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In book six of the Chicagoland Vampires series, twenty-eight-year old vampire Merit is on the hunt, tailing a rogue supernatural intent on stealing an ancient artifact that could leash catastrophic evil on the world. But, as she soon discovers, she is also the prey: an enemy of Chicagoland is hunting her, and he'll stop at nothing to get his hands on the artifact.

352 pages, Trade Paperback

First published August 1, 2012

About the author

Chloe Neill

64 books10k followers
Chloe Neill is the New York Times bestselling author of the Heirs of Chicagoland, Chicagoland Vampires Novels, Devil's Isle Novels, and Dark Elite novels. Chloe was born and raised in the South, but now makes her home in the Midwest. When she's not writing, she bakes, works, and scours the Internet for good recipes and great graphic design. Chloe also maintains her sanity by spending time with her boys--her husband and their dogs, Baxter and Scout.

Connect with Chloe at www.chloeneill.com.

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Profile Image for Anzû.
238 reviews1,112 followers
June 11, 2023
“If you have a preferred god, Sentinel, I suggest you start praying. And soon.”

Pray that Neill will put this series out of its misery ASAP, that is.

First impressions
This is the last chance I’m giving Chicagoland Vampires. Screw this up and I’m out. Hell, I’m actually expecting a screw-up, but maybe it’s for the best. I don’t really feel like continuing this series anymore. All of this because of how things evolved between Merit, Ethan and Mallory. Well, when you put it that way it’s almost everyone in the book.

The plot
Ethan is back from the dead and he isn’t a zombie. Yet. Mallory is still on the run, endlessly chasing after the big evil book, the Maleficium. Why is that? To publish another Chicagoland Vampires book, of course. Merit and Ethan join forces, of course, to stop the evil bitch witch and after a bunch of useless events involving gnomes (??), a freaky Maleficium –induced binary fission and loads of teenage angst (yes, it’s Ethan) Mallory snaps out of her evil sleepwalking state and turns back into her old kind self. Yep, just like that. Oh yeah, and she repents through washing excessively oily Ukrainian dishes.

Yes Miss Neill, a worthy punishment for a person who switched to using black magic and almost destroyed the world is to wash dishes.

Even so, the danger is not over. The freaky binary fission produced another worthy enemy. An angel!

Yes, first blood thirsty gnomes and now an angel. But not just any good 'ol angel, a fallen angel, who – surprise, surprise – wants to destroy the world. As one does. And, as always, our golden couple, Ethan and Merit, is the only hope this dear planet has.

My thoughts
Now this was a total waste of time. I’ll save you the bother of reading till the end and tell you now that I won’t be continuing the series. I'm suspecting that the author lost her touch somehow. Or it's just me having high expectations again, which is not a first.

I don’t really care about Merit’s relationship with Ethan anymore. I want a good story not a bunch of filler romance. And that’s where my problem lies. The good story. I used to think that the whole evil witch thing was not nice. And now we get fallen angels.

They're twin brothers? One good one evil?

Merit and Ethan’s relationship weakened dreadfully. I don’t feel the passion between them; I am not interested in them getting together even. Which is obviously going to happen, the unwritten love triangle rule is that the choice always is the emo character. Dark, broody, misunderstood. Has to happen.

Mallory’s redemption was also pure filler, the sole purpose of this was to bring Ethan back. She served it and now she’ll get back to normal. Mark my words.

I was going to give it two stars but the twin-Tates incident is why I’m removing one star from my rating. The absurdity stupidity of it is too high to be forgiven.

A short conclusion
Biting Cold is full of tasteless romance and the story is not good enough to make up for all the other weak points. Which are far too many. I can’t begin to express how disappointed I am. I was hoping to give Chicagoland Vampires a second chance but Biting Cold sealed the deal. I won’t be continuing the series anymore.
Profile Image for Dija.
413 reviews225 followers
September 23, 2012
My spoiler-free, general train of thought while reading Biting Cold:

Oooh, sexy times commence!...Damn, that's horrible...I hate Mallory...Yay, they're finally getting it on!...Wait, what?...Please no more love triangles!...Oh, phew, false alert....EXCUSE ME, YOU DID NOT JUST GO THERE, ETHAN!!!...I'mma DNF it...Never mind, go, Merit!...Wow, this is so interesting...Maybe I'll finish it after all...Ugh, how predictable...But wait, that was awesome!...Best ending ever!

The slightly longer version:

The main problem I had for about 60% of the book, and the reason I came this close to dropping the series altogether, was Ethan being a coward and a jerkface again, despite all that he and Merit have gone through. I HATE him. Not "strongly dislike" him, hate him with a seething passion because he's just that big of an asshole. I've never really liked him (except for a short while at the end of Hard Bitten) but now I'm sure I hate him.

Merit is another character I've never gotten the appeal of. She's always come across as unrelatable and cold to me, but ironically, it's Biting Cold that has made me finally like her. I'm not entirely sure why, and maybe it's simply because I was spending so much energy on hating Ethan that I just didn't have any left over for hating Merit, but I genuinely care for her now.

Of course, that only goes so far. I still hate how she was lusting after Ethan for the entire book, when she really should've dumped him as soon as he started sprouting all that crap about why he couldn't be with her. I mean, really, what the hell does she even see in the guy except for a perfectly chiseled face and bod?! He's been an absolute jerk to her since the very beginning even after all she's sacrificed for him, and on top of that, it's not like she doesn't have any other options (*coughJonahcough*)! She's blind to all that, however, and still chases after Ethan like he's her freakin' puppeteer or something. GAHH!!!

So. Why did I finish this book? No, it's not because I'm a masochist (I don't think...). It's because I really, really enjoyed the plot. It says a lot about Neill's writing style (and my masochism...) that I've managed to stick to this series for so long, even after hating more than half of it. And even when I'd firmly convinced myself that this'd be the absolute LAST chance I was giving this series, I still managed to finish it, and now I'm actually excited about reading on.

Believe me, I'm just as surprised as the rest of you.

Favorite passage:
“That’s tough. Anything I can do?”
“Just stay in play as my backup.”
I nearly swerved the car off the road. “I’m sorry—your backup?”
“You know, in case it doesn’t work out with Fallon.”
“And what about Ethan?”
Jeff chuckled. “I just figured he was your backup for me.”

*Buddy read with Anzu. You can read her review here.*

For more reviews, visit my blog:
Profile Image for Adi (Reading in the Windowseat).
379 reviews162 followers
September 6, 2012
Ethan leaned in, his lips at my ear. “Irresistible force,” he said. “Immovable object. Choose the one you want to be, and do it. You are a vampire of great power, Merit. Prove it to us, to the city of Chicago, to the Houses. Prove it now.”

Expected something a bit different, but still enjoyed what I got immensely =)
Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
596 reviews35.1k followers
October 4, 2017
Okay, since this was already the sixth book I decided to keep my review short and simple!

Do not read this review if you haven’t read the other books! If you do you’ll be hopelessly spoiled! *lol* Don’t say I didn’t warn you!!! ;-P

What I liked:
- That Merit is so self-confident and kick-ass! *lol*
- Jeff’s cheekiness! That boy is my personal superhero!!! I love the nerds!! And that moment when Merit drove in the car? Priceless!

- Ethan’s pep talk!!! It was so necessary and I was so proud of him!!!
- Ethan’s character development at the end of the book!
- Malik!!! I adore that vampire!!! He truly is “a master among men”!!! <333
”Not pressure to win,” he said. “Pressure to try. Pressure to push through pain and fear and to do the thing even if you don’t want to do it. He did not trust you with this task because you guarantee him a victory; he trusts you with this task because he believes you will give everything you have to the effort. It is the heart, Merit, not the sword, that rules the day.

What I didn���t like:
- How the entire Mallory situation was handled!
- Ethan’s stupidity!!
- The representation of the order!
- The simple fact that Catcher had to suffer so much! I like Catcher! I don’t want him to suffer!!! T_T
- The Tate trouble!

This time the book just gets 3 stars from me! There were so many things that I didn’t like, I just can’t give it another rating. I’m sorry Chloe Neill! I really hope the next book will be better again! =)
Profile Image for angela .
785 reviews158 followers
May 23, 2020
All of the superb books in this series too this point have been full of action, but this one is particularly action packed. Ethan and Merit have had a very difficult time getting a relationship going and continuing between them, in this book you find out what direction it is going to take. Merit certainly has he choice of suitors and has a connection with Jonnas, he once partnering crime. She also has a secret she’s keeping from Ethan that concerns Jonnas. Way to much happens in this book to go over everything, so enjoy discovering all this books secrets for yourself.
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
October 3, 2012
But I'm rating it with 2 because I'm just so sick of being disappointed by this series...

First, because the book was so damn SLOW! 80% of the book was about nothing at all. Pages and pages of what? NOTHING! just nothing important or at least not predictable. I guess I was really hopping for a master piece, I just think I -we- deserved it after the HUGE FIASCO of the previous 2 books. And while I just know we deserved a lot more than what we got, the first 80% of the book has a feeling of a chapter to it, not a real book. I think the author is trying to prolong something that should have never been prolonged. The first 3 books were so amazing! why did it have to come to this?

Haven't we suffered enough already? I really thought this was gonna be the book that would give us finally what WE ALL HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR! Was it too much to ask for a little bit more romance? I mean, the guy died and we freaking suffered like crazy. Aren't we entitled as good-little readers to some fine heart-bursting scenes between him and Merit? 80% of the book was read and they were freaking staying apart from each other because he was scared to hurt her? Are you f*cking kidding me? Haven't we gone through this already in the previous 5 installments? It's really getting old.
And then all rushed and in the mix of battle and hard times we are given a little Merit-Ethan time in the last 15% of the book, as if I would ever be happy with that. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!. Why would I ever be happy with such lazy leftover? Is it too much to ask a book with some real good Merit-Ethan quality time on it? Come on. And what little we got just felt so surreal, they just go from nothing to everything from one moment to the next. I don't know, I was hoping for something much better from this author.

The twist in some of the characters reality. With some characters, I specifically mean Mallory and Seth. I came to completely hate them both because of the previous books, it's not my fault because the author made me feel that way about them. And in this installment they both become hero and heroine of the night... SERIOUSLY? Even after that, why would I care for them? They made things that won't be forgiven, they killed and almost destroyed everything we came to care about in this series. So why would we be happy with them becoming good people again? And both of them at the same time? WTF? Just too freaking unbelievable. Still, the results were not bad. I'm happy to see Mallory trying to redeem herself but everything could have been treated differently, slower. She went from being the being everybody feared and loathed to a captured scared girl who ended up cleaning dishes to earn forgiveness. SIGH* I guess the idea wasn't bad, just poorly developed. And Seth? I didn't care for him at all, neither did I once he becomes the good guy who saves them all.

I'm just SO SAD for feeling this way about this book because I really used to ADORE this series. I remember being so excited every time a book in it came out. I will still be reading next book because I still care for the characters in this series and I really need to get some Ethan-Merit time and see how they finally work together as a couple. Better they do just fine or I'm freaking quitting this series after next book, though.
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,104 followers
March 3, 2013

3 1/2 Stars!! Enjoyable enough, but I almost had to jump in the book and smack Ethan upside the head!! Jeez this is getting old!!

For the most part, we got a pretty good story, as the Mallory debacle resolves itself, she has a way to go though! Thank God for Gabriel and the shifters, I love their brand of justice and they breathed some life into this series. Overall, I was invested in the plot, and for the most part, it was original and exciting. However, I would think that the Merit and Ethan reunion would have packed more punch, and came to light a little sooner considering...HE CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD!! I would have been all over him, and he should have been all over Merit...YOU WOULD THINK!! A joyous, sweaty, heated coupling! BUT NO...Ethan has to over think everything!! You say Merit is yours, then show her already! She's a vampire who can kick your ass, I don't think you will hurt her! I say grab Jonah and run Merit! I love Ethan, but the man needs a good smack on the head with a hammer!

Done venting...phew! Okay, on to the next, and it better be good.

Profile Image for Ain020596.
133 reviews
Want to read
February 25, 2012

Oh Ethan, come baaaaack!!!
Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,103 reviews454 followers
March 1, 2023
Older readers may remember a certain potato chip ad featuring Mark Messier angrily biting crispy chips. The tag line: Bet you can't eat just one. That's how I feel about this series. But I have a stack of library books telling me I need to end this chip binge and read other things. But I'll be back, Ms. Neill, to see what Merit and Ethan get up to next. Of that you can be sure.
Profile Image for Kt.
798 reviews168 followers
August 3, 2012
Review originally posted on my blog: A Book Obsession..

(Note: If you did not read Drink Deep, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT read this review or you will be horribly spoiled.)

The universe should have given Merit at least a small break for a happy reunion after certain someone's miraculous return. But that just isn't in the cards as her somewhat former best friend's turn to the dark side stands in the way. Mallory is determined to steal a something that would unleash all evil unto the world, and Merit has the best chance at stopping her. It becomes a wild goose chase across the country in a fight that she must win at all costs. But Mallory isn't the only problem as someone else wants the book too, and he makes Mallory's powers look like parlor tricks. Merit is in for the fight of her life.

I was utterly crushed by the events of Hard Bitten. Losing Ethan was simply horrible. I was every bit a shambled mess as Merit was, right up until the very end of Drink Deep when the awaited miracle happens. Now in Biting Cold, I had expected Ethan and Merit to be head over heels for each other and all the issues and insecurities between them to be a thing of the past. So, when they weren't I couldn't help being a little disappointed. Of course once I took a step back I realized that even death wouldn't have been some miracle cure for the issues between them. Granted, it definitely was a major wake up call for Merit, but that doesn't mean she would be able to be happy with the constant indecision Ethan finds himself in when it comes to her. There is a whole lot of healing that needs to happen first, along with a good deal of change, but it seems like they are finally taking a step in the right direction. Only time will tell, as there have been so many false starts, I am almost afraid to believe this one will stick, but I have more hope this time around than I ever did before.

It really is amazing how much Merit has grown from the start of the series. She has truly come into her own, both as a Woman and a powerful Vampire. As much as I do not want to admit it, I think the issues between her and Ethan as well as his death forced the most growth upon her. As much as he strengthened Merit and helped her become who she is, a part of her was still held back by her reliance on him. Once that tie was severed, she was able to become the Vampire she was meant to be, with the confidence to back it up. In fact it puts her on more of an equal footing with Ethan, now that he is her support rather than a crutch. Here's a swoon worthy quote:

Ethan leaned in, his lips at my ear. “Irresistible force,” he said. “Immovable object. Choose the one you want to be, and do it. You are a vampire of great power, Merit. Prove it to us, to the city of Chicago, to the Houses. Prove it now.”

And prove it she does. I personally don't think Cadogan House could possibly have a better Sentinel, and I'm just glad to see that Merit is finally realizing her true worth.

I'm really impressed with the way Chloe Neill handled everything that went on in Biting Cold. There were a whole lot of events happening that should have been overwhelming, but were all seamlessly blended together to form a incredibly exciting book. After the massive shakeup of Hard Bitten, I was worried that this series was on its way out, but after reading Drink Deep and especially Biting Cold, Chloe Neill has proven that the Chicagoland Vampires are here to stay. Biting Cold is one exhilarating ride from start to finish that you won't want to miss!

Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
February 3, 2018
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Ethan and Gabriel; love*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Re-read: 03.02.2018
Not a bad re-read. I mean, compare to my re-read of the previous books in the series, this one was better than all of them expect book one. Ethan and Merit is finally getting closer, and Merit is just getting stronger. I adore them together. I love Ethan's possessiveness and I adore his love for Merit. Let's continue the re-read then. Sad though, that this one used to be one of my favorite books... :/
“You are mine, Merit.”
I smiled and put a hand on his face, running my thumb along the soft bow of his lips. “I am yours until you ban bacon, or otherwise as long as I can put up with you.”

The characters:
Caroline ‘Merit’ ‘Mer’ Merit (becomes vampire at 27, but is 28 in years), Sentinel of the Cadogan House.
Ethan ‘Liege’ ‘Darth Sullivan’ Sullivan (394, though became a vampire at 30), master of the Cadogan House —> back from the dead.
Mallory ‘Mal’ Delancey Carmichael, Merit's bestfriend and a fourth-class sorcerer, a master of the First Key; power.
Charles ‘Chuck’ Merit, Merit's grandfather is the Ombudsman; a ‘liaison’ between the regulars and the sups.
— Chuck's team:
↳ ∘ his secretary, Marjorie (50),
↳ ∘ the computer prodigy and a shape-shifter, Jeffrey ‘Jeff’ Christopher (21),
↳ ∘ a fourth-class sorcerer and a master of the Second Key; weapons, Catcher Bell (29).
↳ ∘ and there's also a Housed vampire who works for him that not even his colleagues knows about.
Joshua Merit, Merit's dad sucky dad.
— guard of the Cadogan House, Lindsey (115) and who is also a psychic, and a good friend to Merit.
Lucas ‘Luc’, the Captain of the Cadogan House guards, now House Second.
Malik Washington, Second, House Cadogan, now Master of Cadogan House, until Ethan takes back leadership.
Morgan Greer, Master of Navarre House, (72, though looks 28) Merit's sorta ex and a weak man.
Gabriel ‘Gabe’ Keene, Apex of the Central North American, Jeff's pack leader (love him).
Darius West, head of the Greenwich Presidium and a total dick.
Seth Tate (36), former mayor of Chicago and a fucker. A part of him, that is; His twin brother Dominic was evil and lived inside of him. Seth is technically good. He's .
Scott Grey, Master of Grey House.
Noah Beck, the leader of Chicago’s independent vampires and a Red Guard ‘RG’ (a vampire Secret Service, of sorts).
Jonah, the Guard Captain, Grey House and a Red Guard, has a crush on Merit.
Franklin Theodore Cabot, was the appointed receiver of Cadogan House (Darius West, head of the GP, had decided he didn’t like the way the House was run, “Frank” had been sent to Chicago to inspect and evaluate the House). He sucked big time.
Ahem... long quote;
“We all have days when we feel small. Really small. Completely inadequate, but saddled with all this responsibility. I have to keep my House safe, my city from destroying it. I have to do right by Ethan and the rest of my vampires. I have to fight battles against people who shouldn’t be my enemies—especially when there are already plenty of enemies to go around. There are days when I would love to pull the cover over my head and say to hell with it.
“But I don’t do that. And most people don’t do that. Most people get up and do their jobs and work their asses off for no reward at all—but just so they can get up the next day and do the whole thing over again. The world isn’t perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindrance. Or you can decide the rules are too tough and they shouldn’t apply to you, and you can ignore them and make things harder for everybody else. Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway. Sometimes it’s about being hurt and doing things anyway. The point isn’t perfection. The point is doing it anyway.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy.
Series: - Series, Book Six.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Ethan ‘Liege’ ‘Darth Sullivan’ Sullivan.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yes.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Yes.
Will I read this again in the future? - Yes?
New Rating - 3.5 stars.

First read review:
Love having Ethan back. I remember being so damn shocked when he died. This is definitely going on my ‘favorite’ shelf.
5 stars!
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
March 13, 2015
There might be some spoilers here…I’ll try not to give too much away if I can!!
After missing Ethan Sullivan, Cadogan House”s master vampire in Drink Deep, I let out a happy sigh!!!!...when he was brought back from life…or ashes!!!! He’s back and he’s just as cool, calm and controlling. And still as gorgeous!!
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Merit has come to terms with being a vampire and taking control of her new life. I liked seeing that.
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She’s strong, loyal and not afraid to take risks…..she trusts herself!!!
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Ethan & Merit go on a trip to look for Malefacium, the very dangerous book of dark evil magic that if in the wrong hands can cause an apocalypse of note!!!!

Vampires, trolls, shape shifters, gnomes, fairies, archangels, fallen angels!!! The urban fantasy world that the author created has shown an increase in the supernaturals living in our world.
There are so many supernaturals running around that at times I lose track of who was what!!

This was not a bad book but there were some things that irritated me to no end.

Ethan’s behavior towards Merit…yes, no….I want you…I don’t want you…it’s been like a seesaw ride most of the time. But now he takes it to another level that is just beyond believable!!!
One of the side-effects being brought back to life by Mallory, Merit’s friend, is that he has a connection to her….so when Mallory is angry or being snarky, Ethan feels it too….and when he grabs Merit and bruises her arm…what does he do???? Oh no my darling….I feel a lot for you….but we can’t continue our relationship because I may hurt you without meaning too!!!!! Listen up Ethan….
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What…does he think Merit can take care of herself??? Like she’s this little girl who needs protection!!!
Open your eyes, Ethan….Merit is not taking any more emotional crap from you!!! That’s right!!!
[image error]
It’s becoming a bit of a drag their up and down love story!!!!! Make up your minds guys!!!!

Another peeve…..one thing happens and ends and then another comes up!!!! All the build-up to something and then it’s resolved immediately. The evil book is found and lost very quickly. A dark fallen angel appears and pretty soon is .

I had this idea that the whole GP drama would lead to something more sinister or underhand!!!!

I do enjoy the other side of vampire life that the author has written….it’s not just drinking blood but they really love food….and drinks!!!! Makes them a bit more human in some way.
There are some really interesting characters but I don’t find myself engaging with them totally. The character development doesn’t seem to happen for me.

I am still sitting on the fence about this series. It’s not one of my favorite paranormal series at this moment and I keep telling myself that I am not going to read another book…but in some way I can’t stop myself …..I kind of want to know what happens next in Merit’s world.!

So I guess I’m onto book #7 next!!!!
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,476 followers
July 29, 2015
Ethan was back again: tall, blond, fanged, and handsome...

true blood eric photo: true blood eric CAY9BXF7CASUSVZWCAXP250ICA15OFCBCAG.jpg
Yay! I get to bring back an Eric/True Blood gif!

So, I admit that I almost skipped all of book 5, following the advice of almost everyone who read it. I skimmed it - I got it - I agreed. I'm not a big fan of those "filler books" in series. Everything that the person goes through means basically nothing because the horrible thing that happened to cause it gets erased.

I'm glad he's back, though. Just maybe, don't kill people off in books if you don't plan on them staying dead. Is that really so much to ask?

And, of course, since Merit and Ethan have had sufficient time to realize their deep love for each other, they obviously get back together, get married, and live happily ever after, right? Uh, yeah, about that...

You know the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" ? Well, Merit is a big ol' fool! Cause she lets Ethan give her the old "it's not you, it's me" speech again!! Seriously? Again?

really dude really photo: tumblr_lj50tz41Lz1qeolcio1_500.gif
someone needs to kill him again...

And, what does Merit do? Oh, basically she does the same exact thing she did last time: continue treating him as her closest bestie ever and angst away about getting him back. Ugh!

Here's what I say: "You can't make up your mind on whether or not we should be together? Let me help you with that decision, Captain Douchebag!"

dumpsville photo: dumpsville automotivator22.jpg
Enjoy your stay, Liege!

Another thing that is super annoying in this book is that our little Merit has gotten extremely preachy. She is constantly telling everyone what they need to be doing, why, and how she is the protector of all of Chicago. There is monologue after monologue with her philosophizing about right and wrong, good vs evil, and how she alone is the one who will right all of the wrongs that have been done. It got pretty old - very quickly. Frankly, and no offense to anyone or anything, I would think that people who have lived hundreds of years don't need a lot of life-coaching from a 28 year old. She needs to come down a few pegs.

So, obviously, this was not my favorite book in the series. The whole storyline was just cleaning up the mess from the last book, and vampire politics. Boring. The love story was frustrating until the very end. It was not that great.

Will I continue on with the series?....I think I will give it one more book to turn around.....
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,365 reviews1,192 followers
March 19, 2015
Merit has to contend with her best friend Mallory in this story. Contrary to most others, I've never been a Mallory fan and predicted the path she's chosen. Their showdown was interesting but I was disappointed in the outcome.

One of the most compelling aspects of this story involved the former mayor, Seth Tate. A mythological element was introduced, which made things much more interesting.

Unfortunately, one of the more tiring devices of this series involves Ethan finding, yet again, one more reason to distance himself from Merit. I'm hoping this is the last time we see this used. It's old, unrealistic and unworthy of the characters.

Major kudos for the change in narrators to Sophie Eastlake. I thought her performance wonderful. I now can distinguish the characters, dialogue and story shifts.

Much was resolved in this story and I'm hoping this signals a sharp pivot in the plot direction, especially after the explosive ending. I enjoyed this story more than most to date.
November 13, 2014
By far my favorite in the series to date. It has a mix of everything that has made me fall in love with Ethan and Merit and their world, thus far:


My keyboard must have stopped working for a second...hmm


I loved this. I have fifty-million quotes highlighted (Yes, LITERALLY fifty million, shut up) but this is a non-review. And I think the fact that I am STILL reading this series and it has kept my attention this long speaks for itself. I get bored so so easily! I am obsessed, entranced, unable to stop thinking about it....and it has become a problem.

Me every time I pick up one of these books:
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Oh what the Hell, maybe just ONE widdle quote:

His gaze went fierce, and he lifted my chin with his finger and his thumb. "I know you love her. I have no doubt of it. But if it comes down to a choice between you and her, my choice is already made."
"No," he said, crystalline green eyes boring into me. "You are my choice. I told you before-you are mine, by blood and bone. I won't let her come between that, no matter how sick she is."

Aaaaaaahhhhh mah gaaaahd, Ethan....okay, just one more...whoops

I looked at Ethan and smiled a little.
"I love you," he mouthed.
"I love you, too," I mouthed back.

Okay. That last one was just for me-no one gets how big, how monumental that is. Muahaha. Okay, I'm doooone. ♥
April 5, 2017

So surprise, surprise but I actually liked this one.

I also found a perfect song to fit Ethan.

The song says absolutely everything that I thought about Ethan, practically word to word.

And though I liked this one better. I think I can safely drop the series here and not have any regrets. The end in this one gave me enough closure that I can easily move on to books that I'd much rather read.

To summarize my time so far reading this series, I must say it wasn't ridiculously disappointing but at the same time, I also find that spending any more time on it will really be a waste.

Bye-Bye Merit and Ethan.
It was good while it lasted.
Profile Image for The Flooze.
763 reviews279 followers
August 11, 2012
*2.5 to 3 stars*

Dearest Inquisitive Reader:

If you haven’t yet read the previous book in the series, Drink Deep, I bid thee SHOO. Go on now, nothing to see here. Clear off.

The Flooze

Noooowww, to those of you who are left:

Drink Deep wasn’t stellar. I found it rife with pacing issues. I despaired at Merit’s choice of companions. I failed to be impressed at her investigatory skills. I thought the wrap-up was, well, a tad boring. In my review, I made the claim that Biting Cold might make or break my fanhood.

So what’s the verdict? Sigh.

Merit is likable. Heck, even other supes find themselves trusting her. She takes her self-appointed role of Diplomat Between the Races seriously, hoping to forge alliances and better everyone’s standing in an uneasy world. She’s also kick-ass with a katana.

But too often, she loses sight of the Big Picture. Though her emotional, empathetic leanings are what make her open to playing diplomat, these same qualities hindered her at a few key moments. Hindered her to the point that I wanted to smack her upside the head, because her emotions create convenient opportunities for the villain to gain the upper hand.

Example one: Early in the book, Merit has the chance to grab an item and put a halt to the evil-doing. She wastes this opening, instead taking a time-out to check on the people around her. She gives the bad guys valuable seconds to re-group, and by doing so puts everyone at further risk.

Example two: Imminent danger! Innocents will die! Must. Save. Everyone! But, oh, this nice police officer wants to know why I have a sword in public so I will spend four pages pleading with him to let me and my righteous weapon mosey along and fight the good fight. Um. She has vampiric speed. And strength. I understand she doesn’t want to hurt the boys in blue, but there are bigger things at stake here. Again, a waste of valuable time. Tell Mr. Officer sorry and do what needs to be done.

Example three: Fighting Big Bad! Everyone’s survival depends on me! So when the villain is down and out for a hot second, of course I’m going to use those precious moments to finish him off with a slash and a cry! Roar! Except, uh, no. No, I’m not. Apparently I’m going to use that moment to dash off to the sidelines and check on my darling lover. Because giving the dark forces time to recuperate will work out just fine for everyone.

My views might seem a bit heartless. Of course I expect her to be worried. Of course I expect her to want to check on her loved ones. But you don’t do that while they’re all still in danger. You eliminate the threat first. You administer aid and kisses after.

This is especially irksome since these three incidents embody the totality of the book’s action scenes. The rest of the plot suffers from the same lack of momentum as Drink Deep. In one section, Merit spends an inordinate amount of time in the house, bouncing between Ethan’s office, the Ops room, Ethan’s apartment, the kitchen, and finally returning to Ops again. Yes, she goes on field trips and finds out Important Things, but my overall impression was that she hardly needed to leave the Cadogan mansion at all. The action and answers would come to her door eventually, so why not sit back with some cheese fries and a blood juice box and let it.

Speaking of cheese fries: I know a girl’s gotta eat, and I appreciate knowing that Merit can throw down with the grease-lovin’ best of us. But do I need to be privy to every morsel she inhales? Freakin’ book made me hungry.

Back to the idea of never needing to leave the house. Merit’s miserable at piecing things together. She makes no hypotheses as to the nature of the Big Bad even though she’s handed some rather nice clues. She doesn’t research very well either, ignoring - again - an obvious in-house resource: The Librarian. And he’s rightfully bitter and condescending about it, too.
The librarian rolled his eyes and walked down the row. “Sometimes I wonder why you don’t just ask me the questions in the first place.”
Don’t we all, librarian. Don’t. We. All. Next time can we have him solve everything, with Merit just dispatched when it’s time to kill things or make nice? Hmmn…

Which brings me to the other folks in Merit’s life. Mallory: still don’t like her. Have no interest in seeing her redeemed because even early on I didn’t think she was the greatest friend to Merit. She deserves to be cut off. Catcher: a pain in the ass. He’s rude and abrupt and that chip on his shoulder is weighing me down. There comes a point when I can no longer focus on a person’s good intentions because their day-to-day behaviour is so profoundly negative as to make them unbearable. Gabe: solid and sensible. I need more of this man, who cares for others and supports them but has no desire to sugarcoat and coddle.

And finally, Ethan: infuriating. I want to shake him. Perhaps it’s due to me dealing with a similar man in my own life, one who needs to feel in control, who hates every hint of vulnerability so he’ll push away those he needs most at precisely the moments he needs them. It’s not a sign of strength. It’s a mark of weakness. And it only makes Merit behave in understandably crazy and confused ways. It’s not Ethan’s love for Merit that creates issues with his authority. It’s his inability to accept that love and incorporate it into his life that creates a detrimental lack of self-control. Argh. So, yeah. There’s a lot of relationship wah wah wahhing. Will the couple be able to weather another stressful situation, remaining together not just after but through it? We’ll have to wait and see. (Personally, I’m not liking the odds.)

The book ends with a focus on vamp politics. I know I should care about this. I know it’s been a thread throughout the series. But while I understand and appreciate the role of houses within Chicago, I’m hard-pressed to give a damn about the GP and their influence. I can’t recall any of the positives of the organization, so their displeasure with Cadogan doesn’t strike any fear in me. They seem to be playing at disappointed father, but when daddy dearest hasn’t been the one to feed, clothe, and nurture you all along, when the only clear thing you remember is that he released a Big Bad (Celina) and gave it the chance to kill you…well, daddy’s disappointment and threats don’t mean very much. Not to this reader at least.

Will I keep reading? I don’t know. In a year’s time, much of my aggravation will merely be words on a page - just as it was with Drink Deep. I don’t hate Merit. I don’t love her either. I feel very little attachment to these characters. They are like acquaintances I meet on the street, and I harbour a passing interest in how they are faring. When the next installment hits the shelves, I may see it and think, “Yes, let’s catch up. I hope things are better for you.” Or I may take a glance and say, “Still fighting the good fight. Good luck,” and quietly walk on by.
Profile Image for Meredith Barrons.
121 reviews48 followers
August 10, 2012
SO much better than the last book! A lot of Ethan and Merit time in this one which is what we needed. It was frustrating waiting for the reunion that I wanted between them. I don't want to share what happens but I still think Mallory got off too easy for what she did. We only saw Jonah for a second in this one and I wanted more of him! Hopefully in the next book? It will be interesting to see where the Cadogan vampires go from here!
Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,017 reviews1,921 followers
July 28, 2012
4.5 stars.

Chloe Neill sure knows how to breathe life back into a series. I am relieved to say that Chicagoland Vampires is back on track and that Biting Cold is just as good as the first three books.

The main plot continues from the previous book. Ethan and Merit are leaving Chicago to hunt down the person who wants to steal a very powerful book, the Maleficium, and unleash the evil magic imprisoned within. They are both personally invested and unsure whether they could, or even should, hurt this individual if it comes to that. Things get even more complicated once they realize that there are far more dangerous creatures trying to find the book. It doesn't help that at home, the vampire government is threatening to forever change the Cadogan House.

For six books now, Ethan and Merit have been dancing their exhausting will-we-or-won’t-we dance, and I’m relieved to say that we finally get some answers in Biting Cold. There were hints (just hints, mind you) of a love triangle in the previous book, but I guess Chloe Neill really listens to her fans because she removed it quickly and thoroughly in Biting Cold. Merit is not the same person she was when Ethan changed her into a vampire, but neither is he, and they are, in a way, forced to rediscover each other and find out whether they can function together. When they started their relationship, Merit was not just Ethan’s subordinate, but also inferior to him in terms of wisdom, patience and experience. In Biting Cold, however, the balance of power shifts and these two finally become equals, which makes negotiating the terms of their relationship even more interesting.

As Ethan himself pointed out, Merit has grown in the year since she became a vampire. She became comfortable in her own skin and her role as a Sentinel. She is strong, confident, and not afraid to show her emotions. Rarely is an urban fantasy heroine so easy to relate to: walking alongside her as she experiences love, loss, rejection, triumph or just a quiet evening with friends is a true priviledge.

And where does one even begin to describe the delectable Ethan Sullivan? Tall, blond and stubborn? That’s one way to put it. Perfect on the outside, almost perfect on the inside, poor sense of timing? Defintiely. It’s best not to think about him too hard, though, or I might end up in a funny farm just because guys… ummm, vampires like him don’t really exist.

Those of you who have yet to discover this series can enter to win a copy of the first book, Some Girls Bite, at The Nocturnal Library. Trust me, even if you’re not a hard core urban fantasy fan like yours truly, you will enjoy meeting these characters and spending time in their version of Chicago. The giveaway is US only this time, I’m afraid. Sorry, international friends and readers, I’ll definitely be having another international giveaway soon.

Profile Image for mrsj.
345 reviews11 followers
August 16, 2012
It is just ok for me.

Nothing exciting, nothing interesting.
A little boring.
Very frustrating relationship.

What I like is that forgiveness does not come easy for Mallory for what she did.
The whole magic itch? I still don't get it.
She just changed over one book. That is so weird .

As for Tate?
Ok.. so we know who you are and why you are behaving so badly.
That showdown and the redemption? *yawn*

I will wait for you to screw up in the next book or what.
I can't forgive you. Seriously.

Merit? I like that you had slammed the door.
But please, do you think he is the one?
I no longer felt any sparks between the two of you and it is just so tiring to see how shitty he had treated you and you are still trying so hard to get him to accept the relationship.
In my opinion, if it's so hard to convince or work hard for... it is not worth the effort.
Move on already!

Will I read the next book?
Probably.. maybe..
Who knows?
Profile Image for Kathi.
752 reviews18 followers
May 27, 2022
"Eiskalte Bisse" ist der 6. Band der "Chicagoland Vampires" Reihe von Autorin Chloe Neill. Für mich war das ein Reread in Hörbuchform.

Das Buch ist actionreich und spannend. Auch beim Reread kam keinerlei Langeweile auf. Jonah vermisse ich allerdings ein bisschen in diesem Band. Es ist schade, dass er nun vermutlich nur noch eine ganz kleine Nebenrolle spielen wird. Ich mag seinen Charakter. Generell würde ich bei der Reihe gerne über alle Nebencharaktere mehr lesen. Sie sind richtig vielschichtig und interessant.

Von mir bekommt dieser Band wieder 5 Sterne. Ich kann euch diese Reihe wirklich nur ans Herz legen. Die Mischung aus Spannung und Romantik ist hier wirklich gut gelungen!

Hier folgen noch einige Infos zum Hörbuch:
12 Stunden und 26 Minuten / Ungekürzte Ausgabe
Sprecherin: Elena Wilms
Ich würde der Sprecherin 4,5 - 5 Sterne geben.
Verlag: Audible Studios
Profile Image for MISS VAIN.
200 reviews493 followers
August 6, 2012
For now, with his emerald eyes licked on mine, where I was going didn’t seem so scary.

Biting Cold begins immediately after Deep Drink, with an action packed beginning with Ethan and Merritt on a road trip to Nebraska. Yes Ethan is back!!! Yay! I’ll admit I was a bit apprehensive going into Biting Cold after the events of Deep Drink because I was fearful as to who or what exactly we were getting back, when we discovered a once dead now alive Ethan. Had he been a zombie I would have died. Luckily, he’s resilient, and once I began reading I was eager to explore this newly alive Ethan and while I was anxious I was so excited with the Ethan Chloe Neill spoiled us with in Biting Cold.

“You are a universe,” he reverentially whispered, and then his game began. A game of pushing me to the brink, of building the anticipation…..and leaving me stranded in the midst of it.

With Ethan and Merit in a race across the midwest in an attempt to stop Mallory who is determined to release the evil lurking inside the Maleficium book. I was excited to learn that Ethan and Merritt on a road trip means lots of alone time and hopefully some sexy time. Okay well, the sexy time was more like overwhelmingly sexual tension, because anyone that’s familiar with the Chicagoland Vampires Novels knows that Ethan and Merit always carry the weight of the supernatural world on their shoulders. Enter Tate, who becomes and early obstacle in Biting Cold, yet he brings excitement, and turmoil to the plot that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Mallory Carmichael, once Merits best friend that has unleashed horrific evil into Chicago for her own selfish desires yet, she is the reason that we have Ethan back. I’ll be honest most people will probably still hate Mallory after this book, and while I once loved her she is now meh to me but I also am grateful to her for being such a selfish and vindictive sorcerer that we now have our beloved Ethan back for good.

She and Seth were a pair right now. Both facing guilt and the Spector of never being able to atone for what they’d done, both suffering because of a book intended-ironically-to make life better for everyone. The moral of the story? Don’t F-*k with the magical order.

Mallory is still obsessed with possessing this evil book of Maleficum, but move over Mallory because Seth Tate is going to give her a run for her money in irrational evil at the cost of destroying Chicago and those they love. Since her escape from the prison cell guarded by The Order she has been on a journey to possess evil and destroy anyone in her path to obtain it.

“I will fight him.” We all looked at Ethan. ”I owe him one,” he said. But before I could object, he held up a hand. “I know the arguments you will make, Sentinel, and while I’m sure you would have made them well, this fight is mine. There will be no discussion. There will be no debate.” His eyes narrowed. “He has brought this battle on himself, and I mean to see it through.”

Biting Cold has a contender for main character and that would be Seth Tate. He has deviant method operandus and that will leave you guessing the entire book and that agenda wont unravel until the end, so that’s definitely something to look forward to. It’s shocking! He’s actually a new favorite character of mine because I saw a vulnerable side of him that he has yet to show in the first five installments of the series. We FINALLY discover what kind of supernatural creature Seth Tate is hiding under his disguise of an honest human being (which he has proven he’s neither) and while I didn’t see it coming, I was pleased with the outcome and applaud Chloe Neill for her creativity of introducing another supernatural species into the Chicagoland Vampire world. I have a feeling that Tate will play a much more prolific role in the upcoming novel House Rules due out early next year, and that’s most definitely something to look forward to.

“You tell me Sentinel. You tell me about the man Ethan has become. He was raised from the dead by a witch who wanted to control him, to make him a thing to be used in the effectuation of her magic. That woman would destroy the world if allowed to do so. Can you tell me, with one hundred percent certainty, that Ethan bears no scars from his experience with her? That he is one hundred percent free of her influence.”

The Greenwich Presidium is still stirring up trouble amongst the vampires of Cadogan House and as Sentinel it’s Merits job to protect the house from all danger including danger caused by the Greenwich Presidium which is unfortunate considering they should be protecting the Cadogan House from outside threats not themselves.  This harassment at the hands of Darius from the Greenwich Presidium is relentless against the Cadogan House and the honor they represent. If the Darius succeeds then the Cadogen House will have no other choice but to become estranged from the Greenwich Presidium therefore declaring themselves as enemies and that would disastrous.

“We all have days when we feel small. Really small. Completely inadequate, but saddled with all this responsibility. I have to keep my house safe, my city from destroying it. I have to do right by Ethan and the rest of my vampires. I have to fight battles against people who shouldn’t be my enemies–especially when there are already plenty of enemies to go around. There are days when I would love to pull the cover over my head and say to hell with it. But I don’t!”

Each installment we get to watch Merit develop into the courageous vampire and powerful Sentinel she has become and Biting Cold is no exception to that rule. She incredibly powerful yet, strong and she takes her role as Sentinel seriously when she has to become the anchor of strength in she and Ethan’s relationship when an unfortunate (yet minor in my opinion thing) occurs causing Ethan to overreact out of fear for Merits safety. He puts a wall up and and Merit is left no other choice but to admire his attempt to protect her and show him just how strong and powerful she truly is. I’ll admit I was frustrated with this change of plot yet, I was tickled giddy with all the ways that Merit demonstrates to Ethan just “how” little she is in need of protection from him or anyone for that matter. She has grown immensely from the naive young made Vampire we met in Some Girls Bite, or even Deep Drink. Clearly it’s obvious that Merit didn’t just sit around and mourn the loss of her lover and maker she become fearless, and independent and remarkably resilient. I found her courage to be a breath of fresh air and a force to be reckoned with.

For a long moment I held his gaze. I thought about how far I’d come and where we might be going next. I thought about Ethan and the life he was intent on giving me, even if that life existed in the midst of a new kind of chaos. A new reality for Cadogan House and it’s vampires.

I was fascinated by how easily Chloe Neill manipulated so many diverse plots throughout the entire book keeping me guessing, and eager to read quicker to discover all the secrets she was sharing within Biting Cold. She intertwined excitement, mystery, romance, and angst in such an incredibly easy read that I was enthralled from beginning to the end. It finally feels like after all the heartache caused in Hard Bitten (and trust me it was such a heartbreaker) we can finally breath again and do what Chloe Neill asked us to do after the outcry in Hard Bitten she asked us to trust her. Well mission accomplished, because finally once again I trust you Chloe Neill that even if you break my heart, you are such a remarkably talented story teller that you can easily mend it back while making me fall in love with your heroes once again. *Sigh* Although for me at times I felt Biting Cold to be a slower paced read, I still enjoyed the story woven and I think Chicagoland Vampire fans are in for real treat with this latest installment! I suggest you Pre-order your copy today, so your not missing out on the latest in the lives of our favorite vampires housed in Chicago!

“You are mine Merit.”

ARC provided for review by NAL for Penguin

This review is also on my blog Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy

Visit my blog on August 10, 2012 for the Biting Cold tour stop for the Scavenger Hunt clue that Chloe Neill is hosting.
Profile Image for Christen (GoldiloxReads).
270 reviews229 followers
July 8, 2012

He marched to the center of the room, interrupting a cadre of half a dozen vampire who were sparring on the tatami mats that covered the floor.

“Out,” he bellowed, and no one stopped to ask for clarification. Without a word, they gathered up their things and headed for the door.

“Lock it,” Ethan directed, and I closed and locked the door behind us, my heart thudding in anticipation.

When I turned around again, he was pulling his half-buttoned shirt over his head, and his shoes were gone. His Cadogan medal hung just above the scar that puckered his chest—the mark he bore from taking Celina’s stake.

“Ready when you are, Sentinel.”

Neill gives us what we've been waiting for with Biting Cold - some serious Ethan and Merit time. This one picks up almost immediately after the end of Drink Deep, with Ethan and Merit packed into a car and driving out west to try and get to the Maleficium before Mallory. The start was a bit slow, Ethan and Merit must drive a ways to the location of the Maleficium and they encounter some 'issues' (read: Seth Tate) on the way. There is also the introduction of a new character, the historian for the Order who is also currently the protector of the Maleficium (by the way, I kind of loved her and hope she sticks around for future installments).

But once things get going they REALLY get going! Neill takes everything in a completely different direction than I thought and I simply held on for the ride. Tate, who has been a mysterious, secondary bad guy throughout the last few books, finally gets his due time in this book. Much of the plot focuses on figuring out just what the hell he is and what his end game might be, and I have to admit I was as baffled as Merit and pretty surprised when the truth was revealed.

Mallory, thanks to her actions from the previous book, must be dealt with in Biting Cold and I was pretty pleased with the way she is handled. Merit made me proud, as she usually does, with her unwillingness to simply forgive Mal and move on. The way she is handled is sensible and perfect in my opinion, and I think readers who were shocked and saddened by the turn of events at the end of Drink Deep will be happy to see how her plot line develops. Catcher isn't really in this book that much and when he is he is not his usual charming and snarky self, which is understandable since his girlfriend has been a total pain in the world's ass lately. I hope he can get back to himself in the next book though because he is one of my favorite characters in this series!

Ethan. . . ETHAN! He's here! He's IN the book! Really, is there anything else I can say besides that? Ethan and Merit have some issues to work through and Ethan is as stubborn as always. Most of this book reads like the earlier books in the series where the two were always stop and go in their relationship. Ethan is constantly pushing Merit to be a better vampire and Sentinal, and Merit is constantly pushing Ethan to stop being an idiot and just accept their relationship already.

Ethan leaned in, his lips at my ear. “Irresistible force,” he said. “Immovable object. Choose the one you want to be, and do it. You are a vampire of great power, Merit. Prove it to us, to the city of Chicago, to the Houses. Prove it now.”

There are some House politics here - aren't there always? - that keep getting in the way of them just jumping into bed together already, but I enjoy the back and forth between them because it keeps things interesting. That said, I was very happy with the way this aspect of the story went. *wink wink* The politics in this one help to set up what I can only assume will be a big part of the next book. Apparently all other vampire except those in the Cadogen and Grey houses are either evil or complete turds.

And Merit. I can't complete a CLV review without mentioning Merit, a strong and smart heroine with an awesome weapon. She's dealing with a lot in this one, between Ethan's return, Mallory's "issues", and tracking down Tate. She continues to make good decisions and doesn't drive me bananas. . . always important in a good leading lady.

The way Biting Cold ended has me excitedly looking forward to the next in the series and some more Ethan and Merit time!

Recommended for fans of: Ethan, good heroines, katanas, solving supernatural mysteries, and yelling at your book "get into bed already!".

This review is based on an advance copy of the book.

Read more of my reviews at: http://goldiloxandthethreeweres.blogs...
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
September 26, 2016
“Love is a familiar; Love is a devil.
There is no evil angel but Love.”
—William Shakespeare

Biting Cold takes right off after the events in Drink Deep. Merit’s best friend, Mallory, brought Ethan Sullivan, master of Cadogan House, back to life, intent on making him a familiar and releasing an ancient evil Fortunately the spell was interrupted, but Mallory has escaped and is determined to get back the Maleficium and finish what she started.

Now Merit, together with Ethan has gone to stop Mallory and to bring her back, and hopefully to get her the help she needs. Unfortunately Mallory is not the only one looking for the ancient book of magic, and another evil has escaped, one that is very familiar to both Merit and Ethan. As if that is not enough problems, the GP has decided that a decision must be made about Cadogan house and Darius is planning to visit them soon. Will Merit, Ethan and their allies be able to stop what is coming before ancient evil is unleashed on the world, and will the GP’s decision save or destroy their house?

As always I liked Merit and how kick-ass she is. It’s really great how devoted she is to her house and her friends, and how she is always willing to stand between them and danger.

I felt really sorry for Mallory. She’s a good person, who wasn’t strong enough to handle the gift and power she was given, and even though what she did was terribly wrong, it was sad to witness how far she has fallen once she realised what she had done, and what she had lost.

Our relationship moved like an awkward and ill-timed dance—forever one step forward, two steps back.

As for Merit and Ethan… I’m so tired of all the angst and drama between them. Every time I think they’ve worked out their issues, something happens and they are two steps back from where they were. Most of it is usually Ethan’s fault, and I’m tired of his push/pull methods. It’s giving me whiplash :-( And I wish Merit wouldn’t always be so understanding of his struggles. It makes me sometimes feel like she’s a doormat, when she’s isn’t one at all.

The plot was intriguing and it was interesting to see Merit and her friends battle the evil that was released.

This is a series that I’ve had ups and downs with. Mostly because of the romance, and I thought that things had gotten better with the previous two books, but clearly I was wrong. But I do love the world, and the characters, they are captivating and intriguing. It’s a great urban fantasy series, despite my issues.

Profile Image for Ann.
1,967 reviews41 followers
August 9, 2012
The fun is gone, just more drama…#6 is just an okay read, average, nothing outstanding IMO. Lots of story with a bit of Ethan/Merit’s romance (and thank you CN for keeping Ethan alive and well in this one). The situation with Mallory is sorted more or less, Catcher is hurt and disappointed by her actions to say the least and who knows where that will leave their relationship. Jonah drops in for a small part and my favorite shifters Gabriel and Jeff are featured. Tate is the main attraction and he’s got quite the secret and with Mallory’s assistance makes bad things worse. The house’s situation with the GP is tenuous and major decisions for Cadogan House’s future go down. Overall a decent story with a good ending.

My disappointment here is that this bk is nowhere near as good as the first 3 bks which I’ve re-read numerous times. The series drew me in for the interesting characters, great story, the romance element and an all around good time spent with Merit and crew. Maybe this series has reached a point where all those things have for the most part played out and from here on out it will be about Merit’s adventures. While interesting, that just doesn’t reach out and pull me in like it once did. What I’ve always loved about this series is the witty banter from Merit and Mallory, Catcher and his snarky personality, geeky Jeff who’s stud to the water nymphs, fun with Lyndsey and sexy cowboy Luc, Ethan, Ethan and more Ethan. I certainly don't want to leave out bad boy Morgan and even Grandpa Merit was endearing. I guess the series has just lost the fun it once had and turned more serious. Just not enough grins to balance out the drama which is what I miss most about Merit and friends.

I’m sure fans of the series will enjoy this one, while those riding the fence….well, it’s just a shame the kindle version isn’t lendable.
Profile Image for Aly is so frigging bored.
1,666 reviews270 followers
March 14, 2013

Buddy read with Anzu and Dee.

I am so sorry. My bullshit-meter isn't this high, it just isn't. I don't know when the series went downhill for me but I have had enough.

On this note:
-hight challenged characters? Really? We resort to that?!
-Merit is stupid
-Ethan had a personality transplant
-the plot is.... uhm... winded
-everything sucks

PS: 0.5* of the rating is for the cover.
Profile Image for Amber I..
335 reviews69 followers
May 4, 2012
Biting Cold took me on one fun ride. Chloe Neill totally thickens the plot. We are introduced to new super naturals and there are some drastic changes happening. I already can't wait for the next book. Fans of this series are guaranteed an awesomesauce book.

Full review to come closer to pub. date.
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