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Science Fiction Writers Quiz

Question: Which French writer laid much of the foundation for modern science fiction?
Answer: In 1863 Jules Verne published the first of his Voyages extraordinaires: Cinq semaines en ballon (1863; Five Weeks in a Balloon, 1869). These novels were the foundation for much modern science fiction, not least because they foresaw a number of scientific devices and developments, including the submarine, the Aqua-Lung, television, and space travel. They also included Le Voyage au centre de la terre (1864; A Journey to the Centre of the Earth), De la terre a la lune (1865; From the Earth to the Moon), Vingt mille lieues sous les mers (1870; Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea), and L’Ile mysterieuse (1874; The Mysterious Island).
Question: Which author’s work, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, was adapted for film as Blade Runner?
Answer: The American science fiction writer Philip K. Dick wrote Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968), which was adapted as the film Blade Runner (1982). Like many of his novels and short stories, it depicts the psychological struggles of characters trapped in illusory environments.
Question: Who developed a set of ethics for robots in one of his short stories?
Answer: In the short-story collection I, Robot (1950; stories published individually beginning in 1940), author and biochemist Isaac Asimov developed a set of ethics for robots and intelligent machines (“The Three Laws of Robotics”) that greatly influenced other writers’ treatment of the subject.
Question: Who wrote The Left Hand of Darkness?
Answer: Ursula K. Le Guin wrote the novel The Left Hand of Darkness (1969), about a race of androgynous people who may become either male or female. The methods of anthropology influenced her science fiction stories, which often feature highly detailed descriptions of alien societies.
Question: Who is best known for his science fiction books The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds?
Answer: H.G. Wells was a journalist, sociologist, and historian, but he is best known today as a science fiction writer. With his first novel, The Time Machine (1895), which was immediately successful, he began a series of science fiction novels that had lasting influence, including The War of the Worlds (1898).
Question: What inventor and publisher was largely responsible for the establishment of science fiction as an independent literary form?
Answer: Hugo Gernsback, an American inventor and publisher, was largely responsible for the establishment of science fiction as an independent literary form. In 1926 he began publishing Amazing Stories, one of the first magazines devoted exclusively to what he referred to as “scientifiction.”