Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

That isn't me!
―Kevin warning Ravager and Collider that the Kevin that's with Shawna isn't the real him.[src]

Kevin is a character in Image Comics' Solid Blood.

Before "Solid Blood"[]

Nothing is known about Kevin's life prior to the start of the series.

Solid Blood[]

At some point, Kevin was captured aboard a space station and replaced by a doppelganger.

Issue 17[]

After Ravager and Collider slaughter their way through soldiers, they make their way to a door which they believe contains a new Solid Blood behind it. Ravager breaks down the door and they find Kevin chained up. He tells them that the Kevin that's with Shawna on Earth isn't him.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Kevin has killed:





Solid Blood[]

  • Issue 17