Ask the Author: K.D. Harp

“Ask me a question.” K.D. Harp

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K.D. Harp I still can't figure out why Wesley ever loved Buttercup, other than a serious shortage of options when he was going through puberty. SHE knew a good deal when she saw one.
I love how Rhett loves Scarlett, not for her looks like the beaus at 12 Oaks, and not for her mind like mealy-mouthed Ashley Wilkes, but for who she is He doesn't love her DESPITE her flaws, he loves her WITH her flaws. Scarlett, however, also fails to deliver on HER side of the relationship, so no to GWTW.
When it comes to street smarts, selfless love, acceptance and mutual affection, ya just can't beat an optimistic twosome dining al fresco at an Italian restaurant and the It's OH SO Magical meatball roll shared between the generous loving noses of Lady and the Tramp. This couple has what it takes to overcome any situation and enjoy their lives together.
K.D. Harp The hope I'm making things better for someone, and the kind support of my readers, who are generous to offer encouragement.
It's very precious to me, and difficult to fully embrace, but I'm working on it!
If you enjoy someone's work and can take the time to leave a good review or a note of encouragement on one of their social media platforms, do them that favor, will you? You may never know the power of your words. The number of times such a kindness has been extended to me JUST as I needed a boost, is astounding.
K.D. Harp In the first TRUE COLORS suspense, Alexandra is attacked by a fun-loving football player with boundary issues. She and Adam get distracted by more immediate concerns throughout the rest of BLACKMAIL, but Adam's not the kind of guy to let an assault go without its day in court, and Alexandra becomes the kind of gal who agrees.
WHITE LIES takes it from there... Coming Sept 2014.
K.D. Harp How does a cardiac surgeon get inspired to transplant a heart? How does a cop get inspired to arrest the bad guys?
...It's what I'm meant to do.
For the most part, it's solitary and unsung work, which is fine, but you don't write to make friends during lunch break. And then, it's very public, with reviews and reader interactions, which for an introvert, is difficult. Even the chores of the industry, (and there are many) are tolerated for the ultimate driving goal of delivering quality entertainment to readers.
If a book can also distract someone during hard times, brighten a bad day, help them feel understood, or encourage someone to a healthier life standard, so much the better.
K.D. Harp Code Prodigal's got a Happy Birthday to Me sale coming August 22nd through 29.
WHITE LIES, the second in the TRUE COLORS suspense series, comes out early September. Wallace stands trial for attacking Alexandra in BLACKMAIL. God willing, I'm ordering the second proof today!
K.D. Harp Go to conferences, take classes, query editors and agents and enter contests, even if you're sure you're destined to self-publish. You may make a connection and find publishing the traditional way is your path. You'll definitely learn things your English teacher never taught you. The feedback you get is as unbiased as you'll ever be able to hope to receive. The process toughens you up and takes the ego out while it puts the business, the craft, into your final product.
Demand excellence from yourself. There are 1000s of rules and theories. Be true to your career message. It's the only unique thing you offer a reader.
Once you have a MS out there, have patience. I'm told it takes about 10 titles before an author really builds a following.
Think beyond one title. If you're out there with a novella at 99cents, you've taught people you write novellas ...for 99cents. Perfect, if that's your goal. A negative if you're out for something more.
As you grow, lift others up to grow as well. The more immersed we are in the craft, the process of creating manuscripts, the better we get.
K.D. Harp I'm a hardcore pantser who deeply believes in characterization over everything, even when the plot disagrees. (If people aren't acting like themselves, they just fall flat to me). The characters are often running off to places Their Author never intended them to go, but they generally know what they're doing so I just try to record the action. When it halts, (I love the spontaneity of the pantser perspective so much I hate to be truthful here), I break writer's block by going back to the outline.
It's excruciating to my personality type, but I rough in the entire romance story line, the action, and any subplots before I let the characters out to play. They go where they'd truly go, instead of where I think they should, but when they're stuck, the outline saves us all.

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