Ask the Author: Renae Kaye

“Ask me a question.” Renae Kaye

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Renae Kaye Hi KA,

At this stage I'm unsure of the series. There are definitely a few more books I'd like to write in this series - especially a story about the attempt to get Maxine a sibling. (Adoption and surrogacy is extremely hard in Australia).

I must get back to this series though. Thank you for asking!
Renae Kaye Hi Kim,

Thanks for asking this question. OF COURSE Liam and Jay will be in the next story. The whole gang will be there. They still meet up for their Sunday football games.

Yes, I plan to write a book about Liam and Jay getting married. In the timeline of the four stories, same-sex marriage still isn't legal for Shane and Ambrose's story. So you will see during the book, the characters are supporting SSM voting.

The next story will be my first where the option of them to get married is available.

I really do need to get on my bike and write that story... **big hugs**
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Renae Kaye Hello, and thanks for asking.

The Casey mentioned is definitely our Casey from the Safe series. They all live in Perth, so my characters often pop in and out of other books.

When Vinnie and Aaron marry, they combined their surnames and both take the new surname of Rosello-Hall. The third is their child.

I always imagined it would be a girl, and Vinnie would name it after his Aunt Christa, who played a crucial role in his upbringing.
Renae Kaye Hi Gina!

Definitely always something in the pipeline. The problem is those bends sometimes get clogged... Life happens. My next release has been stalled because I haven't been able to do the work required due to family commitments. But I will push through.

Next release from me should be an extended short story called Hard Feelings. It was released in an anthology a while back, but it's been extended and edited.

I'm working on a novella series too - which I hope will be out later in the year. There's also a novel which may make it for the beginning of 2018 - a wonderful romance story with an odd twist. Seriously, I love it, and it could turn out to be my all time favourite write.

I'm also bashing away at a series of novels in the M/F genre which I'm really enjoying writing. This is a long term goal, so I devote some time to it every now and then. I've got Loving You #4 half written, so I think that one will be my next big project.

The best way to learn of new stuff coming out is with my newsletter - click here to subscribe

I only send out a newsletter to inform readers of new releases, or audio available, etc. So you won't be spammed.

Thank you for your interest.

Renae Kaye Hi Angelique,

Thank you for asking. Yes. I hope to write more on both of these series. I did start the next book in The Tav series, but the "political climate" of the M/M Romance genre changed, and I don't think the readers are ready to accept the themes in that book and stopped the writing of it. So I've had to go back to the drawing board and work out where I'm going to go with that series. Since the third book won't be written, I don't know if #4 or #5 will fit in. It's a conundrum I'm still pondering.

The Safe series has one more book - how Ash and Devon resolve their problem. I lost the energy write this for a while, since Paul and Andrew's story didn't really garner much interest. I've moved on to other projects. But yes, I should return and get this out onto paper. Ash is such a great character to write against Devon... it will be fun!

Thanks for asking - maybe check back in 6 months?

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Renae Kaye Definitely a child. As same-sex marriage is illegal in Australia, and the choices for gay couple to have a child (surrogacy and adoption) are SEVERELY limited, I'm not sure what their options will be in the future. I'm not sure if it will be a surrogacy or overseas adoption of an older child - but Vinnie is definitely family orientated and would want to surround himself with that.

Thx for asking. xx, Renae
Renae Kaye Hi Minya,

Thanks for loving the gang of guys - and yes, I definitely want to write stories for Shane and Hiram. I have the stories plotted in my head and it's a matter of weaving together the magic to make the story. My ultimate wish is that Australia legalises same-sex marriage and I can do a big celebration book where we have crazy Bell-Turner wedding.

I've started Shane's story, but he's ground to a halt recently as other WIPs demand my attention more. Hopefully you will hear news of this by the end of the year.

Thank you for asking!
xx, Renae
Renae Kaye Hi! And thank you for loving Aaron and Vinnie.

At this moment Australia doesn't have gay marriage, but I've written Aaron and Vinnie's ending as if it is introduced some time in the future. So I hope it will come to fruition soon. Adoption of children for gay couples, and surrogacy are all things that are pretty much banned in Western Australia. It's a dreadful situation, but our laws are rather inflexible. I definitely see family and children as something that Vinnie would push for - so I hope that our laws change for that to happen too.

I really want to write more in the series - I reckon Shane and Hiram deserve their own HEAs, don't you? I've been a little sidetracked by a big project I'm working on, but yes - hopefully some time next year I can finish off Shane's story.

Thank you for reading and loving. <3

Cheers and Merry Christmas,
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Renae Kaye Hi Angel,

The meaning of the initials is found a couple of sentences before. The tree bore fruit. So my question is to you, wouldn't you give your child your surname?

Thank you for loving this book. It's very special to me. And thanks for letting me know!

Renae Kaye Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for enjoying my work. I have considered writing Jimmie and Murray's story - and I actually already know what happens in my head, but I've never attempted to write something that wasn't present day. The story took place 20 years ago, which doesn't sound a lot, but gay rights were in a different place, mobile phones were only just starting to take off, 9-11 hadn't happened, there was no trade deals in place with China for Australia, and in fact the Y2K scare hadn't even started... there's a lot to watch out for. I'd need to also research what was happening with the farming community of Western Australia about that time - whether there were drought conditions. Whether wool was selling, meat or were farmers cropping? If I remember rightly about that time, WA was just starting to plant canola crops and there was also a devastating locust plague.

So yes - as you can tell, it's in my head, percolating and planning. Murray's story is very dear to me - and I don't want to muck it up going in half-arsed. I think I need a little more writing experience behind me before I attempt to do this one - and lots and lots of homework.

The short answer to your question is: Yes. But not yet.
Renae Kaye Hi Mrs BL!

I would LOVE to know the answer to this one too. Unfortunately it is in the hands of my publisher and I have nothing to do with it. I think they're getting sick of me asking this question. I'll put it up as soon as I hear something definite.

I know there were delays with the narrator being busy and then sick, but I haven't heard anything about projected dates.

Thank you for your interest though. I can't wait to hear this one in audio.


Renae Kaye Hi KA,

Thanks for your interest. Yes - I do have plans for at least two more (maybe three!) in this series, but I haven't finished them yet. I'm sorry.

Renae Kaye Hi Luna,

Thank you for the praise - you get a gold star in Making An Author Happy Class.

Devon and Ash definitely have a story to tell, don't they? In what I hope is good news, my next release will be a spin off from Safe in His Arms. This time it is Paul and Andrew's story. The story runs concurrent to Lon and Casey, so the reader will get glimpses of Lon and Casey's story from the outside. Devon and Ash are also back with some more hilarity. This will release in May, so not long to wait.

I really do hope you check out my other books. I would suggest The Blinding Light and then You Are the Reason. All of my books are character based, however some of it is a lot lighter and fluffier than Safe.

As for Ash and Devon, they need to do some growing and their romance comes to a head a few years after Casey's story. I needed to write Paul and Andrew first...

Renae Kaye Yes. "You Are the Reason" has been contracted to audio. I'm hoping that any day I will hear that it is ready. It's overdue.

**drums the desk impatiently with her fingers**

xx, RK
Renae Kaye Hi!

The Shearing Gun should be out in audio within the next week. <3

I hope you enjoy. Cheers, Renae
Renae Kaye Thank you Trisha. Wow - what a lovely comment to send to me. It's made my day. {hugs}

My next release? I've just had a short story release last Friday in an anthology called Queermance Vol II. I'm waiting for it to get up on Amazon so I can link it to everyone.

In terms of my next full-length novel - it will probably be August. It's a spin-off to The Blinding Light, and yes, there will be no gay cowboys. I really hope you enjoy this one too.

Thanks for asking! Cheers,
Renae Kaye Hi Michele,

Honestly or dishonestly?

As a general rule I never stop writing. I write daily unless I have edits. At this very moment, however, I am taking a break from writing as I'm on a vacation with my family. **grin**

I have one full-length book locked in to come out in (approx) August. This is a spin-off from The Blinding Light, so you get to catch up with Jake and Patrick as they watch Davo fall in love.

But stay tuned. There is a possibility of a couple of short stories being released between now and then.

Thanks for asking and I will be letting people know my news as soon as it's out.

Renae Kaye Hi Mairose,

First: Thank you very much for this. <3

Second: A lot of it is second nature, since it is how I live. But yes - I'd adore it if everyone was so intrigued by Australia that you come and visit me!

Third: This is a very interesting question. Hmm. I'll have to think about this. Do you have any other books that do road trips that you can suggest to me so I can get ideas?

I have a couple of books that I wish to write that integrate other locations - I have one planned for a little town called Pemberton in the south-west (it is a logging town) and one I'm hoping to co-write with an American author where my Australian character will take the American character on a rural weekend getaway. I'm off on holidays to the north of my state in a week, and I hope to get hit by a great idea while there.

But thank you for the feedback. I will definitely be writing more - and they will all be Australian - so you'll get your "literary holiday" if you read more of my stuff. But a road trip... Hmm...

Renae Kaye Hi!

Oooh - good idea. What sort of person do you think Aaron would go for?

I've started on a story explaining Paul and Andrew's romance. Although I don't have a name for it yet (I just call it Paul & Andrew's story), the story is nearly there.... Hopefully I can finish it soon.

But thanks for loving my books, and no it's not a weird question. I am also writing another story that shows the next step in Liam and Jay's life. The story is about a friend of Jay's, but the readers definitely get to catch up with Liam & Jay (and John and Jackie).

Renae Kaye xxxx <3 <3 Aww - thank you! I adore that you loved it, and I think this is the first time ever that I'm glad I had someone in tears **wink**

Thanks for letting me know. **huge grin**

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