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Phoenix Club #1

Abel: It Can't Be You

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19-year-old Abel Sims – hot, sexy stripper – is a favorite at the gay strip club The Phoenix. Having no family but his 16-year-old sister, Savannah, and coming from the streets – The Phoenix club has become his home, the other boys his close-knit family.

Abel doesn't trust the outside world and is content to remain within his safe haven. But when an overzealous customer sends Abel to the ER, he meets young, handsome Dr. Devlin Grant – and the instant attraction he feels for the man stirs up the nightmares of his past, causing him to resist his new feelings. Yet it becomes impossible to avoid the doctor when Savannah gets sick and ends up in his care.

And just when his heart is ready to trust this new found love – Abel is confronted with a disturbing fact about the doctor that reaches deep into his past and his nightmares. An emotionally charged, sexy, heart-wrenching love story that will break your heart, then put it back together again.

Warning: This book contains homosexual relations and crude language not suitable for readers below 17yo.

175 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 23, 2014

About the author

C.J. Bishop

121 books508 followers
Pen name of author A.M. Snead.

Born and raised in scenic Coos County, Oregon, CJ enjoys the small town atmosphere and down-to-earth country folk who populate the area. She is a single mother and lives with her 18-year-old daughter, 1 horse, 4 dogs and 6 cats deep in the country woodlands which gives her plenty of time to write.

She is a Christian and a strong supporter of the LGBT community and favors gay erotic romance when it comes to writing. She hopes that her stories of love and acceptance will help further compassion and understanding for LGBT people who she feels is greatly misunderstood and persecuted - in a large party by the Christian community.

Most of all, she is hopeful that her stories will bring comfort to those who have been told that God hates them because they are different. It is her strong belief that God loves everyone and His love covers all.

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59 (4%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 150 reviews
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
May 20, 2016
If Wangst were a country, this book would be its charter.

My brother and I once had a conversation about television shows and why some of them, even when critically liked and praised by viewers, didn't deserve the attention they got. I believe we were discussing Party of Five (oh, how that ages me), and he said, "It's just that it was so unbelievable. How can that much bad shit happen to one family?"

I kept asking myself that while reading this book. Try to imagine anything negative that could possibly happen to one young man and his sister, then attribute it to Abel's life. And I'm willing to bet there's shit in this book you'd never even think of.

*****Spoilers Ahead******

1. Abel and Savannah grew up with alcoholic parents.

2. Abel nearly gets raped by a customer during a private lap dance. Ends up in the hospital with a back injury.

3. On the same night, Savannah gets sick and ends up in the emergency room where it's discovered she's HIV positive.

4. Abel has PTSD and an aversion to touching after being raped for two years in an orphanage.

5. Abel has to come up with a way to make money to pay for Savannah's treatments, so he's resigned to selling himself to some rich, sleazy fuckbag.

6. Abel really likes Devlin, but can't be with him because of his past, his occupation, and his determination to whore himself.

7. Abel has unprotected sex with his two best friends.

8. Abel has unprotected sex with Devlin. No, for real. You'd think a guy who'd just learned his sister is HIV positive would be a bit more careful.

9. Abel can't get state funded insurance for Savannah because they're both living under assumed names. Because Abel killed the guy who raped him in the orphanage and is in hiding.

10. The guy who raped Abel and whom Abel eventually murdered was....Devlin's brother!!

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This whole book was so fucking ridic.

Profile Image for dammit, liz .
231 reviews2 followers
August 11, 2016
This was fun! But to get into the story, I'd suggest the following:
1) Suspend your disbelief. All of it.
2) Shake off sensitivities about how heavy topics are portrayed.
3) Just go with the fact that the dialogue is utterly ridiculous.

Once doing this, I found the book to be a fun, dramatic, romantic story. Okay, fun is definitely the wrong word, but you get what I mean (maybe). Did someone say hot strippers? Yes please. Hot strippers with loads of feels. This has the hurt/comfort thing going on, and Abel's been through hell. However, he has two close friends who help him work through issues with sex and affection. Their way of doing this is hot as fuck. The instalove between Abel and the doctor taking care of his sister is very... Insta, but it's intense and sweet. This ends on a pretty serious cliffhanger, but the whole series is out. I look forward to seeing how these two deal with the serious baggage that's been dropped on them.
Profile Image for Cory .
728 reviews85 followers
August 31, 2015
Oh the ending!!!! Thankfully I will be reading the second book next week!!

I enjoyed the start to this series. There were a few things that struck me as odd and somewhat bothered me...but I tend to not things like that ruin the overall story for me.

One item that is a huge pet peeve of mine is when people use 'mute' instead of 'moot'....which happened. But, alas, what are you going to do? A sexy threesome made up for it so I'm not going to judge.

A BR with Sandi and Amy and Sandi is mean and making us wait until next week to read book 2 lol
Profile Image for Tamika♥RBF MOOD♥.
1,224 reviews144 followers
August 13, 2014
A whole lot of foolery in this book.

1. WHERE IN THE GAY UNIVERSE IS IT OKAY FOR STRIPPERS TO HAVE SEX WITHOUT CONDOMS AND LUBE WITH EACH OTHER. This really pissed me off, so it's okay for EVERYONES secretions to be passed around like bubble bath. I think not Dickheads, y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.

2. Abel, darling your were a sexual abuse victim of two years, you can't stand the touch of unfamiliar people yet you strip in the private room with a hard-on. You don't think you'll ever be in love so 3 days after being physically assaulted you decide to lose your VIRGINITY to Cole & Gabe, sure you don't have a melt down I'm okay with that. Yet Dr. Grant says something and touches you're arm you go on a rampage. That's not the killer here, but even two days later you initiate the sex with Devlin. You ride the good doctor like a pro! Stop wait!!! It's just pineapples at this point


4. Yet after all this unprotected sex, the author give the 16 yr heterosexual virgin gets HIV. Sure I can see how , but damn give the guys syphilis or some type of scare this was total Fuckery.

It doesn't help I want to read book 2.* Hangs head in shame*

Profile Image for Bitchie.
1,464 reviews76 followers
Want to read
December 22, 2015
I tried, but this one really didn't work for me. Too much drama for the sake of drama, and the editing kinda sucked. One guy had his "juggler" squeezed so he couldn't breathe? The character's speech patterns also didn't work for me, a 20 something stripper would say "I'll go see if I can find her" not "I will try to locate her".

Throw in some street kids, sexual abuse, strippers, , assault on said stripper, instalove, a prostitution offer at JUST the right moment, sex between characters who aren't the MCs of this story, and this book just had too much going on for the number of pages. I know it's a cliffhanger ending, but I wasn't interested enough to even finish THIS one, let alone read the rest in the series.
January 23, 2017
4 stars!

Nineteen-year-old Abel is looking back at a troubled past. In order to take care of his beloved sister, he is working as a stripper in the Phoenix Club. Luckily, the other men working there quickly became family. When an intrusive costumer isn’t able to keep his finger from Abel, he is not only forced to go to the emergency room where he is meeting handsome Dr. Devlin Grant, but he is also reliving a trauma from his past.

The sudden attraction for the gorgeous doctor is overwhelming him and he decides to ignore his feelings. Cole and Gabe - his two best friends and co-workers in the strip club are however not willing to let Abel miss his chance at love. I really liked these two secondary characters and I can only say that they are very hot. Just like the sex in this book in general!

One star is lost because of missing condoms and lube which is even more troubling considering one of the book’s main topics. I also didn’t like the number of repetitions for some actions, they were rather annoying after a while.

The twist at the end was intriguing and I am definitely looking forward to the second installment in the series!
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,332 reviews387 followers
December 4, 2017
*****WARNING ! SPOILERS!!!!*****

'story that will break your heart, then put it back together again'

...really? seriously?

How can this one can put back together again after

Nope! My heart still broken! Dammit!!!

But I did love Cole and Gabe and definitely loved the 'make love' among Abel, Gabe and Cole,... to bad I didn't love Devlin as I loved Cole and Gabe.


But to be FAIR, this one was worth my tears...If you okay with a heartbreaking story, menage, changing partners and a masochist like me...read this...

Profile Image for Alona.
674 reviews12 followers
September 30, 2015
Why author? WHY???

*** some spoilers ahead ***

This story is FULL with things that are rubbing me the wrong way.

- No use of condoms! It's not usually a hard limit for me when done right, but here, when dealing with HIV and the characters are rent boys?? And the DOCTOR?? Shouldn't HE know better???

- No use of lube! It hurts me when I read about these scenes but again, I can usually look the other way. Here?? No no no! We are dealing with a young man, who, for the first time since being sexually abused and raped for years, try to over come his fear of touch and intimacy, and pain... I would like the usage of A LOT of lube to make an appearance!!

- The doctor's approach was not professional.

- The two friends (which I liked a lot!) acted as "sex therapist", and this is so risky and can really do so much more damage...

These are just some of the things that made me shiver while reading... BUT...

I really liked the characters!
And I really liked the main story, and I've GOT to know what comes next!!


Profile Image for Vivian.
2,885 reviews476 followers
February 13, 2014
Like sand through an hourglass…these are the days of misfortune.

This is not a happy, fluffy story. In fact, there's a crap load of depressing and dark with a few glimmers that disappear like a mirage. A promise of something better that never gets realized. Add in the effin' cliffhanger ending and I'm actually kinda grumpy at the moment.

Did I enjoy the story? Yes and no. Too heavy to say, woohoo…Loved it. Yet, it was compelling in a late night soap opera way. I really enjoyed Cole and Gabe's comfort of Abel and had Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing" playing the entire time. Even as I saw the unavoidable collision coming at the end of the story, I guess the little optimist in me was just a wishing and a hoping that I wouldn't get hung out to dry.

In all, if the sequels are reasonably priced I'll probably follow up on the story. Nothing surprising or amazing, but solidly entertaining even with the despair.

Favorite passage in summary:
His whole life seemed like one long horror movie, and anymore...he just wanted it to be over. Roll the fucking credits already.
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,306 reviews152 followers
February 6, 2014

4.5 stars

Wow. I loved this heartbreaking story. Poor Abel has had it rough, and things don't get much better for him as time goes on.

My favorite part of this story was watching Abel's friends, Cole and Gabe, help him get past some of his past trauma. They are so good to him, caring and supportive. They are, by far, my favorite characters in this book.

I'm not so much digging Devlin the doctor, as I just don't feel a connection with him and Abel. However, that may have been ruined for me after seeing Abel with Cole and Gabe. I'm not entirely sure.

This ends on a bit of a cliffy with things hanging in the air after a final twist that left me ready to dive into the next book. This is one of the best freebies I've read in a while.
Profile Image for vLadimiR.
163 reviews17 followers
April 19, 2014

What a well written story indeed! I didn't know I'd be totally engrossed with this story at all. What's more surprising is that the menage a trois factor in the story between Able, Gabe and Cole didn't bother me at all. It was just so full of emotion, rich with angst and the plot wasn't solely focused on out main characters Able and Devlin. The plot was driven mostly by the character of Abel's sister, Savannah which earned my respect. I love it when authors manage to come up with a decent story without making everything revolving around the MC's.

Okay, I'll keep this review short because I have to get to the next book!! *squee*

Oh and by the way, grab this one because it's FREE people!!!!!
Profile Image for Susan65.
1,610 reviews51 followers
February 5, 2014
I believe CJ Bishop is a first time author since I have been unable to locate any other books, nor any contact information. Whether this is true or not, the story is really well written and easy to read, even if the content is far from easy. It wasn’t perfect and I had to suspend belief a little, but when I let those little issues go I was able to enjoy the story for what it was, and leave my pet peeves behind. I would, however, really like to know that this is part of a series as that would definitely weigh in on my review. Unfortunately, since I haven’t any clarification, and the story left quite a bit unanswered, I am going to ASSUME that, yes, it is the first book in the series, and review accordingly. (Edited: I have found the author and yes, this is a series and the sequel should be out soon, so yay!)

Abel Sims is a heartbreaker…and I mean this is a non physical way. Life has been beyond brutal and unfair to him and he has no faith in ever having a normal life. He is the product of loser parents, the victim of an abusive volunteer at the group home he lived in with his little sister; homeless for a couple years with said little sister, and currently a stripper in a club that has become more of a home and family to him than any place so far. How sad is that?

Abel hides his actual job duties from his sister, and instead tells her that he is a stockroom clerk at the club. He is full of guilt for being unable to better protect Savannah during their childhood, and is in constant fear and worry over how frail and sickly she is. Sadly, her illness is not caused my poor eating habits or their past living circumstances, but because she is truly ill, a life-threatening disease that just about destroys Abel and forces him to make a decision that he is unsure he will be able to carry out.

Due to Abel’s rape as a young boy, he is unable to be touched by anyone without freaking out. He has never had sex voluntarily and has panic attacks if anyone grabs him. Such an enigma in the stripper industry but Abel is able to dance on stage and sometimes offers lap dances. The customers can’t touch, except to drop the cash in his g-string, and the environment is safe and controlled…for the most part.

Abel is very lucky to have fellow strippers, and lovers, Gabe and Cole as friends. They are more like family to him and he trusts them more than anyone else. He knows they will never hurt him, and they prove daily how much they love and care for him. They also teach him what it’s like to make love willingly. They are never going to be in a committed relationship, but they are committed to him as a person and would do anything for him, literally anything. Some might have an issue with this but the way it was written took any of the taboo away. It never came across as sick or cheating or dirty, just the ultimate show of love for a boy who has known everything but.

During this whole saga of dealing with Abel’s back injury (caused by an overly horny customer) and his sister’s disease, we are introduced to Dr. Devlin Grant. Devlin is instantly and wholly attracted to Abel and Abel to him. However, Abel is not delusional enough to think the handsome doctor would accept a broken man, who is also a stripper. He won’t allow himself to have faith or believe in anything. He truly is a heartbroken kid who has given up on a world that gave up on him and his sister. Devlin, meanwhile, is not willing to take no for an answer.

Watching the back and forth between the two is painful. Both are trying so hard, but the gulf between them seems to be growing wider and wider. I was truly concerned how this story could end with any type of resolution because nothing was being settled and the pages were starting to run out. But then finally, FINALLY, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Devlin and Abel seemed to be bridging that huge gap and then wammo, Abel’s past and Devlin’s past collided with devastating consequences….the END!

For real?? I was like, “no way, where’s the rest of the story, where is the next book, where is the author????” There is honestly no way that the story was meant to end at the conclusion of this book, so I am crossing all my fingers and toes, while keeping my eye out for the sequel. (Edited: see first paragraph above, yes there is a sequel coming soon) Definitely not an easy subject matter, but I do foresee a happy ending…they just have a little more work to do to get there.
Profile Image for Hugin.
14 reviews12 followers
February 19, 2015
AWFUL! Reading this book was painful. Sadly, it wasn't painful in the way the author intended it to be.

The writing style reminds of that of a teenager, who is lacking any kind of literary talent. The novel included so many inconsistencies and unrealistic descriptions of life generally, that I already barely could stand it anymore 20% into it. This romance is based on the famous "instalove" concept that you either despise or love. I, obviously, am not very fond of it, but in some novels it's possible to ignore this fact, after the first quarter of the story is over and then there is still the possibility of the book being, as a whole, rather decent. That is unfortunately not the case here and getting through the whole thing was pure torture after those first 20%.

This all was made worse by the unbelievable intelligence the author displayed, when she, at approximately 27%, revealed the major conflict the whole story would be based on in a way that told anyone with a brain what would happen at the end of this waste-of-time-and-energy novel. And mind you, this story is several books long...

At that point I really wanted to shoot someone in the head. Preferably the author.

Well, there were some snippets that weren't half bad and those were the sex scenes. Sad to say, the rest was too bad to let this be a redeeming feature.

The plot had potential, but the author ruined it spectacularly.
Profile Image for Trish.
302 reviews19 followers
March 10, 2014

Soooo what does it say when one MC gives ya the creeps and you end up rooting for Abel to end up with his hot best friends??

I just did not buy this pairing. I fell in love with Abel and the gang, but had a very hard time buying any relationship b/w him and Devlin.

Ending was huge cliffy and I will continue to read b/c I really want Abel to deal with his past but if his HEA is with Devlin... well let's hope they can win me over.

* must add that I had a niggle....... the book involves strippers and HIV yet throughout the book NO CONDOM use! Yes this is fiction but come'on.... if the author didn't want to deal with condoms in the story then pick a different freakin' disease. Ok niggle finished. LOL
Profile Image for Shakisha.
240 reviews2 followers
February 20, 2014
My heart breaks for Able, Savannah & Devlin.

This is a heartbreaking read and I'm fully invested in their story. I hope Able and Devlin can figure it out eventually.....I want to see them together but talk about an EPIC MESS of Hurt and Pain...

This is one of those series where you can't just stop at book 1 at least for me.
Profile Image for AliciaJ.
1,330 reviews107 followers
April 9, 2014
I liked it, but then I had issues with it. Mainly this one...CONDOMS dudes!! Please. Fun and games is all good, but let's use some common sense, eh? Other than that, I really liked the story. The characters were great, I really loved Gabe and Cole especially. I'm definitely reading the rest of the series, and I'm just gonna pretend that protection is a given in each and every sex scene.
August 29, 2015
Br with AMy and Cory. I don't know what to say, If I wasn't reading these every weekend until there done that cliffy would make me wanna punch someone in the throat. I enjoyed it, so much I didn't care for. Can't wait to continue though, I'm intrigued and I want more Cole NOW.. This wasn't even his book LOL I would say more 3.5 than 3 but not 4 nope again I had some issues.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,011 reviews119 followers
September 18, 2014
A dear friend, whose opinion I respect greatly, recommended this series to me. After reading the description and then discovering that each of the male leads has his own trilogy, I couldn't wait to get started. I can assure you that I was not disappointed. This book was so much more, and so much better, than what I thought it would be.

Abel caught my heart, right out of the starting gate, as a young stripper whose home and family, besides his sister, are the other men at the Phoenix Club. Abel is nineteen and his younger sister, Savannah, is sixteen. Savannah is very fragile, and sickly, due to, what Abel believes, is the three years they lived on the streets after running away from the nightmare their life had become. For two years, he and his sister were trapped in an orphanage, at the mercy of the volunteers, until one night what Abel had suffered became too much and, in fear for his own life, he killed the man, forcing them to disappear onto the streets, until they tried hiding out behind the Phoenix club and the owner offered Abel a job.

When a customer attempts to rape him, and hurts him in the process, he meets Devlin at the hospital. There is significant attraction on both sides, but Abel knows it can't go anywhere. When Savannah becomes ill very suddenly, Abel rushes her to the hospital and sees Devlin again. Abel is shocked beyond belief, when he is told that Savannah is suffering from a pneumonia prevalent in people who are HIV positive. Then he remembers the time they were living on the streets, starving, and Savannah had dug through a garbage can and felt something prick her finger. Abel is devastated that he didn't protect her better. And, because of the circumstances that resulted in them running away, Abel can't apply for any state aid for Savannah or else he'll be found.

While Devlin is still reeling from his instantaneous reaction to Abel, and the feelings this young man inspires, Abel is trying to figure out how to get the money to pay for Savannah's care. A wealthy, frequent visitor to the club has expressed an interest in buying Abel's services, but before he can contemplate that, he has to see whether he can even handle having sex, since his only experience years ago was rape. Thank goodness for Cole and Gabe, two of his family from the club, who are more than willing to show Abel what it means to be loved. This is what the club family is all about, helping each other, no matter what. The final test results come in showing that Savannah's immune system is very close to disintegrating into AIDS and she needs treatment immediately, forcing Abel to accept an agreement with Horatio Kaplan.

I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this book. I should've guessed, as my friend and I share a very similar taste in stories. Abel, I wanted to take care of. Devlin, I wanted to get his head out of his butt and make him realize that for some people, hope and faith are very foreign concepts because nothing good has ever happened to them. Don't get me wrong, I adored both of these men. The story line, plus the drama, the angst, the sex, the vulnerability, and the strength of all these characters drew me in and had me wanting to gobble up every book. I'll warn you right now: at the end of this volume there is no happy ever after, there isn't even a happy for now. There is a huge revelation though, and now I'm bursting at the seams to read the next book in the series. Thank you, my friend, for this awesome recommendation.
Profile Image for Karen.
236 reviews7 followers
February 9, 2014
I have mixed feelings about how to write a review for this book. It chronicles the struggles of Abel, a 19 year old former homeless boy who is now working as a stripper in the Phoenix Club. He has found a family of sorts there, men he trusts and who keep him feeling safe and grounded. He was horrifically abused for 2 years when he was younger and living in what sounds like an orphanage -- his younger sister was in the process of being raped, when Abel came in and offered his own body instead to save her. For reasons that are not explained until literally the last page of the book, the two of them ran away and were homeless for an unknown period of time.

When Abel is injured because a client got too rough in the club, he goes to the emergency room and meets Dr. Devlin Grant. There is immediate sexual attraction between the two, which Abel ignores because of his past abuse. Abel's sister Savannah gets very ill the next day, is admitted to the hospital, and Devlin now has the opportunity to see more of Abel, and the attraction increases. Unfortunately, Savannah is diagnosed with a severe chronic illness that will be expensive to treat, and Abel is looking for ways to earn the money and it seems prostitution is the only way out. And so he feels that he cannot be with Devlin.

Those are the good parts, without spoilers. I think the premise of the story is great. However, I had several major issues with the writing. For instance, the details of Abel's and Savannah's backstory are so sparsely given out, that I spent the majority of the book unable to understand why the characters behaved as they did. Literally, the last page of the book, a cliffhanger, is when it is finally revealed WHY Abel would rather prostitute himself than sign up for Medicaid!

The sex scenes are very hot, but I was distracted by details like the fact that the men involved are strippers and occasional prostitutes, and there is NO USE OF CONDOMS OR LUBE!!! Even though HIV is discussed in the book! And no lube? Really? Ouch. . .

Finally, there were several really egregious (although entertaining) typos. My favorite was when Abel was choked because someone was "crushing against his juggler". I hate it when my juggler is crushed! The correct word is JUGULAR, and then it's still wrong, as the trachea (AKA windpipe) is the structure in the neck that would result in choking when crushed. Others have told me I am too picky with these criticisms, and that may well be true. I don't mind so much for this book because it was free, but I am very reluctant to pay for books that are poorly edited.

Overall, I am not sure if I want to continue reading this series or not. I think it has a lot of potential, but this book at least needed some serious editing to make it good. And I can only hope that the author adds condoms and lube to future scenes.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,812 reviews2 followers
July 3, 2016
I absolutely loved this story, but there were several things that niggled so for me that knocks half a point off....it hasn't put me off buying the 2 sequels however, and book 2 is already waiting on the kindle. Thanks to Lily for the rec. 4.5 stars and ♥♥♥♥♥

The story. Abel is a 19 year old dancer at the Phoenix Club, and is solely responsible for his sister Savannah. When the book starts, a punter who's tucked a lot of money in Abel's G-string feels very aggrieved cos all he's got in return for his money is a f*****g dance, so later on when Abel is busy getting changed, he's cornered by the guy and things start to get nasty. Abel is rescued by Cole, another dancer, but is injured in the process and is taken to hospital where he's attended to by Dr Devlin Grant...the attraction between the two is immediate, but Abel is very reticent and shy and Dr Grant of course has to be professional; however, when Abel gets back to his apartment, his sister Savannah is very ill and back to the hospital they go where surprise, surprise Dr Grant is still on duty and rushes to help.

Savannah is extremely ill indeed, but Abel won't discuss his and Savannah's background with anyone, so the Doctor doesn't have a lot of info to work with. Leaving Savannah at the hospital almost kills Abel, but he knows that she'll get the best care there and anyway they need to wait for test results. He goes back to the club and breaks down, Cole and Gabe (another very sexy dancer) are there for him and he tells them some of his background story...which as you can imagine is horrifying and heartbreaking. I have to say I completely fell for the Abel/Cole/Gabe dynamic....

I'm leaving my review here....there is a lot to this story, but I just want to explain my niggles. There were silly errors in the story.....words which do not make sense e.g. mute instead of moot, cured instead of curled, anymore was used when it should have been anyway or anyhow....all of which should have been picked up by a decent editor [unfortunately, I've discovered that the publisher will not pay for an editor, hence the mistakes], BUT the worst thing by far IMHO was the fact that condoms were not mentioned at all...neither was lube btw. Irresponsible much?? I thought that safe sex was supposedly being preached nowadays especially given the job that Abel, Cole and Gabe have, and the 'extras' that they may sometimes take part in....

I understand there's more heartbreak for me in book 2...bring it on!!
Profile Image for Funzee Shu.
932 reviews105 followers
September 19, 2014

*** 3.5 broken stars ***

Hope is an illusion.
There is only...Cold. Hard. Reality.
Facing reality is what makes you strong.
Just dealing with...what is.
Hope is a lie. It makes you believe in...what will never be.

You don't know what you're missing until it looks you in the eyes—and walks away with your heart...

My heart just broken for this poor young guy...


It's my first time reading a book without read the blurb....
Thanks to my best best buddy read, Lelyana Taufik, who "forced" me read this series...
And I would say, I never regret listen to her "advices" and read this story...

Oh and yes, I'm in "masochist state of mind" indeed, so..this book suit my mood perfectly.
Profile Image for DaisyGirl.
1,203 reviews66 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
June 26, 2014
DNF @ 64%

Let me start by saying that my issue with this book is completely personal: I don't like extreme hurt/comfort stories. By "extreme" I mean when the hurt character has been through such trauma that it takes a village to love, support, and comfort him and enable him to move on. That was Abel. His story was heartwrenching and unbelievably tragic. But he was so "broken" that he wasn't willing or able to take responsibility for his actions with Devlin (e.g., Why did Devlin make me hurt him? Note: not in a physical way but by being a prick.) Then Devlin and the secondary characters were practically tripping over themselves trying to cuddle, cradle, and anticipate Abel's wants ... essentially trying to save Abel from himself. Ugh. Honestly, I need more equality in my relationships.

Bottom line: Not bad, just not for me.
141 reviews1 follower
April 16, 2016
I would have really enjoyed this story and most probably finished the series, angst and all if it hadn't been for one thing. The unprotected sex. Particularly since it's brought up when Abel's sister is admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with HIV, as well as when Abel makes the comment that he should be the one with it since he's Gay. I just...can't get past that and ignore the unsafe sex, with the HIV being a rather significant part of the story. So I wont be finishing this trilogy. If you can get past that, by all means it's a good story but I can't so the enjoyment is rather diminished.
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews501 followers
July 20, 2014
I really enjoyed this one. I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort and tragic backgrounds and this one had that in spades. Double spades. Triple spades. With whipped cream and cherry on top. Sex was hot - yummy threesome goodness. Abel is an interesting guy - and I'm going to pick up the next 2 to see what happens. This feels like a serial because it ends on a romance cliffhanger....so be warned. Plenty good enough that you'll be wanting to pick up #2 pronto!
Profile Image for Leigh.
423 reviews23 followers
June 25, 2014

This was a hot,sexy read. The story was good. I liked that Able took such good care of his sister, even in the face of such terrible circumstances.

Even though I found the plot a little predictable, the author kept my interest with steamin' hot sex and some very likable characters.
Profile Image for Lori.
Author 2 books98 followers
February 16, 2014

Some possible triggers (memories of rape/child abuse). I liked this though, I had worked out the twist in the tale but it didn't matter. I particularly liked the relationship between Abel, Cole and Gabe.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 150 reviews

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