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Being an undercover poison taster for the rich and famous might sound glamorous, but for Isobel Avery it means stomaching bad clients and even worse coffee.

The one side of the job that lives up to expectations is the money. Which is just as well for Izzy, since she needs an awful lot of it. Who knew when she made a lifelong commitment to a man that it would be one year living with him and the rest of her life paying for it?

But even her scoundrel ex-husband doesn’t look so bad compared to her new client. He’s competent, condescending, and annoyingly attractive, and Izzy doesn’t know whether to sleep with him or poison him herself. Throw in a loan-shark, a nosy neighbor, and a murder attempt, and Izzy will have her work cut out for her.

344 pages, Paperback

First published July 5, 2016

About the author

Chelsea Field

9 books298 followers
Chelsea Field has lived an exciting life for an introvert.

She’s fallen off a galloping racehorse, faced down dozens of Australia’s most dangerous animals (including vicious roosters, for those of you who’ve read EAT, PRAY, DIE), and while she’s never sold buns or coffee for a living like her protagonist, she’s consumed plenty of both.

Yes, all of those points are about animals or food. I told you she’s an introvert.

After writing a romantic comedy (no, you can’t read it) where the hero was a photographer from Burnside and then meeting and marrying a photographer from Burnside a few years later, she’s a little worried her writing has weird prophetic fate-like powers. So she makes sure nothing too bad ever happens to her characters, just in case life decides to imitate fiction again.

You can get to know her better at http://chelseafieldauthor.com. As the middle child of five, she’s used to being ignored, though, so don’t sweat it.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 377 reviews
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,479 followers
November 6, 2019
Well this was fun. It reminded me of a combination of Poison Study and Stephanie Plum books. A strange mix, yes, but it has similarities to both enough to make me confident in that assessment.

Trust me, I'm an expert.

Our heroine is a food-taster in modern day Los Angeles for a secret society. Apparently all of those Hollywood drug overdose things are a bunch of hooey. The famous are actually being poisoned. So, these food-testers are hired on and hidden as their flunkies so nobody knows they have these poison detectors on hand. It's all very hush-hush for some reason.

Chances of cuteness? Awesome. 10 out of 10.
Chances of food without slobber in it? Not so awesome. 0 out of 10.

There is also some "sciencey" explanation for why certain people are picked to be poison-detectors and it's as believable as the rampant poisonings going on in Hollywood. Oh, and the fact that our heroine owes a loan shark money and they visited her mother once to scare her but never went back even after she was running away from them and they wanted to kill her. And the fact that she's working with this detective who has "been there, done that" seen-it-all kind of guy and yet she's the only one solving the case even though she's supposed to be eating poison as her job.

So, okay, not everything makes sense. But, you know, if you think about it, how much does life make sense? Aren't we all just random molecules existing for some unknown reason on a giant ball of dirt-covered molten metal? What does it all mean? Why metal? Why aren't there real unicorns? What's up with the platypus?
See, not everything makes sense.
Just go with it.
Read a book that's light, fun, and makes more sense than a platypus.

WTF? Why?
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,227 reviews826 followers
September 6, 2019
This book is fun in its purest form!

In trouble with a loan company (shark), Izzy escaped Australia to train as a taster in L.A. But she’s not just tasting regular food, she’s tasting for poison.

”Some things can only be learned by subjecting yourself to eight months of stomach cramps, projectile vomiting, and diarrhea.”

Now, she’s ready for her first job. As the pretend girlfriend of a wealthy man she will be insuring that he is not poisoned by sampling all of his food and drink before he partakes of it. But what she thought was a done deal is suddenly turned sideways and she finds herself not only embroiled in a case involving the attempted murder of the woman who trained her but being chased down by Mr. Black aka Bruce-the-Bruiser.


To make matters worse, the man sent to assess her performance is not only bossy, domineering, and a royal pain in her rear, he’s also the one to determine whether or not she’ll have a job and be able to pay what’s currently owed on her loan. Her attraction to him is just going to complicate things!

I loved every single thing about this story. Izzy is sassy and fun. She’s a down-to-earth kind of woman who, despite everything going on, never lets it get to her.

”I tried not to think of my own days behind the espresso machine. No one had ever held a gun to my head, poisoned me, or threatened to break my bones. Not even once.”

This heroine has some of the cutest little come backs and quips, her responses to trouble were often times laugh out loud hilarious. While she’s a tough cookie, she’s not your typical bada-- heroine. Her go-to method with a troublesome individual or situation is to try to reason herself out of it.


This is rich in mystery that was multi-layered and had a few twists that I never saw coming. Connor, her co-worker/assessor, was a hard character to decipher as we never get his point of view. It actually made him all the more mysterious and intriguing. I was hooked pretty quickly. This is a slooow burn, as in nothing but a kiss, but there is no denying the chemistry that sizzles between them. All of that just makes me want more of him.


Together, Izzy and Connor, kept me entertained from the very beginning and I resented having to set this one aside in order to deal with life. Their banter had me smiling, laughing and loving them every moment. Despite the mystery being the focal point of the story, it is this crazy, convoluted relationship that remains after the bad guy is brought to justice.

This has a wonderful flow and rhythm to it. No way could I skim anywhere as I was gobbling this up as quickly as possible. While there are several secondary characters, many involved in the murder investigation, Izzy’s neighbor Etta was by far the most entertaining. I can’t wait to get more of Izzy, Connor and Etta in the next book of the series.

Highly recommend for those who love a fun mystery with a touch of romance!!!

P.S. Be sure to check out Connor’s bonus scene when you join the author’s newsletter. What an eye-opener and added hilarity when it comes to the secret he’s been keeping!

Heroine POV
Profile Image for Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ .
885 reviews770 followers
February 26, 2019
Chelsea Field is obviously a massive fan of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, but she has managed to find a new twist on this tired, tired theme, by having her heroine Isabel be a poison taster for the rich & famous. There is (of course) a Joe to rescue Izzy from her stupider mistakes & I think I have picked out this book's Ranger.Field strays into Kinsey territory with the friendly older neighbor, but the personality is more like my favourite Evanovich creation, Grandma Mazur.

Isabel has a bright & quirky personality, but although Field is an Australian herself, Isabel doesn't seem particularly Australian - other than her longing to find a decent cup of coffee in Los Angeles. Possibly Ms Field's editors & beta readers have urged her to remove every bit of Aussie slang from her vocabulary, but I think that is a pity. A writer can chase the American market too hard. Saying that, I like this series spoof literary titles & clever jacket branding. The constant book cover changing of some new authors just makes me crazy!

The book itself did have a couple of patches where the pace slowed & the whole story was highly improbable. I enjoyed, partly because I've had a run of dull, turgid books & partly because I switched my brain off and just had fun!

But if you want a decent coffee - pfft! New Zealand coffee & cafes are way superior to any I have encountered in Australia.

So there!

Profile Image for Christina ~ Brunette Reader.
187 reviews348 followers
April 8, 2018

3,5 Stars

From Australia to Los Angeles, trying to make a new beginning while avoiding the clutches of some loan sharks hot on her trail, kind courtesy of her ex-husband, Isobel Avery starts her new very particular job as a poison taster for rich clients and soon finds herself embroiled with nosy neighbours, murderers, lethal food and a handsome-to-distraction boss.
Told from Izzy's quirky point of view Eat, Pray, Die book 1 in a new series by debut author Chelsea Field, is a very humorous and original Romantic Suspense with cosier touches, written in a smooth and refreshing prose. There were some flatter parts, but the pace and the mood always picked up again soon, making for an enjoyable and highly entertaining read.
Izzy has a lot on her hands, from her risky profession, to her sleuthing skills and to the aforementioned enigmatic, hunky boss. And most importantly, finding a decent Aussie-like cup of coffee in California!
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,869 reviews2,298 followers
May 28, 2018
Fun, Unique, and Crazy Murder Mystery

Eat, Pray, Die has got to be the most unique murder mystery, without being a supernatural, I have read! What a way to make a living! Tasting food for the rich and famous for poison and to distinguish between the poisons! Meanwhile, she owes a loan shark a lot of money thanks to a creepy ex- husband, she is stalked by a creepy rich guy that likes to drug his victims...all while working a case pretending to be a girlfriend but really tasting his food. It is full of craziness and lots of fun!
Profile Image for jay.
918 reviews5,309 followers
September 25, 2023
i'm gonna say it... it's pretty good...

i have a hard time concentrating on any other book but this was a breeze to get through. loved picking this up. i had such a great time. those two are pretty cute... 👉👈

in summary: something is seriously wrong with me and i should probably seek medical attention. am i succumbing to the fall vibes. i'm a summer boy...

yes. four stars but quite frankly i could also give it five, this rating system has lost all meaning, who cares



4.5 stars

Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
July 19, 2017
I have found another terrific new author!!! Ok, new for me, anyway. 😊
Izzy has moved to LA from Australia. She left a jerky ex-husband who left her with a hundred grand in debt with a loan shark.
The job she finds is as a taster for the rich and famous. Apparently poison is the choice of their killers. So they hire someone to taste all their food but undercover. Cool idea for a story. Right? 📖😳 It kinda makes you want to take a closer look at some famous deaths. 🤔
Anyway, Chelsea Field brings humor and romance to an excellent story! She has a great style if writing and I'm excited to read the next one in the series!
P. S. Read with care if you're on a diet. There is a lot of tasty dishes in this book and you'll be starving. Lol!!!!!
Profile Image for Dean Mayes.
Author 8 books147 followers
June 30, 2016
Eat, Pray, Die is a sexy and stylish mystery/thriller with no shortage of smart dialogue and taut action scenes combined with an engaging and involving mystery from the get go.

Chelsea Field's protagonist, Isobel Avery, is a classic fish out of water heroine - an attractive and plucky young Australian who navigates her way through the highly polished chintz of LA's celebrity obsessed culture in the role of a poison taster to the rich and famous. Working for a shadowy agency, Isobel is hired as a "Shade" by wealthy clients who are targeted by enemies by way of poisoning and it is her job to neutralise any threats by tasting their food.

When one of her colleagues falls victim to a particularly dangerous poison, Isobel is paired with the enigmatic - and decidedly "rugged" - operative Connor and together they embark on a desperate race against the clock to uncover an enemy who is determined to foil them. Isobel Avery is appealing wide eyed and, perhaps overwhelmed by the responsibilities she has taken on, but she is also resourceful, with a keen eye and an analytical mind and it doesn't take long for her to embrace her role of investigator with gusto.

Paired with her foil in Connor, I couldn't help but imagine Mad Men's John Ham in the role. There's a satisfying tension between the two and I found their story trajectory really engaging.

Field's writing style is highly polished and she posits some really clever ideas - particularly around the whole celebrity poisons industry. The need to have an agency dedicated to the protection of high profile figures from competitors is fascinating and it offers a unique insight into a world that I found utterly convincing and more than just a little scary. Her grasp of the mystery elements kept me guessing and problem solving which is the mark of a really great piece of genre fiction.

Field visualises the high gloss world of L.A. really well, making the scenes immediately accessible and she finesses her narrative with sensory detail that drew me into the world and kept me there. Her supporting cast are all well drawn and I never knew, from one page to the next just which of them might be the prime antagonist.

Above all, Eat, Pray, Die moves fast. It's an entertaining ride from beginning to end and I enjoyed the heck out of it.
400 reviews46 followers
November 3, 2021
Quite enjoyable, so a very solid three stars. The tight writing and brisk pace of this first-person narration made it an easy, quick read that was hard to put down--actually, I stayed up till 2:30 a.m. to finish it! I thought the suspense was quite well handled, especially for a story about mysterious poisonings in the world of rival Hollywood celebrity chefs; it includes a race against time to find the antidote that will save the life of a key member of the protagonist's team, so the stakes are high in spite of celebrity silliness.

Normally that would merit a four-star rating, but what keeps my rating low is a credibility factor that falls, I guess, into the category of world-building. This isn't a novel in any of the fantasy genres, you see--it pretends to inhabit the real world you and I live in, so instead of the author's imagination that we find in magic realism or urban fantasy we're dealing with outlandish supposition. There was so much for me to swallow in the premises of this story that it put a damper on my fun.

Here's what I mean. Our narrator is Isobel Avery, age 29, from Adelaide, South Australia, seriously in debt to loan sharks thanks to her scoundrel of an ex-husband. Desperate, she signed up for a high-paying job as an agent of the clandestine Taste Society; their agents are called Shades for some reason. Now Isobel's on her first case as an "undercover poison taster for the rich and famous" in Los Angeles after completing a brutal training regime.
We'd had to taste every relevant poison, by itself and in a variety of foods, to memorize the subtleties of its unique scent and flavor. We'd also had to forgo the antidote so we'd be able to recognize the distinctive symptoms. Some things can't be learned by textbook.

Some things can only be learned by subjecting yourself to eight months of stomach cramps, projectile vomiting, and diarrhea.

The average person wouldn't survive this teaching method, but all Shade trainees have the rare gene mutation PSH337PRS, which increases resistance to toxic substances.
Further, the highly secretive Taste Society, which makes the CIA look like an open book, has apparently gotten into secret relations with genetics labs around the world to identify candidates with the mutant gene.

Why does the Taste Society even exist? The other part of the premise is that all those drug overdoses and unexplained deaths among celebrities are really undetected cases of poisoning, because poison is the weapon of choice for professional assassins when the victim's death will get lots of media attention because of wealth or fame. Wow.

Huge amounts of money are shoveled around in this story without anyone blinking, and that didn't damage credibility for me. Nor did the relationship Isobel has with her handler Connor Stiles, who runs the investigation into the celebrity chef case; slowly and by cautious stages they develop mutual trust and attraction, so the "romance" element works quite well. Both primary and secondary characters are well developed, and there's a good deal of situational humor mixed into the adventure as Isobel learns to use weapons like pepper spray and Tasers that are illegal in Australia.

Heartily recommended to anyone who has less trouble with those premises than I did!
Profile Image for Chanel.
322 reviews56 followers
January 27, 2020
What the hell. I'm going for the full monty. This was definitely a 5 star read. I couldn't put it down and there wasn't even any sex in it. Shocker right?

Also, anyone else read that a character has an accent and still read it in their own American voice in your mind? The main character in this story is Australian but I didn't imagine her voice that way because even in my head I'm pretty positive I would have butchered it. Is that weird?

Eat, Pray, Die is that book where you just need to laugh while getting absorbed in the most fun, over the top story where it's lucky if you can predict the outcome.

Izzy moved to LA for a job as a Shade. A Shade is a poison taster for the rich and famous; well not always famous but rich. After eight months of training she's able to identify poisons using her senses and knowing the symptoms enough to be dosed with the antidote before the side effects kick in. She's assigned her first client, Connor, and ends up being pulled into an attempted murder investigation.

She also has her own problems to contend with. One of the reasons she desperately needs this job is because she owes a loan shark 100 grand and they're ready to pull out the big guns to get their money, aka Bruce the Bruiser.

All of that thrown in with her English roommate, her bold elderly neighbor, her cat Meow and the way she navigates life, literally on her feet (she's a flight kind of girl), at a moment's notice had me thoroughly entertained. There is a slight slow burn between Connor and Izzy and he's such an enigma on his own that between the two of them and the rest of the cast, I'm ready to dive into the next one.

There's one trigger warning and that is Izzy gets drugged with a form of the date rape drug but nothing bad happens and she was very aware she was being drugged as it was part of the plan. If you're craving a different read that will make you laugh out loud, I highly, highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Brittain *Needs a Nap and a Drink*.
373 reviews475 followers
September 21, 2017
This is one of those books that once you get past the implausibility of the premise, it's actually a pretty great book.

Eat, Pray, Die is about a young woman, down on her luck, who takes a job as a taste tester. But it isn't one of those jobs where you are making sure that your green apple jellybean *actually* tastes like green apple. She is tasting for poisons in the food of the rich and famous so they don't die. In exchange for her health and well-being, she is paid enough to get loan sharks off her back and keep her comfortable in life. Even if comfortable means an expensive espresso maker since, in Isobel's opinion, drip coffee is Satan's curse on America.

Her first assignment is the regimented and serious Connor. She is there to taste his food but there is something sexy lurking there in the back of her mind that is difficult to get rid of. When they get tossed into an attempted murder investigation, Connor and Isobel are forced to be around each other even more.

Ok, so the premise is ridiculous. Who poisons people these days? I don't think I've ever heard of it before (except that one kpop incident where the guy was given water with superglue in it but I can't think of any others) so why would it be such a concern? It's sort of a manufactured problem.

But the rest of the book is good, once you get into the swing of things.

There's an entire section on personal defense and how to use Tasers and pepper spray. There is a lot of talk about food and the plot itself is fairly engaging.

Sometimes, you get into these mysteries where the culprit is pretty obvious the entire time or a twist comes around the corner in a random way but this book seemed well thought out and it was fairly engaging.

I'm probably going to even read the next one.
5 reviews2 followers
June 1, 2016
This book, Eat, Pray, Die, was such a pleasure to read.
The story (around a secret society of poison tasters) is original, the characters are entertaining and well developed, the mystery is intriguing and left me guessing, and the tense, romantic beginnings between Izzy and the "annoyingly sexy" Connor has certainly got me hooked.
The side characters including Izzy's housemate, neighbour, client, and debt collector all add humour and depth to this book. The final scenes with the resolution of the mystery are tense and page-turning. Overall a very enjoyable book and I can't wait for book two!

I received an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for [Aengell].
218 reviews117 followers
July 28, 2016
4.5 stars - A really funny and refreshing "Humorous Mystery", as the title suggests.

Izzy just graduated as a professional food tester for the rich, as in: taking a bite of everything they eat and smelling it, so that they can detect any poison-y stuff. She has lived through some bad stuff, bad stuff mostly meaning her ex-husband, and now she has to do her first solo project and show her agency that she's the top of her class. So, originality: Score.
I won't tell more about the plot at this point, because anything more would be too much, and reading it for yourself? I recommend that SO much, my dear friends.
This story is action filled,with a very enjoyable narrative voice that quite fits the sub genre, and the humor is on point, especially the witty banter in the dialogues. You can tell that this is one of those authors that have a hack for creating memorable and unique scenes, and this is one mystery-thriller-action-comedy-romance-novel that I won't forget anytime soon.


Above: the one true, strong, coffee-like coffee that can only be drunk in Australia. Not comparable to the watered down stuff they drink in America, according to Izzy.
Profile Image for Ian.
1,398 reviews185 followers
January 16, 2017
Hollywoods elite face a dastardly threat. There are evil-doers around every corner who are just waiting to slip poison into their coffee. An elite group of poison tasters are all that stands between them and projectile vomiting.

Yeah...Eat, Pray, Die is more Stan Lee than Tom Clancy. It's cartoonish and over the top, you kind of expect James Bond to drive up with a ray gun or something. But it's also very good fun and if you're looking for a beach or pool book it well and truly fits the bill.
Profile Image for Teri G.
24 reviews3 followers
June 2, 2016
Food tasters have been around as long as there has been wealthy or powerful people. I mean, what does it matter if the taster falls over dead of poison as long as the client stays healthy? Well written, very entertaining, filled with action, suspense, mystery, humor, romance and very unique characters. You will love Connor and Isobel....I have very high hopes for these two in the upcoming books in the series. Chelsea Field has written a winner and I cannot wait for the next books in the series. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Joanne.
990 reviews23 followers
March 4, 2021
This was way more entertaining then I thought it would be.

Izzy is a food taster for rich clients who believe they will have their food poisoned. It seems that there are certain people among us that are more immune to poison then others.

This is a humorous novel and the mystery itself was quite good.

Profile Image for Liz.
455 reviews26 followers
August 25, 2019
I found a new series I'm addicted to.

The Shade Society is very interesting and we get just enough information about the inner workings of this shady business to make it interesting and not too bogged down with details. Isobel is a Shade and tastes rich people's food for poison. There's nothing special about her, other than she has a special mutant gene that allows her to survive being a poison taster and heightened smell and taste. She's completely relatable, if a bit naive for a 29 yo woman. Her inexperience and lack of knowledge is easily explained by the fact that she's new to L.A., having moved from Australia for the job. She gets into trouble a lot and seems to be a magnet for danger, but overall, I really like her.

I also love our potential love interest and male lead, Connor. He's just the right amount of asshole, and I've never experienced that before. Like seriously, he only has two lines or so that make him sound like a dick. Compared to all the other alphaholes out there? He's an angel. We also don't get much information about him in this book. He's a mystery wrapped in an enigma (and all that) waiting to be explored in future books.

I recommend this if you're in the mood for a cozy mystery series with characters that aren't infuriating and show some real growth without the frustratingly dumb choices and mistakes.

Profile Image for Lena.
306 reviews35 followers
January 9, 2021
2.5 stars
A light reading. I didn't really find it a humor book or the humor wasn't on my taste but I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Christine.
58 reviews6 followers
July 13, 2017
I can't remember when I've been this obsessed with a book series. I binge read this entire series within a week. And mind you, working all day made it difficult. But I would sneak a few minutes during lunch at work just so I could get my fix. I can't even begin to describe how much I LOVED this book. It was hilarious, but not over the top. Izzy is so relatable, and her interaction with Connor is a definitely highlight. Etta was just a ray of sunshine, I absolutely loved her. The whole premise is unique and fun. I didn't want to put it down for a single moment. Definitely recommend for a fun read. Just make sure you have plenty of time because you won't want to stop!
Profile Image for Harmony.
417 reviews6 followers
January 14, 2021
I'm sorry to say but I didn't enjoy this book. The MC is one of those too-stupid-to-live types. I find those incredibly annoying. Her career as a taste tester (she tests for poison) is illogical considering that she is an idiot.

"Izzy" is one of those women who is constantly getting into situations. Ridiculous situations. Situations caused mostly by her being a ditz and because of bad luck. I have very little patience for either of these things. I would have liked her more if she was better able to take care of herself. She has zero self defense abilities. She freaks out over everything and anything that has to do with defending herself. I don't think it's just a difference in mentality between Americans and Australians. I think it's the author creating drama where there shouldn't be any. What woman wouldn't be eager to learn how to defend herself when she's being stalked and has a loan shark muscle trying to hurt her? Izzy is that woman, the one who is too stupid to live.

Then there is potential love interest, Connor. He's indifferent towards her for the most part. He ogles other women. He only notices her when something blatantly sexual is thrown in his face. He also likes to poison her. Once he did it just because he wanted her to stop talking. Yep, he's a winner and a keeper.

I actually managed to finish the book which is why it's not a 1-star rating. It was like one of those horror things where you wanted to look away but couldn't. So, I found myself reading till the bitter end.

In spite of my active dislike of this book and the main characters, the book is well-written. The author did a good job building up the world. I don't mean LA in general since that area has been done to death and everybody knows what it's like but the area that the MC inhabits. I also better understood the MC's weird job and why she would be suited to it (somewhat, sort of, you know if she wasn't such an idiot).

Either way, I doubt I'll be reading another book in this series because I didn't like the concept or the characters enough to continue reading.
3 reviews
November 7, 2017
The feisty yet clumsy female gets paired with the self-assured, cocksure male, and their overwrought banter turns into seduction. What book am I talking about? It could be this one. It could be thousands of others. I enjoy a good read full of witty dialogue and a slow burn romance to the backdrop of a dangerous mystery. This book just made me wince and roll my eyes.

Besides the two main characters, I credit this book with creating three quirky side acts whom I would love to get to know better: the roommate with an inscrutable beef with the British crown, an elderly neighbor with a hearty appetite for cookies, cigarettes and sex, not necessarily in that order, and an amenable enforcer with a heart of gol...silver.

I also thought the profession of taster was clever. It promised a seedy underbelly to the world of glitz and glamour through a unique scope. The foodie commentary sprinkled in, although a little jargony, was a nice touch.

Overall, the character development was lacking, the dialogue was dull, and the plot leaked water. The relationship between the protagonist and the love interest felt forced, and the teacher-student element was icky. Her money troubles also were a little hard to swallow.

And as someone who is purportedly intelligent and resourceful, our hero got herself into some fairly unbelievable scrapes. She would be conveniently rescued by her new beau who would then scold her for her silliness. At no point should she get together with this dismissive, condescending sociopath.

The antagonists and the schemes were a bit hammy. Nothing that couldn't have been thwarted with a quick dial to 911.

Admittedly, this book is candy. It's easy to read, and a little humor seeps through the pages. The side characters redeem the book slightly, but I doubt I'll continue with the rest of the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
May 16, 2018
From the moment I started reading I just couldn't stop. Unfortunately, I had to stop for food, bathroom breaks, sleep, you know the necessities. It is definitely a page turner and I didn't find any parts that were slow or drug out.

Isobel and Connor's relationship is so interesting to watch. Chelsea did a great job at showing the attraction between them without really having to come out and say it. There wasn't any romance in the book, which for me is usually a big deal because I LOVE LOVE LOVE romance series, but the story and characters were so funny and quirky that I didn't mind the romance part being put on hold.

The ending was great, I didn't see that coming! I usually can spot the bad guy pretty early on, but she did a wonderful job of not giving too much away until the actual twist!

I'm a huge Stephanie Plum fan and based on the first of this series, I would definitely choose Eat, Pray, Die over Stephanie Plum!

Love, love, love. Can't wait to read the rest!
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews60 followers
November 20, 2018
Izzy has been in L.A. training for a secret job as a poison tester for almost a year now. She needs a lot of money quickly to pay of the loan shark her ex-husband stuck her with.
But with her first assignment things get sticky when she has to find out who is trying to murder a client. Her new boss is also very attractive, and she doesn't know weather he is being serious about them getting together or not, and she would rather just work on trying to stay alive.

This book was a hilarious good read. It starts off funny, and ends that way as well. I loved the main characters, and the plot line as well. I can't wait to find out more, and what will happen next!
14 reviews
July 5, 2016
Loved this book! Izzy is an endearing character who has a penchant for getting herself into trouble, combined with a natural ingenuity for getting herself out of trouble (eventually). The humour dispersed throughout the book often caught me unaware and made me laugh out loud. One particular scenario will stay with me for a long time... but I won't spoil it for you. Perfect blend of a good plot with a surprising solve and a satisfying conclusion that left me hanging out for the next book of the series. Bring it on!
Profile Image for Sarah Clairmont.
14 reviews
August 3, 2024
It’s not a good book - but I don’t think I’m the target audience! I wish the story focused a little less on building tension between the main character and her advisor and a little more on developing the mystery or the main character herself.
Profile Image for Heidi.
1,395 reviews163 followers
August 22, 2018
Three and a half stars: A refreshingly funny and unique mystery sprinkled with humor.

Izzy moved to America from Australia for a fresh start. After her ex husband stuck her with a hefty loan, she is desperate for money. Izzy unexpectedly lands herself a job as a poison taster for the rich and famous. Unbeknownst to the average person, the elite are in constant danger of being poisoned. Izzy is one of a select few who has a genetic mutation that provides her some protection against the deadly poisons she is tasting to find. Little did she know, her new life was going to be even more complicated. Throw in a demanding and annoying boss, a nosy neighbor, a loan shark and a creepy stalker and you have a recipe for mayhem. Will Izzy survive?
What I Liked:
*Eat, Pray, Die was a book I picked up on a whim, and it proved to be a fun little read. I liked the intriguing premise of the Taste Society, an underground agency that trains agents to detect poisons. This was an entertaining little read with plenty of danger, humor and mayhem.
*Izzy is a character who is easy to like. She is somewhat of a disaster, trying desperately to keep her head above water. She makes plenty of mistakes, lands herself into a few sticky situations, and she makes you laugh. I rather enjoyed her.
*The secondary cast of characters are just as interesting. Connor, the uptight boss, proves himself to be somewhat of a softy. I like him. Then there is the nosey, elderly neighbor, Etta. She is an absolute hoot. I loved her!
*I enjoyed exploring the whole concept of the Taste Society. The biggest threat to the rich and famous is poison. Many are surreptitiously poisoned, so it is up to the Shades, people with a genetic mutation that protects them from poison, to sniff out the poisons. It was interesting to read about the different poisons and how they detected them. Such a unique and fascinating dilemma. Big props for originality.
*There are hints of a romance, lots of sparks, some flirting and a little kissing. It was just the right amount.
*The book ends in a good spot, the mystery is solved, no loose ends or cliffhangers.
And The Not So Much:
*Okay there are a few things that stretch beyond believability, but it is easy to ignore it and go with the flow.
*I wasn’t a fan of some of Izzy’s rash decisions. She lands herself in several precarious situations. I hope she smartens up a bit.
*Izzy lands herself a stalker, and this is the portion of the story that bugged me. I don’t understand why he wasn’t easily taken care of early on, instead he lingers around and causes some big problems. He should have been taken out of the picture after his first stunt, and not allowed to do it again and again. Argh.

Eat, Pray, Die was a delightful little surprise. I picked this book up on a blind whim and ended up having a lot of fun with it. I loved the characters, the unique premise of the Taste Society and all the mayhem that follows. If you want something outside the box, take a look at this one.

I borrowed a copy of this book. All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for this review.
Posted@Rainy Day Ramblings.

Profile Image for Alexis Blayne.
52 reviews3 followers
October 14, 2020
A fun little read that thankfully emphasises the mystery more than the romance that seems inevitable in the following books. Considering it's more an attraction at this point, I was happy to see that.

The plot was well-structured and the pace was good, the female MC was fun and for one or two smaller things (at the end she was made out to be some sort of daredevil when I didn't see it once in the book?) she carried the book well. The male MC is far flatter by comparison, he basically has no personality (unless 'controlled' and 'rich' qualify). Other non-POV characters don't seem to have that issue.

The narrator of the audiobook, Saskia Maarleveld, did an absolutely fantastic job and I'm very much looking forward to the second book in the series.
Profile Image for LaSheba Baker.
Author 1 book45 followers
July 4, 2022
Great! Isobel is on the run from ex-husband problems and falls into the arms of a new job with a government agency. Will being a "Shade" be her life jacket or another way to sink her ship?

This book has fun foodie talk, good action sequences, and a cast of memorable characters. Miss Etta rocks! A very enjoyable read!

🌷Book Quotes:

"The scent of the ocean brought back memories of the beach and made the food seem fresher."

(kindle p. 142)

"What good are pretty things without kept promises."

(kindle p. 163)

"Don't worry about me, dear. I was born with a gun in my hand."

(kindle p. 327)
Profile Image for Kathryn Lynn.
Author 21 books96 followers
April 21, 2018
I really enjoyed this mystery. From page one I was laughing and extremely curious about what was happening. Field builds suspense like a master, just as she builds sexual tension between the two main characters. I read it quickly, because I had to know what was coming next. Field is excellent at characterization, and I came away with such a fondness for Izzy and Connor that led me to buy the second book in the series before I finished this one.

Eat, Pray, Die is a triumph in its genre.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 377 reviews

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