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Check-Mate: The Shifter Alliance

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This daydream might have traded in her lock picks to lock down the beast instead. But will she trade her spot in the shadows for something…shinier?

This nightmare may have traded in his claws for being her hand to hold. But will he trade his dark reputation if it’s the only thing keeping her safe?

It’s the final chapter, and while Caroline’s new situation has put her further in danger, Morgan has suddenly become the hunted. Will this snarky, flirtatious duo finally win this twisted game of subterfuge? Or will they lose in the end?

Have you ever been in a fight, knocked down time after time, and yet you keep making the idiotic decision to not only stand back up, but taunt your opponent while you’re at it? Nope? Just me…That checks out.

In my defense, I’m a spy—and I’m dang good at it too. Lock picking, profiling, manipulating my targets so they don’t suspect me—blindly smiling at me while I swindle them. This new game of politics though? That I’m pathetically unarmed for. At a glance, it would seem lucky that I just so happen to have a Chief in my circle of people…

That is, if said Chief were more of a help and less of a distraction…

She thinks I’m the distraction? That’s rich, considering she’s the reason I’m struggling to keep my cool lately. It wasn’t enough that she has me on edge over…us…but she’s once again at the center of the conflict. I’m beginning to think it’s part of the Caroline operating ‘must make a scene of every moment I’m in’. It’d be driving me crazy if I wasn’t so freaking into her.

Again with you blaming me for all the chaos. It’s not my fault that chaos finds me attractive, Morgan.

No, it’s my problem. Because she’s my problem—and she will be forever, if I have anything to say about it.

But first we have to find the culprit—or culprits—who are after her, locate a missing group of people, straighten out the seemingly many compromised government officials, and deal with Caroline’s new job. The one that’s almost gotten her killed already.

And all of those things will require that the two of us work very closely together, probably in tight, poorly lit spaces...How unfortunate...

Check-Mate is a loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and the final book in an urban fantasy trilogy! It includes an array of fantasy creatures interacting with the mundane human world, and of course tons of sassy humor. This trilogy portrays a slow burn romance that has all the toe-curling moments without the spice, so you won’t feel the need to hide the book when your grandma asks what you’re reading ;)

This book has been revised and updated as of 4.11.24

368 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 31, 2024

About the author

Rachel E Scott

4 books9 followers

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Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews
Profile Image for Millie Shepherd.
Author 8 books51 followers
February 15, 2024
Can I give this a thousand stars? No? Well, it deserves every single one of them!

From the chemistry, to the snark, to the flirting, to the kissing, to the suspense (yes, the list is long! lol), Rachel wrapped up this trilogy is a way that left me with my jaw on the floor! I loved every second of this novel and wish it never had to end. I want to know every little detail of Morgan and Caroline's lives, yet I know that's not possible...unfortunately.

I honestly don't have words for how much I love this book or for how proud of Rachel I am for writing this trilogy! Her sweet, yet snarky soul shines out so brightly from this story and I love it to pieces!

Do yourself a favor and read this trilogy!

Thank you, Rachel, for the ARC!!
Profile Image for Jes Drew.
Author 65 books507 followers
February 28, 2024
This was such a great conclusion to the Ribbons & Claws trilogy! It gave a satisfying climax to Caroline's story while hinting at all the tales yet to come from the Shifter Alliance. I love the grumpy-sunshine dynamic between Caroline and Morgan as well as the power team they make now that they're both on the same page. Also loved seeing all my favorite characters including the mayor and a certain dark elf- really hope to get more of their stories.

Note to more sensitive readers: There was some light course language and a lot of flirting with innuendos.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

Anyway, if you want to dive into a unique urban fantasy world with all kinds of paranormal creatures to meet and romances to witness, definitely start here!
Profile Image for Jessica Brown.
168 reviews20 followers
February 11, 2024
This book was THE PERFECT ending to the trilogy 😆 But I wish I never read it so that it wouldn't be over 😭 Thankfully, the author is planning for lots of future books to be set in this universe!!

There are so many little things I want to comment on and squeal over, but those would be spoilers, so...

I'll just say if you love found family, witty banter, slow-burn romance, and urban fantasy, add this trilogy to your tbr!!

Note: I received an advanced reader copy from the author, and I was not required to leave a positive review. All views expressed are my own
Profile Image for Abby Huffer.
432 reviews7 followers
February 3, 2024
Loved this conclusion to the trilogy, with an absolute thrilling plot twist that I did not see coming! No spoilers, but I loved how Rachel wrapped up Morgan, Care and the discovery of the Elves. If you haven’t read these, please add this trilogy to your tbr! Clean urban fantasy with the best found family🤎
Profile Image for Melynne (mels_booknook).
479 reviews14 followers
June 17, 2024
This was a great conclusion to the trilogy. Love Caroline and Morgan. Loved the other characters. This one had a little more of a political plot. But it was a great read. Love the urban fantasy world that was built.

Content: attempted murder
Romance: kisses
3 reviews
March 3, 2024
So, this would have been a 4 for me if not for the superfluous, gratuitous, excessive kissing elements which made getting through the book tortuous. In my opinion the book could be 1/4 shorter just by removing all the excessive points, as it did not help move the story on. This may have been a 5 due to the plot twist which was well done but it was so hard to even get to it.
Profile Image for Sierra.
731 reviews
February 4, 2024
Reader’s Notes:

– this is book 3 of a trilogy and must be read in order

– this is told from Caroline & Morgan’s points of view

– there is a 10 year age gap between them

– there is some fantasy violence & death; there is a flashback that mentions blood from someone who’d been killed

– there are a few suggestive comments/innuendos; there is about 5 uses of the word for a butt/donkey that starts with the letter ‘A’ (or a variation of it)


I am so sad to finish this trilogy because I’ve had so much fun following Caroline & Morgan’s story! But I also love the sample of the next book/series and can’t wait to find out more about these new characters!

I loved going deeper into some of the issues Caroline & Morgan have been dealing with and their investigations for them. I loved their banter and snark as well as their desire to protect each other. I loved that Caroline grew her girl friendship group and that they were quick to stand up for her and give her confidence when she was doubting herself. I also loved Morgan getting to be comforted/stood up for in the various areas he’s been neglected in.


Caroline thought she was done having new information pop up at every turn, but life just keeps throwing her curveballs. At least she knows that she’ll have Morgan by her side through all of it. Though, that may be a bigger issue with her new responsibilities and how much he distracts her from them. Oh, and someone doesn’t want her to have the responsibilities she just gained and is trying to run her off. But whoever they are certainly don’t know who they are dealing with…

Morgan wants to protect Caroline from anyone who’d want to harm her, but with unknown assailants and Caroline’s propensity for running into danger instead of away from it, he feels at a loss. At least he can join Caroline when she runs headlong into danger and protect her from right beside her. And along the way, maybe they can finally find out who is after Caroline…
Profile Image for Priscila.
782 reviews82 followers
April 16, 2024
Once again, this is a book that took me longer than I thought it would, but this time it's on me. Mood reader that I am, I simply couldn't click with the story when I started it and had to PFN (pause for now)/take a break from it twice. It did work, and I was able to still enjoy my experience with it. Morgan and Caroline's story has been really sweet and touching from the beginning, and I loved this final installment. I am saddened to see it come to a close, but the author definitely delivered a satisfying conclusion. Both of their growth through the trilogy has been so great to see, but especially Care's in this one was pretty special. I think the introduction of new characters felt a bit overloaded to me and I couldn't keep them straight, but from the ones I did remember, it was enjoyable. There's plenty of action and mystery going on, but as with any final book in a trilogy, we finally get the answers to all the questions, and I really liked the plot twists and revelations included. I also loved to see new couples forming (like finally meeting Mike's!) or growing (Logan with Ariel.) There's still plenty of the author's humor (innuendos/"that's what she said" kind of thing), snark, and steamy kisses/descriptions, though, regarding this, she recently shared a post that in the new version/update of this book, she's taken the steaminess of the kisses a few notches down. Personally, the farthest thing I remember from the descriptions is him sliding his hand in her back pocket or

Other than that, this is a really sweet and intriguing story, with the final mystery to be solved and higher stakes. And while I loved getting to know Morgan and Caroline, I'm looking forward to the other (future) characters' stories! ~ 4 stars
Profile Image for Vannah.
200 reviews3 followers
February 4, 2024
✨Book Review✨

Ah, the conclusion of Morgan & Caroline’s story. I was a little sad for it because I love these characters, but the author gave me the happily ever after ending I was hoping for.

This is a fun, contemporary romance interwoven with fantasy that will give you warm and fuzzy feelings.

#bookstagram #rachelescott #checkmate #shifteralliance #contemporaryromance #contemporaryfantasy #ataleofribbonsandclaws
Profile Image for LaShunda.
538 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2024
An interesting twist

Finally finished! Like the first two books in this series, there was awesome humor, and a great overall plot. I could honestly deal with less of the kissing scenes. They dragged the story along for me and didn't really add anything. I didn't care for the cursing and reading this aloud with my husband, had us skipping over words. BUT! The actual plot. That was very good.
1 review
August 24, 2024
The 1st 3 books of this series are fun and have interesting characters. I gave it 3 stars because she needs someone to proofread for her. I get knocked out of the story when the author uses the wrong spelling (there for their), a wrong word that doesn't make any sense or bad grammar. Pronouns were particularly inconsistent. I have gotten used to "they" for a single person, but using I or I's when she should have used me or mine does not work for me. It is distracting.
32 reviews
September 16, 2024

I appreciate a sweet/cozy series that truly is clean. I enjoyed the development of a variety of relationships over the course of this trilogy- Caroline & Morgan spanned a meaningful range of emotions to get their happy ending.

I figured out part of the reveal at the end but not all of it. Having things shake out differently than I expected was surprisingly enjoyable, but only in regard to one specific character (IYKYK)
Author 6 books2 followers
February 27, 2024

Check-Mate was absolutely fantastic!! I DID NOT see that twist coming; it was epic! I loved watching (in my mind) Caroline and Morgan's love come full circle. The snarky banter, the sweet words of love, and the oh-so-satisfying kisses. This was an amazing series, and I can't wait to read more books by Rachel E Scott.
Profile Image for Tamara.
229 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2024
This was such a great resolution to the story! All the ends tied up nicely. Though you do wonder about all these other friends they have that don’t have their happily ever after yet. So I’m excited to hear more stories in this world! There were so many jokes and funny moments. Lots of kisses and pda. It’s easy to love everything about it.
Profile Image for Victoria Long.
112 reviews3 followers
April 2, 2024
Super cute and such a satisfying finale to this trilogy!

I just adore the personal growth this couple goes through as individuals, and now a couple, paired with their ever present sassing. And the side characters! They’re so much fun and I was routing for them too.
465 reviews
May 13, 2024
Love the ending to this trillogy

The three book series about Care and Morgan has been fun and delightful. I have enjoyed getting to know them as well as many of the side characters. What a satisfying conclusion. I have loves this clean, engaging read that is great for everyone.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,718 reviews40 followers
February 9, 2024
I enjoyed this story.

Content: innuendo, passionate kissing, a few swear words
Profile Image for Melanie Mason.
Author 25 books38 followers
April 11, 2024

This was a great ending to the trilogy. I enjoyed how everything played out, even the twist at the end.
13 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2024
I knew I loved Care and Mor from the last 2 books but the banter! The snark and swoon were top-tier in this one. It’s the end of a series but I can’t wait for more magical hijinks set in this world!
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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