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Delbert is a supporting antagonist in Paradise P.D. He is a dimwitted hillbilly who serves as the right-hand man of Robby.

He is voiced by Roger Black.


Delbert is an artificial humanoid, who was genetically created in a vat of acid at Disney World, presumably in either 1998 or a year or two before. He was created with the intent of becoming a famous Disney star. However, the scientist who made him accidentally dropped him, giving him permanent brain damage, which made him cross-eyed and foolish. After this, he was cast aside and turned into a "side project" star on Disney Channel. Delbert started in a sitcom called "Wall-Eyed Wally", playing the role of the titular character.

Robby became a huge fan of this sitcom and on his birthday, demanded his father give him the lead actor for his birthday. Robby's dad hesitantly went down to Disney World to kidnap Delbert and bring him back home for Robby to keep as his best friend and unofficially adoptive brother. Robby taught Delbert how to huff glue to make him lose his memory of his past life so that he'd grow up thinking he's just a hillbilly. Obviously, this led to the cancellation of his show. Delbert's new parents fabricated the story that he was adopted into their family after his real parents died in a snake orgy.

Delbert grew up, living the life of a dumbass redneck hillbilly and became a drug dealing, store dropping, prostitute paying criminal, which became his new personality.

Series-wise, Delbert made his first appearance in "Welcome to Paradise", working at Paradise VHS and creating argyle meth, as he was part of the Argyle Meth Corporation, working for Terry Two Toes. Kevin arrested him and Robby and brought them in for interrogation. Without even being prompted, Delbert instantly spilled the beans about their entire plan and got himself sent to live in the police station's holding cell.

In "Task Force", Robby and Delbert opted out of the Argyle Meth Corporation after things got too heavy for them. The Kingpin was unhappy to hear about their departure and summoned his goons to attack them, dismembering Delbert's arm to get revenge.

In "Christmas in Paradise", Delbert got a robotic prosthetic limb to replace his arm.

In 'Who Ate Wally's Waffles', Delbert discovered the truth about his past after Dusty Marlowe broke into his house and told them. Delbert got mad at Robby and his parents for kidnapping him and lying to him. Delbert left Robby and his family to accompany Dusty in going to Disney World and getting his old life back. Delbert got a reboot of his show and starred as the main character once again. This time, his reboot went to Disney+. However, Delbert was horribly mistreated at Disney World and got locked in a prison cell, where he was tortured and abused. This made him miss Robby. Robby broke into Disney World and set Delbert free. The two escaped and went back to their normal lives again.



          Paradise P.D. Villains Logo Villains

Paradise P.D.
Randall Crawford | Bullet | Gina Jabowski | Dusty Marlow | Gerald Fitzgerald | Stanley Hopson

Legion of Dooooom
Gerald Fitzgerald | Thester Carbomb IV | Frank Flipperfist | Jerry Flipperfist | Pedro Pooptooth | Edna Dorsaldigits | Puffy the Cigarette | Pat Robertson | Harvey Winstein | Russian Mobster | Marcos Narcos | Agent Clappers | Brett DeMarco | Jesus Christ | Flipper People | Dolphin Queen | The Kingpin

International Society of Insulted Selebrities
Ron Perlman | Pat Robertson | Tucker Carlson | Steve Harvey | Tom Selleck | Carrot Top | Jenny McCarthy | Bill Clinton | Joe Biden | Mitch McConnell | Russel Crowe

Lovely Corp
Charles Lovely | Gina Jabowski | Thester Carbomb IV | Randy Savage | Elon Musk | Vlad

Repeat Offenders
Karen Crawford | Robby | Delbert | Dean Hancock | Frank Flipperfist | Mr. Meowgi | Mrs. Two-Toes | Dr. Johann | Karla 9000 | Satan | Lady Gertrude | Tucker Carlson | Thester Carbomb IV | Dobby | Cop Bot | Agent Clappers | Cory Romando | William | Paradise Nuking Survivors | (Clovis | Mr. Pussbubble | Arm Head) | Bloodknife | Agatha Culpepper | Coach Russo | Baby Kevin | Charles Lovely | Elon Musk | Mrs. Marlow | Cal Fullerton | Vlad

One-Time Offenders
Terry Two-Toes | Edna Dorsaldigits | Russian Mobster | Pedro Pooptooth | Marcos Narcos | Marvin | Tuco | Leroy | General Bumfuqué | Jabowski Family | (Mr. Jabowski | Mrs. Jabowski | Cooter Jabowski | Bo Jabowski | Baby Jabowski | Granny Jabowski) | Joe Biden | Yucko the Clown | Dark Zuckerberg | Radioactive Panda | Leader of the Flipper People | Puffy the Cigarette | Jerry Flipperfist | Santa Claus | Glenda | Harvey Weinstein | Brett DeMarco | Gal-Qaeda | Kev-Man | Walt Disney | Catholic Priest | Poachmaster General | Denmaster Dan | Tom Selleck | The Kingpin | Polyp Man | NAMBLA | Ninja Army | Samurai Leader | Earl | Stuffed Animal Midgets | O.J. Simpson | Chip Fuckyeah | Smart Guns | (Mr. Bang Bang | Gun of Jehovah) | Weight Watchers | Steve Harvey | Jenny McCarthy | Bill Clinton | Clit-3PO | Monsters of the Forbidden Forest | Yog-Sothoth | Ginger Pedophile | Fetus | Coyotes | Russel Crowe | Carrot Top | International Society of Insulted Selebrities | Deer | Bill Cosby | TransAm Terry | Pedophilia Fest | Bobby Bubblebutt | The Witch | Cat Pharmacist | Pug | Fred | Andy Dick | Pimp Dusty | Silent Movie Villain Dusty | Evangelist Dusty
