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For the Green Lantern: The Animated Series character, Razer

Razer 01


Razer was a very large man who wore a suit a thousand times more slippery than teflon. The suit could cut through anything. In his gloves were rows of spikes that allowed him to hold onto things, since otherwise anything would slip away.  Art Valentine always felt mistreated by his two older brothers, Charlie and Ben. He hired Razer to destroy several of the Valentines' developments. However, he pointed the blame for Razer elsewhere, on former Valentine co-worker, partner and chief architect Klaus Norwood, whose increasingly surreal and unstable designs caused his dismissal from the group. He had sworn revenge, and Art used Norwood as the perfect scapegoat, killing him, and hiding the body in Norwood's futuristic mansion.

Razer's first target was a disaster which Flash arrived at to divert and Razer got away.  After beating Wally up pretty badly, Razer got away when Wally finally defeated him here, sending Razer flying into the side of a tar truck. Meanwhile, Linda Park had gotten a confession out of Art Valentine.

Razer was later hired by Prometheus to plant an explosive device under the bridge that connected Central City and Keystone City. He was tracked down and defeated by the Flash and Batman.



Lubrilon-coated suit


           Flash-Logo Villains

Abra Kadabra | Angle Man | Anti-Monitor | Aquaman (Flashpoint) | Black Flash | Black Hand | Bloodwork | Brain | Brother Grimm | Cadre | Calculator | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Carol Ferris | Cheetah | Chillblaine | Chronos | Cicada | Clive Yorkin | Clayface | Cobalt Blue | Dark Knights | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Doctor Alchemy | Double Down | Doctor Light | Doctor Polaris | Eclipso | Enchantress | Fallout | Fiddler | Future Flash | Felix Faust | Giganta | Girder | Godspeed | Golden Glider | Goldface | Gorilla Grodd | Hector Hammond | Icicle | Inspector Pilgrim | Killer Frost | Kobra Cult | Lady Flash | Lex Luthor | Livewire | Magenta | Major Disaster | Maxwell Lord | Merlyn | Mirror Master | Mongul | Monsieur Mallah | Murmur | Neron | Pied Piper | Poison Ivy | President Thawne | Queen Bee | Ragdoll | Rainbow Raider | Razer | Red Death | Renegades | Reverse-Flashes (Inertia, Professor Zoom, Daniel West, The Rival, Zoom & Dark Multiverse) | Riddler | Rogues | Savitar | Shade | Shadow Thief] | Sinestro | Solomon Grundy | Speed Demon | Suicide Squad | The Thinker | Thorn | T.O. Morrow | Tobias Whale | Toyman | Trickster | The Uncoiled | Turtle | Vandal Savage | Warp | Weather Wizard | Wonder Woman (Flashpoint)

Dark Flash | Sword of Rao (Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul, & Nam-Ek) | Al Falcone | Reverse-Flash

Season 1: Reverse-Flash | Captain Cold | General Wade Eiling | Gorilla Grodd | The Mist | Heat Wave | Weather Wizard | Girder | Rainbow Raider | Hartley Rathaway | Peek-a-Boo | Everyman | Clyde Mardon | Multiplex | Simon Stagg | Blackout | Clock King | Captain Boomerang | Clay Parker | Vincent Santini | The Trickster | Trickster/Axel Walker | Anthony Bellows | Bug-Eyed Bandit | Royal Flush Gang | Golden Glider | Deathbolt | Negative Speed Force
Season 2: Zoom | Reverse-Flash | Captain Cold | Killer Frost (Earth-2) | King Shark | Dr. Light (Earth-2) | Geomancer | The Turtle | Time Wraiths | Tokamak | Heat Wave | Atom-Smasher | Anthony Bellows | Sand Demon | Lewis Snart | Gorilla Grodd | Vandal Savage | Dark Archer | Damien Darhk | Weather Wizard | The Trickster | Tar Pit | Deathstorm (Earth-2) | Reverb | Trajectory | Pied Piper | James Zolomon | Griffin Grey | Rupture | Girder | Speed Force | Black Siren
Season 3: Savitar | Dr. Alchemy | Killer Frost | Captain Cold | The Rival | Black Flash | King Shark | Mirror Master | Top | Plunder | Gorilla Grodd | Solovar | Reverse-Flash | Magenta | Shade | Dominators | Trickster (Earth-3) | Clive Yorkin | Time Wraiths | Music Meister | Abra Kadabra | Reverb | Vigilante | Speed Force | Heat Monger
Season 4: The Thinker | Marlize DeVoe | Samuroid | Kilg%re | Gregory Wolfe | Amunet Black | Matthew Norvock | Killer Frost | Black Bison | Dwarfstar | King Shark | Anthony Bellows | Peek-a-Boo | Dark Arrow | Overgirl | Reverse-Flash | Prometheus (Earth-X) | Quentin Lance (Earth-X) | Trickster II | Prank | Jones | Crucifer | Siren-X
Season 5: Cicada (Orlin Dwyer & Grace Gibbons) | Reverse-Flash | Gridlock | Vanessa Ambres | Jones | Icicle | Weather Wizard | Rag Doll | Monitor | Zoom | Savitar | The Thinker | Clyde Mardon | John Deegan | A.M.A.Z.O. | Psycho-Pirate | Matthew Norvock | Peek-a-Boo | Goldface | King Shark | Gorilla Grodd | Godspeed | Negative Speed Force | Bug-Eyed Bandit
Season 6: Bloodwork | Anti-Monitor | Eva McCulloch | Black Hole (Joseph Carver, Ultraviolet, Dr. Light, & Sunshine) | Reverse-Flash | Mirror Duplicates | Monitor | Matthew Norvock | Godspeed | Pied Piper | Echo | Lex Luthor | Amunet Black | Goldface | Gorilla Grodd | Solovar | Rag Doll | Negative Speed Force
Season 7: Mirror Monarch | Speed Force | Godspeed | Black Hole (Mirror Master, Top, & Olsen) | Mirror Duplicates | Psych | Deon Owens | Chillblaine | Ultraviolet | Reverse-Flash | Sunshine | Abra Kadabra | Matthew Norvock | Psycho-Pirate
Season 8: Reverse-Flash | Deon Owens | Deathstorm | Despero | Negative Speed Force | Royal Flush Gang | Xotar | Top | Chillblaine | Damien Darhk | Psych | Blockbuster | Goldface | Sunshine | Dr. Light
Season 9: Red Death | Cobalt Blue | Negative Speed Force | Captain Boomerang II | Fiddler | Chillblaine | Pied Piper | Murmur | Goldface | Rainbow Raider | Tar Pit | Grodd | Bloodwork | Reverse-Flash | Zoom | Savitar | Godspeed

Video Games
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Dark Kahn | Deathstroke | Catwoman | Kano | Lex Luthor | Scorpion
Injustice: Superman | The Flash | Yellow Lantern | Sinestro | Killer Frost | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Deadshot | Wonder Woman

See Also
Impulse Villains
