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Reapers MC #3

Devil's Game

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Liam "Hunter" Blake hates the Reapers MC. Born and raised a Devil's Jack, he knows his duty. He'll defend his club from their oldest enemies-the Reapers-using whatever weapons he can find. But why use force when the Reapers' president has a daughter who's alone and vulnerable? Hunter has wanted her from the minute he saw her, and now he has an excuse to take her.

Em has lived her entire life in the shadow of the Reapers. Her overprotective father, Picnic, is the club's president. The last time she had a boyfriend, Picnic shot him. Now the men in her life are far more interested in keeping her daddy happy than showing her a good time. Then she meets a handsome stranger-a man who isn't afraid to treat her like a real woman. One who isn't afraid of her father. His name is Liam, and he's The One.

Or so she thinks.

352 pages, Paperback

First published June 3, 2014

About the author

Joanna Wylde

41 books9,636 followers
Joanna Wylde is a freelance writer and voracious reader. You can visit her website at www.joannawylde.net.

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
July 26, 2016
5 It Just Gets Better and Better Stars

How's that, baby?" he asked, thumb starting to work my clit again. "Feel good being turned on by a Devil's Jack?"

This book had to have had, hands down, THE best heroine in the series. Now I know that may not be saying much considering that many of you barely tolerated Marie and Sophie, but listen to me, people. Em was the shit! I had hoped that she would bring her A game considering she's the darling daughter of Picnic, the MC president. She grew up in the life, she better be kick ass. But I also had my reservations considering how passive she's been, particularly with her father's rules in the previous two books. It's safe to say that not only did Em meet all my expectations, she blew them out of the fucking water. I shit you not, people. Girl not only had a backbone, but knew how to kick ass and take names...poor Hunter's balls not excluded

The book gives us an introduction to Em and Hunter's childhoods and then picks up about a few months before book 2 and all the "events" that went down at the end of it. Em is pining away after Painter, while Painter is too much of a chicken shit to really do anything about it. She's about ready to give up on him. What's a 22 year old woman got to do to get rid of her virginity already? The pesky fucking thing.

Right. Sorry, Em. Let's go with that then.

Enter stage right, Liam "Hunter" Blake, and Em's life changes in one night. Liam is a member of a rival club, but that hasn't stopped him from wanting her since the first time he saw her. (Romeo and Juliet the MC version anyone?) Now the perfect opportunity shows itself. Seduce the Reaper's little princess and help his club? He's all over it...but not without a few...uhem...kinks in his plan
The fuck? What do you mean, you haven't had sex?"
"I mean I've Never. Had. Sex," she told me, spacing out her words carefully. "True story. You got a problem with that? Because you're looking at me like I've got herpes and that's not working for me."

Recall my earlier statement about Em being fucking awesome? Exhibit A above.

If you recall the events from book 2, then you know how everything went down (and I won't spoiler it for those who haven't read it yet). What you've been dying to know is what happens after? And I'm not going to tell you either. But I can give you some hints.

Em still wants Hunter, even though he's a traitorous asshole. He also happens to be the asshole that makes her womb clench.
So, what do you think?"
"About what?"
"Fucking, of course. Remember? I"m not a little girl who needs protection, Hunter. I know what I want. Just lay back and relax, because it's not personal. I'm going to borrow your dick for a while."

I don't think she needs to be any clearer, Hunter, does she? I'm pretty sure she still wants you.

As for Hunter?

He was everything you would want and more. Dirty talk? He's got that in spades. Asshole? That definitely comes out on more than one occasion. Bad ass? You bet your sweet ass he is.

Although this book isn't as heavy (at least not in my humble pervy opinion) on the steam as the previous two books, it still packed a punch. I loved the character and story development. It had just the perfect amount of smut to add to the mix without overcooking the story. There was action, suspense, more action, and some sweet sweet biker loving.

Did I also happen to mention Em's kick-assedness? (I'm making that a word. Work with me here)

This was my favorite book in the series so far, and I am practically panting for more. I'm not even kidding. Joanna, you are a freaking sadist for giving us that teenie tiny sneak peek into Picnic and now making us wait till September. I've been salivating for his book forever and the wait till September just may kill me. Melodramatic of me? Maybe a little. So fair warning here, Jo

Writing Style: Dual first person POV

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
5 stars!!

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I very much enjoyed the first two books of the Reapers MC series, but they have nothing on Devil’s Game! By far the best book of this series so far. I love a series that gets better and better with each book. I love biker books that have a little grit, but a lot of sexy scenes and humor. Forbidden biker love. 2 rival clubs. The daughter of the president and a biker on the rise to the top of the ranks. Em and Liam don’t have an easy go of things...

Em is the daughter of Picnic. Picnic is the president of the Reapers MC. We’ve met him and loved him and his daughter in the first two books. Em is kick ass. She’s always lived a life in the club. She loves her father and loves the club, but things haven’t always been easy for her. Picnic is a bit... overprotective. You will notice that when you see her first day of high school replayed. We start with Em wanting to get rid of her virginity. She is a virgin for one main reason. Her father. No one wants to cross Picnic. It was hard to date anyone with a dad like that.
Dad was well and truly cock-blocking me, and it was bullshit. Wait, did it count as cock-block if you didn’t have a cock?

Then she meets Liam Blake. A guy who seems to be the entire package. He’s sweet, smart, funny and ridiculously good looking. After texting and talking to him for months, Em is ready to take the plunge. She’s ready to meet in person, possibly even give it up to Liam. Liam does like Em, but he’s got alliterative motives, secrets of his own.
“I like you, Liam Blake.”

“I like you, Emmy Hayes,” I replied, wishing things were different. Don’t know why I bothered.

Liam (also known as Hunter- but I will consistently call him Liam to make it less confusing) is a Devil’s Jack. A member of The Reapers’s rival MC club. And if you’ve read Reaper’s Legacy, you know what happened between Em and Liam the night they meet.

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Liam and Em have a complicated relationship. It’s full of distrust, attraction and betrayal. At least from Em’s perspective. Another thing I loved about this was the dual pov. I think it was crucial to have both Liam and Em’s pov in this story.

Em is one of the most delightful and likable heroines ever. She was never afraid to speak her mind, she’s feisty, strong, smart and she is a woman who knows what and who she wants. Em had me laughing so hard so many times. I adored her. Even when she was most upset with Liam, she still decided she wanted him. She was no push over and I adored that she showed him she was a force to be reckoned with.

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Liam. I’m not sure that I’ve ever swooned this much over a biker. They usually piss me off in a big way for some reason or another (even though I love them) but Liam was amazing. He did something that not many bikers would dream of doing and it made me not only love him more, but respect him big time. Seeing his background, where he came from and how he grew up, made me understand him that much more. I loved his loyalty, his protectiveness, and the way he learned to love.

Another character I have to mention is Picnic. Picnic has lost a lot, but he still has his girls who he loves fiercely and would do anything for. I love the advice he give’s Em and I’m excited to get his full story this fall!
“You deserve a man who’ll fight for you, baby girl. You remember that, all right?”

It seems that Liam and Em have all the odds stacked against them- right? Rival clubs, a relationship founded on lies, things aren’t easy for these two. Just because it isn’t easy, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it.

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It took lots of growth on Liam and Em’s part to admit their real feelings for one another and give things a go after all they’d been through. Will the love they feel be enough for them to make it? Or were they doomed from the start? Liam and Em both have to sacrifice a lot to be with each other. It’s not an easy ride. 

Liam and Em’s story was full of love, passion, suspense, and laughs. The writing is amazing, the characters are all fantastic and lovable, and the plot was fast paced and interesting. There are some for sure hot scenes, but Em and Liam’s story is what I loved the most. The story captivated me from the start and there was never a dull moment. This was a real winner for me. I’m so excited with what this author has in store for us next... A Picnic book! I can’t wait!

If you are looking for a biker book full of action, humor and romance with a swoony hero and a kick ass heroine, you’ve found your next read! Highly recommended by yours truly! ♥

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*ARC provided by of Penguin Group Berkley, NAL via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,985 followers
September 30, 2014
4 1/2 FANTASTIC stars!!!


I love this book! It's full of all the things that I enjoy when reading a edgy romance. It has a tightly constructed and compelling plot, intelligent and humorous dialogue, and characters so richly developed they feel authentic and tangible.

This story has a slightly different feel from the first two book, as the heroine, Em, was born and raised in the MC world and understood exactly what that entailed. She brought an enlightened perspective to the lifestyle. I absolutely adored Em's character. She was tough as nails, endearing, courageous, determined, and completely down to earth. She's a character that's easy to love and hard to forget. I also loved Hunter. He's jaded, cocky, and has a devil-may-care attitude. He's everything I love in a bad boy with a hidden golden heart.

My favorite aspect of this story was the relationship between Hunter and Em. Not only did these two have incredible chemistry—which made for delightful interactions and heated love scenes—but they were such a force to be reckoned with. Their commitment and love for each other was a breath of fresh air. There is nothing better than a couple who unite and stand by each other through thick and thin.

Devil's Game is a fantastic book filled with a perfect blend of grit, angst, steam, humor, action, and romance. From start to finish, this story had my full attention and I had a hard time putting it down. This is a book I would definitely read again. If you enjoy raw and gritty reads that give a fairly realistic and frighteningly compelling look into the outlaw biker world, then I highly recommend this series.

Profile Image for Mada.
71 reviews215 followers
Want to read
January 8, 2014
Liam “Hunter” Blake hates the Reapers MC.
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Born and raised a Devil’s Jack.
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Em is the daughter of Picnic, president of the Reapers MC.
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Hunter will defend his club from their oldest enemies, the Reapers, using whatever weapons he can find. And Em is the perfect weapon.
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So excited. Can't wait for this.
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What? June 2014? Nooo, I can't wait that long. I need this sooner.
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May 25, 2017

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This book was the best of the series so far! I loved the first two books but this one Wow! OMG I can't even begin to tell how much I loved Em. Damn I think I have a Girl Crush. She made the book for me Damn she was kickass........... She was funny, sexy, strong, and just totally kick ass for real This book would get 5 stars just for her alone!

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“You’re a pussy tease,” I told him. His eyes widened. I dropped my hand lower and gripped his cock firmly through the front of his jeans. Hard as a rock, and good-sized, too. Total waste, so far as I was concerned. “This wants me. But either you’re too fucking chicken or you want more time to play around. So sorry, but you lose. Eat shit and die, Painter.”

“I’d decided to start campaigning for a woman’s right to marry her vibrator.”

“So, what do you think?” I asked.
“About what?”
“Fucking, of course. Remember? I’m not a need a little girl who needs protection, Hunter. I know what I want. Just lay back and relax because it’s not personal. I’m just going to borrow you’re dick for a while.”

“He said to tell you that he has me and Sophie. He’s going to kill us if you don’t do what he says. He’s also a giant fucking pussy, and I think when you catch him, you should let me cut out his balls with a dull spoon before shooting him in the head.”

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And Liam So Freakin Hott! Man enough to stand up to Em's dad The sexy forbidden bad boy.

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“I respect that he’s your dad and I don’t want to get between you two. But he needs to know you’re mine now. If he has a problem with that, you hand him off to me. I’m serious, babe. Nobody gets between us. Never again.”

“ME: Thanks ((hugs)) LIAM: You got my full support, babe, but I draw the line at texting hugs. It’s a guy thing. I start doing that shit, the other guys’ll confiscate my dick. Can’t risk it”

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Liam and Emmy are star crossed lovers From enemy MCs. They have alot of problems to overcome but damn they are so good together. Their relationship is strong and is built up well in the book and it pulls you in and you buy their love you can feel it. It feels real and that is what makes a great love story.

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Their first time together was So Dayum good....... This book very funny too there was parts where I was laughin so hard I was tearing up....

“Shit,” Clutch said after a few minutes. “The high-def has totally ruined porn. Are those ingrown hairs?”

Everyone should read this book :) Just saying

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,105 followers
June 7, 2014
5 Biker Romeo and Juliet STARS <33

Absolutely fantastic!!!This is by far the best book of this series!!!I really loved all the books but this one was so unique!!I freaking loved it!!!This book was completely unexpected and different in a good way!I couldn't guess how it would end!!It kept my interest until the end!!!

This is the story of Emmy and Hunter...Em is the daughter of 'Picnic' the president of Reapers, and Hunter is a loyal to Devil's Jack.Two motorcycle clubs which are enemies...


What will happen with the motorcycle clubs?
Are they going to unite for the common good, or they're going to war?

Em is nothing like the typical female characters in the other Reaper books!!She is such a kickass!!I really loved her!!I think I have a crash in her!! :)) She doesn't afraid to get involved with a biker!!She knows how it works and what it means to grow up around bikers.She is strong and she doesn't afraid!!I find her an enjoyable character!!Hunter *sigh* because of his background, he doesn't really understand love but when he meets Em everything changed.. I loved him!!!He is so hot!!He is absolutely an ALPHA male!!I couldn't resist him!

Em and Hunter were perfect together!!The chemistry between them was off the charts!Hunter became the man that Em needed!!Together they managed to get through a lot in order to come out in the end..

"But you're mine now.I won't be sharing you,I won't be leaving you,
and I sure as fuck won't let the Reapers take you away
from me."


OMG Joanna did it again!!!I loved her writing!!She managed to make her characters so real!!It was definately worth the wait!!I want to see what will happen in Picnic's book!!I highly recommend it!!!

Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,448 followers
September 2, 2016

★★★★☆ 4.5 Stars!

A modern day Romeo and Juliet...

Devil's Game by Joanna Wylde was one of my most anticipated new releases of the year. I already loved the first book in this series, the second one was even better but I think it's safe to say this book is my favorite of them all thus far. The problem I had with the previous two books is that I didn't always like the heroine all that much, but Em? Well, she rocks it in the heroine department. She's fierce, sassy, sarcastic and strong and she completely holds her own against the wickedly handsome and dominating bad boy Liam a.k.a. Hunter.

We already met Em and Liam in the previous book Reaper's Legacy. Em is the 22 year old daughter of the Reapers Motorcycle Club president Picnic. Growing up in a club full of big scary bikers and a overprotective dad hasn't been easy for her. She loves the club and the values they represent but sometimes she just wants to be able to be free from all the rules and constant hovering of her father. He's made it almost impossible for her to date, what with scaring off potential candidates with threats and acts of violence. As frustrating as his tactics may be, he does have good motives...

"You deserve a man who'll fight for you, baby girl. You remember that, all right?"

So, when she meets the sweet, handsome, smart and funny Liam online and he shows an interest in meeting her for real, she decides to take a chance. Little does she know, Liam is part of the Devil's Jacks, the Reaper's biggest rival MC. And well, if you've read the Reaper's Legacy, you already know how their first meeting went and how Liam has his own ulterior motives for getting in touch with Em.

Em and Liam together? Well, they're, in one word, explosive. Both inside the bedroom and out if it. They're both stubborn, hot headed and because of trust issues they both have a hard time expressing their true feelings. They fight, they make up, then they fight some more and then make up once again. But through it all they also build up an intense friendship and they nearly laugh together as much as they fight.

“I like you, Liam Blake.”

“I like you, Emmy Hayes,” I replied, wishing things were different. Don’t know why I bothered.

Liam is kind of a jerk. Okay, he's kind of a huge jerk to Em. But he has his reasons for trying to keep her at distance. He wants her. He cares about her, and under different circumstances they might've been able to start something, but they both know their different backgrounds make it nearly impossible for them to be together. Still, he does whatever's needed to keep Em safe from the ever-growing tension and threats going on between his club and the Reapers and he silently hopes that maybe, someday he might be able to regain het trust and make her his. He's the kind of guy who throws out punches, but who's willing to take a beating too, if it means keeping his loved ones safe.

Overall, Devil's Game was another winner by Joanna Wylde, at least for me. Throughout the book I laughed, I swooned, and I nearly came off my seat with all the suspense and action that was going on. It was a thrilling, sexy, fast-paced, raw and gritty ride and I loved every second of it. The ending already hints at what's to come in the next book, which will be Picnic's story, and I can't wait to find out more about him and the mysterious London.

Highly recommend read.

**ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,941 followers
August 10, 2016
4-4.5 stars!! (But I am leaning more towards 4.5)

This third book in the Reapers MC series is my favorite – I couldn’t have asked for a more badass heroine than Em, a delectable and charming hero than Hunter, and an action-packed, thrilling story – definitely a feast for the senses. Joanna Wylde rocked it!

While this book can be read as a standalone, I don’t recommend directly diving into this book without having read at least the second one. A good portion of book 2 really set up the basis of this story, and helped introduced Hunter’s character and his relationship dynamic with Em. This book is a bit different from the first two – there’s not much background info given and it’s devoid of Wylde’s usual character development and slow romantic buildup. For me, however, that was perfect; since I already knew of Hunter and Em from book 2, I liked that this book was sort of a continuation and not a rehash of the same details – she gave us a totally different perspective despite going through similar timelines from book 2.

Character descriptions:


Em: seriously one of the most kickass heroines ever!!! I think her character truly made this book shine – I usually side with heroes all the time and find issues with the heroines, but Em was just flawless! Part of that reason is because she’s a true-bred biker babe, different from outsiders like Marie and Sophie (previous heroines in this series). She knows how MCs work, the ins and outs, and all the laws & feuds, and I adore her tenacity and spirit when she deals with every obstacle hurled her way. She deserves a 5 star standing ovation!

Hunter: he’s part of the Devils Jacks, the rival and enemy club of the Reapers (where Em comes from). My feelings for this guy were all over the place. To be honest, I spent most of the book not feeling too good about him when he repeatedly let Em down (totally pro-heroine here – Em’s fantastic!) I would’ve happily kicked him in the balls. But by now, I’ve realized that our biker men will make mistakes, intentional or not, and Hunter is no exception. But does he make up for them? Yes, he does, and although I wanted him to man-up faster than he did here, his unwavering devotion and loyalty to Em is undeniable. Love is not a term easily thrown around in the world of bikers, but who needs words when his actions far surpass them?


Yup, I adored this book - GREAT main characters and an action-packed story that kept me on my toes!

ARC provided by the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

P.S. Thanks Lana & Geri for the buddy read! This time it was a hit - I didn't bail or DNF on y'all ;)
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,684 reviews1,035 followers
August 10, 2016

A modern day Romeo and Juliet biker romance!


Club born, Em, is not afraid of big bad biker dudes. Her father is the Prez of the Reapers. Unfortunately his dreams of her becoming an Reaper's Old Lady is shattered when Em falls for the enemy mc, Devils.

In true Romeo and Juliet fashion we have two feuding families who don't trust each other. RomeoHunter 'tricks' Juliet Em into thinking he is someone he is not. We got to see their first date in Reaper's Legacy but from Sophie's pov (main character in Reaper's Legacy). Ever since that book I've wanted to know what happened behind those closed doors when Sophie hears Em scream. The first 40% of DEVIL'S GAME is their first date and what happened behind those closed doors.

"You deserve a man who'll fight for you, baby girl. You remember that, all right?" -Picnic (Reaper's Prez)

"Romeo and Juliet died, son. Consider that all the answer you need." - Burke (Devil's Prez)

Release date: 6/3/2014
Pre-order | order: http://amzn.to/1kqZsyu

Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1) by Joanna Wylde Reaper's Legacy (Reapers MC, #2) by Joanna Wylde Devil's Game (Reapers MC, #3) by Joanna Wylde Reaper's Stand (Reapers MC, #4) by Joanna Wylde
Book 1 - Horse | Book 2 - Ruger | Book 3 - Hunter | Book 4 - Picnic
To find out when the next book will be released click here.

**Complimentary copy courtesy of PENGUIN GROUP Berkley, NAL via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
Quotes are subject to change in the final publication.
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
June 8, 2014
5 Devil’s Stars!

Em is the daughter of Picnic, Reaper’s MC president. So, as you imagine, having a Mc president as a father isn’t easy when you’re a girl and want to date. That was almost impossible for Em.
So when she meets Liam online, they develop a relationship that will change everything for her. She will fall for him and it will change her: In the best and worst way.
They end up meeting for the first time and if you read the previous book you know exactly what happens. That’s why you shouldn’t trust strangers on the internet!!


Liam, or Hunter that’s how he’s known in his Mc club, is a member of Devil’s Jack MC and while in the beginning his motives to pursuing Em weren’t innocent he ends up biting his own ass and falling for her.


But when you came from two rivals Mc’s, when everything seems to be against you… hoe much how are you willing to fight?
And in the end who have your loyalty? The person you love or the brothers you grew up with?


Rating: 5 Stars.
Storyline: Raw, hot with endearing moments. There was some moments where the lack of trust was kind of annoying but other than that, an awesome reading. Probably my favorite book in the series
Writing Style: First person, dual POV (and believe, you’ll be thankful for it!). . Not all authors can pull off a MC boo, but Joanna Wylde writes this series to almost perfection.
Character Development: Em was an amazing heroine: she was witty, feisty and had lady-balls! And still she was a sweet girl. A great heroine, which isn’t easy in the MC world. Liam? Well, he could be so easily hated, and yet, I couldn’t help but loving him. Yes, he was a jackass for some time, but the fact the he fought for Em even going against a lot of rules and after we understanding where he came from, it was impossible not to completely love him.
Steam: Some hot moments.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
June 5, 2014
4.5--Best of the Series--Stars!!

One kick ass heroine + one kick ass hero = one kick ass book!

Part One of the book, which is the first almost 50% of the book, pretty much follows the end of Reaper's Legacy...when Sophie and Em are captured by Hunter and Skid.

Part Two is what happens afterwards.

Em finally moves out of Picnic's house and to Portland to go to school. Portland just happens to also be where Hunter is.

Hunter is a Devil's Jack.

But is Hunter really the enemy? The Devil's and the Reaper's are trying to remain neutral but the cartel has other plans.

There was plently of MC action in this one. Will Picnic be okay with Em being with a Devil's Jack? What will it mean for Hunter to be with the daughter of a Reaper? And not just any Reaper, the President.

Em was one of the best heroines...

She knew the MC life. She found a way to remain loyal to her MC and yet protect Hunter at the same time.

This was a really great read. Kept me entertained throughout.

However, it must be mentioned that it was really lacking in the sexy times.

Is it just me, or did Horse and Marie not have lots of sex? Obviously Sophie and Ruger didn't because they were too busy going back and forth about whether they even liked each other. But Hunter and Em have no excuse....so he kidnapped her in the beginning...big deal.

Still, this one was definitely my favorite of the series and can I just tell you....I am DYING for Picnic's book! DYING!

Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
June 5, 2014
4.5 Stars


My favorite thing about this book...I actually really enjoyed the heroine. Sophie and Marie both annoyed me quite a bit. Emmy was a refreshing change. She is really likeable, strong, sassy, and she stands up for herself - holding her own when it comes to her leading man. Em is the Picnic's daughter - President of the Reapers MC. She knows the ins and outs of the MC world, and while she loves her father and the club, she wants to get out on her own.
From now on, I'd be making my own decisions and dad would just have to deal with it.
She meets Liam - he is sweet, understanding, handsome, and fun. They spend months chatting and talking on the phone. But when Em decides to finally meet this perfect man, things do not go as planned. Liam is very interested in Em, but he has other loyalties, that must come first. Liam is a Devil's Jack, a rival MC.
“I like you, Liam Blake.”

“I like you, Emmy Hayes,” I replied, wishing things were different. Don’t know why I bothered.
Those two are like dynamite. They're stubborn and intense. Liam is an ass and Em is smart mouthed. They argue and make up constantly - there is a lot of love/hate going on for a while. But they are building something spectacular. I loved the progression of their relationship, and they aren't only having to fight each other, but everyone one else.
“No offence, Em, but us being together is way too dangerous and crazy to risk for just sex. Fuck that. I want do to this right. Are you with me?”
I really enjoyed this one. It was one hell of a ride full of passion, action, and drama. Really looking forward to Picnic's book.
“You deserve a man who’ll fight for you, baby girl. You remember that, all right?”
Profile Image for Alpha Possessive Heroes.
482 reviews835 followers
June 3, 2014
“I’m gonna buy a bright red dress to wear to your funeral, Liam.”
“Yeah?” he replied, eyes narrowing. “Make sure it’s short and shows off your tits.”

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

June 2014? I think everyone will agree with me that waiting for this book is going to be a pure torture!


Joanna Wylde.. you better lock your doors coz we're off to stalk you!

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
June 5, 2014
3.75 Stars


Not my fav of the series and I have read a few daughter of the MC president books that for me out shined this one. Overall it was was an entertaining read.

Looking forward to Picnic's Book!!!
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,049 followers
September 16, 2014
5 Devil may care stars
You deserve a man who’ll fight for you, baby girl.

A Reaper and A Devil's Jack, their past says they should be enemies, while their future hopes for an alliance. In a perfect world, they'd be all riding on the same side, singing kumba-fuckin-ya but we all know in a biker's world nothing is ever perfect or easy.
I decided to play a little game. I’d lie in the dark, holding her, and pretend she was my old lady for a while. Pretend we lived in a world where I could have something as beautiful as her. That I didn’t owe the Jacks everything, or that she wasn’t a Reaper.

When the plan to gain the alliance between the two clubs turned to shit, Em is forced to learn the truth about Hunter and it isn't a pretty picture. Hurt, betrayed and ashamed, she should have known better, but with her lack of experience with the opposite sex thanks to her dad, she never saw him coming.
I know I destroyed what we were starting and I understand I can never fix it.

Doesn’t mean I don’t miss you.

Trying to make it on her own, Em is away from her Reaper family for the first time, she's finally free to be who she wants to be and answer to no one but herself. But no matter how much time has passed, her thoughts and memories of Hunter hasn’t faded and a chance encounter sets the ball rolling. Their first chance pretty much died but the second time around, Hunter is going to do everything he can to make it work. He earns major brownie points when he treats her as a partner and as a strong woman, vs. a daughter or the president's daughter.
“I respect that he’s your dad and I don’t want to get between you two. But he needs to know you’re mine now. If he has a problem with that, you hand him off to me. I’m serious, babe. Nobody gets between us. Never again.”

It's Hunter and Em against the world and while they are strong enough apart, they are indestructible together. But it's not only their family that has it against them, there are other forces trying to make sure the Devil's Jack and the Reapers stay enemies.

Devil's Game was everything I hoped for and more, we got a little peak into Hunter and Em's first date in Reaper's Legacy, and it made me want this book so much more. Hunter pulled a jack-ass move, but what we get to know about him is that he doesn't do anything without reason or cause. He knew he fucked up and he owned up to it, even by letting her kick his balls, (I laughed my ass off on that one.) Em was tired of being treated like a little kid, clearly she has what it takes to be an Old Lady, understanding her place and know when to push.
when he needed peace, he’d come to me.

I loved the no nonsense of their relationship, it pretty much was just him and her, non of their fucked up bullshit, just them and they made everyone understand that nothing they would do could ever tear them apart.

I love Picnic, his parts in this was heart warming and hilarious.
“I want my daughter home for fucking Thanksgiving,” he snapped. “If that means I have to put up with her douchebag boyfriend, I will.”

I totally agree with what he said, a man who doesn't fight for you has no right being your man. Next up in the Reaaper's series is Picnic's book, I can't wait to see what the big bad alpha biker has in store for us, I almost feel for him when he meets the woman to bring him to his knees.
June 6, 2014
Two enemy motorcycle clubs...the bad boy and the President's daughter, the manwhore and the virgin...what could be better?

We met Liam/Hunter in Ruger's book, Reaper's Legacy, so there is a bit of a rehash in the beginning. It's great if it's been a while since you read that but there's also Liam's POV of what happened and more importantly why.


I really liked Liam and I knew I would but what I didn't expect was how much I would respect him. Yes, he's had a hard life, yes, he takes care of those he loves and yes, he's loyal. I was just surprised at how he stood up to Picnic and the rest of the Reapers and how he let Em get payback for the kidnapping! Ouch!!

Em is the sweet type that you have to watch out for. She's always done the right thing and now it's time for her to look out for herself. She's got it bad for Liam and she just has to decide if she can get past what he's done and who he is. And her whole sexual education was hilarious!

Another unexpected surprise was most of Liam and Em's sex scenes. Some of the earlier scenes didn't even get consummated but were extremely h-o-t! I wasn't too happy with the way Liam handled the consummation but I guess we couldn't expect for him to wait any longer.


There's a lot of drama between the two clubs...and some interference. I was happy with the direction that Burke, Hunter and Skid wanted to go and that had a lot to do with making things work between Liam and Em. I liked how the drama came to a head and the truth came out. But Poor Liam with the dues he felt he had to pay...I think that was maybe a bit much.

And can we talk about Deke? What a jerk!! I seriously do not want him for Cookie!

But I liked both Kit (Em's sister) and Kelsey (Liam's foster sister) and their friendship they have together. I would read their books!

I just love getting epilogues and this one was wonderful. I only wish there wouldn't be a continuing focus on Liam and Em's relationship. We also get more about the next book with Picnic. I really enjoyed his relationship with Em but I hope he gets his "cojones" handed to him! Get him, girl!

Favorite quotes

♥ “Is this the part where you confess you’re actually a man?”

“’Cause if you are, I’m totally into that. Whoever did your boob job is a fuckin’ artist.”

♥ That’s when it all hit me and I started laughing.

I’d just had incredible, indescribable sex with the hottest guy I’d ever met—and I was still a fucking virgin.

Jesus. Just like high school.
I couldn’t give this shit away.

♥ “Moving forward? There is no such thing as sexy produce. Words to live by.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

♥ "That’s when it started, whatever this is between us. ‘Love’ is a word that doesn’t mean a damned thing to me. ‘Em,’ though? That’s a word that means everything. I’d die for you, babe. Kill for you, too."

♥ “I pictured you with bigger tits.”

My smile didn’t falter for a minute.

“I’m still saving up for my boob job,” I told him politely. “Until then, I’m afraid Hunter’s stuck with me like this. On the bright side, I give excellent head. He had to pay my father six whole goats for me, you know.”

*BR w/Melissa, Patty & Denisse*

Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,675 reviews9,134 followers
December 5, 2017
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

The only reason I’m not giving this 5 Stars is because I (unfairly) compare every motorcycle book to Hades Hangmen and Motorcycle Man. Don’t let the missing star fool ya, though, ‘cause as soon as I met Liam?????

Number eleventy-seven in my motorbike porn readings, Devil’s Game had a wee different spin on things. The first clue this one was maybe not going to be exactly like the others was the title. While everything else in the series has been Reaper’s This and Reaper’s That, Devil’s Game lets you know immediately that it is, in fact, the “one of these things that is not like the others.” The style wasn’t quite the same (the author flat out says she wrote more of a New Adult vibe rather than straight-up erotica intentionally) and the “Reaper” is lacking in the title since the leading male is not one. Nope, our boy this go ‘round was a real Devil. Devil Jack, that is.

A bigly chunk of the story also covers the same timeline as Reaper’s Legacy when ACTUAL SPOILER AND NOT JUST A TRICK LIKE MY USUAL M.O. COMING UP IN CASE PEOPLE PLAN ON READING THESE IN ORDER AND DON’T WANT TO KNOW ALL OF THE STUFF AND THINGS . I’m not sure how many people that will annoy, but I figured it’s worth mentioning. It probably just depends on how much you want to bang Liam. And trust me when I say I want to do allllllll the bang with Liam . . . .

Lordy lordy!!!!


So without spoiling things as per above, the leading lady Em (club President Picnic’s daughter for any other weirdos who like to know all the deets) and Liam have an unusual meet-cute and a real . . . .

“Shitty, shitty first date.”

That results in quite the enjoyable relationship between the two . . . .

“I’m gonna buy a bright red dress to wear to your funeral, Liam.”

“Yeah? Make sure it’s short and shows off your tits.”

That continued to be amusing throughout pretty much the entire story . . . .

“Don’t shoot me by accident, please.”

“I promise. I will never shoot you by accident.”

Even after things got all lovey dovey . . . .

“Love is a word that doesn’t mean a damned thing to me. Em, though? That’s a word that means everything. I’d die for you babe. Kill for you, too.”

It was a breath of fresh air to have a female lead who kicked ass and didn’t take any shit and the NA spin kept things interesting when it came to the zoom zoom parts. There’s little to no chance at this point I’ll be able to avoid Wylde’s other series about the Silver Bastards. She’s got me in her web.


And here I go . . . .

Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
493 reviews275 followers
June 5, 2014

HUNTER AKA LIAM, what can I says about him --only one thing :

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Emmy, our darling MC girl falls in love with this mysterious boy Liam! Their attraction is over the charts!
But what Emmy doesn't know is Liam's real motive.
With this heat flaming around them, hmmm how that is gonna end?

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"But whatever direction we take, Emmy Hayes stays my target. Nobody fucks with her but me"

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How will Emmy handle this attraction and even worse after knowing this truth?

Sit back and enjoy the ride.

As much I loved this story, there is something about Horse that simply pulls me more towards him!

Don't waste time, if you are MC girl like me, pick it up!

"Honey, seeing as my dick's still in your body, you can have whatever the hell you want"

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Happy reading

D xo

*ARC provided for review*

Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
September 16, 2016
4.5 Loving Who You Shouldn't Stars
* * * * 1/2
How many stories are there... really? We all know the basics of all of them and it is up to the writer to take these bare bones and create new fresh ways for us to see them. This Devil's Game took pages from the star crossed lovers / forbidden Romeo and Juliet and put them in the opposing biker club world.

I happen to appreciate Joanna Wylde's world of the Reapers. She made them coarse, relentless, outlawed macho with hints of wanting some sweetness, too. They were not all touchy feely but they had humor amongst themselves and could sometimes even handle jokes at their own expense.

This was a book many of us were waiting for as the last one brought our two main characters together. We saw them connect; have turmoil; passion yet all was done from afar... with the real action happening away from our prying eyes....

In this book we go back... back to where these two meet; why it happens and how... we learn of who is the player and how the playing was supposed to take place... we see how hearts were teased open and given... only to not understand what happened once they were together. But most importantly... we see how even when wrong happened... the discovery of serious feelings and yes, love... can change everything and someone who would never allow or feel they deserved it... will put everything on the line to have it... no matter what.

This edition worked for me and the hint of the upcoming Picnic's story has wet my appetite...

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review

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Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
May 23, 2015
* * * * * 4.5 Stars * * * * *

Disclosure: I freaking love MC books, I mean love them. I have read some MC books that were flat out horrible, but because I got my fix on alpha assholes who have no regard for other people I was satisfied. One could say I am an MC Whore with no real standards.

This series has been one of my favorite MC series. I have liked Em from the beginning, so I couldn’t wait to start this one.

In Devil’s Game we finally get to see what happened with Em and Hunter on that infamous date. I really liked where things were heading on that date, those scenes with Hunter and Em…HOTT.

For the first 40% of the book we get to see how Hunter and Em met, and get some background on them both as individuals and a couple.

Part 2 obviously begins with the fall out from Hunter’s lies. Em is naturally pissed and decides she needs to move on from the club, and become her own person. She moves to Portland with Cookie and attends school. Guess who else is in Portland??

What I loved…

I obviously love the Reapers. I love how they are so protective of Em. I loved that Em grew up in the MC world, so she was hardcore and didn’t take shit from people. I loved that Picnic was sweet and showed that in the end he is dad and loves his baby girl. I loved the sexy times between Hunter and Em…would I have liked more…well obviously! I liked how Em understood she wasn’t allowed to be apart of club business and didn’t question him…finally an Old Lady that understands!

Why not 5 stars…

Going into this book, I was 5 stars all the way. I have loved this series and now with Em at center, I was sure it would be my favorite. I felt like the book was slow at some points. It is a short book, but it felt long. In the other books I breezed through them so quickly because I couldn’t wait to turn the page. Also, I felt like Em and Hunter didn’t have a lot of time together, as a couple. Of all the books this one was probably the lightest on the MC world. Hunter is a nomad for Devil’s Jacks so this one was pretty light on MC drama. Now I like my MC drama, so I would have preferred some more scenes with the clubs.

Do I recommend?

Profile Image for Lyndy Ann ♫.
672 reviews
November 23, 2016
Mixed feelings about Devil's Game. I did enjoy it getting to know Hunter and Em but I did miss the Reapers as they are not in this one as much except for Daddy Picnic. This has a different feel from the other two Reapers books in my opinion.

Hunter could be a douche he certanly did not have a romantic side the way he took Em's V card and that took FOREVER to happen I was glad when it did, he could also be a pillock with Em. His only saving grace was how he stood up to Picnic when he told him that Em was "his old lady" and what he let happen.

Em was sweet but she could be annoying at times, she knows how to take care of herself and I love her relationship with Picnic so CUTE and I love Kit she takes no shit off anyone even big scary Picnic who other bikers are terrified of.

Can't wait to read Picnic's book :-)
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
984 reviews141 followers
June 8, 2014
❤ Em & ❤ Hunter!!

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I absolutely love the Reaper’s MC series. This is the third book in the series and Joanna Wylde did a wonderful job of giving us Em and Hunter’s story. What I enjoy most about her writing is that she can deliver a book about a MC, giving us grit and intensity but she doesn’t cross that shock factor line. With each story she weaves in something that makes her story just a little different. What made Em and Hunter’s story different, for me anyways was that both of them were in their early twenties and it brought about a different feel from the Reapers MC.

Hunter ~

His real name is Liam. What I loved about him was that he was sexy and sweet first then he was a badass over protective MC biker. He wasn’t perfect by any means. He could be an ass sometimes and had an edge about himself too. He was a Devil’s Jack member which rival to the Reaper’s MC.

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Em ~

She was great. She was spirited, strong and beautiful. She also was funny. I loved that about her. Though young she knew who she was and knew what she wanted. Growing up in the MC world she knew what it was all about. She knew the rules. But when it came to Liam things were different.

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For the first half of the book it is an elaboration of the ending of Reaper’s Legacy. We learn what is behind Em and Sophie’s kidnapping. We learn the connection that Liam and Em had made and what their relationship was all about. We also watch the dynamics between Em and Picnic (her dad) and some of the other bikers. One to mention would be Painter. Gosh, he was a real ass in this book. They way Em handles him was kickass and I loved it.

Em and Liam’s relationship basically starts out on grounds of lies and deceit. But I say that lightly. As the story plays out and we get it from both of their POV’s, I found myself understanding both sides. I understood why Liam had to do the things he did and I understood Em’s distrust.

After these two are separated and brought back together things slowly begin to change. It would seem that these two had a lot up against them. But when they finally decided that they wanted each other look out. Nothing else would matter but of course it wouldn’t be that simple.

In Devil’s Games there is suspense, tension, love and passion. There is a bit of humor too. One of my favorite moments (as I think many who have read this will agree) is when she kicks him in the balls. I have to give it to him though he knew he deserved! LOL The chemistry between them was off the frigging charts! Their first “date” was HOT and the phone sex wasn’t disappointing!! They had their sexy times and then they had moments that were simply sweet. You roll this all together and you get amazing chemistry!

Reapers MC is a FANTASTIC series! Do yourself a favor and get to it soon! ❤
Profile Image for MischaS_.
783 reviews1,428 followers
November 25, 2018
Honestly, I think that this novel was the weakest in this series. First, the first half of the book was just the repetition of what we already knew. And then, when something was looking interesting, they just played it to the out. The characters would just come and say: This and that happened. Etc...
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,424 reviews167 followers
November 23, 2016
Written October 17, 2014

4.6 Stars - A heartwarming wonderful BIKER story a la Romeo & Juliet. - Stunning moments and grand love.

Book #3

I love these gritty, tough and hard bikers in this amazing Reapers MC world by now. Em and Hunter's story was LOVELY.

Superb romance entertainment
Awwww, ooohhh, I enjoyed this audiobook much, much, very much. It has been so hard to let it go for other important things (RL and a great BR book) these last days. ~ Need the fourth installment soonish.


This 3rd Devil's Game was a m/f I yearned to start.
We already met these main characters in the first (her) and second (both of them) book and their "Juliet & Romeo"story kind of started in book #2. It was a tempting "cliffy" there about Em and Liam and I couldn't belive it shouldn't be more to it. ~ And here I was...
“You deserve a man who’ll fight for you, baby girl. You remember that, all right?”

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• #1 - Reaper's Property (4 stars), Marie & Horse's amazing story, was a huge (partly shocking scary) surprise. I read "wide-eyed" and stunned then back in January 2013.
• #2 - Reaper's Legacy (4.5 stars), Sophie & Ruger's beautiful tale, was a much kinder and more grown-up book. Maybe was I (two weeks ago) also more used to wild MC life nowadays (300 steamy smexy romances later)?

Whatever, I love, like and just want more..
I can't hardly belive it myself but these hard MC loving Reaper's boys are cuties and their strong women are my kind of girls. I just want to visit his amusing (warm) 'world' again. ~ Fun, hoooot and so d@mn captivating romances.


Liam "Hunter" Blake is born and raised a Devil's Jack, he has duties and will defend his club from their oldest enemies, the Reapers. Em Hayes has lived her entire life in the shadow of the Reapers MC as the president Picnic's daughter. — Hunter has wanted her from the minute he saw her, and now he has an excuse to take her.
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‘My name on her lips twisted something up inside my chest. Looking back, I think that’s the instant I made my decision. I wasn’t going to give her up. Ever. I’d die first.’

Of course there were all the best basis in this topic for a grand, bold and steamy hot, sentimental romance novel. ~ Two young people in love from two different biker clubs. - Can it be more exciting?

I 'enjoyed' both fights, harsh words between tough (very rough male) men, suspense elements, reunion with old friends (so nice to meet them), and time with all these funny strong women and MC chicks (you're all my idols). Em and Liam's journey wasn't easy as pie, there were ups and downs, tears and hard words etc..., but in the end a stunning credible great HEA-prize to us all.


As the second part was this 10:35 hrs audiobook narrated by two voices. (If you're audio-interested:)


Ms Wylde did it again!!.
These books are just stronger and better for each new part. For me was this third the best so far.

I'm not giving 5 stars to a lot books. I may be a sweet and nice (older) lady-reader but I like to be quite hard with my raiting. This one, Devil's Game, get without the slightest hesitation, almost, the highest rating from me.

This IS just the kind of contemporary hetro romance I prefer. Strong characters, a very well thought-out intense story, great side plots, interesting second characters and all in all a well written romance with a moderate amount of (emotional sexy) sex, portioned tastefuly. Add to that yummy (still human) sexy bikers and some strong female role models as their beloved women in their life.

...Deliciously cozy, sweet filthy and soooo romantic.
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“Love’ is a word that doesn’t mean a damned thing to me. ‘Em,’ though? That’s a word that means everything. I’d die for you, babe. Kill for you, too. I stood up to my club for you and I don’t regret any of it, not for a minute. So, you wanted to know how I feel? I don’t even have a word for what I feel, sweetheart. I just know it’s really fuckin’ good.”

Next up #4 - Reaper's Stand, Em's daddy Picnic's, an young widower, 'second' love-life story. ~ Yahoo, that will be interesting.

I LIKE - when I get intense, sweaty, and fun romance stories

Four by now known "stand-alone" book-parts so far in the Reaper's MC series:

Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1) by Joanna Wylde Reaper's Legacy (Reapers MC, #2) by Joanna Wylde Devil's Game (Reapers MC, #3) by Joanna Wylde - Next up: Reaper's Stand (Reapers MC, #4) by Joanna Wylde
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
June 1, 2014
4 stars!

The best in the series and the best heroine in the series so far.

Devil's Game is the third installment of Joanna Wylde's Reapers MC series and it revolves around Em. Em is the daughter of the president of the Reapers MC. All her life she's been protected and coddled by her family. And yet, despite all that she wasn't whiny or weak. Em was funny and a bit of a badass but still a girly-girl.

I loved her. It's very rare for me to actually like the heroine better than the hero but in this book, Em outshone Hunter just a little bit. Don't get me wrong, Hunter was dreamy but he had his moments of assholery. And while I do love me some asshole (don't judge me), I felt like Em's character made this story even better.

I know this has been compared to a modern day Romeo and Juliet but honestly, Em was no Juliet. Thank God! She wasn't weak and she gave it all she got. The only Romeo and Juliet-y about this book was the fact they their club were rivals but other than that, the characters don't resemble Romeo and Juliet.

This book had a lot of laugh out loud moments especially with Em's inner monologue. And the chemistry between Em and Hunter was phenomenal. I would have loved to read more about them as a couple. This book didn't really allow them to be all couple-y since they were in the middle of a crisis and a power grab between the two MCs but other than that, this book was very enjoyable.

Definitely the best in the series so far! Full review to come closer to the release date...

Thank you Lana and Feifei for the buddy read!!

An ARC was provided by Berkley Trade in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Glass.
646 reviews4 followers
June 9, 2014

My favorite book in the series so far!

Thanks to the Joanna Wylde, I discovered my favorite type of bad boys and since the time I read Reaper's Property I devoured several biker romances, but non of those comes even close to Reapers MC. The latest book in the series might just be my favorite - Devil's Game had everything I like in my romance novels.


Unlike previous two novels, here we have a main character from a different club - Liam, also known as Hunter, is a member of Devil's Jacks, you remember him from Reaper's Legacy - that guy who kidnapped Sophie and Em. Compared with some other books in the genre, Devil's Game is much more tamer. There is still a plenty of violence and testosterone, but story is more focused on the romance than on lifestyle or club's business.



Hunter was a big surprise for me. He is probably the most honorable and idealistic biker I've read about. Bad boy with a heart of gold. More like Prince Charming among bikers, still possessive and jerk at times, but honest and not afraid to admit his mistakes.

Em is kind of a girl I like. I have to admit that I had a bigger crush on her than on Hunter - she is smart and strong girl who knows exactly what she wants and she tries to get it no matter how scared she might be. Unlike some other female characters in this genre, Em doesn't need to be saved. She saves herself.


***Dear Joanna***

Thank you for giving us men to lust and swoon over. Thank you for giving us perfect fantasy and fairy tale. Thank you for making you female characters smart and strong.
And giving us a day or two of pure bliss and happiness.

***Copy of this book was provided by publisher, Berkley Trade, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for Elfina Renee.
613 reviews222 followers
September 26, 2016
Can lightening strike twice? When it comes Joanna Wylde and the Reapers MC....the glowing answer is hell yes it can.... not once, twice but shockingly three times! This phenomenal writer gives us a birds eye view of the biker world. At times dark, emotionally painful and the brotherhood I've come to expect in a really good MC read!

Good girl Em is gonna go bad. Born and raised within the MC, she's no stranger to the dangers the club faces. But she craves a life that isn't controlled or managed by her overprotective father. A chance to fall in love, be with a guy Picnic can't scare the piss out of. Sadly when she goes looking for love in all the wrong places, she becomes the pawn in a deadly game.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
June 4, 2014
I have nothing but good to say about this gem of a book! This is Joanna Wylde's third book in her Reaper's MC series and it was an absolute winner! It had everything I love about MC books and more. The best part though was the chemistry between the hero and the heroine! These two were off the charts HOT; but also they had developed a great friendship; which led to some very amusing banter between the two of them. I just loved every minute that they were together. If I had anything to complain about, it would be that I wanted them together more. Even when they were apart though, they would communicate via texting or phone...ahem..phone sex anyone! ;-D I will add that Liam and EM give new meaning to phone sex..it was beyond hot, and not only left them satisfied; but me too!LOL

Em is what I think of as the "princess" of the Reapers. She is Picnic's daughter, and has grown up around the motorcycle club all her life. Her sister, is younger but the rebel of the two. Em has always been the daughter who listened to her father and stayed close to home. She had an extreme crush on one of the prospects named Painter..and to be quite honest, I had expected that those two would eventually be together. Painter was a pussy though!! He never did fight for Em, or stand up to her father in order to have her. What woman wants a man like that? Then one night he delivers her the ultimate betrayal, and finally she has enough.

Liam aka Hunter, is a member of the Devil's Jack MC. This club is somewhat enemies of the Reapers. Hunter has been asked to get ahold of the "princess" of the Reapers for leverage. When he first lays eyes on her, there is immediate attraction. He spends a great deal of time online befriending Em, and they develop a relationship of sorts..or I should say; a friendship. Once again though, Em is betrayed by a man, the only difference this time is that Liam actually has major feelings for her, and he battles within himself hugely for betraying her.

There is just so much more to this story and I could go on all day about it; but the bottom line is that this is a must read! Em is a heroine that will be going on my short list of heroines that I love and respect. She has got fire, and I love that she can stand up for herself as well as her man. She is top quality people, and I highly enjoyed everything she brought to the table.
Liam was a hero that was such a contradiction in my eyes. Yes, he was a rough,tough, alpha male; but he had such a vulnerability to him. It was flat out endearing, and the way he put himself out there for Em melted me everytime! He would do anything to make things right with her..including letting her kick him in the balls!!LOL This scene cracked me up so hard and I won't ever forget it! For a guy who never knew love, except for his Foster sister; he was able to love fiercely when it came to his "Old Lady"..He is as loyal as they come, and best yet; he would fight for Em until his dying breath..He said it best when he said:

"I'd die for you, babe. Kill for you,too. I stood up to my club for you and I don't regret any of it, not for a minute. So, you wanted to know how I feel? I don't even have a word for what I feel, sweetheart. I just know it's really fuckin good."

That sums up how he feels for his Em, and I could never have said it better myself!
I can't wait for the next installment! This series is up there with the best of the best in my books!

Thank you so much to my Buddy's: Steph,Kelly,Angie,Shanna, and Vilda! I enjoy every buddy read that we do together, and I loved being able to share my excitement with you all!♥
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,060 followers
June 18, 2014
I am a horrible person. I suppose that I should feel guilty about taking so much energy to rant about the horrible sh*t that went down in book 1 and book 2, when I'm about to majorly drop the ball on reviewing this book, which I actually did like.

It's not even that pointing out frustrations is more fun (oh who am I kidding; it can be), it's just that I still haven't had the time and/or desire to want to review much lately - even for books that made me happy.

The lead female actually used her brain more than once. I know! I couldn't believe it either, after being so disappointed with Marie and Sophie in previous books. Em was a little bit stronger, a little bit tougher, and a little bit sassier. She also knew when to walk the hell away from a situation that wasn't good for her. *applause*

Hunter wasn't a role model, and that was okay for this particular story. Even with the continuation of the kidnapping plot (which I am thoroughly sick of in MC books), I felt like we got to see an admittedly damaged man come into his own in a way which felt somewhat believable. Hunter had issues, but he KNEW he had issues. He KNEW he was a stalker. He KNEW that he had to get Em off the crazy train. How much better would most super-heavy-drama books be if the screwed up characters actually took some responsibility for their shit?

I loved watching Hunter grow. I loved watching Hunter's buried sensitive side come out.

There was some great sexual tension, and much of it was fueled by Em. She already knew what being in the lifestyle meant and what the sacrifices would be, which made her acceptance of everything easier to digest than it had been with Marie and Sophie, who had gone along for the ride far too easily for my preference.

I know a lot of people didn't like this book as much as the first two, but I felt the writing and characters were stronger on every level. I would rather read something that makes sense and has true character development over reading something that has no entertainment value outside of a drama/shock factor. At least this time, I didn't feel like I was being lead around through a mad house only for the purpose of waiting for a halfway decent sex scene.

The bantering humor was a welcome addition. The sex wasn't as mind blowing as I would have liked, but the chemistry and timing was excellent, so the balance worked for me.

My only gripe : I was very put off by the author note at the end, almost "apologizing" for the NA character ages. I agree that NA has a bit of a stigma right now, but don't justify writing what what you want to write. It only fuels the stereotype of certain things being lesser than others. While I do feel that there's a lot of crap NA out there right now, it has not ONE thing to do with character ages, and more to do with cliched and bad writing. If your book is good, it's good, regardless of character age. If the fans can't see that, shake it off and continue writing your next adult book. Please don't make explanations for what you want to do. *soapbox off*

I'm really looking forward to Picnic's book!
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