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One Hollow Love

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Soleil, a spirited human, dreams of breaking free from the confines of her ordinary life and the expectations of her father. Yearning for both love and freedom, she stumbles upon a world she'd thought to be a story. Jax, a mysterious half-demon, harbors secrets and alluring magic from this world.

Their worlds collide on a fateful Halloween night, sparking an undeniable connection that neither can ignore. After one whirlwind night Jax is cast back into his world, promising to meet Soleil a year later. As Soleil and Jax navigate the treacherous paths between their realms, their bond deepens, challenging the boundaries of love and destiny.

318 pages, ebook

Published January 1, 2024

About the author

M.K. Ahearn

11 books241 followers
MK Ahearn grew up in Massachusetts as one of three sisters. She now lives in Maryland with her husband and their three cats. She received her bachelor of arts in international relations and is now completing a master of professional studies in homeland security. When not writing or studying she can be found planning her next travel adventure.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews
Profile Image for Devin The Book Dragon.
309 reviews209 followers
September 14, 2024
Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me. I was originally really excited to read this book. the description said it was a mixture of Howl’s Moving Castle and Hocus Pocus. Since I love Howl, I was hoping to like this book and feel that whimsical romantic magic that story has.

I did not feel that. This felt like an extremely poorly written 1990s Halloween movie. There is a lot of instalove, there is virtually no plot or world building at all, and the dialogue and writing is very mediocre. I think I have read better Cloud Strife fanfic on wattpad that the writing in this book.

I honestly would not recommend this book. There are so many better written books out there than this.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing this in exchange for an honest review. I wish I liked it more. :(


Perfect for fans of Hocus Pocus and Howl's Moving Castle?!?! Sign me up. Just got approved for an ARC via Netgalley. Super excited!
Profile Image for Caitlin B.
168 reviews6 followers
September 28, 2024
I wanted to like this book more than I did, but I just couldn't get into it at all. Where is the world building? Why were the characters bad and unlikeable? Where was the emotional connection in the romance? The best thing that this book had going for it was the plot, but even that was a bit disappointing with the execution. I was hoping to get into the spooky season spirit with this book, but I wasn't feeling it with this one.

Thank you to M.K. Ahearn, Azala Press, and NetGalley for the eARC of this book.
Profile Image for TalesOfABookishGirl .
34 reviews5 followers
October 3, 2024
4⭐️ Review: One Hollow Love by M. K. Ahearn

I really enjoyed One Hollow Love! The connection between Soleil and Jax was captivating, and their chemistry kept me hooked throughout the story. The book brings in a mix of supernatural and fantasy elements, which made the world-building so intriguing. I loved the idea of exploring a whole other dimension—it added depth and excitement to the plot.

With it being based around Halloween, it's the perfect autumnal read! It’s also a quick, cosy read, making it a great choice for the spooky season. It's definitely worth the read if you're into paranormal fantasy!
Profile Image for Allyn Hamrick.
Author 1 book21 followers
September 3, 2024

This is the quintessential Halloween read -- Hocus Pocus meets Howl's Moving Castle with a little bit of the TV show Lucifer sprinkled in?

I absolutely devoured this - the fall/Halloween vibes are immaculate. It has ALL of my favorite tropes -- one (demon) horse, a ball, forbidden love. PLUS a Rhysand-esque man? I'm not kidding. This is MK Ahearn at her best.

The OCD representation is so accurate and made me feel seen. The way it's handled and woven into the storyline is STUNNING and purposeful. I genuinely have not seen OCD handled this way (and so well) and I'm so grateful to be able to see myself in a character like this.

This is the ultimate comfort read; the vibes are perfect, the stakes are low, the characters are FUN, the worlds are beautiful, the love is REAL, and BINX CODED FAMILIAR!!!

In short, this book is about overcoming your own demons while falling in love with one, stepping into your own strength, and finding family every step of the way. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Profile Image for Itze Gonzalez.
74 reviews
October 5, 2024
I don’t know who’s started comparing this to Howl’s Moving Castle meets Hocus Pocus because I don’t see it at all. I see where some inspiration for Howl’s came into play, such as the “there you are, I’ve been looking for you” line (and if anyone says this is Rhysand, Howl said it first and Howl said it best), and then the fire demons being mischievous bit. I didn’t seen any comparison to hocus pocus at all. This book was all its own in my opinion. The themes being centered around Halloween makes its a perfect autumnal read. The world building was great, and the idea of getting into and then exploring another realm was fun and steadily paced. Apparently it was a novella first and it was so well liked the author turned it into a full novel. Check your trigger warnings for anxiety, OCD depictions, and a very controlling parent.

Comparisons aside, I really enjoyed this! It had everything for a perfect for a spooky/halloween read. Magic, a cat familiar, vampires, witches, elemental powers, a shadow daddy, demons and a demon realm. Soleil, our fmc lives with her controlling father and deals with OCD. Never having enjoyed a Halloween night in her life (seriously never, her father locks her up every year) she finally breaks out one night for her first experience with the festivities. Once out, she meets Jax, a half-demon (who speaks and controls snakes) from another realm, who only has Halloween night to roam the human realm until his world sucks him back into his own. After a spicy, adventure fueled night with Jax, they agree to meet the following year on Halloween night again. But when Jax doesn’t show, and a messenger of his gives Soleil a letter apologizing that he won’t show, she enlists help of a local “witch” to get her into the demon realm. Thus ensues an adventure of self discovery filled with romance, a little spice, danger, demon rulers fighting for the throne and a demon king fighting to hold his throne. In the midst of looking for Jax once Soleil enters the demon realm, she unknowingly makes a magical deal with Jax’s enemy. A bargain can’t be broken until the price is paid or by death. So when this demon comes back to claim his side of the deal, not only may Jax be in danger, but Soleil and the demon realm as they know it are now at stake.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC
September 4, 2024
This was awful. The FMC is locked in her room, never experiencing Halloween in her however many years, and then one night escapes. She goes to a festival or something, meets the half demon Jax and just follows him around for the night, has sex with him, and he leaves. She waits allllll year for this demon and he doesn't show up for their one time Halloween fling.
So she somehow accepts that there's a demon realm, finds a vampire, and a witch.... but doesn't know what a familiar is?! That doesn't make any sense. There's no world building. Nothing interesting happens. You can't throw out the Howl's Moving Castle and Hocus Pocus comparison and NOT deliver. Just adding "there you are, I've been looking for you," is not Howl's Moving Castle.
The FMC was stupidly obsessed with this demon she barely knew. And Jax was just cardboard. Neither had any kind of personality.
Profile Image for Althea.
167 reviews47 followers
September 17, 2024
A spooky and spicy romance between two fated supernatural beings. The premise of a girl being locked up each halloween is actually interesting; there's so much intrigue there, and opportunity for the story to unfold into a vast, immersive world. Unfortunately, while the idea was there, the execution wasn't what I hoped it would be. Especially since I read this while reading another similar book (purely by coincidence), which I ended up loving, I feel like this book could have been much better.
Profile Image for Kennedy Butler.
99 reviews9 followers
October 2, 2024
Full written review soon, but it is definitely a perfect cozy spooky vibe to read!
Profile Image for Susanne.
45 reviews
September 30, 2024
One Hollow Love is the story of Soleil, a young woman with bad OCD who has lived a very sheltered and isolated life at the hands of her paranoid father. Every year, he locks her indoors on Halloween because he believes in paranormal dangers lurking everywhere outside their home. This year, curiosity gets the better of her, and she manages to sneak out to experience her first Halloween.

In the spooky town of Weeping Vale, Soleil is facing one handsome half-demon in the name of Jax, who appears only on Halloween night, when the border that tethers worlds together weakens. At first, what had been a harmless rebellion turned into an evening filled with pranks that were not very safe, after all, sprinkled with magic and romance between Soleil and Jax. Strong paranormal elements perfume the story with the threat of dark creatures and the ever-impending possibility of Jax's return to his own world at midnight.

Through the course of night, Soleil and Jax truly come close, learning to work through their traumas. He wants to be free from his demon side, while she desperately needs to be free from the tight control of her father. Full of lighthearted, silly moments and emotionally intense scenes, one finds themselves guessing by midnight if Jax can stay in Soleil's world or if he will be forced back to his.

She's brilliant, but her character is scarred by battles with her mental health and anxiety attacks that frequently occur because her father overprotects her. Throughout the novel, she comes into her own independence, finding strength and also a vulnerable side in her relationship with Jax. The internal conflict within herself is how to balance the newfound sense of autonomy against the trauma her father has created in her through the years. She is relatable because she is imperfect and brave enough to step beyond her father's shadow; the journey she went through, from sheltered young woman to someone who defies the supernatural, is such an interesting read.

Jax is that mysterious half-demon, a complete opposite to Soleil's vulnerable human self. His character is layered with charm and mystery, and deeply beneath the layer of all that cockiness lies a deep sense of sadness. Most of the turmoil that Jax experiences really stems from the fact that he is half-demon and has never fit into either world. The more attached Jax grows to Soleil, the more open he becomes, showing a vulnerable side. But his interactions are poisoned by the knowledge that he doesn't have much time with her. His arc focuses on the need to be free, to love-if only for a night.

This will automatically set into motion a frenzied pace of their relationship dynamics due to the pressure of knowing the premise is for one night only. The balance of his nature to protect her and her refusal to be fully dependent on him develops an interesting interplay between them. Much as their relationship is passion-filled, there is also a concentrated deeper excavation of the psychological levels of trust, autonomy, and fate.

Supporting Characters
Other supporting characters are Soleil's obsessive ex-flame, Ben, and her overprotective father, adding layers of tension to the story. Besides the possessiveness of Ben and paranoia of her father standing in the way, it is symbolic, too, of control from which Soleil tries to free herself. In relation to Soleil's story, they are well-developed side characters, really pushing her toward this eventual confrontation with fears.

One Hollow Love shows a reflection on issues of freedom versus control, mental health, autonomy, and fate. The perceived contrast of Soleil's caged life, with Jax being free once a year, puts together in a powerful social commentary about the issue of agency. Self-acceptance-whether it was the nature of Jax being a demon or Soleil with OCD-is one more powerful thematic element here. This romance in the story is a metaphor for trust in its truest form: letting loose of the reins and allowing one's self to simply live, even when real danger and uncertainty exist.

The parental influence, it depicts the psychological scars left by Soleil's father on account of his controlling behavior and shaping her ability to form relationships. It is also concerned with imbalances of power, particularly between Ben and Soleil, and how these are challenged and overcome.

MK Ahearn's writing is engaging; it merges atmospheric descriptions with quick-paced dialogue. The humorous, suspenseful, and romantic tones merge and balance perfectly without once losing the interest of the readers. First-person narration by Soleil makes the readers first-hand witnesses to the battles that go on in her mind and hence empathize with her plight.

Fast pacing and consuming only one Halloween night further adds to the tension and urgency within the plot. Second, Ahearn resorts to effective figurative language that evokes vivid imagery, especially in places where scenes point toward the supernatural elements of Weeping Vale and the nature of Jax himself.

One Hollow Love is an intense paranormal romance novel that does much justice to themes of mental health, autonomy, and the right balance between light and darkness. The intensity of emotions developed for these characters and the thrills with the supernatural were unbeatable. Ahearn managed to take in personal yet otherworldly elements into a story where, though hinged on romance, there was enough psychological depth and weight.

This novel would appeal most to readers who enjoy paranormal romance novels by Sarah J. Maas or Jennifer L. Armentrout. It offers a new twist on old paranormal themes, dancing the tightrope between sweet romance and darker fantasy.

Trigger Warnings: explicit sex, snakes, blood, death of parent off-page, abusive and manipulative parent, death, OCD and panic attacks, threatened sexual assault, and torture​

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆
Writing Style: ★★★★☆
Characters: ★★★★★
World-Building: ★★★☆☆

Quotes i loved

“It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to need help. It’s okay to want help.”
“If I could stop time, I’d never have to go back. If it never turns midnight, I can finally stay here forever.”
Profile Image for Emily.
107 reviews38 followers
October 2, 2024
2.5 ⭐️ ~ Thank you so much to NetGalley, Azala Press, and the author M.K. Ahearn for gifting me an E-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

(just to prepare everyone, this is one of the most honest reviews I’ve ever written)

I went into this read really excited as it had sounded super unique and interesting. However, I ended up being disappointed. From what I can tell this had started off as a novella that people enjoyed so the author decided to add more to the story. I definitely can see that as I thought the first part of the book was really good and intriguing. I enjoyed the Halloween romance aspect. I had liked the characters and overall it just seemed like a cute and short fantasy novella and I think it should’ve stayed that way.

I’ve heard this is marketed as a Howl’s Moving Castle meets Hocus Pocus. I hate to admit it but I’ve never watched either of those so I can’t speak much on it. However, I can tell you that as soon as I started reading I immediately noticed how heavily inspired this was by ACOTAR (coming from a huge fan of that series). From the moment he said “There you are. I’ve been looking for you.” I immediately thought of Rhys and Feyre in book one. I also heard this was directly quoted from Howl’s Moving Castle as well but idk if that’s true. I thought maybe that would be the only occurrence. But the plot was similar, following a human girl into a new world she knew nothing about. It proceeded to get even more alike when Jax ended up being a viscous King who had a soft spot for his found family and lover as well as the “fated magic bond” and the bargain that left a tattoo behind.

Going off of that, the MMC, Jax, was marketed as having Rhysand vibes. I can tell u that other than the plot they didn’t seem similar at all to me. Rhys is a complex character built over the course of 5 books and counting. Jax on the other hand just didn’t seem to have the level of complexity I was looking for and with his storyline he had so much potential.

This leads me into my next point that Soleil (I can hardly remember her name) also lacked complexity. While I think that the OCD representation was very very well done, that’s rlly all I noticed about this character. By the end of the book I felt like she hadn’t really escaped or completed anything. Not to mention her trauma later in the book from her encounter with the antagonist, Vailer (however u spell his name) was just completely forgotten at some point as if I had snapped my fingers to make it vanish. While we learned the world with Soleil, it was still odd to me that she had apparently been told multiple stories about this realm and warned and yet she didn’t know what a Coven was or a Familiar as if her mother didn’t use to work for the local Witch??

Going back to Jax, his relationship with Soleil once again lacked romance and cute moments. To me it seemed that the relationship was purely built on a good sex from a one-night stand. The way that they barely knew each other and yet she jumped into a demon realm to go to him was insane. She hardly knows the guy. We really didn’t even get any insight to his character so she still hardly knows him. But of course it’s true love apparently.

On top of all this, the worldbuilding wasn’t all that great. Some things were either briefly mentioned or mentioned in the assumption the readers knew what was being spoken about when we obviously didn’t. I usually don’t mind first person pov but the more I read this the more annoyed I got. Soooo much of it was telling and not showing. The amount of times the FMC would say phrases like “I felt” “I was thinking” like she me what ur thinking, don’t just straight up tell me every time. The characters also weren’t all that great and her friends that helped her in the beginning just hardly mentioned again. Didn’t even go to visit?? If I had to choose a fav character it would be Mr. Finkel, the cat (but even HE was not completely correct bc he was a calico and calico cats are almost always female so to have a male calico didn’t make much sense but to each their own I suppose).

The ending was also extremely rushed. This is why I don’t read Fantasy standalones. They just don’t work, especially with such a large concept like this and the book was only about 300 pages long. In order for this idea to work it definitely needed to be longer or at least a duology. The concept of the two different worlds and the magic was just too much to squeeze in which is why parts felt rushed or sudden. There were also some major plot holes or places that needed to be re-edited. At some point there was a line where Soleil said she backed away but a paragraph later she was still on a horse? For a published author, I feel like this was avoidable.

Overall, this book was a fun and exciting concept and the first part was really good. But it should’ve stayed as a novella. The rest of the book was just too rushed with no real plot, lesson, or overall reason for writing it other than to appease upset readers. It wasn’t the worst book I’ve read and it kept my interest (until around page 150 and then it lost me). Hoping my next read from this author will be better. 🤞

Once again, thank you to the author and publisher for gifting me a copy in exchange for a HONEST review.

I don’t really recommend this book but if you’re still interested then here are some trigger warnings:

- Anxiety/Panic Attacks
- Controlling (borderline abusive) parent
- Parent death mentioned
- Physical and Mental Torture
- Heavy sexual content
Profile Image for Kelsi.
254 reviews13 followers
September 28, 2024
Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️- ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

Little flame is such an adorable nickname! I swear I smiled just a little everytime Jax called Soleil that! If you’re looking for a book filled with instant romance, spice, vampires, witches and demons and of course we can’t forget a whole other world, Eodratera, located through the veil that’s weakest on Halloween night.

One Hollow Love is told through the POV of our main female character Soleil, who just wants one night of freedom to enjoy the Halloween she’s never experienced due to her fathers paranoia and penchant for locking her in her bedroom with no means of escape… at least so he thought. When Soleil shimmies out the window and off the roof she’s finally ready to live, even if it’s just for one night and so she rushes off to the towns yearly Halloween festival! And after wondering around a bit lost and overwhelmed Soleil just happens to slam into a beautiful specimen known as Jax. Jax is a half demon who is only allowed out of Eodratera on the night of Halloween when all things that go bump in the night are free to cross the veil and cause just a bit of mayhem! What Jax wasn’t prepared for was the “little flame” that slammed into and set his night and maybe his whole life on fire. And after a beautiful, vulnerable, and loving Halloween night spent together Jax asks Soleil to wait for him and he’ll be back for her… but when Jax doesn’t show and sends a messenger in his place Soleil decides she’ll go to him… whether that’s the best or worst decision she’s ever made is up to you!

Unfortunately while I did really enjoy the plot and story line of One Hollow Love, I struggled to connect with the characters. There were moments where Soleil was brilliantly smart, and independent, problem solving on a dime, but then on the flip side there were moments where her naivety took over and she made rash decisions that didn’t make any sense at all. An example being she said she spent a year researching the paranormal, even knowing of a witch to help her out but then getting to her new world she doesn’t seem to know anything about the realm or even familiars. But then being very strategic when fighting the cave dweller. It just threw me off a little bit with her. As for Jax I liked his witty banter, and his protectiveness over Soleil, not to mention his serpent and shadow magic added quite a bit of intrigue to the story. All that being said though there was still something that fell a bit flat for me with his character, it was as if we never really got a true in depth look beneath the surface with him. As for their romance which is always my favorite of any part of the books I read just felt more like it was about the spice than the actual connection. Even though Soleil mentioned time and time again she was drawn to Jax and wanted to do anything to be with him when questioned what length she’d go to to be with him she’d hesitate, sometimes if felt like she was more interested in the freedom and spice Jax offered her than an actual love connection and because of that the romance read more like a erotica book to me than a deep, loving romance.

Overall while I liked the world building, and the magic system of this book I just couldn’t connect with the characters. That isn’t a poor reflection on the author as I think she did write an excellent story, it just wasn’t the book for me, but if you’re looking for a spicy insta love romance, filled with an intriguing magic system, politics galore, demon, witches, and vamps, and a few twists and turns than this may just be the book for you!

Profile Image for Clairelettersandmore .
67 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2024
One Hollow Love" promises a story of love, magic, and adventure, but it falls short in several key areas, making for a mixed reading experience. The story centers on Soleil, a young woman longing to escape her ordinary life and the expectations imposed by her father. Her search for freedom and love leads her to an unexpected encounter with Jax, a half-demon from a world she thought only existed in stories. Their worlds intersect on a fateful Halloween night, setting the stage for a year-long separation and a promise that drives the narrative forward.

While the premise of "One Hollow Love" is intriguing—blending the real world with a magical realm—the execution of the world-building is underwhelming. The fantasy elements feel underdeveloped, lacking the depth and richness that could make the story's setting truly come alive. There are glimpses of interesting concepts and magical rules, but they are never fully fleshed out, leaving the reader with more questions than answers about how this other world functions and its significance to the plot.

The central romance between Soleil and Jax, which is supposed to be the emotional core of the book, also feels rushed and unconvincing. Their connection sparks quickly, but without enough development to make their bond feel genuine or compelling. The whirlwind nature of their initial meeting on Halloween night doesn’t provide enough time for readers to see why they would be drawn to each other beyond surface-level attraction. This lack of emotional depth makes it difficult to fully invest in their relationship or root for their reunion.

Character development, particularly for Jax, is another area where the book falters. As a mysterious half-demon, he has the potential to be a layered and complex character, but his backstory and motivations remain vague throughout much of the novel. Soleil, too, starts as a promising character with her desire to break free from her mundane life, but her growth feels stagnant as the plot progresses. Instead of evolving naturally through her experiences, she often comes across as reactive rather than proactive, which diminishes her strength as a protagonist.

The pacing of the story is another issue. There are moments where the narrative drags, with lengthy passages that do little to advance the plot or deepen the reader's understanding of the world or characters. This uneven pacing affects the story's tension and makes it difficult to stay engaged, especially during the middle portions of the book where the story seems to meander.

While "One Hollow Love" has moments that shine—such as the initial concept of intertwining two vastly different worlds and the tension of a year-long wait—the overall execution leaves much to be desired. For readers looking for a well-developed fantasy world or a deeply moving romance, this book might not fully satisfy those expectations. It feels like a story that had great potential but needed more depth, world-building, and a stronger foundation for its central relationship.

Overall, "One Hollow love" offers a premise filled with potential but ultimately doesn't deliver a compelling or memorable experience. The underdeveloped world-building, unconvincing romance, and uneven pacing make it a book that may not resonate with all readers, especially those who crave more substance and depth in their fantasy romances.
Profile Image for Sammi B..
10 reviews
September 4, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book on exchange for an honest review!

Having read one of her previous works Broken Flames, I expected something similar and I was excited to read this. This was very very different, but it felt good for spooky season.

Soleil is a character that I just did not like. She’s got some complexity to her, and her OCD is beautifully depicted. However, she is so naive at times and it was driving me a little nuts. What do you MEAN you just met this man and you trust him, he is quite literally a demon. Never trust a blonde man. Jax is a character that really ticks a lot of boxes in my booktok brain: demon, protective, sweet on her. However, he literally ticks those boxes and has no other personality. I will say him calling her “little flame” was so cute to me, and I love that it feels original. He does really overuse it though. Mr.Finkel as a familiar was my favorite, I’m a sucker for a good cat.

Going to essentially hell for a man you met once a year ago is insane behavior. Someone get this girl some therapy. For some reason, I could only picture the demon realm as the nether from Minecraft? It was not described similarly at all that’s just something wrong with my brain. Having Jax be very golden king and Vileer being dark broody enemy who she makes a bargain with to go visit leaving her with a physical moon tattoo?? Felt very Tamlin vs Rhysand but watered down. The writing is very dialogue heavy, which unfortunately is a style that my brain has a harder time focusing on with my ADHD. Again, my brain is the problem here. The plot overall felt a tad rushed, but at the same time there was a lot of filler that didn’t feel entirely necessary.

Overall, I’d give it a 3 out of 5. It was not necessarily the best writing, but I did find myself enjoying it at times.
Profile Image for Brittany Vero.
11 reviews
September 30, 2024
One Hollow Love follows the story of Soleil, a girl locked up every halloween by her overprotective father, as she sneaks out one halloween, meets a demon, Jax, only for him to have to leave at midnight. They spend a year apart with a promise to meet again the following year, but when that day comes, Jax is unable to show up. Heartbroken and longing to meet again, she finds a way to the demon realm to find the boy who has been on her mind all year, but ends up finding so much more than she was looking for.

This book was advertised to be a mix between Howl’s Moving Castle and Hocus Pocus, and it did not live up to the hype of these two big names. However, forgetting that comparison (which I actually did forget about while reading), I did find myself enjoying the book. Love at first sight is not a trope I tend to lean towards, and while reading, I did keep finding myself questioning how Soleil could just abandon everything for a guy she spent one night with. However, thinking about the trauma her controlling father put her through, I could understand her need for freedom and to escape the abuse. I also felt for her when she had so much to struggle through after finally getting better.

I really liked Soleil's character development throughout the story and how she is able to find herself once she escapes the confines of her house. I also loved how understanding Jax was to her OCD and was just there for her when she needed him.

One thing I will say is, I just didn’t understand the incorporation of a vampire into the beginning of the story for it never to be mentioned again. There were enough paranormal elements with the demons and witches. I didn’t think it was necessary to include vampires, too. Especially because I just started wondering about whose blood they drank while in the demon realm.

I recommend this book for those who like instant love, demons and witches, and OCD representation. Thank you, MK Ahearm and NetGalley, for providing me with this ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Zoe Lipman.
264 reviews5 followers
September 15, 2024
I didn't really understand the blurb for this. It said that it was like Howl's Moving Castle (one of my favorite movies of all time, just check my Letterboxd four), but I don't see it.

The blurb/description sounded like a lot of a fun and like something I would be really interested in, but I just found this book a bit confusing. And a bit insta-love/insta-lust, which made sense because the characters previously knew each other, but that's a bit sudden for the reader. You need to show the reader that these characters have a relationship before immediately throwing in a spicy scene that doesn't really make sense.

This definitely has spooky Halloween-y vibes, so if this sounds like the type of book you like, I would definitely read it in spooky season!

Our FMC, Soleil, is a fellow OCD girlie. And it felt like a pretty dang accurate literary depiction, which I REALLY appreciated and respected.

These characters can be quite a bit annoying and nonsensical at times, especially Soleil. She has a certain immaturity to her that makes her annoying. And the MMC is way too romantasy formulaic for me. But I did think it was so cute that he called Soleil "little flame." Such a cute nickname, he got a point from me for that.

The pacing of this book felt a bit off. It felt stop-and-start. Some parts went by so fast and others seemed to drag.

I can definitely see an audience for this book, but it just wasn't me. Maybe the Howl's Moving Castle expectations were too high and it was my fault that I was as disappointed as I was with this book.

Thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for Reba Mayo.
10 reviews
September 20, 2024
I received this ARC from Victory Editing & Netgalley (all opinions are my own)

Overall, I would say this was worth reading but it had so much potential to be great. I think if it had been split into a duology instead of crammed into one book it probably could have worked (to me there was a clear point where they could have been split). The beginning of this book the middle and end all feel like three different books. The beginning was fun Halloween mystery romance, the middle (my favorite part) this beautiful fantasy world and a journey of emotional growth and love for the main character Soleil, and then the ending was so rushed and the action really didn’t have that emotional connection. It didn’t feel believable it was more so like this this and this happened and then move on to something new. I absolutely loved the characters the author created and they truly all were so unique and interesting. I wish we had more time with them to get to know them all better as well as the magic system. The relationship with Jax and Soleil was also so rushed. They truly do balance each other out perfectly and had a lot of powerful conversations together about healing and trauma but I don’t feel like we properly established the depth and progression of their relationship.
I would recommend this book and I would read it again 100%. I would just advise those reading that although it has some flaws, the story is worth finishing for the characters and this amazing world the author has created.
Profile Image for Brittany.
462 reviews45 followers
September 30, 2024
2.5 Stars
I had a hard time getting through this which I honestly didn’t expect after really enjoying the sneak peek. I loved the premise and the promise of Hocus Pocus meets Howl’s Moving Castle with Lucifer vibes but sadly, this wasn’t what I expected.

There was so much potential and I may have liked it more had it been a duology but as it is, it felt very rushed which made it hard to believe in the romantic connection between Soleil and Jax.
It was very insta-love/insta-lust which is perfectly fine, just not my favorite trope.

The beginning definitely gives off some good Halloween vibes and I loved the idea of the yearly festival Soleil’s town held.
Soleil’s father believes that Halloween is the one night where creatures of all kinds roam her town so he locks her in her room every year. She believes the stories of demons and vampires roaming the town were simply made up to scare children but after meeting Jax, she accepts that demons, vampires and witches are real.
After one night together, Jax promises to meet her the next year but when he doesn’t show Soleil is determined to find a way into the demon realm to find him. I would have loved to see more world-building, especially in the demon realm.

Overall, this had a very promising start but in the end it just wasn’t for me.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Azala Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Alyson.
66 reviews1 follower
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 12, 2024
DNF ~ @30%

I was really hoping to like this (Howl's Moving Castle and Hocus Pocus vibes? Sounds wonderful!). Unfortunately, I don't think this book delivers on that promise and just really isn't for me.

We follow Soleil, a college student living with her controlling and abusive father. She livesin a town where it is known that demons and spirits will break through the veil on Halloween night (at least I think?) and her father locks her up every Halloween. Finally, one year she breaks out through the window to explore the Halloween festivities and meets Jax, a hot guy with black hair who is also half-demon. His demon ancestry means he must live in the demon realm all year except for the few hours on Halloween nights. They promise to meet again the next year, but Jax doesn't show. Heartbroken, Soleil decides the only solution is to travel to the demon realm....

and this is where I needed to stop. The insta-love and flat characters were not compelling enough for me. It felt like there was a disconnect between how Soleil acted and how old/experienced with life she was supposed to be - she is a college student who works, yet is portrayed as very naive and more like a young high schooler than a college student to me. I didn't feel the chemistry between her and Jax - they didn't really spend that much time together, so the instalove feels out of place. I think if we were shown more of their interactions rather than told it happened, it would feel more real. Jax seems like he's gonna be that dark and moody guy with a hidden heart of gold, which is just a bit overdone as a trope for me, though may be perfect for other readers.

I love the general ideas and motivations behind this story (Soleil's OCD, dealing with abusive parents, the idea of demons/witches interacting with the real world on Halloween), but the execution just isn't for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Azalea Press for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Emma Antoine.
43 reviews
October 5, 2024
There was SO much potential for this book to be great. I absolutely loved the idea and plot of this book, however it missed the mark for me. I found myself during so many parts thinking about how I wish it was written differently and expanded on the world building and giving the characters more depth and likability factors. I felt like some areas were rushed when it shouldn’t be, and others dragged when it just needed to move on. I will say overall, I had fun reading this book and would still read another book by this author in the future.

Every Halloween Soleil is kept locked away in her room by her father to “protect her” from the people and events of the well celebrated holiday. Except this year is different, she’s had enough and sneaks out to finally experience the festivities she’s dreamt of all her life. While absorbing the festival, she stumbles across with a drop dead gorgeous half demon Jax who she learns is only allowed in her world during Halloween. Their connection is immediate and while they adventure together they make a pact to meet back at the same spot next year. Fast forward 1 year, Soleil finds herself waiting for Jax, except he never shows. She takes a giant leap of faith and not knowing what the future has in store for her, she decides to travel to his world to find him. There’s just one catch - she can never return home once she’s crossed over. Will her sacrifice be worth it?
Profile Image for matcha.mochi.mocha.
15 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2024
The perfect read for spooky season, in my opinion. This book was just *chef's kiss* delicious. When I tell you I was giggling and twirling my hair 🤭

Our FMC, Soleil, has been locked in her room and has never truly experienced the fun of Halloween. She sneaks out, and meets Jax, a half demon. I'm not usually a fan of insta-love but this was beautifully done. Jax has to return to the demon realm at the end of the night, and a year later, Soleil goes to the demon realm to find him. I did find this a bit weird given that they only met once, and she was willing to go to literal hell for him, but hey, who am I to judge?

I had expected it to be a darker fantasy novel, given the whole demon thing, but it was a more vanilla fall/autumn vibes. It was such a fun read and I definitely recommend you add this book to your fall tbr!

Thank you NetGalley and M. K. Ahearn for an ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts and review.
Profile Image for Logan Jenness.
93 reviews10 followers
September 20, 2024
This is a quick and fun insta-love Halloween read. I was intrigued by this book when it was marketed as Howls Moving Castle meets Hocus Pocus. Unfortunately, I didn't get either of those vibes. I did enjoy the premise of the book, but overall it just left me wanting more. I really liked the MFC, Soleil, I loved her tenacity, bravery, kindness, and sassy nature. I thoroughly enjoyed her character development, and how it focused on channeling her power and healing her inner turmoil, rather than just trying to "fix" her OCD and anxiety. The MMC, Jax, is your typical strong-willed and morally grey shadow demon. He is intense and broody for everyone except Soleil, with whom he is patient, kind, and gentle. I liked their dynamic, however, I felt like their relationship lacked depth. The world-building, story, and character development felt rushed, Overall, I felt that it had great potential but it fell flat for me.
September 28, 2024

Thank you to net galley for giving me this book in return for an honest review.

First off this book does a great job at representing anxiety and OCD. I will say that the representation of that in the FMC was very well done and thought out. I think I would’ve liked to see her be able to get better with it over time. Now this book does not remind me of Howls moving castle at all and the only aspect of Hocus Pocus is the halloween town feel and the mention of witches. This book had a lot of potential and I think it would have been better if it was a little bit longer and there was more elaboration on some parts. Like if there was more elaboration on the other realms and other demons and some other aspects. The spicy scenes didn���t always fit the feel of what was going on at the time. There were times where the FMC was a little dumb I won’t lie. Also I wanted more of Jax I wanted to see more of him fighting.
Profile Image for Moe Martin.
13 reviews
October 1, 2024
ARC Review

Thank you, Netgalley and M.K Ahearn, for allowing me to read this ARC.

I was pleasantly surprised with this romantasy. It was perfect for the spooky season as it the story is set up on Halloween, and we meet our FMC, who has led an extremely sheltered life! She decides that this year, she will leave her cage and enjoy the festivities! Enter Jax.....our devilishly handsome MMC, who at first doesn't seem interested, but that quickly changes.... 😳

I don't want to spoil the rest of the story, but the author built a beautiful world outside of our human realm. There is magic, witches demons, secret identities, Demon bargains and a love that was divine.

I managed to read this book in less then 24 hours, as I was hooked pretty much from the get go. Although it has less pages then a normal fantasy series, the story flowed and paced nicely without the feeling of being rushed.

Thank you again Netgalley and M.K Ahearn, definitely will be recommending to others!
Profile Image for Alexandra .
37 reviews
August 29, 2024
I was blessed to recieve this ARC and boy did it get devoured. 😈

Vibes are Lucifer meets Shadow Hunters. Plenty of action and adventure. Each chapter left me wanting more, and honestly I'd be THRILLED if eventually more books were added to it. The creepy aspects were fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed the details of each demon/realm.

Admittedly, I don't know a lot about OCD, however I did grow up with a cousin who has it. A lot of the reassurances and ways the FMC handled situations were very true to OCD and the affects it can have on someone's mind/body.

The love and spice were next level. I found myself highlighting a lot within the text and even giggled profusely at moments.

All-in-all this is an incredible comfort read, especially if you're a seasonal reader - brilliant for fall/halloween. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for KUSU.
18 reviews1 follower
September 20, 2024
This book is a cute short read if you don't take it seriously.
I couldn't figure out what Halloween represents in this universe. Is FMC just personally obsessed with it? No one else seems to go on about the "magic of Halloween" as much as she does. That was a bit weird.
The first two parts of the book are honestly very cringe. The third part is the best, and I almost feel like everything prior to that just didn't receive as much attention, and was just put together to lead to the third part.
The parts that describe the feelings of anxiety definitely feel the most real. You can tell the author has personal experience and knows what they're talking about. I could relate to a lot of it, and honestly, these might be the most realistic descriptions of anxiety and anxious thoughts I've read in a long time.
Most of the book feels like a fever dream, but it was a fun, okay read.
Profile Image for Savannah (chapters_of_mayhem).
76 reviews3 followers
September 13, 2024
I struggled with this book.
I was sold on the marketing of howls moving castle meets hocus pocus and this definitely did not deliver that...
This is probably not aimed at me trope wise- I don't enjoy Insta love. The FMC is annoying. We learn next to nothing about the MMC the whole book. The time frame the story unfolds in is days. There's no depth build up or chance to really get to know the characters.
Even the supporting characters were just there to make the FMC not look as ridiculous as she would if
they didn't support her.
Thanks for the opportunity NetGalley, this is my honest review.
I do hope it finds the demographic of people who will enjoy it.
Profile Image for Briana.
309 reviews4 followers
September 13, 2024
Thanks to Netgalley and Victory Editing for an eARC. Soleil’s father locks her in her room every Halloween to protect her. She is so tired of this and wants to experience Halloween. Halloween night she sneaks out her window to see the town festival. She meets a mysterious man who turns out to be a demon. They spend a few hours together and sleep together. He has to leave at midnight but promises to return next year with hopefully a way to stay longer. The instant love and pretty much no reaction to meeting a demon bothered me. Couldn’t get into this one and just felt it was cringy at times and boring others times. Just wasn’t for me.
Profile Image for Lisa .
147 reviews1 follower
September 29, 2024

In this book we follow Soleil, who has never been able to experience a Halloween because her overbearing father, quite literally locks her in her room every year. That is until she decides to sneak out one Halloween night and meets Jax, a half-demon and she learns about a world she thought was only in a story This book was promoted to me as a mix between "Hocus Pocus" (which I LOVE) and Howl's Moving Castle (something I have never seen). However, I was still intrigued!

The story was enjoyable, albeit a tiny bit predictable, and I think it could have benefited from doing a smaller time jump so that we had more content to understand and connect with the FMC but overall it was an easy, quick, spicy read perfect for the spooky season! I would recommend this to readers who enjoyed the Kindom of the Wicked Series by Kerri Maniscalco because it has a very similiar vibe!

Thank you to Netgalley and Azala Press for gifting me this eARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Lisa.
7 reviews
September 13, 2024
Absolutely loved the Halloween and fall vibes at the beginning of the book! The fmc Soleil with her ocd and anxiety was an interesting twist and I loved how Jax was able to help her with it. Also always a big fan of when the mmc has a nickname for the fmc and I really liked this one!!
The traveling between the realm on Halloween was such a cool concept, I just wish we would’ve gotten more of that and more of the fall vibes like in the beginning.
No crazy plot twist that weren’t somehow foreseeable but still overall a very nice fast paced standalone fantasy perfect for the spooky season!
Profile Image for Isabella.
9 reviews1 follower
September 21, 2024
I wanted to DNF this book so many times but I powered through in the hopes that the description of the book as a Howl's Moving Castle and Hocus Pocus- esque book would come through. It never did.

This book had insta-love, no character building, and a main character who constantly contradicted stuff she said earlier in the book. There was no world building or background that would make the characters likable and I lost the plot immediately.

Thank you NetGalley for providing the ARC in exchange for a honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews

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