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Villains Wiki
Villain Overview

Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Do not attempt to look away, fools! Doctor Albert W. Wily controls the air-waves now! And soon--the world!
~ Dr. Wily's most famous quote.
My thoughts are all muddled. I'm not sure what exactly happened to me. All I know is we'll get them next time, Eggy.
~ Wily declaring revenge on Mega Man after his defeat.

Dr. Wily is the main antagonist of the Mega Man Archie comics. He is Dr. Light's old colleague who desires to be acknowledged as the greatest genius of all time by taking over the world. He is routinely stopped by Mega Man, although he usually manages to escape before he can be detained. He has worked with Mega Man to stop greater threats when needed, but will usually go back to villainy afterwards. He is the archenemy of both Dr. Light and Mega Man.


Dr. Wily has a nearly identical appearance to his video game counterpart. He is a balding old man with a bit of gray hair in two ponytails which takes a wing-like appearance when juxtaposed against his head. He has average height and a somewhat slim build, especially when compared to the chunkier Dr. Light. He has a gray mustache and blue eyes. His usual outfit involves a white lab coat, a white button down, navy blue pants, a red tie and a belt. He occasionally wears a pair of goggles on his head, but this is usually only worn when doing experiments.

When Wily spent time in prison, he traded out his lab outfit for an orange jumpsuit similar to what most prisoners would wear. When held hostage, he retained most of his outfit, but it looked more disheveled and he had some stubble. When seen in flashbacks, he had one ponytail instead of two. When injured, he looked similar to when held hostage, albeit he lost his stubble and had to use a pair of crutches.


While Dr. Wily retains his appearance from the regular series, he has a somewhat different personality. Wily is very greedy and power hungry, always wanting to be the one people acknowledge as a genius. This characterization is shown very often, from his first appearance where he tries to convince Dr. Light to let him help present the Robot Masters even though he is banned from robotics, or when in the past he seems to care more about being the one to redesign Blues’ core rather than just having his core redesigned. This is his motivation for his heinous actions, as he always wants to be seen as greater than Light.

Wily is astronomically petty and it is quite common to see him lose it over very minor issues that come up. Most notable is during the ceremony where he is supposed to reveal Gamma along with Dr. Light, Wily still goes through with his plan to capture Gamma, just because Light will be the one remembered for being so kind and forgiving of Wily, even allowing him to help with building the robots.

Despite his animosity towards Dr. Light and his desire to upstage him, Wily does genuinely care about Light and doesn’t want him to be hurt. When Dr. Eggman tries to kill Light for knowing too much, Wily flies into a mad rage, upset by even the notion of killing his childhood friend and even considers abandoning Eggman for doing so. He genuinely enjoys working with Light, both in the past and in the present, and even considers abandoning his plan of kidnapping Gamma since he enjoyed working with Light so much, although his arrogance does cause him to go through with it. He also holds a respect for Mega Man, especially after sacrificing himself to Ra Moon, and goes as far as to return Mega Man to Light Labs to honor his final wish.

For all of his vileness, Wily does not agree with all villains and shows disgust or even hatred to villains whom he sees as going to far, such as Ra Moon and Sigma. While this may simply be due to the fact that these villains have wronged him, he does seem to be disgusted with their crimes even more than their betrayals. And shows concern over the possibility of the worlds being unfixable

Despite these seemingly good or even heroic traits, Wily is still undoubtedly a monster. He is willing to throw away anyone whom he deems expendable, including some of his own creations, and is willing to backstab people who have gone out of their way to assist him in gaining his freedom, including his old friend Dr. Light and his savior Mega Man. He goes as far as to force his robots to give their IC data to his Doc Robot, and even blackmails Break Man, whom he seemed to care for in the past, to kidnap Dr. Cossack’s daughter with the threat of having Break Man slowly die out. Overall, despite a couple of heroic moments and traits, Wily is a cruel, petty, power hungry maniac who will do what is needed to achieve control over the world.


Dr. Wily was Dr. Light’s old colleague and a good friend of his. At some point, he was banned from working in robotics for unethical experiments, but Light still trusted him and allowed Wily to assist him in creating his first robot, Blues, as well as helping to design military robots. However, Blues gets hurt during a test run of the weapons Light designed, with his core being compromised. Wily tries to convince Light to allow him to redesign Blues’ core, to which Light refuses, leading to Blues running away from Light and going out on his own. Wily cheers Light up by convincing him to make the soldier robots emotionless Sniper Joes to help make proper Robot Masters with actual moral agency and personalities.

Later, Dr. Wily helps Dr. Light in the creation of the original series of Robot Masters, those being Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, Bomb Man and Elec Man. Wily tries to convince Light to allow him to appear onstage as a presenter, since he helped design the robots, but Light refuses since Wily is still banned from participating in advanced robotics. Tired of being unable to gain credit for what he believes is his own handiwork, Wily hacks into the Robot Masters and has them attack the city, demanding that the world leaders give up and allow him to rule the world. Rock suits up and becomes Mega Man, before attacking and defeating the Robot Masters. Wily collects the bodies of the Robot Masters and has them fight Mega Man along with the Yellow Devil and Copy Robot. They are all either defeated or turned against Wily, with Mega Man defeating and arresting Wily soon after.

Soon after, before being transferred to another prison, one of the prototype Robot Masters, Time Man, frees Wily from prison while the other, Oil Man, kidnaps Roll to use as bait. When Mega Man and the original Robot Masters arrive, Wily has Time Man and Oil Man reprogram them back to working for him. While this seems to work at first, it is quickly revealed that they were faking it, and the two prototypes are captured. However, Wily is actually just a hologram and has used the prototypes as decoys to escape so he can build his next set of 8 new Robot Masters.

Some time later, Dr. Wily sends one of the new Robot Masters, Quick Man, to attack Mega Man and let him know that if he doesn’t defeat the new Robot Masters within 1 hour, he will start attacking the city. However, Wily secretly programmed parts of a virus in each Robot Master, so when Mega Man copies their power, he gets part of it and becomes closer to being completely reprogrammed. This ends up working, but Mega Man is defeated and regains his previous programming through the efforts of the 8 Robot Masters. Mega Man fights and defeats Wily, who tries to confuse him by pretending to be an alien, but this doesn’t work and Mega Man wins anyways. However, Wily escapes and sets off the self-destruct sequence, getting away once again.

Dr. Wily’s next scheme has him track down the ancient Lanfront ruins to discover its mysteries. He manages to discover the ancient alien AI Ra Moon, who helps Wily rebuild his Robot Masters as well as create 7 new ones. During this, he discovers Shadow Man, whom he has Ra Moon rebuild as well. Quick Man finds Blues, whom Wily quickly identifies and rebuilds. He then renames him Break Man, planning to use him against Mega Man and Dr. Light.

Dr. Wily then manipulates Break Man into attacking Mega Man during his ceremony to get Break Man out of the area so he can activate his plan to take over the world by blackmailing the United Nations. During this, Mega Man’s world collides with Sonic the Hedgehog’s world, with Wily and Dr. Eggman creating an alliance to defeat the two titular heroes. They create a new zone called the Skull Egg zone and gain access to the past and future, allowing Wily to learn about his future Robot Masters. However, they use their henchmen to capture and roboticize Tails, Shadow, Amy and Knuckles to work for them and steal the other Chaos Emeralds. However, they are stopped by Proto Man, who doesn’t help Wily in this universe.

Dr. Wily and Dr. Eggman then have Espio, Vector, Charmy and Silver roboticized, while manipulating circumstances to cause Mega Man and Sonic to fight each other. They are both brought back to Mega Man’s world, which causes the doctors to realize that Dr. Light might have done something here, so they send Bass and Metal Sonic to deal with him. They capture Light, but Mega Man and Sonic revert Tails Man back to normal and arrive with a group of heroes at the Skull Egg Zone, where they are confronted by Wily and Eggman trying to have them face off against the roboticized masters. This doesn’t work, and three of the remaining eight are returned to normal. As their plans start to fall apart, both doctors begin to plan to betray each other. They attempt to mock Dr. Light after capturing Rouge and roboticizing her, but this doesn’t work and Eggman tries to kill him by throwing him out of the Wily Egg.

Dr. Wily gets mad at Dr. Eggman, now officially planning to defeat him later. He sends the Mega Man Killers, Bass, Metal Sonic and Treble to defeat the heroes, all of whom fail. However, they were captured by the Egg-Wily Machine X. The two doctors reveal their plan to remake the world into their own image. However, they are stopped by Dr. Light, Proto Man, Rush and Knuckles, who help Sonic and Mega Man transform into Super Sonic and Super Mega Man. Eggman and Wily are defeated, with Wily accepting his defeat somewhat gracefully while Eggman goes into a full on rage. While Mega Man’s world is restored to normal, Sonics is unfortunately not.

With everything returning to normal, Wily begins to put his plan into motion once again. However, Ra Moon reveals that it was manipulating Wily the whole time with its plan to wipe out all technology that does not serve it and destroy all of humanity. Wily attempts to control the Robot Masters, but Ra Moon reveals that since he created them, Wily can’t command them. Wily manages to escape him, but is low on rations and is barely able to survive. Break Man manages to reach him and Wily explains that he is going to build a new robot called Ra Thor to take down the AI, since even he doesn’t want Ra Moon to destroy all humans and robots. After Mega Man arrives into the forest, Break Man contacts Wily to let him know, to which Wily demands that he keeps a close eye on Mega Man while he works harder on Ra Thor.

Eventually, during Mega Man’s attack on Ra Moon, Dr. Wily arrives with his new robot Ra Thor, to the excitement of the other Wily Robot Masters. However, Ra Moon takes control of Ra Thor and forces it to attack Wily, who is protected by Break Man. Mega Man sacrifices himself to destroy Ra Moon, and in an act of selflessness, Wily returns Mega Man to Light Labs, intent on fixing him along with Light. Mega Man is saved, and both Mega Man and Wily claim that he isn’t responsible for any of his actions, since Mega Man believed that Ra Moon was controlling him. Wily is declared innocent for those crimes, but is declared guilty for breaking his ban from robotics and is forced into house arrest.

Dr. Wily begins to help Dr. Light in building new robots, who would become Doc Robot, with Dr. Light reveals to Wily the creation of a robot named Gamma, who is meant to create world peace. Wily is shocked with Light’s trust in him, and seems to accept Light’s proposal to work together, but Flash Man freezes Light and tells Wily that their plan is almost ready to be put into action. Wily decides to stick to his plan, claiming to himself that he can change it if he desires to, and agrees with Light to let bygones be bygones and work together again. During the presentation for Gamma, Wily starts to have second thoughts, but when thinking of the accolades Light will receive, he goes through with the plan and has the 16 Robot Masters, led by Magnet Man, steal the energy elements from Gamma, with Wily pretending to be heartbroken while in reality he is glad his plan when off without a hitch.

Dr. Wily assists in guiding Mega Man, Pharaoh Man and Bright Man underground to Wily’s old lab. During this, Roll and Dr. Cossack show that they don’t trust Wily and think he was evil the whole time. Mega Man and company fight off the Wily Walker, with Bright Man taking it down due to some last minute upgrades.

Mega Man then goes to defeat the 8 new Robot Masters, with Dr. Wily happy because even if Mega Man defeats them, he will still gather the energy elements and help Wily’s master plan. During this time, he forces the set of 8 previous Robot Masters to download their IC chips into the system. Mega Man defeats the 8 Robot Masters, gaining their IC data and sending the energy elements to Light Labs. Auto manages to figure out Wily’s plan, but is disabled when Wily attacks him. Wily finishes programming Doc Robot, and forces Dr. Light and Roll to give him access to Gamma. Wily taunts Light over outsmarting him, but Light loses it, snapping at Wily that even though he won, he went way too far in the process. Wily rejects this, claiming that he is still better and mockingly allowing him to keep his two children, before teleporting away with Gamma. After Mega Man is rebuilt and attacks the castle, he manages to destroy the Yellow Devil, Copy Robots and Doc Robot. Dr. Wily tries to defeat Mega Man by using Gamma but fails and is presumed deceased.

Sometime later, he is found by Mr. X, who has him get ready to take over the world once again in order to show the world the dangers of robotics, to which Wily agrees to. However, he is kidnapped by Sigma along with Dr. Eggman. Since Wily has no recollection of the previous events regarding the duo, Eggman lies and says that Dr. Light caused them to hate each other. The duo help Sigma with his plan while secretly planning to take him down. Some time after, they managed to capture Mega Man and Sonic, converting them into M’egga Man and Sonic Man, who were under Sigma’s control. Sigma’s armies attack Sonic and Mega Man’s allies. Wily is worried about the worlds merging, but Eggman cheers him up by reminding him that they programmed that M’egga Man and Sonic Man would fight each other, which eventually results in them both being reverted.

However, the doctors were forced to run away from Sigma and find an ally in Xander Payne, an old enemy of Mega Man. Xander helps them reach the base where the heroes are staying, where they offer to provide information to the heroes in exchange for being allowed to move freely. The freedom fighters agree, and Wily figures out that Shadow Man joined Light’s robots, but is planning to betray him when the time comes. Wily and Eggman make a weapon to stop Sigma, but it can only fire one shot before being destroyed. Wily is saved by Mega Man, and the heroes from Street Fighter arrive to help defeat Sigma. The heroes engage Sigma, but Wily, Eggman and Xander sneak to the Master Engine, where they stop Sigma and plan to recreate reality in their own images. However, Xander betrays them and attempts to destroy the virus form of Sigma to prevent his attack. Wily and Eggman try to convince him not to since it could rewrite humanity, but Xander doesn’t care, saying that a world without their robotics is a better world anyways. Xander kills the virus version of Sigma, and the worlds are returned to normal. Wily calls out Mr. X, who he now knows is Xander for harming his plans, which Mr. X laughs off. Wily swears that he will get revenge.

Dr. Wily has Shadow Man, the last Robot Master to be both loyal to Wily and online, bring Break Man to his new lab, whom he blackmails to kidnap Dr. Cossack’s daughter with the threat of refusing to fix his core any longer, which he reluctantly does. Mr. X gets mad at Wily for kidnapping Dr. Cossack’s daughter, but Wily claims that it is part of his master plan. Wily confronts Xander on becoming Mr. X, who reveals how he became this new person. Shadow Man arrives and reveals that it is all going to plan.


Mega man logoVillains

Wily Labs
Dr. Wily | Bass | Treble | Devil Series | Gamma | Quint | Copy Mega Man | Doc Robot | Dark Man | Mets | Sniper Joes | Mega Man Killers
(Enker | Punk | Ballade)

Robot Masters
Light Numbers
Cut Man | Guts Man | Ice Man | Bomb Man | Fire Man | Elec Man | Time Man | Oil Man | Concrete Man | Tornado Man | Splash Woman | Plug Man | Jewel Man | Hornet Man | Magma Man | Galaxy Man
Wily Numbers
Metal Man | Air Man | Bubble Man | Quick Man | Crash Man | Flash Man | Heat Man | Wood Man | Needle Man | Magnet Man | Gemini Man | Hard Man | Top Man | Snake Man | Spark Man | Shadow Man | Gravity Man | Wave Man | Stone Man | Gyro Man | Star Man | Charge Man | Napalm Man | Crystal Man | Blizzard Man | Centaur Man | Flame Man | Knight Man | Plant Man | Tomahawk Man | Wind Man | Yamato Man | Freeze Man | Junk Man | Burst Man | Cloud Man | Spring Man | Slash Man | Shade Man | Turbo Man | Tengu Man | Astro Man | Sword Man | Clown Man | Search Man | Frost Man | Grenade Man | Aqua Man | Blade Man | Pump Man | Commando Man | Chill Man | Sheep Man | Strike Man | Nitro Man | Solar Man | Block Man | Fuse Man | Blast Man | Acid Man | Tundra Man | Torch Man | Impact Man | Bounce Man | Genesis Unit (Buster Rod G | Mega Water S | Hyper Storm H)
Cossack Numbers
Bright Man | Toad Man | Drill Man | Pharaoh Man | Ring Man | Dust Man | Dive Man | Skull Man

Terra | Sunstar

King Army
King | Dynamo Man | Cold Man | Ground Man | Pirate Man | Burner Man | Magic Man

Evil Robot

Constellation Droids | Dimensions (Rockman Shadow) | Dr. Wily (Mega Man 1994 cartoon) | Proto Man (Mega Man 1994 Cartoon) | Dr. Wily (Super Adventure Rockman) | Dr. Wily (Archie Comics) | Ra Moon (Archie Comics) | Xander Payne | Terra (Mega Man Gigamix) | Dr. Wily (Novas Adventuras De Megaman) | Dr. Wiley (Dreamwave Comics) | Heat Man (Dreamwave Comics)

Also See
Mega Man X Villains | Mega Man Battle Network Villains | Mega Man Starforce Villains | Mega Man Zero/ZX Villains | Mega Man Legends Villains

            ArchieSonicLogo (Archie Comics) Villains

Eggman Empire
A.D.A.M. | Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik | Orbot and Cubot | Snively Robotnik

Akhlut the Orca | Conquering Storm | Crocbot | Diesel | Dimitri | Drago Wolf | High Sheriff | Iron King | Iron Queen | Kage Von Stryker | Lien-Da | Nerb Foreman | Octobot | Razorklaw

Egg Bosses
Abyss the Squid | Akhlut the Orca | Axel the Water Buffalo | Battle Lord Kukku XV | Cassia and Clove | Conquering Storm | Lord Hood | Maw the Thylacine | Metropolis Foreman | Nephthys the Vulture | Thunderbolt the Chinchilla | Tundra the Walrus | Wendy Naugus

Badnik Horde
Auto-Fiona | Auto Automatons | CD-ROM Ram | Combots | Comic Book Bots | Ferrons | King Gong | Mecha Sally | Metal Amy | Metal Knuckles | Metal Sonic | Metal Sonic v2.5 | Metal Scourge | Metal Tails | Pseudo Sonic | SWATbots | Tails Doll

Dingo Regime
General Helmut Von Stryker | Kage Von Stryker

Battle Bird Armada
Battle Lord Kukku XV | Speedy | Dr. Fukurokov

Bearenger the Grizzly | Carrotia the Rabbit | Falke Wulf | Wendy Naugus

E.V.E | Hunter | Krudzu Hybrid Hydra | Mecha Robotnik | Universalamander

Order of Ixis
Geoffrey St. John | Ixis Naugus (Agunus, Nusgau and Suguna) | Ixis Vale | Mammoth Mogul

Colin Kintobor | Overlord Charlemagne

Dark Legion
Benedict | Dimitri | Enerjak | Flame Legion | Frost Legion | Kragok | Lien-Da | Luger | Menniker | Rykor | Syntar | Xenin

Guardian Units of the Nation
Dr. Julian Snively | G.U.N. Colonel

Drago Wolf | Fiona Fox | Flying Frog | Kodos the Lion | Lightning Lynx | Nack the Weasel | Predator Hawk | Scourge the Hedgehog | Sergeant Simian | Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg | Snively Robotnik

Team Dark
E-123 Omega | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog

Nack the Weasel | Bean the Dynamite | Bark the Polarbear

Babylon Rogues
Jet the Hawk | Wave the Swallow | Storm the Albatross

Suppression Squad
Scourge the Hedgehog | Princess Alicia Acorn | Miles Prower | Patch D'Coolette | Boomer Walrus | Fiona Fox | Jeffrey St. Croix

Sol Dimension
Blackguard Pirates | Captain Metal | Captain Whisker | Johnny

Iron Dominion
Conquering Storm | Iron King | Iron Queen | Raiju Clan | Yagyu Clan

Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy Zone
Brass Knuckles | Dr. Robotnik | Robolactus | Sharks | Silver Snively

Light Mobius
Dark Presence
King Shadow | Lien-Da | Misty-Re
Dr. Eggman | Tikhaos

Dark Mobius
Dark Enerjak | Prelates

Another Time, Another Place
Dr. Eggman | Metal Sonic

Zone Jail
Destructix | Jeffrey St. Croix | King Maxx | Robolactus | Silver Snively | Smalls the Cat | Verti-Cal and Horizont-Al

Black Arms
Black Death | Black Doom | Eclipse the Darkling

Future Timeline
Eggman Nega | Onyx City Council | Second Devourer

Breeze Media
Breezie the Hedgehog | Scratch and Grounder

Deadly Six
Zavok | Zazz | Zeena | Master Zik | Zomom | Zor

Pirates of the Setting Dawn
Blade the Shark | Dive the Lemming | Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab | Opal the Jellyfish | Shellbreaker Otter

Arachne Clan | Black Death | Blackjack Bulldog | Brutus Kintobor | Bzzzz | Dark Gaia | DYNAMAC | Doctor Finitevus | Downtown Ebony Hare | Dr. Ivan Kintobor | Dr. Wily | Eel Capone | Egg Sweeper | Feist | Flying Frog | Foxxy | French Frirus | Hired Mussel | Ivanna Robotina | Ivo Robughnik | Johnny Snively | Lightning Lynx | Mathais Poe | Mechanaut | Metal Sonic Troopers | Moritori Rex | Professor Egg | Rabbot-Zilla | Renfield the Rodent | Robo-Robotnik | Rosy the Rascal | Sallactor | Shadowbots | Sigma | Termite-Nator | The Enchantress | Walter Naugus | Wing Dingo | Xorda | Zan

See Also
Archieverse Villains | Sonic Boom Villains | Sonic the Hedgehog Villains | Sonic X Villains
