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Villains Wiki

But sometimes, the hero dies in the end.
~ Samael's most famous line, to both War and Death in Darksiders 1 and 2 respectively, foreshadowing their fates.

Samael is a major character from the Darksiders series. A demon of unimaginable power, Samael's might was so great that he was able to directly challenge Lucifer himself. However, for refusing to abide by The Destroyer, he was betrayed and exiled from Hell and stripped of his powers. In his pursuit of vengeance, Samael has directly aided The Horsemen in their quests, however, always doing so to advance his own agenda.

Samael is built up as the main antagonist of the Darksiders series, being one of the first of all demonkind as well as potentially the most powerful demon in existence. Every game he has appeared in has hinted at this, and while his assistance to the horsemen was always of great benefit to them, it was of even greater benefit to himself.

He's voiced by Vernon Wells.


You are War, Rider of the Red Horse. Not some puppet on this pathetic creature's strings.
~ Samael manipulates War by appeasing to his pride so he kills his Watcher.

Despite being one of the most powerful characters in the entire Darksiders story, and being a demon capable of extreme malice and cruelty, Samael is a surprisingly honorable soul. He kept his word to both War and Death and offered them invaluable assistance, however, true to his nature as a demon, this was always done to advance his own agenda.

He has no respect for Angels, calling them pigeons, and thoroughly enjoyed seeing pain and ruin being brought to them. Samael despises the weak and those who follow the word of others, this potentially being the reason for his refusal to abide by The Destroyer who, despite his own power, was significantly weaker than The Blood Prince. He is also very vengeful, directly aiding those who are against demonkind for the sake of ensuring his own revenge.


Samael is first introduced in the first game of the Darksiders series. He is one of the oldest and most powerful of the denizens of Hell, also known as The Dark Kingdom and The Second Kingdom. Samael's power was so great he was able to directly challenge the lord of Hell himself, Lucifer. However, for refusing to go along with the plot to bring about the Apocalypse, he was betrayed by his own kind, stripped of most of his powers, and banished to Earth, where he was imprisoned in the Scalding Gallows.

He offers the Horsemen, War, a chance at revenge for being manipulated into bringing about the end of the world prematurely, while also laying the groundwork for his own campaign for vegneance. Samael aids War in his quest, in return being given the hearts of The Destroyer's Chosen, each containing some of his power. With each heart given, Samael's power grows significantly, and upon having all of them restored, claims that he could easily suck the marrow from War's bones, but ultimately has a code of honor himself that he abides to. Opening a portal to The Black Throne, his final destination, Samael tells the horsemen that they will one day meet again.

In the second game of the series, which takes place both immediately before and parallel to the first, Samael appears again, being the keeper of the Demon Key which Death seeks out to help save his brother. After an intense battle, Samael willingly gives Death the key, stating the coming events will make for quite the show.

Powers & Abilities[]

War! Are you here to play executioner? They should have sent all four of you.
~ Samael to War in a weakened state, claiming he could still keep up with all four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Samael is quite possibly the most powerful demon in existence, able to challenge the authority of Lucifer who is the supreme being of Hell.

Physical Abilities[]

Samael, even when without his powers, can still slaughter lesser beings with brute force alone. He even managed to overpower Death, the strongest of The Four Horsemen, and personally found their duel entertaining, having respect that Death was able to actually injure him. Something as simple as basic melee attacks from him have so much strength behind them that they unleash powerful shockwaves.

His scales and carapace are so durable that he was able to fight Death for a prolonged amount of time, and the only real injury that was dealt to him was a small cut on his cheek. Even without using teleportation, he is capable of moving incredibly fast despite his size. It should be noted though, despite the sole injury being relatively minor, Samael still did have to make some kind of effort to combat The Pale Rider, as he was visibly seen breathing hard to catch his breath afterwards.

Demonic Powers[]

Samael holds unspeakable levels of demonic magic and power. He is able to teleport, conjure massive balls of flaming destruction, create and manipulate lightning, as well as immense telekinetic power, able to move even massive slabs of the earth itself to his beck and call. He can also infuse his physical blows with his magic.

He can create dozens of portals simultaneously that then erupt with the molten rock of hell itself. On a greater scope, Samael also has some degree of omniscience, as he was able to tell that Death was sent from a different time to him, and that even The Charred Council, nor in fact anyone, knew the Horsemen was there.


Samael: Did you enjoy yourself? War and the Black Hammer ‘plucking pigeons’.
War: You see a great many things from inside a prison, Samael.
Samael: There is little you can keep from me Horseman, once I have a mind to know it.
~ Samael hints at his nigh-omniscience.
War: Who’s Heart would you have, demon?
Samael: The Stygian is King of the ancient worms that now plague the Ashlands. It won’t be easy. The worms grow well in such fertile ground.
War: Fertile?
Samael: Fertile with death. Decay. All the land is covered in it. The ashes of the dead. But you may be in luck. It seems that some fool demons have taken to capturing the worms for sport. And they hunt... other creatures as well. The strongest are made to fight in cruel arenas. The demons seek to tame the Stygian. Not knowing that within the monster, there beats a black Heart of the Chosen.
War: How do the demons avoid the Ashworms?
Samael: You know of the Chronospheres?
War: A gift of The Old Ones. It is said that to master the Chronosphere is to master time itself. One could stop time, or even move it -- forward and back.
Samael: Indeed. None of the old masters exist, but the demons have learned to use them, to a lesser degree... I can grant you a basic understanding of the Chronosphemes. It won’t be much -- perhaps just enough to avoid the worms.
War: Perhaps?
Samael: Perhaps not. What in this life is certain, Horseman...? ...other than our word, of course?
~ Samael sends War on his next mission.
Samael: One more... Just one more -- and then, War... you get your Tower. Silitha’s web-infested lair is far across a great chasm in the Ashlands. Ruin has yet to regain much of his strength, but he will make the distance. As for, Silitha -- just get there, and she’ll find you. The Broodmother is a collector of sorts. Most who enter her realm, she feeds to her young. The ones she takes an interest in... ah, those are the unlucky ones. Those she keeps alive. And they can live a long time... long enough to tell her things. You could say she collects stories. Information.
War: What stories will she tell me about you, Samael?
Samael: Careful, or your ending will be a tragic one! Sometimes, the hero dies in the end. (soft voice) But Horseman... I like stories that have a happy ending. Now bring me the final Heart!
~ Samael sends War to the last of the Chosen.
Did it amuse you, to deny me what's rightfully mine? With my power restored, I am like unto a GOD! I could suck the marrow from your bones before you drew another breath. I could... but I too have a code by which I do business. Besides, say what you will about Balance and your ridiculous Law. I recognize a quest for revenge when I see one. And revenge, I respect!
~ Samael after regaining all of his stripped power.


           Darksiders Logo Villains

The Destroyer | Straga | Tiamat | The Stygian | The Griever | Silitha

Seven Deadly Sins
Envy | Wrath | Avarice | Sloth | Lust | Gluttony | Pride

Absalom | Charred Council | Lilith | The Watcher | Belial | Archon Lucien | Frostbane | Lucifer | Mammon | Moloch | The Abyssal Forge | Samael | Dagon | Wicked K
