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The Mists rule the night.
The Lord Ruler owns the world.

Once, a hero arose to save the world. A young man with a mysterious heritage courageously challenged the darkness that strangled the land.

He failed.

For a thousand years since, the world has been a wasteland of ash and mist ruled by the immortal emperor known as the Lord Ruler. Every revolt has failed miserably.

Yet somehow, hope survives. Hope that dares to dream of ending the empire and even the Lord Ruler himself. A new kind of uprising is being planned, one built around the ultimate caper, one that depends on the cunning of a brilliant criminal mastermind and the determination of an unlikely heroine, a street urchin who must learn to master Allomancy, the power of a Mistborn.

657 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 17, 2006

About the author

Brandon Sanderson

369 books242k followers
I’m Brandon Sanderson, and I write stories of the fantastic: fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers.

Defiant, the fourth and final volume of the series that started with Skyward in 2018, comes out in November 2023, capping an already book-filled year that will see the releases of all four Secret Projects: Tress of the Emerald Sea, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, and Secret Project Four (with its official title reveal coming October 2023). These four books were all initially offered to backers of the #1 Kickstarter campaign of all time.

November 2022 saw the release of The Lost Metal, the seventh volume in the Mistborn saga, and the final volume of the Mistborn Era Two featuring Wax & Wayne. The third era of Mistborn is slated to be written after the first arc of the Stormlight Archive wraps up.

In November 2020 we saw the release of Rhythm of War—the fourth massive book in the New York Times #1 bestselling Stormlight Archive series that began with The Way of Kings—and Dawnshard (book 3.5), a novella set in the same world that bridges the gaps between the main releases. This series is my love letter to the epic fantasy genre, and it’s the type of story I always dreamed epic fantasy could be. The fifth volume, Wind and Truth, is set for release in fall 2024.

Most readers have noticed that my adult fantasy novels are in a connected universe called the Cosmere. This includes The Stormlight Archive, both Mistborn series, Elantris, Warbreaker, and various novellas available on Amazon, including The Emperor’s Soul, which won a Hugo Award in 2013. In November 2016 all of the existing Cosmere short fiction was released in one volume called Arcanum Unbounded. If you’ve read all of my adult fantasy novels and want to see some behind-the-scenes information, that collection is a must-read.

I also have three YA series: The Rithmatist (currently at one book), The Reckoners (a trilogy beginning with Steelheart), and Skyward. For young readers I also have my humorous series Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians, which had its final book, Bastille vs. the Evil Librarians, come out in 2022. Many of my adult readers enjoy all of those books as well, and many of my YA readers enjoy my adult books, usually starting with Mistborn.

Additionally, I have a few other novellas that are more on the thriller/sci-fi side. These include the Legion series, as well as Perfect State and Snapshot. There’s a lot of material to go around!

Good starting places are Mistborn (a.k.a. The Final Empire), Skyward, Steelheart,The Emperor’s Soul, and Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians. If you’re already a fan of big fat fantasies, you can jump right into The Way of Kings.

I was also honored to be able to complete the final three volumes of The Wheel of Time, beginning with The Gathering Storm, using Robert Jordan’s notes.

Sample chapters from all of my books are available at brandonsanderson.com—and check out the rest of my site for chapter-by-chapter annotations, deleted scenes, and more.

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Profile Image for Petrik.
748 reviews54.2k followers
April 24, 2022
I have a Booktube channel now! Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/petrikleo

Here it is, the beginning of the trilogy that sparked my love for reading fantasy novels.

It’s been exactly one year ten months since I first joined Goodreads or started reading The Final Empire for the first time; it was on September 1st, 2016. There’s no doubt that The Final Empire is an extremely important book for me. It’s not easy for me to elaborate upon this; a cliché such as “I absolutely love this book” is not enough, and the reason behind the significance of this trilogy for me will have to be postponed until I’m done with rereading The Hero of Ages. The impact that this trilogy left on my life is immeasurable, and my life before and after I finished this trilogy for the first time is a different one from each other. I predict this will happen within a week or two from now, but for now, let’s talk about The Final Empire, and why—even upon reread—it’s an absolutely incredible start to a trilogy.

Picture: The Final Empire by breath-art

The Final Empire is the first book in Brandon Sanderson’s highly acclaimed Mistborn trilogy. For a thousand years, the world has been ruled with an iron fist by the immortal emperor: Lord Ruler. The main plot of the book revolves around a rebellion to overthrow the lord ruler; this rebellion is built around a heist led by Kelsier, his team, and his newly found apprentice—Vin. I immensely enjoyed reading The Final Empire; the first time I read this novel, I found the plot to be thoroughly engaging, relatable, and at times humorous due to the character’s camaraderie and banter. And I was also completely fascinated by the world-building and magic system that Sanderson has created here. On reread, all of these are still true, but there’s a new additional superb quality: all the foreshadowing and hints are now laid bare for me to see with the gift of hindsight. The Final Empire, on its own, works perfectly as a standalone, but trust me that there’s so much more to the story beyond this book. Everything you read here—even the mini details—played major parts in the upcoming sequels.

"Plots behind plots, plans behind plans. There was always another secret.”

Picture: Kelsier and Vin by GisAlmeida

Where should I even begin with the wonderful characterizations? I guess I’ll start with Vin. I’ve read more than 200 books since the first time I finished reading this trilogy, and Vin—by the end of the trilogy—still stands strong as one of my favorite heroines of all time. This, of course, doesn’t mean that Vin was the only great character from the series; Kelsier, Sazed, Elend, and many other characters were so memorable as well. I can’t mention them all in this review because their greatness hasn’t occurred yet here. Ever since I read this book for the first time, I’ve heard from several readers that they found Vin to be incredibly emo and annoying; I disagree with this. Vin had a rough past. I think Sanderson did a great job in conveying Vin’s insecurity and emotions. Vin’s thoughts felt believable to me, and I found her character’s development to be amazing. She taught me that despite being betrayed and left behind countless times, it’s always okay—and better—to love and trust someone again rather than being alone. And then Kelsier taught me about the meaning of justice and hope; it’s not okay to stand still in the face of tyranny, oppression, and slavery.

“Men rarely see their own actions as unjustified.”

Sazed taught me that differences in faith can still lead to being respectful and kind towards each other’s beliefs.

“Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.”

There were plenty of things to learn from the character’s actions in the book. But for now, I want to discuss the next highlight of the novel—and trilogy—itself: the magic system.

The Final Empire introduced us to Allomancy and Feruchemy. Honestly speaking, coming from a gaming and manga/anime background, I thought I would never encounter a magic system as good as the one often told in these two mediums within a novel format. However, I was proven wrong. Allomancy is amazing, and it’s still by far my favorite magic system in the entire fantasy genre. Yes, I think it’s even better than the one shown in Sanderson’s magnum opus—The Stormlight Archive—so far. The intricacy of the magic system that Sanderson has crafted in Mistborn Saga never ceased to amaze me, and I’ve yet to encounter a more engaging, complex, and amazingly easy-to-understand magic system in any other fantasy novels. Plus, the actions spawned from the magic system resulted in some incredibly vivid and fast-paced battle sequences.

This book was also my first encounter with Sanderson’s spectacular world-building. Accompanied with Sanderson’s accessible, vivid, and immersive prose, the world of Scadrial that’s clouded by ash and surrounded by mist felt extremely atmospheric to read. There was also a lot of well-built mystery and lore within this book; Sanderson used the epigraph at the beginning of each chapter masterfully. I’ve heard a lot of criticisms from several readers that Sanderson’s prose can be a bit too simple to their liking, and I can certainly agree that—not only this book—all of his books contain simplistic prose. However, that’s actually one of the things that I appreciate about his works. His writings never get in the way of the story, and he’s brilliantly capable of telling a story of epic proportion with his accessible writing style. And this doesn’t mean that the narrative is lacking in wisdom or impact. In my opinion, all of Sanderson’s books in the Cosmere universe contained a lot of relatable wisdom easily applicable to our daily life. A few examples:

“The right belief is like a good cloak, I think. If it fits you well, it keeps you warm and safe. The wrong fit however, can suffocate.”

or this

“You should try not to talk so much, friend. You'll sound far less stupid that way”

And with that quote, I realized that it’s time for me to put an end to my review here. It’s safe to say that I still consider The Final Empire as one of my favorite books and one of my favorite starts to a trilogy. My reread experience of this book has been better than I expected, and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the trilogy will hold up for me. Below here—just for fun, cringe, and nostalgia factors—is the first review I’ve ever written. Hopefully, I did a better job this time! :)

You can order the book from: Book Depository (Free shipping)

You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions

Special thanks to my Patrons on Patreon for giving me extra support towards my passion for reading and reviewing!

My Patrons: Alfred, Alya, Annabeth, Ben, Blaise, Devin, Diana, Dylan, Edward, Ellen, Gary, Hamad, Helen, Jimmy Nutts, Joie, Luis, Lufi, Melinda, Mike, Miracle, Nicholas, Sarah, Seth, Shaad, Summer, Wendy, Zoe.

My first review on Goodreads and I'm really happy it's this book that I chose. The book have an amazing world-building, great characters development and most of all, very intricate magic system and actions. This is coming from someone who've seen plenty of magics (not real of course) from 20 years of gaming and watching anime/movie/television series. The amount of details Sanderson put into each words (not to mention it's really simple and easy to understand) is insane.

I will definitely read the rest of the trilogy straight after this and more works by him!
Profile Image for Benjamin Duffy.
148 reviews710 followers
May 4, 2023
I can't remember being this violently conflicted about a book in quite some time. There are some areas where it's so incredibly well done, with the author absolutely nailing it, and then others where I found myself grinding my teeth in frustration. I'm going to abandon my usual practice of writing short, pithy reviews and just drunkenly ramble on a few things here. (Still no spoilers, though.) That OK with y'all?

Language. About two and a half chapters into this book, I found myself asking, "Why does this feel like a YA fantasy book?" It wasn't the subject material or the plot, both of which are much more sophisticated than Harry Potter and his ilk. While I would feel perfectly comfortable having a 12-year-old read this PG13-violent and utterly asexual book, I don't feel as though it's necessarily written for tweens. Finally it occurred to me: it's the language. This book is one of the most simply written books I've ever read, using only the most basic vocabulary. That isn't a bad thing, as I'd rather read something direct and simple than something flowery and overwritten, but Sanderson's language is so simple here that it's almost as if he's drawing with the Crayola 16-set when other authors have the big 64. (One notable exception: having apparently become recently enamored of the word, he uses maladroitly at least three times. Maybe he was jamming some Weezer while he wrote.) I haven't read any of his other works (yet; Mistborn #2 is on deck), but I have to assume this simplicity is by conscious choice, and it's an interesting choice at that. I'm just not sure yet how I feel about it.

One language choice that I am sure how I feel about is Sanderson's decision to have his characters speak good old American English. The narration is similarly plainspoken, with a fair amount of American slang thrown in, rather than the twee, faux-Elizabethan style of a lot of fantasy authors. I like the approach. One of the most time-honored fantasy tropes is having all the characters thee and thou each other, with a few ne'er did yon stars of Yomama glimmer so resplendently, my suzerain for good measure. And I can handle that stuff, having been weaned on Tolkien and everything that came after, but I found Sanderson's decision to move away from that convention refreshing. I interpreted it as Sanderson saying, "The unspoken assumption here is that this book has been translated from whatever languages they speak on this made-up world, so why translate it to anything other than what is most understandable and comfortable for you to read? To couch this story in funky language is to insult your imagination by implying that you need that in order to realize you're reading a fantasy novel."

Setting and Plot. The setting is a typical high fantasy world - feudal-style nobility and peasantry; shadowy, powerful priesthood; mysterious evil lord, etc. - with some odd, almost steampunk flourishes thrown in. There are wristwatches. Men's formal wear is described as something more like Victorian coat and tails than medieval garb. Magic in this world is fueled by elemental and alloyed metals, which are described rather precisely, using percentages. It's a unique and interesting blend.

The basic plot is about as stock as it gets. If you're familiar with the Star Wars films, the Harry Potter or Percy Jackson books, Eragon, the Dragonriders of Pern trilogy, Dune, Ender's Game, or any one of about a million other works, please play Mad Libs with me:

Dear [kid with weird name], I know you are only a [farmer / orphan / urchin / child of a minor noble], and this will be hard for you to accept, but you [have Great Powers / are the Chosen One / insert name of funky power here]. You are the only one who can [save the world / save the universe / defeat the Empire / restore order to the Force / kill the Big Boss]. Luckily, even though you just learned your destiny fifteen minutes ago, you will make up for lost time by quickly becoming better than anyone in the history of ever at [Quidditch / dragon riding / sandworm riding / Allomancy]. Any questions?

Needless to say, the plot could have been a one-way express ticket to Hack City, but it really isn't. Vin's growth and development are handled well.

Exposition. This is a fantasy book for the video game generation. By that, I mean that the book follows the general path of a first-person RPG:

1) Introduction to the world and the main characters
2) A few early levels whose only apparent purpose is to teach the player how to use the buttons
3) Quests of increasing difficulty, with progressive reveals of the Big Plot
4) Fight with the Main Boss, including the inevitable twist
5) Denouement and teaser for the next installment.

Not that that's a bad thing! But I was really surprised at the way Allomancy (the main "magic" in this world) was laid out. In the two towering fantasy/sci-fi works of the 20th century, The Lord of the Rings and Dune, the supernatural elements of the story operated behind a sort of curtain or screen. The One Ring in LotR and the spice Melange in Dune both held great, mysterious powers, but the specific effects and extent of those powers were seen only in fits and flashes, and never understood completely by the characters or the reader. In contrast, fairly early in this book, Kelsier takes Vin on a practice run where he explains how her powers work and what their advantages and limitations are, using plain language and real-world physics, and lets her fly and mess around and just generally exult in her magic. It left me, the reader, as well as Vin the character, feeling that even if we didn't understand this magic perfectly right now, we might at some point in the future, which was a very different feel.

OK, after enough rambling about things I feel ambivalently about, let's wrap up with one big win and one big fail:

WIN: Brandon Sanderson can write the hell out of an action scene. (And since the final quarter of this book is pretty much all action, playing directly into Sanderson's strengths, it kicks all kinds of ass.) The fights in this book are gut-wrenching without being overly gory, and the chases and sneaks are heart-stopping as well. Perfect combination of pace and detail. Amazing. Possibly the best I've ever read from an author in this genre, and if he's able to do that so effortlessly, so early in his career, it gives me hope that he can fix...

FAIL: ...the dialogue. In spite of being favorably disposed due to the use of informal American English, I eventually found the dialogue here really clunky. Everyone is too wordy. Everyone says one sentence too many. Over and over again, I found myself going, "Real people don't talk like this," and especially, "Real people who are supposed to be close friends don't talk anything like this to each other." Seriously, think of how you talk to your best friends in private, then compare it to this book. In addition, there was always that odd feeling of unneeded exposition, as if the characters were talking half to each other and half to the reader. It was unfortunate, especially in contrast to how slick and fast-moving and just plain awesome a lot of the other writing was.

All in all, this was a fun, kinetic read...with a few holes in it. It builds, it explodes, and the ending is really good. If half-stars were allowed, this would have been a 3 1/2. Good stuff.

Also, here are my (spoiler-free, suitable as previews) reviews of the second and third books in the series, if you enjoyed this one!
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,964 reviews33.8k followers
April 7, 2023
6/21 Re-reading...

Thank the Lord Ruler I finally crawled out from whatever rock I was living under and finally decided to read this book.









I have been telling myself for years that I should try and branch out from just romance, paranormal romance, UF romance, sci-fi alien smut and the occasional murder mystery or biography (not that there is a damn thing wrong with my beloved romance, but just to challenge myself to try something new) and attempt to tackle a straight high fantasy.

Well, this book was my first true foray into that genre and all I can say is...




Jay kay, peeps, jay kay.

Just making sure I live down to your expectations. *wink*

In all sincerity though, this book was everything and I truly don't know why I waited so long to tackle this genre.

Comic/Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies are my all time FAVORITE movie genres.

And this book felt like I was locked in one of them.
Like I was in a theater watching an epic fantasy film.


Because we ALL know the book is always better.

Brandon Sanderson is now a front runner in the Val's Spirit Animal Games and I just want to sit across from him at a pub table and watch him breathe.

His world building is so amazing, I can't even.
I was enthralled from page one until page end.

This is an older book and and I'm late to the fiesta, so I'll stop there; but long story short, I loved this thing so hard I might sleep with it under my pillow for a while.

And the best part?

There are now aisles of books at the bookstore that I feel have suddenly been opened to me.

AISLES, people.

So glad I tried something new.
I feel so mature.


Three cheers for Garth.
December 30, 2015
Sometimes, I revisit a book I had loved ages ago, only to tell myself "What the actual fuck was I thinking?! This book is crap!!!!! Oh young Khanh, you were so dumb :("

Thankfully, this was absolutely NOT the case for this book. I appreciated it much more the second time around. It could be that it just took time for me to appreciate the book. Or maybe it just glows in comparison to all the crap I had been reading (2.5 average rating last year, baby!). Either way, I ain't complaining!

First, the bad, because I'm that sort of person. Sanderson is a good writer, not a great one. The world he has built is magical, his words are not. Sanderson's writing is simple, readable. Perhaps too simple. I appreciate the fact that there is no purple prose, but sometimes, a story is woven through the magic of words, and Sanderson's writing is simply too plain for me.

On the other hand, damn, he's verbose. This is a huge-ass book, people. I mean, I get it. The book is tremendously grand in scope, the story is complex, and will only get more complicated as the series wears on, but I find myself wearying of reading, which is a sad thing for any reader to realize.

Now, the good. First, LOW ON ROMANCE, BITCHES! CAN I GET A FUCK, YEAH? Sanderson, I feel, is so respectful to his female characters. They are strong, resourceful, independent. They can get by without a man. The women in his book have to earn their stripes. There's no getting by on beauty and flirtation here. Wit and cunning is a much safer bet than the size of a female character's tits.

The world building is tremendous. The magic of Allomancy is just so fucking awesome, and so well-described. World building, the myth and magic surrounding any high fantasy is so crucial, and Sanderson did a tremendous job.

Yes, it's a long-ass book, and the writing isn't as spectacular as some (Guy Gavriel Kay), but on the other hand, this book is eminently readable, with a limited amount of meandering (unlike Guy Gavriel Kay).
Profile Image for Mark Lawrence.
Author 66 books54.2k followers
September 19, 2024
This was an odd one for me. I've seen an enormous number of opinions about Sanderson's books on the fantasy forums I hang out on, the great majority favourable. I was interested to see what it was that had sold so very many books and got such an incredibly high average score on Goodreads.

The opening was strong and engaging. Then I started to falter. For most of the book I didn't think that I would be giving it 5*. I started to worry that I might have a legion of Sanderfans on my case :o

I think I am too much of a scientist for the magic system not to jar against me. I liked the complexity, and the effects, and the ways it was used were cunning, clever, and ingenious. But the ingredients and the execution fill me with unanswered questions.

And for much of the middle section I was struggling through all the balls and house politics, having a hard time caring.

And the plans felt flimsy and dubious...


But, the last hundred and fifty pages were a huge payoff and I really liked all the twists and turns. Also the action scenes were great, and the tension was kept high, nobody felt safe, the reveals kept coming ... it was all really well done and I had a blast with it.

I've heard it said that Sanderson's biggest strength is plotting, and yes, the plot unwound splendidly.

The reading experience and writing put me in mind of Brent Weeks more than any other writer I know.

A really fun read.

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Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews175k followers
February 6, 2015
WOAH. That was a crazy epic adventure full of fantastic characters and action packed madness! It definitely lived up to all the hype for me. :)
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
May 27, 2022
Reread 04/05/22


Allomancy. The mystical power held by the nobility, granted to them by the Lord Ruler some thousand years before as a reward for their loyalty.

Readers have been urging me for years to pick up anything by Brandon Sanderson, and after browsing his books I knew that Mistborn would be the first world I wanted to enter. Opportunity arose, and I was able to read this along with two other Goodreads friends, which made for a much more exciting experience than if I had gone it alone. We were able to bounce ideas off of each other, chat about theories we had, and see where we were right and where we were completely wrong. The latter is where we mostly fell. ;)

I'm at a loss for words at how perfectly this book and I fit together; the only way I can think of explaining is that, upon finishing The Final Empire, I found myself questioning the validity of most of my previous 5 star reads. How could I possibly place them in the same category as this? I understand it won't be for everyone; the pacing is slow throughout a majority of the book and it's long by many readers' standards. I felt the hilarious banter between the characters relieved a bit of the slowness, but I also found that I loved the steady, detailed world building. The immaculate secondary detailing is what really set this apart from other adult fantasies I have read, and I can't wait to continue on and see where Sanderson takes us. I don't really have much else to say, as I've jumped on the bandwagon late in the game, so I thought I would close with my favorite (spoiler-free) quotes that I marked along the way.

If men read these words, let them know that power is a heavy burden. Seek not to be bound by it's chains.

"Every action we take has consequences, Vin. I've found that in both Allomancy and life, the person who can best judge the consequences of their actions will be the most successful."

The Hero of Ages shall be not a man, but a force. No nation may claim him, no woman shall keep him, and no king may slay him. He shall belong to none, not even himself.

Belief isn't simply a thing for fair times and bright days, I think. What is belief-what is faith-if you don't continue in after failure?

Buddy read with Bentley and Scrill ! 😍❤️
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
July 10, 2021
wow. okay. this is probably the last book i thought would make me cry…

the first 80% of this was a pretty solid 4 star read for me. there are some really great characters, a plot i could totally get behind, some interesting court dynamics, and awesome world building. but then the last 20%. my gosh. the last 20%. there were watery eyes and some sniffles, feelings of pride and moments of excitement, some losses that shook me and some triumphs that gave me hope again. its phenomenal.

and its been such a long time since ive read a BS book that i forgot this kind of storytelling is totally his MO - a pretty steady-going narrative until an explosion of the ending.

and im actually surprised this ended up being a series because everything is wrapped up pretty nicely. but that makes this is a great book for readers who might be a bit intimidated by the length and content of these books/series, because you can pick up this one without any fear of a cliffhanger or sense of unfinished plot.

but im beyond obsessed with elend, so catch me picking up the sequel so i can spend more time with him. hehe.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,602 reviews11k followers
September 16, 2021


I'm sitting here in shock after reading this book. I have to admit that I cried, I didn't see that ending coming. Brandon Sanderson has done it again. This is only my second book I have read of his and they both have blown me away.

I loved all of the "good" characters in the book. Each one of them have an endearing quality. My favorites being Kell, Vin and Sazed. It took me a little bit to understand the Allomancy, but it finally started to make sense and there is a little chart in the back of the book that helps out with that :)

Kelsier (Kell) is a Mistborn and getting an army together to try to take down the Lord Ruler who is the ultimate jerk!! He finds Vin and brings her into his fold. She has no idea she is a Mistborn and she ends up being so much more than that! I love that he took her under his wing and taught her so many things. She caught on very quickly but this is because of what all she really is...no spoiler!

Kell has such a wonderful team. I love them all. There are several that have powers themselves. I really think this story is great at having all of these characters with different things they can do. They all stand out very clearly and the friendship between this team is the best.

The book is full of evil beings, strange beings, war, senseless torture and killings, and the good people trying to make a difference.

I'm still at a loss for a lot of words because of what happens and the feelings that are put into the book. All I can say is I look forward to reading many more Sanderson books!!!

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,283 reviews8,899 followers
March 26, 2018
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

I hate everyone.

You: Everyone who?
Me: Yes.
You: Eh?
Me: Leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it!
You: *backs away slowly*

Are you one of them? Are you? Did you rave about MISTBORN and convince me it was one of the BEST fantasy series ever? You can't believe I haven't already read it--I'm going to LOVE it. Hmm? DID YOU?!

Then you, friend, are whom I hate.

As for you, Mr. Sanderson . . . I TRUSTED YOU.

I collected your clues and gathered your hints like freaking MANNA, and when you did-the-thing, I . . . panicked. But then I thought, no, no, this CANNOT be, he wouldn't do this, and I went back through all my meticulously collected clues and hints and found an explanation. A perfectly. Reasonable. Explanation.

An explanation that made sense.

An explanation that would keep my heart in one piece instead of the shattered, brittle thing it has since become.

An explanation . . . I am forced to conclude . . . you deliberately planted . . . to foster FALSE HOPE.

YOU are the Deepness, Mr. Sanderson. YOU are that which will destroy the world. And YOU will do it GLEEFULLY.

I hate you most of all.

I can't write the review that I want to . . . I can't talk about Sanderson's brilliance as he cultivated my doubt, and how that doubt made the loss so much worse:

Which is exactly what he intended. It was so masterfully done, it couldn't be an accident.

Why does your manipulation make me admire you so?

Probably b/c (thanks to you) I'm a shadow of myself. <------oh, look at that. You probably PLANNED THAT TOO.

The world of the Mistborn is not a pleasant place.

There's always a downtrodden servant class in a Sanderson series, but this world's version is particularly bleak.

Ash falls like rain from the sky, supplying the skaa with a never-ending, yet thankless workload. They're beaten regularly, often resulting in their deaths. A pretty daughter is a curse rather than a blessing, b/c not only will the Master feel obliged to have his way with her, but when he gets bored, she'll be killed.

Halfbreeds are to be avoided, you see.

The nobility is sometimes blessed with magic. Magic which passes genetically to offspring, and we can't allow the peasants to gain that kind of power, can we?

*twirls mustache*

Enter Kelsier. *fireworks*

In the city where corruption among the nobility chokes the air almost as much as the ashfall, some skaa thumb their noses at the system.

They form street gangs and steal whatever they can from those who would enslave them, existing in a cutthroat world by embracing a cutthroat mentality.

Most of the gangs are comprised of ordinary skaa, but a few are different, more organized crews than low-level thieves . . . They take bigger jobs, they are the royals of the petty crooks, they are the Mistings.

And in a few extremely rare cases, they are the Mistborn.

Not every halfbreed life is snuffed out before it can begin . . .

And Kelsier is the greatest of them all.

Among the common criminals, he is legend:

“That’s where he got those scars, you know,” Disten said. “The ones on his arms. He got them at the Pits, from the rocks on a sheer wall he had to climb to escape.”
Harmon snorted. “That’s not how he got them. He killed an Inquisitor while escaping—that’s where he got the scars.”
“I heard he got them fighting one of the monsters that guard the Pits,” Ulef said. “He reached into its mouth and strangled it
from the inside. The teeth scraped his arms.”
Disten frowned. “How do you strangle someone from the inside?"

But Kelsier was betrayed, and when he finally escaped the pits that claimed his wife, he was determined to be more than a crew leader. More than a thorn in the Lord Ruler's thigh or a bramble in his path.

And when you think about it, as far as planning goes, there's not much difference between organizing a chancey heist and plotting to overthrow a corrupt ruler who thinks himself a god . . .

One might even suggest that Kelsier is the perfect man to do it . . .

Beyond his suitability for the task, there's something immensely likable about the image of this noble Fagin flipping a coin he keeps to anchor his Allomancy, the ability to metabolize and manipulate metals.

And here's the thing about Sanderson: the man's a genius. Now that I've familiarized myself with him, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop reading his books. Even if I'm not thrilled about the execution, there is always incredible potential in his ideas.

Take the concept for this series: what would happen if the hero meant to save the world . . . failed?

SO. We have servant class con men with flash + an immortal tyrant = Revolution! We have a world in ruin one thousand years after the hero of prophecy failed to save it. Add to that Sanderson's trademark misdirection, and, well . . . Despite my brokenness in the aftermath, how could I not read it? How can you not?

Highly recommended, but only with LOTS of cake (or something stronger) to drown your agony.

PS - this changes nothing. I still hate all of you.

Jessica Signature




BUDDY READ with my peeps in Sanctum of Fantasy .

It's supposed to start tomorrow, but:

*waves at Robin*

My other reviews for this series:

The Well of Ascension (Mistborn, #2)
Profile Image for Brittney Arena.
Author 1 book5,114 followers
June 5, 2017
Oh my gosh. I have tears in my eyes. This was by far one of the best fantasy novels I've ever read.

I don't even know how I'm going to function enough to give this a worthy review. Brandon Sanderson, you have rocked my world.

Seriously, if you want to try a high fantasy but you want to avoid those long/boring/depressing series - give this a go. I'm just going to point out all the things that made this a great read for me - but I'm not going to go into too much detail. I read this book without knowing anything and I suggest others do the same! (Though, I did look at some fan art and HOLY CRAP it looks so cool omg. But beware of spoilers.)

The World Building/Magic System

This book somehow managed to have the most extensive world building and the most creative magic system I've ever read about WHILE keeping me totally invested AND not bored the entire time. Don't get me wrong... there are slower parts and there is A LOT to this world - but Sanderson introduced it in such a way that it only made me feel for the characters the more as he revealed the world. My gosh, it is so well done and it felt real.

I'll admit, I'm a bit of a lazy reader. I was seriously worried I would be confused the entire time because there is a lot to remember about the magic BUT Sanderson does a great job of reminding you what every magical skill/burning metal does each time he brings it up.

So please, don't feel overwhelmed as you start going through this. As long as you get the general idea, you'll be totally fine.

The Characters (get ready for some ridiculous fangirling)

Good gravy. I freaking adored the ENTIRE CAST. Vin is just previous. I was SO connected to her the entire time - I just adore her so much. She's realistic. No special snowflakes here. Kelsier is a flipping genius and I have no words because just... ugh. Also his relationship with Vin was so touching. Okay I'm getting emotional.

ELEND. YASSS ugh. He was adorbs. He and Vin were just... I just.... ugh. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. (My only complaint might be I wished we had spent more time with them alone - developing their relationship.) BUT I knew about him before I started the series so I was just dying for him and Vin to meet... and OMG his intro is the BEST EVER.

Sazed. Holy frick man you are a badass. Marsh? Omigosh.

Don't get me started on the genius villainous tactics Sanderson used with the Lord Ruler.

You guys, these characters feel so real that its scary. Sanderson is a master.


Okay, so I've mentioned it before. It is kinda slow to start - but not a bad slow. There is the perfect amount of development, in my opinion. This is just a long book - and it needs to be with the amount of connection Sanderson is trying to draw. Just go into this expecting a high fantasy - it is NOT a light read.

I don't want to say much about the plot other than it is just brilliant. One things pick up (and they do) - its pretty much non stop until the end. There are some crazy plot twists and I was pretty much freaking out the entire last third of this book. Honestly this first book could be a stand alone- I did not expect so many things to be resolved in this.. but it was SUCH a pleasant surprise.

I'm still sitting here with my jaw open over the ending. This is one of the best endings I've ever read.


So, all this to say- this was an easy five stars. Literal perfection if you're into high fantasy. The writing was perfection. Everything was so detailed and real. WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN MADE INTO A MOVIE.

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Profile Image for Mari.
753 reviews7,020 followers
August 10, 2022
2.5 stars

I almost gave it 3 stars and I feel that once this one settles a bit, it might reach that level. The issue here, you see, is that first 380 pages were nearly painful to get through. The last part? An above average action packed unravelling of events.

The main problem is in Brandon Sanderson's exhausting and repetitive writing. And don't shout, "HIGH FANTASY!" at me because there is a difference between purposefully describing the flora and fauna or laying out expansive world systems and what Sanderson gives us, which is down right repetition. I highlighted an example of this:

Still, they were marvelous. Instead of mundane browns and whites, the cultivated plants were of deeper, more vibrant colors – shades of red, orange, and yellow, with the colors concentrated in their leaves. The groundskeepers had planted them to make intricate, beautiful patterns. Closer to the balcony, exotic trees with colorful, yellow leaves gave shade protected from ashfalls. It was a very mild winter, and most of the trees still held their leaves. The air felt cool, and the resting of branches in the wind were soothing.

Almost soothing enough, in fact, to make Vin forget how annoyed she was.

Think about paragraphs on paragraphs of this kind of simplicity and sameness of language. IT GRATES.

On top of that, Sanderson had this habit of sharing character thoughts when they were completely useless to the scene. Behold:

We'd have to discuss timing, though," Dockson said. "Breeze is right- killing that many obligators in one evening means making a major commitment. It won't take the Inquisitors long to retaliate."

Kelsier nodded.
You're right, Dox. Timing will be vital.

Um, we know timing will be vital because Dox just said that and we know you agree BECAUSE YOU NODDED.

ON TOP OF THAT, there were a lot of plot points that Sanderson just beat over our head. For instance, the main character, Vin, grew up not trusting people, and often thought about the hard knock life lessons her brother Reen taught her. Reen is mentioned 33 times in the first 100 pages and at least 10 of those times, Vin is remembering something he told her with near exact, "Reen had always said," language. Was all that really necessary to establish Vin as an untrusting person? She's already cowering in corners and well, you know, telling us she trusts no one. It was overkill.

Those three things separately might seem minor, but in combination and across hundreds of pages? Struggle bus.

This story is about a long con and sometimes it was so dragged out in getting us to where we were going, in ways that didn't feel necessary to either establish the world or characters or plot. We get the whole plan banged out and presented to us in a few pages and then that plan is repeated time and time again and we approach it at a snail's pace, all the while getting what little character progression we see thrown in our face: "I used to not trust people, but now I kind of do." "I used to be rash and reckless and now I will be... rash and reckless but not that much." (Almost direct quotes.)

As it is, I didn't even feel particularly connected to either the character or the world. To be sure, one of the characters I felt was most sympathetic, It felt off in a way I can't describe better than that.

Vin wasn't my favorite, but that is mostly due to the writing. As I said, within the first 100 pages, I wanted to punch her in the face because she was mostly having conversations in her head with Reen, or whatever. She's of course blessed with super powers the likes of which have never been seen, but she straddles this weird line of not trusting anyone and thrusting herself in places where she isn't always wanted? Like, "I don't trust you BUT YOU MUST TRUST ME AND TAKE ME WITH YOU." Because she's the super special heroine, it works in her favor, but it doesn't work for her impression on me.

Her love interest is established in like three meetings of polite conversation and that's it. I HATED that

I know lots of people go crazy for the magic system, but it left something to be desired for me, probably because of that pesky repetition again. Here's something I wrote to a friend via e-mail about 90 pages in: "I've been on the same five pages about this guy breaking into someone's house for like an hour now. It feels like I'm reading someone's mediocre fan fiction intercut with instructions for a chemical reaction." GOOD JOB, ME. ACCURATE.

It seems that Sanderson dedicated so much time to the Allomancy and the feudal system, but that doesn't actually mean he answered many of our burning questions. It seems like things were open to be addressed in the next book or two (why does it rain ash? why is the sun red? why does allomancy exist? why why why why?) and that's all well and good, but does that mean you spent hundreds of pages setting this up ONLY TO DIRECT US TO THE NEXT SET OF HUNDREDS OF PAGES FOR ANSWERS? WHHHHYYY?

Admittedly, it picked up so much at the end as the plan unravels and comes to a head. I suppose Sanderson excels at action scenes and I gobbled up the last portion of it with a speed I hadn't known since basically page 1. I wonder if maybe the high note it leaves you off on helps mask the tedium of the beginning. I mean, it worked on me! I'm considering giving this 3 stars now!

In the end, though, I don't think that ending is enough to make up for the slog we had to get through. Lot of people told me to hang in there because it got better and while I appreciate that, it must at least be acknowledged that that's a problem! You shouldn't have to ENDURE more than half a book for a sprinkling of payoff at the end.

I'm unsure if I'll continue with this series, mostly since I'd like to spare my friends the Twitter ranting.
Profile Image for Kogiopsis.
793 reviews1,597 followers
June 11, 2011
Note to self: You are no longer allowed to bring books this good on family road trips. It makes you antisocial. You ignore the great views outside the car. You resent being torn away from the book to spend time with family, and when you are you babble incessantly about how awesome it is and how everyone would like it and how cool the magic is and how great the characters and on and on and on until your family is probably sick of you. And then, even after an eight-mile hike in the desert when you're covered in sweat and dirt, you let your sister have first shower so you'd have more reading time. You even considered skipping dinner to finish it! This is the kind of book that stays at home in future, where you can sit and read all day and not be bothered.

And now for the rest of you - all the above is true. For the few days I was reading it, this book did its level best to take over my life. It was addicting. I craved it like chocolate, and not being able to read was hard to deal with.

I would expect nothing less from the man chosen to finish the Wheel of Time, or from a contributor to Writing Excuses, the podcast that got me into podcasts. I went into Mistborn ready to be impressed, but that's not what happened. I wasn't impressed. I was wowed. Blown away. Astounded. Engrossed. Shocked. Thrilled. And filled with a sense of loss when it was over.

This is not a good book, my friends.

This is a great book.

This is what fantasy needs.

As far as the genre is concerned, this book - this series - this author - is the Hero of Ages.

Thank goodness for Brandon Sanderson. Thank goodness for a writer with such a depth of imagination; for the wildly creative systems of magic he creates; for his vivid and haunting settings; for his masterful plotting and artful twists which are, always, "surprising but inevitable". Thank goodness for a male writer who makes his female main character strong, but not in a masculine way. Vin is seriously amazing. So is the rest of the cast - my one objection is that there aren't any other women in significant roles, but maybe that'll change in later books.

And the writing! I know from Writing Excuses that Sanderson has never wanted to be anything but an author, and that he spent years working as a hotel clerk so he had time to write, and that he had completed numerous novels before he managed to sell one. It shows. The language is almost entirely flowing and clear, suffering only occasionally from an over-use of commas. (One after every 'but' is a bit much.) More authors should learn to write like this. More authors should practice writing the way he has.

Normally I find more to say about books I like, but this time I'm too impressed. Sanderson has amazed me beyond anything I expected. I can't wait to read The Well Of Ascension.
Profile Image for Chris  Haught.
589 reviews235 followers
November 23, 2015
It reminds me of Ocean's Eleven meets The Italian Job, but set in Mordor after Sauron has ruled for 1000 years or so. In many fantasy stories, a dark lord is rising and it is up to our heroes to defeat him before that happens. In this, the Dark Lord is already set in place as the status quo and the heroes have to motivate others to want a change.....Yet there is a noble class of The Lord Ruler's flunkies who will need to be scammed and robbed along the way, to finance this big revolt.....I love it...

The pace, style, and grand-heist-scheme-in-a-fantasy-setting plot remind me of Michael J. Sullivan's The Crown Conspiracy while the characters and rags-to-revolutionary story make me think of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Certainly a great blending, as both of these were recent 5-star reviews for me....

Okay, now I've finished it. All I can say is WOW. Why did I wait so long to read this? I must read the other two books in the series very soon.......
Profile Image for Hannah Azerang.
141 reviews109k followers
May 18, 2016
This was everything I could have asked for out of a fantasy novel and more! It was perfection, I am obsessed.

Excuse me while I go and devour the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews777 followers
November 4, 2022
"I don't know a lot about kandra."

When I usually begin a book, no matter what kind it is, I crank my expectations up to the maximum level possible. Obviously this habit, more often than not, ends up a monumentally stupid one since it is a guaranteed way to be disappointed when you are believing all that hype diving in. To be fair, I do a fair amount of background research before start reading, but with opinions on books being almost always highly subjective, it not easy to pick the correct ones. My journey in to Brandon Sanderson's work started exactly this way: full of positive expectations but still apprehensive about the 'mysterious mists' swirling around. I was so nervous about starting this, or not having my taste in Epic Fantasy good enough to truly appreciate the work, or even where to begin it all. Well, it looks like all the worrying was for nothing! And all the hype is well deserved!!

"It always pays to stay near the Smoker."

To the uninitiated, like me, Cosmere could appear quite overwhelming, especially if you're a 'completionist' kind of reader hoping to get everything right. However, I was lucky enough to have two super-fans of Sanderson among my GR friends, who were very kind to help me not with just where to start, but with a few alternative ways to continue the entire journey depending on how I enjoyed the books. So Mel and Anna, thank you again for everything! And if anyone is looking to start Sanderson, look no further than the second comment here where you'll find the best possible path.

"Pure knowledge is not the equivalent of skill."

So moving on to the actual review... The only time I've been this happy with the world building of an Epic Fantasy was when I was reading Bardugo's Six of Crows where I enjoyed every little detail about Ketterdam. The Final Empire brings a massive, vivid, and detailed world which captivated me effortlessly from page one. Honestly, the world building alone could tempt most readers to give a perfect rating to the book, for, as dark and gloomy as it is, this is a place where one could fictionally reside indefinitely. In my opinion, it's somewhat rare for the modern fantasy to have such imaginative, but at the same time logical, believable and fictionally habitable world building. I shouldn't be surprised given how much Sanderson is known for 'epic' epic world building, but I still am.

"When you get to be my age, you have to be very careful where you waste your energy. Some battles just aren't worth fighting."

Then there were the characters. Had there ever been a better gang of characters having intriguing and contrasting traits but at the same sharing a strange harmony between them to make them complement each other? I know I haven't read a ton of fantasy yet to consider myself an expert, but the only time I could recall having enjoy such a band was with Tolkien's work. Planning and scheming wasn't that mind-blowing to be honest, but it was the characters that made the difference. I was a little shocked at the end from something that happened out of nowhere, but I guess it was a sacrifice made for the sake of preserving realism. It also helped Sanderson came up with a cunning way to make the plot more diabolical while partially appeasing the reader.

"Men rarely see their own actions as unjustified."

Moving on to the plot and magical system. I'm not saying either of world building, character development, plot, or magical system is clearly ahead of the rest, for everything seemed up to the same standard. Nonetheless, if I had to pick a winner, it would be the magical system (and the plot). I know those are two things, but for me, they were closely woven together, probably due to the fact that this was my first Sanderson book: understanding bits and pieces of the magical system felt like a major part of the story... though this might change during a future re-read. As I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to those detailed sci-fi stuff, I really enjoyed the Allomantic theory parts and how the author came up with different concepts to build different connections. I hope I haven't seen the last of the system being augmented.

"I can't believe people read books this big."

Looking at the length of the book, I had initially assumed the story would be having a moderate or a slow pace. Thankfully, that was not the case. Book was divided in to several main parts, sometimes making relatively long time jumps from one to another, allowing certain events to take place in the background. This in turn made the pace much higher than it would've been otherwise. Hard to believe how the author had managed to come up with this many non-stop sequences of events for a book this long. It was so immersive that I've completely forgotten how long this was while reading. And I loved those teaser bits at the beginning of each chapter too. They added another dimension of mystery to the flow from a completely different time line, not to mention Sanderson managing to bring the two together towards the end masterfully.

"That's a stunning dress. It's almost as beautiful as you are."

Now for the complaints... well, there aren't any, major or minor, perhaps with one tiny little thing I would've been happier to see handled differently: the romance bits of Vin with, well I'll stop at saying another character I'd refrain from naming to make this spoiler free. I didn't like the way how Vin's character suddenly switched from completely logical and safe to obvious kind of romantic. But then again, considering that's how it is usually with love, may be I shouldn't be too critical.

"The trick is never to stop looking. There's always another secret."

Like I mentioned before, The Final Empire marks my starting point to Sanderson journey. Obviously it's too early to compare with other books as alternative entry points, but I'm really glad I got the recommendation to start here: I'm completely hooked after one book, and cannot wait to see where Cosmere would take me, with an immediate jump to Well of Ascension.

"New tastes are like new ideas, young man - the older you get, the more difficult they are for you to stomach."

"You still have some things to learn about friendship, Vin. I hope someday you realize what they are."
Profile Image for carol. (not getting notifications).
1,672 reviews9,178 followers
April 10, 2017
Reading Mistborn felt strangely similar to watching a big-budget Hollywood action movie. Don’t get me wrong; I probably watch more action movies than any other kind. It is just that I associate them with generally iconic characterization, streamlined storytelling and a certain lack of emotional complexity. Although that may sound negative, it doesn’t have to be. Action movies are ideal for mindless fun and escapism. Personally, I also find them well-suited to exercising on the elliptical, their plot tension and violence adding inspiration for my own exertion. Besides, it’s hard to hear dialogue over the fan.

The aspect of action movies that tends to annoy (sometimes even when done well) is the emotional manipulation of the viewer, who is usually given only one interpretation about the plot or characters. Good comes with a capital ‘G’ and the Bad Guys are usually sneering. When I finished Mistborn, my reaction was strangely similar to watching an action flick: satisfaction with resolution of a fast-paced ending and a quickly fading impression of a genre book.

This was my gut feeling, but having no clear detail I could point to, I went looking across the internet for insight into Sanderson’s writing. What I discovered is that he writes a great deal about writing, even to the extent of creating ‘laws’ about how to write well (he explains these as guidelines for self, not necessarily for others). To wit:

Sanderson’s First Law is that “An author’s ability to solve conflict satisfactorily with magic is directly proportional to how well the reader understands said magic.” (Post, “Sanderson’s First Law“.

Sanderson’s Second Law is “Limitations > Powers“and the Third Law is that a writer should “Expand what you already have before you add something new.”

Suddenly, my reading experience made sense. I wasn’t particularly engaged in the emotion of the books, but rather the resolution of plotting in a well-realized world. Would Vin join the resistance or wouldn’t she? But because Sanderson operates so consistently along archetypical lines, the conclusion was forgone; what remained was discovering the details getting there. Like Terry Brooks��� Sword of Shannara, evil is Destined to Fail, along with Selfishness for Personal Glory. But don’t worry–Selflessness will be Rewarded.

The responses of other enthusiastic readers also made sense in context of story type. Sanderson’s insistence on a well-structured magical system and his process of building it into the story is key for many of his readers. If you note anything in common in Sanderson reviews, it is that readers almost uniformly praise the thoughtful completeness of the magical system. Furthermore, I suspect that is the detail of his world-building also makes his fantasy accessible for a wide variety of readers.

So, specifics. Characters remain iconic. The removed mentor who guides a group. His estranged brother. The orphan with suspiciously strong powers. A book-reading noble who realizes the system is unfair but is unable to act. That said, the detail surrounding each was done well enough that they didn’t feel overly simplified. Vin, the heroine, was by far my favorite character and the most thoroughly fleshed out, but she tested my patience (or more specifically, Sanderson did) with reinforcing her wariness with every action for the first third of the book, and then her evolution from ugly duckling to society swan in the second third.

Plotting was acceptable. A slow start to guarantee through world-building, it started to take better shape when Vin and Kelsier meet. While the plot largely revolves around Vin’s growth, it is also a little bit of a heist-type alliance, which does strange things to the pacing. The heist, for instance, takes months to build as they ‘get people into place,’ which includes inserting Vin into high society. Given the length of time it takes, it is surprising there aren’t more contingency plans for when things start to go wrong (as they do, in almost every instance).

I find myself contemplating my own laws of reading (subject to be broken at any time): #1: Interesting language will keep your reader returning.
#2: Well-developed characters will keep your readers interested even when plotting doesn’t.

There wasn’t a lot of emotional complexity for me in the characterization or the plotting. Language was middle of the road, occasionally soaring, and occasionally bordering on repetitive. Personally, I’ve been reading fantasy long enough that I look for language, characterization and ideas as much as plotting when I’m evaluating books. Honestly, it feels a little mechanical and a little too deliberate–like Sanderson took his magical idea, coupled it with a couple of archetypical myths, padded it with standard genre expectations, and expected accolades. While it may make a blockbuster, it doesn’t quite work–more elliptical-worthy than personal library-worthy.

Links, etc at my blog: https://clsiewert.wordpress.com/2013/...
Profile Image for Katerina.
423 reviews17.3k followers
October 1, 2018
Absolutely brilliant.

Re-reads are a tough decision. There is a high chance you won't find the book as good as you thought it was all those years ago, that you will be disappointed and left with a bitter taste in your mouth, that the glass tower that protects your relationship with said book will be shattered. Re-reads can be intimidating. But that was not the case with The Final Empire. Although it sounds improbable, I appreciated it even more the second time around.

He was supposed to save them.
He was the Hero to kill the mysterious force known as the Deepness. But instead of saving mankind, He became its greatest oppressor. The Lord Ruler founded the Final Empire, dividing the population between nobles and skaa. He created the Steel Inquisitors, terrifying beings that instill His will and kill with no reservations. He destroyed what was beautiful and pure.

Dust and ash were falling from the sky.
For a thousand years, His rule was firm. Any attempts at resistance were drowned in blood. The skaa were slaves, they were beaten, raped, murdered like animals, while the nobles fought their petty wars for power.

They came with the mist.
Allomancy, the inherent ability that allows the Allomancer to burn specific metals, offering powers that can enhance physical and mental capacities, was considered a privilege belonging to nobility. But mistakes happen. Vin, the street rat, is one of them. Her life consisted of stealing and hiding, until she crossed paths with an elite group of outlaws who were hired by the Resistance with one purpose: overthrow the Final Empire. With arrogant and reckless Kelsier as their leader, this bizarre gang adopts Vin, showing her a world where friendship is a reality and not an illusion, where her opinion matters, where she matters. And Kelsier teaches her how to harvest her powers. How to be a Mistborn.
“There's always another secret.”

The Final Empire is an outstanding work of a master storyteller; in this epic saga of betrayal, intrigue, resistance and survival, Brandon Sanderson, like a Tineye, increases the physical senses: in filthy, dim-lit alleys, you smell the despair, you hear the moans, you see the wretchedness, while in majestic ballrooms, you smell the perfumed bodies, you hear the gossip, you see the extravagant beauty that ignores the suffering that unfolds right outside. Like a Rioter, he enflames emotions: fear, worry, disgust, bravery, love, hope, utter, devastating heartache. With the mists engulfing your body, and the ash covering your clothes, you become a part of this ingenious, widely imaginative and strangely emotional story, and you realize with awe and admiration that Brandon Sanderson is the Lord Ruler of Fantasy.
“But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.”

Alternating between the headquarters of the gang, the skaa slums and the luscious estates of the noble houses, the setting was dreary and colourful at the same time. There was a delicate balance between the two worlds, and just like Vin, you tiptoed around them both, without belonging to one of them exclusively. The storyline was full of plans, plots, schemes, secrets and blood; while Brandon Sanderson excelled at one of my favorite plot devices, the infiltrate-the-ranks-of-nobility one, I was also highly invested in Vin's training, the espionage and the murders, the success and failures of the rebels. I was there the whole time, rooting, cheering.
The depiction of the most intricate and creative magic system I have ever encountered was, as expected, meticulous; the rules and restrictions of Allomancy, the dreadful order of the Inquisitors, the origins of the Lord Ruler, while they seemed confusing, they were elaborately crafted. But even though one would expect that the magic system would be the scene stealer, there was another force to be reckoned: the characters and their dynamics.
“Our best efforts were never even a mild annoyance to the Lord Ruler.”
“Ah, but being an annoyance is something that I am very good at. In fact, I'm far more than just a 'mild' annoyance--people tell me I can be downright frustrating. Might as well use this talent for the cause of good, eh?”

Kelsier, Vin, Ham, Breeze, Marsh, Dockson, they fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. Each of them added something different to the team, they complemented each other, frustrated each other, doubted each other, but they were a family nonetheless; a funny, loud, devoted family. Kelsier and his genious-borderline-crazy-and-suicidal-plans was the glue that brought them together, the fuel that kept them going. His humor, his arrogance, his hatred, his recklessness and his deep belief that he could change the world when everyone else had failed, marked him as one of the most exceptional characters out there; the way he cracked Vin's walls, the way he taught her not only Allomancy but also how to trust people and care for them was heartwarming, infused with mirth and affection. Vin was also extraordinary, her development happened in so many levels, she was multi-layered and accepted the different aspects of herself, from the scared girl that was beaten every two nights she became a Mistborn, a lady, a friend and a daughter. And let us not forget how endearing Elend Venture was. I just want to keep him safe and cuddle him for the rest of eternity, he's so precious.
“Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.”

Dear reader, I can't recommend The Final Empire highly enough. Please, grab a copy and food supplies for a couple of days, turn off your phone, keep the tissues nearby, and let Kelsier and Vin guide you to the city of Luthadel. Don't be afraid of the mists; just let them in.

You can find this review on BookNest!
Profile Image for Anne.
4,389 reviews70.2k followers
November 9, 2022
Alright. So in this (very beloved) fantasy series, there is a group of special folks who eat and then internally burn metal.


They can do all kinds of neat-o shit with the different metals, including gaining strength, speed, better senses...you know the sort of stuff superheroes have.


Except this is fantasy, so instead of superheroes you have Allomancers. And instead of a supervillain, you have an evil, immortal emperor with god-like powers.


Ok and this is sort of a heist story because you have this group of con men (and women) who have been hired by the rebellion to help them take down the Final Empire.


But there is SO MUCH MORE to this than just a generic takeover story. This is really a very full fleshed-out world, with prophecies, magic, and all kinds of different beings inhabiting it.
And a lot of them are more than they seem.


The Mistborn series has been recommended to me over and over and over and over again by practically every one of my friends who love this genre. I guess the whole reason I put it off was the whole getting superpowers through imbibing metal thing. It sort of threw me off. To be honest, it still does. There's this weird part of me that just can't turn off the Mom Voice in my head saying, "Don't eat that! You'll get sick!", and it makes me slightly queasy to read about them guzzle something that would under normal circumstances require a speedy trip to the emergency room.


Point is, don't let flashbacks of an ambulance ride stop you from grabbing this.
The characters and plot are both pretty unique, and once I settled in and started to get the gist of what was happening and how this world worked I enjoyed reading this quite a bit.
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,246 reviews101k followers
April 8, 2024
Well, for starters, this was the best prologue of any book I've ever read.

This story has two very predominate social classes in this book; The nobility and the slaves. The Lord Ruler is the "God" of this world, and his corrupt government is The Final Empire. The Final Empire is filled with "Inquisitors" which are men selected by The Lord Ruler and then remade into things that are more powerful and stronger than any normal man or woman. Plus, they have really creepy spikes going through their head, chest, and back. The Lord Ruler rents Skaa citizens out as slaves to the wealthy nobles, while the other prisoners are forced to work and die in his mines. The Lord Ruler is also very strict with the sexual reproduction of mixed classes/breeds, so most nobles will kill the Skaa women they've been intimate with shortly after. They are obviously being mistreated, and you soon find out that many are behind a rebellion that might actually stand a chance at doing something about this world's oppression.

Oh, and the world is constantly raining ash (and mist at night), causing the world to be dark and rather lifeless. There is a frequent conversation about how the old world, before the Lord Ruler's rule, had actual flowers growing from upon the ground and on the fruits. The characters are in awe and disbelief over this. Nothing is green, everything is just grey.

Brandon Sanderson's writing is simple and easy to understand, but you are thrown into a world with a very unique premise. I think he really paves his own path for fantasy, and stays away from regular fantasy tropes. I was a little overwhelmed by the allomantic skills until I was able to write most of them in my notes. What a unique concept though! Burning different elemental metals for different powers was so different, and I loved it. After you finished this book (I have the three ebook bind-up) they give you a neat little chart of the eight basic alloys and a little index of all the jobs. I was so sad I didn't know about this, or that it wasn't at the beginning!

Each chapter begins with a paragraph that feels very significant, but a little out of place. I was so sure it was the main character's journal or diary at first, then I started thinking it was the Lord Ruler. It was such a wonderful little mystery! I can't applaud Brandon Sanderson enough. This minor detail was enough for me to not only want to continue on with this series, but to also branch out to some of his other works.

This book is mostly centered on two nonconventional heroes; the first being Kelsier, who is the hero every world needs. He's selfless and always believes in doing the right thing. And not in the fake, over the top, eye-rolling way, but in an actual "he's a good person" way. He's a skaa, who is in charge of a thieving crew, but this heist (to overthrow the Lord Ruler) might be bigger than anyone expected. He is also famous in this world, for being the only person that has escaped the Lord Ruler's mines, the Pits of Hathsin. Kelsier might get a little discouraged throughout the book, but he never gives up. He shows what ultimate sacrifice truly is. He also proves to Vin that she won't always be abandoned.

The next star of this book is Vin, who is one of the strongest female leads I've read about to date. She starts out as an abandoned little girl form that streets that somehow managed to survive, and then she meets Kelsier. Her growth was absolutely beautiful, and she eventually masters the "I'm a badass who also likes to dress up" role that Celaena in Throne of Glass fails so very hard at. There isn't much romance in this book, but I absolutely devoured the ball/party scenes with Vin and Eldon. I loved watching Vin develop from this scared and hurt child who just sat on the sidelines, into this brave and selfless girl who is becoming a strong woman.

I liked and connected with Vin the entire book, but that very last line - it got to me. I started shedding all these tears, before I even realized how it made me feel. That one simple sentence was just so perfectly placed, and ended up being so powerful.

“And realized that was all she had ever really wanted.”

Vin and Kelsier are both mistborns that use all of the metals in the allomantic chart above. If you can only control one of the basic elements you are just a misting. Both are rare, but mistborns are incredibly rare, and both mostly come from high noble houses. These skills come in very handy in starting a rebellion, and we find out that some mistborns are more powerful than others from their bloodline. We also have mistwraiths, which end up playing a very substantial role among the rest.

Besides Vin, my favorite character was Sazed. Sazed is sort of Vin's steward in this book. He helps get her ready for high society life, while teaching her proper etiquette. He is a Terrisman , who studies and memorizes religions from before the Lord Ruler, so he can one day teach the world all these awesome forgotten religions. Sazed also teaches us about a second magic system, Feruchemy. He was such a compelling character, who won me over so quickly! I feel like his character not only brought together all the puzzle pieces we were missing, but some of his lines like me in awe as well.

“Belief isn’t simply a thing for fair times and bright days, I think. What is belief—what is faith—if you don’t continue in it after failure?”

Since this is my first Brandon Sanderson book, I have no idea who Hoid is or his importance, but I'm guessing he's like a hidden Easter Egg. After I finished this book, I went to YouTube to listen to a couple discussion groups, and they were all freaking out about Chapter 19 and Hoid's appearance. In this chapter, Hoid gives some information to Kelsier that would be rather impressive for a common beggar to know. What I can piece together is that he is a world traveler that is from other Brandon Sanderson books, which doesn't really affect my reading experience, but I figured I'd add it to my review in case it has relevance for one of my followers. Plus, I love Easter Eggs in my books, video-games and movies, so kudos for Brandon Sanderson!

The ending was so, so, so good. Everyone told me going into this series that they only get better, so I cannot wait to start the next, because this one surpassed all of my expectations . I can honestly say I'm fiending for The Well of Ascension. Look at that, full circle, boom!

Also, my friend Markus brought up, in his review, how Allomancy is like the Force powers of the Jedi and he completely blew my mind. I haven't seen any of my other friends make this parallel, so I just had to link his review and gush over how freakin' perfect of an assessment that is.

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Profile Image for Clace .
728 reviews480 followers
May 30, 2024
5 Stars!
Reread#1 ✅

“But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.”

I first read this book 4 years ago and to this I can't write a review that this book deserves.

My journey with Brandon Sanderson started with his first book skyward in a sci-fi/fantasy series and to my surprise I loved it a lot and I gave him another by reading this book.

This book is the definition of an epic fantasy like no book other than Brandon Sandersons or Sarah j maas's tog series can come close to it and I was so shocked when I learned that this was his second book because honestly to write a book so brilliant you need to at least write 4-6 more books to get a grip but he just blew my mind.

He has a way of crafting a world that is so detailed, his books have the perfect world building. For me, when you look at what he has created and how immersive it is, how vast it is, you just want to get in that that book and once you are in it, it refuses to let you go. Like, how this world didn't have a moon and how mists played an important role, How ash fell and the whole transformation. Not only that, this book has one of the most unique magic system known as Allomancy, the way he gave every power a weakness and the thinking that went through it all, I was so mesmerized by it not only that we had Hemalurgy and the band's of mourning which were built around it was also so fucking brilliant. Also, the way it was written was amazing especially the texts that we got at the beginning of each chapters. This book raised my standards so high.

“There's always another secret."

There was a fairly long list of characters and you'd think this book was a plot driven book but nope it was all characters driven with more than enough plot to keep you intrigued a 60/40 situation. We had our MMC Vin who was one of the Skaa the lowest people on the hierarchy on the planet of Scadriel, She is recruited by a man named Kelsier who is on a mission himself which is to overthrow the nobility and the tyrannic lord ruler. Their relationship and their mentorship was so beautifully described from how they met and how close they got through training and talking and how understanding Kelsier was of vin, how Vin looked up to Kelsier was awesome and Kelsier's witty personality but his goal and his passion for it and how he strived for it was so goddamn emotional and if you think that emotional you better grab a tissue box because their backstory is 10x more sad because the way he was able to mask it all beneath a smile. Also when we see a character who is as complex and flawed as Vin is, her backstory is so tragic, her whole upbringing is so traumatizing and the way her character develops within this book and the range of emotions that Brandon explores is amazing.

“Men rarely see their own actions as unjustified.”

We also had side characters who play a vital role in this book but more I'm the following one. One was Elend a Noble ( I love this man so much he is literally me) the way this man was written reminded me of the men Jane Austen writes, he was such a gentleman and kind you don't see these type of people now I also love his intuition and that man reads at balls?? If that's not me then who is it?. We also had docks, ham breeze and Sazed who were a part of Kelsiers team but among them I loved Sazed the most he was a Terrisman and his knowledge was so vast, all the religions that he kept a record in and all the solutions that he had made him such an interesting character, his character also had a tone of mystery within him and you would not expect this from a character that is so open but Brandon is a spider and we are stuck in his web. The side characters do play a vital role and they are explored enough to keep us interested and to keep the plot moving.

“The right belief is like a good cloak, I think. If it fits you well, it keeps you warm and safe. The wrong fit however, can suffocate.”

The plot and the twists. I think the plot is not that complex but rather simple a group of people seeking revenge on the lord ruler but what makes it so mind-blowing are the twists and the magic system which lead to the action sequences. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. loved the action scenes and the twists were not only unpredictable but extremely heartbreaking. Yes, I threw my book at my rooms wall level heartbreaking. Brandon aced everything that was thrown at him and he managed to toss and turn them until they finally became the masterpiece that they are now.

“I think given the choice between loving Mare - betrayal included - and never knowing her, I'd chose love. I risked, and I lost, but the risk was still worth it.”

The romance, Elend and Vin were the main focus and there romance was so good ahhh I think they are in my top 10 favorites because they were so opposite yet so relatable and uff the way they both realized how much they loved each other, how different they were yet how how much similarities they shared and every one of their moments were nothing short of extraordinary.

“And Vin liked solitude. When you're alone, no one can betray you”

Finally, his writing many found the prose to be difficult but for me it was really well written and enjoyable but keep in mind this a rather slow to a medium paced book.

Note: Romance is not the main focus of this book, so do not go into it thinking you will get a hefty serving of it.
Okay so just got to know that we got really close to getting a Mistborn movie but it did not happen 😭💔🖐️ but I also do understand how hard it is to adapt a movie for this book which has a world so vast and crafted with such precision and I honestly believe in Brandon and his decisions. He wrote the book and he knows what's the best for it. A perfect adaptation is what we want and it's what Brandon wants so out interests our the same. If he doesn't agree we don't agree.
Just remembered Brandon announced in his yearly wrap-up that he would be announcing a movie adaptation and ahahah it's in 2 days *hyperventilates* my bets on this book because a movie adaptation can only work for this!
Profile Image for ✨ A ✨ .
442 reviews2,261 followers
September 13, 2021
I'm just-


This being my first time reading a Sanderson book I did not know what to expect. I basically knew nothing about these books, I did not even read the blurb. When a book shocks you with its awesomeness it is always the best experience AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.

He smiled despite the grief he felt at the deaths of his men; he smiled because that was what he did. That was how he proved to the Lord Ruler—and to himself—that he wasn’t beaten.

The Final Empire is a land where the Skaa have been suffering under a thousand year oppression of the nobility and the Lord Ruler. When Kelsier, a man known as the Survivor of Hathsin, his apprentice and a crew of expert skaa thieves are hired by the rebellion to help form an army to overthrow The Final Empire, all hell breaks loose.

Kelsier shook his head. “I decided that I’d see her dream fulfilled. I’d make a world where flowers returned, a world with green plants, a world where no soot fell from the sky….” He trailed off, then sighed. “I know. I’m insane.”
“Actually,” Vin said quietly, “it kind of makes sense. Finally.”

This story's POV alternates primarily between Kelsier and Vin, two Mistborns, who are able to use Allomancy (metal magic).

Vin is adopted into Kelsier's thieving/rebellion crew after almost being caught by the Inquisitors. And because Mistborns, especially Skaa Mistborns, are so rare kelsier decides to train her.

What I loved:
• amazingly smooth story telling
• good world building
• a fantastically intricate magical system
• jaw dropping plot twists
• MC's you'd die for
• a thieving crew you'd kill for
• a love interest who reads at balls!!!

I cannot even explain properly what made this book perfect. Sanderson is such a talented writer, I immediately grew attached to the characters and I was so invested in this story that when I wasn't reading, all I could think about were Vin or Kelsier.


This book, like many adult fantasy books, was slow paced. But not for one second did I find myself bored or uninterested.

I mentioned that I knew nothing before reading this, and that's true, but I was told that this book features a magical system so unique and brilliantly thought out. AND IT WAS! Personally I've always thought that the system that Christopher Paolini uses in the Inheritance Cycle to be one of the most superior systems, and this deserves to be up there with the great ones.

I cannot even count how many times this book has been recommended to me. Okay so you guys were right. I'm still in shock over how much I enjoyed The Final Empire. I just wish I'd picked this up sooner!!


I honestly cannot think of anything I disliked about this book. I'm so excited to continue my journey through the Mistborn universe.

I would not have enjoyed this book as much as I did if I had not buddy read it with Mary. We had the best time swapping notes and theories and we might have even become a tad bit obsessive 😂

Don’t forget the ash because you see a little silk.

My reviews for:

Era One

0.5 (short story): The Eleventh Metal

Book 2: The Well of Ascension
Book 3: The Hero of Ages

Book 3.5: The Secret History

Era Two
Book 4: The Alloy of Law
Book 5: Shadows of Self
Book 6: The Bands of Mourning
Profile Image for oyshik.
265 reviews916 followers
February 3, 2021
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

In the magic-centric Mistborn world, magic systems are based on metals, which are used to grant specific strengths. Sanderson designed a very complex and innovative world, even though that is easy for the readers to understand. It's truly a unique fantasy book. And the tale is far from predictable. The character development, captivating world-building, and complex magic system made the story so unique.
Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.

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