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Villains Wiki

Gordon Fraley, also known as Puff Adder, is a fictional character and an enemy of Captain America. He is one of the members of the Serpent Society.


Large and strong, but not very bright, Puff Adder joined the second incarnation of the Serpent Society as part of Viper's infiltration of the group. Along with Black Racer, Copperhead, and Fer-De-Lance, Puff Adder took part in a series of casino robberies in Las Vegas in order to get the attention of the Society's leader Sidewinder. The foursome battled Captain America (Steven Rogers) (then known as The Captain), and his allies Nomad, Demolition-Man, and Falcon and were jailed, but their plan worked and they were offered membership in the Society, which they accepted. When Viper made her move, Puff Adder battled the rest of the Society, and later The Captain and his allies once again.

Puff Adder remained with the Society when its leadership was taken over by King Cobra. As a member of the Serpent Society, he developed a romantic relationship with his teammate Anaconda. He also served briefly with Doctor Octopus' Masters of Evil.



          Captain America Logo Villains

Abomination | Absorbing Man | Adolf Hitler | Agent Orange | A.I.M. | Aleksander Lukin | Alexa Lukin | Anaconda | Annihilus | Arcade | Arnim Zola | Attuma | Awesome Android | Baron Wolfgang von Strucker | Baron Zemo | Batroc the Leaper | Beetle | Bi-Beast | Black Cat | Black Talon | Black Mamba | Black Widow | Blastaar | Blitzkrieg | Blizzard | Blood Brothers | Boomerang | Boomslang | Brotherhood of Muntants | Brothers Grimm | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Baker | Cache | Carnage | Carrion | Chameleon | Chemistro | Constrictor | Cottonmouth | Conrad Meer | Controller | Count Nefaria | Cowled Commander | Crimson Dynamo | Crossbones | Dark Avengers | Darren Cross | Death Adder | Demogoblin | Destiny | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Octopus | Doppelganger | Eel | Electro | Famine | Fer-De-Lance | Firebrand | Fixer | Flag-Smasher | Ghost | Glenn Talbot | Gorgon | Grand Director | Grant Ward | Graviton | Green Goblin | Grey Gargoyle | Griffin | Grim Reaper | Grizzly | Hate-Monger | Heinz Kruger | Herr Kleiser | HYDRA | Hydro-Man | Iron Monger | Ironclad | Jack O' Lantern | J. Jonah Jameson | Justin Hammer | Kang the Conqueror | Killer Shrike | King Cobra | Kingpin | Klaw | Korath the Pursuer | Korvac | Kraven the Hunter | Lady Deathstrike | Leader | Living Laser | Loki | Lucia Von Bardas | Machinesmith | Madame Viper | Madcap | Magneto | Man-Ape | Mandarin | Master Man | Masters of Evil | Mentallo | Mesmero | Mister Hyde | Mr. Sinister | M.O.D.A.M. | M.O.D.O.K. | Mole Man | Moonstone | Mysterio | Namor McKenzie | Nebula | Nightmare | Nightshade | Nitro | Norman Osborn | Piledriver | Puff Adder | Puma | Punisher | Punisher (Earth-95126) | Power Elite | Quicksand | Quicksilver | Rattler | Red Ghost | Red Skull (Johann Shmidt (Earth-3839, Earth-31117), George Maxon & Albert Malik) | Rhino | Ringmaster | Rock Python | Ronan | Roxxon | Sabretooth | Sandman | Säurespritze | Scarecrow | Scarlet Witch | Scorpion | Scourge of the Underworld | Sebastian Shaw | Secret Empire | Selene Gallio | Sentinal | Serpent Society | Shocker | Shockwave | Shriek | Sidewinder | Silver Sable | Sin | Sinister Six | Skeleton Crew | Skrulls | Slither | Slug | Songbird | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Apes | Superia | Super Patriot | Supreme Intelligence | Tarantula | Taskmaster | Terminus | Thanos | The Emissary (Henry Cavenaugh) | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolts | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Titania | Titanium Man | Trapster | Typhoid Mary | U-Foes | Unicorn | Ultron | Vapor | Vector | Venom | Vermin | Victorius | Vulture | Whiplash | Whirlwind | Winter Soldier | Wizard | Worthy | Wrecker | X-Ray | Yellow Claw | Zahnmörder | Zodiac

Captain America (1990): Red Skull | Valentina de Santis
Captain America: The First Avenger: HYDRA (Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Heinz Kruger, HYDRA Lieutenant, & Velt) | Nazi Party (Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider)
Heroes United: Iron Man and Captain America: HYDRA (Red Skull & Taskmaster)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: HYDRA/STRIKE (Alexander Pierce, Winter Soldier, Crossbones, Jack Rollins, Jasper Sitwell, Russo, Senator Stern, Arnim Zola, Wolfgang von Strucker, List, Scarlet Witch, & Quicksilver) | Georges Batroc | Ferdinand Lopez | Gerald Durand
Captain America: Civil War: Helmut Zemo | Thunderbolt Ross | Winter Soldier | Scarlet Witch | HYDRA (Vasily Karpov, Josef, & Winter Soldiers) | Hero Mercs (Crossbones)

TV Series
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Winter Soldier | Flag Smashers (Flag-Smasher, Dovich, Gigi, DeeDee, Lennox, Nico, Matias, & Diego) | Sharon Carter | Baron Zemo | LAF (Georges Batroc & Louie) | Senator Atwood | Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | Thanos
What If...?: Red Skull | Arnim Zola | Heinz Kruger | HYDRA's Champion

Video Games
The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America in Doctor Doom's Revenge: Doctor Doom | Electro | Hobgoblin | Rhino | Boomerang | Grey Gargoyle | Oddball | Batroc the Leaper | Mysterio
Captain America and the Avengers: Red Skull | Crossbones | Klaw | Living Laser | Whirlwind | Sentinel | Grim Reaper | Wizard | Mandarin | Juggernaut | Ultron
Captain America Super Soldier: HYDRA (Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Madam Hydra & Baron Strucker) | Baron Zemo
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Winter Soldier | Sin | Taskmaster | Shockwave | Serpent Society (King Cobra, Puff Adder & Diamondbak)

See Also
Agent Carter Villains

          Deathlok % 282014% 29 logo Villains

A.I.M. | Biohazard | Bushwacker | Carnage | Carrion | Clown | Demogoblin | Doctor Doom | Doppelganger | Galactus | Hobgoblin | HYDRA | Magus | Maggia | Mainframe | Moses Magnum | Nightmare | Puff Adder | Punisher | Ringmaster | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Scorpion | Shriek | Silvermane | Silver Sable | Sinister Six | Timestream | Ultron | Universal Church of Truth | Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, Wrecker)
