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The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead, Vol. 20: All Out War Part 1

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The biggest storyline in Walking Dead history starts here! It's Rick versus Negan with a little help from everyone else! Collects issues #115-120.

136 pages, Comics

First published June 4, 2014

About the author

Robert Kirkman

2,651 books6,615 followers
Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer best known for his work on The Walking Dead, Invincible for Image Comics, as well as Ultimate X-Men and Marvel Zombies for Marvel Comics. He has also collaborated with Image Comics co-founder Todd McFarlane on the series Haunt. He is one of the five partners of Image Comics, and the only one of the five who was not one of the original co-founders of that publisher.

Robert Kirkman's first comic books were self-published under his own Funk-o-Tron label. Along with childhood friend Tony Moore, Kirkman created Battle Pope which was published in late 2001. Battle Pope ran for over 2 years along with other Funk-o-Tron published books such as InkPunks and Double Take.

In July of 2002, Robert's first work for another company began, with a 4-part SuperPatriot series for Image, along with Battle Pope backup story artist Cory Walker. Robert's creator-owned projects followed shortly thereafter, including Tech Jacket, Invincible and Walking Dead.

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Profile Image for Jeff .
912 reviews771 followers
November 6, 2014
The library finally got a copy of The Walking Dead, Volume 20: All Out War Part 1 in stock. Was it worth the wait?

In a word: No!

First, take a look at the title. It says Part 1. Which means nothing much gets resolved and Kirkman is playing the old dithering, meandering game. The one where nothing happens. The plot just spins around on its axis. It’s the same game I play with my wife when she asks me to do some sort of "important" chore around the house.

Wife: Honey, could you please do (insert any mind numbing chore you can think of here)?

Me: I’ll get right on it.

I take a look at what needs to be done. I grab something to eat. Take a nap. Get up from my nap and play Skyrim.

As I’m playing Skyrim, my wife interrupts the game:

Wife (with a little more insistence): Have you done (mind-numbing-waste-of-time-chore) yet?

Me: I’ll have it done soon

Wife (skeptical): Of course you will. I need it done today.

Me: On it.

I again take a look at what needs to be done and play another half hour of Skyrim. My son comes into the room; we make lunch and play Soul Calibur. Unless I play Voldo and my son plays the worst character in the game, I get my ass handed to me. Weary from all this, I take a nap.

My wife shakes me awake and asks if I’m done with the (insert expletive, expletive chore here).

She’s angry, but not to the breaking point yet. I go into the kitchen and look for something to eat. She follows me into the kitchen and has that look in her eyes. The one which says she’s about to weaponize whatever’s in her reach, like the dude from The Eiger Sanction. I get scared (just like Rick in this very volume) and acquiesce and do the (insert name of god-forsaken chore here).

Yeah, The Walking Dead is like that. Spin those plot wheels, baby! Plus, Kirkman has killed off the only interesting element he’s added recently – . He’s also added a new game changing plot device - . Yawn.

I think Kirkman should take a page from the MASH books. Make The Walking Dead a travelogue. With Zombies. The Walking Dead Goes to Maine. The Walking Dead Goes to Las Vegas. The Walking Dead Goes to London. The Walking Dead Goes to Khartoum. With zombies. Hijinks ensue.
Profile Image for Baba.
3,818 reviews1,272 followers
October 5, 2023
Can the rebellion work? Will all the communities stick together? Is Negan funny or what? Is your favourite character called Lucille? This is it, no more BS, they're going to stand up to The Saviors.

It's all out war, and it's going to be hard to find any winners! Another breathtakingly realistic and exciting non-military trained war between two forces, with the added touch of Negan's outrageous humour in the field. 9.5 out of 12, high Four Star read, 'cos this is it, the Saviors are coming...

2019, 2017 and 2014 read
Profile Image for Alejandro.
1,194 reviews3,698 followers
July 4, 2018
The war finally started

This is the third volume of "The Walking Dead", collecting the comic book issues from #115 to #120.

Creative Team:

Writer: Robert Kirkman

Illustrators: Charlie Adlard

Additional gray tones to inking: Cliff Rathburn

Chapter Twenty


…I believe in Rick Grimes.

It was odd that the war is easily the weakest part since the introduction of the Saviours.

Maybe because, Negan started to make clumsy mistakes in his strategies against Rick’s group. And you aren't used to see Negan making mistakes that illogical.

That’s the problem when you are presented with a villain, larger than life, complicated, hard-to-predict, and...

...suddenly he is shown as just another member of human race, able to err like anybody else.

So, the pillar where you have that character is shaking a bit.

That’s the impossible dilemma.

You want that good guys save the day but also you don’t want that the villain would loss his garbo.

So, as the saying tells...

...nobody truly wins in a war.

Profile Image for Chris  Haught.
589 reviews235 followers
January 4, 2023
Honestly, this was my least favorite book of the series so far. It had its moments, but it felt forced in places. In others I struggled with the artwork and narrative because the story seemed to jump abruptly. I even had to turn back and make sure I hadn't skipped a page a couple of times.

Still good, but not of the same quality as earlier entries. I'm hoping that since it's a "part 1", much of what's lacking will be made up for in the "part 2".

Edit: 1/3/2023 - I enjoyed this entry much better this time around.
Profile Image for Melki.
6,689 reviews2,515 followers
March 27, 2014
"I know none of us are soldiers..but until this is over...let's keep that to ourselves."

So, Rick basically says, "Mr. Negan, tear down this wall!" When Negan offers up a rather impolite response, it's time for the bullets to start a-flyin' !

Yup, the action heats up quickly in this one.

Rick has a well-thought-out plan. It certainly seems like they stand a chance. But, war is war and there will be plenty of casualties. And it's a strange war indeed when the dead prove to be your allies.

Once again, the gullibility of Rick's tribe is infuriating. I'm an idiot and I saw Negan's secret weapon coming a mile away. Why didn't they? ARGHHHHH!!!

But...if Jesus is willing to follow YOU, you must be doing something right... right?
Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews7,917 followers
December 26, 2022
To celebrate the series finale of the TV show, one of my favourite shows of all-time, I decided to read through the graphic novel series for the first time. You can check out my thoughts in a nearly 4-hour video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/iJkZPl2ANOU
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,671 reviews13.2k followers
June 17, 2014
When superhero comics do purely fight stories, they tend to be pretty terrible (like Marvel’s AVX or DC’s Trinity War), but when The Walking Dead does it? Home run!

Maybe it’s because Robert Kirkman’s built up the characters over so long that we now care about them, or maybe it’s because the characters aren’t decades-old superheroes who will never die. Maybe it’s a more tense situation as Kirkman’s shown that he has no issues with taking out major characters to shake up a story.

Or maybe it’s because the story is more realistic – if a character gets shot, they go down, they don’t keep going because they don’t have superpowers. I think it’s because we all know Rick’s going to kill Negan and we’re waiting for that moment to come. At any rate, The Walking Dead’s latest and greatest storyline featuring a very small scale war between Rick’s group and Negan’s is completely engrossing.

Kirkman wastes no time in sending Rick out to formally declare war by striking first against Negan’s factory, and from then on the rest of the book follows how Rick’s forces fare against Negan’s outposts, the two characters pitting their tactics against one another in a desperate fight to the death. Lots of characters die followed with lots of twists and turns – I don’t want to give away details but I thought Kirkman’s plotting was absolutely first rate. I especially liked how Rick uses the zombies as tools in his plans!

The “Part 1” of the title might annoy some readers who were looking to see this conflict resolved in one volume, like when the Governor attacked the prison earlier in the series, but Negan has proved to be a more resilient and complex character than the Governor who won’t go down so easily. Plus this conflict is a much larger and more ambitious story than any other attempted so far and Kirkman crams in so many awesome set pieces that there’s no way this could be a done-in-one story.

Even though Kirkman skims over certain plot obstacles for those surprise moments when characters seemingly pop out of nowhere, there’s still so much happening in this book that you need at least one more volume to do the arc justice. And really, when you hit a rich narrative vein like this, why would you want it over sooner rather than later? Especially when things get turned up to 11 in the final act when Negan reveals a secret weapon that completely changes the balance of the war in his favour…

Jesus continues to be awesome in his action hero role, I love that Maggie’s playing a bigger role, Rick continues to flourish as a leader, now assuming the role of military commander, and Negan continues to baffle with his behaviour – he doesn’t condone rape but he doesn’t blink when it comes to murdering his own people? What a bizarre morality he has! I can’t nail down his character nor guess what he’s about to do next which is a big part of his appeal.

All Out War Part 1 is a fantastic read – it’s all killer, no filler and longtime readers of the series will love it. It’s blisteringly paced and you’ll fly through this in one sitting, wishing you had the next volume to hand immediately after (and if you’re reading this in the future, grab all parts of All Out War and read it as one!). Totally thrilling stuff, the series is at its best the more Rick and co. are up against it and never before have they been in more trouble than with evil Fonzie at their gates - 20 volumes in and the series has never been more exciting!
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,958 followers
January 6, 2024
In the first phase of the war, Rick tries to drive Negan & the Saviors out of their compound, but the payback is brutal when the Saviors return for revenge against Alexandria. I found it particularly brutal when the transformed Holly eats Alexandria's doctor Denise. Another major loss is when Shiva is killed defending Ezekiel, who becomes clinically depressed after losing his best friend. Will any humans be left to fight the zombies or will they kill each other off?
Profile Image for Ryan Buckby.
675 reviews93 followers
December 8, 2019
First read: May 30th 2016
Re-read: December 8th

the war is raging on and things are going to get even more crazy before they start to go back to somewhat of normal in the walking dead universe. some of the Alexandrian's, Hilltop and the Kingdom residents are on the move and ready to take the fight to Negan at his compound and hope to kill him right there and there but of course things never go as plan in true walking dead style.

Holly sacrifices herself and drives a car through the Saviours compound even though Rick was supposed to be the one that did it. Rick and his group flee the saviours compound just before a herd of walkers surrounds the compound leaving Negan and the Saviours trapped inside. Negan is an interesting character he has this charismatic thing about him, he can make you believe anything and He is a strong leader i must admit. I like his stance on rape which in a world like this would be hard to come by so I'm glad it was put in. Eric is the first alexandrian resident to die after being shot which makes Aaron swear revenge on every last saviour. Shiva sacrifices herself for her master it was so sad to see it but i knew it was coming.

Negan and the Saviours make a surprise attack on Alexandria which no one sees coming, it's Revealed that Holly was in fact killed but its not realised until Denise takes of the sack and this results in Denise getting bitten. Heath loses a leg in an explosion but Rick and Denise carry him to safety and she is able to save Heath's life just in time. Maggie the new leader of the Hilltop comes to help out in the fight with some of her group. I'm so happy that maggie is now the leader of the Hilltop because her character is Strong and able for the job.

The War is here and theres no going back now
Profile Image for Subham.
2,962 reviews83 followers
February 4, 2021
This was cool, the war starts and it brings in heavy casualties, they try talking peacefully but it doesn't go anywhere and so its an all out war and its amazing the way its done. Negan vs Rick, their armies, first Rick's men lessen but they are able to overwhelm Negan but then there is interludes both sides getting ready and then Negan attacks with grenades and destroys where they have been living and its epic, human lives are lost but then again this is an all out war now. I like how he deaths are so unpredictable and it will be interesting to see who wins.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,490 reviews1,866 followers
January 4, 2016
Well I totally called the returnee's state of return... Though I wasn't sure if it would take place. I thought that would cause the most panic. Sorta right... The grenades were a nice touch.

I actually think that Negan believes his line about being the saviors... That it's not just for show and free stuff. Interesting.

The war rages on... Gotta get back.
Profile Image for Mike.
1,532 reviews143 followers
October 15, 2014
The art is still terrible. Blasé, scrawled during action sequences, generic acting on the faces, and dimly lit.

The action is better - when it's ramping up I'm turning pages fast - partly to get past the garbage dialogue (especially the horrendous bile that comes out of Negan's mouth - no one needs to savour that, no matter how "real" Kirkman tells himself it is, it's still shit coming out of *his* head).

But when the action slows down it's a chore to read - or downright mystifying.

Once in a while Kirkman gets Adlard to do a big double-page spread. I just never know why. The Maggie moment is the most random, less-meaningful-than-they'd-like nonsense.

War strategizing yadda yadda... people dying yadda yadda... we see people affected by war in unexpected ways blah blah blah... I'm sure Kirkman's written this script before, or he's cribbing from Band of Brothers or the History Channel.

I'm just skimming though this - I couldn't care less about who's who (not that I can tell from the art or remember these Generic Dial-o-Matic characters from previous books) or why any of them have any motives. When one dude cries and says, "not until every last one of those motherfuckers is DEAD", I had not one fuck to give.

This is just too damned predictable. The specific actions take by specific people aren't (least of all Negan, to a fault - I'm sure Kirkman is just rolling dice to guess what he should do with this villain, in the name of unpredictability - which just turns him into a dude who has no character), but nearly every beat of the plot is coming at scheduled intervals.

Surprise attack? Yawn. Somebody important dies? Yeah. "Cliffhanger" where the town is in danger? Uh-huh.

At least the TV show has a sliver of colour, even if the dialogue is much worse.

Thank dogs for my public library. Can you believe in the city of Portland, there are 67 people with a reserve on the next volume of this book? Idiots. At least they're not functionally illiterate though. Many of my fellow Shallow Readers might not be so lucky.
Profile Image for Cori.
939 reviews182 followers
July 20, 2024
Things have ramped up to defcon 5 between the Saviors and...everyone. This is The Walking Dead I love!

Spoilers ahead.


Ezekiel and Michonne are officially together.

Eugene, and crew, is working double-time to fill the bullet supply.

The combined forces of Hilltop, Sanctuary, and The Kingdom attack the Saviors.

The plan is for Rick to crash the gate to allow a horde of zombies to crash the Saviors' castle. At the last minute, Holly (Abraham's second girlfriend) hijacks the plan and crashes the gate instead, allowing Rick to escape with the rest of the group. She's captured by the Saviors.

The group then splits up to go clear out the Saviors' outposts.

One of Negan's men approaches Holly with the intention of raping her. Just in the nick of time, Negan sweeps in and kills him, effectively becoming her Savior (pun intended). I think Sasha was the one that Negan protected in the show.

Maggie stands up to Gregory. By doing so, she inadvertently places herself in the position of leader.

Eric dies.

Meanwhile, the groups continue to eliminate the Saviors' outposts. Ezekiel's group takes heavy losses, including the loss of Shiva.

Ezekiel experiences a leadership crisis due to the guilt of those he lost. Michonne literally punches him in the face to get him to snap out of it.

The Saviors' attack Sanctuary, grenades and bullets included. Negan then "returns" Holly with a bag over her head. Once the bag is removed, they realize she turned. She bites Denise; Heath is injured by a grenade while he's trying to get to Denise.

Just when it seems all hope is lost, Dwight takes a stand and kills the Saviors around him. Maggie arrives with a group from Hilltop.

I'd rate this an R for violence, swearing, and other adult themes.

Original review posted February 15, 2020.
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,740 reviews336 followers
April 3, 2014
Look, everybody! It's forward momentum in the story! I kid, but only a little. Finally, we have the direct confrontation between Negan and his Saviors and Rick and everybody else. Plenty of action, and plenty of deaths. Of course. Negan remains as frightening and fascinating as before, which is good. I think I may be getting tired of most of the rest of these people. I really hope that this is building up to Kirkman's grand finale on the series, because I'd much rather that he go out explosively than drag this out much longer.
Profile Image for Drew The Reviewer.
99 reviews87 followers
June 29, 2016
I've decided that The Walking Dead will probably be my #1 favorite graphic novel series of all time. The storytelling in this is better than most books. This war storyline between Rick and Negan is remarkable.
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews960 followers
January 6, 2017
Okay, that shit was pretty cool. Aside from a few minor Kirkmanian cringe-worthy moments (I BELIEVE IN RICK GRIMES double pager comes to mind), this was an awesome volume of TWD. Didn't think I would ever say that.
Profile Image for Nicole Alycia.
653 reviews42 followers
March 8, 2017
Loved all the action in this one! Can't wait to see what's in store in Part 2!
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,534 reviews28.7k followers
July 26, 2016
Holy shit this volume wasn't kidding about the "All Out War" title. This volume was nothing but bloody, insane war. It was action packed and intense and I loved it. I love how fierce Rick is in this volume. H'es finally taking control and being a true leader again. I keep thinking Negan can't possibly get any worse and every single volume is proving me wrong.

I thought Negan was actually a pretty decent guy when he stopped Holly form being raped. That surprised me because I didn't think he would actually stop it, and he killed the guy who tried to rape her. But then he becomes even more monstrous as he pulls up to the gates of Alexandria. I think Rick's plan was great, they pulled up at Negan's place and cause enough loud gunfire for a ton of walkers to storm the place and then they left, leaving them trapped. That was sad when Shiva the tiger died, but it was so funny when Michonne called Ezekiel a pussy. Then Negan pulls right up to the gates of Alexandria like the governor did at the prison and he has Holly tied up with a bag over her head. I knew right away she was a walker and I was like what the fuck? Why wouldn't they think that? Then Holly bites Denise's arm and Negan begins his attack and starts throwing grenades over the fences. Then Heath loses his leg in an explosion and Denise knows it's too late to save her so she decides to spend the time she has left saving everyone else. I love that Dwight is actually on Rick's side and he killed some of Negan's men and gave Jesus the rest of his grenades. Poor freaking Carl, as if this kid hasn't been through enough, gets blasted by one of the grenades and it burns half of his face. He's a tough kid man. Negan is so crazy how he constantly mentions his dick being "so hard" at the sight of all this destruction. He wants to wrap barbed wire around it and call it "Lucille 2" like what kind of crazy fuck thinks that way? Ugh, he's disgusting. He makes my skin crawl. I don't really understand what the fuck happened to Rick at the end of this volume..? He just kind of fell when he was talking to Andrea and Maggie.. Like did he get shot or something? I don't know what happened. Negan see's all the smoke and he thinks they won. But this is only part 1 of "All Out War" so I'm excited to see what happened next.
Profile Image for Kim.
279 reviews42 followers
November 24, 2014
Man Kirkmans mind is CRAZY!!! But I kinda am digging it! But seriously how many times can you say the f-word in a comic? A freakin billion times apparently.
Profile Image for Sarah T. .
600 reviews21 followers
October 6, 2014
You know... I wish this series would just end.


It's pretty rare that I find reading "The Walking Dead" to be a satisfying way to pass the time anymore. Rick et. al. make plans, the plans get fucked up, lots of people die, rinse and repeat. That's it. That is all this series has EVER been, and nothing seems to be changing on that front. Yet, I can't stop checking out the latest volume from the library because I want to know how it ends.

I'm sure it won't have some sort of clean and happy ending, but I'm just ready for this story to be over...

Profile Image for Michael (Mai).
829 reviews103 followers
January 18, 2016
I think this is my break up volume. I haven't read The Walking Dead in so long and coming back to all that despair is hard. I've read Invincible and to me, that's Kirkman's best work. It had contrast of bright colors and happy-ish storylines to the deep brutality that are also in its pages. This is all just dark. Each chapter's goal is out suck the faith in humanity out of you. I don't even care about the characters anymore. So, goodbye Walking Dead. I will not miss the pain you put me through.
Profile Image for Sarah.
409 reviews142 followers
April 4, 2016
Oh my god, what a rollercoaster of a volume! Negan & Rick are both so smart when it comes to war tactics, they're pretty much level with each other. I was on the edge of my seat for a lot of the issues! I can't wait to read part 2, hopefully it will conclude after more crazy battles. There were a lot of deaths in this volume, which didn't really phase me because Robert Kirkman will kill anyone BUT .
Profile Image for CS.
1,240 reviews
September 30, 2014
Bullet Review:

At least something is HAPPENING. And Maggie ain't a complete waste of oxygen.

Though Rick is still alive and consistency is for LOSERS. I'm pretty sure Negan was a professional bully in his previous life - or a politician (same thing? ZING!!)

If Kirkman lets Rick live and kills Jesus, THINGS WILL GET UGLY PEOPLE.
Profile Image for José.
486 reviews270 followers
October 28, 2015
Merece el premio nobel a los comics (?) solo por este recuadro:

Todas las variables posibles de "fuck" en una sola frase xD
Además de eso este volumen estuvo muy bueno, por fin se fue todo al carajo demonio y promete ponerse peor todavía. No puedo esperar a que aparezca Negan en la serie, ojalá esté igual de enfermo que en los comics.

Profile Image for Mindy.
334 reviews41 followers
February 13, 2018
I stopped reading these because I was afraid of spoilers for the T.V. show. Judging where the show is going now, I think it's safe to continue. This was a good one! Lots of action and fun comparisons to the show. Can't wait to read the next one!
Profile Image for Richelle.
214 reviews6 followers
October 4, 2015
things were going well at the beginning of the war.. now.. ah.. not so much!
we've lost ALOT of people and one very special characters :'(
everything is in dismay..some have been bit.. some are wounded..
Negan made his final stand with grenades*.. and then left.. saying that seeing the smoke in the distance is proof enough that he won..
where the group goes from here I have no idea..
will they be able to pick up the pieces and push on? I really don't know this time.. are the walls still standing? who survived?
tons of action in this one! so good!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 536 reviews

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