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the video games industry Latest news

Games Bring Generations Together; Their Fans Are 85% of Internet Users

Jacob Blazewicz, 02 September 2024, 22:15

Newzoo's new report is further proof that video games are no longer the domain of only the youngest generations.

Tencent's Acquisition of Techland the Biggest Deal of 2023 in Poland. We Know the Estimated Price

Maciej Gaffke, 11 January 2024, 07:10

Polish Techland cost Chinese Tencent a hefty sum. We learned the estimated value of the high-profile deal of the last year, thanks to which the gaming giant became the majority shareholder of the studio.

Boxed Games are Now Only 5% of Market; Almost Ceased to Exist on PC

Jacob Blazewicz, 21 December 2023, 00:53

On PC, boxed editions of games are almost non-existent. This is according to a summary of the market in 2023, which was prepared by

Good News for Global Gaming Market; 2023 Will End on Positive Note

Adam Adamczyk, 09 August 2023, 14:52

The gaming market is growing strong. The increase in its value compared to last year is a good omen for the future.

Games For 'Hardcore Gamers' Form Increasingly Small Part of the Market

Adam Celarek, 20 June 2023, 16:37

A report revealing the shape of the US gaming market can lead to surprising conclusions. In particular, the progressive disparity among the major branches of the industry seems particularly interesting.

Hogwarts Legacy and PS5 Saved European Gaming Market

Adrian Werner, 19 April 2023, 13:15

In the first quarter of this year, Hogwarts Legacy saved the European game market from huge declines. The PlayStation 5, on the other hand, was the only console whose sales increased in the past months.

Analyzing Financial Performance of Biggest Gaming Companies in 2022

Maciej Jalowiec, 15 March 2023, 16:33

The beginning of March is a time of financial summaries in the gaming industry. Major companies listed on the world's stock exchanges have just released their results for Q4 2022, and we analyze the data.

Gaming Market Loses Despite Player Number Growth; We Have an Idea Why

Wiktor Szczesny, 22 November 2022, 12:33

The gaming industry has significantly increased its reach over the past two years. As a result, there are more and more players every year. At the same time, the value of the market has shrunk significantly in 2022, making the situation complicated.

PC Game Market in Japan Doubled in 3 Years

Adrian Werner, 07 November 2022, 14:18

PC games are doing better and better in Japan. Revenues from the segment have doubled in just a few years.

Journey Devs Admits Live-service Games are Best for Developers

Hubert Sledziewski, 02 August 2022, 15:21

Co-creator of the iconic Journey, Jenova Chen from thatgamecompany studio, says that working on live-service games is much less stressful than on a classic titles. It also allows for a healthy work-life balance.

$65 Billion in 6 Months; Mobile Market Breaks Record

Jacob Blazewicz, 14 July 2022, 12:33

The mobile market has slowed down, but still managed to set another record. Users (including gamers) continue to spend billions of dollars on apps in App Store and Google Play.

Fake Reviews, Influencers and Toxic Marketing Examined

Kamil Kleszyk, 24 May 2022, 13:03

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission plans to tighten regulations on posting fake positive reviews online to sell products or services, including video games.

Second Largest Acquisition of Gaming Industry Finalized; Take 2 Owns Zynga

Kamil Kleszyk, 23 May 2022, 21:47

Take-Two has announced the finalization of its $12.7 billion acquisition of mobile game company Zynga.

Video Games are World's Biggest Entertainment Medium, Take-Two Reports

Adrian Werner, 18 May 2022, 12:01

Take-Two's financial report included a lot of interesting information about the overall health of the video game market and the directions of its development.

Hard Times for PC - Segment Will Grow Slower Than Console Market in 2022

Adrian Werner, 06 May 2022, 13:30

This year, video game market revenues are expected to exceed $200 billion for the first time. The console segment will grow the fastest.

Game Pass Won't Become Second Netflix, Analysts Say

Jacob Blazewicz, 24 March 2022, 14:36

Game Pass is quite successful, but it's unlikely to be to video games what Netflix was to the movie industry. At least according to one analyst.

Exiting Russia Means Loss of a Market Worth Billions of USD for Game Publishers

Jacob Blazewicz, 10 March 2022, 14:56

Game developers and publishers (and more) are pulling their products out of Russia en masse, and in doing so are rejecting a market that generates billions of dollars in revenue.

1 in 3 Gamedevs Sees Potential of NFT in Video Games

Miriam Moszczynska, 21 January 2022, 12:09

The organizers of the Game Developers Conference have released the State of the Game Industry 2022 report, which addresses a number of important issues affecting the video game industry.

Bobby Kotick Second Top-paid CEO of 2020 in Gaming Industry

Miriam Moszczynska, 14 January 2022, 14:56

The creator of Games One has collected data on the richest CEOs in the video game industry. Surprisingly, Bobby Kotick is not the king of the list.

Take-Two Buys FarmVille Devs for Record Amount

Miriam Moszczynska, 10 January 2022, 22:23

Zynga is joining the studios gathered under the wing of Take 2 Interactive. The company has acquired the U.S. mobile game developer for $12.7 billion.

2022 Will Bring More Game Delays and Hardware Shortages

Adrian Werner, 09 December 2021, 14:00

Analysts predict that in 2022, the pandemic will continue to cause major delays in game development and further trouble with hardware availability.

COVID Hurt the Gaming Market in 2021; 2022 Could be a Record Year

Adrian Werner, 19 November 2021, 14:52

Thanks to the pandemic, 2020 was a record year for the gaming industry. This year, however, the coronavirus dealt it a severe blow. All due to numerous delays.

Apple Made More Money on Games Than Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo Combined

Michal Ciezadlik, 05 October 2021, 16:43

Apple doesn't make video games, and yet it makes the most money on them in the global market. All thanks to the App Store, which provides the company with large profits.

PC Accounts Only For 14% of the Market in Europe; FIFA 21 in the Lead

Ignacy Ziarkiewicz, 26 August 2021, 13:12

ISFE and EGDF federations published a joint report summarizing the situation of the European game industry in 2020. We found out, among others, that the best-selling game on the Old Continent was FIFA 21.

Video Game Industry Will See a Dip in 2021, Newzoo's Report Claims

Angelika Kaldus, 17 May 2021, 18:18

Newzoo claims that the video game market will see a decline in revenue compared to last year. Reasons for such assumptions include Apple's policies and the universal deficit of chips.

Video Games Industry Is Bigger Than Film, Sports and Music

Angelika Kaldus, 11 May 2021, 15:00

The gaming market has overtaken the movie industry - valued at nearly $180 billion in 2020 - and Gen Z values it more than sports.

Lootboxes to Become Increasingly Profitable Despite Regulations

Adrian Werner, 10 March 2021, 12:28

According to analysts, lootbox revenue is expected to grow every year until it reaches $20 billion per year in 2025. However, this development will not continue indefinitely.

Activision Blizzard Achieves Record Value

Tom Borys, 21 January 2021, 21:48

Activision Blizzard can count the last few months as extremely successful. The company's value has never been so high, and its thanks to, in part, by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scope of Nintendo's Success in Japan and US is Staggering

Jacob Blazewicz, 16 January 2021, 23:14

2020 proved to be an excellent year for the gaming industry. The biggest success was recorded by Nintendo, especially in the hardware segment. Switch sales were record-breaking in both the US and Japan, and in the latter country the platform accounted for 87% of all console sales.

Microtransactions are the Main Course in the Gaming Industry

Adrian Werner, 03 December 2020, 19:00

The latest SuperData report has brought some interesting information. It turns out that almost 90% of revenues of the digital gaming market are generated by microtransactions.

Video Games are Ready for Netflix Model, Claims Analyst

Bart Swiatek, 29 September 2020, 16:30

Futuresource Consulting analyst Morris Garrard argues in a recent report that the video game industry is ready for Netflix's business model - a subscription that provides access to an extensive catalogue of games at a fixed monthly price.

Over 3 Billion Inhabitants of Earth are Gamers

Frozen, 15 August 2020, 18:51

According to the latest report of the analytical company DFC Intelligence, gamer represent as much as 40% of the world's population.

Pandemic Helps Video Game Industry; Record Results in the US

Karol Laska, 18 July 2020, 18:08

2020 promises to be the most profitable year for the video game industry in the last decade. The reason for this may be the home isolation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Sony Invested Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Epic Games

Adrian Werner, 10 July 2020, 11:51

Sony bought a minority stake in Epic Games for a quarter of a billion dollars. This is to help strengthen the cooperation between the two companies, but no exclusive agreements were mentioned.

Pandemic Drives the Market; PC Master Race Grows in Strength

Bart Swiatek, 09 July 2020, 17:55

According to Jon Peddie Research analysts, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has led to a large increase in interest in computer hardware. Sales of all kinds of components are growing dynamically, as is the number of PC players. By the end of the year, the PC components market may be worth nearly $40 billion.

PS5 / XSX Games May be More Expensive; Large Publishers Consider Price Increases

Bart Swiatek, 03 July 2020, 13:38

2K intends to sell NBA 2K21 on PS5 / XSX for $10 more than the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. Analysts from IDG Consulting report that other publishers are also considering increasing prices of next-gen console games.

Microtransactions Dominate; Game Sales Revenue Becomes Secondary

Adrian Werner, 26 June 2020, 13:30

According to Newzoo analysts, this year as much as 74% of the industry's revenue will come from microransactions. The sales of premium games will provide only 21%.

Gaming Industry With Significant Growth in 2020

Michael Kulakowski, 12 May 2020, 19:31

According to forecasts for 2020, the pandemic will not prevent large increases in value of the video game industry, which is to generate revenues of nearly $160 billion in that period. The mobile market is expected to grow the most this year, which will largely contribute to the global number of active players exceeding 2.7 billion.

European Gamedevs are Afraid of the Crisis; Some May Not Survive

Bart Swiatek, 23 April 2020, 16:33

European Games Developer Federation conducted a survey on the condition of European gamedev companies and their concerns about the coronavirus crisis. 17% of such companies are worried that they may not survive three months. Small studios are in the worst position.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order With Great Digital Sales

Konrad Serafinski, 21 December 2019, 20:47

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has scored the best console launch in history of the Star Wars franchise for digital sales, achieving more than double the result of Star Wars: Battlefront II. Red Dead Redemption 2 turned out to be a disappointment before its release on Steam. Such information is given in the report for November 2019 by the SuperData analytics company.

Take-Two CEO: 50% of Multiplatform Game Revenue Comes From PC

Konrad Serafinski, 02 November 2019, 23:16

Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two Interactive, said in one of the recent interviews that in his opinion the PC market could account for up to 50% of revenues from multiplatform games.

Global Revenues From Digital Distribution; Pokemon GO With The Best Month Since Launch

Michael Kulakowski, 22 September 2019, 22:22

The latest report of SuperData group brings information on global revenues generated by digital distribution in August, this year on all hardware platforms. The most successful mobile game was Pokemon GO, which had the most profitable month since its launch in 2016.

In 2019, Gaming Market May be Worth Much More Than in 2018

Conrad Hazi, 20 June 2019, 16:49

According to a report prepared by Newzoo, the global gaming market will generate $152.1 billion in revenue in 2019, which will translate into an increase of 9.6% compared to 2018. The largest piece of this „cake” still remains the mobile gaming sector.

China Has More Than 312 Million PC Players

Michael Kulakowski, 05 May 2019, 23:27

According to a report by Niko Partners, the number of active PC players will continue to grow in China in the coming years. At the moment, 312 million people are playing on personal computers in the Middle Kingdom, bringing the industry more than $15 billion in revenue annually. Most of this money comes from online multiplayer games.

Fortnite Boosts Video Game Sales Among Teenagers

Milosz Szubert, 10 April 2019, 22:59

Piper Jaffray published its usual semi-annual report about teenager spendings in the USA. According to the company, young males spend as much as 14% of their income on video games. Most of this thanks to Fortnite.

GDC 2019 report: PC remains developers' favorite platform

Michael Kulakowski, 26 January 2019, 22:35

According to the GDC report for 2019, based on a surver sent to four thousand developers from around the world, PC remains the most attractive platform for game development.

NPD 2018 summary: Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out on top

Adrian Werner, 23 January 2019, 12:58

NPD has prepared a summary of 2018 in the video game industry, revealing two notable points: Red Dead Redemption II, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Fortnite earned 2.4 billion dollars in 2018

Adrian Werner, 18 January 2019, 00:51

SuperData Group has published a report summarizing the results of the digital gaming market for the past year. The leader was Fortnite, which generated 2.4 billion dollars of revenue.