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Mark of the Fool #4

Mark of the Fool 4

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The Fool has returned to a realm in chaos.

As Generasi recovers from the wrath of a demon knight, Alex Roth travels to Thameland to uncover the mysteries of the Ravener. He and his friends have grown in power, ready to take on any threat lurking in the hills of Greymoor, where their university mounts their expedition.

But some things await Alex that no amount of training can counter.

For soon, the Heroes of Thameland will be reunited with the Fool.

And his secrets are on the line.

600 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 19, 2023

About the author

J.M. Clarke

14 books325 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
Profile Image for Melenia.
2,576 reviews6 followers
July 20, 2024
A good read. I feel like the main character is getting cocky though which took me out of the story a bit. Hopefully that will not continue in the next book.

Took away a star on re-read. Hoping the next book improves.
Profile Image for Steve Naylor.
2,063 reviews127 followers
August 3, 2023
Rating 5.0 stars

I am really enjoying this series. There is a great balance of magic, world building, interesting characters, crafting and an OP MC. The weird thing is that the MC has the limits he has and still ends up OP. He just needed to find new ways to use his talent. Alex spends half of the book in school, learning and growing stronger, and the other half back in his homeland fighting monsters and researching dungeons. Overall I am happy with this series and can't wait for the next one. My only complaint is the audiobooks have been coming out later and later than the kindle version. I was able to wait for the audiobook for the last one but I just couldn't with this one and read instead of listened to it.
Profile Image for Rose.
12 reviews
October 30, 2023
Alex gets 2 hours of sleep to work out and study all day. I stayed up till 6 am to read this book and avoid my exams, we are not the same. Really adds to the fantasy aspect!!
Profile Image for Tony Hinde.
1,777 reviews49 followers
July 27, 2023
It concerned me a little when Alex yet again found a way to power-up that thousands of years of mages had failed to find. Ignoring this author-forced development, I enjoyed most of the book.

On the negative side, I'm not a fan of extended enemy perspectives, and it seemed convenient that the all-powerful chancellor was absent for all of the battles. On the positive side, I think the dark hints about the motivations of the church, and perhaps the god, are exciting foreshadowing for the remainder of the series. This also implies that the enemy may, at least in part, also be a victim. That would be an interesting subversion of expectations.

Now, if I'm ticking off boxes for Alex's ultimate form. He's maximized his physical strength, developed a dance/martial-art to near peak, and seems on track to match the Sage in magic. Will he find a way to access divine powers as well, to become a one-man team of heroes?
Profile Image for Shonari.
368 reviews23 followers
August 7, 2023
Mark of the Fool 4 delivers an exhilarating fantasy adventure as Alex and his friends face new threats in a realm marred by chaos. With growing power and mysteries to unravel, the Heroes of Thameland are ready to reunite with the enigmatic Fool. Action, magic, and secrets intertwine, making this installment a gripping read for fans of the series. However, prior knowledge of the preceding books is recommended for a fuller experience.
2,214 reviews52 followers
July 20, 2023
These are getting a little weird, but . . .

Still very fun. The interesting part is that it doesn't feel drawn out. The day to day combined with the well defined characters keep it from dragging on inbetween the action bits. I can't wait to see where this goes.
Profile Image for Dave Stone.
1,222 reviews72 followers
November 10, 2023
Better than book 3
In this book it's year 2 at the magical university and Alex returns to his home country.
Things proceed in more or less the way you would expect them to, Except that I see the author is going to squeeze out way more books than I thought he would.
Profile Image for Fernando.
520 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2024
This one was slower than usual, focusing on character build up. A few seeds were planted for future plot threads. Looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for GaiusPrimus.
814 reviews87 followers
July 25, 2023
another good offering

Really like how Alex is finally coming into his own, and how the author is slowly peeling the layers of this intriguing onion.

I don't know why I do this to myself, reading the books as they come out.

Time for the wait again.
Profile Image for William Howe.
1,601 reviews69 followers
July 22, 2023
moar powah

Alex continues to grind. Uses the Mark to find answers others have missed.

The early parts dragged a bit, mostly the academy stuff. But the intrigue, meeting three of the Heroes, and fighting monsters picked things up towards the end.

Already pre-ordered book 5.
11 reviews
August 11, 2023
What? Oh no, don't read this!

Unless you like adventure, magic, wonder, mystery, exciting characters, battle scenes, and, uh... There was a lot of cool stuff, I lost a bit of sleep reading it, and I was happy to get to it, k? But, yeah, more of this please Mr J.M. author person!
Profile Image for Rob Enderle.
224 reviews4 followers
July 30, 2023
The only downside to this series is that the next book, 5, isn't written yet and at the end of this book, you are left wondering a bit about what will happen next. Not a true cliffhanger but still, it would have been nice to have the next book ready when I finished this one. Decent action, minimal romance, a good world and character building. The core idea of an edge with an offsetting downside is always interesting and the character diversity (different unusual races) makes for a fun read. I enjoyed the book and had trouble putting it down.
87 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2023
The next one cannot come soon enough

This book was well-written and well-paced, with excellent characterisation and progression. The fight scenes were thrilling. Cannot wait for the next one.
8 reviews
July 25, 2023
Cool book

Had fun, can't wait for more. It's quite interesting where the story is going. Hopefully the next one is even longer.
Profile Image for Angela Hedrick.
1,086 reviews22 followers
April 2, 2024
Why did you read this book?
I am really enjoying this series, and I plan to read what is published.

What format did you read this book in?
Read it as an eBook on Kindle.

Is this an educational book or a book for entertainment?
I read this book for pure entertainment purposes.

What genres do you think this book belongs to?
Fantasy, Humor and Comedy, Romance, Young Adult

What was your favorite part of the book?
My favorite scene in this book is when the little fae attached to Alex gives the Hags a pity compliment. They were more enraged by his backhanded comment than by Alex’s insults! It's too funny.

Who would you suggest this book to?
Anyone who likes slow-building LitRPG fantasy stories.

What is your general opinion/ rating of this book?
This book is mainly about the exposition of Alex’s home country so they can study the dungeon cores. One of the things I enjoy about this series is that the MC struggles for every inch of strength he fights for. Even when I think the MC is too OP, there is a force of monsters that proves me wrong. The author does a great job of balancing each battle. I really like the last battle in this book. The use of the flour in the mill was genius. I am nervous that the heroes might figure out that Alex is the fool. Overall, I enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read the next one.

Any trigger warnings?
Mental Health: PTSD, Panic Attacks, Trauma
Violence and Death: Death, Animal Death, Graphic Deaths, Mass Death, Murder, Execution, Suffocation, Burning People, Extreme Violence, Gore, Mutilation, Mutilation of Corpses, Cutting of Limbs, Forced Blood Draining, Animal Cruelty, Escalating Violence, Described Blood, Graphic Violence

Profile Image for Gareth Otton.
Author 6 books113 followers
April 18, 2024
Finally, this book is what this series needed. The last book felt like it was treading water a little, offering a lot of action but failing to deliver any meaningful character growth or progress the overarching story all that much. This book rectifies that mistake by delivering on both fronts. Alex once again starts making forward progression in his story, and finally we deal with the overarching plot that has been looming over the head of this series since the opening chapters of the first book.

I was tempted to give this one five stars as a result of this, especially because it left me more eager to keep reading this series than I had been at any other point before now. However, I held myself back because when I compare this book to other stories that I have awarded five stars over the years, it falls short.

Though this story did move things forward in meaningful ways, there's still a lot that could be done to pick up the pace a bit. The main issue for me is the now familiar one (with this series and so many other books in this genre) of mistaking action for forward progress. There's lots of action in these books, devoting multiple chapters to every battle. The thing is that action is only interesting in what it means to the overarching story. If you have 5-10 chapters devoted to an action scene, then it needs to deliver 5-10 chapters of story as a result. If the story only moves forward one step after the dust settles, then the pacing just feels off.

However, I have high hopes for this series going forward. This was a drastic improvement from the previous books, and I am genuinely excited to keep reading this series now, where before, I was only mildly interested.
Profile Image for Gary.
586 reviews4 followers
October 19, 2023
I'll give you a hint on how to get through the first part of this book. Drink two of Alex's Haste Potions, and speed read through it as fast as you can. It was really bad writing.

This is a progressive fantasy, which means things develop slowly. Clarke has done a good job up to this point of meticulous growth. However, in this book, we are reintroduced to the Heroes, who have been on the sidelines for most of this progression. Clarke needs to get them involved in the plotline quickly, so he does a really quick once over on character development. It is filled with stereotypical behaviors and personality quirks, clichés, and other writing shortcuts. Painful to read.

The other bad writing was in the dungeon fight at the start of this book. It was basically a cut and paste of previous fights. Our author simply replaced the names of the monsters and the fighting locations, but everything else was pretty much status quo. There was may be one or two new fighting techniques, but the rest was a rehash.

After that rough beginning though, the story glistened. While the dungeon fight was a cut & paste job, the battle at the windmill was clever, creative, and novel. There was just a hint of repetition, but it was done deliberately with a nod to the Mark in the process. Which is why it ended up getting its full four stars. The progression of Alex's skills is well thought out and logically developed. There is a glimmer of hope (to be played out in the next book?) that
Alex will acquire a staff
Claygon will acquire sentience
Alex will succeed in his long term goal
Selina will overcome her fears

There is also a hint that MAY BE we don't really want the cycle to be broken. That there is a reason behind all these recurring cycles. Might that also be revealed in Book 5?
Profile Image for Sydney.
1,330 reviews63 followers
February 18, 2024
4 All's Fair In Love And Fighting Monsters Stars

Mark of the Fool 4 is the fourth book in A Progression Fantasy series by J. M. Clarke.

While I still majorly enjoyed this book, I am getting annoyed about the utter lack of revelation in regards to the Ravener. Yet, we have come to learn something of the secrecy within Thameland and past cycles. Fueled by a hidden society of assassins and spies, brought up Uldar's and the secret path the First Apostle directs them on.

It is interesting to see Alex start to more resemble the other Heroes with their Uldar given gifts. Advancing in both magic and magical ability. All of his new capabilities led me to question Uldar's design, like Alex and Baelin have discussed. What purpose does giving four of the five great gifts from the start, and having the singular Fool struggle to amass any form of protection. Has history been twisted so much that there was once some grand design behind this discrepancy?

There are more demon summoning to counter in their future. Combined with that of the ever-present scrouge of Ravener kind and this new and decisively most wicked new development regarding trust within Thameland and Uldar's citizens and Generasi's visiting researchers.
Profile Image for Callum.
76 reviews2 followers
July 26, 2023
Solid sequel

This book is a change of pace from the prior books with less studying and slice of life and more hands on action — to mixed results.

On the whole I enjoyed the book immensely: characterisation still shines, I still enjoy the slower elements and the story is continuing to develop interesting elements. On the other hand I missed the time at generasi with much less time there this book and studies taking a back burner. Towards the end I just wanted some time with Alex learning another summoning spell, instead we get my mortal enemy: a shifting perspective. Done to an extent it can be effective I must admit but in this we go from side characters, to heroes, to monsters, to priests and all I wanted was to get back to the core of the book. The pacing also just felt a little off this book — it’s the first one I’ve been somewhat bored and disinterested in parts, largely due to the perspective changes. It just felt like it was meandering all over the place at points and felt unfocused.

Overall still really enjoyed this book and looking forward to the next but it’s my least favourite so far.
1,401 reviews24 followers
September 17, 2023
The expedition is underway---and between setting up a base in Thameland and clearing out the monsters and dungeons in their way, Alex has one more hurdle. The Heroes have come to help. Well, all but the Saint, who can't enter the grounds thanks to the prohibitions on priests. Who are these people who were Marked like he was, yet unhindered, who have been clearing out dungeons ever since he left? And how much should he help them?

So this book has a lot of my favorite scenes in the story so far. Alex meeting the Heroes is a big one---we finally get to see the others Chosen besides Alex and Cedric. And Alex might feel sorry for them, but he has absolutely no desire to get dragged into their world. He'd rather help from the side, by pulling in his university, instead of trekking into the dungeons without all the things he's gained from his last year in classes.

And some of those gains have definitely been his friends. Khalik, Thundar, and Isolde don't have the personal ties to Thameland, but they're just as invested in this expedition because of him. I like the friendships they have between them, and how they're all clearly distinct and different, but that's part of why they're so good as a group.

It's almost amusing to see how badly the dungeons fare against non-Hero raiding parties when those parties consist of some of the strongest wizards and warriors in the world.

Nor is Alex stagnant. My other favorite bit of the book is Alex's self-improvement plan. He's connected the dots on a few things after fighting the latest mana manipulation training device, and combined disciplines in a novel way. The weightlifting contests between him and the others are hilarious. Especially when Grimloch gets involved.

Overall this is a fantastic sequel. It's delivering a few things we've been waiting a while to see, unfolding small bits of information about the enemy, and promising a lot more to come. I rate this book Highly Recommended.
Profile Image for John.
106 reviews7 followers
November 20, 2023
The Fool returns home

The expedition is finally in Alex's home country! Alex and the others meet some of the other heroes though, thankfully not the priest, otherwise Alex might lose his ability to roam about the world. They would be asking him some very pointed questions about where he's been and why he hasn't been helping them.
Alex has in fact been helping them and this expedition is the biggest example of that. Together with the heroes, they squish two nearby dungeon cores and then show off what they can do with those cores, to explosive results. There's more fun with Claygon and Alex starts doing some questionable experiments with his own body. They seem to work out pretty well though. He continues to grow in power, though there's always something or someone more powerful. Fortunately, the most powerful person he knows, Chancellor Baelin, still seems to be on his side.

The expedition has a few hiccups but by and large the end of the novel shows it firmly entrenched in Thameland and with our heroes still happy and healthy.
Profile Image for Akshay.
446 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2024
Mark of the Fool 4: A Gripping Adventure, But Can the Overpowered Fool Keep Pace?

J.M. Clarke's Mark of the Fool 4 delivers another exhilarating chapter in Alex Roth's journey, a potent blend of magic, world-building, and "OP MC" satisfaction. Packed with action, intrigue, and character growth, this installment will definitely appeal to fans of the series.

"Alex yet again found a way to power-up that thousands of years of mages had failed to find."


Gripping narrative: The story expertly balances academic life at the magical university with thrilling monster-slaying expeditions, keeping the pace brisk and engaging.
Compelling characters: Alex remains an underdog-turned-powerhouse, his resourcefulness and unique limitations making him a truly intriguing protagonist. His supporting cast shines too, each contributing their own quirks and strengths.
Rich world-building: The intricate magic system, detailed lore, and vivid landscapes immerse the reader in the fantastical realm of Thameland.

Points to ponder:

Alex's power creep: While his underdog-to-powerhouse trajectory is initially satisfying, some may find his rapid advancement bordering on the unbelievable.
Overpowered villains? The villain's near-ubiquitous absence from key battles can feel convenient, raising questions about their true power and purpose.
Unanswered questions: The book introduces intriguing hints about the motives of the church and the god, leaving readers eager for deeper exploration in future installments.


Mark of the Fool 4 is a highly enjoyable fantasy adventure, perfect for fans of the series and progression fantasy enthusiasts in general. While some concerns arise regarding Alex's power curve and certain story beats, the book's strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. The cliffhanger ending leaves readers hungry for the next chapter in Alex's extraordinary journey.

Recommended for: Fans of progression fantasy, magic-focused adventures, and underdog heroes who defy expectations.

66 reviews2 followers
July 22, 2023
Another good read

I loved just about every bit of this. In the last book, I felt that some aspects of previous books had all but disappeared, such as the golem workshop. This book felt like a much better balance of new material without forgetting past adventures.


Small irritation, Theresa mentions getting another date, but none happens in this book. The closest event to a date is some training that has some fun.
I was surprised when Alex decided to use his skills to rebuild his body into a superman.
While the conflict with the Ravener only reveals slight reveals in its mystery, the Church of Uldar is shown to have a secret sect, and the Heroes of Uldar have tensions within the group.
Overall, I am very happy with where this story is going and hope the next installment comes soon.
119 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2023
Good pieces of story advancement though felt like too much filler

I liked the research aspect of the dungeons cores this book but felt like the near the middle to the end of the book there was not enough of good moments like the rock lifting contest to make it enjoyable with all chapters on his new spells. I did like the perspective of the priests for some more lore teased and I kinda don’t like how Alex still only has small speculations to the reason they are hunting him because he is not an idiot and he very well can deduce his unique reason why they hate him so it feels like your dumbing him down when it comes to this for more story.
172 reviews2 followers
August 15, 2023
Amazing book. I love this series so much Alex is such a well-done main character and I love each and every main character in the book. A wonderful mixture of adventure, learning, and character interactions. This an amazing book and highly recommend it to anyone who lives fantasy. The author creates a wonderful world full of compelling characters and really interesting magic. Can not wait for book 5.
May 1, 2024
In this book we see much more of the heroes and learn more about Thameland, the dungeon cores, and the Ravener.

Everything that I have loved in the first few books continues in this book and the return to Thameland adds some new perspectives and new challenges.

The dialogue is fun. The internal monologue is amusing, and the plot is extremely engaging.

Don't take the short review as any indication of anything negative. This book and the entire series have been amazing. I actually immediately went from this book to book 5. I just hate including spoilers and so its difficult to talk about the fourth book.
120 reviews
October 28, 2023
not even finished yet but I love it

I just had to put a review out on this book. I had initially read this on Royal Road a year back and decided to give it a break seeing as it wasn’t a finished product and I wanted to focus on other books. Now, after reading through this book from where I left off, I realize why I loved it in the first place. The high level of detail into the magic system, how the mc makes the most despite his limitations, and the mostly fleshed out characters make this an enjoyable read. Only minor grammatical errors. Highly recommend!
161 reviews4 followers
November 2, 2023
My Rating System:
5- Perfect for my taste, I could not physically stop reading/listening and wanted more afterward.
4- Almost perfect, could not stop reading/listening, probably wanted more afterward.
3- I enjoyed the book and could see others loving it, I need to think if I want more.
2- I can see why others might like the book, but I could not, I do not want more.
1- What is this? What went wrong? Why did they do this? This doesn't make any sense! (No idea who it is for, but definitely not for me).

[Audiobook Version]
3 reviews
March 12, 2024
I’m about halfway finished with book 4 and so far it has had good progression of the story so far. But I have a theory to share, and I want to know if anyone else thinks the same who hasn’t finished yet. I think Baelin’s cabal, one of the members is from our version of earth. There are plenty of foreshadowing about having a multiverse and the information it shadows is one you’d get from earth. For example when chaos and the dungeon powered mixed, it created an atomic explosion. Then one of baelins cabal warned him to check for “poison in the air” which I think meant radiation.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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