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The Price

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Boston District Attorney Will Sullivan dreams of becoming the next governor of Massachusetts. With his beautiful wife, Joanna, and adorable daughter, Sydney, Will seems destined for greatness…until Sydney becomes seriously ill. Now both parents resolve to do anything to save their daughter’s life.

But in the twilight world of Briarwood Medical Center, nothing is as it seems. Patients on the brink of death are not only surviving but thriving, while others wither away…and the recoveries all revolve around the ministerings of a mysterious counselor, who takes an unsettling interest in Joanna. When Sydney’s health miraculously improves, Will suspects that Joanna has made a terrible bargain to save their child. Now Will must face a powerful, unknown evil before he loses…everything.

275 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 2008

About the author

Alexandra Sokoloff

34 books985 followers
I'm the Thriller Award-winning and Bram Stoker and Anthony Award-nominated author of the bestselling Huntress/FBI Thrillers: Huntress Moon, Blood Moon, Cold Moon. Bitter Moon, Hunger Moon, Shadow Moon, the supernatural thrillers The Harrowing, The Price, Book of Shadows, The Unseen, The Space Between. The New York Times Book Review has called me "a daughter of Mary Shelley" and my novels "some of the most original and freshly unnerving work in the genre."

I'm a California native and a graduate of U.C. Berkeley, where I majored in theater and minored in everything that Berkeley has a reputation for. After college I moved to Los Angeles, where I've made an interesting living doing novel adaptations and selling original thriller scripts to various Hollywood studios.

In my stories I like to cross the possibility of the supernatural with very real life explanations for any strangeness going on, and base the action squarely in fact. THE UNSEEN is based on real paranormal research conducted at the Duke University parapsychology lab, and BOOK OF SHADOWS teams a Boston homicide detective and a practicing Salem witch in a race to solve what may be a Satanic killing. THE SPACE BETWEEN, is an edgy supernatural YA about a troubled high school girl who is having dreams of a terrible massacre at her school, and becomes convinced that she can prevent the shooting if she can unravel the dream.

I also have written paranormal romance (THE SHIFTERS, KEEPER OF THE SHADOWS) and the non-fiction workbooks SCREENWRITING TRICKS FOR AUTHORS and WRITING LOVE, based on my internationally acclaimed workshops and blog https://alexandrasokoloff.substack.com/

I live in Los Angeles and in Scotland, with Scottish crime author Craig Robertson.

When I'm not writing I dance: jazz, ballet, salsa, Lindy, swing - I do it all, every chance I get.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 98 reviews
Profile Image for Misty Marie Harms.
559 reviews631 followers
January 11, 2022
What would you do to save your child? Your wife? Your soul?

Boston District Attorney Will Sullivan dreams of becoming the next governor of Massachusetts. With his wife Joanne and daughter Sydney, he just knows he will win. Then suddenly Sydney gets sick. Inside Briarwood Medical Center is holding dark secrets. Patients are in the brink of death, suddenly are healthy. Healthily, patients are dying for no reason. Throw in the counselor that seems to be obsessed with Joanne. When Sydney’s health miraculously improves, he knows his wife has made a terrible bargain. Joe has to face an unknown, powerful evil.
Profile Image for Kit★.
777 reviews55 followers
August 15, 2013
I read The Harrowing a couple years ago and liked it well enough. The author has a way of writing that makes it super easy to 'see' the story, probably owing to her background as a screenwriter. So when I came upon this book on one of my dollar store trips I grabbed it up, pretty confident I'd get an entertaining story. It didn't disappoint. The ending perhaps wasn't very climactic, but it was the sort of ending that leaves room for you to wonder. There's still a sense of danger looming. And yet it was sort of a things ended well ending too. I found the main character to be likable, I felt for him in his sadness, as well as in his confusion. I was intrigued by the mystery of Salk, who was he, and why in the heck was everyone lying about having seen or talked to him? The dark and mysterious 'secret' corridors of the hospital, the monster nuns, the gloominess of the whole place. It worked to create a definite atmosphere, I felt like I could see it, feel it. The whole situation of having your child get sick, terminally, is one that I fear. I imagine I would be like Joanna, willing to trade anything to have my child well and safe. I was kept curious as to what her deal with Salk was, I had all kinds of different ideas running through my mind. When the truth came out, it wasn't one that I had thought of, but it fit. I do feel that the story could've been a bit longer there towards the end, things didn't get explained as thoroughly as I would've liked, and the resolution was a little rushed, but it served to make a quick, interesting read. There were enough creepy/spooky moments to keep me feeling just a little nervous, but it wasn't really scary. The idea of losing a child is the scariest aspect of this story, at least for me. I liked this book though, and will most likely try this author again if I get the chance.
Profile Image for Kasia.
401 reviews345 followers
May 30, 2011
When extremely ill children suffer through pain, fear and isolation anything that springs them back to life is considered a miracle. Charismatic District Attorney Will Sullivan is making his way though the corrupted world of politics when his race to be Massachusetts governor is stopped short by his five year old daughter's sudden illness. Sydney develops a tumor that is malignant, growing each day and engulfing her tiny body, reducing her to a sheer copy of the bubbly, happy girl she used to be. Will's wife Joanna spends every waking minute in the hospital room with her daughter, drifting away mentally and physically from her husband while he roams the hallways unable to think. On his walks he encounters a tall man who is always near the patients who are the sickest, after a while Will notices something strange about the man and the patients that he visits. They walk away in full health while their loved ones seem to loose something precious to them. Sheer terror takes over his mind when one day Sydney is suddenly getting healthy, her tumor vanishing while the doctors seem very nervous and unsure of the causes. What makes matters worse, it seems that Joanna made some sort of a deal with the mysterious man, and now Will fears of the price that she will have to pay. After Sydney is released, days go by in a blur but when life seems to be getting back to normal, he notices his wife acting strangely, her disappearances at night, her torn clothes, the vacant look in her eyes, he must find a way to explain the "miracle" that has tangled it's claws around Joanna, fearing the worse, the unexplainable, the darkness that holds mysteries that no one should know in life.

I really liked the book; it was dark and chilly, marvelously written. There was no gore; the psychological terror that prayed on Will and the eerie hospital corridors that had many secrets was dense and added richness to the novel. Author's descriptions of her characters were vivid, Joanna dressed in jewel toned silks, the rich plums and orange contrasting with her raven hair and snowy skin made me visualize her and made her distress that much more menacing. The discord between the married couple grew, making me a nervous wreck, hoping that it wasn't too late to save the family. The only issue I had with the story was the ending, at first when I got to the last page I was stunned thinking "that's it?" with this feeling of the ground being pulled under me, my mind still so open from the story had nowhere to grasp itself to for more explanations. A day after reading it I feel the ending was more serene than I would have wished, but still open to many terrible possibilities. It was not a loud and explosive finish, it was more suave and refined but I wanted a little bit more, just a tad of closure for one of the characters. Perhaps this way my mind can wonder about it for much longer than book that have a very specific end, maybe the author is secretly doing this to toy with the reader, overall I think she's marvelously talented and I hope she writes tons more books.
Profile Image for Chandni.
1,275 reviews20 followers
April 20, 2021
While this was a very atmospheric and creepy book, it was so short that I never connected with the characters. I'm really torn because I liked the writing so much, but the plot was quite weak.
Profile Image for Sue.
188 reviews12 followers
October 2, 2013
Edited to add some constructive critique. I should always wait at least three hours after reading a book to review it!

I read this book in one day. It had been sitting in my Kindle from a free download and I was attempting to clear out free downloads that I didn't want to read by starting them and if they were not instantly interesting, deleting them. After throwing a few out, I was completely taken in by this one.

Paranormal thrillers often get me going with the chills and thrills and then disappoint me somewhere just before or around the resolution of the mystery and beyond. Understanding too much in paranormal stories: well it just takes the para out and normalizes too much! Not so, here. I was creeped out from start to finish.

My only criticism is that the first half of the book was agonizingly slow, in which the protagonists are being stalked by a supernatural being who obviously wants to cut a deal they can't refuse. And yet I could. not. stop. reading. because I wanted to know what the consequences would be. It was well written and worth slogging through, as the consequences were surprising, twisty and horrific.

The narration is flawless and the story hangs together beautifully although it leaves me with a few questions about the internal logic. Very little is said about the origin and motives of the supernatural being. A couple of peripheral characters are clearly used as distractions to keep the reader confused and I would have liked either more or less of them.

Regardless, I will read more from Sokoloff as she is highly skillful at creating vivid environment and strong clear characters. It's really more like watching a movie than reading a book. A word of advice: read it when you have time to finish it!

This review is also on Amazon.

Author 3 books11 followers
July 23, 2012
This is a book of innuendo. Scary innuendo that had me imagining a bad guy reminiscent of the preacher in the movie Poltergeist II. So much so, in fact, that I half expected to come upon a refrain of, "God is IN! His holy temple..."

That refrain never showed up, but it definitely created the uncomfortably creepy atmosphere as I wondered if Sokoloff's main character, unbelievably perfect Will Sullivan, was really experiencing outside the bounds of the normal world or if he was finally showing a crack in his perfect facade and losing his mind.

The only thing that marred this story for me was the perfection of the main character. Will Sullivan, an idealistic DA running for governor of Massachusetts has the perfect wife, the smartest and brightest child who takes her cancer treatment like a trooper and miraculously recovers, and has never so much as jaywalked in his life. He probably sings Kumbaya in the shower every morning and really means the words.

Even with this, Sokoloff's writing pulls the story off without making me (a) wish that the main character's past of kicking puppies in seedy motels for sport is suddenly discovered, or (b) throw the book across the room in a fit of flawed pique over being reminded of my imperfections.

The story flows seamlessly and the vivid descriptions paint a dark picture that is ever-so-slightly off, as though viewing a portrait that is imperceptibly canted on the wall.

And even in the end, with the final scene that brings it all together and seems to answer every question, I was still left unsure as to whether it was real, or all in a damaged mind. Either way, it is horrifying.
Profile Image for Denise.
2,195 reviews93 followers
May 7, 2016
3.0 out of 5 stars -- What would YOU give for a miracle?

DA Will Sullivan is on the brink of becoming governor of Massachusetts when his 5-year-old daughter, Sydney, develops inoperable pancreatic blastoma. Terminally ill and with no likelihood of a cure, Sydney is fading fast. Will and his wife, Joanna, spend every second at the hospital begging for a miracle. Endless days and sleepless nights take a toll on the couple and Will starts seeing some very creepy goings on while roaming the medical complex. Dazed and confused, he is at the end of his rope, worried sick about wife and daughter, when he meets a man he believes is a staff member who calls himself Salk. He seems to understand what they are all going through. They talk. Salk holds out hope...

Paranormal thrillers are usually not my typical choice of reading material, but I flew through this in a couple of hours, glued to the page to find out how the setup resolved. It was very entertaining, if totally unbelievable, and I enjoyed it.

I got this from the library because I read a trilogy by this author that I had liked a lot.
Profile Image for Natasha.
Author 21 books63 followers
October 3, 2012
My second book by Alexandra Sokoloff. She's a very talented and also skillful author. She knows her craft well. The book is very visual, I didn't want to skip any descriptions, but actually waited for them. Suspense all the way to the end even though I knew what is the main idea. The book is deep, philosophical, religious, but not preachy. Even though I was a little disappointed at the end, I really enjoyed this book. Amazing.
Profile Image for Emily Kestrel.
1,140 reviews72 followers
September 12, 2015
A quick, easy read but rather predictable, about what people would be willing to trade in order to save their loved ones. My least favorite book by this author; I would definitely recommend starting with The Unseen or The Harrowing instead.
Profile Image for Paige.
68 reviews21 followers
May 28, 2008
Sophomoric. Grishamesque. Ugh.
Profile Image for Fern.
60 reviews3 followers
March 27, 2021
What would you do to save a loved one? ☠️

The Price - Alexandra Sokoloff

I first discovered Alexandra Sokoloff when a friend sent me a bunch of different books and her book The Harrowing was in there.
We all know I LOVE a horror so I knew straight away I needed to read more of her writing so picked up this read on kindle unlimited. I was not disappointed.

Sokoloff just has the best imagination, she turns paranormal horror stories into real life situations and really leaves you thinking “what if”.
I was transported into the life of Will in this book, and just could not stop imagining what I would do in his situation. I was completely freaked out from start to finish and although you can see where the story is going, it still such a great storyline! And I still can’t work out if what happened to Will was real or not. Usually I hate that! But with Sokoloff’s style it just makes the book that much more enjoyable.

All I can say is I highly recommend this author, you have to stick with it as the beginnings tend to “set the stage” but it is completely worth it. I can’t wait to pick up my next Sokoloff.
Profile Image for J.L. Smith.
Author 2 books9 followers
April 21, 2019
What I liked?

It was a very lifelike and pragmatic. We all have loved ones and friends that we would give anything to save if the circumstances ever came down to it. Even though our main character, District Attorney Will Sullivan, is a political figure with high aspirations in that field, his dilemma regarding his daughter’s sickness and his wife’s suffering is one that is all too real.

In the midst of this, Sokoloff gives a bit of fantasy and the paranormal to the point where you feel like, right along with Sullivan, you’re losing your mind.

What I didn’t like?

It took a lot of time to get to the meat of the story. There was so much accumulation and build-up to the climax. It was clear to me what was happening and I just wanted the author to stop painting the picture and move on.


This was a good but very uncomfortable read. However, it’s a perfect blend of horror and realism. Scary but pretty lit. I’d recommend.
Profile Image for Barbara.
549 reviews21 followers
March 11, 2018
Boston D.A. Will Sullivan has his sites set on the governor's seat when tragedy strikes his perfect family - his beautiful, but damaged, wife Joanna and golden 5 year old daughter Sydney. Joanna finds a tumor in Sydney's belly, a horriby devastating cancer that lands her in the best and biggest hospital complex in Boston. Joanna is crazy with worry over her daughter, and Will is afraid he will lose both his daughter and his wife who is his soul mate. Enter the mysterious denizen of the hospital, Salk, who seems to offer a particularly sinister sort of hope to families of the terminally ill. I admit I saw what was coming, but I really enjoyed reading about familiar spots in Boston along the way.
Profile Image for Anurag.
17 reviews1 follower
October 28, 2018
I have read the author's previous novel "The Harrowing" which I enjoyed very much. So I was looking forward to this one. But it was such a let down. Story takes too much time to keep going. You keep waiting for something scary to happen. But the first half is basically a family drama. Nothing scary happens. It picks up pace in the second half so it gets a bit more interesting then. Even then it commits another sin of being predictable. The final revelation happens too late and I saw it coming from a mile away. Just disappointing.
Profile Image for Kat Ficalora.
88 reviews
October 31, 2019
Classic Faustian bargain - what price are you willing to pay to achieve your most wanted outcome?

The author should have made a deal for a better ending, because the story concluded in a very stereotypical way. More of a dying flame than an explosion.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Wendy.
151 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2020

So glad to find this author! Sad to be running out of her books to read. She brings her characters to life. This book is well written with a fast moving plot and interesting, novel approach. I enjoyed every page.
Profile Image for Bryngel.
1,344 reviews7 followers
July 19, 2023
I decided to give this author another chance, as people find her to be a skilled writer, and I myself found the first book I read by her to be very, very bad. This was not much better. I guess Sokoloff just isn't my kind of writer.
Profile Image for David.
23 reviews1 follower
January 17, 2019

Extremely well written. A descent into madness and paranoia, or something more sinister? Or both? A true modern classic. Bravo!
August 4, 2019
Great story

Enjoyed the suspense , the main character was so good. I was rooting for him all the way! A perfect ending.
Profile Image for Jeanna Read.
472 reviews2 followers
August 29, 2022
First creepy book of the season! This one had me on the edge of my seat, wanting all the questions answered. I liked The Harrowing by this author as well. Will read more of this author!
Profile Image for Iris Norton.
181 reviews13 followers
May 5, 2019
Profile Image for Alisha Marie.
911 reviews91 followers
April 9, 2009
Okay, let me first start out by saying that I am fairly new to the "horror" genre. I've only read about six or seven horror novels in my lifetime and those were all within a year (2008-2009 year, in fact). There were some that I didn't find scary at all (yes, Amityville Horror, I'm glaring at you), but the majority of them I thought were great.

Alexandra's Sokoloff's "The Harrowing" (her first novel) was one of the great ones. I thought it was incredibly creepy and frankly, it scared the crap out of me. So, of course, I was excited to pick up her second novel "The Price" (which I picked up today). I love that her novels are quick reads (man, do they keep you turning the pages!); the author seems to understand that to tell a great horror story, you don't have to have a 1000+ page novel (yes, Stephen King's "IT"; that one's for you).

Anyway, at first, I was a little disappointed because while the first 50 pages were interesting, it really didn't spell out "horror" for me. That notion was changed pretty quickly while I delved in deeper into the story. While I do think that "The Harrowing" was scarier than "The Price", I definitely liked "The Price" better. It keeps you turning pages faster than "The Harrowing" (I finished that one in two days, but finished "The Price" in about four hours). I think it's more of a suspense novel, if anything. Don't get me wrong, it's still plenty creepy (you'll think so too once you read a certain "nun scene". Dude, nuns are already creepy to begin with, but this just made me that much more terrified of them), but the "creepy" factor was not what kept me turning pages.

What did keep me turning pages was the whole mystery of what exactly was happening in the hospital. Throughout most of this story I was thinking "What the hell is going on?!!!" I also kept reading because I was intrigued by the main character (moreso than "The Harrowing" since a couple of the characters in that one annoyed me to no end). While you are on Will's (the main character) side the entire time, you can't help, but wonder if he's going mad or if what's happening is real. It's that whole "What the hell is going on?!!!" thing all over again. The novel also raises an interesting question, "How far will you go to save a loved one?" The humanity factor is what made me like "The Price" more than "The Harrowing".

So, definitely pick up "The Price" (and "The Harrowing", too). It was creepy, heart-breaking, and suspenseful all in one. Alexandra Sokoloff is also coming out with another book in May. And for me, May cannot come fast enough.
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
Author 33 books315 followers
March 12, 2009
What is the price of desperation? In our darkest hour, when it seems impossible to change the course of some terrible path or fate, be it death, disease, poverty or pain in our lives, what price are we willing to pay, whether consciously or unconsciously? I would give anything… We’ve all whispered those words at one point or another when we have reached our breaking point, when the world simply seems too much of a weight to bear and the pain too great to survive. However, upon reflection, one must wonder just who or what might have been listening to those wretched, hopeless pleas? Demons? Angels? The Devil himself waiting in the wings to swoop in and “comfort” us with promises and bargains, bargains that inevitably leave us more damned and destitute than before? It is said that we should be careful what we wish for, but is wishing and hoping the same thing? Could the incessant need to cling to hope unfortunately mutate into a selfish wish that could cause us to forsake our dignities and, even worse, at times our souls? In our darkest hours are we destined to become damned?

In THE PRICE by Alexandra Sokoloff a prestigious Boston District Attorney by the name of Will Sullivan finds himself teetering on the brink of such desperation when his young daughter is brought to the edge of death by a ravenous, untreatable illness. His entire life Will has been the high-powered DA, a man with a beautiful wife and his sights set on becoming the next governor of Massachusetts. However, after weeks wandering the halls of Mercy’s Children’s Hospital watching the tragic patients in the rooms around his daughter’s deteriorate into madness, Will has found himself questioning everything he has ever believed in, including the very fabric of reality. Suddenly, he has noticed a strange new trend amongst the patients after meeting a darkly elegant “counselor” by the name of Salk. Quadruple amputees are seen with limbs again, an officer fatally shot and brought to the hospital D.O.A. is up and walking around the next day, a boy with incurable leukemia is suddenly sent home as his illness goes into remission. Will also begins to stumble upon hallways that seem destined for another time and place, nuns with hollow eyes and twisted faces and strange gardens with statues that seem to move and follow him in the darkness. These delusions only add to the panic the “miracles” Will has witnessed inspire in him until he is driven to seek out the guidance of the mysterious counselor, Salk, who continues to encourage Will to cling to his hope... Click here to read the full review!
778 reviews57 followers
February 3, 2009
The Price by Alexandra Sokoloff
Mass Market Paperback – December 2, 2008
3.5 Stars

District Attorney Will Sullivan was born with a silver spoon. He's been raised and groomed to go far in politics, but during his campaign for governor of Massachusetts , the unimaginable happens. Sydney, his daughter, is diagnosed with non-operable cancer. Only a miracle can save her.

Joanne, his wife, is determined to have a miracle no matter the cost; even as their daughter's life shrivels away. And he won't lose just his daughter, when she inevitably dies, his wife won't survive in her battered emotional state.

There are deaths, but there are also more than their share of miracles in their patients' darkest hour. While his child grasps for each breath, Will witnesses the impossible, the mysterious, and the horror in the hospital corridors. Does he pass his fears off as just a condition caused by his sleep deprivation and deep emotional grief?

Will is a realist, and in his world, over night miracles don't happen. So how does he use logic to explain the beyond believable miraculous cures? Something is attracted to those fears and preys at the faithful at Briarwood Children's Medical. All they have to do for a miracle is bargain. Is the cost of knowing too much? Who will he find expendable?

Before he can bring it to light, Sydney goes into remission and returns to near perfect health. A happy ending or is there worse to come?

The Price by Alexandra Sokoloff is a novel about the lengths loved ones will go for each other. And the evil that preys upon those prayers. Her novel is well written with enough paranormal elements that left me with pondering thoughts about the relationship between Salk and the hospital. I have a suspicion, and I think it is significant, but I don't want to spoil it for the reader or you may never walk the empty hospital halls alone.

Reviewed by Jackie from Bookaholics Romance Book Club

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