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The only thing bigger than Riggs’ attitude is his tool… And only one of those problems can be solved with more lube… There's no tragic backstory or closet stuffed full of skeletons from relationships’ past. I've just never been very good at the “very special episode” sh*t. If you're looking for a shoulder to cry on, may I suggest a therapist? Casual fun with my emotionally stunted, overgrown frat boy roommate slash co-worker should be perfect, right? Shep seems to be just as allergic to commitment as I am to emotions, but that doesn't mean we don't need our stroker rods serviced, if you catch my drift. Now if he'll just stop looking at me with those dopey puppy dog eyes while I'm elbow deep in a diesel engine, and making my stomach flip with that smile of his, that would be great…

278 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 3, 2023

About the author

K.M. Neuhold

92 books2,943 followers
K.M.Neuhold has long since been a romance junkie. When she’s not writing she’s reading or spending time snuggling with her husky or her husband. She fell in love with M/M romance last year and hasn’t been able to turn back. There’s nothing she loves more than love in all its forms.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews
November 13, 2023
This is a very steamy, low angst story with aro and colossal schlong representation.

Shep and Riggs are good together.

Neither man is looking for commitment, and Shep is an exceptionally chill dude. He has to be to put up with Riggs' bullshit.

Being aro with a big dick doesn't give you carte blanche to treat people poorly.

I didn't mind Riggs' prickliness, but when someone tells you they have feelings for you, and you scream fuck you, storm out of the room, and tell them they're stupid, that crosses a line into immature douchebag territory.

I would have appreciated 30% more relationship development and 40% less sex, but 'twas all right.

The epilogue was satisfying too.
Profile Image for Jamie.
648 reviews107 followers
November 6, 2023
3-4 stars not sure - this was pretty good I liked it, but this couple was teased a bit throughout the series so maybe my expectations were so high - I was really excited to read this and it didnt live up to what I was expecting. I do love the fact that everyone in this series has a unique pet lol
Profile Image for Dani.
982 reviews118 followers
November 3, 2023
My favourite book in this series. I love the honey badger that is Riggs 😂 he's been the standout character throughout this series and I'm kinda sad it's over now.

I am looking forward to the tattoo artist spin off series though and I'm crossing my fingers for Jag and Axel to be enemies to lovers.
Profile Image for Agla.
719 reviews58 followers
November 6, 2023
2.5 rounded up. This was ok, this spin-off series didn't fully work for me so I'm not sure I'll check out the spin-off of the spin-off that is coming next year. It is a colleague to roomate to fuck-buddies to love. This was fine: you'll get great steam but not a lot of depth unfortunately. They were cute together and the relationship progression was ok but something was missing characterization wise. Riggs is grumpy and has difficulty expressing his feelings. That's fine but we don't really learn much about his past or why he is this way. We discover he is aromantic but it wasn't enough for me because he seems averse to feelings even of friendship. He has a sister we never see, he never talks to. Where are his parents? Don't know. Why does he think he has no friends and finds friendship awkward? Don't know either.

Now, when we meet Shep he is sleeping with a different guy every night and they get attached but he doesn't so they key his car/slash his tires. This allegedly happened several times, which was weird but ok. Then he invites Riggs to move in with him and all of a sudden he becomes celibate and very possessive of Riggs even before they are really dating. Why the 180 for Riggs specifically? Not sure. The problem was also that it doesn't fully come from him: Riggs cock-blocks him 3 times, meaning he was willing to sleep with someone else but Riggs made them run away. This aspect was weird. Also there is a scene that didn't sit right with me but it may be spoilery .

The relationship is very focused on sex, typical for this author, so we don't really get serious conversations between the 2 which is a shame. I may just have outgrown this author 🤷‍♀️.

Edit to add that I didn't remember previous books that well but this book's MCs felt different in previous books if I remember correctly. One of the 2 (can't remember which) had a lot of sex toys that would pop up in strange places. There is no mention of that in this book which was strange especially since the board they have of shop rules had several mentioning that such as "don't put dildos in customers cars" or something along those lines. One of the MCs was mentioned previously as being "bad" with customers but again nothing on that here. I don't know it was just a bit strange to me.
Profile Image for ✨Lucy  IntheSky☄️.
959 reviews124 followers
November 16, 2023
What the hell?

This is Shep and Riggs, two strong side characters in previous book for whose story we've been edged on for quite some time now. Well, at least I was! What happened here?

Ever since they met, these two were spit+fire, I always felt great chemistry there, but damn, I didn't feel an ounce of that chemistry in this book.

But fine, even so, their love story - which I've been really anticipating - left me cold. It was so unconvincing, it's not even funny.
I guess the aromantic representation I did appreciate and it presented an interesting possibility for Shep, who didn't give a shit about it, not really, because a really big dick was at play and that's what sold Riggs, that's what did it - and no I didn't mind one bit, it's the only thing why I'm even rating this book. Too bad I had to wait so long in the story for Riggs to actually use it - and only once!

All we got on-page was a little highschool level cockblocking and forced proximity that I feel like the author threw in here because it was supposed to work, but it was nothing new, nothing exciting (and this series needed exciting, let me tell you), just the already chewed-on-and-spit-out formulas that most of the books already had.

Shep and Riggs had big potential and yet, their story blew it. Blew it. No way in hell were they convincing with anything. Their love story felt like it was evolving by the book - by the hetero book - because absolutely nothing that was happening here could be pinned to those characters in real life. At least that's what I think. And everything was based on how many times one's cock swells! Wow.

Riggs 30, Shep 40, both blue collar workers, both never wanting or needing a relationship, they start living together and suddenly in a span of one month they go from zero to a damn serious relationship, they're talking about forever and iloveyous, bish whaaaat, I mean 😄😄 it's completely not believable.
They were seeing all their friends being coupled up and felt bad about it. Right. 2 guys in their prime with magic dicks felt bad about it. Please, tell me more.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it's just extremely not-believable in this case.

If we want it to be believable, something substantial and different has to happen. Especially with Riggs being different, I mean this book needed something else, something completely out of the box, both characters didn't come out to shine at all.

Underwhelming, unmoving, unconvincing.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
698 reviews41 followers
November 7, 2023
2.5 stars - I liked Riggs and there were some cute moments between him and Shep, but the sex scenes kind of took over the story and I found myself bored more often than not. I'm rounding up for Vel the crow.
Profile Image for Jacqueleen the Reading Queen♡.
1,352 reviews89 followers
October 23, 2023
"You just let me be. You let me feel things the way I feel them, and you never act like there's something missing inside of me."

Lube job is hands down my favorite of the series! Riggs is precious. No, really, he is. Prickly, but precious and I just loved how Shep came to adore both sides of him. That's something Riggs has never had. A person who accepts that sometimes he can be kind of an asshole yet loves him in spite of it, or maybe even because of it. It made reading this book so much fun seeing how flustered it would make Riggs when Shep would just brush off one of his scathing remarks.

"Hell yes. Why would anyone get married when they could just fuck their best friend forever instead? Life hacking, baby.
Maybe if I play this right, we can just keep doing this... like, maybe forever?"

Shep and Riggs were one of those couples who don't actually realize they are a couple. They live together. They commute to work together. And when they get home from said work they spend their time chillin on the couch together, or you know, having really hot sex. Honestly, the steam was top notch for me in this one.

"It's the look of utter fucking ecstasy on his face while he chokes on my length that sends me over the edge with a moan that echoes off the walls of the laundry room."

With Riggs' personality you may think there might not be as much feels in this one, but you'd be wrong. I think that Riggs felt deeply, he just didn't know how to actually put his feelings into words because he didn't quite understand them himself. Shep was a surprise because yes he may be a himbo, but he isn't afraid to be honest about his emotions for the most part. He recognized that things between them were definitely more than casual pretty early on and instead of full blown panic he just sort of went with it. It was really cute and I think his low pressure way of dealing with things helped with Riggs' coming to terms with their status as well.

I must mention the epilogue because it was just so them and was a wonderful ending for the series. We meet quite a few new faces in Lube Job and I'm hoping to see many of them again in the spin off series. Tattooed Bikers? Enough said.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,764 reviews379 followers
November 9, 2023
Beautiful aro representation from K.M. in this one

One of the things I love best about K.M.'s books is how she shows the reader there are multiple ways for relationships to flourish.

This one is a beautiful example of how someone who's always wondered if there was something wrong with how he doesn't get the same feels as other people when it comes to relationships, discovers doesn't matter when you find comfort in the company of the right partner.

Riggs is the "anti-twink" twink mechanic at Big Bull, he's a powerhouse of snark and no nonsense wrapped up in a small package.

He's been having this odd bantering relationship with his fellow mechanic Shep for as long as they've worked together. He ribs him constantly about how his hook-ups often end with disastrous effect but when Riggs needs a place to stay, he gets to see a different perspective.

This is a delicious mix of slow burn but also a lusty attraction that sneaks up on both men from almost opposite angles.

They've danced around the sexual tension for a long time but things come to a head, one of them anyways, with a rough and ready encounter.

Watching these two men get closer, Riggs' feelings confusing him until a throwaway comment from Journey gives him an insight, is ridiculously sweet and seriously steamy.

There's zero angst, no stupid miscommunication or lack of responsibility for their interactions, each realises something's changed and I adored how Shep supported Riggs as he adapted to his feelings and the new thoughts he was having.

We get lots of laughs along the way too, and a few potential people for new books, including Shep's twin brother Axel and all the guys at the local biker tattoo parlour!

Bring it on.
Profile Image for Devoted❤️Reader.
1,540 reviews29 followers
October 28, 2023
All in

The one thing I can always look forward to with any K.M. Neuhold book are the swoons, the best thing is how you feel them. With each love story, each relationship, and each person, the swoons we feel are as unique and memorable as they are.

“I want him. I want the filthy parts and the prickly parts, all the sweet parts he keeps hidden from the world and even from himself. All of it. All of him.”

Gah, Riggs and Shep may very well be my new happy place, and I know they’re the men of my dreams! I adore their friendship, their banter, their steam—woah do I adore their steam—and I love how they found their way to fall in love, and it was perfectly them.
Profile Image for Mary Vitrano.
388 reviews6 followers
October 25, 2023
This last book in the Big Bull Mechanics series is a little jewel. I really liked this aro representation. It was captivating how we get to understand Riggs' thoughts and feelings even when he himself wasn't able to recognize them and give them a name. And Shep, this beautiful himbo accepted him just the way he is. Lovely!
All the cameo wereuch appreciated, and we got to witness how Kyleen set the foundations for the next series sei in this world.
I was wondering just one thing: did Shep got to have a new animal tattoo?
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this story.
Profile Image for Sheena.
681 reviews11 followers
October 26, 2023
Ever since I met Riggs way back in the first book (I think it was), I wanted - no - needed his story and it didn't disappoint. While you can read this as a standalone I don't know why you'd want to, so much more is added if you've read the others in the series first. This might be my absolute favourite of the whole series, after Steele and Porter.

First thing I want to say is - Aromantic representation! This isn't something I ever remember seeing in a book before and I loved it. I don't really know what I expected from Riggs and Shep's book but this was far more cuddly and soft than I thought it would be - and I was here for it. I loved how they were with each other, Shep accepting Riggs as he was, and realising he was everything he never knew he wanted. It was refreshingly no angst, no hidden trauma in their history, just two men who act on their attraction to either and realise it's more than just lust. I was here for all the shenanigans of warning off potential lovers too, and the appearance of cuddly bunny Riggs was hilarious too.

This was everything, and I absolutely loved it. I'm sad it's the end of the Big Bull Mechanics because I've loved this series, but I do look forward to more in this world - and town - and I'm sure we'll see the boys in future.

I received an ARC and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Kirsty.
399 reviews
October 27, 2023
The final book in the series and so worth the wait, full of the humour, friendship and steam you’d expect from Kyleen’s books.

I loved how snarky Riggs can be and how much Shep loves and accepts him just as he is. They love each other in their own way which I think makes it all the more special 💜
Profile Image for Sharon L.
628 reviews12 followers
December 15, 2023
"Neither of us say anything. I’m not sure what to say, actually. There are too many things running through my head and all of them feel… dangerous."

This is book 5 in the Big Bull Mechanics series by KM Neuhold. I'm so happy that Shep and Riggs finally got to have their story told.

Every time I start a new series I automatically start picking out my favorite characters. Then I try to figure out who ends up with who, how they end up together and hoping that the next book will be about them. This has happened to me with every series that Kyleen has written. She has a way of keeping her readers engaged and every one of her fans have differing opinions as to who their favorites characters are. I'm definitely not ready for this series to be over 😥.

Shep is all about the one night stand. Riggs is like a prickly cactus, you get too close and you'll get stabbed 😉. Both are allergic to relationships so they should be the perfect roommates, riiiight?

This series definitely needs to be read in the order it was written otherwise you'll miss out on the meaning of the interplay between the other side characters. Yes, you could read it out of order but why would you want to? It's a series for a reason 😂.
Profile Image for Amos24601.
1,266 reviews40 followers
October 27, 2023
“I want him. I want the filthy parts and the prickly parts, all the sweet parts he keeps hidden from the world and even from himself. All of it. All of him.” -Shep

Be still, my Riggs loving heart. I have never related to a character so hard in my life. Riggs was written so beautifully and I just loved him. I love that even though he didn’t get the lovely-dovey, mushy and sometimes sickeningly sweetness of romance, he got Shep. He just understood Shep as a man.

Shep? Oh, that sweetheart just accepted Riggs in all his glory. He didn’t set expectations or start demanding things he knew Riggs couldn’t give him. He didn’t move the goalpost or change the rules mid-game. He literally took Riggs at face value and loved him all the more.

Neuhold certainly sent this series off with a bang. While I’m sad to see it end, this has been, by far, my absolute favorite. 5 well deserved stars.
Profile Image for Ren | thebookishren.
1,634 reviews126 followers
October 30, 2023
Oh my goodness. So much friggin LOVE for this world and every single person in it. From the crazy animals to the relationship-phobic men, I absolutely adored every single one of them and Shep and Riggs were no different. These two were perfect. PERFECT. From coworkers to friends to best friends to lovers to forever.

“𝙄 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝘽𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙚’𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪.”
“𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙡, 𝙄 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝙋𝙞𝙭𝙞𝙚 𝘽𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙠’𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪.”

By now, y’all know how prickly and feral Riggs is. And I was obsessed with how much Shep loved that part of him. It was so cute how Riggs came to accept how Shep accepted him for him. Every time was a surprise and it made me love both of them that much more. One of my favorite things about romance is when someone who is “different” is instead just right for someone else.

Can we also give a quick round of applause to The Beast? Okie dokie.

“𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙮 ‘𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡,’ 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚, 𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨.”

And are we seeing a sneak peek into the future between a Shep lookalike and a pink-haired, tatted, twink, motorcycle riding bad@ss??? I’m here for it alllllll!!!

We’re done with the mechanics for now, y’all. It’s bittersweet but I know I’ll see them again.

𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦: November 3, 2023
𝘼𝙍𝘾 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚. 𝙈𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 𝙞𝙨 𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙮.
Profile Image for Vicki.
950 reviews20 followers
October 22, 2023
This is the finale to the Big Bull Mechanics series and what a wonderful way to see the series out.
Riggs is a twink who is part feral, prickly, intimidating and doesn’t let people in. He’s also unapologetic about who he is. He works with Shep who is a serial one night only player and is basically a “marshmallow himbo”. Circumstances have them becoming roommates and they soon agree to a no commitment friends with benefits arrangement, thank you chemistry, and Riggs slowly shows Shep a hidden softer side. A side that only Shep ever sees. He also opens himself up and tells Shep how emotional intimacy is uncomfortable and difficult for him and Shep tells him in no uncertain terms that he is perfect the way he is. Swoon moment for the win!
I laughed so hard at the ridiculous ways Riggs thwarted Shep’s potential one nighters, giggled at the banter between them and smiled so wide when they got their HEA. There’s also a cow celebrating a first birthday, the Big Bull Mechanics make their appearances throughout and Riggs realising that he has more friends than he knows.
403 reviews
October 24, 2023
This is the finale of the series, but I'm pretty sure we aren't done seeing these guys. Just as the Four Bears keep popping up, I'm betting that the Big Bulls will also.
I adore Riggs, with his oh-so-prickly personality. Shep is a himbo, and it's fun to read the antics these two get up to on their way to their HEA. Despite both of them being emotionally detached from romantic entanglements, it works out in the end for them. When Shep tells Riggs in no uncertain terms after Riggs' revelation that Shep is happy with Riggs just the way he is, my heart exploded. A wonderful, well-written story that shows you don't have to be perfect to find your perfect partner.
1,008 reviews5 followers
October 26, 2023
I absolutely loved this story. I was so happy to be back in this world. These guys are all so funny and completely fascinating. This story was absolutely fantastic, the way that the author handled the characters was so well written and done with such care. I know that this is the last story in this series but I really hope that we see more of this wonderful found family.
Profile Image for Marie.
52 reviews2 followers
August 3, 2024
3.5 stars, maybe 3.75. Lots of porn and little plot which is great. But…does someone’s cock have to swell every page? It was a bit much, even for me.

Still it was light hearted and entertaining and pretty much no angst which I appreciate. I really adored Shep!
Profile Image for Brat.
146 reviews
November 6, 2023
Funny lovely story

These two are adorable together and absolutely my favorite in the series!

14 highlights

Really enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone that likes a sweet spicy story
Profile Image for The Secret Librarian.
509 reviews59 followers
August 9, 2024
Rating: 4
Steam: 3
PoV: dual, 1st person
Genre: contemporary romance, MM
Tropes / tags: co-workers, opposites attract, forced proximity

I can’t believe that this was the last book in the Big Bull Mechanics, but what a fantastic ending - I completely adored Riggs and Shep!

I had a great time with these two, and they balanced each other very well. Riggs was so prickly while Shep was the sweetest golden retriever character. Riggs had his struggles with feelings, and I loved how Shep didn’t pressure him but let the feelings slowly build between them.

It was interesting to follow Riggs through the story and how he started to open up a bit more. I loved his prickly personality though - I might have a thing for feral honey badger energy MCs… Shep was honestly the sweetest, and it was lovely to see the way he just understood Riggs. I definitely smiled and awww-ed my way through their story!

The banter and witty humour was a lot of fun, and I really love the friendships and sense of community that K.M. Neuhold always manages to write in her series. I didn’t expect that Journey and Riggs would connected either, but it was really sweet how they did and I can definitely see them becoming friends.

Lube Job was a really sweet and entertaining story, and I’m going to miss these mechanics and their collection of animals! I liked the hints and set up for a spin-off series though, so fingers crossed that we’ll get to see some more of these characters there!

Thanks to the author for the opportunity to read and review this book. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Molly Otto.
968 reviews22 followers
December 5, 2023
Kyleen has proven yet again that she is able to write all sexual identities in a not only relatable but heartfelt way. Riggs is a prickly twink that instills fear amongst the big bull mechanics even though he's half their size by being is openly beautiful growly self. Shep is one of those who lives for the one night stand yet is still loveable. When these two share a space, what could go wrong? The chemistry is top notch, the banter is so good that you can't help but lol and smile the whole ride. It is a perfect way to conclude yet another memorable series from Kyleen.

Audio review
Liam Dicosimo and Tim Paige prove yet again why they were meant for the writing of KM Neuhold. They bring the humor, heat, and heart to life to make a great book even better. It's just a pairing that without fail works every time. Hope to see these two in future series from her.
Profile Image for Kamisa Cole.
Author 14 books39 followers
October 28, 2023
My favorite part? Probably Shep making sure Riggs knows he’s amazing. Everything about that just felt so right!
Profile Image for Ashley (Red-Haired Ash Reads).
2,966 reviews168 followers
December 27, 2023
Series: Big Bull Mechanics #5
Rating: 3 stars - I liked it

When Riggs finds himself needing a place to stay he doesn’t expect his emotionally stunted coworker Shep to step up and offer him a room. But rooming with Shep works out well and as the days pass Riggs finds that their friendship is growing stronger and after a drunk blowjob, it moves to friends with benefits. But what are they going to do when they both start feeling something, especially Riggs who thought he couldn't feel anything romantic.

Riggs has been a character that I have wanted to know more about since he was introduced. He is a feisty guy with a bad attitude who has stayed on the fringes of the group mostly. Riggs is aromatic, which he didn’t realize until it was pointed out to him by Journey, so he has never felt the need for romance. His relationship with Shep starts as a friend with benefits with no emotions attached for both of them but as it progresses they both start feeling things, which for Riggs, is a revelation. I really enjoyed Riggs journey to realizing he was aromantic and that he could still have a relationship and fall in love.

Shep is a flirty and lusty guy who is always picking up men. He unfortunately picks badly and frequently doesn’t even know their names, which really bothers me. Shep was an ok character. He reminded me of Auggie and Red a little bit. He was 40 years old and his whole personality seemed to be on sex and drinking, then on Riggs once they got together. It was just disappointing that his character was pretty flat.

One big issue I had with both of these characters is that they keep doing things behind each other's backs to keep the other person close. Riggs chases away Sheps' dates multiple times and then Shep answers Riggs phone and lies causes him to lose a chance to look at an apartment. Shep confronts Riggs about his dates and they talk about it but Shep never owns up about the phone call, I just think both of these situations were very shitty and felt like something a high school/20 year old would do. These men are in their 40s and they can’t talk about what they feel or own up to their actions, especially after they called out someone else's actions.

Overall, this was another ok romance for this series. I will probably give future books a chance and hope that we have more mature 40 year olds in the future.

TW: mentions of house break ins and cars damaged due to angry hookups; unexpected death of a family member mentioned
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,302 reviews481 followers
November 4, 2023
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.25 stars

Lube Job is the fifth and seemingly final book in K.M. Neuhold’s Big Bull Mechanics series. With both guys working in the shop, Riggs and Shep have been regular side characters along the way, although you could probably read this as a standalone if you don’t mind not knowing the various backstories of the other characters. I’ll admit that the prickly Riggs has been a favorite of mine throughout the series. He is a feisty, grumpy little hedgehog of a guy who somehow manages to rule over everyone at the garage. I loved him from the first moment he walked into the shop and basically hired himself for a job that didn’t exist, so I was really anticipating his book and I think it comes together well. This one is a pretty straightforward story of two friends and roommates who start off just having sex and eventually move into something more.

Read Jay’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Grace ❤️.
309 reviews11 followers
October 22, 2023
I’m not sure I’ll ever get tired of KM Neuhold’s ability to create funny, snarky, hot as sin pairs that have their own quirks but always fit together so well.

Riggs and Shep were fun together with plenty of snark and a unique love that felt perfect for them. In true KM style this book was full of innuendo, double entendres, and not so subtle pining but it also portrayed an identity that isn’t common in romance. It was beautiful to watch Riggs find his place and settle into his identity and Shep’s unwavering support and love was beautiful.

As always the found family added depth and I love love love getting a glimpse of some of my fav couples from other books. Another win for KM and another lovely book for us readers!
Profile Image for Red Reads ♥️.
233 reviews3 followers
November 7, 2023
4.5 ⭐️ rounded up. As soon as Riggs stepped foot into big bulls I knew he was going to be a great main character. I adored his snarky attitude. The author teased us with Riggs and Sheps relationships for a while in the previous books so I was gagging for this. It did not disappoint, they were true to their characters but we saw a new softer side of them. The spice was very hot and I enjoyed reading about verse characters. Great aromantic rep also. Overall it was a low angst, feel good, funny read. I highly recommend this series.
Profile Image for Nat Smithy.
539 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2024
This was probably the worst of the series. I get that the author wanted to accurately portrait an arromantic character, and she did to a point. But Riggs was just a grumpy person who was emotionally immature and sounded like he was on the autism spectrum. Yes, he didn't like romance, but arromantic people still smile and can be happy to be in a relationship. He just wasn't a nice person. This definitely wasn't romance, and with Riggs personality, it was more like an enemies to lovers book.
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1,461 reviews471 followers
April 28, 2024
I really enjoyed this. I loved Riggs. He was so feral and hilarious. And I loved Shep and how he just wanted to chill and have sex with his bff. 🤣 But I’m not sure if the aromantic rep was accurate. I didn’t think someone who was aromantic would fall in love and want to be with someone forever. I know they can still love ppl but Riggs and Shep’s relationship didn’t seem that different than any other romantic relationship besides the fact that Riggs was a little awkward talking about feelings.
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