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Divergent #3


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Bagaimana bila seluruh hidupmu adalah dusta? Dan satu kebenaran—seperti satu pilihan—mengubah semua yang kau percaya?

Tak ada lagi faksi, tak ada lagi panduan, hanya ingatan akan pengkhianatan. Tirani lain mengancam, para factionless yang selama ini terbuang mengambil alih kekuasaan.

Tris ingin ke luar batas kota dengan Tobias, bebas dari dusta dan prasangka. Tetapi realitas baru mengubah hati orang-orang yang dicintai Tris. Sekali lagi Tris harus berjuang untuk memenangkan hati mereka. Perjuangan yang menuntut semua keberanian, kesetiaan, pengorbanan, dan cintanya.

Allegiant, pamungkas Trilogi Divergent yang dinanti-nanti oleh jutaan pembaca di dunia setelah Divergent dan Insurgent.

496 pages, Paperback

First published October 22, 2013

About the author

Veronica Roth is the New York Times best-selling author of Arch-Conspirator, Poster Girl, Chosen Ones, the short story collection The End and Other Beginnings, the Carve the Mark duology, and the Divergent series. She lives in Chicago, Illinois with her husband and dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72,160 reviews
Profile Image for Kate.
1,010 reviews188 followers
October 24, 2013
Ten Hours later...

When I don’t like a series ending, I tell myself it’s partially my own fault - that the book suffered from my expectations. In the case of Allegiant, I think it went a little beyond that. Hours after finishing and sleeping on my crushing disappointment, I have to admit that very little of this book worked for me. So I’m turning to the device that I always turn to when I’m stressed or overwhelmed with something: lists. As always in a review of this nature, there will be MASSIVE SPOILERS for all three books in this series. I’m using a cut, and it means very definite business.

Things that Did not Work for Me in Allegiant, a List by Kate

Things that Worked for me in Allegiant, a list by Kate

Profile Image for Ain020596.
133 reviews
December 4, 2013

I may never be happy ever again.

The fun and laughter is over. I have finally read Allegiant, and I feel empty inside. Empty but accepting, and understanding.

This book makes Mockingjay feel like Dr Seuss. I had a few problems with it (mainly that it spelled out a bit too much for the reader, lacked finesse with the handling of themes, and was sometimes pretty predictable) but the character development was breathtaking, the plot was heart-pounding and since it's a young adult novel, I think Veronica Roth did a pretty damn decent job:)Most readers are going to love it.

You know what? Who gives a shit about the technicalities. We're all here crying (read: sobbing our eye sockets dry) because of that ending. Veronica whispered threats into my ear, aimed a gun at my head, looked away for a moment to lull me into a false sense of security before SHOOTING MY PUPPY IN THE FACE.

(this is basically me throughout the last half of the book)

Don't misunderstand, this book was great! READ IT NOW. But it's like half of me wants to worship this majestic object and the other half wants to fling the beast into the faces of my enemies.

Just like the characters in the book, the grief wipes away any deep philosophical mulling I might have about what happened in the plot. All that matters is the grief and the death in the end. Veronica makes that point pretty damn clear. War is never romantic. Period.

Hell, the lesson I've learnt from 1984, V for Vendetta, Hunger Games and Divergent? Romance and anarchy do NOT MIX, 0/10, WOULD NOT RECOMMEND. Going against your government? STEEL YOUR HEART AND VAGINA GIRL, TOO DAMN BAD. Because the subsequent grief... man. I'm still crying.


To all those currently reading the book, see you in hell, comrades. And to those crying and limp on their beds now, welcome my friends.

This part is for those who have read the book. I disagree with a hell lot of complaints made about this book, and this is why:


*Here lies the memory of late happiness, aka the life I had before reading Allegiant*





It's already 2013! WHERE IS MY COPY? We don't even know the title! WHAT IS THIS HELL?? WHY DO YOU FORSAKE US VERONICA???







I LOVE IT! And I'm so bloody excited! AAAIIIIIYEEEEE--


*Edit on 20/10/13*


Let us form a circle and dAAAAAANNNCEEE!!!

Profile Image for Sabrina.
66 reviews208 followers
February 5, 2021
The book starts off with this epigraph from the Erudite faction manifesto:

"Every question that can be answered must be answered or at least engaged. Illogical thought processes must be challenged when they arise."

And then fantastically misses the mark.

Allegiant was so chock full of plot holes, unrealistic situations, contrived character "development", laughable explanations, and a whole load of "wtf" moments. And that's not even including the disastrous ending of this book. How this book managed to have an epigraph about being logical is a complete mystery to me.



would not recommend
Profile Image for Nataliya.
886 reviews14.7k followers
April 4, 2023
If in your story the word 'genetics' could have just as easily been replaced with the word 'magic' or 'voodoo' or 'pepperoni', your premise may seriously need some rethinking.¹
¹ Why do I care? Well, education took me on the path from biology to medicine, and so I don't take f*cking with genetics lightly.

Well, now against all odds (and against my self-preservation sense) I finished this series. And it was not very good. Really, it wasn't.

It could have been somewhat salvageable - if only the author was able to recapture the unabashed mindless fun entertainment that 'Divergent' was able to pull off. But, alas, it lost the fun aspect completely, and what was left when entertainment was removed turned out to be insufficient to fill the resulting void.
Instead, this book just serves to cement how this series was poorly thought through from the beginning, unsure of its own premise, uncertain of its message, unsure of where it was supposed to be headed, disjointed in its ideas and concepts, and never becoming a coherent whole.
Just to clarify - my disappointment has nothing to do with the widely publicized "controversial" ending - or at least not with the part of the ending (a certain character's fate ) that has quite a few people freak out. No, my biggest disappointment is with the fickle way this series reached its resolution.

You see, far from trying to resolve any of the old conflicts built up in the previous two books, this story decides to just abruptly swing to another issue - 'genetically pure' vs. 'genetically damaged', carelessly dismissing the dystopian Chicago world as though it had never happened in favor of the new development.

As much as I was making fun of the ridiculous premise of this faction-based encapsulated society, I really did not appreciate sudden treatment of it as little but an unfortunate afterthought, a setting that doesn't matter much, a place that we abruptly leave and only visiting again as a "by the way", thus making all the buildup of the (admittedly, ridiculous) conflicts of the previous two books absolutely pointless.

Instead of resolving the issues and conflicts with the established characters and developing these characters further so that they in the end would not look like cardboard cutouts, we are introduced to the slew of new characters which basically are just mashups of the old characters and are there for reasons unclear - but I'd at least like to assume are different than Roth simply getting distracted by the new shiny idea.

And the end of the huge conflict is done with a Whimper of all Whimpers - the slaughter facing the city is stopped by little else than basically a family reunion. Because Love heals, my friends. Because as long as the character's parents face their conflicts, the entire world becomes a better place to live. And no, this is NOT done from the perspective a a five-year-old. And suddenly the world becomes a better place, just because two adults have finally had a conversation. Because everyone else will just blindly follow the two semi-questionable leaders.

We also get a few heavy moralistic lessons and insights into the natures of what's good and what's evil. What we learn is that Good is what Tris believes in and agrees with. Anything that she is not personally invested in is therefore Evil. For instance, it's only EVIL to erase memories of those she cares about. Even if the justification for both acts is identical - to prevent violence and deaths.

By this book, Tris is not only the 80-pound badass of all badasses out there; she is infallible, flawless, selfless, unerringly perceptible, basically a new Messiah or, if you are as dorky as I am, basically an incarnation of Neo from the Matrix minus the ridiculous but cool black leather duster. And I found it to be eye-rollingly annoying.

This book is mostly told in alternating chapters by Tris and Tobias. It does help to read the title of each chapter to remember who the narrator is supposed to be because otherwise their voices are completely indistinguishable. Quite a few times I got halfway through a chapter before remembering that the narrator had changed. That does not a skillful narration make, my friends.

Overall, this series started ridiculous but fun, quickly deteriorated and finished on the note sour enough to give me a semi-permanent scowl. Nothing too memorable, honestly, except for very poor use of genetics. 1.5 stars.

And for the inevitable few fans of this book and this series who will disagree with my opinion by insinuating that I'm not that bright and actually quite crazy, I have the retort by Dr. Sheldon Cooper, PhD:


And if you care:

My review of 'Divergent'.
My review of 'Insurgent'.
Profile Image for Danielle..
258 reviews247 followers
August 5, 2016
Veronica Roth:

Well, I tried writing this review without there being any spoilers, but it’s rather impossible – for me, at least. So, readers beware.

Veronica can do so much better than this, so so much. The second Tobias’ PoV was introduced I knew Tris was going to pull some heroic sacrificial bullshit and get her ass killed. I fucking knew it. Not a tear was shed from me… not a single fuck was given. Yes, dear readers, call me a Satanist slash sadist for all I care. I saw no point in this move – perhaps Roth wanted to be unique and inspiring with her story; nevertheless, it was still unnecessary.

Apart from that, Allegiant is an entirely different story, entirely different. The book was confusing. I wasn’t pissed whilst reading, I wasn’t saddened, hell, I wasn’t even bored. I was reading this book with a blank expression. Constantly I kept forgetting I was reading a book that’s a continuance of the Divergent trilogy. The terms “Divergent” and “Divergence” were a reminder that I was, indeed, reading the final installment. I’m sorry to say this, but: this was the dumbest book I’ve read in 2013.

Allegiant was a hot ass fucking mess. The character development as well as the world-building was tragic. It was not explained how Tris survived the death serum, we were only given half-assed, clouded ideas. The romance fell off a cliff and shattered on sharp rocks at the bottom, the relationship between Tris and Tobias failed to impress me. The whole BOOK failed to impress me. It hurts me to say this because I adore Veronica Roth. No one, and I mean no one can change my mind about this book: you can write a mile long essay about why you felt this book was perfectly wrapped and poignant, you can say how wrong I am, you can say just about anything and I still wouldn't give a flying Ford Anglia.

I remember Roth wrote a blog post about wanting Harry Potter to be killed off because "it would have showed the greatest act of sacrifice and love". I don't know what her fucking deal is with killing people off because "it shows real love". No, it doesn't. That's not always the route to take; there are other ways of showing true love and sacrifice. There's always another way.

The minute the characters went out the fence, the story fell even further into the pit of stupidity. Allegiant tried to be preachy. The government (or should I say the Bureau) in here plays (or is) God. We are introduced to superfluous explanations on why we have the factions and the factionless. We learn about Genetic Purity and the Genetically Damaged. Genetic Purity meaning Divergence; Genetically Damaged meaning belonging to one faction with fucked up genes. We also find out Tobias is, in fact, not Divergent, but Genetically Damaged which gives Allegiant, yet, ANOTHER twist that's pointless with dramatic arguments. Come the fuck ON. I am not impressed.

OH, how can I forget? Tris' mother was part of this Bureau. HOW FUCKING EXCITING OMFG!!1!!11!!! /sarcasm
What else do you want to throw in to make this all the more amazing and special?

Honest to God I wish I had something nice to say about Allegiant. There's an attempt at a love triangle here between Nita and Tobias, there's an attempt at something unique with this story, but the alternating PoV between Tris and Tobias and everything I've stated above ruined everything. Also, I didn't like Tobias' voice here, Roth did not do a good job with portraying a male protagonist. I kept hearing a female voice in my head, constantly thinking it was Tris'. Did Veronica have this all planned out since the first book? If it was then it wasn't very good and thorough. This book is a flat out FAIL.
Profile Image for Rimsha Salam.
106 reviews55 followers
March 22, 2014
Click Here to see the full review :)

After Reading:

I just don't know how I feel right now!

Before Reading:

Here's another awesome cover by a fan <3 brilliant work !!!

Ok this is so freaky 600 likes guys awesome!!! :*

They are probably looking for a title other than those above that's why they haven't named it yet!

who rated this? I mean seriously the second part isn't even out yet and people rated a book that is probably not even written yet!

I think the cover of this book will have Erudite's or Abnegation's symbol on it!

Abnegation Faction symbol - grey
I am so exited freaking can't wait for it!!!

me waiting......2

I found this fan made cover on google isn't it amazing!
[image error]

And this one is just freaking hilarious!

Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm
Profile Image for Kruti.
114 reviews344 followers
Shelved as 'no-way-jose'
June 8, 2016
Mid-book review cos I'm struggling to finish this. So far Katy Perry does a good job summing this book up:

"You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes.
Yeah, you, PMS
Like a bitch
I would know
And you over think
Always speak

I should know
That you're no good for me

'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
(you) You don't really wanna stay, no
(you) But you don't really wanna go-o
You're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down"

Update May 2013: The cover's actually good, though I have to admit, some of the fan made covers were gorgeous. I'm not too sure about the water symbol. I was hoping they had all 5 symbols and had them crashing together to create a new symbol. Y'know new world, new symbol??

Update Apr 2013: Allegiant?? Really? Did they mean Allergen[t]? Y'know, the factionless' quest to rid themselves of fleas permanently. Grab your nets and bugs spray! I can't say that I like being wrong but still looking forward to how things end.

Hmmm...all the possible titles:

-Option 1: Emergent

-Option 2: Resurgent

-Option 3: Convergent

-Option 4: Indulgent

-Option 5: By popular demand, we have Detergent. After 2 books of nothing but blood, sweat and tears, these people are filthy I tell you! They need all the help they can get to remove all those tough stains. Blood can seriously be a bitch to clean!

Cast your votes today to avoid disappointment!

Click here for my review of Divergent.
Want to read
May 30, 2012
one of the coolest thing I saw at tumblr. haha


Q: Anything else you want to add about the trilogy?
VERONICA ROTH: The third book will be called Detergent , and the tagline will be One Choice Can Disinfect You. Okay, that’s a lie.

Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews175k followers
December 17, 2015
I understand why people are so upset with this book, but I personally thought this book was raw, realistic, and heartbreaking.
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,090 reviews314k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 27, 2014
On this highly productive Friday afternoon, you will be delighted to hear that I have made - wait for it... a book-themed faction quiz!

You answer the questions, keep a note of your answer number, tally up your score and find out which reader faction you belong to! It's revolutionary, really. No peeking ahead at the scores either; this is serious, people. So...

What’s your favorite genre?

6)I read everything

Do you ever read more than one book at a time?

1)Just one at a time for me.
2)Hell yes. I live on the wild side.
3)At least five.
4)One or two.
5)Honestly? It varies.
6)Sometimes. I need to mix up my genres.

There’s a new bestseller in town, what do you do?

1)Wait to see what my friends think.
2)Gimme gimme gimme!
3)Assess the positive and negative reviews equally.
4)Cautiously check it out.
5)Wait until the hype has got too unbearable… then give in.
6)Pretend to not be interested - how plebeian - but read it in secret.

Pick a classic:

1)Little Women
2)The Great Gatsby
3)War and Peace
4)Pride and Prejudice
5)The Picture of Dorian Gray
6)Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

The movie version of your favorite book is out, what do you do?

1)I’ll stick with my books, thank you very much!
2)Get tickets to the midnight showing.
3)Read the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, then consider it.
4)Take this opportunity to re-read the book, then maybe see it.
5)Depends whether Jennifer Lawrence is in it.
6)Flip a coin. Heads and you’ll see it, tails and you’ll stay in and watch Grey's Anatomy.

When a book ends with a cliffhanger, you...

1)Shrug and find something else to read.
2)Freak out!
3)Mark the sequel release in your planner.
4)Cry. But are secretly pleased a book can affect you like this.
5)Stalk the author on twitter, looking for tidbits on the characters’ fate.
6)All of the above. In reverse order.

Someone asks you what the last book was that you read. It was Twilight (come on, you were curious!). So you say...

1)Nothing. You change the subject.
2)The latest Stephen King, of course *eye twitch*
3)Oh, some book about negative relationship psychology among young women. You wouldn’t know it.
4)[said really fast]Twilight, but only because I was curious, bored, caffeine deprived, PMS-ing...
6)Haha! The last book? I read like ten at a time, you’ll have to be more specific.

How fast do you read?

1)Not that fast. I have other obligations too.
2)I speed through those books. Publishers can hardly keep up with me.
3)I aim for 500 words per minute.
4)Not fast. Not slow.
5)Frankly, it depends on the book. And my mood.
6)I read fast unless it’s a book I REALLY love or REALLY hate.

Which of these best describes you at the library?

1)Perusing the ebook selection. You want to save the planet.
2)Dancing between the aisles and pretending you’re a wizard.
3)Asking the librarian to order in a bunch of obscure titles.
4)Carrying out the entire “What’s New” section.
5)Being annoyed that Game of Thrones is on the sci-fi shelves. It’s fantasy! Why does no one seem to know the difference?!
6)Browsing EVERY section for hours and annoying the people you’re with.

Okay, now add up your answer scores:
1 = 0 points
2 = 1 point
3 = 2 points
4 = 3 points
5 = 4 points
6 = 5 points


You are a selfless reader (most of the time). You don't like to read more than one book at once and your friends' opinions on books are extremely valuable to you. You're not one to go in for all that bookworm drama and you remember that life exists outside storybooks... you just prefer being inside them. Your faction leader is Juliet Capulet. She, like you, was never afraid to give up all else for the people books she loved.

9-15 : Dauntless
You're a brave reader who loves to throw yourself into multiple books at once. Books are thrilling adventures for you and whatever genre you pick has to be filled with fast-pacing and excitement. You are extremely enthusiastic about sequels and movie adaptations of your favourite books. Your faction leader is Katniss Everdeen. She fought in The Hunger Games and you've always known you'd have made a great tribute.

16-23 : Erudite
Being as smart as you are, books have always been your natural companions. You are happy to read many at the same time and always consider the positives and negatives noted in reviews before wasting your precious reading time. You probably feel just as comfortable reading a huge classic as you do checking out the latest paranormal YA. Your faction leader is Sherlock Holmes. Because... duh.

24-31 : Amity
You are one of the kind-hearted, sensitive lovers of peace and happy endings. It's possible that you're something of a romantic and dislike dark and depressing novels, but your pleasant personality means you'll give everything a chance to prove you wrong. Your faction leader is Jay Gatsby - a kindred spirit who only ever wanted to get the girl he loves, throw parties and read fabulous books.

32-38 : Candor
You are a proud speaker of the truth. No bullshit, you're just comfortable with who you are and don't feel the need to pretend the pageturner you're reading is a Russian classic. If you write book reviews, then it's likely that you deliver a hard dose of truth and don't lose any sleep over it either. Your faction leader is Tyrion Lannister, because someone has to be the voice of wittily-applied reason amid the drama.

39-45 : Divergent
No one really knows what's going on with you - you like a bit of everything. You try many different genres and your reaction to them changes with your mood. Or just with the weather. I guess, in the end, you just love all kinds of literature wildly and unpredictably. Genre is a silly way of categorizing things anyway. Your faction leader is Severus Snape, because no one had any idea which side he belonged on either.


This quiz was written by me, whilst sat in my pajamas eating leftover Thai food. It is not remotely official. In fact, it is so far from official that you should really take your result with a pinch of salt and a shot of tequila (#TGIF). But I am extremely bored (obviously) so if you are feeling some blossoming indignation over your result, feel free to send your hate mail my way. *eats another wonton*
Profile Image for Mitch.
355 reviews620 followers
July 24, 2016
Obviously, I just don't get it.

What a Divergent fan apparently sees:
531 pages of awesome!

And what I see:
Faction crap. Faction crap. Faction crap. Tris and Four. Faction crap. Faction crap. Tris and Four. Some nonsense with genetics. Faction crap. Wtf moment. The end.


Admittedly, I've always been a skeptic of Veronica Roth's books - Divergent was nonsense dressed up as a dystopian, Insurgent pretty much failed at everything except piling on the bullshit - but, as I predicted in my Insurgent review, there was just something about Roth's end game that had me curious. Something I thought I'd either love or absolutely despise. Well, after finishing Allegiant, I think I've finally figured out why these books never clicked for me like they have for a lot of other people - Veronica Roth has some really good ideas and a good message, but the way she constructs her world to develop that message is just so heavy handed to the point the whole thing ends up flying in the face of common sense.

Here's the thing, Divergent as a series is built around one very simple, very obvious proposition: we should all be treated as individuals rather than stereotyped into some faction, Dauntless or Erudite or Candor (except Roth's doing the stereotyping anyway, like what's up with only the Erudite wearing glasses?). Don't believe me? That's straight up paraphrased from one of Tris's many lines to Four. The idea itself gets no argument from me, not when it's like one of those universal truths only a douche could disagree with, but, problem is, rather than writing the kind of story that makes me want to believe it, Roth writes the kind of story that so obviously shoves it down my throat in the most unpleasant way possible it hurts - starting with the whole faction system, which, at the risk of sounding repetitive, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Now, I'm not saying for a fictional book everything has to make perfect sense, but in this case, it's not so much that the factions make no sense (even after all the mumbo jumbo experimental crap Roth's concocted to force some logic onto the system - crap I saw coming ever since Insurgent's out of nowhere ending) as much as the factions are so obviously written the way they are to reinforce Roth's message of how stereotyping is bad that they make no sense outside of that context. In other words, Roth needs them so Tris can repeatedly tell me how everyone should be judged for who they are rather than for which faction they belong to (or, as is the case later on in this one, rather than for how their genes are), and not because the factions do anything for the whole exploration of human nature thing everyone tells me this book is really supposed to be about. Maybe that's not a flaw for anyone else, but as I see it, the whole thing is just a critique of a straw man spread out over three books padded by filler to make the straw man's existence nominally logical but not really, and that for me is the ultimate waste of time.

Nowhere is any of this more obvious than with the whole genetically damaged versus pure thing Roth's got going throughout the middle of this one. I hate to say it, but the damaged versus pure storyline is even worse than the regular faction A versus faction B storyline we've had for two books now, not only because it's basically the same thing she's been trying to sell for two books now only now a hundred times more obvious what she's doing (People are unique! The status quo is bad!), but also because to cover up how shoddily constructed THAT backstory is we've had to pile on even more bullshit and crap to hand wave it away that the whole thing falls apart like a house of straw anyway and the only thing left is a good idea surrounded by a whole lotta nonsense to validate it. I mean, the whole genes personality persecution angle? What? Does it make sense outside of Tris saying how people shouldn't be persecuted based on their genes? And doesn't it get on anyone else's nerves that Tris is always right, 'the system' is always wrong, yet despite how bad everything is certain characters still want things to stay the way they are? For apparently no reason whatsoever? Yeah. No.

Basically, I only liked two things - Tris and Caleb's relationship, and the ballsy ending (for like five seconds). For a last book so artificial most of it is spent on (poorly done) exposition to explain it all away, Tris and Caleb to me felt like the only thing real about any of it, the one character development success in a sea of plot development failure. And the ending, in retrospect, was the one last Hail Mary that could've done anything for the book, because let's be real, the fate of the factions was so tediously mired in poorly done backstory segueing into genetic nonsense the rest of this wasn't going to do much of anything anyway, so how else was Allegiant going to end with a bang? Too bad that's all it does though. Bang. Now go wonder how the heck all the pointlessness managed to get swept under a rug. While telling yourself how a better book wouldn't have had to resort to such a cheap tactic.

Bottom line, look, I admire creative world building, but it has to be organic, not so obviously constructed for the heroine to score sympathy points for being obviously right that there's just no payoff when the artificial construct's finally destroyed - finishing Allegiant feels like ending a pointless exercise that went nowhere.
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
December 10, 2020
50% tedious, 50% exasperating - I'm 100% done with this series
Me, ten pages in.
The only positive from this series was that I finally managed to finish it.

To channel my undoubtedly unorganized and ranty-rant, I will focus on the "romance", the lackluster plot and the oh so many over-the-top quotes.

The "romance" - aka, ohdeargawd. What has YA come to???

Honestly, what was up with Fourtris this book?
I don't just stay with him by default as if there's no one else available to me. I stay with him because I choose to, every day that I wake up, every day that we fight or lie to each other or disappoint each other. I choose him over and over again, and he chooses me.

I don't even want to touch on how if she has to choose to like him every day then THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.

But that wasn't all...cause now we have a whole new dimension to their relationship (aka, they were making-out all the bleeping time).

I swear, if I have to read one more over-the-jeans-butt-touch I will go insane.

Literally every few pages, there's another passionate, yet chaste make-out session followed by accusations of jealousy, trust issues and other petty squabbles.

The Lackluster Plot - aka, seriously? This is REALLY the direction we're going?

And the plot - Oooo, that plot - really rustled my jimmies.

The whole pure-genes can be found only in the Divergent people thing was such a complete waste of page space - any middle school textbook can explain why this is such utter rubbish.

The fact that the scientists studied the cities for generations and yet could not get the pure genes prejudice thing out of their thick skulls frustrated me beyond belief.

I suppose some explanation is better than no explanation but still... to slog through three books and get that for a reward?

And then, Tris's big plan was erase everyone's memory? I cannot conceive of any way that could possibly work long-term.

For one, these so-called scientists that managed to create serums to erase memory but not language, life skills or personality couldn't figure out how to treat the messed up genes? Am I actually supposed to believe that?

And secondly, all that memory-erased-folks have to do is talk to another city and all those prejudices are back in place.

The Quotes - aka, how was this typed with a straight face??

Maybe I'm just jaded at this point, but every quote I read just seemed too, too much. So much drama and angst and tension - I just couldn't handle it.

I mean there's this:
Knowledge is power. Power to do evil...or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. So knowledge itself is not evil.
And this:
I belong to the people I love, and they belong to me--they, and the love and loyaty I give them, form my identity far more than any word or group ever could.
And this:
The first step to loving someone else is to recognize the evil in ourselves, so we can forgive them.
And this:
If someone offer you an opportunity to get closer to your enemy, you always take it.

I'm so glad this series is over...wait. What? There's a companion novel? Motherfudger.

Audiobook Comments
The only positive from this book was that Emma Gavin read it. She did her best with this steaming pile of malarkey.

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Profile Image for Federico DN.
752 reviews2,677 followers
October 12, 2023

While the outcast Factionless take power, a cryptic video message arrives from outside the borders. What lies there beyond the barriers of the city? Or whom? The truth can change everything, and not everyone is ready to accept it. A new civil war of catastrophic proportions threatens to destroy what little remains from the faction society. Tris, Four and a couple of their loyal friends venture into the unknown to try to save their city from self-destruction. How is the war going to end? And when?

This was one weird ending to the series, a dystopia over another one. The journey to the outside bringing a whole new world of characters and subplots. David, Nita, Matthew, Amar, among others. The Bureau of Genetics, Chicago,

The answers to the mystery of divergency both satisfying and unfulfilling. Happy for the final resolution between the factions, and devastated because of the events in the Bureau. Tris and Four as always fighting the good fight and giving all they got to defend those they love, literally. The ending one of the most painful things I’ve ever read. (Seriously Roth WTF!)

An unforgettable ending to one of my most beloved YA series, alongside Percy Jackson and Hunger Games. I remain, by far, with that perfect first book, followed by the second, and lastly this third one, that I almost regret reading. Anyone who has read it perfectly knows why.

*** Allegiant Part 1 (2016) is a visually stunning adaptation, yet sadly the weakest of all the movies and a major disappointment. The screenplay felt convoluted, the pacing chopped and the acting subpart. Other than the visuals, there’s not much I can rescue, not even by Woodley or James. It’s no surprise that because of the unfavorable reception this was the last film and Part 2 never happened. Part of me wishes for that second movie, but I’m also grateful that I never got to watch it. That ending is not something I wish to relive twice.

[2013] [531p] [Dystopia] [YA] [Conditional Recommendable]

★★★☆☆ 0.1-0.4 Four
★★★★★ 1. Divergent
★★★☆☆ 1.5 Tobias Tells the Divergent Knife-Throwing Scene
★★★★☆ 2. Insurgent
★★☆☆☆ 2.5 The Path to Allegiant [1.5]
★★★★☆ 3. Allegiant
★★☆☆☆ 3.5 We Can Be Mended [2.5]



Mientras los maginados Sin Facción toman el poder, un video con un mensaje críptico llega del exterior. ¿Qué es lo que existe detrás de las barreras de la ciudad? ¿O quiénes? La verdad puede cambiar todo, y no todos están dispuestos a aceptarla. Una nueva guerra civil de proporciones catastróficas amenaza con destruir lo poco que quedó de la civilización de las facciones. Tris, Cuatro y un par de sus fieles amigos se aventuran en lo desconocido para intentar salvar su mundo antes de que se autodestruya. ¿Cómo terminará la guerra? ¿Y cuándo?

Este fue un extraño final para la serie, una distopía sobre otra. El viaje al exterior trayendo todo un nuevo mundo de personajes y subtramas. David, Nita, Matthew, Amar, entre otros. La Oficina Genética, Chicago,

Las respuestas al misterio de la divergencia a su vez satisfactorias y carentes. Feliz por la resolución final entre las facciones, y devastado por los eventos en la Oficina. Tris y Cuatro como siempre luchando la buena pelea y dando todo de ellos para defender aquellos que aman, literalmente. El final una de las cosas más dolorosas que leí jamás. (En serio Roth, ¡qué demonios!)

Un inolvidable final para una de mis más amadas series de lo Joven Adulto, junto con Percy Jackson y Juegos del Hambre. Me quedo, por mucho, con ese perfecto primer libro, seguido por el segundo, y por último este tercero, que casi me arrepiento de haber leído. Cualquiera que lo haya leído sabe perfectamente por qué.

*** Leal Parte 1 (2016) es una visualmente impactante adaptación, aunque lamentablemente la más floja de todas las películas y una terrible decepción. El guion se sintió artificial, el ritmo cortado y la actuación mediocre. Más allá de las visuales, no puedo rescatar mucho, ni siquiera de Woodley o James. No es de sorprenderse que por la desfavorable recepción este fue el último filme y la Parte 2 nunca llegó. Una parte de mi desea esa segunda película, pero también estoy agradecido que nunca llegué a verla. Ese final no es algo que quisiera revivir dos veces.

[2013] [531p] [Distopía] [Joven Adulto] [Recomendable Condicional]
Profile Image for J.m. Darhower.
Author 28 books8,105 followers
October 22, 2013
Five motherfucking stars. If I could give this ten stars, I would.

Veronica Roth, I want to high-five you for your courage to end it as you saw it ending and not cave to 'standards' or 'expectations'.

It was HARD to read. I'm not going to sit here and lie and say it was all sunshine and roses. I sobbed more than once. I stared blankly in disbelief. I GRIEVED. And then I hugged my Divergent books, because wow. Just fucking wow. I can't even say anything else. Not at all what I expected (because it's YA, I suppose) but looking back at the beginning, I now wonder WHY I didn't expect this. Maybe I have an advantage, having read the books back-to-back, but hindsight is 20/20, and I see warnings of this happening from the very beginning.

Okay, I was wrong. TWENTY motherfucking stars.

FOUR owns my soul.
Profile Image for Joey Reyes.
179 reviews
April 7, 2015

I feel disappointed. And betrayed.

Mockingjay. The Death Cure. Requiem. I can't say I didn't see it coming. But I was really hoping Roth would prove me wrong. I was really hoping...

I had my hopes set so high, and it just...I just feel really crushed right now. This makes me question ever reading another dystopian trilogy.

I don't understand how Roth thought this was a successful way of ending the series that defined her. This was one of my favorite series - no, scratch that, this was my favorite series - and now I'm questioning even giving it that title. When people asked me what my favorite book was I would proudly say Divergent and now I'm not sure what to answer anymore.

Veronica Roth, please just do us all a favor and rewrite this book.

Your fans - who've been waiting so much - deserve so, SO much better.


Read more reviews at Strange & Unorthodox!
Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews172k followers
June 23, 2018
do i understand why people are all angry at this book?

oh, yes. i understand.

but i loved it.

i loved it for two reasons.

reason number one:

reason number two.

there were things about divergent that were completely unrealistic but i accepted them so that i could enjoy the book. i always thought the factions were silly and reductive and were more like limitations and rules in a game a young child designed. they didn't really make sense, but when you are playing a game with a little kid, you play by their rules or it gets really loud. and as long as you go with the flow and just enjoy the ride without stopping to think "this doesn't really make any sense…" the book is incredibly fun. and so much literature is suspension of disbelief, isn't it?? you accept that in the 1500's there's a potion that can make someone appear to be dead. you accept that a single night of ghostly visitations can change a man's entire character. you accept that a man can put on some costume jewelry and a scarf and pass as a gypsy fortune teller. and that suspension of disbelief is not a problem for me, especially in YA dystopian lit.

but! what allegiant does more or less resolves the problems of the factions and they finally make sense. the explanation raises additional problems, yes, but i really appreciated that something that had been problematic for me from the get-go finally began to become clearer.

this book is a bit confusing because not only do we have to contend with the dissent between the factions and the factionless, but now we have all-new mirror dissension between the GDs and the GPs and we are asked to keep everything straight in our heads. the fact that these two situations are mirroring each other is a fantastic echo because of the nature of the two communities; that one is supposed to be "better" than the other and yet is still suffering its own internal strife. a little heavy-handed commentary on human nature, you say?? well, certainly, but it still makes for some good action sequences.

it's a fun little journey through the trickiness of science and natural selection and free will and serum after serum after serum. is it 100% convincing?? no, but i think it stays true to the world roth has built, and her characters feel genuine and three-dimensional, and tris is still one of the great characters in YA lit, even though she seems to have gotten a little too textbook superhero in this one, and doesn't have the elements of her character that made her so likable before. like where she was occasionally uncertain, or flat-out wrong. but no matter - she's still a powerhouse.

giving four a voice for the first time in this one (except for those little novellas) is interesting. it shows the disparity between how he appears to others and how he is really feeling. he is so much less certain and capable than what he is broadcasting to the world, and especially to tris. and she comes across as an even stronger character because of this.

so, yeah. i liked this. i liked it so much more than that weird bloated and meditative insurgent. i agree with many of the criticisms of the book, but it did not stop me from loving it and applauding it as a perfectly fitting conclusion to the series.

come to my blog!
Profile Image for ♥ Becky  22 .
162 reviews263 followers
December 4, 2013
UPDATE: Veronica Roth just announced that 'Allegiant' will be from Tris AND Four's perspective!!!!!

There's this post on Veronica Roth's blog, where she says that she would have preferred it if Harry had died in the last HP book, because it would have been "by far the most powerful moment of the entire series. And beyond that, an incredible act of heroism."

...This scares me. A lot.

Please, Veronica, don't kill Tris and DON'T KILL FOUR. Please. PLEASE. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.

Here's a link to her blog. Veronica Roth is absolutely amazing and I admire her so, so much.

Fall 2013..? Fall 2013???

Profile Image for Jessica (Goldenfurpro).
902 reviews266 followers
April 30, 2019
Okay, I know I had another one of these earlier(as in a few months earlier), but I wrote that when I was really emotional so I'm back so that I can clarify some things!

The ending was not the only reason why I was so upset about this book.
Yes, I cried. And yes, it still makes me want to cry and while I believe I forgive Veronica Roth for the ending, I am still grieving. The reason as to way I am saying this is because I don't want to seem like someone who gets upset at a book because they didn't get a happy ending.

There were other reasons as to why I couldn't get into this book like the others in the series.
1. POV
You've probably heard this already (and probably know from experience), but Tris and Four sounded exactly the same! This took away a lot from the book for more because it made the narration dull and boring.

2.Nothing really happened (until the end)
Seriously, most of the book was the weird introduction to the experiment thing and Tris and Four fighting each other.

3.It was anti-climatic
After the ending to Insurgent, I was expecting a torn apart world on the outside, but I get a weird experiment that makes zero sense? And why isn't the outside more futuristic? It's been centuries, why are you guys using 21st century technology?

Anyway, I am STILL upset about the ending, but these are some of the things that really affecting how I felt about the book. (There were a few things I did like too! I'm not all I HATE EVERYTHING!)
If I loved everything in the book and then there was that ending, I would have still given the book a good rating due to the rest.
But since I was not a fan of the other parts...

My emotions are all over the place right now, so I apologize if my "review" doesn't make any sense.
Let me say this: I found this book to be disappointing.
I am a huge fan of this series but this one just wasn't as strong as the others! (I don't know how else to explain it)
Don't even let me begin on that heartbreaking ending!!! (If you read the book, you know what i'm talking about)
This book also damages my view on the whole series!
I know you must be wondering why this book has those 3 stars when I am bashing it, but I honestly don't know what to rate this book!
I absolutely LOVE this series, but this book...

I don't know if I'll ever recover from it.



Is it possible that this cover is awesomer than I pictured it?!?!?!?!(yes, i'm aware that awesomer is not a word, but IT SHOULD BE!!!)
*bows down to cover*

(But what is the symbol? It doesn't look like any of the symbols...)
Yay! More Edits!:
Apparently, the title is Allegiant...
1. Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause. See Synonyms at fidelity.
2. The obligations of a vassal to a lord.

Well, thank you ,Goodreads, for tricking me multiple times into thinking that the title would be Convergent.
Well played, Goodreads, Well played...

It was Convergent!!!! For just a little while it was Convergent!!!
I'm onto you "Divergent #3"!!
I know what your true name will be!!

(haha! That rhymes! Kind of...)

Okay, okay, FIRST it was supposed to come out in April!
THEN it was supposed to come out in September!
*bursts into tears*


Yet there's still no title...

This is fan-made but it's so awesome!!!!!! (I DID NOT MAKE THIS!!)

I hope the real cover will be this cool!! XD

OF NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wait a minute, wait a minute
Why does it say 'Title Not Yet Announced'?!
It said CONVERGENT only an hour ago!!!!

The title is here!
CONVERGENT- 1.Coming closer together, esp. in characteristics or ideas.
2.Relating to convergence

Okay, It's an amazing title but it's not as good as 'Detergent' XD

Original "review":
Profile Image for Emma.
1 review2 followers
October 19, 2013
edit: i've had a few hours to process this book. all i can say without spoilers is that i wish i had never started this series. i enjoyed the new characters and it was definitely entertaining. but veronica roth is a cruel woman.

the constant switch between POV's was a little annoying, but i do appreciate seeing things from tobias's perspective that we wouldn't have been able to see otherwise. my review with spoilers below is pretty harsh.

Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
December 29, 2020
“I wonder if fears ever really go away, or if they just lose their power over us.”

I loved this book. I loved all three books in this series and I believe that the GR rating is extremely unfair. Then again, I get it, folks. It was a tough one.
This novel was as thrilling and emotional as the first two. I loved every minute of it and can't criticise a single thing.
Veronica Roth is one of my favourite and most hyped authors and I can't wait to read what she'll write after this trilogy. She writes like a champion, creates thrill and suspense that leaves me wrecked and makes my heart beat fast and faster. Her characters are complicated and and emotional, brave and broken, but most of all real and relatable.
Now I get why so many of you wanted to throw that book across the room and repeatedly kick it. I can't exactly tell you that I was happy. But I was satisfied. It was a fitting conclusion to this amazing story.

Find more of my books on Instagram
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author 8 books65.2k followers
October 24, 2013
Veronica Roth took a risk I've never seen a YA author take and I applaud her for that. I'll miss this book series so much and the characters I've grown to love over the past 2 year <3
Profile Image for Ferdy.
944 reviews1,258 followers
October 23, 2013

FUCK THIS BOOK! I absolutely fucking HATED it, to say it was a huge disappointment would be an understatement. I actually quite enjoyed Divergent even though the world building was largely unimpressive, and I wasn't a fan of Insurgent, but I was really hoping that Allegiant would amaze me. It didn't. None of it worked for me — the story, the world building, the main characters, and especially not that bastard awful ending. I think a lot of readers will be divided on Allegiant — some will find it brilliant and moving whilst others (like me) will find it nonsensical, fucked up, and depressing.

Random, ranty, and repetitive thoughts:

-Insurgent left off with everyone finding out the truth behind why the city (Chicago) they lived in was sealed off. There was also a major change in power, with the factionless overpowering the factions and taking charge.

-Allegiant mainly focused on what the world was like outside of the factions/Chicago. There were revelations about what the factions were designed for, and the true meaning of being Divergent. Sadly, I found most of the explanations silly and convoluted. All the politics and history of the outside world was boring and far-fetched, I didn't find any of it interesting or realistic. Don't even get me started on the nonsensical science and technology, and those motherfucking serums.

-Allegiant felt like a completely different book from the first two… Which were all about the factions, the factionless, the control for power, and the speshulness of being Divergent. Whilst this one more or less forgot about all of that, and instead changed into an unrecognisable, ridiculous story.

-A VERY LONG run down of Allegiant:
Evelyn/the factionless took over the factions/the city, Evelyn acted like a power-hungry dictator, Tris and Tobias weren't happy with Evelyn's ways. After seeing Edith Prior's video they wanted to go outside and discover the truth - Tris, Tobias, Caleb, Christina and a few others managed to escape.
In the outside world they were met by Tobias's old mentor (Amar) who was meant to be dead (he faked his death), he drove them to a compound (the Bureau of Genetic Welfare).
The head of the Bureau (David) revealed the truth to Tris and co — that their city was an experiment, and they were being observed by the Bureau and government. Why? A long, long time ago the US government for some bizarre reason selected people with certain personality traits (fear, selfishness, dishonesty, low intelligence, aggression), and manipulated their genes so those undesirable traits could be eradicated. But oh noes! Instead of correcting their genes it damaged them, this made humanity worse for some dumb reason or another, and caused the Purity War, which resulted in the destruction of half the US population. When the war was over the genetically damaged (GD) demanded a solution — so the Bureau got a bunch of GD people, they altered their genes again (wouldn't that solve everything?), and placed them in a secure environment in the hope that the GD (who I presume now have corrected genes? Yea, I don't get it either) would produce genetically healed individuals.
The Bureau waited and observed for generations until the genetically healed humans aka Divergent aka genetically pure aka GP could be born. Yea, I have absolutely no idea know what the plan was after that since there appeared to be plenty of GP in the outside world, so the Divergent didn't seem all that vital.
Almost forget, the faction system was the behavioral modification portion of the experiment. The factions were meant to incorporate a ‘nurture’ element to the experiment — because apparently mere genetic correction wasn't enough to change the way people behave. So yea, that's that.
Tris and co were suitably shocked. They wandered around the compound for a while and then Tris/Tobias's genes were tested just because reasons. Tobias found out he wasn't Divergent, he was actually GD. Tobias for some odd reason was really upset about that even though he was still the same person he'd always been. He barked at Tris because he was resentful that she was GP - yea, any excuse for Tobias to be emotionally abusive to Tris.
Then some other GD (Nita) approached him and told him how GD suffered in the compound and the rest of the world, and that the GP were evul fuckers that treated the GD like shit. Naturally, he believed every word she said despite not seeing any sufficient evidence. And Tobias who hadn't suffered any classism, unfairness or hardship from the GP acted all hard done by and decided the GP needed to go down.
Nita, Tobias, and the other GD planned to steal all the memory serum from the Bureau so they couldn't use it to reset (wipe everyone's memories and give them new ones) Chicago/the factions. Why did the Bureau want to reset Chicago? So that their experiment wouldn't be ruined, and to prevent war and death. Apparently, erasing someone's memory is worse than preventing a war and thousands of deaths.
Tobias found out Nita was bullshitting, and she didn't want to steal the memory serum, she wanted to steal the death serum or something so she could kill all the GP. Tris was pissed because the GD's plan almost killed her and her friends. Tobias acted like a dick and twisted things around to make Tris out to be the bad guy even though he was the one who fucked her over, lied to her, betrayed her, and almost killed her and her friends. Typical Tobias. Of course, doormat Tris went crawling back to him and they made up.
Tris then found out the Bureau/GP were planning to reset Chicago in a couple of days because war was imminent between the factionless and factions. Tris was pissed because how dare they erase memories to save everyone's life! So Tris and the gang came up with a dumb plan to take down the Bureau/GP - instead of their city's memories being erased, they'd erase the GP/Bureau's memories and teach them that there's nothing wrong with being GD and that everyone has personality issues or some BS. The only problem? The mass memory eraser thing was locked up somewhere and they had to break in… But the security measures would release death serum if anyone broke in. So Caleb volunteered to sacrifice himself because he was feeling guilty about his past fuck ups. Meanwhile, Tobias went back to Chicago to stop the war and he managed to do that really easily by simply asking his mum to stop. Ugh.
Tris felt bad that Caleb was giving up his life so she went on the suicide mission instead. She survived the death serum, but was shot by David (the Bureau head) just as she set off the memory eraser thing. Everyone in the Bureau lost their memory and they were taught about GD/GP equality and shit. Tobias found out Tris died and was shocked and emo for a little while.
Two and half years later there was peace between everyone — the government backed off, Chicago/the factions were self sufficient and under new leadership, the Bureau was doing agriculture research (from genetics to agriculture? Yea, that makes sense), the GD had hope and were living normally, Tobias was chilling it as a politician of sorts, he was also flirting with Christina, he mostly forgot about Tris, and then he scattered her ashes. The end.

-The dual POV didn't work for me, Tris and Tobias sounded way too similar to each other. The addition of Tobias's POV made the series less about Tris and her journey and more about Tobias and his issues. Yea, that's not what I signed up for. The fact that I hate Tobias didn't help matters either.

-The characters were a bit of a mixed bag. Tris and Tobias really bugged me, there was nothing remotely endearing about them. Tris was a self-sacrificing-know-it-all-martyr, what she did at the end ruined the entire series for me. She wasn't a hero, she was a selfish, arrogant cow that only cared about her own feelings. I can't believe Tris offered to take Caleb's place on the suicide mission, it was sickening after the way he treated her.

-Tris's death was so fucking pointless. It was done just for shock value and so the ending could seem all bold and moving. Well, it didn't work on me. It was fucking BULLSHIT. Not just because Tris was an insufferable martyr but because it was so fucking lame. Speshul snowflake that she was, Tris survived the death serum (who knows why, it was never explained) but then some new, crappy non-character (David) shot her just when she'd completed her mission and wiped out the Bureau's memory. Ugh, what was the motherbitching point?!

-Tobias was even worse than Tris. He was a huge hypocrite, all he did was bang on about Tris lying when he lied far more than she ever did. Why didn't Tris point that out? After lecturing Tris about honesty and promising that they wouldn't hide things from each other, Tobias carried on lying and keeping secrets, and was only honest when it suited him.
I hated that Tris let Tobias treat her like rubbish for lying when he was so much worse than her, and I hated that she let him get away with his hypocrisy. His mummy and daddy issues grated on me too, it just made him really emo.
I found Tobias really stupid and naive for the most part — he believed whatever people told him, he never investigated for himself, and his blind faith in strangers caused a lot of damage. It was his fault that Uriah died, and he wasn't even punished for it (sure, he was moping for a little while but that doesn't equal a punishment).
I hated how Tobias disregarded everything Tris said, even though she'd been right in the past he still never listened to her advice. Instead he threw a hissy fit whenever she tried to make him see sense, he just couldn't handle his girlfriend being smarter than he was. He's one of the worst YA heroes I've ever come across.

-I was disgusted by Tobias pouting, having a hissy fit, and having a go at Tris when he found out he wasn't actually divergent and that his genes weren't perfect. Why did he make such a big deal about it? He was still the same person, he was still healthy?! Tobias found any excuse to bitch and moan, and talk down to Tris. Ugh.

-Why did Tobias believe any little thing he was told? It would be one thing if he trusted and believed someone who he knew well… But he literally had one conversation with that rebel GD (Nita), he didn't know her at all yet he still believed everything she said. How could he have trusted her so easily? She was no better than a stranger! How could he help her take down a bunch of people who'd not actually done any wrong to him purely on her word? He was an idiot.

-Tris and Tobias had one of the worst YA relationships ever. All they did was argue, and it was mostly down to Tobias, his lies, his vile attitude, and his self pity. It was one rule for him and another for Tris - he could lie, he could keep things from her, he could lash out, he could feel sorry for himself. But Tris couldn't. Whenever she was justifiably angry with him, he turned things back on her and acted like she was in the wrong. He had too much pride and only cared about his feelings. He didn't give a shit about Tris or what she was going through. It hadn't even been that long since her parents died but instead of being sensitive and supportive he acted like a dick. Why would she want to be with someone that treated her that way? Maybe, that was why she risked her life, to get away from him.

-I liked most of the secondary characters, they seemed more tolerable than Tris and Tobias. I especially enjoyed Christina, Uriah, Matthew, Cara, and Amar.

-One character I really despised though was Caleb - he was weak and cowardly, he didn't redeem himself by the end. He was a rubbish brother to Tris, he betrayed her, and helped her nearly get executed yet he was acting like the victim. He didn't deserve her forgiveness, she'd done nothing to deserve his disloyalty.
I really wish Tris had killed him after he betrayed her in Insurgent, he didn't deserve her understanding and he definitely didn't deserve her sacrificing herself for him. What kind of idiot gives up their life and love for someone who treated them like that? In Insurgent Caleb chose Erudite and Jeanine over Tris, he did NOTHING when she was about to be executed, he didn't care that his sister was going to die at his hands. So why the fuck would Tris not only forgive and forget that but also end her life so he could live?WTF?!
What was with all the forgiveness and sacrifice bullshit?! I noticed that it was Tris doing all the forgiving, sacrificing, and being compassionate — so was the lesson that when guys screw up, women should just understand and get over it?! None of the male characters acted so selflessly and forgiving. Yea, it was just the doormat heroine. Ugh.
Basically, Caleb was happy to let Tris die for him, he didn't even seem bothered when she died… Where was his grief and self-hatred for his dead sister?!

-Why would Tris give up her life for Caleb after all he did, he wouldn't put his life above hers so why the hell did she?

-If Tris's mum was meant to protect divergents then why didn't she protect her daughter and get her out of the city when the whole Jeanine/Erudite take over was going on?

-Tobias stopped the factionless/Allegiant war by asking his mum to drop all her beliefs, and years of planning so they could be mother and son again… Why would she give in when the factionless was all she cared about? She never even seemed that interested in Tobias before so it made no sense her choosing him. Also, if it was that easy to stop the war and fighting why didn't he try to reason with her before?

-The resolution between the factionless and the factions, and the outside world and Chicago/factions, and the GP and GD was underwhelming. There was so much build up, secrets, backstabbing, and tension between each of them yet they managed to sort out their issues very easily considering how much history and bad feeling was between them. Yea, I wasn't impressed with that, I expected more fighting, negotiations, difficulty, and discord before any kind of peace was reached.

-If the Genetic Bureau were observing Tris's city and watching out for Divergents (who they desperately wanted because they were GP) then why did they do nothing when all the Divergents were being killed off? The whole point of the experiment was so Divergents could be produced so why didn't they better protect them?

-What was the point of the experiments? They were still plenty of people who were genetically pure on the outside. Also, there were loads of people outside that were still genetically damaged… So their GD problem wouldn't actually go away if their experiments were successful.

-Instead of wasting money and resources on the experiments… Why didn't the government help the poor, improve society through education, and invest in better living conditions?

-The GD were meant to be angry and violent because of their genes but it seemed like they were that way because they had nothing going for them, and were treated like second class citizens, and were left to rot. Why couldn't educated scientists realise that?

-In some ways the world in Allegiant was advanced with all the different kinds of weapons, the serum, the genetic work, etc.. And in others it was primitive (violence, hunger, couldn't control the fringe or fix society). It just didn't mesh well.

-Why the hell would scientists/the government genetically manipulate a chunk of the US population without first doing trials on a small, select group of volunteers? Medicine and scientific procedures are tried and tested before they're used/performed on the general population. The foundation of the world building was so unconvincing — something as big as genetic manipulation wouldn't be done on the population without knowing what the immediate and long term outcome would be. Ugh, it was such bollocks.

-I can't believe Tobias never killed David, the guy killed the girl he loved and Tobias did NOTHING. So what if David no longer had any of his memories, it didn't change the fact that he murdered Tris!

-Why didn't the Bureau just erase and reset every GD's memory and teach them that they needed to rebuild society instead of living in poverty and squalor? That would have made the fringe/GD more active and eager to work in society… It would have been better than them being violent, bitter, and resentful.

-Veronica Roth said she wouldn't kill of Tobias because it would anger fans yet she thought it was cool to kill off Tris?! It's obvious fans would be more pissed that the heroine died instead of the love interest!

-Ugh, the epilogue was so depressing. Tobias basically got over Tris's death, and his memories of her dulled, and there were hints of a relationship between him and Christina. Yuck, I would have been more happy if Tobias had died a horrible death instead of him living happily in the new and improved world.

All in all, I LOATHED Allegiant. It was so much worse than the final Delirium book, which I didn't think was possible. The only thing that I thought was good were some of the peripheral characters. The rest was rubbish: the plot was dull and had loads of holes, the world building was ludicrous, the main characters were terrible, the romance was dreadful, but most of all the ending was horrible. I doubt I'll read any of Veronica Roth's future releases, and I doubt I'll watch the Divergent movies.
Profile Image for Jon.
598 reviews746 followers
December 20, 2013
Check out Scott Reads It!
Allegiant was one of my anticipated books of 2013, I really didn't know how Veronica Roth could wrap up the series successfully. Allegiant was panned by fans and many fans felt that this book ruined the entire series for them. Then there's me, one of the few "black sheeps" who actually enjoyed this book and felt that it was extremely necessary that it ended this way.

Allegiant is nearly impossible to describe because there's just so many subplots going on at the same time. At any given moment, there are at least 5 or 6 different storylines that Roth is telling and it's a bit overwhelming at times. This is definitely the most complicated of all of the books in the series and I guess it makes sense, given the fact that Roth needed to somehow conclude the series in a satisfying way.

Finally readers will learn what being "divergent" really means for Tris and Four. Tris and Four's relationship is definitely tested in this one and there is a lot of bickering between the two. I just wanted them to make up and just resolve their differences; it does make sense that they are constantly on edge due to hectic nature of their lives. When there aren't fighting (which wasn't very often), there were some very sweet moments between the two. The romance in this one is pretty light, but we do get to see more of what's going on in Four's head.

I completely understand why Veronica Roth decided to write in Tris and Four's point of views, but it wasn't up to par with the high quality writing that was evident in previous books. There were times when Tris and Four sounded way too similar and I had to flip back to the beginning of the chapter to find out whose point of view I was reading. There were other times when I had really enjoy Four's point of view because it was extremely revealing and it was completely unbarred. The reader slowly learns to understand why Four is such an enigmatic force and why he keeps himself so reserved from Tris. I really felt like Four's point of view was extremely vital to understanding who he is and how much he cares for Tris. I do wish that the writing was tighter in some of Four's chapters to make his voice more distinct for the reader.

The side characters in Allegiant have been called undeveloped and unimaginative by so many reviewers, but I disagree. All of the secondary characters (both new and familiar faces) place an extremely important part in helping Four and Tris make decisions. The secondary characters help raise the stakes, they help Four and Tris realize that everything isn't going to end perfectly like they had hoped. Each character has their own specific purpose and rightful place in Allegiant, it was truly something special to see my favorite characters from the series interact with new characters.

I have to address the way Allegiant ended because it's caused so much controversy Veronica Roth received death threats after fans had read the ending. IT'S NEVER OKAY TO SEND SOMEONE DEATH THREATS, I thought that was common sense, but apparently not. The ending of Allegiant is so ballsy and was such a risky move on Veronica Roth's part; Roth had the guts to pull off something most authors wouldn't even dream of doing. This is why Roth has sold millions of books because she pushes the limits and is always creating ingenious plotlines. Anyway, I felt that this ending felt inevitable, Roth even said that she always felt like she knew it would end like this. After a bit of pondering, it all made sense to me and I felt like Roth had been leading up to this ending ever since Divergent. In fact, if you read Insurgent, there's tons of foreshadowing that hinted that Allegiant would end like this. Allegiant's ending felt necessary to me and I really feel that this is the ONLY ending that truly would have worked. While I didn't love the ending, I felt that Allegiant's conclusion was extremely effective.

Though Allegiant is extremely slow-paced and slugs due to info-dumping, I really enjoyed the final installment in the Divergent trilogy. Allegiant didn't provide readers with the happily ever after that readers were looking for, instead it provided readers with an extremely realistic ending. As much as I would have loved Four and Tris to ride into the sunset on an unicorn, Allegiant had to end in such a manner. Allegiant has solidified my love for Veronica Roth's writing abilities and it ended on a satisfying note, in my mind. I really look forward to reading Roth's future books and I hope that Roth will continue to defy all odds with her incredible books. There's no denying that Veronica Roth is dauntless after reading Allegiant, it takes an extremely brave and daring individual to write an extremely controversial ending without fearing retaliation from fans.
Profile Image for Shelley.
484 reviews
October 24, 2013
Ms. Roth is indeed dauntless. I know it is her story and she can tell it the way she wanted; I wish she showed a bit of more of abnegation and provided a final book that did not make me want to regret reading the whole series. No movies for me.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews381 followers
March 4, 2022
Allegiant (divergent, #3), Veronica Roth

Allegiant is a science fiction novel for young adults, written by the American author Veronica Roth and published by HarperCollins in October 2013.

It completes the Divergent trilogy that Roth started with her debut novel Divergent in 2011. The book is written from the perspective of both Beatrice (Tris) and Tobias (Four).

Following the revelations of the previous novel, they journey past the city's boundaries to discover what lies beyond.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «هم پیمان کتاب سوم از سه گانه ناهمتا»؛ «هم‌پیمان (هم پیمان)»؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز هفتم ماه سپتامبر سال2016میلادی

عنوان: سه گانه ناهمتا - کتاب سوم : هم‌پیمان (هم پیمان)؛ نویسنده: ورونیکا راث؛ مترجم: هدیه منصورکیایی؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، موسسه‌ ی فرهنگی هنری نوروز هنر، سال1394، در432ص، شابک9789647109581؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده21م

عنوان: سه گانه ناهمتا - کتاب سوم : هم‌پیمان (هم پیمان)؛ نویسنده: ورونیکا راث؛ مترجم امیرمهدی عاطفی نیا؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، آذرباد، سال1394، در495ص، شابک9786006225746؛

این کتاب «هم پیمان» سومین کتاب از سه گانه ی «ناهمتا یا سنت شکن» است، عنوانهای دو کتاب پیشین: «ناهمتا» و «یاغی» هستند؛ پس از جنگ جهانی، جامعه‌ ی شهر «شیکاگو» به پنج فرقه‌ ی جداگانه تقسیم شده‌، که هر یک از فرقه‌ ها، از یک فضیلت ویژه ی انسانی، پشتیبانی می‌کنند؛ عنوان فرقه‌ ها «فداکاری»، «صلح طلبی»، «صداقت»، «شجاعت» و «دانش»، هستند؛ هر سال در یک روز مشخص، همگان از نوجوانان شانزده ساله، باید در آزمون توانایی سنجی شرکت کنند، تا بدون توجه به فرقه‌ ای که در آن به دنیا آمده‌ اند، تصمیم بگیرند، که باقیمانده ی عمر خود را، در کدام فرقه باید سپری کنند....؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 13/01/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 12/12/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Julie.
267 reviews134 followers
February 15, 2014
Spoiler free review (read before release date)

Life damages us, every one. We can't escape that damage. But now I am also learning this: We can be mended. We mend each other.

Brace yourselves initiates. I'm an absolute emotional wreck right now so this review could very well turn into a mess of incoherent babble. I'm still reeling from that climax. It burned with the finality of a dying match, an inevitable conclusion to a well-loved series, an end I didn't see coming despite all the theories I discussed and argued and imagined with fellow fans. 

It hurts. It physically hurts. Roth grabbed my interest with Divergent, she made me question how much people can truly hide about themselves in Insurgent, but she tore my heart out and ripped it into shreds before my very eyes with Allegiant. There is a beauty to the pain though, and even though my emotions have wreaked havoc in me to the point of exhaustion, it was a bittersweet ending, because Roth doesn't leave us with an endless amount of unanswered questions. She doesn't give us a happily ever after, she shows us the ravages of war, the losses that will always accompany it, the reality of a dystopian world and yet altogether, manages to evoke hope for a better future. I can't say you will feel the same way as I do but I understand why she did it. It was risky, maybe even stupid but I think I love her more for it. Take this as a warning: many characters won't make it. If you don't like that but still need to read the conclusion, proceed with caution. I am weak-willed and when I found out this had been leaked, I jumped at the chance to read it. I don't regret my choice. 

I adored how much Roth explored the characters in this book. I learned so much more about them, the character depth was phenomenal. They were well fleshed out, the armour fell and I got to see the hidden character behind it. I guess that's what grief does, it breaks you and in doing so, others get a glimpse of what's truly inside through the cracks that marr the people left behind. This was especially true of Tris and Tobias. The dual POV was a refreshing, because both characters noticed things that the other missed. We're given a more well-rounded picture of things in Allegiant. Especially the inner workings of Tobias. I knew he was flawed, even more so after completing The Transfer; Allegiant helped to solidify that though. The anguish, the emotional scars due to his tragic past and his fears are all touched upon in Allegiant. As we all know, Tris tends to see his brave side but in Allegiant, we along with her come to realise the constant struggles he faces. The inner turmoil he goes through is made evident and I loved that. It made him more real, a character we can associate with, a character we can love, flaws and all. I also loved Roth's exploration into the relationship between Caleb and Tris after his betrayal. It really struck a chord in me, as I presume it will do to all those with siblings. I've always seen Tris as a character who is very sure of herself in terms of how she judges character, but Roth invites her to question this throughout this novel. I shan't elaborate because I feel I can't without revealing spoilers but I thoroughly enjoyed the journey they make together. 

The plot was well paced, there were occasions near the beginning where it seemed to be just filler and a large amount of info-dumping. I was getting slightly disappointed but this changed very quickly and in my opinion, Allegiant out-performed the plots of the first two novels. I guess that's a sacrifice one must make to ensure that the world-building is sufficient. There is so much happening in this book, it was enthralling. I could feel it too, the build-up to the climax, relishing in it. Everything that happened up to now in Divergent and Insurgent all leading to this. It had a very distinct cinematic flavour to it. Roth doesn't take the shortcut with this one, she throws challenges at the characters, makes them question what they believe in, what is right, and what is worth risking their lives for. And they do, they truly do risk everything. (sob)

I cannot recommend this book enough, it will enrapture you, swell up emotions you didn't even know you had inside of you, and unleash the rabid fangirl/fanboy out of you. A pulse-pounding thrill-ride of a book, Allegiant will quench the undeniable thirst aroused in you when you finished Insurgent as it did me. With an agonisingly poignant ending to the series, I am certain I will remember the feelings it managed to evoke out of me for a long time and it will be a permanent addition to my favourite books list.

Finally, I'd like to add that I applaud you Veronica Roth, for not stringing me along and giving me a vague, half-assed ending which I'm sad to say, has happened before by other authors. It was a tragically gorgeous finish to the Divergent series. 

Roth actually elaborated on the ending in her blog post after I wrote this review so I've linked it here for anyone who'd like to access it. It does contain spoilers however so do so at your own risk.
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