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Creative Commons

Creative Commons (CC) stewards a universally accessible infrastructure for open knowledge, culture, and collaboration.

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Creative Commons is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC licenses and public domain tools, enabling the free and open distribution of otherwise copyrighted work. We give every person and organization in the world a simple and standardized way to grant copyright permissions for images, music, research, journal articles, educational resources, and cultural artifacts; ensure proper attribution; and allow others to copy, distribute, and make use of those works.

We've come a long way since we first got started in 2001. When Creative Commons was founded, the internet was a budding universe with high potential, and platforms widely used today like Wikipedia and Google were only just taking off. CC’s founders were keen to ensure that, as the internet continued to grow, safeguards to knowledge, culture, and creativity were firmly in place, and the Creative Commons license suite was born.

Now more than ever, CC recognizes the urgent need for these licenses in advancing Better Sharing, key to preserving our global commons. As we look toward the next 20 years, CC seeks to fearlessly advocate for Open Knowledge to address the many challenges our global community faces today from the Climate Crisis and educational inequalities to the spread of "fake news" and barriers in access to cultural heritage.

Mountain View, CA
Mid-sized organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 04-3585301


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Future of Open

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. What does this mean for the commons? CC is at the forefront of this conversation, fighting to keep the commons healthy and thriving as new technologies emerge. Beyond copyright issues, AI will likely impact the sharing of creative content and the open community in general. The legal uncertainty caused by ethical concerns around AI, the lack of transparency of AI algorithms, issues around artist recognition and payment for use of their copyright works as AI training input, the potential flood of AI-generated works, and the limiting off access to AI outputs, all together constitute yet more challenges for better sharing. Creative Commons wants to focus on working with our community to find a sustainable, coordinated, and inclusive approach that fosters the Future of Open. We’re inviting you to join us. Our Future of Open fundraising campaign has the goal of raising $50,000 in contributions by June 13th to ensure CC has a voice on relevant, high-stakes topics.

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