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The Duke of Strathmore #2

An Unsuitable Match

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The Favourite Heiress…

Once engaged to the future Duke of Strathmore, the beautiful Lady Clarice Langham now finds herself in the humiliating position of celebrating his marriage—to another woman. But things begin to look up when handsome and charming rake David Radley makes it clear that, at least as far as he's concerned, she's still the catch of the season.

The Illegitimate Son…

The eldest son of the Duke of Strathmore, David Radley has been raised alongside his father's legitimate children. But while he is generally received as part of the family, not everyone thinks he should be, and especially not Clarice's father, the Earl of Langham, who forbids her from having anything to do with him.

David's been in love with Clarice for years, and it isn't long before the attraction between them develops into something deeper. Yet he senses Clarice is hiding something and until she reveals her secret, she won't be free to follow her heart. Despite everything, David will not give up on Clarice, not even when another seems set to claim her.

First published September 1, 2014

About the author

Sasha Cottman

86 books245 followers
Born in England, but raised in Australia, Sasha has a love for both countries. Having her heart in two places has created a love for travel, which at last count was to over 55 countries. A travel guide is always on her pile of new books to read.
Sasha lives with her husband, her university student daughter and a cat who demands a starring role in the next book. She has found new hiding spots for her secret chocolate stash.

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Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,684 reviews192 followers
August 7, 2019
Series: The Duke of Strathmore #2
Publication Date: 9/8/17
Number of Pages: 314
AUDIOBOOK REVIEW – Narrator - Janine Haynes

I enjoyed listening to this book. The narrator sounded much more natural in this book than she did in the first one. Her voice was natural and flowed well. The distinction between the voices of the different characters wasn't particularly pronounced, but there were some differences.

The story was well-written and well-plotted, but I did hear a number of anachronisms in the verbiage. For me, hearing the anachronisms isn’t as noticeable as reading them, so they didn’t bother me as much as they normally would. That said, I noticed fewer in this book than in the first one.

I loved David Radley in the first book, Letter From A Rake, and I loved him even more in this book. Although he is the much loved and fully recognized oldest son of the Duke of Strathmore, he is illegitimate. Even with all of the love and support of his family, he is still not acceptable to some people in the ton. As we learned in the last book, he has loved Lady Clarice Langham for years, but it has remained an unrequited love. He now fully intends to change that – but her father won’t even let her dance with him.

I had a more ambivalent relationship with Clarice. She was such a doormat for most of the book and I just couldn’t identify with her at all. Then, she finally begins to come out of her shell and I came to like her and I could see why David would as well. Finally, she came to be someone who would stand up for what she wanted and I liked her even better.

I really loved the way the author handled the villain. I was really beginning to wonder if he was just going to get by with everything – or just not be mentioned again – but then – well – I won’t tell you, but I liked it very well.

The epilogue was really good. Since I think every historical romance should have an epilogue, I was really happy to see that this book had one. One of the nice things in the epilogue was the introduction of the hero of the next book.

This is an enjoyable read and I can recommend it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Carol Cork *Young at Heart Oldie*.
428 reviews224 followers
July 18, 2015
Let me say straightaway that I’m sure I would have liked this book much more had I read LETTER FROM A RAKE (book 1) first. It’s clear that events occurring in that book have a direct impact on the story and characters in AN UNSUITABLE MATCH . At times I felt a little adrift, as though I should already know something about the characters but didn’t. So it took me some time to really immerse myself in the story but when I did, I enjoyed it.

At first, I found it hard to relate to Clarice because there was so much negativity about her – her drab, ill-fitting clothes; the grief and guilt she feels over her mother’s death; her belief that she is totally undeserving of love; her desire to be punished and suffer for her actions. It was only when she starts to come out of her shell and embraces life again that I warmed towards her. I enjoyed seeing her finally having the courage to face her past and lay the ghosts to rest.

I liked David from the start. Although he is the bastard son of the Duke of Strathmore, his father and step-mother make no distinction between him and their other children. However much they might insult each other, the Radley brothers are fiercely loyal and I adored this tight-knit, loving family. The scene where David’s father hands him the deeds to Shambrook Grange is very emotional and reveals the deep love between father and son. David’s desire to be a good and fair employer to those working on the Shambrook estate and the way he ensures that needy families in the village are housed in the empty estate cottages shows what a deeply caring person he is.

As with all good romances, the course of true love doesn’t run smoothly. Clarice and David’s happiness is threatened not only by Clarice’s disapproving father but also by his heir, the devious and menacing Thaxter Fox. It’s lucky they have stalwart champions in the form of David’s sister Lucy and Clarice’s grandmother Lady Alice. Lucy is such a live-wire and I love her matchmaking efforts and tendency towards amateur dramatics. The larger-than-life Lady Alice is a delight with her “magical” walking stick.

I was all set to dislike Clarice’s father until I discovered that he was only testing David’s worthiness because he loves his daughter and only wants her happiness and I couldn’t fault him for that.

There are some nice touches of humour interspersed throughout the story and the Epilogue provides a teaser for Lucy’s book and I am definitely looking forward to reading it.

My Verdict: Overall, a delightful story enhanced by some memorable secondary characters.


The Duke of Strathmore series so far (click on the book covers for more details):

Letter from a Rake by Sasha Cottman An Unsuitable Match by Sasha Cottman

**I received a copy of this book from the author via NetGalley in return for an honest review.**

This review is also posted on my Rakes and Rascals Blog:

Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews601 followers
September 27, 2014
So, there I was back in time, where the “Oh So Proper” Ton looks down their aristocratic noses at anyone who may have a whiff of scandal in their backgrounds. Makes me want to break out in the Chicken Dance as I pass the ammonia around for those suffering vapors! Too bad David Radley doesn’t have that option and must bear the label of bastard, fairly or not. In spite of his wealthy and powerful father, his own fortune, David has not helped his cause, being a randy young man in his youth. One young maiden has always had his heart, but as a suitor, he is less than desirable. Can he catch the eye and heart of Lady Clarice Langham and convince her they belong together?

With a silently torturous background of her own, Clarice’s heart is drawn to the handsome David, but her father has different ideas for her future. Will she be stuck in an unholy marriage to the disgusting, deceitful cad who has her father’s approval or will her grandmother show her another way to win her man?

An Unsuitable match by Sasha Cottman is a delightful trip back in time, with a feisty heroine, a dashing hero, the required evil cad and THE best grandmother ever! From the parties of London to the rolling hills of the country, beautiful scenes are painted with Ms. Cottman’s words. She manages to create high tension scenes with ease and her sensual moments? Absolutely hot! No one will ever convince me the Ton was not a little frisky, again!

I received this edition from e-penguin in exchange for my honest review.

Publication Date: September 16, 2014
Publisher: e-penguin
ISBN: 9781760140427
Genre: Adult Historical Romance
Print Length: 296 pages
Available from: Amazon
Profile Image for Roz ~ My Written Romance.
408 reviews24 followers
October 1, 2014
4.5 out of 5

First things first, my lovelies, if you haven’t read the preceding book, Letter from a Rake, I need you to click open another tab on your browser and buy it, then make sure you read that one first. Why? Well, other than it being a book full of awesome, the events of An Unsuitable Match will make a lot more sense if you read the series in order.

Now that I have dispensed with my book PSA, I absolutely adored An Unsuitable Match.

I’ve been super keen to get my hands on David and Clarice’s story ever since meeting them in book one.

We are aware from events in the first book that there is this beautiful connection between Clarice and David, and that each wants to be with the other, however in An Unsuitable Match, the reasons why they aren’t simply able to be together are made clearer. David’s illegitimacy and Clarice’s deeply-held secret, along with familial disapproval and a couple of schemey villains, often threaten the happiness that, after reading their story, you are desperate for them to attain.


An Unsuitable Match is a lovely, romantic, sweet read – and definitely worth the anticipation.

For the full review, visit My Written Romance

I was provided with an advance reader copy by Destiny Romance in exchange for an honest review. Any and all opinions expressed in this review are mine alone. I received no financial incentives to review this book.
Profile Image for Helen.
2,591 reviews11 followers
October 4, 2014
I have been looking forward to this one after reading the first one in the series and I was not disappointed this is such a great story, when Clarisa realizes that David is in love with her she has a lot to overcome she has been in mourning for three years since her mother passed away and she feels very guilty and has a secret that must be kept David the bastard son of a Duke is such a wonderful hero but he has a lot to do to convince Clarisa's father the Earl of Langham that he is good enough for his daughter, throw in a rather nasty new heir to the Langham house and a so called friend of Clarisa's and this is a journey to a HEA that is filled with ups and downs. With David's family helping to matchmake and David so dtermined to win his heroine you will love this sensual beautiful story I couldn't put it down and I highly recommend this one oh and I am eagerly awaiting Lucy's story. Thank you MS Cottman for a fantastic story.
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,194 reviews587 followers
October 10, 2014
ARC provided via NetGalley by Penguin Books Australia I Destiny Romance for an honest review!***

This story was thoroughly enjoyable! Lady Clarice Langham and David Radley make a fantastic pair. I loved everything about the two of them! Even the secondary characters came to life so well they kept me engaged as well. It's fast paced and a page turner. It's full of scandal and secrets and surprises you just can't wait to read. It's my first experience with this author, but it will not be my last.
As an avid reader, I love it when I can find new talent to add to my TBR list and Sasha Cottman has made the list with this very well written story!
Profile Image for Sally Hannoush.
1,880 reviews27 followers
September 4, 2014
This novel was highly enjoyable with its secrets and passionate love. I thought this was a good example of story telling. The conflicts were overcome by determination and that made the characters worth knowing. I loved this book and am looking forward to the next one. It was written well. The sisters and grandmother are wonderful characters and this novel left me wanting more. I need to read the prior book and the next book. The hints and references peaked my interest promising the series to be a great one.
Profile Image for Brittany.
3,292 reviews25 followers
September 4, 2014
I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I loved it!! Great story! Awesome romance! I am looking forward to reading more from this author. This love story pulls you in and refuses to let you go. I could not put it down.
Profile Image for Lavendel KnowsBest.
373 reviews3 followers
June 12, 2021
Seit Lady Clarice den fehlgeleiteten Liebesbrief erhielt, stand für sie fest, dass sie dessen Autor unbedingt in ihr Herz lassen sollte. Unglücklicherweise - für ihren Vater - handelte es sich aber um Daniel Radley, den unehelichen Erstgeborenen des Herzogs von Strathmore. Als Bastard hat Daniel keinen Anspruch auf einen Titel und hat in der oberflächlichen Gesellschaft nur einen schweren Stand. All das, was Clarice Vater nicht für seine Tochter will. Doch schon bald sollen Ereignisse, sie zu beherzterem Handeln zwingen.

Das Cover ist ein wunderschöner Hingucker, der es mir wirklich angetan hat. Hier sollte also die Geschichte von Clarice und Daniel erzählt werden. Mr. Radley war schon im ersten Band ein Sympathieträger, doch Clarice präsentierte sich in Band eins nicht immer von ihrer besten Seite, daher war ich gerade auf sie gespannt.

Clarice ist zu Beginn eine unsichere Heldin, die nicht auffallen möchte und sich in weiten Kleidern versteckt. Sie leidet noch sehr unter dem Tod ihrer Mutter vor drei Jahren. Clarice soll heiraten, doch sie ist sich nicht sicher, ob sie das überhaupt möchte, dabei hat sie im englischen Regency als Frau eigentlich keine Wahl.
So hat es auch Daniel zunächst schwer bei ihr und versucht mit vollem Einsatz seines Charmes Clarice endlich aus der Reserve zu locken.
Die Liebesgeschichte konnte mich definitiv mehr packen als noch im ersten Teil. Hier kommen gleich einige Hürden ins Spiel, die mich wirklich gut unterhalten haben. Wir sehen natürlich auch Figuren aus Band eins wieder und das macht den Charme der Reihe aus. So bin ich auch schon total auf Lady Lucy gespannt, die die nächste Liebesgeschichte bestreiten wird.

Sasha Cottmans Schreibstil ist wunderbar passend für das Genre. Man merkt einfach, dass man nicht in einem Contemporary Romance unterwegs ist und das macht einen großen Teil des Flairs aus, den ich in diesem Genre so liebe.

Was mich allerdings störte, waren die gehäuften Rechtschreibfehler im selfpublishing Ebook. Diese haben meinen Lesefluss stellenweise wirklich gestört.
"Eine verbotene Liebe für die Lady" ist Sasha Cottmans sehr starker zweiter Teil der Strathmore Reihe. Ich liebe das Flair Englands des 19. Jahrhunderts und habe die Figuren mittlerweile sehr ins Herz geschlossen. Clarice und Daniels Liebesgeschichte ist aufgrund all der Hürden sehr unterhaltsam und daher eine absolute Empfehlung wert!
Profile Image for Edwina " I LoveBooks" "Deb".
1,409 reviews17 followers
March 5, 2019
This is David's story oldest son and to Ewan Radley the Duke of Strathmore. But David is not the heir because he was illegitimate. His father Stepmother/Aunt and all his siblings love and except him. The Ton even excepts him to a point. There only objection is he not marry one of there daughters they find him unsuitable because of the circumstances of his birth. David his well liked and loved by his peers but he has been refused the one women he has loved forever.

Clarice Langham the daughter of the Earl of Langham is torturing herself for the death of her mother. She has been in morning for 3 years and has been binding up her body and wearing overly large dress.

She received a passionate love letter signed by David's brother Alex but was really written to her by David. This begins there relationship as a couple. But when David ask for her had in marriage her father says No he is Unsuitable.

The story is good I liked all the characters except the villian who happens to be the Earls Heir. I had hope that the debt collectors or someone he had cheated or hurt would kill him off. I didn't like that he beat Clarice up while trying to rape her. There is never a good reason for an author to use rape and physical abuse in a Romance story. I was happy that Clarice fought him off and scarred his face. I did not like that Clarice was a Spinster. I am sick of Spinsters!! I loved Dowarger Countess Alice Clarice grandmother. She was always in favor of David marrying her granddaughter. There are some surprise twist and turns in the story. Its also hopeful in the next book "The Dukes Daughter" that Thaxter Fox the Earls heir has been murdered. I hope so. he was a dispecable lowlife peace of crap!!
Profile Image for Pam  Bereznak.
1,437 reviews88 followers
May 31, 2023
This is only my 6th book my Sasha Cottman. I just started reading her the beginning of this year. I am really enjoying this series. I noticed her books start a bit slow at the beginning but really picks up in the middle and then has such great finishes.

I really liked this book. Clarice and David were great characters. I like how well secondary characters were even written. She got a lot of depth in al of them. I will definitely finish this series.
Profile Image for Rin ♔.
301 reviews24 followers
December 13, 2014
★★★★☆ - 3.5 Stars

"I dream of the hours when you and I can finally be alone.
Softly sharing whispered words of love."

ARC received from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

This turned out to be one of those slow burn stories where the characters didn't interact that much but they were doing things that could lead to them to seeing more of each other or ending up together.

Unlike most regency stories where it was all about romance, the story was largely influenced by how society would view their union or their love.

It was amazing how the London society at that time was portrayed. How one failed engagement could make you look pathetic, how illegitimate children were treated as though they were plague, how a female could be ashamed that she had womanly curves instead of those "petite bodies Englishmen loved", how marriage was usually the solution once a woman was involved in a scandal. However, seeing as Clarice was already twenty-three, I thought that she was already someone the ton would consider a spinster. But it wasn't mentioned at all or that she was too old or anything so I'm thinking it was overlooked or something.

What was annoying, however, was Clarice as a character. Her indecisiveness with her life and love and her dislike to cheerful people was baffling. As though people around her shouldn't be all smiley because she was mourning? It was really confusion why her reaction was like that.Though she did make it up when she fought for her love once she realized she really loved David.

David also had his flaws which what made him human. He also had his doubts about fighting their love and I was a little disappointed with him because with Clarice being pessimistic about their relationship, they didn't need another one who had skepticisms with their love.

There were also points in the story that would have been better if it was elaborated. It might confuse those readers who didn't read the first story. Like, how Clarice knew that it was David and not Alex who wrote it. And I would have loved to read the contents of David's love letter since the snippets were really romantic.

An Unsuitable Match might have not been that great for me but somehow it managed to touch my heart in its own way.
Profile Image for Tash.
1,275 reviews106 followers
October 20, 2014
Reviewed for Confessions From Romaholics

The second book tells the story of David Radley and another of Lucy Radley’s friends Miss Clarice Langham . Now this is a love saga and they have been hiding their affections for each other for a number of years. However certain events in Letter from a Rake forced them to come out to each other and this book continues right where the first book left off. I loved that certain event in Letter from a Rake and I hoped that magic would be continued in this book. I wasn’t disappointed with this book and the author delivered another enchanting regency romance that I loved .

We knew that they loved each other but why couldn’t they be together was the unasked question and I knew that there had to be story told as the author wouldn’t pass an opportunity up to tell it. An Unsuitable Match answer that question and provides a delightful story as these two try to find a way to be together.

Like the first book we watch these two as they try to stay away from their mutual attraction and are championed by Lucy Randley and the rest of the Radley clan but instead of conflict we have a determined father and nefarious villain determined to set the couple in their places. Lucy may been the character to love in the first book but I think that was over take by Clarice’s grandmother Lady Alice who could put Lucy to shame with her own devious mind and determined to see that Clarice gets her happily ever after.

This book was totally different from the last one in terms of the story and the lead characters not as appealing as the previous book because of their secrets and the ton. I loved how the author deliberate did that to add to the story and made them slowly grow on us so that we are rooting for them by time everything comes crashing together.

4.5 stars and I can’t wait for Lucy’s story, with a mischievous mind and taken to matchmaking what going to happen when it seems that she has found the perfect guy for herself.

For more of my reviews, visit Confessions From Romaholics.And drop by the blog's Facebook page
344 reviews10 followers
September 29, 2014
I received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The gist: Clarice was betrothed to Alex, but he publicly humiliated her (inadvertently) when he married someone else instead. David is Alex’s older brother. Clarice and David are in love with each other, but they can’t be together because her father won’t permit. Even though David is the son of a Duke, he’s a bastard by birth, and isn’t a suitable match for Clarice.

I liked Clarice and David well enough. Clarice didn’t think she was worthy of friendship or love because of something that happened a few years prior. Her feelings were really quite silly, in my opinion. She was likable, although I felt as though she was too much of a pushover; she was a people pleaser. David was very warm and sweet and genuine; he was a true gentleman. His bastard status was quite unfortunate, but he didn’t resent his younger brother Alex being the heir. He didn’t pity himself the way Clarice did, and I felt David had a better reason TO pity himself than Clarice did.

The story was good. It held my attention, even though some parts were a smidge boring. I enjoyed the story enough to want to read Alex and Millie’s story (I assume they have their own book). I assume David and Alex’s sister, Lucy, will have her own story next, and I’m definitely interested in reading it as well. I enjoyed the book and if you enjoy historical romances, you probably will also.
Profile Image for Juanita Kees.
Author 20 books113 followers
September 21, 2014
Sasha Cottman takes her Regency romance very seriously. The plot was well thought out with a touch of suspense and mystery to add to the complicated relationship between Lady Clarice and David. With some interference and matchmaking from the secondary characters, the two are brought together in what Clarice's father considers to be an unsuitable match.

Their road to happiness is rocky and suitably strewn with potholes in the form of her father and a cousin, the heir to their estate. From the ballroom to the opera, the reader is kept entertained with David's journey from an unsuitable rake to a respectable landowner as he seeks to win the hand of Lady Clarice. The story had good grounds for conflict, well-rounded characters and a nice steady rhythm that made it an enjoyable read.

This is Ms Cottman's second book in the Duke of Strathmore series. The first, Letter from a Rake, finalled in the 2014 RWA RUBY Award. This new author is definitely one to watch as we see her writing grow with each release.

Interview with Sasha Cottman http://www.kees2create.com.au/the-oth...
Profile Image for Amanda Richardson.
934 reviews11 followers
November 23, 2014
I liked this book, David Radley realizes that he loves Clarice, but he is illegitimate and Clarice is an earl's daughter. Clarice was very close to being betrothed to David's brother, but they didn't love each other and his brother married the woman he loves. Clarice is slightly embarrassed and her father is enraged at the slight against his daughter.
Clarice's father does whatever he can to keep these two apart. Clarice is still in mourning for her mother after three years, she feels responsible for her mother's death. Clarice is a good heroine, I really like reading about how David's family helped her come out of her shell and her grief. David is a likeable hero, it was nice to see that he gave up other women when he realized his love for Clarice. David's family was fun to read about, I loved their antics in trying to get David and Clarice alone and together.
Very good book, lots of romantic tension, and very likeable main and supporting characters. The build up between these two was great to read and the love scenes were good for the book. I will really want to read Lucy's story (David's sister) next.

I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Melanie.
921 reviews34 followers
December 25, 2014
I find myself torn about this book. There are things that I really loved about it, and then there are some things I just wasn’t so much keen on.

‘An Unsuitable Match’ is a second book in a series [‘Letter From A Rake’ was Alexander’s story] and I think if I read that one first I would have had a better grasp on who Clarice was, and I might have liked her better. David I liked straight off the bat!

The writing was good and the plot well put together, but the pace of the story was legging. And yet the legging of the story gave me a fascinating look into the society of the day. I’m recommending this story to all of you that love Jane Austen and are interested in the workings of a regency society. You’ll find this story interesting and informative, I have no doubt.

However, I do recommend you read these books in order so you’d get the feel of the people and the families in it. I’m planning on reading the first book next so I can be ready for the third one, as I hope that David and Alex’s sister Lucy is about to meet her destiny.

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
Profile Image for Sylvia.
323 reviews42 followers
October 14, 2014
When a love letter is sent to the wrong lady by mistake. Lady Clarice Langham's life changes featured in the book "Letter From a Rake". She is fluster and alittle awkward for her family to attend her former fiancé's marriage to Millie Ashton. She has no ill feeling to the couple. Claire is pleased that her friend and former fiancé is happy. Now Claire know the truth. Mr. David Radley wrote that letter for his brother. David's true sentiments for Lady Claire is unfolded. Lady Claire is caught between the growing feelings for David and being a dutiful daughter which her father restrain her association with David. David Radley is the illegitimate son of the Duke of Strathmore. David is careful and respectful of Earl of Langham's demands. This story is truly a delight. It was entertaining and I was rooting for the couple. I received a complimentary copy from the publisher thru NetGalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Leesa Bow.
Author 26 books575 followers
September 27, 2014
An Unsuitable Match is the first Regency book I have read and a refreshing change to the modern new adult books I tend to read. I found the story enjoyable and was fascinated by the old London setting. Oh and I loved reading about gallant young men. All Sasha's characters leapt of the page and I couldn't help take a liking to Lady Alice and her determination to fight for David and Clarice's love, even if it means breaking society's rules. I have not read the first book in the series, Letter From A Rake, and yet still understood the story and characters. However I am now looking forward to reading the first book and revisiting the characters. I highly recommend An Unsuitable Match as I kept thinking about the characters long after I finished reading the story. With so many interesting secondary characters I will be looking forward to more of Sasha Cottman's books.
Profile Image for Heather T.
1,027 reviews57 followers
September 13, 2014
I've read two books today where the main female gets sick in carriages. In all my reading, I've never come across that. I was shocked to see they were written by different authors with the odds of that happening twice in one day by two different authors.
Moving past coincidences, I really liked the two main characters in this book. I struggled getting into the story in the beginning, but I feel like that was more because I hadn't read book one. I checked to see if this was part of a series, but Goodreads doesn't have it listed as a book two. Oops. Once I was able to get the back-story together I settled into the book. I enjoyed the characters and I'd like to see them come into play with future stories. I would love to see the sister get her own story. She's going to be a handful.
I see a lot of potential with this author. I wish her luck. I hope she develops with each book.
Profile Image for Nash Norden.
296 reviews37 followers
October 2, 2014
I don’t always read historical romance, but An Unsuitable Match by Sasha Cottman is definitely an enjoyable read. Clarice Langham and David Radley make a really good pair. The secondary characters, Lucy, Milly and Clarice, grandmother, Lady Alice made the story much more fun. I love how Lucy always finds her way to play as a matchmaker for Clarice and David. And I love the relationship between Clarice and her grandmother. The relationship between Clarice and David was beautifully written. I’m glad that there wasn���t too much steamy scene in the book. An Unsuitable Match by Sasha Cottman was definitely one of my favorite historical romance. It has got some humor, scandal and a lot of romance. I think I’ll be checking out the other books from Sasha Cottman.

I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Georgina Penney.
Author 7 books83 followers
November 19, 2014
I read Sasha Cottman's "Letter From A Rake" a while back now and enjoyed it a lot so I was looking forward to "An Unsuitable Match" and I wasn't disappointed. Clarise and David had me barracking for them and the secondary characters were fantastic... actually when I think about it, they were the reason I loved this book even more than the first... brilliantly written and incredibly three dimensional.

To me this felt like the best kind of escapist light-hearted Regency, easy to read in one sitting and leaving you with a smile on your face at the end.

Definite five stars, will be looking forward to the next.
Profile Image for Robyn Koshel.
217 reviews7 followers
September 24, 2014
Suspense, mystery, scandal and intrigue, “An unsuitable match” is exactly what you have come to love about the period. This high quality tale, whisks you off on an adventure with David and Clarice. There is so much tension between them, that you feel there are destined to be together.

Sasha Cottman also adds her clever observations in the form of wonderful secondary characters, giving the story a touch of levity and humour.

“An unsuitable match” is a fast paced, heart warming romance with a little something extra to make it stand out from the crowd. I adore Sasha Cottman’s work and this new instalment is no exception. I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Kim Beck.
222 reviews12 followers
September 17, 2014
Yes this is Daniel story and man is this a story to get lost in. I love the characters both old and new. The author weaves a beautiful story that takes you back to the old days in London society. It has just a few splashes of suspense but they add just the right amount of danger to the book. It of course has romance and passion, in my opinion all the good things about a good book. I love the story line and the struggle of the characters. The author doesn't make it easy but our hero never gives up. A book worth reading. Full review here: http://allnightbooks.com/?p=632
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
7,905 reviews154 followers
November 19, 2014
Am very impressed with Sasha Cottman. An Unsuitable Match is the story of Clarice and David.
David has loved Clarice secretly for years. When his feelings are revealed Clarice does not know how to react. David is the Illegitimate son of a Duke and she has promised her father she would stay away from him. Gradually her feelings grow and David's grow stronger. Will they work out the problems they face? Lovely story.
Profile Image for Anne.
634 reviews5 followers
May 27, 2021
I loved this second book in the Duke of Strathmore series that features Lady Clarice and David Radley’s path to a happily ever after. Both are troubled by their pasts: Clarice by a secret that she has held since the death of her mother three years before and David by the stigma of his illegitimacy. I loved the poignancy of how David’s illegitimacy was handled and although he was always treated as a full member of the family how his beginnings profoundly affected not only his life but also the life of any future wife he chose. Clarice’s secret was handled in a delicate way that seemed believable for the times and I especially appreciated her blossoming from mourning into a vibrant lady when she was able to express her worries and still feel confident in David’s love. A villain, a meddling father, a supportive aunt, a family willing to help with match-making and a heartfelt romance made this book not only appealing but unforgettable. I am so looking forward to book three in this series.
Profile Image for Darryl Bullock.
Author 1 book2 followers
August 1, 2023
I liked Sasha Cottman’s “An unsuitable Match,” it was a delightful story me and my wife listened to, it was so much fun. I liked the character of David Radley, he was noble in his pursuit of the young and beautiful Lady Clarice Langham. He had loved her for years ,but being the Illegitimate son of the Duke of Strathmore. The story had many obstacles for him to fully win Lady Clarices heart. Clarice’s father Earl of Langham forbid young David for having anything to do with his beloved daughter. The story has a rich Victorian feeling as the characters interact with each other. I recommend this story to couples and more mature people, no kids. I do like Sasha Cottman’s knowledge of the Victorian era, she knows a lot about English history which makes it a fascinating read. I plan to read the next book.

227 reviews
August 5, 2019
Good story of David Radley and Clarice Langham. David, illegitimate son of the Duke of Strathmore, has loved Clarice from afar for a very long time. Clarice's father thinks David is not good enough for his daughter. When Alex, David's brother, sends a love letter to London for his intended, it goes to Clarice instead. She knows David wrote the letter. Clarice has problems of her own. She blames herself for her mother's death three years ago. It takes the Radley women , Millie and Lucy, and her grandmother,Lady Alice to get her out of her mourning clothes. Meanwhile,Langham has named Thatcher Fox as his heir. Can David prove he is worthy of Clarice?
Profile Image for Christine Woinich.
2,484 reviews21 followers
August 8, 2019
This was a fun read. David's past was well known, but Clarice's was not and was a surprise. I loved how these two were willing to look beyond expectations to find love together. David impressed me when he tried to improve his situation so that he could win Clarice. She was stronger than she thought and her acceptance of her past made her more so. The narrator, Janine Haynes, did a wonderful job bringing this story to life.

I received this audio as a gift, and this is my unsolicited review.

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