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Adrienne Young Adrienne Young > Quotes


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“He looked at me with a hundred stories lit behind his eyes.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“We find things, just as we lose things. If you’ve lost your honor, you’ll find it again.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“Vegr yfir fjor.” Honor above life.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“Like a weary bird flying out over the most desolate sea, I finally had a place to land.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“Isolde was the wind and sea and sky of Saint's world. She was the pattern of stars that he navigated by, the sum of all directions on his compass. And he was lost without her.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“I have thought about you every single day since that day. Maybe every hour. I've counted days to go back to the island, and I pushed us into storms I shouldn't have because I didn't want to not be there when you woke up. I didn't want you to wait for me. Ever. Or to think I wasn't coming back." He paused. "I struck the deal with Saint because I wanted the ship, but I kept it because of you. When you got off the Marigold in Ceros and I didn't know if I would ever see you again, I thought . . . I felt like I couldn't breathe.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“The only safety that existed was in being completely alone.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“I left you there because I have never loved anything in my life like I love you. Not Isolde. Not the trade. Nothing.”
Adrienne Young, Namesake
“My mother had loved Saint with a love that could set fire to the sea”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“I loved her with a love that broke me.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“Home was a ship that was at the bottom of the sea, where my mother's bones lay sleeping.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“There are some things that can’t be carved from a person, no matter how far from home they’ve sailed.”
Adrienne Young, Namesake
“Like light cast over the morning water, it became new. Every moment that lay ahead, like an uncharted sea. this was a new beginning.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“We were salt and sand and sea and storm.”
Adrienne Young, Namesake
“What he was saying-the things he told me-was his way of showing me he trusted me. It was also his way of giving me the match. If I wanted to, I could burn him down. But if we were going to do this, I would have to be his safe harbor and he would have to be mine.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“I feel like…” I caught the sob in my chest and swallowed it, suddenly embarrassed. He leaned in closer to me. “Like what?” My eyes ran over his face. The scruff on his jaw. The dark lashes around his blue eyes. “Like I’m a flame about to burn out.” My voice was so thin it sounded like I could reach out and break it with my fingers. “Like I’m going to disappear.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“I could still see a young Eelyn standing on the beach turned into the wind, a sword in one hand and an axe in the other. I hadn’t lost her. I hadn’t buried her. I’d only let her change into something new.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“And when he kissed me again, the seconds slowed. They stretched out and made more time. I felt his body against mine, unraveling everything else that was between us, and my soul unwound, threading itself to his. And I let it. I gave myself to him. Because I was already his.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“I don’t belong to you.”
“Yes, you do.” He pulled the hair back out of my face so he could look at me. “Like I belong to you.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“you weren't made for this world, Fable.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“It was one long series of tragically beautiful knots that bound us together.”
Adrienne Young, Namesake
“Because that kiss broke open some dark night sky within me filled with stars and moons and flaming comets. That darkness was replaced by the blazing fire of the sun racing under my skin.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“I'd crossed the Narrows for a man who's probably never even loved me. For a dream that would never come true.”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“I was the ice on the river. The snow clinging onto the mountainside.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“What are you thinking?” He took my hand.
“I’m thinking I don’t want to fight anymore.”
His fingers tightened around mine. It seemed so foolish now, all the fighting.
All the death and loss and mourning.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“That I’d loved him with the same fire that I’d hated him. That if anything happened to Saint, a part of me would be taken with him.”
Adrienne Young, Namesake
“What I want is not to die alone," she said, her voice suddenly small. "I didn't really choose this life. It's just the only one I have...”
Adrienne Young, Fable
“Because you and I have cursed ourselves, Fable. We will always have something to lose. I knew it that day in Tempest Snare when I kissed you. I knew it in Dern when I told you that I loved you.”
Adrienne Young, Namesake
“I’d envied Iri my whole life for his open heart, and now mine had been pried open too.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep
“I underestimated my ability to be on this ship with you and not touch you.”
Adrienne Young, Fable

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