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The Primal Hunter #6

The Primal Hunter 6

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Back from the Treasure Hunt, it’s time to explore Earth a little more…

But first, Jake has a family to visit and an auction to attend. Then it’s time to face the challenges the planet has to offer, and using the many rewards from the Treasure Hunt, Jake aims to improve his repertoire while getting some more levels under his belt.

And what could be a better idea than invading a massive termite hive to craft a new weapon using the extremely powerful curse of resentment from an ancient vampire land? Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong with that. Ancient curses are well-known for being harmless, after all.

Assuming all goes well – which it surely will – Jake has one more challenge he must face. Perhaps his most dangerous one yet.

That’s right, it’s back-to-school season.

School in this case being an ancient Order worshipping a Primordial snake god.

670 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 9, 2023

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 152 reviews
Profile Image for Danny Moody.
1,220 reviews7 followers
March 13, 2023
One of the few web novels that I stay current with on Royal Road. The story is fun and I love the solo nature of the MC. Definitely for those who enjoy an OP MC.
Profile Image for Gareth Otton.
Author 6 books113 followers
September 21, 2024
Finally, we get a 5-star rating for this series. I've been wanting to deliver one for so long but it has always just been one step shy of what I am looking for, but finally, I feel comfortable awarding one here.

Truth be told, this one only just scraped that 5th star because there are still chunks of meaningless action in this book that pulls me out of the story. However, this was considerably outweighed by the amount of world-building and story progression which is what I've wanted to see from this series for a long time. From Jake finally having a reunion with his family, to the auction, to a great deal of training for Jake, this book covers a lot of ground. It also gives us a lot more time spent with Jake and the Viper which is always a high point of this series.

In fact, my only real complaint with this book is that it felt like it was over too fast and just ended because there was too much story for one book, rather than because that was a natural breaking point. I was really invested in the story and where it was going as the book came to a close and I'm not looking forward to the months of waiting before the next release.

So far I have held back from visiting the web novel for this as I enjoy the audio performances by Travis Baldree so much, but after this one, I might just go give it a look to see what happens next.
13 reviews
June 14, 2023
Please don't stop

Amazing book, I really love your series I hate putting them down cause now I don't have anything to read ha, a lot of lit rpgs just don't compare. Your character creation the flow of the story shoot the story itself i really fell like i am there and i am attached to so many characters really amazing work i can not praise enough. I really love your work I can not wait for the next one and my selfishness wants you to keep writing this series for ever hahah, I do have a question though, will we see the statue in Haven?, also will Caleb and Jake have more adventures actually together just curios about that.. I have alot of questions but will not bore you, but I really hope you have enough to keep a long series to God Hood.. thank you for writing these books
135 reviews4 followers
January 27, 2024
More like a 4.3/5. Still a really great story and I’m very invested in the MC’s path to power, but the momentum from the previous book was somewhat diminished. I’ll give a more comprehensive review later, but right now I’m ready to pick up the next book.
Profile Image for Aubria L..
204 reviews14 followers
October 9, 2023
This series is definitely getting better and better! Primal Hunter is turning out to be one of my favorites in litRPG!
6 reviews1 follower
July 15, 2023
the series is falling off

This book is very slow, and I didn't enjoy a lot of it. While it's obviously not the last book of the series, it may be the last one I read.

The first 2 books are definitely my favorite in this series. Book 6 starts with about the first quarter being an auction in which Jake buys less than ten things, and he generally is angry that no one's selling a good bow. There's some resolution of the duel with the Sword Saint that's nice in there. Jake headed home and I was just not very interested.

I skipped a huge amount of the book. And really, nothing was difficult to understand as a result. I jumped from about 26% of the way through to 61%, per my Kindle. And I was glad I did - I was so bored. This book finishes very abruptly, and on a weird note. That's probably because Zogarth is releasing chapters on Royal Road, which is causing a lot of pacing concerns.
Profile Image for Steve.
1,420 reviews42 followers
June 18, 2023
Many things are going on in this one, though few of them amount to much. The part that really irked me was the bit with the elf slave. The MC is another of those insufferably moralizing a-holes on this particular subject.

The multiverse here is incalculably huge and ancient, but of course Jake is the only opinion whose is worthwhile. Slavery is unpleasant and something that we have (mostly) stopped using, but it's not always the worst outcome possible. Is it really impossible for Jake to just be decent to her and play by the overall rules of where he is? In this context, being a well-treated slave to a powerful person is a safe and secure life, objectively better than where this girl comes from. Meira is a non-entity who seems like a vehicle for the MC to virtue-signal about how slavery is terrible. Not the first time he's done this, and the circumstances are always ambiguous.

At this point Jake is shown to be a borderline sociopathic killer, overwhelmingly anti-social, effectively asexual, and to have a real axe to grind with slavery. At six books in I'm not sure I care to read about this character anymore, but I'll probably give book 7 a look before I give up.
Profile Image for Jon Svenson.
Author 8 books103 followers
June 20, 2023
In book 6 Jake is back in Haven and having his alchemy lab built. There are a couple key events that happen during book six, most importantly in the second half of the book, but I had the feeling that book six is a transition book setting the stage for bigger and better things in book.

I won’t spoil what happens next, but I did enjoy it. Jake messes around with curses, something that can’t be a good idea, but he does it anyway. The townspeople of Haven, including Miranda, are even more removed from the story as well. They are mentioned a few times and that’s it.

I enjoyed the book thoroughly. I found it more exciting near the end because of something new and different happening, but that’s fine. At some point one of the cities, or maybe an individual, will make a push to take over the new world. That’s if the Malefic One doesn’t push Jake to do it first. I’m sure there are some nice bonuses that come along with it.

The stats are regular and fine. The editing is not so great. I found numerous errors along the way. I still enjoy the story and don’t plan on stopping, but Jake needs to get off his keister and get busy sooner rather than later. 5/5*
Profile Image for William Howe.
1,601 reviews69 followers
June 11, 2023

This is way less a novel and more a series of episodes. Written as a serial, so there is no cycle or arc, no rhythm to the narrative.

A kinda boring auction, followed by some crafting/combat, a training montage of sorts, and the beginning of an academy storyline. Some family time thrown in for flavor, and the reappearance of an old opponent or two, plus a *lot* of universe/multiverse building.

I will continue with this series because I enjoy it. But this becomes more slice of life, so to speak. So your mileage may vary.
2,214 reviews52 followers
June 10, 2023
This has just gotten boring.

The last book was very focused on loot, skills and combat. This filled out the book with petty details and nothing else. I hoped this book would refocus on the story and the characters. It did not. Many parts are tedious, I skimmed through easily two fifths of this book. The indifference from the Main Character has become reflected in the writing, and it has made the series boring and tedious.
48 reviews
June 10, 2023

Not a fan of this one. It's easily the worst in the series. Where's the conflict? Where are the world ending problems that only the mc can solve?

Not in this book, that's for sure.

I gave it three stars because I really like the series and it feels like betrayal to go any lower.
22 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2023
going downhill

These books are really going downhill the first few were so good and now I can barely finish the book I’ll give the next one a try but if this keeps up the next one will be my last. This use to be one of my top two series I couldn’t wait to read but now it’s been a disappoi.
Profile Image for Tony Hinde.
1,777 reviews49 followers
June 22, 2023
There's not a lot of plot or conflict in this one. Regardless, it sucked me in. Be aware though, the book just ends – it's as if the author hit his word count and simply decided to finish that sentence.

Does anyone else think that the uber-strong ant-king was a nod to "Solo Leveling?"
1,980 reviews
September 12, 2023
Ohhhh man Primal Hunter is great. I absodamnlutely loved it. As Jake and Silvi, his hawk friend go over their loot from the treasure hunt in bk5. Billy has even more insight into what Jake needs to do next to get stronger. For those who don't know, Billy is the Malefic Viper and one of the Gods, he's made Jake his chosen one and his hereit all at the same time! And they are great friends... Anyhow after some additional training by Billy, he's enrolls Jake in school. Unfortunately there's not as much news of Haven, but we do get some of that, plus family, and pertinent information about people living in Haven and adjacent friends. So yeah I loved this and you really should dive into Zogarth's Isekai world adventure! Get the audio version because well Travis Baldree narrative performance can't be beat!

Here's a couple of quotes that amused me:

"Pretty sure that curiosity is leading cause of death among cats."

"The taste was surprisingly good, amazingly good actually and the after taste left by the poison only improved it."

"Jake came to learn he was actually trying to say rock, because he wanted certain rocks for the garden and his cave, but by the time anyone found out, the name Rick had stuck. Miranda said it wasn’t that bad, though, as when they did a vote among construction workers, the winner was Trolly McTrollface, which even Jake thought was a bad name. It should at least have been Trollie and not Trolly."
Profile Image for Levia.
1,334 reviews13 followers
July 14, 2023
I really enjoy how Jake views everything as a challenge of some sort. He takes moments to relax, but also notes things to look at later. The first part of the book has him seeing his family, and a couple bully the little brother moments when little brother tries to starts stuff with mom and dad. It was funny. Jake also does nothing by halves, and kind of almost blunders in an exciting transmute but also exterminate everything session. I do think that finding beings more powerful than himself is a positive for him. With his Bloodline and personality that's a challenge to improve himself. The next part of the book showing a short montage of improving some skills was interesting. I also enjoyed the whole school scenario. As for slavery vs hunting, personally those are monumentally different topics. Hunting allows for anyone to win, and it's all about who is more. More can be anything—determination, skilled, lucky, devious—and that's pretty normal in a LitRPG series. Slavery was going to come up anyway based on previous books, and I like Villy's explanations both to Jake and Duskleaf. Directing chaos in a preferred and potentially positive direction adds depth. I like how Jake handles the situation. I am sad the book ended, and I will be eagerly anticipating the next books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Steve Naylor.
2,063 reviews127 followers
August 19, 2023
Rating 5.0 stars

This is turning into one of my favorite series. It has something the others in the genre seem to lack. Balance. There is such a good mix of everything in this one. Crafting - check, magic - check, fighting - check, world building - check, interesting characters- check. A lot of the other books in the genre will focus on one area and leave the other parts of the story lacking. All around this is just more interesting. There are some parts I like more than other parts but as soon as I get to a point where I might get a little bored, things get switched up. The author has just enough parts being told from other points of view without losing sight of the fact that this is Jake's story. He is the one we care about the most. Sometimes in other books of this genre other characters are brought in that don't really add anything to the story. It almost feels like filler. Overall, a great addition to the series and I am really looking forward to the next one. I just wish the audiobook would come out sooner. I had to wait a couple of months after the book release for the audiobook and it annoys me.
3 reviews
June 5, 2024
I'm going to be completely honest, this book for me only has two truly interesting arcs: the first and the last. And what's incredible is that these are arcs where there's no action in battles, but rather a focus on world-building.

I understand that within the logic of the world, things like disappearing in the middle of a battle to give a PowerUp might seem fun to some, but for me, it's the most anticlimactic and bizarre thing that can happen. I found Book 5 to be very good, verging on excellent, and this one falls back into what I see as the same mistakes: arcs that could have been better utilized. The penultimate arc was a trial that dragged on far longer than necessary. I prefer something shorter that doesn't waste time (“To say the same thing, honestly, that seemed like filler by the book”), honestly. I feel that there's a lot of filler, even though there's no redundancy, it's a side mission without any consequence because even if the MC failed, it still had no consequences.

I look forward to eagerly reading the next part. I love all the challenges, and there are characters I would like to know more about, but they don't even get a pixel of prominence.
19 reviews
September 25, 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed the first two books but I haven't gotten the same enjoyment since. Story feels like it's being pulled in too many directions. I get that it has a multiversal scale to it, but it isn't delivered in a satisfying way. The author feels impatient to get off of Earth and into the multiverse but is introducing it far too early at what will likely be the detriment of all the other inhabitants. MC is edgy and pushes his values on every other character in the series with grandstanding and little tact. He's supposed to be socially awkward and he recognizes it and has some desire to alleviate it. So why doesn't he get the same treatment as William and understanding emotions? Jake/Hunter could get an easy fix from the system. There are also some of the less desirable tropes common in anime/manga present here. Eg. Harems and female characters who can't pass the Bechdel test. Still there is a lot of potential here with a well thought out power system and a vibrant multiverse, I hope the next in the series will be able to deliver.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
5 reviews
December 4, 2023
I love this series, but I’m at the auction sequence and I’m shocked at how impulsive jake is acting, he literally made a speech (in his head) about not wasting money, and then during a thirty second auction on one item, the bid was at 13 million and he just bought it out at 70 million, like I have ADHD and even I could wait another 10-25 seconds to save 50-55 million credits, it’s kind of nitpicky but it’s surprising in a series that I’ve had very little technically complaints like this. Still absolutely recommend. Also it seems like his values have changed since the first few books, at first he was kind of “everyone do their own thing, whatever works for you” as “path” advice, but now in this book he keeps calling every weapon and stat he doesn’t mainly use “stupid”, he literally is disregarding weapons without reading their descriptions just because it’s a “stupid magic stave”, like why? It felt like at first he was function over form, but now it seems like he is form or over function, which in a world where you need to survive seems like a bad mindset.
11 reviews
June 14, 2023
coming into its own

Most litrpg series I’ve read struggle a lot as the story expands from the post-apocalyptic Earth (or some fictional planet)-centric story.

Here, the author has really built an excellent scaffold for an awesomely expansive universe without it getting lost in absurd size or a lack of meaning for a story “in the small.”

The past books have been quite good in their own right, but it’s been a long time since I’ve found many stories successfully make the leap from one-world to many-worlds without losing themselves. Consider it like the rare child actor who manages to keep acting past adolescence and beyond - rare, but often a true gem when they happen.

Definitely looking forward to many more episodes of the Primal Hunter and his escapades with his good buddy, Villy.
Profile Image for Chris.
52 reviews4 followers
June 15, 2023
Some LitRPGs can be really shallow, like the whole concept is just something like "complete 1000 floors of this dungeon", but this series has always had the really interesting side of the gods getting involved, combined with a surprisingly deep magic system and stuff like transmutation, the different branches of alchemy... It's got way more depth than I would have expected initially, and that's a great thing for what is, essentially, a story about leveling up and becoming more powerful.

This book continues that trend, and Jake finally gets to go see the sights at the Order. Different races and abilities all add interesting new aspects to the story, things are really developing nicely and not falling into a rut of just clearing dungeon after dungeon, mindlessly. Lots of great variety in this story that keeps a reader glued to the pages
593 reviews4 followers
June 19, 2023
Uhhhhhh.... Not sure what this book is doing.

Most of the previous books had obvious plot argue that helped develop the over arching plot arch develop, until now.

I have no fricken clue what the author was trying to do in this book.

Jake is still awesome and we get a weird beginning with the auction, but then there is a strange in between section where we typically see Jake power level. The way the previous books worked, I expected Jake to hit C grade or get close by the end.

Instead we get introduced to a school Jake is invited to by Villi, and introduced to new characters that we only meet for a hot second before the book ends. This book easily has three separate parts that do not form a cohesive storyline, and it could have still continued in the last section but didn't. Very frustrating book.
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,479 reviews25 followers
November 10, 2023
I'm not enjoying this as much as the previous ones. It isn't a filler really, I know I didn't like the fight with the old man last book, and I don't want to see another. The book is just not that interesting.

It hasn't fallen to He Who Fights with Monsters three books of filler, but something is off.
Then the book ended without one of the things the protag wanted to do since nearly the start of the book occurring .

I don't like setting up something as "this is what will happen this book", only yo end with "find out next time!".

The book also ended abruptly? Was the original book split in half?

Will pick up the sequel.

3/5 Stars
385 reviews
June 11, 2023
Bit of a quandry.

Not sure why, but this volume seemed a bit "extra". Shows some nice craft work skills. It covers an incredible amount of ground and yet manages to do so with a fair amount of depth in spite of the number and variety of scenarios. The "meanwhile, back at the ranch" transitions weren't disruptive fillers. I found I was interested in what was happening behind the scenes and that I've come to care about the characters Zogarth has created. Found myself not wanting to reach the end; happily only a problem when reading an uncompleted series. Anyone not totally enamored with Sylvie? I love that we can just leave ratings, but sometimes honorable mentions should be included? Kudos.
15 reviews
December 20, 2023
Im still liking the series and the factions/gods and the whole world/system i absolutely love. But there being like 0 character personality is really starting to get old, everyone aside from maybe Arnold acts exactly like Jake. Jake is a semi charismatic ball busting jokey type of guy, which never really made sense for his character either. As before and after the system he is a loner type of person who is kind of nervous around socializing, yet is a jovial ball buster somehow. Snake god patron?jovial ball buster.Miranda?Takes her city lord job seriously but is a jovial ball buster none the less. Carmen? Not as jovial but ball buster all the same. Still reading and love it due to the world and progression but yeah every character just being generally the same is a bit old
Profile Image for Shahrazad Akbar.
64 reviews5 followers
August 16, 2024
One of my favorites in the series so far
I tend to like storylines with less action. I simply space out with fighting sequences.

I don’t know if this is considered a spoiler or not. But it’s written in the book discerption.

The plot starts with Haven attending the auction after the treasure hunt. After which, Jake basically chills and works on different projects before being roped into attending the Malefic viper’s alchemy academy.

The story follows a stable relaxing pace with minimal fighting. Everyone is focusing on self improvement rather than fighting.

All in all, it was a nice relaxing part of Jake’s life.
Profile Image for Thorsten.
189 reviews5 followers
June 15, 2023
I continue to enjoy to series and am looking forward to the next book. I don't know how far-reaching the Academy arc ends up being but this book definitely felt like the transition from the Earth/Treasure Hunt arc to the Academy arc with a lot of vignettes. I enjoyed meeting the family, I found the auction a little boring and I was surprised how much I enjoyed the Academy. Maybe it was that Jake didn't run afoul of the rich, snobbish bully on day one. I'm so confused now.

Can't wait for the next one, as always.
Profile Image for Jack Vinson.
837 reviews42 followers
July 18, 2023
Experiences expanding

The last installment of this series seemed to be one giant battle. And while this one was more varied, it ended just as things were getting interesting with Jake working in an entirely new area and gaining more knowledge of how the larger universe works. Of all the books so far, this one seems to be the least interested in gaining levels and power. (But then Jake did do some amazingly powerful things, so maybe it’s just my impression from the last portion of the book.)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 152 reviews

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