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One Day Soon #1

One Day Soon

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He found me in blood and tears.
I stayed with him through darkness and fire.

We loved each other in the moment between innocence and bitter truth.
We were the kids easily ignored, who grew into adults we hardly knew.

We weren’t meant to last forever. And we didn’t.

He ran away.
I tried to move on.

Yet I never stopped thinking about the boy who had fought to keep me alive in a world that would have swallowed me whole. He was the past that I buried, but never forgot.

Until the day I found him again, years after believing I had lost him forever.

And in cold, resentful eyes, I saw the heart of the man who had been everything when I had nothing at all. So I vowed to hold onto the second chance that was stolen from the children we had been.

Sometimes fate is ugly. Life can be twisted.
And who we are can be ruined by who we once were.

For two people who had survived so much, we would have to learn how to hold on before we were forced to let go.

321 pages, ebook

First published February 16, 2016

About the author

A. Meredith Walters

34 books4,292 followers
The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Contemporary and New Adult romances including the Bad Rep, Find You in the Dark, Reclaiming the Sand, and Twisted Love series.

Follow her on-

Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1CkvffQ

Twitter: @AuthorAMWalters

Instagram: a.meredith.walters

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
February 25, 2016
5+++ Stars!!!

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“A happy story doesn’t always have a happy ending.”

I can say with absolute certainty that One Day Soon is the best book I have read this year. And it’s quite possibly made my top 10 favorite books of all time list. Yes. This book was THAT BOOK. I’m having trouble even imagining a book topping it right now. I can’t even express all that I’m feeling after I’ve finished this book, or all I felt while reading. I literally cried almost the entire time I was reading. Sad tears, happy tears, just all kinds of tears! I’m not sure how to write a review that can convey my love for this book, but I’m going to try!

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As a teenage girl, Imogen meets a guy named Yoss who changes her life forever. Yoss is unlike anyone else she’s ever met. They become friends first, and then develop feelings for one another. They are inseparable and Imi doesn’t think anything could ever change that. But fate had other plans for Imi and Yoss.
Sometimes fate is ugly. Life can be twisted. And who we are can be ruined by who we once were. For two people who had survived so much, we would have to learn how to hold on before we were forced to let go.

Now, fifteen years have passed. Imi hasn’t seen Yoss in all that time, and suddenly, he is back in her life in a way she never expected.

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“Sometimes you make good choices. Sometimes you make bad ones. But they’re all made for a reason that seems to make sense at that time.”

To Imi, it doesn’t matter where Yoss is in his life. He is still Yoss. Her Yoss. The boy who protected her and gave her everything she needed. Her first and only true love. Yoss has lived a hard life these last fifteen years, but in her heart, that changed nothing. Because Yoss was still everything to her.
Yossarian Frazier wasn’t an overly complicated person. He was smart. He was thoughtful. He was generous and kind. He was loyal to a fault. And he was someone who had been forced to make choices that would shatter some people.

I loved the past. I loved the present. Imi and Yoss were everything. Both of them. I completely adored both of them.

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This book gave me more ‘feels’ than any book I’ve read in a long time. I will never forget this story. I will never forget these characters. It’s been a few days since I’ve read it and I can’t get it off my mind. That last bit of the story… I can’t even. My heart was jumping out of my chest. I can’t even put into words how it made me feel. I just want everyone I know to read this book! I’ve not only been recommending it to everyone in the book world, I’ve been telling random people who don’t even read about it (my mom, aunt, coworkers etc.) in hopes that maybe they will decide to pick it up because it’s THAT GOOD!

One Day Soon is one of those unforgettable reads. It’s powerful, moving, heart-wrenching and truly beautiful. I cannot recommend this book enough. It’s straight at the top of my favorites list. If you haven’t read this book, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pick it up! You won’t regret it ;)

5+ star favorite.

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Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,602 followers
February 21, 2016
5 Stars


“…how did you let go of something that never really felt over? How did you let go of someone that had changed you from the inside out?”

You know how every once in a while you stumble across a book that moves you to tears, that leaves you speechless, that makes you feel everything there is to feel? “One Day Soon” was that book for me. This second chance romance story was without a doubt one of the best books I have ever read. But you have to know that it’s more than a second chance at love story - it’s a story about second chances at life, second chances to do things right, about survival and sacrifice, about dreams and hopes, about finding your soulmate, about how fairy tales can come true. It’s a wonderful, unforgettable story, remarkably well written that will keep you at the edge of your seat for one reason or another. It’s raw, emotional, equally heartwarming and heartbreaking and very hard to read at times. But in spite of that I couldn’t put it down!

“We’ll walk on the beach, Imi, and we’ll dance on the sand. Because one day soon, I promise you that all this ugly will become something beautiful.”
“I know, Yoss. One day soon,” I agreed.


“One Day Soon” is the story of Imogen ‘Imi’ and Yossarian ‘Yoss’. They meet each other on the streets. Imi is 16 and she’s a runaway. Trying to escape her disinterested mother, who doesn’t give a sh*t about her, Imi believes she can handle being without a roof over her head, that she can handle the ugliness of the streets, that she can be homeless like many other kids. But soon realizes that she’s alone and life on the streets is hard to say the least.

“He had helped me when he didn’t have to. He had taken care of me. He had made sure I was warm. Fed. That I had a place to lay my head at night. Even when he couldn’t keep himself safe, he made sure that I had been. He put me first. Always. God, I had missed him.”

Yoss had been on the streets since he was just a kid. He tried to escape the nightmare at his house and for a while he did, but then he found another on the streets when he became homeless. Yoss will do anything to survive and he will do anything to provide for others.


Imi meets Yoss when he rescues her from a bad situation. They start a genuine friendship that gradually becomes more. As time passes they fall in love with each other becoming inseparable. After six months together they plan to escape the life that has the power to ruin everything they have, but Imi is left in the dark waiting and hoping the boy she loves will come to her. But Yoss never came.

“…what Yoss and I had shared was more than first love.
It was deeper than adolescent lust and affection.
It had been soul changing.
Life altering.”

Fifteen years later, Imi works in a hospital as a social worker. One day a homeless man is brought in – almost beaten to death, a man no one knows who he is. No one, but Imi, because this homeless man is Yoss, the one who she never forget, the one who still owns her heart.

What a devastatingly beautiful story! This book touched my heart in so many ways. I smiled, I cried and I fell in love with these two remarkable characters, their touching love story and also with the evocative, almost poetic writing. Like I mentioned above, this book is not very easy to read, not only because of Imi and Yoss’s heartbreaking story, but also because of all the heavy themes this author portrayed. And trust me when I say that she did it flawlessly. These two characters’ world was painted in such a realistic way that broke my heart, not only because they had to face such a dark and ugly reality, but because I know these kind of things happens in RL.

I should mention that the story is told both in the past and present from both characters’ perspective, and Mrs. Walters blended them effortlessly. I loved how for every chapter in the past there was a chapter in the present that explained or continued what happened with these characters years ago.


“You’re not the same. Neither of us are. But I know that I will love the man as much as I loved the boy.”

Yoss was such incredible, well developed character. For me he was the star of this story. His past made my heart bled and I know for sure you will feel everything he felt – his shame, his fears, his anger, his devastation and last but not least his love for Imi. Yoss, the boy was beautiful inside and out. He haa a heart of gold. He is protective not only with Imi, but with his friends too, a great provider for everyone, a kind, generous friend and a wonderful boyfriend to Imi. His careness for Imi touched my heart to the core. It was simply beautiful to see and feel his love for this girl. In the present we meet a different Yoss – angry, hardened, unhappy. Despite the years that had passed he still remembers everything about the girl for whom he sacrificed years ago, the girl he still loves with all his heart. Seeing him struggle with his 'new reality' and with the fact the Imi is again in his life was gut-wrenching. The author did such a fantastic job with his character.

“A hundred memories arched between us. A thousand words spoken softly in the dark. A dozen promises never kept.”

Imi was a great heroine. I loved how young Imi stood by Yoss side, how he accepted his flaws, how she wanted to save him from the world and from himself. Imi from the present is a woman who even if she tried to make a better life for herself, she had always felt empty. And I really felt her emptiness. I loved how she was with Yoss – caring, thoughtful, protective, how hard she tried to reconnect with him, how hard she tried once again to save him.


Imi and Yoss were two people that truly saved each other in every way that a person can save another. Their love story was unforgettable, unconventional, but so pure and so, so beautiful. I felt it with every ounce of my being.

Overall, an amazing read that I highly recommend!

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
February 19, 2016
::: FULL REVIEW NOW POSTED ::: 4.5 stars

“When I saw you in that hospital bed, the world stood still. I’ve thought about you every single day for the past fifteen years.”

A heart-wrenching, beautifully written book that'll break your heart and then put it back together again! A story of sacrifice,  survival, and pure, undying, selfless love. 

The story is about a girl from a broken home who runs away and finds herself homeless on the streets at sixteen. With nowhere to sleep and no money for food, she was helpless... until he showed up.
“My savior. My protector. 

He had helped me when he didn’t have to. He had taken care of me. He had made sure I was warm. Fed. That I had a place to lay my head at night... Even when he couldn’t keep himself safe, he made sure that I had been. He put me first. Always.”

At eighteen, he'd been on the streets long enough to know how to survive and he saved her. A protector by nature, he sacrificed everything -- his pride, his dignity, and his happiness -- over and over again to bring a little food and comfort to those he cared about. They fell in love and dared to dream of a better life, but on the day they were supposed to meet to get away together, he never showed... Fifteen years later, she's working in a hospital when a homeless man is brought in, badly beaten almost beyond recognition, but she knows it's him ... and hopes that just maybe this can be their second chance. This is their story.
“We’ll walk on the beach, Imi, and we’ll dance on the sand. Because one day soon, I promise you that all this ugly will become something beautiful.”

While this is most certainly a love story, as you can see, the book deals with some very heavy themes such as prostitution (male), drug use, homelessness, and teenage runaways. It was absolutely heart-breaking to see how many people were willing to just look the other way. How many people just saw these kids as dead-end statistic, lost causes, or worse. No matter how you look at it, these topic are extremely heart-breaking, with the way the story was written, it made it more so because it presented the themes in a very personal way. It wasn't just 'homelessness' or 'prostitution', it was a particular character who you'd come to love and careful forced to make desperate, degrading choices just to survive on the street. You should know though that while the themes that these characters face are very serious, the details are not graphic. The author really did such a fantastic job of presenting these issues in a respectful and honest way.
My heart instantly leapt at the sight of him. And then it fell just as fast.

This is what broken looked like. 

Because this is a second chance romance with a fifteen year gap between the last time the hero and heroine saw each other, the story is told alternating chapters between the past and present. I really felt that this was a wonderfully effective way of showing us where they were going and how they got there.
“Why in the hell would you want anything to do with my shit life, whatever’s left of it?” His voice quavered and his hand shook in mine.

I leaned in. He met me halfway. I rested my forehead against his. “Because I love you.”

Heart-breaking is the term I keep coming back to with this book -- or at least with the 'past' storyline. The decisions he had continually been forced to make and the sacrifices he'd willingly given, coupled with the way he unwaveringly retained his selfless humanity in the face of it all just made my chest ache.
Here was a boy barely holding himself together. He seemed as though he wanted to curl into himself. I wanted to shield him from everything horrible. Everything ugly. 

Just as he had been trying to do for me.

He wasn’t an overly complicated person. He was smart. He was thoughtful. He was generous and kind. He was loyal to a fault.

And he was someone who had been forced to make choices that would shatter most people. I could see the fragments being chipped away little by little as he struggled to hold on.

Yet he still sat beside me, with concern on his face, wanting to know if I was all right. When it was obvious he wasn’t.

The writing was absolutely beautiful. Evocative and captivating. A Meredith Waters' books are always a joy to read. I actually counted and I have almost 50 quotes highlighted in this eBook.

It's a fairly 'quiet' book but it kept me glued to the page until I finished it at 4AM. There's a lot more to the story that I'm not telling you and I don't want to tell you too much more but I do want to reassure you that there IS a happy ending. You'll probably get to a point where you wonder HOW that's possible. Up until almost the veryyy end, I wasn't actually positive and was kinda freaking out (ok VERY MUCH freaking out). So I wanted you to have that security. Just read it, feel it, but know that you'll feel uplifted by the end.
"True love never dies."

Rating: 4.5 stars.
Standalone romance (heavy themes).


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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
February 21, 2016



It’s going to take me some time to put together a review worthy of this story. It’s so very well done, so heartbreaking and yet beautiful. I feel so inadequate just dropping some gifs up but we all can't be as talented as A. Meredith.



I'm only left with the typical adjectives to describe a book that has impacted your life forever: realistic, amazing, wonderful, powerful, magnificent and yet it all feels too little.






Please stand by while I attempt to write something deserving of this story and/or get some writing lessons in the next few days. Seriously though, this is one of my favorite standalone books that I have read this year.


**ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Clumsy Storyteller .
357 reviews721 followers
September 8, 2016
“A happy story doesn’t always have a happy ending,”

God i’m a mess !!! ! I finished this book at 2:30 AM i couldn’t sleep i needed to know if it has a happy ending or not , I didn't  realize  that I had started  crying  until  my vision  became so  blurred that it was difficult for me to continue reading !! That was a really painful story to read I haven’t cry like this since Me before you by Jojo Moyes !:'( :'(

you can find the rest of my review on my blog

Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
February 21, 2016

“Because one day soon, I promise you that all this ugly will become something beautiful.”

I've spent a few days trying to come up with something wonderful for this book. A review that will properly explain how phenomenal this read was. It deserves it. Meredith deserves it. The story she created, the characters, One Day Soon will stay with me. Forever. Once again, this is one of those books I just can't review, I can't find the words. That said, this was a special one. Heartbreaking and beautiful. I highly recommend it.

Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
651 reviews1,015 followers
August 20, 2016

"We loved each other. And in the ugly world we inhabited, it was a light we had clung to."

4 Heavy, Emotional Stars!

(I've read this book for the #NALitLoversPH #NewAdultAndBeyondPH readalong)

I've been devouring romance books with heavy contents and depressing themes lately and it kind of affects my personal thoughts and emotions-- to the point where I find myself gross-sobbing alone. Lol. Anyways, I think these books are real gems despite the pain that they cause in our hearts because they simply make us FEEL. Reflect. And learn a lot of lessons.

One Day Soon opened up my box of emotions and stole it all. A story that centers around two characters Imogen "Imi" Conner and Yossarian "Yoss" Frazier, it tackles sensitive issues about homelessness, sexuality, child abuse, and more.

I couldn't say reading this book was a pleasant experience because almost everything that happened here was sad. Yoss and Imi's childhood experiences were too horrible to imagine. But I am so glad that these characters found their way to healing when they met 15 years later after the most terrible situation hit them.

Don't want to spoil you by giving away too much about the story, but this book, as a whole, was a cry-worthy book, heavy with the angst, and beautifully written. This was my first A. Meredith Walters read and I could say that she's brilliant in this genre. I find her poetic writing comforting and more than soothing to the soul.

I have a slight issue though. The ending was a bit blurry and I don't know what really happened or how the book really concluded. Was it a sad or a happy ending? I guess the author just wants the reader to really dig deeper and think about it countless times. Either way, I'm sticking to a happy ending. That's how I want all the stories to end, anyways. :)

"Because one day soon, I promise you that all this ugly will become something beautiful."

Pearl's Book Journey (1)

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,105 followers
February 18, 2016
LIVE http://amzn.to/1TsjB9k


I don't know what to say about this book I still feel so emotional and I'm not sure if I'll be okay soon! This book deserves much more than 5 stars. It was beautiful ,heartbreaking, intense and emotional. It's a story that will stay with me forever. I don't think there is a possibility that I could ever forget it. I finished it last night and I couldn't sleep, my mind was on Imi and Yoss.


These characters are realistic and original. I love the ability Meredith has to create characters like this. And also I love that her characters are flawed. You will not find a perfect character and this is what makes the story unique.

And the writing is so beautiful with scenes from the present and fifteen years before. We learn how these two meet and how life turned out them together after years.
It was such a beautiful story. You should definitely read it. Once you start it you won't want to put it down.

*An advance reading copy was generously provided to me in exchange for an honest review.*

Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
808 reviews591 followers
August 10, 2017
5★★★★★ "Promise? Promise!" + + + Stars
~An Incredible & Unforgettable Read~

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person – Female


Yossarian (Yoss) Frazier; at only twelve years old learned to live in the streets to fend for himself. His mother had passed away and his father was very abusive that he rather lived in the streets. He learned to survive the best he could even if that meant doing things he hated and always would regret. At eighteen years old he meets Imi and he falls in love with her.

Imogen (Imi) Conner; at age sixteen runs away from her mother's home. She was young and had a mother who only cared for herself and her new boyfriends. Imi's first attempted to run away was just for attention so she went back home; however she realized her mother just didn't care; so this time she ran away for good. She spent six months living in the streets but the very first day on her own she meets Yoss; the boy who became her guardian Angel who became everything to her.


Yoss and Imi's relationship was just incredible however the friendship, love, family that they found on each other was breath taking. Yoss would do things he hated himself for to protect Imi and the gang I loved them all. Each and every one had a story to tell but it was hard to see everything they went thru on a daily basis. Really makes you think about real life and how fortunate some of us are to have a family that really love and care for us.


Yoss wanted what was best for Imi so he lets her go; he made her believe that they would both run away and start elsewhere but he knew that she loved him as much as he loved her and that will only bring her down. She had a mother; yeah a selfish mother but she had a family she could go back to and try to be happy. He on the other hand had nothing; no one and knew deep inside that no matter how much he wanted to be with her the only way to keep her safe was to let her go.

Imi loved this boy so much that she would have stayed and starved to death if it meant staying together but when he left her she knew she had to move on. She tried; she truly tried to be a wife but failed miserable she had a hard time giving up on her first teenager love. So when life puts her back in front of Yoss fifteen years later she realized that one day; that maybe that one day soon might just have finally come.

"Once upon a time there was a sad, lonely boy who was actually a forgotten prince. No one knew that he was rich and powerful and had a family that was searching for him."

"One day he met a girl who swore that she would help him get back home to the castle. They fell in love. The prince wanted her to come back to the castle with him so they could live there together.”

This book was an emotional roller coaster; it was breath taking; it was full of feels. I felt so much more than just another story because it touches your deep in the heart deep inside. You will not look at things the same after you read this. I feel like this has made it to my top favorites book of all times; this is truly the most amazing story I have ever read and it deserves all the praise in the world. I will recommend this book to everyone looking for an EPIC story about love, life, sacrifices, family and friendship. An Incredible & Unforgettable Read.


Book Order Series:
One Day Soon (One Day Soon, #1) by A. Meredith WaltersAfter Tomorrow (One Day Soon, #1.5) by A. Meredith Walters

Purchase Links:
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


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Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,027 reviews2,453 followers
August 20, 2016
4 stars!

“A happy story doesn’t always have a happy ending.”

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One Day Soon is the story of Imi and Yoss. When they were teens they loved each other fiercely and would have done anything for the other. Yoss was Imi's protector as well as her everything. Imi was a bright light in Yoss's horrible life. But not all young love stories work out and the two were separated for fifteen years.

Imi and Yoss are reunited as adults in their early thirties a horrible incident and coincidence. Despite their mutual hurt, there is still a connection between them and a strong desire to spend time together. But decisions from the past haunt their present, and the two must fight against impossible odds to stay together.

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I have been recommended books by this author by many friends, but haven't read them yet (my bad, I will be changing this soon!). I loved Walter's writing style, I couldn't put the book down, even when confronted with difficult subject matter.

I also loved that this was a unique love story in terms of plot, I haven't read any others like it and it was refreshing to read something different from the generic romance or new adult novel. I ended up staying up really late just to finish reading this book because I had to know what happened! There were also some possible tears. Maybe. (Okay yeah I cried a little bit).

Can I also just say I have so much cover love for this book? It's gorgeous!

“You’re not the same. Neither of us are. But I know that I will love the man as much as I loved the boy.”

I found it a little bit hard to understand Imi and her choices. . I felt the ending was rushed. The fairy tale way it ended was nice, but I felt there were still unresolved issues between the two main characters: . Basically there were still some blanks I felt needed to be filled in.

And I almost never note this, but because my copy was a purchased one and not an ARC I will. There were several editing mistakes that really irked me, because they took me out of the story while I was reading it. It disrupted the flow of the novel for me, and I really hope they get fixed. (This did not affect my rating in any way).

“But if I can’t have that dream with you, will you live it anyway?”

(Thank you for the rec Christy!)

 photo RRR.png
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
February 17, 2016


I'm going to go drown myself in sugar and coffee, grab a fluffy blanket, snuggle into my husband, and just try to soothe myself.

**talks to self** "You're okay, Angie. It's going to be okay. It's all okay. You're fine. Life is fine. Everything's fine. Just breathe, nice soothing breaths... that's it. Let the tears fade. Let it all go..." Bwahahahahahaha.


To be honest, my first thought: you don't know what angst is until you've read this book.

I felt so much dread and pain and hurt and despair.
I felt suffocated by this story. It literally stole my ability to breathe.
I kept having to take emotional breaks.
I felt sick.
I felt distraught.
I felt overwhelmed.
I felt PAIN.
It was heavy—very intense, very heavy.

I don't even know what I feel right now, except relief that I made it through this turbulent ride.
I'm emotionally worn out.

I'm pretty sure this is the angstiest story I have ever read. I mean, I know it is.
I cried buckets of tears.

There's too many thoughts going on inside me. Too many emotions swirling. I need to try to calm down. I'm pretty sure my blood pressure is SKY HIGH.

But I will say this...

What a painful story! This hurt so much. So so so so so much.
There were many twists and turns.
It felt very real to me.
The sad, heart wrenching mess these characters were in was NOT glossed over.
This author can write, she delivered a very complicated, very gritty, very tumultuous and dark read that will strip your heart into ribbons of blood.

Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
874 reviews4,134 followers
February 15, 2021

► DNF. Because. This. Gives. Me. An. Headache.


"He smiled and I smiled. It was sort of contagious."

That... is what contagious means.

"He laughed and it was real and true and I felt it absolutely everywhere."

NO SHIT. Please give specifics.

"He had been my moon. My stars. My everything when I had nothing at all."

*snorts* *feels like a cold-hearted bitch* *snorts again*

I'm sorry, but this is horribly written - it's formulaic, cheesy, eye-roll-worthy material.

"Karla was giving me the ubiquitous once over I was used to from other females. (...) [She] gave me a nasty look, which I returned blankly."

Oh, isn't that nice? A little girl hate action utterly uncalled for! (Also WTF at females really???!)

Also, THIS :

"What had I ever done to him to deserve this kind of reception? When had his love transformed into this?"

OMG! I know this one!! This, my girl, is what we call The Big Misunderstanding. Don't worry, you'll get over it, but you'll have to annoy the fuck out of me for 200 pages before you reach your Happily Ever After.

► Oh, fuck this. I can't do it. Please, do me a favor and remind me to stop trying this author, because she's definitely not for me.

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Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,255 followers
September 12, 2017
“You’re my smile, Imi. Always have been.”
He kissed me with abandon. A passion unleashed.
"Always will be,” he murmured into my mouth."

OMG if I had a super power I'd get into this book and I'd give a hug Yoss. ❤ The things he has done for Imi and for his friends. Uhhhh I'm a fucking mess right now. 😢😢😢 This book made me cry like a river and if I read that epilogue one more time (I read it 3 times so far...) I think I'm gonna choke with my own tears... 😭😭😭

Overall this was one of the most beautiful book I've ever read. I highly recommend it. ❤

Profile Image for warhawke.
1,443 reviews2,166 followers
February 24, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Female

Yossarian (Yoss) Frazier learned how to fend himself since a very young age. Years of being on the street taught him how to survive, even if it was a day to day struggle.

Imogen (Imi) Conner left the comfort of her unhappy home with a skewed believe that she could make it on her own. Soon enough she learned the harsh reality of the life of the unwanted. But with Yoss on her side, she was happy, until the day he wasn’t there. Years later he came back into her life giving her hopes for unfulfilled promises, but life tend to take an unexpected turn.

The moment I saw the blurb, I knew this book promised a heartbreak, but I never thought it would be so much more than just another sad story.

“You were better off without me, Imi. But it’s obvious I have barely survived without you.”

I am completely enamoured by Yoss. He was such a strong and unique character. He may not be someone I swoon over, but it was impossible not to fall for his heart and his actions. He held the weight of the world for everyone else on his shoulders.

But how did you let go of something that never really felt over? How did you let go of someone that had changed you from the inside out?

Imi was young and impressionable, but she was also incredibly strong to go through the life she chosen. I love seeing through her eyes, how her priority shifted and the longing for the things she lost.

They were family. They may not be blood, but out here, our bond was thicker than that.

One of my favorite elements in this book is actually the friendship and comradery with the secondary characters. It’s amazing to see how they looked out for each other, even with how little they had. One of the scenes that touched me the most was Imi’s birthday – such little act of kindness with such profound meaning.

As I mentioned earlier, I love a sad story, but what I love the most are stories that made me re-evaluate life. I love books that touched the ugliness of reality and made it accessible to the general public even just through fictional words. This book is all that.

“Because one day soon, I promise you that this ugly will become something beautiful.”

One Day Soon is a poignant story about surviving life on the other side of the track where sacrifices and acceptance become a necessity.

A long time ago I read an article about people in the same situation. It followed a day in the life of three individuals where we learned about their stories – who they were, why they ended up that way and what they had to do to survive. It changed my perspective and from that point on, I could never again look at one of them and not think about what their story could be.

♥ Read as part of ShhLYT(F)BR week: EPIC LOVE SAGAS ♥
Feb 21-27, 2016
Join us: https://goo.gl/uxYA5g

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Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,600 followers
December 16, 2017

I am sorry but I didn’t like this book at all for so many reasons.

It is a depressing book that doesn't make much sense to me.


This is the story of Imogen & Yoss. It is told by Imogen except for one Chapter only, where we hear Yoss’s point of view. Their story goes between past and present.

15 years ago, Imogen leaves her home when she is 16 and starts to live in the streets with a bunch of other homeless kids. There, she meets Yoss, another homeless guy at the age of 17, who seems to be the leader of the group. He cares about them all and he takes Imogen under his wings too after saving her from being raped. Then, they develop feelings for each other.

When we read about the present, we learn that after living in the streets together for 6 months or so, they were separated, and Imogen went back home.

Now the adult Imogen is a widow and she has never been quite happy since their separation.

One day, Yoss is brought to the hospital where Imogen works as a social worker and their story continues from there after a 15-year gap.



The writing isn’t good or captivating enough.

It is also extremely dragging. I was about to scream at many pages where they couldn’t communicate.

For example, when they meet 15 years later in the hospital, Yoss says to Imogen: “You’re different now.”

This is what Imogen thinks in her head:

His words broke me. I wanted to cry and scream that of course I was different. When he left me, he had shattered me at an impressionable age that you don’t always come back from. Most people get over their first loves. They picked up the pieces and moved on. That hadn’t been possible for me. Because what Yoss and I had shared was more than first love. It was deeper than adolescent lust and affection. It had been soul changing. Life altering. It had been a reckless attachment during bleak, dangerous times. It had been a light in a murky darkness that had almost consumed us both. I had gotten away, but I had left my heart behind. Yoss had stayed and had apparently buried his heart deep. We were both different. I wasn’t sure either of us could ever go back to the people we had once been. Nor did I necessarily think we should try. Those kids had been foolish, careless, ruled by bad decisions and wild emotions. But we had loved each other with a ferocity that I hadn’t felt since.

Ok, this was what she thought… And here is what she says:

“Of course I’m different. People change, Yoss. It has been fifteen years.”

Well, with this efficiency in communication, we suffer through 342 pages to learn what happened 15 years ago that separated them.


In my opinion there were too many things that didn’t make sense.

1. Yoss has been living in the streets since he was 12. He escaped from his home because his father had beaten him badly.

He now steals things from markets, he collects food from garbage and he also works a hustler to survive. He sells his body to perverted men who like to beat him up besides using him for sex! Whenever he goes to prostitute himself, he comes back with cuts and bruises in addition to his shattered soul.

Now, how is this life better than the one in which his father beats him?
Was there really no other choice?
No other relatives to go to?
Couldn’t he let a teacher at school know about the abuse so that he can get social help?
Couldn’t he go to a police station when he was scared that his father would beat him to his death?

I tried to understand his choices but I had a hard time trying because even after 15 years, he is brought to the hospital raped and beaten.

How can he not build a different life for himself in all those adult years?
Working as a janitor maybe like his homeless friend Shane, for example? It would have been better than him still selling his body.

How am I supposed to love a hero that still sells himself at the age of 32, having not accomplished anything else in his life other than watching the girl he loves from far away?

Sorry, I couldn’t. I couldn’t love Yoss. I felt pity for him, that’s all.

I also don't like people who leave the ones they love with no explanation whatsoever. They think they are doing a sacrifice, thinking they are better without them but they are deciding for the other party without giving them a choice, which is never fair. That's another reason I didn't like Yoss.

2. Imogen is another story. She is just a stupid girl. She runs away from home because she is sick of her mother ignoring her.

Well, I agree her mother wasn’t a good one but she didn’t beat her or pimp her. She just had boyfrends and she didn't show much attention to her daughter.

So, how is living in the streets, “hungry, dirty and at risk of being raped” better than a life at home where you can continue your education, have your meals and sleep on a bed in a warm house?

She could have just dealt with the lack of love and attention at home rather than deal with the ugly and dangerous life in the streets.

One bad decision after another

I am sorry but I never felt sorry for Imogen. First, she used the indifferent mother as a reason to leave home, then, she used her love for Yoss as an excuse not to go back home as she couldn’t leave him.

Well, they were living in the same town. So if she had gone back home and brought some food and basic needs to him every day, even that could have helped both of them in a better way.

I believe that you have a choice even in the worst case scenario and these characters both made bad choices… they both made wrong decisions.

Imogen later got married to a person she wasn’t in love with, and that was also a bad decision. She never tried to save her marriage as she didn’t feel much about her husband.


For all their stupid choices and decisions, I couldn’t connect with any of the characters. I felt sorry for them but I didn’t cry for them because they could have changed their fate for a little bit better at least.

I know they were so very young at the time but having seen how bad life could be on the streets, they should have seeked better solutions.

The writer tries to show that living in the streets and selling himself was Yoss's only choice and he couldn’t do more than that but I didn’t like this approach. It just is not a good example! I would have preferred a book in which the writer shows how they can make better decisions in horrible situations.

This book was just not for me - too many things to criticize and I just am too bored to keep going.

P.S. I will say one more thing, though

Call me judgmental if you like but well, here it is: I cannot imagine myself kissing the boy I love after he has given a blow job to a man for money. But Imogen does it when they are teenagers and living together in the streets.

And the "adult" Yoss kisses Imogen at hospital where he is being treated with Hepatitis B! ( Not an innocent and soft kiss, but one that is rough with tongue and teeth! )

I have no words!

Now, you decide if you can deal with all of these things...


It ends with an awful epilogue. It is cheesy and it doesn't satify. It couldn't have been worse in my opinion!

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,361 followers
February 23, 2016
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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 photo 4eccbde90eae35615f73a22d181ad1_zpsvhdjziuq.gif “He held me captive with his aching, painful love. So I waited. And I waited. Lost and alone. Waiting to be found. Until the sun slipped away and my clothes had dried. Into the night I stayed, hoping. Hoping. My heart turned to stone and I knew. I would never see him again.”

Where do I even begin to put into perspective or find the right words to describe the magnitude of emotions coursing through me right now after reading this book? One Day Soon by A. Meredith Walters is a story that describes of what it truly means to have a second chance at love, hope, dreams, and life. This is not your typical love story of boy meets girls and girl and boy falls in love and lives HEA. No, this book is so much more. This is a story where everything matters. Survival is key. Sunsets is a time where dreams, hope, and tears clash before darkness takes over. The evenings are a reminder of how cold and cruel the world can be. Mornings is a reminder that a new day has begun where you can still hold onto the hope of a better tomorrow. And hopefully one day soon, laughter is heard instead of cries, pain is erased, humiliation is replaced with happiness, peace instead of worry, and dreams of happily ever afters do exist not just in fairytales but in real life. One day soon where two strangers found true love in a world filled with darkness and monsters. One day soon where light shines bright everyday and only happy tears are shed.


 photo 4eccbde90eae35615f73a22d181ad1_zpsvhdjziuq.gif “He had helped me when he didn’t have to. He had taken care of me. He had made sure I was warm. Fed. That I had a place to lay my head at night. Even when he couldn’t keep himself safe, he made sure that I had been. He put me first. Always. God, I had missed him.”

A. Meredith Walters delivered a raw original story that was truly epic and unforgettable.She gave here readers an emotional, raw, real, and utterly devastatingly beautiful story of second chances. One Day Soon stole my heart right off the opening pages as she held you hostage with her stunning prose and raw characters. Ms. Walters gave readers an in your face gritty and raw perspective of what it means to truly live, fight, and survive in a world where you are overlooked and cast aside.

 photo 4eccbde90eae35615f73a22d181ad1_zpsvhdjziuq.gif “A hundred memories arched between us. A thousand words spoken softly in the dark. A dozen promises never kept.”


 photo 4eccbde90eae35615f73a22d181ad1_zpsvhdjziuq.gif “I stayed much longer than I should have. Because I couldn’t bear letting him go again.”

Fifteen years ago. A girl met a boy. Boy rescued the girl. Girl and boy became friends. And till one day their friendship took on a whole new deeper meaning. LOVE. I mean love that you read in fairytales. Love that can define and break you. LOVE that will never be forgotten. And within those six months of getting to know each other and falling for one another, their love was forever etched into their hearts, soul and mind. So fifteen years later, how does girl react to seeing the boy that broke her heart? How can the boy face the girl that he gave up and sacrificed for?

 photo 4eccbde90eae35615f73a22d181ad1_zpsvhdjziuq.gif “Some days were dark and bleak. Cold and hungry I felt as if I were barely existing. Then there were days like this. When all I felt was love for the boy who kept me safe. The boy who tried to make me happy in the most miserable circumstances. Who held my hand and kissed me softly and made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Even when I had nothing, he was everything.”

I honestly don't want to spoil this book for readers so I won't go into depth with this review because this book needs to be read and experienced. One Day Soon gripped, shattered and filled my heart with so much emotions. I am in awe with how meaningful, raw and real the story of Imi and Yoss is. Their story of love was not an easy one to swallow because everything about them was beautiful, heartbreaking, tragic, and earth-shattering. Their love was so pure. It was the kind of love that transcends and makes you believe in the happily ever afters and that one day soon that they will get the fairytale ending that they both truly deserves. The gift of second chances is a major theme in this book. It took fifteen years of wandering and lost time, for Yoss and Imi to finally have that chance. And in so One Day Soon will make you question everything about every love story that you have read, seen, and heard. Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in second chances? Do you believe in love? Do you believe in sacrifices? Letting go? And most importantly do you believe that you will get your one day soon of happily ever afters?

 photo 4eccbde90eae35615f73a22d181ad1_zpsvhdjziuq.gif “You’re my smile, Imi. Always have been”

There are love stories that are great, amazing, beautiful, and tragic. But the story of Imi and Yoss was a love story that encompasses everything. It was bold, raw, life-altering, emotional, unforgettable,tangible, palpable and the list goes on. It was the kind of love that made your hearts race and made you FEEL every crevice of darkness, light, sadness and happiness. It was a love like no other. It was Yoss and Imi. And that kind of love was what made One Day Soon devastatingly beautiful.

 photo 4eccbde90eae35615f73a22d181ad1_zpsvhdjziuq.gif “Imi. I love you. God I love you,” he groaned into my mouth as we started to move together. His tears fell on my face, mingling with my own. We sobbed. We laughed. We promised. We fell apart. And when it was over I knew that neither of us would ever be the same. I loved him with the foolish loyalty of a naïve heart. Every piece of me belonged to the lost, lonely boy who had saved me . He held on and I would never let go. Because I knew that when I gave him my heart, he’d never give it back.”

A. Meredith Walters did a phenomenal with this book. This book was bold, fresh, modern and emotional raw. It was everything you would want in a love story. One Day Soon is a book that I will hold dear to my heart because it really exposes the harsh reality of what it truly means to live, survive, sacrifice, and love. So if you are looking for a book that is so much more than hearts and flowers, but a story where dreams can become a reality even if after so many years has passed then I highly recommend you to read One Day Soon and just maybe we can all believe that our one day of soon will happen for each and everyone of us.

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Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages: http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly...A. Meredith Walters
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,192 reviews1,715 followers
August 20, 2016
"Sometimes fate is ugly. Life can be twisted. And who we are can be ruined by who we once were. For two people who had survived so much, we would have to learn how to hold on before we were forced to let go."

Imogen Conner runs away from home for being neglected by her mother. Being homeless isn't easy especially at a young age. She's lost, hungry, vulnerable and trying to survive. When she was in danger, Yossarian Frazier who is a homeless boy that saved her life. Meeting him means so much to her, they became friends and he's always been protective on her. They fell in love and it went on for months. What they've been through isn't easy, especially for Yoss. Imi has ambitions in life and living this kind of lifestyle isn't for her. She includes Yoss in her future and encourages him to be with her to start a new life. Unfortunately, they part ways when he didn't show up on their meeting place as promised and it breaks Imi's (Imogen) heart.

15 years later..

"Life takes turns that we don't expect and even the best of us can end up in a place we never expected."

With patience, understanding and passion to help other people, Imogen is dedicated on her work at the hospital as a social worker. Upon receiving a new case of a homeless man brought in the emergency room, unconcious and badly injured, memories and heartache comes back. By some fate, she and Yoss meet again in the worst situation. After all this time, she still loves him for the way he is. He's still her Yoss. This is her chance to get answers from him and bring him back to her life even if time is actually running out.. Will they have their one day soon or will it be the one day soon they never have?

"A happy story doesn't always have a happy ending."

A. Meredith Walters is one of the most underrated New Adult authors who writes deep, thought provoking and emotional stories (I've read Butterfly Dreams and it's amazing). One Day Soon greatly tackles different issues especially about the struggles and unfair treatment of homeless people. I find it raw and realistic. Each chapter gives you heavy feels and I didn't expect it to be this emotional. My handkerchief was soaked and my eyes were puffy from sobbing so hard. It took me days to organize my thoughts and write a full review about it. I just need time to recover from all the feels. Imi and Yoss's love story is beautiful and touching. Their character developments are wonderfully developed and maturely handled difficult situations. Goodness, I love Yoss so much. He's such a thoughtful, caring, lovely and selfless man. I also love Imi for the unconditional love for him and accepts for what he is. I have so much respect for her. The epilogue made me bawled more like a baby. After reading consecutive emotional books, all I need is a happy book, a pillow to hug and a pint of ice cream to devour.

I read this book with the lovely ladies of #NALitLoversPH #NewAdultandBeyondPH readalong.
Profile Image for Es Summer .
79 reviews209 followers
March 6, 2016

I don't like sugar-coated stories.
I was never a person who loves too much sweetness, anyway.
My stories should evoke memories, feelings and truths.
It should be realistic and gritty.
I like how One Day Soon never tries to be something it is not.
I like how painful and truthful it is.
How it dares to be different, to hurt and make you feel, above everything.

One Day Soon is how New Adult should be written. It is how books should be written, at all costs. I respect this author for breaking my heart this way and at the same time, healing it like never before.

"I had forgotten what it was like to live for the present.
To embrace the now. To find beauty in a heartbeat.
A sunset.
In roller-skating and old movies.
I had forgotten what it felt like to be a girl who loved a boy above everything else."

This review feels like a ramble, because I just finished this book and my emotions are all over the place.
This book is so achingly beautiful that I gripped my e-reader in my hands,
my nails firmly rooted in it.
God, how it made me cry,
how it made my lips tremble and my soft heart beat.

This book is about a run-away girl and a forever-homeless boy.
They live on the streets and it is so edgy, dangerous and sad that it keeps you flipping the pages.
Yoss saves Imi on her first day on the streets.
He protects her.
She stays by his side.
They fall in love and it is so messy and chaotic and beautiful.

"I loved him with this foolish loyalty of a naive heart.
Every piece of me belonged to the lost, lonely boy who had saved me.
He held on and I would never let go."

The love these two teenagers had was so strong and overwhelming.
I loved Yoss and his fierce loyalty, I loved how loyal Imi was as well.
They would always choose and accept each other, no matter what happens.
And there happens a lot.
This book plays with your emotions.
Makes you bleed on purpose.
Wants to make you sing-scream and feel how it really works. That not everything is as cut and dry as it seems.

"I could scream my love, but he wouldn't hear me."

Wow! This book flowed like poetry and the author really did her best to make this art.
I believe in this book as art.
When an author tries to play with her words and make every sentence feel like a lyric, you know she did something right.
This book felt as more than just a New Adult novel. It was so truthful and hauntingly lyrical.
How could I not believe in Yoss and Imi when their love is cut out of red skies and blood and tears?
How could I not cry for them when their promises were forever, fairy tales and not happy endings?

I will remember this book.
Even after a while.
It provided me a happy time, even though it was sad.
I cannot wait to read more books by this author!

"A happy story doesn't always have a happy ending." <3

Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
February 16, 2016
I swear every book written by A Meredith Walters, gets better and better. I cant wait for this release next week. Just like How to Save a Life , this book is on my most favorite reads of 2016 and epic books of all time. This book is ugly. This book is beautiful. This book is real. And this book will make you believe that love conquers all, even faced with the most impossible of circumstances. There is hope, there is light and there are a million reasons why I love reading books like this. The ones that have you gripping your kindle for dear life while shedding so many tears your vision is blurred, cursing at the gods for the cruelty of their fictional lives. The ones where your heart is pounding in anticipation for what's to come. The books that make you forget about your real life, if only for a little while, to go on a journey with two incredible people who face the odds, but still somehow overcome and thrive. I love being on the edge of my seat. I love screaming curses at the characters to get their shit together and admit their feelings. I just love being in the center of their lives to see how it plays out. I fucking. Love. It. Because just like all of Walters' other books, specifically Find You in the Dark , you'll go through an array of emotions. You'll go through so many ups and downs, twists and turns, you'll feel physically sick at the bottom. But even after suffering major whiplash and devastation, you'll climb upward, out of the pit of darkness. And I just loved watching this story unfold.

The book is written in past and present, from Imogen Conner's pov, we get to watch two young teens navigate through a life of unfair cruelty. Both characters are so real, you experience every single emotion they experience. Their life was so difficult to journey through. I had to stop reading a few times. It became way too much, way too tragic. One thing I love is that Walters doesn't shy away from such difficult circumstances. She literally throws her characters into a tornado and lets them find their way back out. Even when their stories are so hard to bear because you feel like you're literally transformed into their lives, watching everything from the sideline. All you can do is watch. It's sometimes unbearable and frightening. But that's exactly like life, sometimes. It's real honest-to-God life.

I'm gonna be vague about this book because I think it needs to be experienced blindly. If you loved FYitD, I guarantee you'll love this one just as much. If not more, like I did. I put Yoss and Imi up on a pedestal, alongside Clay and Maggie. Because they were just as real to me when I read this story. Now I'll say, it's gonna be a painful experience. You're gonna feel like death has come knocking on your door because you can't breathe...you'll feel like you're drowning in a sea of tears for these characters, which you will be, but to get to the beautiful, you have to face the ugly.

Make sure you pre-order this book or buy it on the 18th. It's one you don't want to miss. Thanks to the author for sending me an ARC of this gem. I'll forever treasure Yoss and Imi's story. Always.

Favorite Quotes:

"It feels like I'm falling, Imi." he breathed.
"I'll catch you," I promised.
Lies so many of them. They became our truth. They would be our end.

"We'll walk on the beach, Imi, and we'll dance in the sand. Because one day soon, I promise all this ugly will become something beautiful"

"We had felt like a force of nature. Unstoppable. Destined. We thrived on the passion and confidence of youth that left no room for doubt. We loved each other. And in the ugly world we inhabited, it was a light we had clung to."

“A happy story doesn’t always have a happy ending.”

Arc kindly provided by the author
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
March 2, 2016
More than a 2...less than a 3...somewhere lost in translation Stars

This may have been the hardest book I have ever had to review! This author always writes so well...her stories dark and edgy yet filled with a profound message...always giving something more. This read was no different as she took two characters, set in the most dire of circumstances, and grew something beautiful.

So what was my problem? Those very characters who held the story also had me struggling to fall into the abyss of happiness with this read.

I will focus on the beauty of the read as I was completely invested in the plight of a young girl who would rather take to the streets than live with an emotionally absent mother. Imogene was something else...a bit brave, somewhat strong, and a whole lot naïve. It was completely heartbreaking that she found such strong emotions with street dwelling "good guy." Yoss found and took to the newbie immediately and kept her safe. He single handedly make her life on the streets bearable all while sacrificing himself in the worst way to provide for others.

I suppose it was those same characteristics that made me a non-believer. I struggled with a seemingly popular girl, who had a roof, clothes, and warm bed to go to. I felt terribly sad that Imi found such deep want and need with Yoss. He was so broken and so vacant...he lived to just survive another day. Was being at home that bad? Worse than seeing a shell of a boy you care so deeply for have to use his body to keep you happy? Oh, and that boy...Yoss...just totally devastated. Broken to the core both physically and mentally. So many "wishful thinking" moments and empty promises...everything felt so superficial. Kudos for Imi actually leaving and doing something...she may have been emotionally empty but she was safe...she was alive. I needed more of an effort to do better. I needed passionate promises of want and need, not just this connection of two souls because no one else was there.

So with so many fabulous reviews out there, I would not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone. Perhaps this was a true "me not you" moment. Unfortunately, I just didn't feel the story as so many did...my soul has blackened!!! I am still a fan of A. Meredith Walter, and I will continue to read her works!
Profile Image for FMABookReviews.
637 reviews402 followers
March 3, 2016
❝He had been my moon. My stars. My everything when I had had nothing at all.❞

Ms. Walters has an incredible ability to make you fall in love with broken characters. You love them, cherish and root for them. You ache for them. You cry for them. ‘One Day Soon’ was another such story. It was heartbreaking, depressing and so hard to read. It took me a week to get through because the content was so heavy and my heart hurt so much for these characters.

Fed up with living with her neglectful mother, 16-year-old, Imogen ‘Imi’ Connor, runs away from home. Not having any money and only the clothes on her back, she quickly realizes she didn’t think things through very well. She finds herself amongst other homeless teens and in a dangerous, scary situation. Fortunately for her, quickly coming to her rescue was Yossarian “Yoss” Frazier. Also a homeless teen, who has deemed himself the caretaker, protector and the keeper of the other homeless teens he considers his family.

❝Because of him, I was safe. I was surviving.❞

18-year-old, Yoss’s home life had been abysmal. His father was awful and left him feeling unwanted. He had been living on his own, surviving, for many years before he met Imi. He had done what he needed to survive and provide for his friends. It wasn’t always pretty, easy or good. But he rationalized his behavior as necessary.

They quickly fell in love with each other. Partly due to their circumstance and both needing to feel loved, but also, because they were perfect for each other.

❝It felt good. To smile. To laugh.
Like heartbeats and sunsets.
Happy endings and old movies.
This was what Yoss and I were made of.❞

I can’t go into much more detail because I don’t want to ruin the book for you. As you read it, you will understand.

I love Ms. Walters writing. She has always been a ‘one-click author’ for me. If you want a book about second-chance romance and with ANGST, that will have you experiencing a wide range of emotions, ‘One Day Soon’ is for you!

***I did have a few issues with the book, though.


⦁ If I am reading an ARC and there are typos, spelling issues, or editing errors, I am able to ignore them, because I realize in most cases, I am not reading a finished product. But, this wasn’t an ARC and there were many issues which should have been taken care of in the editing process. I was shocked by this because I have never run across a book from A. Meredith Walters which hadn’t been edited precisely. I found myself getting frustrated which detracted from my reading experience.

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Profile Image for Lea ★.
520 reviews149 followers
February 18, 2016
I just finished reading this... how to describe it in two words?
I was hooked from the minute I grabbed this book.
I feel like my head is going to explode any minute. This broke me.
Last time I felt like this after reading a book was probably after finishing Bright Side by Kim Holden...
though I will say this one has a happy ending :)
Even though it's February, I am quite positive that this book will stay on top of my this year's favourites shelf. It is simply that amazing.
After reading book like this, I feel totally inadequate to write a review about it.
I am not sure I can find words to describe how good this is.
This is not a hearts and flowers romance story...this was real,intense, raw, full of angst, emotional, dark... I cried... a lot... but it was worth it.
I have to admit, I did cheat a bit. At one point while reading, my emotions were choking me and I had to skip to the epilogue. I do that sometimes... sue me! ;) After I checked that there is actually a HEA, I continued without stopping.
I won't reveal anything else.
Read it! A.Meredith Walters is a brilliant writer and you won't be sorry.

I will leave you with this: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Profile Image for Jen.
753 reviews137 followers
March 27, 2016
A-MAZ-ING!! This story is beautiful. I'm completely blown away by it. I'd read many great reviews when this book came out and immediately added it to my list to read. I expected to fall in love with this second chance book seeing as this is one of my favorite types of stories, but I never expected to FEEL as much as this book made me feel. The writing was so beautiful. I was captivated from the start.
“A happy story doesn’t always have a happy ending.”

Imi runs away from home at the age of sixteen. She constantly feels invisible whenever her mother is around. She hopes that her true absence will make her mother wake up and hopefully come looking for her. Instead of being saved by her mother, she's saved by Yoss when a shady character begins harassing her.

Yoss is eighteen when he meets Imi, but he's been on the streets since he was twelve. He has a group of friends or family rather that he's built and invites Imi into it. He is such a selfless guy. Even with nothing to give, he is always trying to take care of them. He really has to succumb to some awful things in order to earn money so that they can have some money. It's truly heartbreaking.
"He had helped me when he didn’t have to. He had taken care of me. He had made sure I was warm. Fed. That I had a place to lay my head at night. Even when he couldn’t keep himself safe, he made sure that I had been. He put me first. Always."

Yoss and Imi are friends. As time passes, they end up falling in love with one another. They had daydreams of leaving and starting over somewhere else. To one day walk along the beach. After six months together they agree that they are going to leave. Yoss was supposed to meet Imi under the bridge, but he never showed.

Fast forward fifteen years and Imi is now staring at the face of the boy who broke her heart all of those years ago. Even though it's obvious that she never stopped loving him, how do they move forward? Can she forgive him? Will he be able to face her once she learns why he never came for her under the bridge?

“A hundred memories arched between us. A thousand words spoken softly in the dark. A dozen promises never kept.”

This book was told in alternating past and present viewpoints. It was done so well. Ms. Walters broke my heart with this book, but I loved it so. It's truly a MUST read. It's an unforgettable story that will stay with me. A top favorite for me. I can't wait to read more by this author.
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews322 followers
February 20, 2016
One Day Soon by A Meredith Walters
5 stars!!

“Because one day soon, I promise you that this ugly will become something beautiful.”

This was one of those stories that I define as heartbreakingly beautiful. I shed many tears over the story of Yoss and Imi and they are two characters that have stayed with me some days later. I find my mind wandering back consistently to these two such is the impact that their story has had on me. While A Meredith Walters covers some tough subjects throughout this story they are delivered with style, compassion and empathy. The writing was flawless, emotional and stunningly beautiful even though the story depicted was nothing but harrowing, heart-breaking and tragic. The scene setting was spot on with visceral, atmospheric prose that transported you to living in The Pit alongside these lovable characters. While A Meredith Walters takes you on one intense, emotional journey, you will be uplifted with a stunning love story woven in between the dirt, filth, diatribe, despondency and degradation that these people suffered on a daily basis.

“Even when I had nothing, he was everything.”

Imi was a sixteen-year-old runaway, fed up with being invisible to her self-absorbed mother and treated like she didn’t exist. Having had an extremely tough experience and then turning to her mother for help and advice, once again she is admonished and so she leaves. The streets are not for everyone and are extremely unsafe. Imi is lost, alone and absolutely terrified. On her first night she is confronted by an unsavoury character but Yoss comes to the rescue.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be who you deserved.”
“I’m sorry I believed that you already were.”

Yoss, short for Yossarian was such a beautiful character, he was selfless to a fault and took it upon himself to keep the homeless safe, sheltered and fed. Having been on the streets for years he doesn’t really know a different life but he was a protector through and through. Yoss was the bread winner within this group of friends and the lengths he goes to, to ensure they are fed was heart breaking at times, but to him it was a necessity and something that he was prepared to endure to make sure that his friends didn’t suffer the hardships that living on the streets entailed. If it wasn’t for Yoss, these characters would have succumbed to life on the streets years ago.

“My life is one never-ending worst case scenario…”

I really cannot go into any details with this story as it would totally destroy the reading experience for anyone wishing to pick up this book, but I will say that this story covers first love borne from friendship and protection, that soul mate connection that was made to stand the test of time and the most disturbing and distressing of circumstances. A love so true that it survives sacrifices and separation. A love so perfect that it was never forgotten and forever felt. A physical imprint on the other that would give way to that forever kind of love, a love set for eternity...

“…what Yoss and I shared was more than first love. It was deeper than adolescent lust and affection. It had been soul changing. Life altering. It had been reckless attachment during bleak, dangerous times. It had been a light in a murky darkness that had almost consumed us both. I had gotten away, but I had left my heart behind.”

A Meredith Walters, I take my hat off to you for delivering such an intense, emotional story that despite being so tragic and so heart-breaking it was captivating none the less. A story that had me in tears for the majority and left me wanting to walk the streets to try and help these individuals that find themselves with nothing to live for. A story that made me think and to take stock of my own future relationship with my own children, I never ever want them to think that this would be their only option. And while there isn’t much bright side in this novel one thing that it will leave you with is that sense of camaraderie, friendship and of ultimate sacrifices, of true love and soul mates and even though their story is not easy it gave me so much and is one that I will never ever forget.

“You were the last.”
“You were the only.”

Seriously, read it, devour it but most of all take something away from it, it is one of THOSE books.

“Live forever, Imi, or die in the attempt. That’s what the character Yossarian was all about.”

Profile Image for Snow.
2,266 reviews709 followers
March 3, 2016
3.5 YOSS stars

well, this will be unpopular oppinion I am sure BUT fuck it, when it doesn't work, it doesn't.
when it's not your moment, it's not... what can one do but state it clear!
It's me, totally and uterly me...

The story is hard, sad, and well very true, cause unfortuantely that kind of shitty life exists, and sometimes, most of the times we refuse to look at it, so we turn our heads away...

Praise for the boldness and for the delicate subject reference (homeless kids that are surviving any way they can)...it's not easy to see it through without being pathetic or overly dramatic and the author excellently pulled that one through.

what I had trouble with, was my own interaction between the past and the present of the characters' lives...
surprisingly enough, I could "see" and feel the relevance of the past events and I actually understood the presented and described events and emotions of the homeless children surviving, fighting to exist (although, i have never experienced it myself)...
BUT i never related to Yoss and Imi's "second chance" reunion. After 15 years of their absence in each other lives, the "emotions" that were highten at their tender ages of 16 and 18
When all i felt was love for the boy who kept me safe. The boy who tried to make me happy in the most miserable circumstances. Who held my hand and kissed me softly and made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Even when I had nothing, he was everything.

could not hold the same "emotional span" in the mentioned present for them to just continue further on based on that.
There was a huge fucking gap of 15 years of fucked up shit in one's life (Yoss), more than in other one's (Imi), so I was pretty reluctant to just buy it as "the fate" and "the meant to be" kinda thing.
even when she says to him:
"I know who you are in here. I trusted the eighteen-year-old boy who made sure I was fed. Who protected me. Who loved me. And I trust the man he became. Sure, people can change, but I see who you are."

well, I must have missed that process myself.

I never fully related to Imogen's character.

Yossarian Frazer holds it all - he's the spine of the whole book, he's the roller coaster and wingwhirl and a calm after the storm in this case...his daily survival, fight and existence made the point of proving the ultimate sacrifice he unselfishly made to save the one he loved.
"You were better off without me, Imi."
But it's obvious I have barely survived without you.

Yoss gave up his own happiness while he vicariously lived through her's (in the life span of 15 years), seeing her happy meant HE made it.
"You're my happy life, Imi."

even when he was on the verge of hisown life fading... he never gave up on the fight for her happiness
"Can you give that to me? A promise to go on? Not just half living, but living to the fullest."
"I can promise to live the life we are supposed to have."
"Even if I'm not here."
"Even if you're not here."

Yoss's life story was better presented and described and if there wasn't a chapter near the end with his POV alone...the other parts of the book would not hold any merit, at all!
And i trusted...
In happily ever afters.
Because of the man who had given me my ONE DAY SOON.

so, it should have been MORE than Yoss, that deserve the attention BUT for me, it was just ok read... *shrugs*

BR with my guurls Shan Bam and Denise Release
I guess the mood and the timing wasn't on our side this time, ladies :)

Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,493 reviews474 followers
March 11, 2016
Quick review:

Cover: Interesting
Rating: R
Thumbs Up: 4.5
Overall: Loved it
Characters: Well Done
Plot: Living on the streets without a prayer
Page Turner: Yes
Series Cont.? N/A
Recommend: Yes
Book Boyfriend: Yoss

SUMMARY (60 words or less)
This is my first book by this author and I was impressed. I knew I would like the story when I read the first chapter or so. I just didn’t know how much. If not for a rushed ending, this would have been 5 stars for me. Also, it probably needs editing and I normally don’t notice such things.

For a full review and yummy pic, see my blog post at:

Original review.
I managed not to ugly cry because I prepared for the worst. I won't say much more than other than because of the author's intent with the ending, I felt short changed. All of that, I expected a little more. But it was good! Certainly worth missing sleep.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,652 reviews4,586 followers
July 27, 2017
3.75 Stars

Overall Opinion: This book took me through the ringer! I'm still reeling over that ending!! I was really upset over it, but I still enjoyed their story. It was heartbreaking, and it's not necessarily a feel good story. Through it all was a true love story though, as there were some sweet moments of hope for the duo. Expect to cry, and need tissues people! I couldn't quite give it 4 stars just because of that ending, but it was better than 3.5 -- so I'm going to give it 3.75 stars.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Imi and Yoss' story. I won't tell too much in hopes of not ruining it. Imi is tired of being invisible to her mom, and decides to run away for good. She meets Yoss when a questionable guy starts trying to make her go somewhere, and he takes her under his wing and into his "family" of runaway kids. They spend the summer together fighting for survival and falling in love. 15 years later Yoss is admitted to the hospital that Imi works at as a social worker for being severely beaten. They are reunited, and their story is given a second chance. There is lots of ups and downs, but in the end there is a HEA ending.

POV: This was told in Imi's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Ok. This has flashbacks from 15 years ago to present. I never skimmed, and I thought it actually flowed pretty well until the end. The end was way too abrupt for me. After going through all that bad stuff I wanted more time in the happiness!

Instalove: No. They took a while to develop into feelings of love.

H rating: 4 stars. Yoss. I loved how he was so protective of his makeshift family, and how he provided for them all. I did have issues with it when when took it too far though. Overall, he was a sad but sweet character.

h rating: 3 stars. Imi. I had some big issues with why she ran away in the first place, as well as how she allowed the H to work so hard in taking care of her. I understand that she was only 16/17, but she needed to be a little for self reliant IMO.

Sadness level: Moderate/high. I ugly cried for a little bit, and also teared up a few other times. Need tissues with this one!

Heat level: Low. Minimal scenes, and they are more about the emotional connection than the physical act.

Descriptive sex: Yes.

Safe sex: Yes. Condoms are used.

OW/OM drama: Not really -- mild at most

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes

Cheating: Yes and no

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: I needed way more! I would call this a HEA ending, but I hated how I felt at the end. I didn't feel warm and fuzzy (see below safety spoiler) like I like to on HEA endings, but I would still call it a HEA (I know I don't make much sense, but it's hard to without ruining the storyline).

How I got it: I paid the $3.99 on Amazon.

Safety: Safe with big exceptions
Displaying 1 - 30 of 539 reviews

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