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It is 1919, and while the world celebrates the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, Holmes and Watson are called to a grisly discovery.

A severed hand has been found on the banks of the Thames, a hand belonging to a soldier who supposedly died in the trenches two years previously. But the hand is fresh, and show signs that it was recently amputated. So how has it ended up back in London two years after its owner was killed in France? Warned by Sherlock's brother Mycroft to cease their investigation, and only barely surviving an attack by a superhuman creature, Holmes and Watson begin to suspect a conspiracy at the very heart of the British government...

299 pages, Paperback

First published April 26, 2016

About the author

Cavan Scott

763 books401 followers
is a freelance comic writer and author. He is best known for his work on a variety of spin-offs from both Doctor Who and Star Wars, as well as comics and novels for Vikings, Pacific Rim, Sherlock Holmes, and Penguins of Madagascar.

Cavan Scott, along with Justina Ireland, Claudia Gray, Daniel Jose Older, and Charles Soule are crafting a new era in the Star Wars publishing world called Star Wars: The High Republic. Cavan's contribution to the era is a comic book series released through Marvel Comics titled Star Wars: The High Republic.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 49 reviews
Profile Image for Mary Pagones.
Author 16 books101 followers
February 14, 2020
I read the bulk of this book over the course of a day. It's a fast-moving page-turner that truly leaves the reader wondering "what next" even though it's fairly clear that this will be a variation on the Frankenstein theme early on. I was pleased that the oldest, original creature retains his character from the original book and isn't influenced by the film interpretation that depict him as a fool. I would have liked a bit more in the way of character-based interactions between Holmes and Watson (Watson is a bit testy, especially at the beginning), but the men largely behave true to character. This book boasts an intelligent Watson and a kind, generous, and occasionally frustrating (but always with a purpose) Holmes, which is how it should be.

Highly recommended, especially for those looking for a very adventurous type of pastiche.
Profile Image for Rose.
398 reviews1 follower
August 21, 2016
Man, I really liked this one. It ticks a lot of my pastiche boxes; most especially, that it's set in 1919 (putting it firmly in "His Last Bow" territory, which always delights me). Not enough has been written of Holmes and Watson's adventures in the era of WWI and after, perhaps because Conan Doyle established that Holmes retires and moved to Sussex at the end of his detecting career. But of course, for Holmes, detecting is a calling, not just a profession; and Conan Doyle himself wrote a couple of stories about the Great Detective following the threads of a mystery even after Holmes's retirement. Pastiches featuring an older Holmes and Watson are favorites of mine, and I was thrilled to find one as enjoyable as this.

While there is, as others have noted, a definite sense of science fiction to this read (especially towards the end), this book is a true adventure novel. I don't mean to knock the mystery of the book -- because there is so clearly a mystery, and an engaging one at that -- but there's a lot of chasing and confronting and perilous escapes; it is, indeed, an _adventure_.

That's not to say we don't have plenty of time for character development. I loved watching Watson struggle to decide how much Holmes was still a part of his life, and how much he wanted him to be; I loved watching Holmes struggle to reconcile the known with the unknowable. (Damn, those last two paragraph are crackerjack; I can't remember the last time an ending line so pleased me.) These are real people here, real _friends_, and I loved seeing that friendship so wonderfully displayed.

One especial note: I get frustrated with pastiches and adaptations that portray Sherlock Holmes as flawless. It drives me particularly batty when a story will have Holmes getting physically injured or emotionally bested, only to have him turn around in a few scenes and go, "Oh, ha ha, I wasn't hurt/debilitated/in danger at all! That was all an act, a disguise! It actually fit into my plan all along!! I was in complete control of the situation the whole time!" People seem to forget that Conan Doyle had the Great Detective fail on several notable occasions, and it doesn't seem to occur to writers that having a faultless character who is always two steps ahead of the villain makes for less-than-dramatic reading. How can there be any tension, or indeed any real triumph, if Holmes is always in complete, superhuman control of all aspects of the situation? So I really appreciated Scott's balance here: when Holmes got hurt, he was _hurt_, and if he was still able to rally to continue pursuing the case, it did not undo the stakes because, y'know, the _stakes actually existed_. (This, of course, makes it MORE impressive when Holmes wins the day, because he's doing so against stacked odds. When your hero is in perfect control of every detail the entire time, it's much less impressive, and I appreciate that Scott _got_ that.)

I recommend this one especially to fans of the Downey-and-Law Holmes & Watson duo, because the banter between Scott's Holmes and Watson put me so in mind of the sibling-like friendship between Downey and Law's takes on the characters. I hope this isn't the last Holmesian pastiche from Mr. Scott.
Author 3 books10 followers
November 14, 2021
An enjoyable continuation of the classic series. I wasn't aware but there are a number of authors with Titan Books keeping Holmes and his magnifying glass alive. Anthony Horowitz also contributes through Little, Brown & Co. and Charles Prepolec with Edge Science Fiction.

The style and mood of Patchwork isn't quite in line with the originals, but there will be readers who appreciate Mr. Scott's versions better. Patchwork contains a livelier Holmes - more action and humour in the plots. Devotees of Conan Doyle might find the new installments too modern or flashy. For myself, I'm pleased to have further adventures to jump into.
Profile Image for Alex Boyd.
Author 7 books24 followers
December 4, 2019
It ain't easy to play with the toys created by the giants of literature and manage to look pretty good, but I found lots to appreciate here: a brisk pace, a style that feels like Conan Doyle, and a 1919 setting that allows for some commentary on life after the war, even as the Great War isn't simply used casually for backdrop but portrayed as the appalling loss of life it was. Add to that a bit of a distinct, older and somewhat more sassy Watson narrating the story, and a crossover with another famous genre novel (possibly franchise would be the word) you can probably guess from the title. On top of that, clearly some research went into portraying the setting and the era. This was an excellent diversion laced with some meaning as well, and so thoroughly enjoyable on more than one level.
Profile Image for KIRIAKI(Dominica Amat).
1,487 reviews49 followers
April 4, 2022

...Οπότε προχώρησα με το βιβλίο ''Sherlock Holmes-Ο Δαίμονας με τα πολλά πρόσωπα" (Sherlock Holmes: The Patchwork Devil) του συγγραφέα Cavan Scott (Κέιβαν Σκοτ) που με προ(σ)καλούσε να χ��θώ μέσα στις σελίδες του καί δεν μου επέτρεπε να προβάλλω (όχι πως το ήθελα) καμία αντίσταση... Βλέπετε,ο τίτλος του μου μοιάζει,-χωρίς αυτό να είναι απαραίτητα σωστό-,τόσο σαν μία παράφραση της φράσης που συχνά λέμε ''ο διάβολος έχει πολλά ποδάρια'',αλλά καί σαν μία αλληγορία σχετικά με τα εμπλεκόμενα πρόσωπα καί το πως θα εξελισσόταν η υπόθεση μέσα στις σελίδες του βιβλίου.
Για ακόμη μία φορά ο λόγος δίνεται στον αγαπητό δρ.Γουάτσον. Μόνο που σε αυτό το βιβλίο η υπόθεση είναι πιο περίπλοκη απ'όσο φανταζόμασταν καί λειτουργεί σαν μία άλλη σπαζοκεφαλιά για δυνατούς κι απαιτητικούς λύτες. Θα καταφέρει ο ήρωάς μας να βρει την λύση του μυστηρίου,ή,κάποια πράγματα,εντέλει,είναι αδύνατα ακόμη καί για τον τρανό Σέρλοκ Χολμς; Η ένταση ''χτυπά'' κόκκινο καί η πλοκή μοιάζει σαν ένας λαβύρινθος που ανοίγονται μπροστά μας διάφοροι δρόμοι που ο καθένας,όχι μόνο μας μπερδεύει,αλλά μας οδηγεί σε άλλο μονοπάτι που κατά ένα παράδοξο τρόπο ενώνονται όλα μαζί,προσφέροντάς μας ολοκληρωμένη την εικόνα. Εγώ,-για να είμαι ειλικρινής-,αφέθηκα να με παρασύρουν καί να γίνω κομμάτι της ιστορίας καί γιατί όχι,να μην βοηθήσω με τη σειρά μου στη διαλεύκανση της υπόθεσης.
"Λονδίνο, 1919. Ενώ ο πλανήτης γιορτάζει την υπογραφή της Συνθήκης των Βερσαλλιών, ο Σέρλοκ Χολμς και ο πιστός του φίλος δρ Γουάτσον έρχονται αντιμέτωποι με ένα μακάβριο και ανατριχιαστικό εύρημα. Στις όχθες του Τάμεση εντοπίζεται ένα ανθρώπινο μέλος, το χέρι ενός στρατιώτη ο οποίος φέρεται να έχει χάσει τη ζωή του πριν από δύο χρόνια στη Γαλλία, στα χαρακώματα του Α΄ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Ωστόσο, το ακρωτηριασμένο μέλος μοιάζει να έχει κοπεί πρόσφατα. Πώς είναι λοιπόν δυνατόν να βρέθηκε στο Λονδίνο δύο χρόνια μετά; Ο Σέρλοκ Χολμς και ο δρ Γουάτσον δέχονται πιέσεις από αξιωματούχους της κυβέρνησης προκειμένου να εγκαταλείψουν την έρευνά τους και μπαίνουν στο στόχαστρο ενός επικίνδυνου, φρικιαστικού πλάσματος με υπερφυσικές δυνάμεις. Ο Χολμς και ο φίλος του αρχίζουν να πιστεύουν ότι κάτι πολύ σκοτεινό και επικίνδυνο κρύβεται πίσω από αυτή τη μυστηριώδη υπόθεση…" (Περίληψη οπισθοφύλλου)
Το βιβλίο περιέχει εκείνα τα χαρακτηριστικά που το καθιστούν ευανάγνωστο καί εθιστικό. Ατόφιος,καθαρός λόγος του συγγραφέα,αρκετή δόση αγωνίας,ένταση συναισθημάτων,το στοιχείο της επιστήμης καί της φαντασίας,αλλά καί ένας ύμνος στην αξία καί στη δύναμη της φιλίας καί της πίστης. Ναι,απήλαυσα την ''επαφή'' μου καί με τα δύο βιβλία. 'Ηταν μία καλή αφορμή για να οξυνθεί η σκέψη μου,καθώς καί τα όποια αντανακλαστικά μου. Εγώ,λοιπόν,σας προτρέπω να αναζητήσετε καί να διαβάσετε,όχι μόνο αυτά τα δύο βιβλία,μα καί τα άλλα της σειράς που κυκλοφορούν από τις εκδόσεις Ελληνικά Γράμματα....
Profile Image for Phoenix2.
1,072 reviews110 followers
July 22, 2024
'The Patchwork Devil' is a Sherlock Holmes retelling-universe expending and it combines many stories.

The start of the book was interesting enough, with some mysterious moments and the two friends back together again.

The second half, though it was more action-packed, was kind of boring and didn't vibe well with the rest of the book.
Profile Image for Bailey Marissa.
1,136 reviews58 followers
September 18, 2022
I'm very excited I called who the "special guest" was quickly. I didn't appreciate the animosity between Holmes and the second Mrs. Watson, as most stories are about that these days. While not my favorite pastiche, it's

Recommended 12+ for violence, language, topics due to the special character, and other topics not appropriate for younger readers.
Profile Image for Marc.
32 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2021
A Tier One book for me. Four stars, solid. It would have been five if the ending didn't feel so rushed, with many questions still left unanswered.
Profile Image for Rachelle.
984 reviews10 followers
May 2, 2020
2020 Book Nerd Your Way... book #24
Did not fit an available category for the EBN Challenge.

Great Book! Loved the author's take on Sherlock and Dr. Watson. Then to bring in the Patchwork Devil and the references to Frankenstein. Brilliant!
Profile Image for Melissa.
363 reviews6 followers
September 12, 2017
See my other reviews at Never Enough Books

World War 1 has come and gone, changing the face of history and of science. Holmes and Watson are retired men now, each having gone their separate ways. It is during one of Sherlock’s visits to London however that the two are called back in to action.

A severed hand has been found along the bank of the Thames. Fingerprints show the hand belongs to a young soldier who supposedly died in France – two years earlier. Yet the hand found is fresh and looks as if it were recently amputated. So how did it end up back in England when its owner was killed half a continent away? And what of the strange giant seen following them?

I am always pleased when a book manages to surprise me. Whether it be from how a character acts to a plot twist no one sees coming; I enjoy them all. So I’m sure you can imagine my surprise and delight, dear reader, when I came across a book that is a combination of two of my favorite stories – Sherlock Holmes and Frankenstein.

Just going by the blurb on the back of the book, I already had an inkling that the plot of The Patchwork Devil would likely hint at the original Frankenstein. A person or persons seeking to create life where once there was none, for whatever purpose. So I’m sure you can imagine my surprise (and delight) when during the course of their investigation, Holmes and Watson learn that their main suspect is a descendant of Viktor Frankenstein and has seemingly picked up his work!

Alas, to say much more would be to give away important spoilers so dear reader, I shall have to stop there.

Scott has done admirable work in giving a voice to older Holmes and Watson. There were several moments that had me smiling as the men attempted things that were possible in their younger days only to suffer the consequences and realize getting old is difficult! He also did excellent work with the character of Frankenstein’s monster. Those who read the original book know that he is an eloquent character, well spoken and quite intelligent. Unfortunately the movies (and sometimes books) have cast him as a shambling individual with a childlike intellect. Scott has reminded us that that man was anything but.

If I have any qualms with The Patchwork Devil, it would be how quickly everything was resolved. The whole mystery and bad guy were dealt with in what seemed like a matter of paragraphs. It felt a bit too rushed to my taste.

Other than that, I rather enjoyed this most recent Holmes tale. Readers like myself and those who like a good medical mystery will likely enjoy it as well.
Profile Image for Sarah.
936 reviews
September 27, 2016
I would first like to say thank you for Titan publishing for listing this give away and allow me to read this book

With any characters as famous as Sherlock Holmes there will always be some skepticism over what they will do. I felt to begin with that Scott hadn't quite grasped the Sherlock Holmes that everyone is used to however I was soon proven wrong. Scott pushes the boundaries of what a Sherlock novel would usually entail whilst retaining the traditional characters see in Arthur Conan Doyle's work. Whilst I enjoyed this more unconventional plot I am not sure whether this would appeal to everyone, never the less I would encourage any fans of the original books to take a look at this book
Profile Image for Richard Rogers.
Author 5 books11 followers
April 21, 2023
This modern Sherlock Holmes novel, set at the end of WWI with an older Watson and Holmes, does a great job of telling an entertaining, creative story while remaining true to the original stories in all the ways that matter to me. I enjoyed it a lot, and feel like it invites in new readers while doing no harm to the canonical stories or their legacy.

Although I've read many twists on Sherlock Holmes (alternate settings, gender-swapped characters, fantasy versions, comedic versions), I have pretty much avoided books purporting to be based on the original or staying close to canon. Not sure why. Afraid to be disappointed, maybe? I wasn't. Or maybe I thought it'd be boring. Wrong again. While there is some updating here, primarily in order to suit a modern reader's expectations, the language, pacing, characterization, and style are very consistent with the originals. The story-telling is balanced, with decent attention paid to characterization without slowing down the action or the sleuthing. I wouldn't say it might have been written by Arthur Conan Doyle, but I will say he might have liked it. I did, anyway.

So it works, IMO, not only as a continuation of the Sherlock tradition but as a fast-paced mystery novel in its own right. I see now I shoulda tried these earlier.

This title mixes Holmes with a bit of Frankenstein in a credible way. A recently severed hand is located and identified as belonging to a man dead several years. It kicks off an excellent mystery, and there are lots of bad guys to create chaos while Sherlock and Watson try to do as older men what they had accomplished so often when younger. With an emotionally and intellectually satisfying ending, I have no notes. Now I'm judging I probably should have given it all 5 stars.

Recommended for Sherlock fans as well as fans of historical mysteries.
Profile Image for Kirinna.
66 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2024
Diese spezielle Sherlock Pastiche-Serie bekommt bei mir durch die Bank weg gute Wertungen (4-5 Sterne) und das hier ist keine Ausnahme.

Ein "Retelling" bzw. eher eine Fortsetzung des Frankenstein Klassikers und sehr spannend, Watson und Holmes werden hier durchgängig bedroht, verprügelt, beinahe angezündet, etc. bis zum starken Showdown. Ich fand vorallem die Sicht auf die Kreationen "Frankensteins" spannend, sie sind nicht alle gleich und ich hätte gerne noch mehr von ihnen gesehen. Man kann es gut mit "Sherlock Holmes: Die Armee des Dr. Moreau" vergleichen, aber das hat mir sogar noch ein Stückchen besser gefallen.
Das einzige was mich gestört hat, war das Watson hier charakteruntypisch eher nachlässig mit seiner Frau umgeht und das der Showdown ein bisschen zu schnell vorbei ist für dieses tollte Setting
Profile Image for Mabji.
72 reviews
April 9, 2018
Und wieder ein extrem spannender Sherlock-Fall!
Es scheint fast, als könnte man mit den Titan Books - Reihen einfach nichts falsch machen.
Besonders mag ich dsa halboffene Ende, ist das Monster nun tod? Und wurde das andere zum Leben erweckt? Liegen sie möglicherweise beide bei vollem Bewusstsein am Grund des Meeres?
Wer weiß?
Die Bezeihung von John und Sherlock kam gut rüber und auch Johns zweite Frau hat eine passende Rolle gespielt, auch wenn es mich milde irritiert, dass man ihren Namen nicht erfährt.

240 reviews4 followers
June 14, 2017
Probably the best of the new Holmes stories issued by Titan Books. Holmes and Watson in their 60's solve a mystery that involves World War I, Mycroft Holmes, Watson's second wife, and mysterious creatures or persons who may or may not be artificially created. The plot is skillfully crafted up to the end -- then it splits apart with a perfunctory conclusion that does not sufficiently explain and resolve itself.
Profile Image for Claire Q.
247 reviews4 followers
March 6, 2022
I really loved the first 150 pages of this, but did not like the ending. To be fair, supernatural cases are not my favorite. I wish there had been more tie in at the end with the bone growth disease - I feel like that plot thread got lost as the supernatural Frankenstein element was introduced. I'd rather it have been about a scientist trying to help her nephew in an unfortunately twisted way, rather than bringing in the Frankenstein plot 'twist'.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gilbert G..
293 reviews4 followers
May 25, 2024
I am a big fan of the authors that have permission to write books in the style of Arthur Conan Doyle.
This book will certainly be on my like books. There are surprises and some pretty weird stuff! I’m sure that you have heard of Dr. Frankenstein, not much more to say about Cavan Scott’s book. Hmmmm, I will say no more except that this book is a fun read with pretty strange happenings! Read in Friends👍👍
Profile Image for Chris Wood.
37 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2018
Very enjoyable, great story and very well written, the characters of Holmes and Watson though not lifted from the canon were engaging. This story pits Holmes against the creations of a scientist inspired by Frankenstein, it ticks over and keeps you involved and guessing because there are so many factions within the plot. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Jimmy Allen.
225 reviews2 followers
May 29, 2022
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?” This Sherlock Holmes quote is the theme of this book. While the reader will pick up early on what Holmes is investigating, it is the telling of the story that I enjoyed. Cavan Scott weaves a great plot as Watson and Holmes unfold the mystery. By the time the book ends, one feels that the improbable is indeed possible.
Profile Image for Natalie Jessop.
173 reviews1 follower
October 23, 2023
I should preface this review with admitting that I have never read an original Sherlock book. So I don’t know how this story would compare and if it is written in kind with the originals. What I do know is that I absolutely loved reading it. The book was an engaging, fast-paced whodunnit, and I loved every minute of it!
Profile Image for Ashley.
102 reviews4 followers
June 28, 2020
Not a fan of reading a mystery to only be left with more questions than answers. All around, it was only okay in my opinion. The story moved fast but I felt very little intrigue. I struggled to stay interested in the story.
Profile Image for Fran.
182 reviews1 follower
March 25, 2022
Although I have found most Sherlock Holmes storis written by others fall short of the originals, this one is not at all disappointing. The plot is very strange but quite intriguing and the writing is quite true to the style and vocabulary of Doyle's originals.
Profile Image for Annsley.
76 reviews2 followers
February 19, 2024
I was going to give this book two or three stars until I got about two hundred page in! It started slow, and there is a lot of time spent building up to the final act but once you get there it's a thunderclap! As with most of the Titan Sherlock Holmes Adventures, it's best understood and you get the most out of it if you have read a lot of the sci-fi novels and short stories that began the genre. This one is (without giving spoilers) connected to Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, arguably my favorite book from that era. It is a really good read!
1,021 reviews
February 14, 2017
I really enjoy this series, and this is another solid entry. Good pacing, nicely veiled, and then revealed plot. Well worth reading.
127 reviews9 followers
October 30, 2017
I really enjoyed it and would like to read the other Sherlock Holmes book that he wrote. This was a very interesting book.
610 reviews2 followers
January 10, 2019

Hello, this was a very good story. It kept me entertained for a few hours. Very much worth your time. Thanks.
Profile Image for Micha.
168 reviews
April 2, 2020
A decent story but easy to know what was going to happen. The ending/climax was lame, though. I think the end result would have been the same even if Holmes and Watson had not boarded the boat.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marie.
582 reviews6 followers
August 2, 2020
Great fun to read! This is exciting and fun to have a new adventure with Holmes and Watson in their older years. The ending quite took me by surprise!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 49 reviews

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