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In Robin York’s sizzling debut, a college student is attacked online and must restore her name—and stay clear of a guy who’s wrong for her, but feels so right.

When Caroline Piasecki’s ex-boyfriend posts their sex pictures on the Internet, it destroys her reputation as a nice college girl. Suddenly her once-promising future doesn’t look so bright. Caroline tries to make the pictures disappear, hoping time will bury her shame. Then a guy she barely knows rises to her defense and punches her ex to the ground.

West Leavitt is the last person Caroline needs in her life. Everyone knows he’s shady. Still, Caroline is drawn to his confidence and swagger—even after promising her dad she’ll keep her distance. On late, sleepless nights, Caroline starts wandering into the bakery where West works.

They hang out, they talk, they listen. Though Caroline and West tell each other they’re “just friends,” their feelings intensify until it becomes impossible to pretend. The more complicated her relationship with West gets, the harder Caroline has to struggle to discover what she wants for herself—and the easier it becomes to find the courage she needs to fight back against the people who would judge her.

When all seems lost, sometimes the only place to go is deeper.

370 pages, Paperback

First published January 28, 2014

About the author

Robin York

6 books673 followers
Robin York grew up at a college, went to college, signed on for some more college, and then married a university professor. She still isn’t sure why it didn’t occur to her to write New Adult sooner. Writing as Ruthie Knox, she is a USA TODAY bestselling author of contemporary romance, including RITA-finalists About Last Night and Room at the Inn. She moonlights as a mother, makes killer salted caramels, and sorts out thorny plot problems while running, hiking, or riding her bike.

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Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
August 7, 2016
Revenge porn - sexually explicit media that is publicly shared online without the consent of the pictured individual.

Imagine being in a three year relationship with your boyfriend...the ups and downs that come with a long term love, deciding to go to the same college after high school, even. This is the guy who says he loves you, whom you spend every day with, a guy you think you trust. You let him take sexy pictures of you because not only do you want to make him happy, but because you'd never in a million years think that anyone else will ever see those pictures.

Now imagine the breakup...it's fairly amiable. Hell, he even says that you can remain friends and seems to act cordial enough. You just grew up and grew apart a bit. Until you get a text from your best friend one day with a link for you to open up your worst case scenario, a nightmare that will haunt you forever. Your naked picutures, your private parts scattered across the internet, links sent to your friends and all across your college campus, your Facebook and Twitter accounts inundated with "dirty cum slut" and similar posts... your full name, your college campus, your hometown posted for all to see so that every single person you come into contact with has seen you naked and you live with the daily fear that your father and grandmother will see you shamed in this way. Not only that, but the comments section, which you read against your better judgement, is filled with nothing but vulgar and lewd suggestions and threats.

This is what happened to nineteen year old law school hopeful Caroline. Since her ex exacted his revenge in this way, she's become such a different person. Her dreams of law school and holding public office one day have been shattered. She's become fearful of things that she used to never worry about. She hears the men's voices in her head every time she chooses an outfit to wear that day, every time she puts her lips around a bottle, every time she looks up into lust and hate-filled eyes. She's no longer innocent. She's scared and hurt and disillusioned.

When she interrupts West Leavitt pounding her ex's face one day in the hallway, she is in turns horrified and satisfied. West and Caroline have only spoken once in their acquaintance. Caroline always felt an attraction to both his looks and his carefree demeanor, but nothing could ever come from it.

I love this quote, and it fits perfectly with Caroline and West:

West felt the same, but his home life and circumstances are such that he simply can't start anything that will make him stray from his course. Caroline must remain a beautiful, untouchable girl that he watches from a distance.

But eventually West can't just sit back and watch Caroline be destroyed over and over again. The lewd and suggestive and downright cruel comments aren't easily overlooked, but especially when he sees what they have done to her. The two strike up an awkward "non-friendship" and slowly begin to relax around each other...each unknowingly giving the other a soft place to land, a shoulder to lean on, a sympathetic and beautiful ear. Nights of bread and conversation turn to a soul-deep friendship that neither can give into.

And when their attraction that is more than friendship turns to sexual tension and awareness, they find it impossible to stay away from each other any more.

My thoughts are...wow!
First of all, I have to say that this DOES have a cliffhanger, but it's not one of those that you can't see coming from a mile away. You know the inevitable is going to happen, and to be honest, I couldn't see any other way for this book to end. It's going to take another full story to wrap this up. And I honestly think some down time for me might be a good thing. I was hurting for West and Caroline so badly by the end.

All of the feelings that Caroline is having are just simply terrible. This poor girl. Of course, she made a mistake. But it's only Caroline who gets punished for something that someone else did, and this is a punishment that literally ruins her entire life, takes over her psyche and rules her every day choices and thoughts. She does have a small circle of friends, some that she makes over the course of this book, and I'm so glad for that small gift.

I loved how the relevant people to this story are all very human. One friend is a major player, one a bisexual woman rugby player (I loved her!!!) and Caroline and West are equally jacked up.

West is trying to raise his station in life, go to medical school, and support his baby sister and protect her from their mother's terrible choices and their father's abuse. But he knows that any day, he may have to leave college and the dreams he has. He's always had to grow up too quickly, but now he's on the verge of bettering himself and the unfairness and his bitterness just tore at my heart.

This isn't a case of contrived circumstances and over dramatized junk. Caroline and West are going to have to make some major decisions, some major life changes, and each of them is going to have to do the one thing that will be the hardest for each of them:
They have to trust each other.

Not easy to do for either of them.

I loved this book SO VERY MUCH. This is a stay up late clutching at your reader type of book. I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel no matter how badly I wanted it to be there. But this journey not only one of utter betrayal and heartbreak, but one of healing and trusting and moving beyond what others think of you. It's a journey of self discovery, and this author made magic for me.


ARC provided by Random House Publishing via Net Galley
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
May 8, 2020
5 Stunning, Important, Real, Thought-Provoking Stars
* * * * *
This book took me by surprise. I am still sitting here with my eyes teary and heart full. You should be aware of the excellent writing Robin York has done with multiple subjects.

She has addressed betrayal by those you trust as women come of age; she has addressed the insecurity we as women feel wanting to be loved and approved of; and she has taken us on a journey of true love for the first time between characters that feels so real, my heart aches.

So since I was so touched by this author, I decided to write to her and the outcome really turned into my review:


I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much your book impacted me. I had not read anything by you before and most of the time NA can sometimes be too whiny, angsty, or noncommunicative for me.

I discovered your book on NetGalley and was very pleased to be approved to read it. The blurb sounded interesting and I thought it would be a decent read.

From the minute I started reading, you had me. I was familiar with all of the news of young girls who have been victims of ex-boyfriends doing those types of cyber actions. I remembered seeing on the morning talk shows raw young girls sitting next to their mothers or attorneys talking about this type of abuse. I also remember thanking God, I never had to deal with anything like that because when I was their age, we did not have the internet or camera phones, etc.

But we did have the warnings I had used raising my sons of... don't do anything you don't want on the front page of the New York Times.

Well, we as people and especially as young women trust and believe. We believe the boys/men we first share with will be good; they will be men who will understand when things may change and we grow and wish to move on... but as your book so masterfully showed... these things do not always happen and it is always the girl/woman who gets the blame and shame...

So with all of the understanding I had about the subject- you just took me there and then gave me the most complex beautiful love story to go with it. The depth of characters of West and Caroline were breathtaking. You made them so real and understandable. You made all of the secondary characters of the equation not just scenery. You made me be in the bakery and smell the scent of fresh bread coming out of the oven. And most importantly, I felt the thrill, angst, and passion of first love and all that it means to someone... risking their heart... risking their embarrassment... risking everything they think they should hold on to... to fly and feel that rush of connecting and loving.

So by writing you this fan letter... I guess I just wrote my upcoming review for your book.

Thank you for being who you are; what you believe in and for sharing it with us readers through your work,

Ms. York was kind enough to respond and another book incoming... I will watch for it with hope in my heart.

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
January 26, 2014
5 Deep Stars

I want you, and I don’t know how to stop wanting you. I want to get deep inside you, and then deeper, until I’m so deep I don’t even know what’s me anymore and what’s you.

I have been on a long and well deserved hiatus from the NA genre. While there's been a handful of NA books that I had absolutely loved, recently most NA books I've read had been filled with overdone drama, unnecessary angst, and a giant headache at the end of it for me. But when I saw that Ruthie Knox plans on releasing a NA novel under the pen name of Robin York, I didn't even bother reading the synopsis. I jumped on the chance to read this. And you know what?

Caroline Piasecki is a good girl. She has her life organized, planned...ordinary. Until the day that everything changes, when her plain and ordinary life gets shattered all with one click on the internet. She knew she shouldn't have let her boyfriend take those intimate pictures, but she loved him, she trusted him. The last thing she expects when she breaks up with him is for those very pictures to appear on the internet.

How does a young woman in college with her entire life ahead of her deal with this incredible breach of trust and intimacy? She becomes a shell of herself. How can you even sleep when all you hear when you close your eyes are the vulgar words of all the strange men that have seen you at your most vulnerable?

West Leavitt is a bad boy. He's not afraid to throw a punch, he deals weed, and his past and family are not exactly picture card perfect. But yet something draws these two broken people together. Although they each have every reason to stay away from each other, they find that they're the only ones that bring comfort to one another. But what happens when something you want is not something you need or can have?

This book is slow paced, and it might be off putting to some. I for one devoured every word. I absolutely adored the writing style and the fact that it was written in dual POVs

You know when you pick up a book and start reading, and all of a sudden the words blur on the page and simply become a film that is continuously streaming through your mind? Well Deeper was that book for me.
I was sitting in pervy anticipation waiting, just waiting until that moment when West and Caroline will finally give into the sexual tension current that ran between them.

Robin York wrote a poignant, emotional, and incredible story about 2 broken characters. In 400 pages she took them through an emotional, yet entirely relatable journey. I loved watching Caroline grow stronger and stronger and finally come into her own at the very end. You can't help but cheer for her. She's just one of those characters that is perfectly imperfect.

West. Now what can I tell you about West? I fell head over heels in love with him in a manner of one chapter. my heart broke for him with every new details of his past being revealed. He was this perfect combination of vulnerable and strong.

As for the ending...
I'm not a fan of unnecessarily drawn out series. As a matter of fact I hate them. And at first I thought to myself 400 pages and no HEA? Yea

But then the more I read, the more I could tell that I simply couldn't evision it ending any other way for now. It's not a cliffy cliffy, per say. Let's say that even for a cliffy avoider like me, I am not going crazy after reading it. What I am, is anticipating the next book like crazy. I can't wait to see the conclusion for West and Caroline's story (And dare I hope for Krishna and Bridget next?)

**ARC received in exchange for an honest review**

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
February 11, 2014
**2.5 stars**

Did you ever read a book that you wished you liked more because it is way better than others in the same genre? That is how I felt after reading "Deeper".

I mean, if I'm rating this up against books like the comically bad Real, which is one of the worst books that I have ever attempted to read, then this gets 1 billion stars. However, that's not all there is to it. To rate this more than 2 stars I have to think a book is more than okay and this just wasn't for me.

To start, I found it extremely difficult to get into the story. It was slow and a bit boring and it took days for me to progress past 40%. I had to force myself to read on when I wanted to jump to other books. However, what I read I mildly enjoyed, though it wasn't enough to keep me engaged in the story.

There are many positives to this book. Caroline isn't as vapid as other New Adult MCs and she seems less wishy-washy to me. The story isn't as rife with cliches as some other NA books that I have read. However, West was a different story. Though I liked him more than I expected, I'm so done with these "bad boy", pugnacious MCs. I feel like I've seen different incarnations of the same college-age male in all of these contemporary NA books. They are "misunderstood", they have to take care of their families, they do "bad things for good reasons", they are amazing in bed, and (of course) they like to punch their foes. When I first got a Kindle about three years ago, I went on a trashy reading streak of guilty pleasure Abbi Glines books. I feel like I got my fix of these types of books then and have since moved on to greener pastures. Though I keep trying NA books and am sometimes pleasantly surprised, more often then not I have this creeping sense of deja vu.

What I'm trying to say is, YES this book is better than much of the other stuff out there in this genre, but NO it was not enough to convert me into a fan. It did make me want to lecture my 4 and 2 year old daughters on the dangers of taking naked pictures with your boyfriend. Too young to start the cautionary tales?

**Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews776 followers
January 3, 2014
4.5 "Deep" stars

I loved this book! It was an easy read for me and kept me engaged...plus the chemistry between West and Caroline was

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Caroline is a good girl on the outside but likes to get her freak on....Unfortunately for her, ex-boyfriend asshole Nate decides to post her "intimate" pictures all over the internet.

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That leads to her being talked about by people around the whole university as well as feeling insecure about herself.

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West, drug dealer, baker, and waiter, has had a thing for Caroline since the first day he met her....She has felt some sort of pull to him but has kept herself at a distance...He needs to stay away from her and keep his focus on school but he wants to help her quit worrying about the pictures...

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Then one day they decide to "not be friends" This leads to.....

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And let me tell you the sex scenes were hot!!!

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And at the end there are still unanswered questions that we will hopefully get soon in the next book....

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ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
November 16, 2014

Title: Deeper
Series: Caroline & West #1
Author: Robin York
Release Date: January 28th, 2014
Rating: 3.5 stars
Cliffhanger: Yes - mild.

Deeper is one of this books that are more than difficult to rate and review for me. Some parts were brilliant, some of them where not and while I enjoyed the story overall, there were fragments that I could not relate to or that just bothered me and made me skeptical. Nonetheless, I did have a good time as the story definitely consumed me and made me think.

As for plot, this book was fast moving and paced to go. The story follows Caroline a nineteen year old college student who happened to be ostracized by whole university, because her ex – boyfriend broke her trust and published her naked pictures on-line. Now, she has to live with a red mark on her forehead and constant reminders that she’s a slut.

West also has some serious problems with his family and carries a great deal on his shoulder. Together, they slowly start of as friends and with time they develop deeper feelings toward each other. But Caroline’s porn pictures aren’t going away and West’s drugs dealing problem is not closed either.

At the beginning I wasn't very sure if I will be able to like it much, since it started off very slow and I didn't feel any connection between the two main characters. And frankly, Caroline wasn’t likeable heroine. I had pretty hard time with relating and sympathizing with her. Don’t get me wrong, what happened to her was horrible and my heart ached while thinking about it, but Caroline made it so hard to like her. Fortunately somewhere in the story, she changed and grew on me and I was finally able to enjoy reading Deeper.

As the book progressed, I found myslef liking it and appreciating it more and more. With every new chapter the plot was going on the right track and I couldn’t stop myslef from swooning from time to time or just smiling.

I immensely enjoyed reading ‘sexy times’. Robin York’s done a great job in describing sensual, steamy between the sheets action and I devoured this part of the story.

However, there were other aspects that didn't work for me. I had stop myslef from rolling my eyes few times at Caroline and her unnecessary drama making. I couldn’t understand why she didn’t try asking for help and put up with the bullying. She should have put on her big girl panties and do something with this mess. Fight! I’m not sure if I could go on like she did.

Overall, Deeper is a strong read worth checking out. The writing was solid, intrigue well thought, romance sweet and sex off the charts hot!

**ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley in exchange for honest review**

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
January 2, 2014
5--DEEPly depressing, DEEPly emotional, DEEPly amazing--Stars!!!

How can a book that is so heavy and yes, depressing be SO-DAMN-GOOD??? IDK--but let me tell you, this was. I devoured this book. I couldn't stop reading. I had to know what was going to happen between West and Caroline. How was their story going to end? How could they both overcome the things life threw their way and be together?

Well done Robin York! Well done!!!

Deeper is the story of Caroline and West. And it was almost like two separate stories. Two separate tragedies. Two lives brought together.


A victim of revenge porn--a form of abuse that uses sexual imagery without the consent of the women (or men) pictured as a way of shaming, hurting, and denigrating its victims. Betrayed in the worst way possible by her ex-boyfriend, Nate.

"I don't want to be like this the rest for the rest of my life. If I had an undo button, I'd hit it so hard. But if there's some way to go back to how I was before, I haven't found it."

How will this affect her future? Law school? Jobs? Scholarships? Boyfriends? Imagine walking around campus and wondering if each and every person has seen the pictures? When approached by a guy, questioning why they are talking to you....is it because they saw the pictures?

The scariest part....this is real. This could have been me, you, your best friend. How many of us have been in the same situation Caroline was in? Wanting to please your boyfriend? Wanting to send him something special to look at? Not ever imagining that someone would violate your trust, your privacy in that way.


Grew up in a trailer park in Oregan with a dead-beat dad. Forced to become the man of the house and care for his family and would do ANYTHING--and I mean ANYTHING--to do so. Fiercely protective and loyal. West works hard, has multiple jobs. He's determined to be someone. To make something of himself so he can provide for his sister.

"I think that's what makes a real man. Not whose ass you can kick or how good you can fuck, but what you do. How hard you work for the people who depend on you. What you can give them."

West has a plan. And Caroline is NOT in it.

"Because if I need her, she'll hurt me, distract me, maybe even break me into pieces and grind them under her heel."

Caroline and West:

An unlikely pairing. Two people who are so far from what they each believe they need. But connected in a way that brings them together.

"West isn't what I need. He's only what I want. I want him because he punches when he's mad. I want him because he drove a wheezing car two thousand miles by himself, eating stew out of cans as if that's something you can just do. Because he looks at a soda bottle and sees a chicken rocket. Because, I feel like, if I was with him, he might fix me. He might save me."

Non-friends. Barely acquaintances. West fights and fights to keep Caroline at a distance. From the first time they meet--the first day of college--West knows Caroline is different. She's special. She's fierce. She's determined. She's everything West doesn't think he can have. There's no room for love in his plan.

West pushes and pushes. Building and building walls. Pretending to be the type of man Caroline could want and denying that he's the boy from the trailer park. How could Caroline love the real him?

"I want you right now, and you can barely stand me. I can barely stand me, so I don't know why you put up with my shit, but even right now, when I hate myself and you're pissed at me, I still want to push you down on the bed and take off your shirt and get inside you. Get deep inside you, and then deeper, until I'm so deep I don't even know what's me anymore and what's you."

Gah, so many times I wanted to smack West. In denying his feelings for Caroline, there were times he was so unbelievably cruel. My heart broke for West. The lengths he went to be better then the life he came from. Denying. Denying. Denying.

"I shouldn't keep trying to scale these walls he puts up. I'm a terrible climber."

But Caroine doesn't give up. Caroline forces West to pick a side. To choose Caroline....to love her....or to walk away.

"What if you go after the love of your life and it ruins you? What if you don't, and you figure out you're already ruined?"

I can't even begin to explain how much I loved this story. It was emotional, it was moving, it was heart-breaking, it was touching, it was depressing, it was sad....but it was also full of hope, second chances, and great love.

Will West and Caroline get the happily ever after they deserve? Can West save his family and keep Caroline? Will Caroline ever be just Caroline and not the Caroline with her pictures all over the internet?

Good question....and we'll have to wait for Harder to find out. Deeper does end on a bit of a cliffhanger ending. But honestly, despite how much the ending broke my heart, I can't imagine it happening any other way.

ARC kindly provided by author, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
February 16, 2015
5 deeper stars!!

Deeper or nothing.

It doesn't seem fair to label this book as NA because to me, it felt way more than that. At first glance, it looks like any other NA book out there. Good girl heroine falling for the guy that's all wrong for her. But when you get to the center of it, the story just pulls in and it's all kinds of amazing.

Caroline Piasecki has her life planned out. She'll go to law school, get an internship, practice law and become a judge. Everything is right on schedule until her ex-boyfriend posted explicit photos of her on the web. Suddenly, Caroline became that girl.

West Leavitt also has a plan. Finish college, enter med school, become a doctor. He's doing all of it to save his family out of poverty. West and Caroline were never close, although they live across the hall from each other, until that day when West stood for Caroline and beat up her ex-boyfriend.

Live.Breathe.Fight.Be who you are.Be better.Be fierce.

This book hit all the right notes for me. It's tender, angsty and thought-provoking. It went beyond the usual cliche that plague the NA genre. This book actually made me think.

My heart bled for Caroline and what she went through. And it wasn't just because of the humiliation that she suffered, it was the fact that the whole thing changed everything for her. She was suddenly questioning every decision she's ever made.

West was a wonderful character. He works three jobs, sells pot and uses sex in exchange for favors but he's doing all of it because of his family. Everything he's done wasn't for him.

I cried when I read about what he's done for his little sister was born. Knowing that his little sister was sleeping too much because she was starving. OMG! I cried during one of his inner monologue when he talked about not being able to get food for them, asking for secondhand onesies, looking out for places who's giving out free formulas. Shit! That made me sob my eyes out. Although, some of his activities were morally objectionable, you can't help but still root for him because you know why he's doing it.

I loved how Caroline and West's relationship developed throughout the book. While they were clearly attracted to each from the very beginning, they didn't act on those attraction. It took them quite a long time to kiss but when it finally did...

I appreciated the slow burn in their relationship. The fact that the author took the time to actually build the characters instead of just throwing one plot device after another was refreshing. You get to know both Caroline and West and journey with them. The slow burn suited me just fine.

There, in the bakery, while the rest of the world was sleeping, time buckled and we found something outside of it. We became us in that kitchen. Long before he kissed me, I passed a whole lifetime of West, bathed in yellow light, baptized in lukewarm tap water, consecrated at sunrise when we broke a loaf open and looked.

The writing is just phenomenal. Robin York can make you feel all kinds of emotions by just a word. It's very nuanced in a way that's rarely seen in this genre. I appreciated that this book didn't rely so much on plot device as it did on solid characterization. It was the perfect book for me.

Now, I have to warn you that this book ends on a cliffhanger. As much as I hate cliffhangers, this one isn't really that bad and it's actually necessary. It's necessary in a sense that there are things that both have to deal with. I, for one, am looking forward to July.

*An ARC was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Giselle.
990 reviews6,647 followers
February 18, 2014
A slow budding romance, loads of chemistry, and highly character driven; Deeper has a lot to offer. Revenge porn is something that happens all too often, and unfortunately continues to be legal in most States. Finding those sex pictures of herself after a break-up was only the beginning of a very long, very dark chapter in Caroline's life. Not only is she plagued with the knowledge of everyone having seen her during such an intimate act, she's ashamed, haunted by the voices of the men who call her vile names, describe the repulsive things they'd do to her in comments, making her wary of anyone that looks her way. This is not something that ever goes away.

Deeper is not a fast paced read. It's a slow character-oriented story that begins with Caroline living through an incredibly difficult time, building up to her realizing who's truly to blame despite all the fingers pointing at her. I truly admire her for learning to be above it all. Even though there is a guy involved in her getting her strength back, it's done in a way that had me happy she found someone to see her for who she was, not who she thought she had become. Sometimes, you just need to be nudged by the right person.

West and Caroline aren't instant lovers, though. Quite the opposite actually. West being so driven to give his sister a nice life made him reluctant to let someone into his own. He could not allow anyone to disrupt the road he was on. This doesn't mean there was no immediate chemistry. From the start, their attraction is like a character in itself. Their ignoring it just makes it all the more infuriating, albeit in a good way. I loved their banter and fun-loving relationship; they're so different from each other, yet fit so right together. The time spent at the bakery just keeping each other company might be "boring" to some, but I loved the whole atmosphere and it's where we see them connect beyond attraction. The cast of mutual friends become a group that makes this story even more character driven. They all help get Caroline through this. Each one adds to the depth to this novel.

I already mentioned it's not a fast paced read. Some parts in the middle did drag a bit where I wished it would have moved along faster, but overall I'm satisfied with the lack of urgency this plot has. The ending is one that leaves a lot of open roads, especially from West's perspective. If this was a stand-alone, I would say the story was left incomplete, but seeing as it's the first in its series this is clearly not the end. All in all, we've got a fantastic mix of humor, romance, friendship, and conflict with an important message touching on the often misplaced blame of online attacks. It's an eye opener, and I hope it opens yours, too!

An advance copy was provided by the publisher for review.

For more of my reviews, visit my blog at Xpresso Reads
Profile Image for It's just me Shelly B.
252 reviews298 followers
February 19, 2014
Ever did something you KNEW you shouldn't have....but ya did it anyway?

We all have!!

Ever did something you KNEW you shouldn't have...but you did it to please or make someone else happy?

We all have!!!

However did that ONE moment change your life FOREVER?

Probably not!!!! Or maybe it did!!!!

Did it make everyone you know look at you differently?

Probably not!!!! But if it did I hope it was in a good way because Caroline's life was turned upside down......and I don't mean in a happy way!

This book portrays a great and a true message about our society now that the Internet is involved. Basically that message is NOTHING you do these days, if technology is involved, is a secret. The entire world could view anything if you piss the WRONG person off!


Is a good girl, great student, loyal friend, aspiring law student but she broke up with her boyfriend. Now that's not a big deal so to speak, you break up with a guy......it's over done with. Not so much in this case because once its on VIDEO.......it can GO VIRAL!!!!!! Well I'm sure your asking "what is on video?" USE YOUR IMAGINATION....I'm sure you'll figure it out;)


He is just a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. He's very secretive about his past but he's very loyal and supportive of Caroline....he meet her freshman year and he tried to keep his distance but after what her douche ex did to her he can't!!! But he wants too because he doesn't want to be close to anyone he has demons of his own to fight! All I can tell you is West is, in a word, FABULOUS!!! LOVE, LOVE LOVE him!!!

This book is a perfect example of how 2 people learn to trust again. Does everything go as planned for them?

NO!!!! That's why I love it so much because its not PERFECT it's real!!! It has real human qualities of love, commitment, desire, want, need, perception, disappointment, acceptance.......it's a perfect NA book.....that's all I can say!

The other thing I loved about this book is you get to see through Caroline's eyes how she deals with the disappointment of her parent....I say "parent" if you read the book you'll understand. As a parent myself, even though I see her side of the story I feel the same as her Dad........I mean you've preached and preached what NOT to do and you know they aren't going to listen to everything you say however she's DONE it and now you gotta deal with it! It's a consensual act that got exploited, which is bad but as parent you have to step up!

Final thoughts....

The reason I loved this book was because I could look at it from both sides....as the girl and as the parent....it made me realize even though my girls are young I have a lot more to teach my kids than my parents did!!

One simple pic or comment in our time, because the Internet is forever can ruin you!!!!

You can fight back.....but in the REAL world would you win? Or would all be lost already?

Profile Image for Vishous.
611 reviews579 followers
February 23, 2015
*ARC courtesy of NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

This book was perfect, well at least to me. In this NA you won't find some whiny heroine that mops around for some bad boy and where nothing happens except falling in love at first chapter and then how will they finally hook up together or WHO will tear them apart.

This is a NA that actually tries to show you how world became too much concentrated on sharing everything online. How there is no privacy left, how anybody can put your pic online and there is nothing you can do about it once it's there. How some pics can ruin your future if you allow it, how it can mark you and online comments actually mentally abuse you. This are real and serious problems that happen everyday. Kids now send their naked pics all the time, allow taking pics during sex and if you stumble on some dickhead... well there's nothing you can do once it goes live. it's true that whatever you put on web, once it's there, it can't be taken back.

Both characters were simply amazing. The girl doesn't fall in love with some bad boy, she actually falls in love with a good guy. I know what you think, how can he be a good guy... but you'll see.. She doesn't whine, she tries to get it sorted out as best as she can. He tries to make a future to take care of his problems as best as he can and whatever it takes to take him there.

I recognized slight elements of other popular books but honestly it was so good written that I actually loved it more. The writing style also slightly reminded me a bit of one long ass book I read but honestly I think it was also better. You kinda have a feeling like story is going really fast becuase like the writing is going really fast (I know I don't make any sense here).
I highlighted more then half of the book. Both POV's were amazing, but his.... OMG too good to read. I was swooning, melting, fangirling, falling in love, begging him not to be like that, loving him because he can't endure to be like that.
The relationship between characters, even though the chemistry is great, goes pretty slowly. He is helping her to get her mind of shit that happened, even though he has his own shit to take care of, and they actually become friends first, even though they secretly check each other out since they met. The way their "relationship" progressed slowly... I loved every part of it. I loved all the build up, and wondering will he kiss her now, will he fuck up now, will she push him away, will he push her away. ...

And let me tell you something... when they give in...
OMG it is amazing! ♡ Hot as hell! ♡ sometimes funny, sometimes cute, but always too hot to handle! And reading all that from his POV.... I became mesmerised with West ♡
yes, he acts like prick couple of times, but they all do. yes, they think they don't need each other as distractions in their plans, but those types are the most delicious ones to read.

Because in the end it's really DEEPER OR NOTHING...

p.s. I am dying to read the sequel.... dying...
Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
July 23, 2016

Caroline Piasecki is a good girl. She's an intelligent college student, living an ordinary life. Until she's not. After breaking up with her boyfriend of 3 years, intimate pictures of her are discovered on the internet. She is humiliated, afraid and her only hope is to disappear into the background. The last thing she needs is to get involved with West Leavitt, notorious bad boy. She attracted to him, but he's dangerous and doesn't fit into her plans.


West has other priorities too. He has a complicated family situation and multiple jobs. He does not want any distractions. And he has seen love destroy lives, so is determined not to go down that path.

I need something from her, and that's what I have to guard against. The most dangerous thing about her. Because if I need her, she'll hurt me, distract me, maybe even break me into pieces and grind them under her heel.

This was a slow-paced read, but I stayed pretty interested. The sexual tension between these two was off the charts HOT. While at times both characters annoyed me, overall they are both likeable. Two broken characters struggling to deal with difficult situations, and finding out what is truly important. Looking forward to the next book.

Live.Breathe.Fight.Be who you are.Be better.Be fierce.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
January 23, 2014
3.5 Not So Deep Stars

This is a very SLOW paced story and even though I did like both characters some skimming did occur.


This book appears to be a 5 Star read or a 3ish star read amongst my friends, so give it a go because the circumstances were relevant to our cyber world and it was a nice slow-building love story.

The main character Caroline finds herself and her dreams in jeopardy all due to her ex-boyfriend’s need for revenge.

Both characters attend college and while Caroline holds a lot of appeal for West, he does RUN and FIGHT his attraction and made this story too drawn out at least for my tastes. Waiting for him to go further with Caroline took forever and I was bored a lot during the story.

West is a well done character with a lot going on and the story does lead for the next book in the series.

As you can tell, I’m still on the fence about this book. I didn’t hate it but I sure didn’t love it. I did however like their physical connection and felt the author did a fine job with the story overall.

Sadly, I’m not interested in carrying on with this series. I’m guessing it’s going to take a while for them to get it together and I didn’t care for West’s family at all.

P.S. Girl on cover is a blonde and Caroline isn’t…it’s a small thing but it irked me.

ARC provided by Random House Publishing via Net Galley
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,941 followers
January 22, 2014
DNF at 19%

I'm sorry to say this just wasn't for me. The pace was way too slow, on top of which I found the sudden past/present POVs to be confusing when I couldn't even discern when there'd be a switch. Also I spent 3 hours trying to read 75 pages, some I had to re-read because I would space out in between. Sorry. I have too many books to get to and can't afford to read at a snail's pace.

863 reviews230 followers
September 1, 2016

4.5 stars

Wow. I was…not prepared for this. I didn’t anticipate this book being so emotional and affecting me in this way.

At first glance, this may seem like your typical good girl meets bad boy with a “you make me want to be a better man” ending. Don’t get me wrong…I like this storyline. But, this book takes you way beyond that. The layers to this story could, in and of themselves, be their own tale. Woven together, they make for an emotion-tugging, thought-provoking, highly entertaining read. I’m thinking about these characters days after finishing. I haven’t wanted to start another book.

Caroline is on a mission – she has plans, she’s on a schedule. College. Internship. Law School. Judge. No room for error. No room for her ex boyfriend to post naked and illicit pictures of her on the internet. …until it happens.

West is on a mission – get out of his trailer-park town. Make a life for himself to be able to take care of his little sister. Work 3 jobs and get into med school. Become a doctor. No room for distractions like falling in love with a girl like Caroline…until it happens.

I love that, though the attraction immediate, it took them 18 months for their first kiss. Acquaintances, to friends, to lovers…with a simmering desire all along.

West is, well, he’s imperfect. He sells drugs, he sells sex for favors, He is angry and violent. But he’s also kind, loyal, devoted, a caregiver, protective and holy cow…I could not imagine being loved by someone like West so completely at that age. He has, quite frankly, stolen my younger self’s heart and made my older self want nothing more than to take care of him and make sure he’ll be ok.

The characters start in these cliché buckets but Robin York (the NA pen name for author Ruthie Knox) takes them beyond. Caroline is not just your perfect little girl. She is fierce and learns to fight. She figures out how to maneuver and thrive despite all that’s “not fair” about life. And she learns to really love. West is not just a boy from the “wrong side of town”. He’s driven. He takes accountability for his choices. He opens his heart even when he thinks he can’t.

I did not see the ending of this book coming. I was…confused. I begged it not to happen. I was devastated.

…and then I realized it’s only book 1 of a series. THANK FUCK. And now…I’m dying and desperate to get my hands on book 2. I need to know how this plays out. I need more than anything for the is all to be ok. And really…I just need more West.

NA fans will love this book. It’s reminiscent of Katie McGarry’s “Pushing the Limits” in that the writing is quality, the dialogue believable, the characters engaging. Welcome to NA…Ms York. So happy to have you!

(I'm so tempted to give this 5 stars...and now wondering if I have a different scale for what I like & don't like in M/F vs M/M. I so rarely give 5 stars to M/M books...unless I love it fiercely. But this book is as good as some other M/F books I've rated 5 stars...holding at 4.5 for now...)

Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
January 20, 2014
5 - I Cannot Wait Until July For The Next Book Stars!

Deeper is the debut novel by Robin York (more on that later).

This is one of those books where the cover and synopsis don’t actually do it justice. I will admit neither really grabbed my attention, but the fact it was by Robin York (again more on that later), I took the gamble and requested a copy through Netgalley.

Caroline has been betrayed in the most despicable way possible, I’ll be honest I knew about the growing trend in Revenge Porn and the lack of legal comeback against the perpetrator in relation to it, but

Deeper goes right to the heart of this issue and gives you an up-close and personal account of someone who is actually living with the after effects of having explicit pictures of herself plastered over the internet, by someone who claims to have cared for her and that was in a position of trust.

This book is not pretty in parts, and the disgusting treatment Caroline suffers at the hands of many nameless faceless, cowardly bullies as well as her peer’s over the publication of the pictures is at points hard on the reader (well it was for me). The thoughts and feelings she has for herself afterwards are pretty heartbreaking, reading of her gradual regaining of her self-esteem and confidence made this a book that I will remember for a long time to come (good job too really, seeing as part 2 isn’t due out until July 14!)

West, is a drug dealer, a brawler and the kind of guy you wouldn’t really want to bring home to meet your father, especially if he is a judge, as it is in Caroline’s case. But when you look past all those things, and as the book develops, you see the reasons for the things he has to do, you realize he is a good-guy with the best of intentions who has been stuck with a shitty set of circumstances.
Responsibilities that no guy his age should have to shoulder as well as a mind-set that means he doesn’t believe he is entitled to the kind of life that a person of his age should have. Caroline changes all that, pretty dramatically…

West – I’ve been in the dark. I’ve been solitary, single-minded in the pursuit of a life that felt like it might be enough – until she walked into it and it wasn’t.

This isn’t a book about insta-love; it is about the development of a relationship under extraordinary circumstances. It takes place over months, and West for the most part tries to keep it in the friend-zone. I was rooting for them from the start, and what made me even more emotionally invested in them both as characters is that the book gives you both of their points of view. This shows just how deeply the both of them are damaged, and the horrendous reasons why, it also shows just how good they are together and what one gives to the other in the way of support on an emotional level.

West – The problem with Caroline isn’t that I want her. The problem is that I want to help her, want to learn from her, want to fix her, and I can’t do that.

Caroline – It’s not sex. It’s better than sex. It’s West.

There are so many things about this book too love, but in equal parts there are so many things that make you pause, and think. It is horrible to think that although it is a work of fiction, what happens to Caroline is in fact something that actually happens in the real world today. The aftermath, and her actions because of it, her friends and most importantly West have made this book without doubt a 5 star read for me.

Now I do have to put in a little side note about Robin York, as although this is her first foray into NA, I have known and love her work under her other name for quite a while. So if you love Deeper as much as I did, I urge you to go check out Ruthie Knox’s books, as you won’t be disappointed.

My only frustration, I have to wait until July for Harder, although the cover is up, and Yowyza!!! this girl is going to be having West themed dreams for a few nights to come I can tell ya!

It was a privilege to be able to read and ARC of this book through Netgalley, and it was my absolute pleasure to provide the above honest review.
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,705 reviews6,409 followers
March 20, 2014
Guess what I did? I read a mushy New Adult book and I liked it.(Actually I loved it) I think the world ended while I was sleeping and everyone is keeping it secret from me.

This book! Caroline had been dating this squirmy little ass. He convinces her to let him take some porno pics of her. You know the line.."they are just for him." Bullshit. Little turdman gets pissed when they break up and posts them on the internet. Caroline is reeling from it. She had wanted to be a lawyer or even a judge. Can't do that with your name coming up with those pics when that google key is hit.

West steps into the picture..and lawd help me. I'm in frigging love with a book character. This boy. He deals pot, works what seems like 50 jobs, worries about his mom and sister back in the trailer park. I want him..well if I wasn't married to such a man. (My husband is the greatest)

I can't wait to see where the next book goes. AND I'm not ashamed!!!

Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews617 followers
January 5, 2014
Book – Deeper (Caroline and West #1)
Author – Robin York
Publication Date – January 28, 2014
Type – Part of Series
Genre – Romance
Rating – 3 out of 5 Stars

ARC provided by Random House Publishing via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

First, I want to apologize for not connecting with this book.  I don’t want to sound like an “ex” with the famous words ‘It’s not you, it’s me’, but those words keep popping back into my mind.

I don��t’ know why I couldn’t connect – this was a book that I kept putting back down and then by the time I got to about 50% - I kept skimming ahead.  Maybe the reason being that I just didn’t understand West’s inability to follow through on his obsession with Caroline and by the time he did – my ADD mind was somewhere else. 

So please, do not go by my opinion on this book.  There are so many 5 Star ratings out there, which make me the minority this time.  The author’s ability to write and her descriptions of the scenes being played out are phenomenal – so it is just based on my inability to connect.  ‘My fault, not yours’.

I will end with this though….the last 2 chapters of the book….had me choking up – that was the point where I FINALLY connected!
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews412 followers
April 30, 2017
April 2017 -- Definitely 5 Stars. Third read. I've read some real stinkers, so really appreciate the books that engage me and keep me engaged. Ruthie Knox at her very best. Wish I had more like this.

10/08/2015 -- Finished the second read for this one and I'd probably bump it to 5 Stars. Better the second time, I think. Very good and just what I needed.

01/12/2014 --

Overall Rating = 4.5 Stars
Book Cover / Book Blurb / Book Title = 3 / 5 / 5 = 4.5 Stars
Writer’s Voice = 5 Stars
Character Development = 4.5 Stars
Story Appreciation = 5 Stars
Worth the Chili = 3 Stars
-- [$7.99 on Amazon when released 01/28/2014]
Smexy [HEAT] Rating = Moderate
400 pages

Reviewer Disclaimer: There is a second book, so guess that means this will be a series? Saying this, we do not have a cliffhanger here. Or at least not my definition of a cliffhanger. We do have a complete story. Nothing to fear here.

Where do you even start with a book like this? It is an important story. It is about what happens when a relationship ends and the other person wants revenge. Used to be they'd prank call you and possibly stalk you and rumor you to death. You had concrete actions you could take if it got out of hand. Now? They can ruin you with the click of a button. This is what happened to Caroline. An amazing story. Frightening in places.

The GOOD about this book / story:
1 -- Hard to say whether it was the subject matter or the characters that were top of mind through the book. However, we all know great subject matter, great characters without the author's voice in it, just doesn't happen. This author, for a debut book, it really amazing. It is so polished, so complete ... really a wonder to read. She has a beautiful way with words that draw you wonderful emotional pictures. She can take you immediately to the dark side of emotion and has no problem showing you the wonder and joy. I can't wait to read more of her.

2 -- Okay, next for me has to be the characters; Caroline and West. By the end of this book you know these two. You love them and understand them and want them to be okay. You want them to be okay together. But, you know that life has varied paths we take and it can't all be tied up neatly with a bow. This is the message of this story -- sometimes, life gets in the way, other people have to be our priority. It is the "right" thing to do, but real love? Well, real love, once found, is there. It's all around you; the air you breath, the thoughts you think, the matter making up the mass. It will survive.

We also had a great cast of secondary characters. This story really had some depth. We had friends and family that we got to know. I love when a story actually has more depth than the primary two characters. It adds to the MC when you understand them through their interactions with others.

3 -- The subject matter. This is an IMPORTANT topic. The internet is a tool, but it is a BEAST too. This poor girl. She was in a monogamous relationship. It was a long standing, three [3] year relationship. Sex happened. Her guy wanted to take some pictures. She wasn't crazy about it, but she loved him. Trusted him. Time happened and she just didn't think she loved him enough. Something was missing and she decided to end it. As simple as that and you have to give her kudo's. Well, he wasn't happy and the next thing you know, these pictures showed up everywhere. EVERYWHERE. She was sick. Think about it? How easy could this happen to you? What about someone you love? Recently my nephew [late 30's] said an ex hacked into his FB account and was posting stuff.

Social media is now. No stopping it. The author does a very good job of helping the audience understand the horror of this. Also, the powerlessness you feel if actions like this happen to you or someone you love. The most important message is this ... she trusted Nate. She trusted him with all she had. This is how he repaid her trust.

Okay ... now for the very few items that could be better:
1 -- The very first line in the synopsis says
"In this New Adult debut by Robin York, a college student is attacked online and must restore her name—and stay clear of a guy who’s wrong for her, but feels so right."

For those who aren't fans of the New Adult contemp genre [because there is so much of it and quite a bit of it is utter CRAP], don't let this fact deter you. This is an important story. Why? The subject matter -- and the simple fact the story is done so well. I hate when a books' marketing "pigeon holes" it. Not fair really. My opinion, I think this is more contemporary literature. It has romance, sure and the the age of the main characters is college age; 20 or so. The story is well thought out and the wordsmithing is exemplary. Why put it in a "slot"? We have too many people who say they don't like or normally read something blah. READ THIS!

2 -- I received this book as and ARC [Thank You!!]. Saying this, I wouldn't have put down the $8 asked for this one. There are way too many books out there. Really good books. You don't need to spend $8 on this one. Seriously too many good ones to select from. Sure, they may not be on this topic. But, once this is published you can bet there will be more. Just sayin'.

3 -- The cover is just okay. Does nothing for me but scream NEW ADULT -- which I think is the intent. Too bad really [refer to #1 above ... pigeon hole comment above].

This is an author to watch. She is very good. She tells a great story with a depth of character and emotion that will set her apart. The subject matter contained in this story is interesting. She does a great job with taking the reader through the trials and travails of cyber reputation slashing. Job well done, Ms. York!

**ARC provided by Random House Publishing Group - Bantam Dell via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Random House/Netgalley and Robin York for such a wonderful book**
Profile Image for Barbara.
433 reviews85 followers
February 3, 2014
First I have to say… Robin York, Thank you so much for creating WEST I love him…


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O-M-effing-G… I love this book, quite a surprising history! Normally NA is not my gender, but I give it a try, because the blur sounds very appealing and I saw also some 5 stars…

The characters depth of West and Caroline were breath taking, they felt so real to me, all the angst of a first love, and the past take overtakes all their joy!! The main focus of the book is Caroline´s and her boyfriend sex pictures on the Internet … which is a tough subject!! But I love was their swoon, chemistry, tender moments between Caroline and West!!

Two word: Pure… bliss …

Some moments ... to remember!
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Did I mention I love West!?!

West is awesome, despite is young age… he is one hell of a MAN!!!

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The 2 book, please write it fast…

❤❤ MY WEST ❤❤

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Profile Image for Heather .
450 reviews148 followers
November 4, 2013
Wow, just...wow! This is a debut novel? What? This book was amazing. I loved it! When I realized it wasn't being published until January I wanted to scream. That means I have to wait even longer for the follow up! So Robin York, take pity on me. Give me a bone. I need to know what happens next!

I'm done ranting now, on to my review...

Caroline grew up in a life of privilege. Her father is a judge who makes a good living. Her mother died when she was young but she was loved and cared for. Caroline was Dad's little girl. She is the youngest of three. She is the responsible one and the one most likely to follow in her father's footsteps. She is attending a prestigious college and majoring in pre-law. Life is good.

West is a young man who has had to work hard to get where he is. His father was not an honorable man. He came in and out of West's life throughout his childhood. When he left he always took whatever money they had and left his mother a crying mess. West has a baby sister, Frankie. She is his reason to be a better man. He attends the same college as Caroline and is a pre-med student. He hopes to make a better life for him and Frankie.

Everything should be wonderful. But it's not. When Caroline breaks up with her boyfriend of three years, he doesn't take it well. He had taken photographs of her and him having sex. They ended up plastered all over the internet. Caroline gets a text from her best friend and finds out that everyone has seen the photographs.

West has his own issues. His tuition is generously being paid for by a doctor who took him under his wing. But West must come up with money for room and board. He also has to make enough money to help his mother and sister out back home. So, he does what he knows how to do, he sells weed. Everyone on campus knows who West is and what he does. Caroline has been strictly forbidden by her father to speak to West under any circumstances.

When the pictures go viral, all of campus is abuzz. Caroline is mortified. She begins receiving hate messages and she shuts herself off from the world. So when West steps up and defends her honor, she doesn't know what to do.

In the middle of the night the voices in her head get too loud to allow her sleep. She finds herself driving around town at all hours of the night running from them.

Caroline is drawn to West but he won't let her in. He pushes her away time and time again. He doesn't have time for a relationship, or even a friend. But the chemistry is undeniable and when they are alone together, sparks ignite.

Despite the "No friends" rule, Caroline starts hanging out with West. They find solace in each other. He chases away her demons and she makes him feel needed.

"...my heart beat like a bass drum in a halftime show, and I couldn't quite catch my breathe to answer..."

Despite the fact that West knows all about her problems, Caroline knows nothing about West. He hides his drug deals from her and he tells her nothing about what has him so worried all of the time. She gets close enough to him to see it in his eyes, but he can't or just won't share.

Back home his life is falling apart. His sister is growing up too fast, his mother's boyfriend is drinking too much and his deadbeat no good father is back in town and living in the families old beat up trailer that West paid for. West knows its just a matter of time before it all falls apart.

"I wish I could believe her, but I can't make assumptions like that anymore. I've learned that when evil crawls out of a snake pit, you have to track it down and squash it. Then you have to assume it had babies and go looking for them."

Over Christmas break West realizes that he can never have anything with Caroline. He can't risk it. His sister needs him too much. He vows to end it. But how can you end something when you are tangled up so deep that you can't see your way out.

Caroline is a victim of non-consensual pornography. She was victimized, but she will not be a victim. She is going to be a survivor, and to do that she has to fight back. When everything starts to fall apart, she has to show the world what she's made of.

It may be enough to save her, but she can't save West too. He has to save himself. And he's got to figure out how to do that, on his own.

"Every time I kissed Caroline, I pulled her deeper in. Deep and then deeper, until I couldn't come home again without bringing her along."

I can't tell you too much more without giving this one away. All I can say is I loved this book. It has a bit of a cliffhanger at the end. Don't judge this book by its ending though. I hate cliffhangers and I would definitely read this one again, its worth it!

West is perfect with his dangerous, bad boy past and his dark secrets. He is hot in an understated way. I love that he has a crooked nose and ears that are a little too small for his head. I love that Caroline has a gap in her front teeth. They are everyday normal people. I was pulled into this story and held captive until the very end.

The story starts from Caroline's point of view but then we get a glimpse of what is going on inside the enigmatic West. He is a complex and tortured soul. He is extremely smart and has a promising future ahead of him, but he comes with a TON of baggage. Caroline can't help but fall for him despite her best efforts. *swoon* I would HIGHLY recommend this book to all of my romance junkie friends. This book was amazing. I have a new favorite author!

I adored this one, definitely a favorite of mine. I'd give it more than 5 stars if I could!


***A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.***
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
June 4, 2014
*****4.5 FIERCE STARS*****
(ARC Received from Netgalley)

I really LOVED this book!!
I'm totally kicking myself for waiting SOOO Long to read it!!

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Caroline Piasecki is a sophomore at Putnam College.
Her life has been turned upside down because she has become the victim of "Revenge Porn".
She broke up with her boyfriend, Nate, who decided that she deserved to have her name and reputation tarnished by blasting naked pics of her doing sexual acts with him, all over the internet.
She had hopes of running for student body president and for getting in to Law School to follow in her dad's footsteps, but now that's all a distant dream.
She spends her days avoiding most of her fellow students for fear they all have seen her naked pics and has been receiving derogatory emails from sleezy douchebags.

West Leavitt is the guy who used to live across the hall from Caroline freshman year. He's the resident bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, and utterly gorgeous, and drool worthy.
There's so much more to him though.
When you find out how he got to Putnam and why he's there, his Book Boyfriend status just goes off the charts.
I fell hard for West, and of course, you know Caroline does too.
She's had a crush on him from the very first day they met and it looks like he's also been harboring feelings for her as well.

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After Caroline breaks up with Nate, and she's going through the internet ordeal, she and West strike up sort of a friendship.
She has trouble sleeping due to all the nightmares she's been having, and ends up going to the bakery that West works at during the late night hours.

I loved how West helped Caroline slowly realize that although what happened was horrible, that it was not the end of the world. That her life still goes on.
I also really liked Caroline. She didn't just run away from her problems. She eventually finds herself again through her connection to West and her wonderful friends.
It is true what they say, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

West is one amazing character.
He carries a heavy burden upon his shoulders, in which I'm sure most guys would probably run away from.
He wants to be with Caroline so badly but at the same time knows eventually his life back home is going to take him away from Putnam and her. For most of the book he is fighting against his feelings for Caroline and vice versa.
This was the ANGST of the story and BOY did I LOVE it!!
I was dying, just dying, for these two to finally get together.
The author doesn't disappoint when it finally happens.

"I wanted you from the minute I saw you," he says. "I want you right now, and you can barely stand me. I can barely stand me, so I don't know why you put up with my shit, but even right now, when I hate myself and you're pissed at me, I still want to push you down on the bed and take off your shirt and get inside you. Get deep inside you, and then deeper, until I'm so deep I don't even know what's me anymore and what's you."

I felt like my heart was being filled to the brim with happiness one second, and then ripped to shreds the next.
The way these two would give in to their feelings but then something would always end up coming between them, which would keep them apart.
The ending was utterly heartbreaking!!

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BUT, I am kind of happy that I waited this long to read the book since the next one comes out in a few weeks!!
I'm hoping that West can break free of his past and find happiness with Caroline.

When you've got a shot at deeper, you have to fist your hands in its T-shirt and pull it closer. Tug until fabric rips. Yank at it, reel it in until it's naked up against your belly and you're starving and full, desperate and satiated, dizzy and grounded.
have to, because ugliness is everywhere.
Because life's not fair.
Because the world is a seriously fucked-up place.
You have to, because beauty is out there, and it's worth every sacrifice we make to seize it.
It's worth it even if we don't get to keep it.
- Caroline

Profile Image for Polly.
677 reviews248 followers
January 9, 2014
*ARC provided via Netgalley for an honest review*

Epic book hangover from this one! Easily one of the best books I've read since I started my Goodreads journey (and you know I read a lot of books!).

I loved West and Caroline's relationship. It was deep (see what I did there?). It was beautiful and heart warming while being heartbreaking at the same time.

I laughed, I sighed, and damnit even though I knew it was coming the ending gutted me. I sat here with tears at what had to happen. I say "had" because it's truly the only cliffhanger I've been ok with.

Don't let the ending keep you from reading this one now. It's worth it.

I messaged Robin and told her what I hope happens in the next book and really hope that's what happens. I can't wait for these two to get their HEA. They deserve it.
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews475 followers
January 26, 2014
4 stars

This has a Wait for you/Ruin feel. Caroline has been the victim of sex tapes circling online. She strikes up a non-friendship with West, who isnt sharing much about himself.

I didnt feel invested until a third into the book but when I did oh West! I was glad this had dual pov otherwise I would have been annoyed with him.

I felt some bits dragged and the ending felt like a mild cliffy to me. I would recommend this if you want a college type with the right amount of steam and great relationship development. x

ARC provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews533 followers
February 4, 2014
Can you believe it?!

I can't believe it!!!

Finally! Fucking finally a hetero book that I loved.

A heroine who didn't piss me off.

A hero I would die for.

A fresh and original storyline ...

I mean, COME ON! I don't usually make it past the hetero sample (even though I really want to) but this was compelling stuff! Okay, not totally all compelling and sometimes a bit too much draaaahma but hey-ho, this is NA.

Robin York you are onto something here,great job! Now hurry up with the sequel would you.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,955 reviews1,522 followers
August 9, 2016
4.5 Deep Stars

Oh my GAH!!!!! I just want to rip my hair out! BUT in a good way

Caroline has a sex tape released by her ex-boyfriend. She was on track to be a top involved student, making good grades and getting attention, but it all changed with the release of the video and photos. Now, Caroline wants to just be invisible.

One day, Caroline runs into West, her crush, who beats up Nate, Caroline’s ex-boyfriend. Caroline is confused and doesn’t know why West would beat up Nate and hopes it’s not because of her. After a year of admiring West from afar, she finally approaches him.


I LOVE Caroline! I love the damsel in distress Heroine, but what I love more is how much Caroline changes throughout the read. Caroline is distraught and really scared. Everywhere she goes, people say snarky comments and she’s just depressed. She works actively to get the video and photos taken down, but it’s hard.


Ahhhh… you have to love the tortured Hero. West has a lot on his shoulders. He grew up in a trailer trash town and is in college because of a scholarship. West only goal is to work, so he can send his family money and become a doctor so he can support his family. He will do anything for money, even it means doing illegal things.


The thing I enjoyed so much about Deep is the pace! Some complain that it’s too slow, but I was loved it! I forget how much I love slightly dramatic, low-key college reads. There’s just enough tension and angst to get me going. I really really really really loved Caroline and West slow building relationship. There was A LOT of sexual tension and I was just smiling from ear to ear.

Caroline doesn’t want anyone to know she is hanging out with West because people in college know who West is and Caroline just wants to be invisible. West doesn’t want a girlfriend or any distractions. Wests only goal is to make money. Caroline can’t sleep at nights because she’s too strung up by people’s comments and West works nights at a bakery.

When West finds Caroline in her car outside the bakery shop at two AM, he invites her in to just hang out, which I think is so adorable! Deeper has the perfect mixture of keeping you on the toes, but there’s nothing annoying or frustrating.

As Caroline and West get to know each other, there are plenty of issues that pop up, like Caroline’s horrible ex and West’s abusive father.

There is a part where I wanted to pull my hair out and it was my fault. I thought Deeper was a standalone, silly me, I should have known it was a series. I am happy that the Caroline and West story continues, but I was pretty back-handed by the ending.

It’s a good one though and I recommend.

Deeper (Caroline & West, #1) by Robin York AMAZON

For more, http://jacquelinesreads.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Amy J RAREtte4Life.
846 reviews288 followers
November 30, 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and wish I would have read it sooner.

Highly recommend for lovers of angst.
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews419 followers
December 26, 2013
“It’s deeper or nothing.”


Sorry guys, but this book did not work for me. The whole time I was either:



★upset, and or

★utterly depressed.

It was that morose for me and not even the romantic elements could amend it.

I know that you guys might think, “well, she should have known that this wasn’t going to be some kind of sunshine and rainbows type of read” and I did too. In fact, that’s what originally what had appealed to me in the first place.


It was the plot premise and proposed subject matter that made me giddy and interested to read this. But, in the end, I just did not like the execution of it and wished that it could have gone in a different direction perhaps.

The main good, if anything, that came out of it was that poor Caroline:

★Realized that she was a faultless victim to a form of non-consensual sexual exploitation to a degrading form of abuse.
★Learned to become empowered and stronger due to this situation; she did not let it become her.

So, good for her!


Gosh, what a shame since the books for me had so much potential. And the ending didn’t help either. Leaves you in anguished limbo.


“I can only move with Caroline, deep, deeper, all the way toward the center of something bigger than either of us.”
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,441 reviews1,370 followers
January 2, 2015
Caroline Piasecki never imagined the guy she dated for several years and trusted implicitly would ever do something so ... horrible to her.

What she thought was an uneventful breakup ends up being anything but when her d-bag of an ex decides he isn't happy with Caroline's decision to end things.

When Caroline wakes up to find pictures of her ... ones she trusted the man she thought she loved at one point with... all over the internet, she feels like her future is destroyed. The plans she had for her future are in jeopardy and there is nothing she can ultimately do.

West Leavitt isn't exactly the person he's made Caroline think he is. Known around campus for dealing pot and random hookups, he's doing everything he can to not get involved, but he can't keep his fists to himself when Caroline's ex starts making comments about what he's done.

West and Caroline aren't friends though... even though she makes her way to the bakery that West works at on her sleepless nights and they talk and they listen and they learn about each other.

West's history is complicated though. He hasn't had the life that Caroline has and they can't pretend that it doesn't and won't impact their future.

Enough about the plot though! York has created amazing characters full of depth and passion in this first book in the series and I was blown away by how much I found myself caring about them.

West's circumstances, while dark and heavy, definitely weigh on you, but that didn't change how I felt about him at all. His determination to survive and to help his family are things that made me care even more than I expected.

And Caroline's story is hard to swallow. The fact that this man... no wait... this asshole that she trusted could do something so heinous to her and then not even care or think about the repercussions it could have on her and her future ... it makes me angry just thinking about it again while writing this.

I haven't told him about the pictures. I can't.

I'm a mouth with a boy's dick in it, a body to look at, legs to spread."

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yeah... I definitely want to murder someone and his name is Nate. And the sad thing is, this isn't something that the author made up... it happens a lot. (you can read about it in her author note at the end of the book)

Not only is Caroline dealing with the backlash of fellow students, random strangers are now harassing her and the way York portrays Caroline's story felt so spot on for me. Her journey from the start of this book to the very last page was amazing and so wonderful.

The security she finds through West... so completely unexpected, was lovely.

That's how it looks to me. Like the stars are in Caroline, and the whole world is just me and her.

But he doesn't just help her hide, he pushes her to get back to her life... to stop letting him victimize her over and over.

And of course that trust and friendship evolves and the pacing of their relationship was done so perfectly. It wasn't instant love and to be honest it wasn't even instant friendship, but you see the evolution of the actual relationship, you can see why they start to care for each other and along the way you can't help but cheer them on... and of course the sexy moments between these two were amazing to read.

I didn't plan this, but her lips shape the welcome I've been waiting for my whole life, her arms are the anchor I need, her body is my home.

We're right together, Caroline and me. Even if I'm doing this wrong, completely fucking wrong, it doesn't matter.

We're right.

Now... I will say this. The end of this book is very open ended. Not a cliffhanger at all, but you're not sure where York is going to take it in book 2. I have every confidence that I will eventually be happy, but be forewarned... you may have some tears

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If you're looking for a story that is beautifully written but tackles a tough issue, a story that is filled with some swoon worthy moments and wonderful chemistry, a story that has some angst and sadness wrapped in a story of love and friendship, then you need to pick up Deeper when it arrives in January.

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Thank you to Bantam and Netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

All quotes are taken from an advance copy and could change in publication.

This review will be posted closer to release on my blog, Fic Fare:

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