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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Yesterday a swarm came through during the night. Nobody heard anything until Angelo started screaming.
―Karina to Gale regarding Angelo.[src]

Angelo is a character mentioned in The Walking Dead Webisodes: The Oath. Angelo was part of a group camping in Rockford, Georgia.


Rockford, Georgia[]

Nothing is known about Angelo's life before the outbreak. Angelo likely lived outside or near Rockford.


The Oath[]

Angelo is mentioned by Karina in "Choice". Karina was telling Gale about the zombie attack at their camp and says they did not know they were overrun until Angelo began screaming.


Killed By

On the night the zombies attacked Karina and Paul's camp, Angelo was devoured by zombies.

Killed Victims[]

The following victims have been killed by Angelo:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies



The Oath[]


  • Although Angelo is never seen in the Webisodes, Karina implied that the inhabitants of their camp were unaware of the approaching zombie horde until he began screaming. This could mean that Angelo's death occurred off-screen, as she and Paul stated to Gale that they were the only survivors of the attack.