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News video games 02 January 2023, 14:04

author: Damian Gacek

Buckwheat in Tarkov - What It Is For

In this article we talk about an unusual item in EFT - Buckwheat. If you want to find out what Pack of Arseniy buckwheat is used for, then read this text.

Escape from Tarkov is a mix of shooter and survival sandbox. One should also not forget about the multiplayer aspect allowing competition and cooperation with other people, so it is no wonder that this title has attracted the attention of many players. The production is still being developed. The latest update added a new item to Tarkov - Pack of Arseniy buckwheat. Many fans are wondering what it is used for. In this article we will answer this question.

EFT Buckwheat - what it is for

The description of buckwheat in Tarkov indicates that it is something valuable - "There is nothing more valuable in a difficult time than buckwheat. Granular gold, food of the gods." If you were hoping that this item has some hidden use, we have to worry you. You can't do much with this item at the time of writing this article. For the time being, you can use it only for barter. If you give Therapist 4x Pack of Arseniy buckwheat, she will give you Expeditionary fuel tank in return.

Tarkov Buckwheat – why it is in the game

Buckwheat in Tarkov - What It Is For - picture #1

Arguably, adding buckwheat to EFT is a form of dark humour. As you probably know, EFT is set in devastated Russian city. buckwheat is a food that is often purchased by Russians to protect themselves from an imminent crisis. This function is also indicated by the very description of this product quoted above. There is no denying that the world in Tarkov is in the midst of a crisis.

For the time being, it is unclear whether Pack of Arseniy buckwheat will have any use other than barter. It is possible that with future updates its role in the game will become larger.

Damian Gacek

Damian Gacek

Graduate of English Philology and English in Public Communication. His portfolio includes a scientific article on video game translation. Working with since 2019, writing for various departments. Currently, deals with guides and occasionally supports the newsroom. Interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. Loves RPGs and strategies, often also immersing himself in the depths of indie games. In his free time, works on a book and learns film editing.
