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News guides 07 November 2023, 04:11

author: Ewa Ichniowska

Star Ocean the Second Story R - Best Party Composition

Star Ocean The Second Story R features many playable characters you can recruit. In this guide, we present tips on who to choose to build the best party.

Source: Star Ocean The Second Story R, developer: Square Enix

Star Ocean The Second Story R is a remake of an iconic 1999 sci-fi fantasy action jRPG. If you’ve played the original, you will find a lot of familiar faces waiting for you to start your adventure. However, Star Ocean The Second Story R has a lot to offer to new players as well. If you’ve never played Star Ocean before, or want to refresh your memory, read on to find the best characters and party composition in the game.

Recruiting and Party Building Basics in Star Ocean the Second Story R

Before you start recruiting characters for your party in the Star Ocean 2 Remake, there are some general tips you should know.

There are 13 playable characters available in the game, but you will not be able to get them all in one playthrough. Some party members are exclusive depending on which hero you pick at the start of the game. However, you will still get the second hero – Claude or Rena, as well.

You can have up to 4 members in your party at a time. In Star Ocean the Second Story R mages are generally outclassed by physical attackers, but can be useful in some situations or early in the game. A healer should always be included in your lineup.

Mutually exclusive characters in Star Ocean The Second Story R:

  1. Leon - can only be recruited if you start as Claude,
  2. Dias – can join you if you pick Rena at the start,
  3. Opera and Ernest – neither of them can be recruited if you get Ashton,
  4. Precis or Bowman – you have to choose one of them.

The Best Characters in Star Ocean The Second Story R

Here are the best members you can put in your party in Star Ocean 2 Remake in terms of power and flexibility:

  1. Claude – starting hero, a powerful damage dealer good for any situation,
  2. Rena – starting hero, the best healer, good buffer, versatile,
  3. Celine mage, good for early game or learning skills,
  4. Precis – mid-range attacker, great support,
  5. Ashton – solid swordfighter with the best Normal Attack stat,
  6. Dias – tank and long-range physical attacker, versatile, fast,
  7. Chisato – excellent damage dealer, available late-game,
  8. Opera – powerful long-range fighter who can heal.

Best Party Lineups in Star Ocean The Second Story R

For the best party composition, you should have 2-3 damage dealers and a healer.

Early game, you could use: Claude, Rena, Celine, Precis.

Claude will be the main attacker, Rena the necessary healer, while Celine and Precis will supplement damage while providing support.

Late game, you can try: Claude, Chisato, Opera (with Healing Star), Dias.

Once you unlock Opera with her healing skill you can use 4 attackers for most challenging content.

You should be updating party as you progress since some valuable members are unlocked in the late game. However, who you choose depends on you and your playstyle.