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A New Dawn #1

Paradise 21

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Aries has lived her entire life aboard mankind's last hope, the New Dawn, a spaceship traveling toward a planet where humanity can begin anew -- a planet that won't be reached in Aries' lifetime. As one of the last genetically desirable women in the universe, she must marry her designated genetic match and produce the next generation for this centuries-long voyage. But Aries has other plans. When her desperate escape from the New Dawn strands her on a desert planet, Aries discovers the rumors about pirates -- humans who escaped Earth before its demise -- are true. Handsome, genetically imperfect Striker possesses the freedom Aries envies, and the two connect on a level she never thought possible. But pursued by her match from above and hunted by the planet's native inhabitants, Aries quickly learns her freedom will come at a hefty price. The life of the man she loves.

248 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2011

About the author

Aubrie Dionne

37 books572 followers
Aubrie grew up watching the original Star Wars movies over and over again until she could recite and reenact every single scene in her backyard. She also loved The Goonies, Star Trek the Next Generation-favorite character was Data by far-, and Indiana Jones. But, her all time favorite movie was The Last Unicorn. She still wonders why the unicorn decided to change back to a unicorn in the end.

Aubrie wrote in her junior high yearbook that she wanted to be "A concert flutist" when she grew up. When she made that happen, she decided one career was not enough and embarked as a fantasy, sci fi author. Two careers seems to keep her busy. For now.

Now for the professional bio:

Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She recently signed her YA sci fi novel with Inkspell Publishing titled: Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed, which will release in October 2012. When she's not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras. She's a big Star Trek TNG fan, as well as Star Wars and Serenity.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews
Profile Image for Theresa Milstein.
Author 9 books64 followers
August 31, 2011
This is a very exciting book review for me. Why, you ask? I read this in rough draft form for Aubrie Dionne last year and I’m in the book acknowledgements for being a beta reader. This is also the first time I’ve seen a book from its beginnings to its publication. I wouldn’t have agreed to write this post if I wasn’t certain I’d love the final version of the book.

The book begins with Aries about to crash land on a desert planet, which had me swept in from the beginning. I liked Aries’s combination of independence and vulnerability. From there, we learn more about Aries and why she had to leave through her unattractive intended, Commander Barliss’s point of view. Next we meet Striker, the space pirate who was abandoned on the forsaken planet. His charisma reminded me of Indiana Jones. While Striker is an asset to the desolate planet, the creepy creatures that also live there are not. Soon we’re introduced to Tiff, the petite Goth girl with a bite who abandoned Striker, and whom she still has feelings for. She regrets her decision to stop believing in him, but is she too late?

Aubrie Dionne builds three believable worlds in this book: on the ship Aries left behind, on the planet Aries finds, and on a pirate ship where Tiff subsides.

The author is skilled at getting in the heads of several characters enough that we feel we know them. It’s tricky for authors to pull off multiple points of view, but she does it well. Each character has dimension and a distinct voice. Even if I didn’t agree with or particularly like a character, I related to their perspectives.

While each of these characters travels through space, winds up on Paradise 21, and hurtles through space again, they go on their own inward journeys. The book had a good balance between action and character development. Caring about the characters made me invested that much more in their fates. I found myself pulling for Aries and Tiff, even though I wanted Striker to end up with Aries. Their chemistry was undeniable.

Paradise 21 is filled with interesting plot twists. The author is a master at writing action scenes that make me think, Oh no! They’re never getting out of this one!

Aubrie Dionne pulled off a terrific feat. Before I read her work, I was sure I didn’t read Science Fiction. Space Opera, what’s that? Apparently, if you throw a little romance into the mix in a future with space travel and distant planets, I’m hooked.

Profile Image for Majanka.
Author 67 books407 followers
October 19, 2011
Life on the New Dawn is predictable to say the least. Original thoughts are discouraged at all levels, future spouses are selected by a computer and rebellion is certainly out of hte question. Naturally, sooner or later someone is going to try and escape. However, since escape is usually noticed fast, and the properties of some possible refugee-planets aren’t necessarily ideal either. But that doesn’t stop Aries, our heroine, one of the few people aboard the colony ship actually capable of forming a single self-created thought. When she finds herself, to her horror, paired to Lieutenant Barliss, a heartless and sometimes even cruel man whose determination to follow the set system of rules is without boundaries, Aries knows she has to make a run for it. She would rather die than spend her entire life in this prison she is forced to call home.

But her escape backfires at first as she is being held hostage by alien creatures and natural inhabitants of the planet she chose as destination. Luckily for Aries, a marooned space pirate called Striker comes to her rescue. Hurt beyond repair by a former love of his, Striker is reluctant to open up his heart for anyone again. But as his attraction towards Aries grows, and she begins to see him romantically as well, they just can’t deny their feelings any longer. For Striker, Aries presents a long-awaited second chance at love, life and happiness, and for Aries Striker represents freedom, hope and a chance at a future of her own choosing.

Aries and Striker work together to repair the space ship Striker has been using for shelter, their now only hope of leaving this planet. Unfortunately, Aries gets captured and Striker’s old crew pops up out of nowhere with a debt to collect. They want him to interpret a coded map leading straight to Paradise 21, the paradise and salvation man kind has been searching for ever since Earth became uninhabitable by man’s own mistakes.

The main reason why Aries’ life seems so predetermined is because her supposedly only goal in life is to pass on her unique genetic code, so that one day in the future their offspring would be able to reach the New Dawn’s true destination, Paradise 21, hence the title of the book. Choice, and being unable to choose one’s own future, is a major concept in this book, and it’s an interesting one as well. What would you do if your only purpose was to procreate so that one day your ship could reach a Paradise-like Planet? Would you follow the rules as set before you, or would you take a chance at the unknown and try to escape, with possible fatal results? Furthermore, this book talks about Paradise 21, a mythical utopian planet the post-apocalyptic survivors have been looking for since the day they were forced to leave Earth. It’s utopia and its existence is widely debated since no one has ever ventured there before. The thought alone that its properties and climate would be fit to keep humans alive would be a long shot, if such planet existed to begin with. But Paradise 21 is more than just a destination: it’s hope. For the humans aboard the New Dawn and for Striker’s crew of space pirates, it’s their final hope.

As you can see from my last paragraph, Paradise 21 really leaves room for thought. It talks about the freedom of choice and how much one would be willing to sacrifice to gain that freedom, but it also talks about hope at the end of a most catastrophical disaster, and humanity’s unfailing ability to always find said hope, even in the darkest of days. I’m usually not a big fan of science fiction, because I generally see it as a genre filled with cliché books and substandard writing, but Paradise 21 made me reconsider. This book is fast-paced and action-filled with multi-layered and complex characters, interesting villains and some pretty strong thoughts about choosing one’s own destiny and the perseverence of hope, against all odds. Barliss, Aries’ former fiance, was one of the characters I personally found the most interesting, especially as he changes towards the end and shows us the monster he was all along. There is no villain more interesting than one who thinks he is doing the right thing.

If you like science fiction, Paradise 21 definately is an excellent choice. If you don’t like science fiction, you shouldn’t pass by this book either. It reads like a movie script, leaving you barely room to breathe and relax, but at the end it keeps you with some unanswered questions, the desire to read more about these characters and this dystopian, futuristic world they’re living in, and a whole lot of questions in your mind about how much you would be willing to sacrifice to the things we deem as being normal in today’s world. I loved this book, and I recommend it to everyone who’s looking for something different and unique.
Profile Image for Ambur.
829 reviews522 followers
February 9, 2017
I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading Paradise 21. I knew it wasn't going to have Earth as its setting, and that somehow Aries was going to meet a handsome man named Striker. I knew these things from the blurb on Goodreads, but they didn't prepare me for this book...at all! Instead, I was wowed by a book that was way more than I expected. I expected to like it obviously, or I wouldn't have signed up to read it for a blog tour, but I definitely didn't expect to get as wrapped up in this story as I did. When I finished Paradise 21, I was honestly upset that it was over...I was like "I want to more!!!" :P

Now that I have professed my love for this book, it's time for some details. The characters were fantastic. Aries was amazing! The fact that she'd grown up on a ship where they basically discouraged any type of original thought didn't deter her at all. She was amazing; smart, determined, thrifty, and selfless when those that she loved were at risk. I have to admit, I love seeing heroines who use their heads, and when they don't like what it's saying, they follow their heart. Then there was Striker...oh my, my, my. If I ever try and land on a strange planet from my cramped life on a spaceship, I hope I find a space pirate like him...now I know what you're thinking, "That won't happen...seriously...ever!" And, you know what, you're right! It won't, but a girl can dream, can't she? :P

Along with Striker and Aries, were Barliss, Aries' betrothed, Tiff and Drifter, Striker's ex-crewmates, and a few newbies thrown in. I'll admit, I was not a fan of Barliss. He was heartless, and was willing to do anything to get his way. He was basically a 40-something bully who was doing it all in the name of the cause. Tiff and Drifter, were also pretty selfish. They staged a mutiny on Striker, and abandoned him on Sahara 354...which I guess turned out alright, since that's where he met Aries. ;) I also really liked Loot, who was rescued by Tiff when he was little, he was just so darn sweet, and so loyal. :)

I thought the story itself was fantastic! Aubrie did a fantastic job crafting the world of Paradise 21. I felt it was realistic, and it the perfect amount of descriptive. Hopefully you understand what I mean by that. haha I'll clear it up though, just in case. By saying Paradise 21 was the perfect amount of descriptive, I mean that it wasn't overly descriptive, which frankly bores me after a while, or not descriptive enough. It was just right. I felt like I could actually picture the world around Striker, and Aries, and it was as if I was really there.

Along with the characters, and descriptions, I loved the romance of this story. I was definitely a fan of Striker and Aries, and I loved them together. The whole concept of choice was huge in Paradise 21, too. It made a big impact on me. Aries grew up on the New Dawn, where everything was chosen for her. Her job, her husband, and all other choices were decided for her based on the fact that they had an obligation to pass on their unique genetic code. Their whole lives were lived as machines basically, and their main operative was to mate, and pass on their DNA so that a generation in the future would reach the ship's destination, Paradise 21. I loved that Aries was fighting so hard to have choices, and that she was so passionate about being able to have them at all, it was kind of inspiring, and makes you think about how we kind of take the fact that we have choices for granted. Ergo, I loved that Paradise 21 made me think, and examine my own choices. It's always nice when a book blows away your expectations...and Paradise 21 definitely blew mine out of the water...or should I say into outer space. ;)
Profile Image for SheLove2Read.
2,975 reviews193 followers
May 24, 2015
Paradise 21 is 3 generations out from A Hero Rising. While Striker is the descendent of James Wilfred in AHR, the rest of the cast is new. I have to say I did not enjoy this one nearly as much as the prequel. The pacing was slow and I wasn't able to connect to the characters in the same way as before. Striker and Aries's relationship seemed to happen at light speed (pardon the pun) and was not believable.

A reluctant 3 stars. I won't be continuing the series.
Profile Image for Anne.
2,856 reviews34 followers
April 16, 2013
I loved this book! It was totally awesome science fiction romance. (No sex, FYI). Can't wait to read the rest of the books!
Profile Image for Vanessa theJeepDiva.
1,257 reviews120 followers
October 17, 2011
Paradise 21 is a sci fi that takes place in the 27th century. Earth is no more. The surviving Earthlings that fled the dying planet now live in space ships, roaming space looking for a paradise planet to colonize and begin new life on. These are the people known as Lifers. They are keeping their superior DNA spread through arranged marriages while living life as dictated by “The Guide.” The less fortunate those who were deemed to have inferior DNA and not selected to leave a rotting Earth rioted stole a few colony ships and over took a space station by force. Their survival instincts have kept them alive for several hundred years, but their resources are almost out.

In a desperate attempt to run from an arranged marriage and a life that has been prescribed to her Aries flees the ship, her only known home the New Dawn. The knowledge that the ship she was been born on, raised on, will likely die on pushes her to the decision to eject herself into space in an escape pod. This is the first of many decisions she makes benefiting herself with her own life choices.

Striker has been abandoned on a desert planet for the past five years after his crew mutinied and stole his ship. On the ship is a highly coded very hidden map to an uninhabited paradise. Little does Striker know that after 5 unsuccessful years of attempting to locate the map and then decode it his ex-lover along with the mutinous crew members are on their way to retrieve him.

Sahara 354 quickly becomes a very popular desert planet. Aries has safely landed her escape pod on this desert planet that has mildly hospitable conditions. New Dawn and Aries betrothed Barliss have arrived looking for her. The Morphic Marauder has arrived with its crew looking for Striker. Not to mention that the indigenous inhabitants are none too happy about all of the above.
Tiff and Barliss are seeking Striker and Aries for very selfish reasons. Barliss is the narcissistic power hungry fiancé that Aries fled from. She is his ultimate trophy wife. Barliss sees Aries as a means for his political gains and career advancements. Tiff is Striker’s ex-lover who assisted in the coup that left him alone in the desert for the past five years. Tiff and the rest of Striker’s previous crew know they need him to decode the map. They know that they can no longer live on the deteriorating space station.

I was amazed at the amount of action that was stuffed into this book. The readers also get into the minds of a number of characters including the villains. I liked the way this book lets the readers come to know the characters. The characters are fleshed out extremely well. Their pasts are shown, the reasons for some of the decisions that they have made along with some potential futures. The all of the various settings are exceptionally realistic. The realism of the whole book is actually amazing. Dionne has painted a very vivid picture for her readers.

I only have two very minor complaints. The first is mostly my own fault. It has nothing to do with the book, the writing, or the author. I was a little disappointed in the fact that I had thought this was a romance. It is not a romance. The hero and heroine form a loving bond, they become a couple, but there is no love story romance in this book. I also felt that two of the conflicts wrapped up a little too perfectly. Barliss and Tiff caused a great deal of drama. They also had very negative roles in Striker and Aries lives. For those conflicts to get the resolution that they did, it just seems too easily resolved in my opinion.

I saw on the Dionne’s website that she is currently working on a tie in novella for her New Dawn series called A Hero Rising. Book #2 Tundra 37 is currently going through edits. I enjoyed Paradise 21. I can easily see myself continuing reading this series. I am very curious as to where Dionne will take her Space Pirates and Lifers.
Profile Image for ѦѺ™.
447 reviews
August 29, 2011
“The only paradise is paradise lost” - Marcel Proust, French Novelist and Author, 1871-1922

Aries Ryder escapes from the spaceship New Dawn. it is the only home she has ever known in her entire life but she cannot allow the union with her chosen mate Lieutenant Astor Barliss to take place. the gravitational pull of Sahara 354 causes Aries' pod to crash on the desert planet. Aries encounters its indigenous inhabitants and meets another human, an Outlander named Striker. together, they will forge a bond that would bring them to a new planet where they hope to start anew and build a better world.
what an awesome and enjoyable ride to the stars this has been. i love everything about this book. the plot is actually quite simple but the author has woven her own magic and made it very interesting. her characters are three dimensional and memorable. even the bad guys like Barliss are endearing to a certain degree. although Sahara 354 may remind me of Frank Herbert's Dune, it has it own appeal and provides a suitable background to the story. the descriptions of New Dawn, Outpost Omega and the alien ship with its strange hieroglyphs and cargo evoked amazing images. nothing prepared me though for one detail that played a significant role in Aries' rescue. this was contrived by Reckon, a Coder whose loyalty appeared questionable and constantly niggled at my thoughts. my imagination went into overdrive when i read how it was done and i think you will too!
author Aubrie Dionne has written a very readable sci-fi romance adventure that even hard core fans of the genre would appreciate. i highly recommend this as well to those who are:
- hesitant to read science fiction
- curious about it and do not know where to start

this book has my vote!

Disclosure of Material Connection: i received a copy of Broken from the author herself. i did not receive any payment in exchange for this review nor was i obligated to write a positive one. all opinions expressed here are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist or the readers of this review. this disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Profile Image for Laurie.
616 reviews130 followers
August 15, 2011
This book is unquestionably, without a doubt, my favorite Science Fiction book this year. It began well, and by the end, I was just totally blown away. The characters captured my imagination and tugged my heartstrings. Each of them is distinctive and fully-fleshed, with believable history and motivations.

Aries is a beautiful woman who dares to flaunt the rules and restrictions imposed upon all the pioneers aboard the colony ship. Regardless of consequences, she is determined to escape the confines of the huge vessel. She has no desire to be mated to the man that was computer selected for her, nor does she want a lifetime of a computer-assigned career in a field that holds no interest.

It was easy for me to relate to Aries. It was easy to feel compassion for her predicament. At the same time, though, I could understand the necessity for her to fall in line, indeed, truly, the possible survival of everyone aboard the colony ship could be in jeopardy if the group were to lose her unique and carefully selected DNA.

Aries is an intelligent, strong woman, and a fierce, cunning fighter. She meets creatures that are unusual and exceedingly dangerous; against all odds she perseveres. Then she encounters another human on the blistering desert planet. Striker is a space pirate who has been marooned for five years – tricked by the woman he had loved and trusted.

Striker and Aries share a dogged determination to survive even with the odds stacked severely against them. I thrilled to share vicariously in their many adventures. They encountered and overcame adversity; determined to follow their own paths and, in the process, give the desperate, wretched, orphaned survivors of a barely functional space station new hope, and a chance for a future ripe with possibility. It is almost unheard of for me to re-read a book, but honestly, with this one I may have to make a rare exception.

Reviewed by Laurie-J

Profile Image for Cherie.
Author 27 books118 followers
July 6, 2011
In Aubrie Dionne’s Paradise 21, the chance for freedom resides where the heart is.

Aries is a Lifer, residing on the New Dawn and bound by whatever fate test scores and a computer cook up for her. Longing for a life of her own, she escapes to Sahara 354, a land of eternal day, sandworms, lizard-people, and a smoking hot space pirate named Striker. When her betrothed-to-be lands on the planet in search for her, Aries may have to give up her long-lost freedom for the man she loves.

Paradise 21 is beautifully written. Each word sings on the page and lends importance to the plot, setting, and characters. Ms. Dionne brings to life new worlds from cold, deep space to the desert planet and its strange inhabitants. We feel the heat and the isolation within the universe. As a science fiction novel, Paradise 21 explodes with action-packed drama; as a romance novel, it oozes with sweet romance. The strongest part of this novel resides within the characters. They are flawed and wonderful. Their issues and how they overcome them moves the plot forward. There is never a dull moment! Each character shows growth in who they are, although some characters never change, like people. Ms. Dionne yanks the reader into the worlds she creates and doesn’t let them up for air until the last page. Best of all, Paradise 21 reminds us freedom is sacred, sacrifice involves love, and every creature is important.

Aubrie Dionne’s Paradise 21 catapults me into outer space where anything is possible, but most of all love, and I love this novel and highly recommend it.
Profile Image for MarytheBookLover.
456 reviews954 followers
November 9, 2011
My Opinion:
I enjoyed this one. In fact,I read it pretty quickly considering I had many books to review at the time. If you are a fan of Sci-Fi,you will totally get a kick out of this story. It is an epic tale all about love and freedom. Aries is pretty much a prisoner of her soon to be mate Captain Barliss. Genetics has decided that Aries must marry the Captain,but Aries has other plans. She devises a plan to get out of her wedding by jumping ship. What she finds in the end is not ideal,but she does gain her freedom. The only problem is,the Captain will stop at nothing to get her back.

Aries is saved by the pirate Striker and I can’t help but thank the galaxy that he’s there. Striker was left on the planet Aries drops into for 5 years by some crew members that are,in my opinion,too stupid for their own good. They find out about the same time that they need Striker to help them get off their dying ship. So,not only is the Captain looking for Aries,but there are rogue shipmates looking for Striker. This book is fun,fast paced and simply put,entertaining. Want to know what happens next? Read the book!

I give Paradise 21 by Aubrie Dionne 4.5 of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Nancy (The Avid Reader).
2,671 reviews117 followers
June 4, 2013
Aries Ryder had lived her entire life aboard the spaceship the New Dawn. Aries didn't like living her whole life on a ship, she was very determined not to. The New Dawn was headed to a new planet like earth, Paradise 21. Only thing was Aries would never live on Paradise 21 and she wanted off the ship. On the New Dawn your whole life was planned out for you. The computer picked your lifemate for you and you spent the rest of your life with that person. The computer also picked your life career for you from results of the test that you took. Test that you were trained for since the first day started school. Aries wanted no part of the life that she had been dealt. So she has been making plans for a while to get off the ship. She stole an escape pod and left the headed for a planet called Sahara 354. She had no clue what she would find on the planet but I guess to her it had to be better than marrying someone you didn't like much less love besides that someone you didn't even know.

After Aries crashed on Sahara 354 she ran into a little trouble with the life force on the planet. She was very lucky that she wasn't the only human on the planet. Striker had been stranded on the planet for five years by his own crew members, people he trusted. Striker had found a map to a new planet and his crew stole his ship and left him behind. But as soon as they realized that the map wasn't going to help them seeings how Striker had encoded it so no one could find it and get to the planet without him. Striker is a very smart man; he knows what he is doing.

Lieutenant Astor Barliss the man that Aries had been matched up with by the computer went looking for her when she failed to show up for a wedding. When he couldn't find her in her personal cell he called the main control deck and had them to activate her locator he found out that she had left the ship. He told them to inform the commander that she was missing and they were going to have to turn around. Barliss was very determined to get Aries back no matter what it cost him or the people on the New Dawn. A woman that he was going to marry was not going to embarrass him like this and get away with it. Barliss is the kind of man that likes to be the boss, to be in control. I can just see him not exactly running down the corridors of the ship but at a very brisk walk not shouting but in a very loud voice saying "stop the ship, stop the ship we have to turn around, now". The kind of man he is, having this picture in my mind kind of cracks me up.

I knew I had to read Paradise 21 after I read my first novel Colonization by Aubrie Dionne. I had to know more about Paradise 21 and other people from earth. I wanted to learn how their ancestors destroyed earth. I have always been a Star Trek fan and knew that the New Dawn series would be a great read especially after reading Colonization. I love Aubrie Dionne's writing she is amazing. I love reading science fiction and fantasy novels. I can't wait to know more about other people on some of the other ships that left earth behind to find a new life on a planet similar to earth. I have all intentions of reading the rest of the series as I do own them. This is a very great series and I highly recommended that anyone who likes science fiction or even if you don't, then this would be a great series to start with.
Profile Image for Kara-karina.
1,681 reviews285 followers
October 3, 2011
To my profound relief this wasn't an advertised paranormal romance. It was a balanced sci-fi with a splash of romance.

The world-building was what really fascinated me, not the relationship between two people thrown together by circumstances. The world-building was vivid and writing felt so smooth I couldn't believe how fast I finished reading the book.

Aries escapes her ship which is more like a big city where the colonists live and work and preserve their precious DNA until they get to New Dawn - a planet with similar habitat to Earth. No worries, they only have another 200 years to go. Because resources are limited, the colonists life is very restricted - computers choose their professions according to their best abilities and also choose their partners as best match in DNA. That's what Aries doesn't want.

Her intended is an ambitious and conniving beautiful man who wants Aries only as hist trophy wife. She is smart, healthy and beautiful.

Aries escapes him and goes onto the nearest habitable planet, which very much reminded me of Dune - there are monstrous worms, deserts and weird humanoid creatures.

She quickly loses all her supplies and is in danger of dying of dehydration when she is found by Striker who has been living on the same planet for 5 years.

Striker was deserted by his team of pirates who didn't agree with his policies and plans. He is also a decoder who knows the coordinates of the closest planet where people will be able to settle.

Both survivors join their forces to fix an old alien ship which crashed on this planet, so they can fly away.

Of course, nothing goes according to plans. Aries has her intended hunting her down, and Striker's team decides to take him back so they can find new Earth...

There are a lot of fascinating details in this book, - how Aries's fiance changes, the description of the alien ship and the forgotten culture, Striker's ex-team and where they have to live... it's all coming in flashes.

However there are a lot of TSTL moments too. How about this one. Barliss, Aries fiance catches Striker. He doesn't know if he knows anything about her.

Barliss pushed his way through the men and shoved his face into
Striker’s. “We’re looking for a runaway. Five-foot-five, slender, with auburn
hair.” Striker looked him straight in the eye. “Haven’t seen her.”
Barliss pulled his head back and sized Striker up and down.

I'm sorry. Did he tell you they were looking for a woman? No. He just gave you a description. Saying haven't seen her is a dead giveaway in my book, but none of the men acknowledge it. *facepalm*

However, despite slight discrepancies and flaws of character I really enjoyed this book and am very much looking forward to the next installment.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books376 followers
September 1, 2012
What a very exciting Sci-Fi Adventure! It just hit the ground running with a young gal crash landing on an inhospitable planet and going into survival-mode.

Aries is part of a group of colonists that have been in space for several generations after escaping the dying earth. The colonists live by a very specific code and one of those codes is accepting an assigned marriage to keep the bloodlines strong. They are also given assigned careers based on how they test. Aries is stifled by these restrictions and makes her escape to a nearby desert planet that will just sustain life though not for a whole colony. When she reaches the planet, she instantly gets into trouble with an indigenous tribe of lizard-like people and a sandworm, but gets rescued by Striker, a pirate. Aries had been taught the pirates are low lifes and soon learns that her education might not have been accurate.

Striker was marooned on the desert planet by his shipmates who betrayed his trust and took his ship. He has made the most of his circumstances, but has no plans to allow Aries anywhere near his heart. Striker has found and started repairing a spaceship crashed there and its from an advanced alien civilization leaving behind the hope of their dying species. Aries agrees to help him finish putting it back together so they can get off the planet. She is in agreement with his plans to carry the precious alien eggs, gather the orphans from a dying space station and journey to a fresh new earth-like world that Striker found a map to.

Before they can fulfill their goals, everything falls apart. Aries' promised male is determined to have her back and the pirates who abandoned Striker discover that he encoded his map and now they need him. I won't offer any spoilers to the exciting ending so I'll stop here.

I really enjoyed the plot with its blend of the Sci-Fi world building, adventure, intrigue and romance. The explanations are given in such a way that the plot doesn't bog down, but its easy to follow. I liked the descriptive voice that really made me see the barely surviving remnants of the people from old earth and what that would be like between the colonists' world and the pirates' world where one has all the advantages and riches from earth and the other having to scavenge to stay alive.
The romance was gentle and on the sweet, clean side.

The focus is more on the adventure, but the characters are not neglected. There are multiple points of view used to tell the story in third person so I got several perspectives and it helped get to know the characters and their motivations.

Nice start to a series. Recommended for any Sci-Fi Romance lover who likes their romances on the sweet and clean side.
Profile Image for Michelle Greathouse.
306 reviews41 followers
August 23, 2011
Paradise 21 is the first book in the series A New Dawn by Aubrie Dionne and a Sci/Fi Romance from Entangled Publishing.

Book Blurb:

Aries has lived her entire life aboard mankind’s last hope, the New Dawn, a spaceship traveling toward a planet where humanity can begin anew—a planet that won’t be reached in Aries’ lifetime. As one of the last genetically desirable women in the universe, she must marry her designated genetic match and produce the next generation for this centuries-long voyage.

But Aries has other plans.

When her desperate escape from the New Dawn strands her on a desert planet, Aries discovers the rumors about pirates—humans who escaped Earth before its demise—are true. Handsome, genetically imperfect Striker possesses the freedom Aries envies, and the two connect on a level she never thought possible. But pursued by her match from above and hunted by the planet’s native inhabitants, Aries quickly learns her freedom will come at a hefty price.

The life of the man she loves.

My thoughts:

Aries Ryder resides aboard the New Dawn - a spaceship traveling towards Paradise 21, a planet that is to be colonized by the descendants of a no longer habitable Earth.

The journey to Paradise 21 will take hundreds of years, Aries will not live to reach her destination - but it is her job to provide her genetic DNA for those that will.

Her genetic match has already been chosen, Lt. Astor Barliss - but Aries is tired of having everything chosen for her. She wants to perform a job of her choosing and marry a man she desires and loves - not one that matches her genetically.

So she plans a daring escape from the New Dawn.

Crashing her escape pod on Sahara 354, Aries plans to fake her death and make her way on her own. But things don’t work out the way she planned when she is confronted by the local inhabitants.

Striker is a space pirate who has been stranded on Sahara 354 for five years. His crew mutinied, decided they were better off without him, and left him. He has spent the last five years trying to find a way off planet - and with Aries help, he may have finally found the way.

But Lt. Barliss is not one to give up on something he considers his - and he considers Aries to be his. He is determined to find her..dead or alive. And if she is alive, she is going back to the New Dawn - and to the life he has planned for her.

Paradise 21 is a very enjoyable read and I am looking forward to the rest of the books in this series.

I give Paradise 21, 4 out of 5 stars.

Title: Paradise 21
Author: Aubrie Dionne
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Length: Novel – 247 pages
Release Date: August 2011
ePub ISBN: 978-1-937044-02-2
Print ISBN: 978-1-937044-03-9
Profile Image for Michelle's Paranormal Vault of Books.
516 reviews144 followers
November 2, 2012

Wow, this was a really good book. I loved the romance that happens in it too. I can relate to Aries as well. I would not want to be forced into a loveless marriage so I could “produce” more perfect DNA. Meaning kids. Yeah, not happening, lol. I do not blame her for leaving the New Dawn, which is a colony ship, which is on its way to Paradise 21, another planet far away, but the New Dawn won’t get there in her lifetime. Anyway, it has excitement, romance, a hot guy , and I mean Striker.

I did not like her computer chosen mate, he was a jerk, and hated that he got everything he wanted, but he is controlling, so of course he goes after Aries, to drag her back to the ship.
She crash lands on a desert planet, and is lucky to meet up with one human, yes, the hot guy Striker.

I do not want to say too much more, but will say, if you enjoy sci-fi at all, you will love this. It doesn’t have a bunch of scientific jargon to stump you at all. It’s all easy to understand and follow the story. I had a hard time putting this book down.
A Must read in my opinion.
Watch for my review of the next New Dawn series book, called Tundra 37. I will get to Have 6, the newest book soon, for the book tour.

I really only have one negative to say, and that is the cover, the girl on cover looks Nothing like Aries is supposed to look, first Aries is of the best DNA and is gorgeous, with auburn hair and light eyes, blue I think, forget now, but anyway, girl on cover is not even close to pretty enough, not to mention, the look is nothing like what Aries would wear. Just my opinion. Would have been better to not have any models on it if the right ones are not found.

5 out of 5 stars.

I received this book for the book tour coming up for Haven 6, the latest book in the New Dawn series.

The others in this series, but each can be a stand alone book.

Tundra 37 (A New Dawn, #2) by Aubrie Dionne A Hero Rising (A New Dawn, #3) by Aubrie Dionne Haven 6 (A New Dawn, #4) by Aubrie Dionne
Profile Image for One Pushy Fox.
239 reviews20 followers
August 23, 2011
Ok, so I'm just going to admit it. I am a totally sci-fi nerd! Man how I love stories of far away planets and space travel and adventures through wormholes. I have religiously watched every Star Trek TV series/movie with my family (also big sci-fi fans), read all the Arthur C. Clarke and Issac Asimov I could get my hands on as a kid and wished harder to be issued my invitation to the Star Fleet academy more than Hogwarts (hey, I grew up in a different age!) So when I got the chance to read Aubrie Dionne's Paradise 21 for a tour, I jumped at it, eager to return to a passion of my youth.

There were so many things I loved about this book. I loved all the characters. I love the hero, Striker, who I couldn't help seeing as a young Harrison Ford, always on the side of good but looking just a bit too dangerous to be TOTALLY good. He's a pirate but in the rogue sense of the word. He's kind and generous and how anyone can't like this man, I just don't know. I also liked the heroine, Aries, who may not have been perfect but she knew what she wanted and she went after it. And I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the bad guys! From Tiff who stranded Striker on a desert planet (complete with all kinds of native creatures that go bump in the night) to the egotistical Barliss who can't see beyond his own wants and needs, what makes the bad guys in this books so great is that there's a little bit of all of us in them, making their motives believable, if really mean!

I also loved the descriptions of the different places we get to visit in this book. There's the once great, now dingy space station (complete with Dickensian street urchins!), the vast, mobile metropolis of the New Dawn space ship and the barren wasteland of the desert planet Striker's stranded on for five long years. Each location was fully crafted and gorgeously described. I was easily able to get into the story and enjoy every place Ms. Dionne took me.

The romance is on the tamer side, but very sweet and totally accessible for any age range. I definitely felt the love that Aries and Strider struggled NOT to share (why, oh, why must they thwart me in my pursuit of smoochie times???) but if you're looking for hot and steamy smexy times, you'll need to look elsewhere else.

Bottom Line:
A wonderful, light romance set in a fantastic (if somewhat dystopian) space future; Paradise 21 is a great read that will have you rooting for the good guys to get their happily ever after!
Profile Image for Hywela.
Author 8 books153 followers
September 5, 2011

Aries Ryder escapes from the only home she has ever known, the starship ‘New Dawn’. The ship is the last hope of mankind, fleeing from a dying Earth. Her destiny, like all females on board the ship, is to mate with a man chosen for her, and determined by genetic testing, in order to produce the next generation, for none of the present occupants of the ship will see the planet they’re headed for. Her chosen mate, Lieutenant Astor Barliss, holds no charms for her. She begins to question the rigid regime she's lived under all her life and decides to escape. The gravitational pull of Sahara 354 causes her pod to crash on the desert planet.

Aries encounters another human, an Outlander named Striker, one of the ‘pirates’ despised by the inhabitants of the ‘New Dawn. Together, they face the dangers of the planet, but Barliss is not about to give up his chosen mate without a fight.

One of the things I really liked about this book was that I found myself getting fond of, and empathising with not only the main characters, but the secondary characters as well, even though they had faults and issues, it was difficult not to feel a certain sympathy with the situation in which they found themselves. Even Barliss displays a glimpse of vulnerability at one stage, and Tiff is not a bad person despite her betrayal of Striker.

The action-packed adventure proceeds at a fast pace, with the occasional tender interlude between her and Striker, although Striker does not seem as smitten with Aires as she is with him. He has been betrayed by one woman and is not about to allow it to happen again. They battle several different kinds of alien monster, including the ‘sandworms’ which reminded me quite strongly of the ‘Dune’ novels.

I have to admit I thought I knew how it was all going to end up, but just when I thought I’d predicted correctly, Aubrie cleverly managed to turn things on their head and neatly tied up all the ends. As a reader I was left with the feeling that everyone got exactly what they deserved - and it wasn’t necessarily what one would have expected at the beginning of the story. Despite the trauma and dangers there is a ‘feel good’ ending and Striker and Aries are not only rewarded with being together at last, but are responsible for saving an entire species. A thoroughly enjoyable read, especially if you like your SF romance sweet rather than ‘hot’, although there is plenty of sexual tension and page turning suspense.
Profile Image for Sana.
1,292 reviews1,156 followers
March 11, 2012
What attracted me towards Paradise 21 was the synopsis, I haven't read much sci-fi books and this one seemed good enough to read. So despite the cover which seems to scream steamy romance, I was hooked from the first sentence.

Matched with a manipulating, power-hungry Barliss to preserve the gene pool aboard New Dawn, Aries Ryder couldn't have it worse. She is not your typical heroine; because even though she is a first class Lifer on New Dawn, she wants out. So she plans her escape and lands onto a deadened planet Sahara 354. Little does she know what's in store for her; from lizard men who have a habit of stealing to the giant sandworm ready for a kill.

Luckily, for her, there's Striker abandoned by his fellow pirates on Sahara 354 five years ago. And he's not only good at surviving in the desert; he has a much bigger plan. An alien ship that crashed into Sahara 354 along with the eggs that won't hatch is the only hope for their survival and escape from Sahara 354 and land on Refuge.

The two fall into an easy companionship, but they don't have much time because it's centuries after Earth disintegrated and technology has far since taken on a new meaning. So it wouldn't take long for Barliss, to whom Aries is bequeathed, to come out looking for her with the help of her locator and what not. And then there's the ex-fellow pirate, Drifter and the ex-girlfriend, Tiff who may have found the hidden map to Refuge. But they need Striker to decode it.

Paradise 21 is a fast-paced read, so you never lose interest because there's something happening at all times. It's admirable to see the strong protagonists and the world-building is awe-inspiring as I could actually imagine the universe after earth. All the betrayal, the fight for life, the concern about gene pool, remnants of the old Earth and the journey towards Paradise 21 come together in unpredictable ways. Paradise 21 seems to have it all.
Profile Image for Cocktails and Books.
4,113 reviews325 followers
February 14, 2012
How would you feel if a computer picked your "perfect" job and mate? What would you do if your "perfect" choices weren't what you wanted? These are questions that face our heroine, Aries in Paradise 21.

Born and raised on the spaceship, New Dawn, Aries is one of the "chosen" lifers who have been selected to repopulate Paradise 21 with perfect human specimens after fleeing from a destroyed Earth. While she was always seen as being compliant, Aries questions the direction her life is taking. She plots her escape after her best friend died in a faulty attempt. But when she finally gets off the New Dawn, it's to crash in Sahara 354, a desert planet with scorching sunlight 24 hours a day. It's there she meets Striker, a human man who was stranded there 5 years prior after his crew mutinied and left him for dead.

Striker combats every prejudice Aries has ever been told about the pirates that took over the last outpost before Earth was destroyed. He's the exact opposite of her computer chosen "mate" but she finds herself wanting to be with him. Even when hiding from lizard men and sandworms, he makes her happy.

Striker wants to find a planet he's named Refuge and colonized it for all of those that were left on the space station. He's also determined to hatch the eggs of the angel like race he found in their deserted space craft on Sahara 354. Striker is very emotional and guards himself from feeling the kind of hurt he did when his girlfriend and fellow crew members stranded him. But there's something about Aries that breaks through his hardened heart and makes him want to try love again.

If you're looking for a hot romance, you won't get it here. Instead we get an interesting sci-fi storyline where a strong willed woman goes against the grain to do what she feels is right for herself rather than walking the path preordained by a computer.
Profile Image for Melanie McCullough.
Author 2 books96 followers
February 22, 2012
Aubrie Dionne's writing is phenomenal. The book never left me wanting or tempted to skim through in an effort to get to the good stuff. The entire novel is the good stuff. She revved up the action when I needed her to and slowed the pace at just the right moment.

Aries isn't your run-of-the-mill kick-ass heroine. She's spent her entire life aboard the New Dawn, a colonial ship heading for a planet where mankind can start over. She's vulnerable and complex. She's not sure what she's going to do or how she's going to survive, but she's brave enough to try. Brave enough to believe that there's a better life in the universe than the confines of the ship, an assigned job, and an arranged marriage to a man she can hardly stand, let alone love.

Striker is majorly swoon-worthy, tough and resilient yet gentle and caring. I've read some complaints that Aries fell in love too quickly, but I never felt this to be the case. I look at it as first love. Something Aries had never felt before and if you remember your first taste of love, you remember that it's always fast and intense.

The secondary characters were equally as well-developed and intriguing. Barliss in particular demands your attention when he's on the page. I found myself despising him but at the same time wanting to see more of him.

My only complaint is that it ended. I wanted more. There were a few things left dangling. Not enough to affect the storyline, but enough to give me hope that we're not completely done with Aries, Striker, Tiff or Barliss yet. The novel is labeled as A New Dawn #1, so I'm assuming a sequel is in the works. If this is the case, I can't wait for the next one.

I loved this book and would recommended it to anyone who likes SciFi or romance.
116 reviews1 follower
July 7, 2011
In the not so distant future, Earth is a wasteland - uninhabitable, polluted, and dying. The remaining forefathers discovered a planet, light years away, capable of hosting survivors. So, they gathered all of the best and brightest - the most genetically predisposed to repopulate a new colony, and sent them off into space. Life on the ship is ordered and everyone has a job to do. However, your job is also determined by your genetic testing - very little freedom of choice here.

Aries is one of those colonists. The catch is she has to marry whomever she is most genetically compatible with. Refusal is not accepted, so when Aries is matched with dictatorial Lieutenant Barliss to be his trophy wife, she decides to escape. After crash landing on Sahara 354, a desert-like planet, she encounters Striker - a marooned pirate who left Earth years before with other humans who didn't like the forefathers decision to leave people "not genetically perfect" to die on a dying planet.

As Aries and Striker encounter challenges ranging from giant man-eating worms (think Dune) to nomadic lizard men (think Star Wars), they manage to find the power source for an alien ship left on the planet - and head out to find Paradise 21. Barliss, on the other hand, is not letting Aries go - and decides to hunt her down, at all costs. Throw in some more pirates from Striker's past, and you've got Pirates of the Caribbean crossed with Star Wars!

A really fun sci-fi/fantasy novel, with a dystopian twist of what perfection is, and who decides that, along with the price of personal choice/freedom. Liked it a lot.
Profile Image for Cinnamon.
162 reviews84 followers
August 8, 2011
I've heard variations of this story before, but never with the fantastic elements of romance and suspense that Ms. Dionne throws into her writing. A dying race must do anything it can to survive. For Aries, one of the last human women who should keep the human race going, her duty is to pair up with the compatible match assigned to her and have children. Without these children, the New Dawn, a spaceship taking the last of Earth's hopes to a new planet, will eventually become unmanned and another piece of space junk as its current crew all die of old age. We all know the complexities of the human race, however. Attempt to tell a human woman whom she should love and all heck will break loose.

Escaping the New Dawn, Aries finds herself on a world that may hold just as many dangers as the life she is attempting to leave did, save for one aspect; Striker - a man who is not genetically desirable and definitely not one that should continue the human race. Yet, Aries finds herself drawn to him and eventually learns that she must do anything she can to keep him by her side.

Ms. Dionne's story was one full of love and passion. One of my favorite aspects of PARADISE 21 was Aries. I found her to be a fun character to read, full of emotion and well rounded so that she always made the story interesting. Her relationship with Striker is one of those that keeps you on the edge of your seat with suspense, waiting to see if the two will eventually find happiness together or if a darker fate awaits them. In a cold world where the logical choice should take precedence, can romance and love win? You'll have to read to find out!
Profile Image for Sheila.
Author 82 books190 followers
August 12, 2011
I’ve enjoyed author Aubrie Dionne’s beautifully lyrical Seasons of Fantasy short stories and, as an aspiring writer, wondered how her prose would translate into a full-length novel. Having just read Paradise 21, I can confirm the musical qualities of her writing blend well with the speed, direction and depth of a science fiction novel to create well-drawn characters, complex situations and a really good read.

Coming from two dystopian futures, protagonists Aries and Striker find a third way. Aries, fleeing from arranged marriage on a colony ship, meets renegade Striker on a barren desert planet where he’s been marooned by those he loved and trusted. The scene is set for simple romance, and romance is certainly offered. But the emotions in this novel run deeper, as do the ethics and the implications of future history. An entertaining, action-filled adventure follows, with quiet questions lurking like fluted refrains, drawing the story together into something more.

How do we fall in love? Why do we break the rules? How much should we care for people we’ve never met? And where do politics and ambition fit into personal relationships? The story moves forward like a well-plotted movie (think Star Wars at its best), and the background score of questions and misconception plays beautifully. In the end, as the characters are drawn to a well-rounded conclusion, there’s just the right space left for ideas to linger in the reader’s mind. Not too short, not too long; not too simple, not too complex; not too fanciful, not too restrained; Paradise 21 is well-written, well-imagined, and well-read.

Disclosure: I got a free ecopy of this book as part of the author’s blog tour.
August 1, 2011
If you're a fan of fast paced science fiction with a romantic twist, Paradise 21 does not disappoint. The story's heroine, Aries Ryder, belongs to a group of post apocalyptic people drifting through space in search of Paradise 21, a fabled human friendly planet. Unfortunately, they've been adrift in space for several generations; fuel is running low and the food supply has begun to lose its variety and nutritional value. Unable to accept the cold and ruthless social climber chosen for her as a mate, Aries decides to jump ship and take her valuable DNA with her.

Aries descends to the surface of an inhospitable desert planet to escape her idea of a fate worse than death. When he discovers her missing, her fiance, Lieutenant Astor Barliss and a small army, follow closely--leaving her no room for mistakes. She immediately encounters unfriendly natives after crash landing. To her surprise, a marooned pirate, Striker, comes to her aid. He provides her with food, shelter and hope.

They must work together to refurbish the alien ship that Striker has been using for shelter. He has learned how to manipulate the ship and discovered a priceless treasure in its interior; the ship is his--now their--only hope of leaving the planet. The ship is put to the test sooner than expected when Aries is captureed and Striker's old crew comes to collect him. They need him to interpret the coded map he created, a map to the inhabitable planet mankind has been seeking since its fall from grace, Paradise 21.
99 reviews17 followers
March 5, 2012
Paradise 21 by Aubrie Dionne has a very interesting concept. Earth was finally destroyed by humans, and the people left on space ships. Well some of the people. Aries is part of the Lifers who are traveling for hundreds of years to find a new home. Their entire lives are controlled by computer decisions.

Striker is a pirate. His ancestors were deemed genetically imperfect and left to die on Earth. They stole ships and now Striker has dedicated his life to finding a new world to live on. He has been marooned on Sahara 354, because his crew mutinied and left him. I have to say, even though Stiker is marooned on one scary, dry, hot planet, his life is still better.

When Aries escapes the ship she's always landed on and crash lands on Sahara 354, Striker saves her life. This planet is amazing! Aubrie did an amazing job creating this world and all it's creatures. The descriptions of the raiders and the sand worms are brilliant. This would be a CGI dream.

Aries is so brave to leave everything she has ever known. Striker is a perfect male lead character. He is strong, self sufficient, and good looking. The other characters in this story were amazing. I enjoyed reading this book from different characters' perspectives. I think it really added to the characters and to the story.

This book was an awesome ride! There were fights, danger, adventures, rescue missions, and romance. I enjoyed every moment and I was never quite sure what would happen next.
Profile Image for Rachel-RN.
2,280 reviews28 followers
January 6, 2019
Well, I am a bit disappointed that for such a futuristic book (the crew of the New Dawn have been in space for about 300 years and have another 200 years to go) had way too many patriarchal assholes. Men are the ones in power with women (mostly) in a helpmate/breeding role. Ick.
Aries was born on the ship and had her job and husband all picked out for her. Barliss was chosen for her and all he sees in her is what she can do for him and give him. She plans her escape and reaches a desert planet Sahara 354.
I thought that was interesting and wish more time had been spent on the natives there. Barliss (of course) comes after her and destroys what he sees as in his way. I wanted him to have either some epiphany that he was as asshole OR have something (bad) happen to him. He gets rewarded instead. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending with Tiff and Loot.
While the falling in love was fast, there wasn't much romance in this one. Overall, while I liked it, I'm not sure if I will continue on with this series. Book 2 has an overall higher average then this one, so maybe 1 more?
Profile Image for Nicole.
484 reviews30 followers
July 21, 2011
I was really impressed with this book. The premise drew me in, which I found surprising, since I don’t usually care too much for space operas. Aries was a fascinating lead character, one whose struggle for autonomy in her incredibly regimented life was easy to identify with. In the hands of a lesser author, Aries could have been a kind of Mary Sue, but Ms. Dionne managed to give Aries’s naivete resonance and keep her interesting regardless of the situation she was in. The world she inhabited was basically Space Communism, right down to the type of covert rule-breaking that was endemic to those who were in charge and above public scrutiny. I liked the way the book ended, with everybody set up to get more or less their just desserts, in a way that maybe not even they understood. I look forward to the next book in this series.

I highly recommend this book not only to science fiction fans, but also to people like me, who never thought that they’d be into science fiction, but are always up for a good story.
3 reviews
August 3, 2011
This played out like a movie. I loved the scope, loved the action. I've not really read sci fi romance before (but was excited to!) and was curious as to how the balance of character and plot developement would be handled, whether we'd get much of a world. Actually, we got several worlds!

Aries is a complex character and I was pleased that we didn't get another kick-ass chick. There's a vulnerability that conflicts with her journey; I felt for her. The stakes were high enough for me to connect. I'd have liked for more filth between Aries and Stryker but that's just me :P I always want more filth, lol.

I did want to get into the head of Barliss a bit more; it was interesting to see the spurned guy as not-love-triangle material, and he so knew that. His insecurities could have done a more thorough job of affecting him at the end. I did like what was done with him, though.

All in all, a really exhilerating and fresh bit of fiction. I'm looking forward to book two (I think there's a book two).
Profile Image for Tiffany Allee.
Author 40 books443 followers
February 26, 2012
Paradise 21 was a very refreshing read for me. The setting is far in the future. The Earth has become uninhabitable and humans are forced to live in space. The heroine, Aries, escapes from the New Dawn, a spaceship full of people who are locked into their lots in life by the very genes that make them who they are. Their genetic makeup decides their jobs and even who they have to marry.

Intent on escaping her supposedly computer-arranged marriage, Aries takes an escape pod to a dangerous desert world, where she meets the space pirate, Striker. Striker carries his own emotional baggage after being abandoned on the planet by his crew, and the one person he thought he could trust.

This is an exceptional tale. Aries is a bit naive in the beginning, but grows a lot as a character throughout the story. Striker grows as well, although he didn't have quite so far to go, in my opinion. There are also many very engaging--and not-so-engaging but still intriguing--secondary characters. I'm excited to read the next book of the series!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews

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