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A change in the situation has been confirmed. A proposal for you chosen ones, a suggestion for you abandoned ones. If you desire glory, then choose the resurrection. If you desire idleness, then choose the eternal sleep. God is fine with either one.
~ The Alien God to the Crypters.
I am the being from a different star that will descend upon this star. The tree of fantasy will initialize this planet. It'll build up a new myth. Crush down the Greater History of Man, and construct God with your own hands. Build up the allows to receive me.
~ The Alien God to Kadoc Zemlupus.

The Alien God, also known as U-Olga Marie, the Beast VII, VII of the End, the Beast that Announces the End and the Prime Minister of Earth, and alternatively translated as the Foreign God, is one of the overarching antagonists in the Fate franchise.

As U-Olga Marie, she is voiced by Madoka Yonezawa, who also voiced the real Olga Marie Animusphere.



The Alien God is a mysterious alien life form. It arrived upon Earth in late 2016, seizing the chance left by Goetia's defeat to ally with the Crypters to start the Human Order Revision incident.

It is first indirectly mentioned in Epic of Remnant segment as the overarching antagonist of Shimosa Province: The Stage of Rivers of Blood and Mountains of Corpses, before it make its official debut in the Second Prologue.

It is later revealed that the Alien God is actually the most powerful and final Evil of Humanity known as Beast VII, and it mysteriously takes the form of the late Olga Marie Animusphere, the former director of Chaldea.


Nevertheless, the chapter of South American Lostbelt later revealed that U-Olga actually is merely the face of the real Alien God. She served not as the true leader of her faction, but as the strongest apostle of the Foreign World, her real master.

The Foreign World itself is implied to be a mysterious and sentient being, the true mastermind of the plan and the real Alien God. According to Daybit Sem Void, the real Alien God, also known as the Foreign World and the Alien Star, is actually named as CHALDEAS, serving as the main executioner in the late Marisbury Animusphere's master plan.


Early Story's Depiction[]

The nature of the Alien God was a mystery, since not even its three Alter-Ego Emissaries or Kirschtaria Wodime ever grasped its true nature.

The Alien God sought to wipe out the Pan-Human History and replaced it with the Age of Gods. After freezing Chaldea through its followers, it summoned the seven Lostbelts upon Earth and planted the Fantasy Trees within them, working with the seven Crypters (formerly Chaldea A-Team masters whom he revived) and taking control over the Lostbelts.

In the Atlantis chapter, the journal of the human David Bluebook revealed his discovery that the Alien God was summoned through human cause, after the government of the United States secretly experimented one of its kind within Area 51 through their newfound technology. It unintentionally brought the Alien God upon Earth and attack humanity in order to avenge its kin.

Kirschtaria willingly worked with the Alien God, but he revealed that he had no intention to work for it, revealing he had his own agenda to make the Greek Lostbelt a new reality and deviate from the Alien God's entire plan.

Beast VII[]

The Alien God finally reveals herself in the Olympus chapter. Despite using the form of Olga Marie Animusphere and calling herself U-Olga Marie, she denies any connection to Chaldeas's former director. In addition to that, it is revealed that the Alien God is actually Beast VII, also known as VII of the End, making it the apparent overarching antagonist of the Fate/Grand Order as a whole.

Holmes speculates that U-Olga Marie might be the same kind of Beast as Goetia, and that she is only using Olga Marie Animusphere's body in the same way that Goetia used Solomon's. However, the protagonist and Mashu believe that, somehow, U-Olga Marie is actually the former director Olga Marie herself.


The Alien God considers itself to be the planet's supreme existence to the point of calling itself the Prime Minister of Earth. It is very manipulative and sees humans as primitive beings who should be ruled over, yet underestimated and was surprised at how Chaldea and those who oppose it can resist its plans.

However, during the South American Lostbelt after losing her memories and befriending Ritsuka, it becomes clear that her true personality is closely akin to Olga Marie's and she becomes conflicted by her newfound sentiments and her pre-programmed drives after she starts to recall her supposed purpose.


  • The Alien God is a stark contrast to Goetia. Besides their abilities and intentions, the most important difference is that Goetia actually loves humanity and attempts to remake the world through his actions. However, the Alien God attempts to destroy humanity for the Area 51's experiments on one of its kin, and the only thing it loves is the Fantasy Tree.
  • The Alien God's ultimate goals are so far unknown, yet Goetia during the Avalon Lostbelt revealed that all of planet Earth being destroyed was more preferable than to what the Alien God has planned.



           Fate Series logo Villains



Assassin | Beast of Revelation | Caster

Masters & Humans

Manaka Sajyou | Sancraid Phahn | Misaya Reiroukan

Fate Zero logo

Masters & Humans

Kiritsugu Emiya | Kirei Kotomine | Tokiomi Tohsaka | Risei Kotomine | Ryuunosuke Uryuu | Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald | Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri | Zouken Matou | Byakuya Matou | Noritaka Emiya | Odd Borzak


Archer | Caster | Berserker | Assassin

Fate Stay Night - Logo

Masters & Humans

Kirei Kotomine | Zouken Matou | Dark Sakura | Shinji Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Soichiro Kuzuki | Atrum Galliasta | Touko Aozaki


Gilgamesh | Archer (Unlimited Blade Works) | Assassin | Caster | Saber Alter | True Assassin | Black Shadow

El melloi title

Dr. Heartless | Faker | Gilgamesh | Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald | Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri | Ernest Fargo | Gurdoa Davenant | Trevor Pelham Codrington | Marisbury Animusphere | Touko Aozaki

Fate strange fake logo new

False Masters
Jester Karture

False Servants
False Archer | False Berserker

True Masters
Faldeus Dioland | Francesca | Bazdilot Cordelion | Sigma

True Servants
True Caster

Filia | Master of Archer | Cashura | Kuruokas | Wolf's Creator

Fate EXTRA Logo

Twice H. Pieceman | Leonardo B. Harway | Julius B. Harwey

Fate Extra CCC new logo

Kiara Sessyoin | BB | Kazurodrop | Kirei Kotomine | Shinji Matou

FateApocrypha logo

Yggdmillenia Clan & Black Faction

Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia | Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia | Assassin of Black | Caster of Black | Lancer of Black

Red Faction

Shirou Kotomine | Archer of Red | Assassin of Red

Fate Grand Order logo

Chaldea Security Organization

Marisbury Animusphere | CHALDEAS

Beasts of Calamity


Goetia | Tiamat | Beast-III/R (Kiara Sessyoin) | Mara | Primate Murder | Beast V | Beast of Revelation | VII of the End | Beast of Cherishment | Beast of Oblivion

Part 1: Observer on Timeless Temple

Heroic Spirits

Saber Alter | Jeanne Alter | Gilles de Rais | Jason | Goddess Rhongomyniad | Mephistopheles | Gorgon | Kingu | Ereshkigal

Allies of the Beasts

King Solomon | Lev Lainur Flauros | Demon Pillars | Laḫmu


Zolgen Makiri

Part 1.5: Epic on the Remnants

Demon Pillars


Phantom Demon Alliance (Archer of Shinjuku | Avenger of Shinjuku | Archer Alter | Assassin of Shinjuku)


Rider of Resistance | Caster of the Nightless City


Kiara Sessyoin (Beast-III/R)


Caster Limbo



Part 2: Cosmos of the Lostbelt

Kadoc Zemlupus | Ophelia Phamrsolone | Hinako Akuta | Scandinavia Peperoncino | Kirschtaria Wodime | Beryl Gut | Daybit Sem Void

Lostbelt Kings
Ivan the Terrible | Skadi | Qin Shi Huang | Arjuna Alter | Zeus | Morgan

Alien God's Force
Alien God | Marisbury Animusphere | U-Olga Marie | Priestess of the Alien Star | Koyanskaya | Emissaries (Kirei Kotomine | Caster Limbo | Senji Muramasa | James Moriarty (Ruler) | The Count)

Crypters' Servants
Anastasia Romanova | Sigurd | Prince of Lanling | Xiang Yu | Ashwatthama | Dioscuri Twins | Caenis | Morgan | Tezcatlipoca

Lostbelt Inhabitants
Oprichniki | Surtr | Qin Liangyu | Odysseus | Lostbelt Olympians | Fairies | Fairy Round Table (Fairy Knight Gawain | Fairy Knight Tristan | Fairy Knight Lancelot) | Spriggan | Muryan/Kazuradrop | Aurora | Calamities (Cernunnos | The Vile King/Oberon-Vortigern) | Kriemhild | Revenge Realm | Restoration Realm | Specimen E | Zhang Jue | Via Regia Realm | Pope Johanna | Ocelomeh | Izcalli | Tlaloc | Camazotz

The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors
Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud

Archer of Red | Caster of Black | Kama | Goetia | Kazuradrop | Evil God of Flowers | Nitocris Alter

Part 2.5: Ordeal Call

Paper Moon

Rani XII | Zolgen Makiri | Durga/Kali

The Count

Event Villains

BB | Bestia Coccinea | Black Grail | First Lady | Testement | Ultra Heroine Z | Zouken Matou | The Master With No Name | Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia | Kama | Space Ishtar | Xu Fu | Akechi Mitsuhide | Serizawa Kamo | Jacques de Molay (Foreigner)

FGO Arcade Logo

Beasts of Calamity


Sodom's Beast (Bestia Coccinea)

Heroic Spirits

Nebuchadnezzar II

FSR logo@sp

Masters & Humans
Chiemon | Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro | Secret Antagonist

Rider | Caster | Rogue Berserker


See Also
Nasuverse Villains | Tsukihime Villains
