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Mystic City #2

Toxic Heart

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The second MYSTIC CITY novel . . . it’s Romeo & Juliet in a dystopic Manhattan.

A city in flames. A trust betrayed. A perfect love destroyed. Has Aria lost Hunter, her one true love?

Ever since rebellion broke out in Mystic City, pitting the ruling elite against the magic-wielding mystics, Aria has barely seen her boyfriend. Not surprising, since Hunter is the leader of the mystic uprising, and he’ll do whatever it takes to win freedom for his people—even if that means using Aria.

But Aria is no one’s pawn. She believes she can bring the two warring sides together, save the city, and win back the Hunter she fell in love with.

Before she can play peacemaker, though, Aria will need to find the missing heart of a dead mystic. The heart gives untold powers to whoever possesses it, but finding it means seeking out a fierce enemy whose deepest desire is for Aria to be gone—forever.

368 pages, Library Binding

First published February 1, 2014

About the author

Theo Lawrence

5 books467 followers
THEO LAWRENCE is a graduate of Columbia University and the Juilliard School. A Presidential Scholar in the Arts for Voice, he has performed at Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and Off-Broadway.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 301 reviews
Profile Image for Grace.
122 reviews3 followers
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September 8, 2013
Book: Oh hey there, I see your waiting for a cover.

Me: Yep.

Book: Been waiting long?

Me: *Shrugs* I dunno...about four months.

Book: *Chuckles* How has that been for ya?

Me: To be truthful, it's been torturous.


Me: Oh dear god...No!


Me: *Sobs quietly*


What is this...?
Toxic Heart?
I like Renegade Heart much better!


Book: So...what do you think?

Me: Don't talk to me.
Profile Image for Jessy MelodyofBooks.
224 reviews1,547 followers
February 21, 2019
Irgendwie kam mir der zweite Teil etwas wir vor und manchmal ist der Autor zu sehr von bestimmten Ereignissen angekommen. Es passierte etwas, das stellenweise gravierend war, wurde dann kurz thematisiert und beiseite geschoben. Das wirkte dann etwas unauthentisch. Auch möchte die die Entwicklung von Hunter nicht so gerne. Jetzt bin ich mal auf den finalen Band gespannt, hoffentlich reißt er es raus.
Profile Image for Abida's Book Adventures.
116 reviews30 followers
November 30, 2014

My Thoughts:
I waited over a year for this book to come out .... and I expected it to be soo much better than what I read. :/ Honestly there could have been a lot of things going on but nothing happened.

Some of the things that I was looking forward to happening:
My Expectations:
-Maybe a war between Mystics and humans
-Hunter and Aria's relationship builds up
-Find some hidden secret about the mystics
-More of the humans start to side with the Mystics
-Aria faces her parents and tell them off
-More experiments are being done on the mystics
Unfortunately not even half of those happened. :/

The Characters:
I think is one of the few books I've read where I hate every character except the main character (...and Turk). I loved Aria in this book! We get to see how strong and fearless she really is and how she stands up for herself. Through out the whole book she just keeps getting better and better. Then there's Hunter... I don't know who got me more annoyed Kyle or Hunter. I really didn't understand how/why Hunter came up with the idea of using Aria and thinking it was okay. Plus Hunter was barely even in the book. As for Kyle, I didn't know if he wanted to be the good guys or the bad. He was just a hot mess.

The plot in this book was soo slow. Nothing really happened in this book. I kept waiting for something better to happen. The whole pace of the book was like 2-3 weeks long. Which isn't a bad thing, but when there's barely any type of action in it, what do you expect. Seriously there was barely any suspense or drama in this book. As for the ending, was something that I enjoyed very much. Out the whole entire book the ending was my favorite part. It was all epic and edgy when Aria walked out on everyone. Other than that nothing much happened.

Overall Thoughts:
Honestly this could have been better in so many ways. Will I read the next book? Yes, no matter what I have to know how it ends. I just hope that the next book will be better than this one and actually has a decent plot. Like we'll see some more Hunter and Aria together and Turk and Aria. Other than that this book was okay.

Profile Image for Karissa.
4,135 reviews209 followers
June 29, 2014
I loved Mystic City and was eager to read Toxic Heart. Unfortunately this was a disappointing book in so many ways. Just about everything I loved about this series is gone in this book.

I listened to this on audiobook and it was a horrible audiobook. The narrator has a lift in her voice at the end of each sentence which leaves every sentence sounding vaguely like a question. It’s really really annoying and detracts from the story. Some of the voices are completely wrong for the way the character is described in the book. For example Elissa’s voice is described as cold and commanding, but the narrator made her sound more like a sultry porn star. Aria’s voice is very breathy and ditsy...not at all how I picture Aria. I strongly recommend against listening to this on audiobook.

Aria has gone into hiding at a rebel base while Hunter stays in Manhattan to organize the Rebels. After certain events happen, Aria finds herself back in Manhattan but she still barely ever sees Hunter because he is so busy. Still Aria finds herself a symbol for the rebellion and is determined to do all she can to orchestrate peace between the Aeries and the Rebels. Added to this is the strange mystery of what actually happened to the Mystic Heart of her former nursemaid.

Aria is just plain stupid in this book. She constantly lies, makes rash stupid decisions, and is just generally slow on the uptake. I do not like her as a heroine. Point in case..she wanders out on her own when she knows people are trying to kill her...she also imbibes a questionable substance on her way to a vitally important meeting. Just one dumb thing after another.

The dialogue is childish and awkward and filled with wonderfully witty comebacks (being sarcastic here). For example when Aria is confronting one of her biggest enemies her wittiest comeback is “Well, you’re a liar”. Um, is this a bunch of five year olds fighting? It is just sooo awkward.

Hunter has turned into a power hunger jerk focused only on revenge, his epic love for Aria is missing. He is also missing, Hunter is in the story very little. His place is taken by Turk who is assigned to protect Aria. Turk is best thing about this book he is daring and fun, yet caring and thoughtful. Turk and Aria spend a ton of time together. Turk ends up being the most supportive of Aria and the most sensible of the characters in this story by far.

Aria’s brother Kyle remains a major villain in the story, he really isn’t given much depth. He yells “I hate you” a lot at Aria (again super mature dialogue here) and is just generally a generic bad dude that you are not supposed to like. The other big villain is Elissa (the turncoat Mystic from the first book) who shows up in a glittery gold catsuit of all things (no idea why...this was just bizarre).

The plot is improbable and mainly focuses on the Rebels and Rose and Fosters families all using Manhattan as their battlefield. Aria's only good idea is a Peace Summit, which they all strangely agree to despite their vendettas towards each other. This whole plot was clumsily executed and awkward.

Overall I did not like this story, not one bit. Some of my dislike is probably added to by the absolutely awful narration of the audiobook. The rest of my dislike is fueled by immature dialogue, a “dumb as rocks” heroine, and an improbable plot. You know usually I try not to write scathing reviews...but I was just sooooo disappointed by the book. I will no longer be reading this series. Not recommended.
Profile Image for natalie.
735 reviews35 followers
April 27, 2014
Actual rating: 3.75/5 stars.
Toxic Heart has thrown me for the loop several times since its announcement. First was the fact that it wouldn't be coming out as originally scheduled, then the title change, and finally... the actual reading of the book.

Everything kind of just rushed in together, hoping to make some kind of point, and readers were left staring at the wreckage. It was kind of like modern art, pretty cool if not weird looking, and with almost no reasoning behind it.

Tensions are high between every character in this book. There's so much to lose and almost nothing to gain by the end of it. I'm not sure what Lawrence was planning when he wrote this book, given the fact that we um... don't officially have a sequel announced.

You know what this reminds me of?

There was so much there and we COULD HAVE HAD IT ALLLLLL but no. No. We didn't get any of it and we're just standing there confused hoping something good will happen. Please?
Profile Image for Holly Bryan.
664 reviews146 followers
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June 23, 2013
OUCH!! I saw that date of April 2014 and I almost cried!! Honest! What the....?! So sad :( I LOVED Mystic City...but I'm not so sure I'm gonna remember stuff a year and a half after I read it! (*sniff*)
Profile Image for Hope Elizabeth.
343 reviews
July 19, 2015
I have so many mixed feelings for this book, but by my rating you can see they are all fairly good ones that made me love the book even more! I thought Mystic City blew away but this book gives me the same effect possibly even more! Excellent sequel! Riveting, action-filled and full of romance, deceit and just all those things that I crave in a good dystopian novel! In Mystic City, we thought it ended with her and Hunter finally going to be together and in a way overcome and beat her awful family and her crazy power-hungry brother but we are easily wrong after reading this second book! Anyone who reads this book if they didn't get mixed feelings about certain things I would love to sit down and have a chat! Mystic City is one of my favorite books of all time and I expected Aria and Hunter to end up together and him to do everything in his power to save her and protect her and the first book just gave me such a thrill and the romance in it was just so powerful between the two that I could not wait to read the second book to see how it continues. UGHHHH, my desire to see the two united in a bond so strong that is so unbreakable not even her ruthless brother and family could ruin it was not fulfilled. Sadly to say, but I was not disappointed because the amount of action, and suspense in this book overrides all of that!
In the beginning it's clear Hunter is super busy with working with the resistance and thinking of ways to overpower the ruthless leaders the Rose and the Foster families all to have mystics live in the free and peaceful world they were meant to, all wishes and desires left to him by his mother who died in the previous book. Aria is stuck at a secret compound with people that she becomes friends with, well some of them, Ryah, Landon, Jarek, not really a friend of Shannon's but you know what I mean, Turk. I was so sad when she mad friends with that little boy Markus, one of the people who didn't stare at her like she was the cause of the downfall, was shot down. Of course I expected some of these insane behavior in this book from reading the last one, when the gondolier was shot with no mercy from Aria's father. And there were other times in this book when the old lady was shot at the infirmary camp with the amputated leg.
I hated how wherever Aria went, her brother managed to find her and used bombs and explosions to blow up the place she is in risking and taking so many innocent lives. I literally hate Kyle and I am so sad to see no one has yet pierced his chest with a bullet. I feel like I want to jump through the book and hop on Turk's motorcycle and trample the guy myself with it. Seriously, haha. But anyway the way he keeps showing up there is bound to be tracking or some kind of thing that is detecting where Aria is at all times.
Now when Aria and Hunter reunited for the first time after being apart for so long. I was disappointed. Even on the TouchMe chat yeah it was cute they wanted to see each other, but I did notice he talked alot about the resistance and I, like as a reader, was sick of it. I didn't get that same feeling I got last book between the two as she defied her family to go visit him and from the looks of it they loved each other so much that nothing could pull them apart. In this book it's different and the whole time I'm thinking Who is this Hunter? Like I know he was pressured by his mother's death to bring his people finally to peace and end their suffering and he was sort of clouded by that but knowing Hunter previously, I didn't think he would be so clouded as to not care about Aria and her whereabouts.
Over the countless times that Kyle or Thomas caught Aria, who is the number one person who pretty much 90% of the time, possibly more, saves her? TURK! Him on his heroic motorcycle with his mohawk and cool tattoos and stuff. The whole time I was like why can't Hunter just pop out of whatever funk he is in for just a second and go rescue his lady? Turk is truly the hero, always rescuing Aria and helping her when she needs him. And basically throughout the whole book it is those two together, not Hunter and Aria. And its strange because my feelings have changed about Hunter.
I thought the relationship between Aria and Shannon was hilarious. Definitely made the book entertaining! Haha! And about Jarek, I knew something was up from the beginning about how he didnt think his power was enough and came even close to the other mystics. He took the role as the power-hungry untrustworthy character from the beginning so I knew something would be up later & it was.
I loved the empowering moment when Aria and Turk decided to shave their head after they helped countless lives at the infirmary, a moment that they shared together!
Over the course of the book, she goes on so many adventures with Turk and their relationship grows. She knows she has to find Davida's heart because it is the right thing to do to return it to her family out of respect. But in the end she turns out not doing that and she eats it just like she did with her locket to get the full effect from it. I thought it was so cool how once she ate it, she seen glowing green sparks from her fingers and she was able to fly. It was so interesting and I keep wondering Will it end? Or does she get the full effect forever? Did she just transom into a mystic? The whole journey finding the heart was pretty neat to. I loved how she had to seek someone out who knew about the currents and where the heart would end up! Im surprised she got exact coordinates and I should of expected Kyle and her father's men would already be looking at the spot. It was pretty cool that they found the guy with the heart and only to find Kyle got there just in time. I'm surprised Aria's father didn't show up in the book. That man truly scares me. But I think Kyle is just as bad.
The ending was literally the best! I am sad the see that no one TRULY died. I say this because I think Elissa is still alive, for some odd feeling I think she did not die and she will be back in the third book. I dont know though. Landon's death I hope was for nothing. And I thought that was really inspirational at the fact he died the way most mystics want to go. The peace summit was a no go, and there was no peace or alliance being made. Kyle had to ruin it of course. The whole thing with Jarek I have mixed feelings about. He wanted power, I get it, but he still stole the heart that Aria desperately wanted. I personally think the guy is crazy and never to be trusted but then there is apart of me that says he is just a kid who thinks his power is not good enough and simply wants more of it. But that is something to watch out for in a person. But I think Aria and Turk know this!

I think I may or may not of just gave a summary of the book, but I want to talk about my real mixed feelings toward this book! The whole time I was hoping maybe just once Hunter would show up and save Aria, whether it was at the infirmary camp, when she was locked up with Turk while the steel mercury was getting injected into him. Maybe even when she was swimming and on the mission looking for the heart. Even like a little scene, but that never happened. He never showed up in any time she was in danger, or she was locked away by Kyle or Thomas. It was always Turk. I mean really it was. And it just made me dislike Hunter in a way. I know he is busy planning and working with the rebellion but the Hunter I previously know I don't think would of done that. It seemed as if he didn't care where she was or that she was in danger. It was Turk that cared. So the little moments when Turk and Aria were alone, I like it I was happy the two were getting close and were so close to kissing. I love how she touches him and she gets this jolt of energy. I guess I was just really mad that Hunter basically did nothing he was so blinded that it seemed as if he didn't care about Aria, and I sort of fell out of love with him just as Aria was, possibly even before. It all seemed weird though because the first book was just those most beautiful romance I have ever read in a book and then I get to read the sequel and it just all seems like nothing or like it didn't even happen. And then there is Turk who we know from the first book, he's got his motorcycle, used to have a mohawk, and now he is repeatedly saving Aria and he turns out to be the true hero. Plus he really cares about her. So i am thinking maybe the two are meant to be together. Aria and Turk. But then there is another part of me that is like if they end of together will he give her the attention and love that she deserves or will he became blinded too just like Hunter. I don't know the whole book I had hope Hunter would wake up and go find Aria and just grab her and never let her go, but it never happened. I guess this is why I wasn't upset or even affected by the ending, when she told Hunter she didn't know who he was and that it was over between them. We all knew it, but I think everyone who read they had to of had the smallest hope that Hunter would turn around and do something for Aria. Any act to show that he still loved her and yet it never happened. So that was my mixed feelings toward this book.
But I loved it despite my mixed feelings, it was action-packed and truly fun to read! I cant wait for the third book to come up and I hope Theo Lawrence is writing it as I write this ! :) He is an extraordinary writer and I loved Mystic City and Toxic Heart! I recommend this series to everyone I know! Still my favorite books and I hope the third one will be the best!!!!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
141 reviews17 followers
August 24, 2014
I was absolutely disappointed by this book. I read the first book, "Mystic City", and loved it. I liked the characters and the story. I impatiently waited for the sequel and here it is. And it left me wishing I hadn´t read it.

I could´t recognize the characters anymore. Hunter (sweet, affectionate Hunter) became a brutal, ruthless leader of the rebels and doesn´t care how many lives he sacrifices to achieve his goals. He uses Aria behind her back for advertisement and doesn´t tell her anything about his actions. Aria on the other hand slowly becomes the face for a peaceful revolution beginning to act against Hunter. Her development reminded me of Katniss in "The Hunger Games", but in a bad way. Naturally Aria and Hunter have problems with their relationship all the way throughout the book (like "Why did you lie to me?" "Don´t you trust me" "I have to do this, because people believe in me") and are fighting almost all the time. It was so annoying. Also because Hunter is bossing Aria around all the time. Other characters as well change so much you can´t believe they are the same persons as in the first book. And that´s so unrealistic. Nobody can change so much in such a short period of time. It was absolutely disappointing and implausible.

The story itself wouldn´t be that bad if it wasn´t for the totally changed characters. I often couldn´t think how stupid Aria acted and how extremely heart- and mindless Hunter was.

And one more thing: I hate love triangles, that was so not necessary!!!!!!!

It is really sad that the sequel came out so bad when there was so much potential in the first book. I probably won´t read the third book.

Profile Image for jennyliest.
210 reviews295 followers
April 22, 2015
Knappe 3 Sterne. Mich hat der zweite Teil leider echt enttäuscht :/ In meinen Augen ist zu oft immer wieder das gleiche passiert, es gab keine überraschenden Wendungen (wie im ersten Band) Spannung kam kaum auf & es war mir zu actionreich. Auch wurde mir das mit der ganzen geballten Magie leider zu viel. Mich hat es einfach nicht gepackt & dabei habe ich mich so auf diesen Teil gefreut, schade!
Profile Image for Erin.
374 reviews3 followers
May 4, 2014
3 out of 5 stars

The beginning of this book was probably 2.5 stars, but luckily it redeemed itself.

Aria is an idiot. Throughout the whole novel, she did not see the consequences of her wishful thinking. She was immature and thought that everything would just work out. She was also extremely selfish in her dealings with other characters, especially with Hunter. She did not seem to understand that he had more important things to do than to be in a relationship with her.

Hunter was also extremely rude to Aria. He excluded her from his plans for no reason and was just an annoying character overall. I think Lawrence was trying too hard to set up the love triangle between Hunter and Turk. If you make Hunter annoying, Turk looks a lot better. Although Turk is the only consistently good character in the novel, I would prefer that Turk and Aria remain friends. The flirting seems very forced.

In addition to Hunter, Shannon is just a horrible person for absolutely no reason. I understand that she wouldn't have trusted Aria right away, but the insults were just unnecessary. It was obvious that her character was being set up for growth, but this just made the change unbelievable.

With the plot, most of it was fairly good. There was action and betrayal and whatever. However, a lot of points were not very believable, especially with the stand-offs between the "good" and "bad" guys. There was the cliche "I am going to tell you all of my plans so that the author can stall time before you kill me", especially in the battle between Elissa and the mystics. She could have easily killed all of them as soon as they walked in, yet there had to be a 2 page explanation of how she was power-hungry.

Besides these things, the story was fairly good, and the ending was definitely the best way it could have been handled. Aria finally grew up and realized that she was not fighting for her relationship. Thank god. She broke up with Hunter, who became extremely whiny at the end of the story.

I think I will continue on with the series, but I am not super excited for it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Neomi.
76 reviews4 followers
January 21, 2014
I feel breathless after finishing this. I'm shocked at the turn of events, I cried in the first chapter and the last chapter. The character development in our favorite characters was astounding. World building still needed help, it was distracting following the scenes and action sequences. Wish his descriptive language would be more precise. I do appreciate how Mr Lawrence changed the fact that he didn't repeat a lot of phrases and words in this installment like he did in the first one. I love love love the turn around in our sweet Aria, she is proving to be one of my new favorite heroines!!!!! I don't want to give too much up, but if you enjoyed the first book, please read this one, you be very happy that you did!!!!!
Profile Image for Brooke ♥booklife4life♥.
1,080 reviews93 followers
March 2, 2016
*short review*

Ugh. i should have read the bio before jumping into this. i loved book one, had just enough action to drown out the lame romance triangle. well this book killed me. 75% of this book is her longing to be with Hunter. he doesn't spend enough time with her. doesn't talk to her enough. doesn't pay attention to her enough. SOMEONE PLEASE HIT HER!!!!!! i will give it to her, Hunter was a great love interest in book 1, i was rooting for him, but this time around, holy shit, no. He was being a shitty boyfriend in this book, but his mother did just die and he was trying to win a war and all that, so both are in the wrong right now.
Profile Image for Svenja.
933 reviews62 followers
February 5, 2017
Ich hätte mich wirklich nicht von den schlechten Bewertungen davon abhalten lassen sollen, dieses Buch zu lesen.

Theo Lawrence schreckt vor nichts zurück und so kommt es zu einigen unerwarteten Überraschungen. Eigentlich bin ich kein Fan von diesen Dreiecks-Geschichten, aber irgendwie mochte ich sie in diesem Buch. Es ist nicht ein übertriebenes hin und her. Aria macht den Weg, der am Nachvollziehbarsten ist.

Ich bin wahnsinnig gespannt auf Band 3, denn noch kann ich mir überhaupt nicht vorstellen, wie Mystiker und Nichtmystiker endlich zusammen finden...
Profile Image for Mrs. Bolduc.
106 reviews1 follower
March 2, 2018
I read the 1st book in this series about a year ago, and this book did a decent job of recapping the events of the first book, enough to refresh your memory to understand when the events started in this book. I enjoyed the first book much more than this one. In this book, the main character, Aria, appears to be foolish and naive and her actions are selfish and often get others hurt. I do like not her as much as I did in the first book. I will probably read the third book in the series as this one leaves off a cliff-hanger with many things left unresolved....but I will not be picking it up anytime soon.
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews617 followers
June 4, 2018

Where is the 3rd book??? Damn, I should have read the reviews before I dove into the 2nd book of the series.

To leave us hanging like this? Even though I kind of guessed what was going to happen with Hunter after the crap he pulled and how he acted but she wasn't a perfect peach either....definitely acted like a selfish, spoiled brat during most of the book.

Buttttt.....Turk made up for it all!

Now what happens???
August 9, 2021
Da ich zwischen dem ersten und diesem Band einige andere Bücher gelesen habe, hatte ich zuerst etwas angst aus der Story raus zu sein. Jedoch findet man am Anfang des zweiten Teils eine Art Zeitungsartikel der einem nochmal eine kurze Zusammenfassung des ersten Teils liefert. Die Handlungen, der Schreibstiel und besonders die Entwicklung der Protagonisten konnte mich auch wieder voll in seinen Bann ziehen. Jedoch muss ich leider sagen das ich das Ende nicht sehr gelungen fand, da es meiner Meinung nach einfach zu plötzlich kam und auch einfach zu schnell “abgefertigt“ wurde.
Alles in allem finde ich diesen Teil leider nicht ganz so gelungene wie seinen Vorgänger, aber trotzdem ist er lesenswert und ich bin total gespannt aufs Finale.
Profile Image for i..
332 reviews36 followers
July 30, 2014
I am always reluctant to start second parts, most of the times I find them disappointing.I liked Mystic City, the atmosphere , the characters and the plot . The dystopian version of Manhattan was apparently inspired by a trip to Venice according to the author's website in which you can find a very useful list of characters as well as mystic powers.

However, I almost put down this book in the first chapter because people were beginning to die really fast and I didn't like that idea. I continued reading though and I felt that Aria was going to have to grow up quickly in this novel in order to survive .While her family was as dysfunctional as always, Hunter , the cool boyfriend, was not so cool anymore and his behaviour seemed a bit suspicious to me.On the contrary the character of Turk was becoming more attractive and he was getting closer to Aria.

Among other traits that I like a lot , Aria's vision proves to be 20/20 as she is mesmerised by the sight of Turk scarcely clad .Theo Lawrence wrote such a descriptive paragraph that I almost found it funny.

"He doesn't see me. He's wearing a pair of snug navy boxers,towelling off his head after his shower.He's stunning.His legs are incredibly well defined, especially his calves, dusted with light brown hair...Turk is lean, all muscle. His body is so perfect it doesn' t even look real.Broad shoulders and a sculpted back that narrows to a thin waist ..."

The plot unfolds in a very interesting way.I wouldn't say surprising, because the reader is given many clues to guess what may happen. Aria does grow up and becomes a real heroine surprising not only Hunter but her enemies as well.

There is only one thing that I'd like to point out: I am not going to look at strawberries the same way, at least for some time!


Profile Image for Jordan.
60 reviews11 followers
June 24, 2016
Reaction before reading: description

Reaction after reading:

I'm not sure how to react after finishing this book. I enjoyed the first one, but Toxic Heart was a disappointment. I don't remember Aria, the heroine, being so annoying. Also, like the first book, it was very predictable. I've heard rumors about a third book in this series, but will I read it? I found myself trying to finish the book as soon as possible so I could move onto another one...so...probably not... description
Profile Image for Bells.
349 reviews42 followers
April 29, 2014
Un 4,5 en realidad
Solo diré que la primera parte me había parecido floja y sin gracia pero esta segunda me ha mantenido totalmente enganchada y sin duda totalmente loca por leer su tercera parte. Una continuación Increíble

Mi reseña completa aquí: http://myfavoritebooks-bells.blogspot...
Profile Image for Anna Holland.
231 reviews148 followers
May 8, 2016
RESEÑA COMPLETISIMA Y MARAVILLOSA EN : https://hollandandbooks.wordpress.com...

Ay, Theo Lawrence, por favor te lo pido. Decídete ya a publicar la tercera parte porque... Joder.
Simplemente esto.
Escribiré la reseña en cuanto me canse de estudiar, que será aproximadamente en una hora y poco.
Profile Image for Zainab.
5 reviews
December 30, 2014
Omg!! I loved the ending and Aria's character in this book! There was always something about Mystic City and I can't wait for the third book!!!
Profile Image for Buddy.
193 reviews13 followers
January 6, 2015
was für Wendungen und überhaupt das Ende...wtf...zum Glück kommt bald der 3. Teil
Profile Image for Shelleen Toland.
1,436 reviews79 followers
January 16, 2018
I really liked the storyline and characters in this book. But the constantly being kidnapped by Aria's family was getting old.
A city in flames. A trust betrayed. A perfect love destroyed. Has Aria lost Hunter, her one true love?

Someone is betraying Aria , but who? And does Hunter really love her or just using her like her family was. She is being tossed between the Mystic boyfriend and her family.
Before she can play peacemaker, though, Aria will need to find the missing heart of a dead mystic. The heart gives untold powers to whoever possesses it, but finding it means seeking out a fierce enemy whose deepest desire is for Aria to be gone—forever.
This book came out in 2014 and been waiting to long for book 3. By the time we get it I will have forgotten about this series.
Profile Image for lisandras.books.
127 reviews11 followers
February 20, 2019
Diese Story zieht einen einfach in den Bann. Ich bin so begeistert von der Story rund um Aria. Auch Band 2 lässt einen hier einfach nicht mehr los. Wobei mich das Ende mit einem gewaltigen Cliffhanger etwas sprachlos gemacht hat.
Profile Image for Alina.
100 reviews6 followers
March 11, 2017
Hmmm, ich weiß nicht so recht was ich von diesem Buch halten soll. Es war schon unterhaltsam aber irgendwie drehte sich alles im Kreis. Irgendwie passierte immer das gleiche nur an einem anderen Ort. Der Schluss war so lala wirklich umgehauen hatte er mich nicht. Eine Stelle fand ich schon eckelhaft aber das wars auch schon. Naja das Ende werde ich dennoch lesen, mal schauen was der nächste Teil für Überraschungen für mich bereit hält.
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