insane. What I've initiated is a whole new world, a new species. Man and Symbiote combined.
~ Carlton Drake

Dr. Carlton Drake is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Riot) of the 2018 superhero film Venom, the first installment of Sony's Spider-Man Universe.

He is the misanthropic CEO of the Life Foundation, who is bent on fusing humanity with Symbiotes in order to "save" the human race. To achieve this, Drake collects several of these allies in outer space, setting into motion the events of the film when Venom and Riot come to Earth. He is the arch-nemesis of Eddie Brock.

He was portrayed by Riz Ahmed, who also voiced Riot in the same film.



Doctor Carlton Drake is the corrupt CEO of the Life Foundation and believed that the bonding between human and symbiotes result in a perfect species. At some point, he had a probe sent into space to investigate extraterrestrial life, coming across four organisms—symbiotes—from a comet. En route back, the probe crashes upon re-entry, so Drake has the crash site in East Malaysia investigated. One of the symbiotes, Riot, escapes. Following this, Drake takes possession of the three remaining symbiotes, and performs experiments on them, attempting to bond the symbiotes with human subjects to achieve symbiosis. However, series of such experiments prove to be failures; while some hosts last longer than others, all end up ultimately killing human subjects. And symbiotes, eventually failing to find suitable human hosts, die as well.

One day, in San Francisco, journalist Eddie Brock realizes Drake's crimes, and sabotages an interview with him to confront him about this. Drake has him sent off and eventually fired. 6 months later, after the death of one of the symbiotes, Drake realizes that Brock has infiltrated his facility, and made off with another symbiote—Venom. Realizing the treachery of his associate Dr. Dora Skirth, he unleashes upon her the last symbiote in his possession, killing her. But Carlton also loses his last symbiote in possession.

Drake finds out Brock's identity, and has his mercenaries (led by Roland Treece) to pursue him, but they fail; despite this, Drake realizes Venom and Eddie have successfully achieved symbiosis. While progressing with more of his human experiments, and having Treece successfully capture Brock, Drake himself meets a little blonde girl in his lab, who is revealed to be Riot's host. Drake is attacked, and Riot fuses with him, to the point where they achieve symbiosis as well. Drake threatens a captive Brock, who no longer has the Venom symbiote in his possession, and explains his and Riot's plan to launch a rocket into space and bring back even more symbiotes (numbering in millions) to assimilate humanity.

After Brock eventually bonds with the Venom symbiote again, he confronts Drake and Riot on the rocket launch platform. After a prolonged fight, Riot and Drake merge off of each other, prompting Brock to kick Drake off into the ocean below. However, Drake survives, and Riot uses Drake to impale Brock. As the two are launching into space, Venom takes control of Brock and sabotages the rocket by creating a large puncture in the rocket's fuel tanks, causing fuel to spill out. The leaking fuel then ignites from the rocket engine's exhaust flames causing the fuel to combust, and the resulting fire to combust the leaking fuel in the punctured fuel tanks, rupturing them, and in the process causing the rocket's hull to rip open. The resulting explosion destroys the rocket, which also destroys the rocket's engines. This also incinerates Riot and Drake in the rocket's fiery destruction. With it, the deaths of Dr. Dora Skirth along with all the other victims are avenged.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Carlton Drake doesn't appear physically in Venom: Let There Be Carnage since he was killed in the explosion of his rocket, but he is indirectly mentioned by Patrick Mulligan when he interrogates Eddie Brock at the police department because of the Cletus Kasady's case.


While he is undeniably a genius and a man with bright potential, Carlton Drake is defined by his social Darwinism and contempt for mankind. He strongly believes that mankind is chaotic and too weak to exist, and therefore he wants to bring the symbiotes onto Earth because he deems them as much better than humans even if it means wiping all humans out. Due to his extreme misanthropy, Carlton never hesitates to murder friends or mistreat workers of his own, such as when he fires his security guard, experiments on Skirth by making her unwillingly bond with a symbiote, and uses Riot to murder a scientist who was planning on exposing Drake's true goals and then killing every other worker there as well for no reason but his misanthropy (or possibly to eliminate witnesses).

Drake is also clearly psychopathic, as he often presents himself as a warm and likable person for publicity, such as when he happily talks with a bunch of kids, but behind the facade is a cold and calculating man who cares for nobody and is willing to endanger said kids in order to pull off his scheme. This is especially proven by the fact that basically everyone who Drake interacts with in the film, even if he is nice to them, will sooner or later be affected by his ultimate goal of causing a near genocide of humans.


God has abandoned us... I won't.
~ Carlton Drake
Riot: There are more of us... millions more. They will follow wherever I lead.

Carlton Drake: Where WE lead.
Riot: Yes... we.

~ Riot and Carlton Drake.
Have a nice life.
~ Carlton Drake to Eddie, which Venom later said to Riot in the film's climax, before puncturing the fuel tanks of the rocket, which kills Riot and Carton Drake.





           Sony logo (white) 's Spider-Man Universe Villains

Venom | Life Foundation (Carlton Drake/Riot & Roland Treece) | Shakedown Thug | Cletus Kasady

Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Venom | Cletus Kasady/Carnage | Shriek | Kasady Family

Michael Morbius | Milo Morbius | Vulture

Madame Web
Ezekiel Sims

Prowler | Spot

           Venom-logo-png-2 Villains

Agony | All-Black | Answer | Anti-Venom | Batroc the Leaper | Bedlam | Black Cat | Blackheart | Blob | Bob | Brood | Brothers Grimm | Carlton Drake | Carnage | Carrion | Chance | Codex | Collector | Constrictor | Crime-Master | Crossbones | Deadpool | Death Adder | Demogoblin | Demon-Venom | Doctor Octopus | Doppelgangar | Emma Frost | The Evangelist | Galactus | Grendal | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) | Grizzly | Hand | Haze Mancer | Hobgoblin (Phil Urich) | Hood | Threkker | Human Fly | Hybrid | Hydro-Man | Ironclad | Jackal | Jack O' Lantern | J. Jonah Jameson | Juggernaut | Justin Hammer | Kang | Jorge Valdez | Kingpin | Knull | Kraven the Hunter | Kree | Krobaa | Kron Stone | Lasher | Lee Price | Life Foundation | Loki Laufeyson | Lord Deathstrike | Lord Orge | Maggia | Magneto | The Maker | Malekith | Mania | Marquis Radu | Master Pandemonium | Masters of Evil | Mayhem | Megatak | Mephisto | Mercurio the 4-D Man | Meridius | Mister E | Mister Negative | Mister Sinister | Morbius | Mysterio | Mystique | Phage | Poisons | Puma | Punisher | Raze | Red Hulk | Red Ghost | Rhino | Riot | Roland Treece | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Rose | Sandman | Scorn | Scorpion | Scream | She-Venom | Shocker | Shriek | Sin-Eater | Stegron | Spot | Symbiotes | Taskmaster | Tombstone | Toxin | U-Foes | Vapor | Vector | Venom (Eddie Brock & Angelo Fortunato) | Vulture | X-Ray | Zzzxx

Venom: Venom | Life Foundation (Carlton Drake/Riot & Roland Treece) | Shakedown Thug | Cletus Kasady
Venom: Let There Be Carnage: Venom | Cletus Kasady/Carnage | Shriek | Kasady Family (Mr. Kasady)

Video Games
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage: Carnage | Shriek | Doppelganger | Demogoblin | Carrion
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: The Jury | Sentry | Ramshot | Screech | Bomblast | Firearm | Wysper | Life Foundation | Symbiotes (Carnage, Riot, Phage, Lasher, Agony & Scream)

See Also
Sony's Spider-Man Universe Villains | Spider-Man Villains
