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Battered Hearts #2

Star Crossed

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He's a Heavyweight UFC fighter with a criminal past and deep family ties to the Italian Mafia. She's from the small southern town of Garnet, where her family has been the law for the past six generations and MMA is the only language people in her neck of the woods speak.

Their MMA camps are rivals.

Everything about their lives makes them enemies.

Their love isn't just forbidden, it's deadly, but they can't seem to help themselves.

Romeo Wellings comes from the hard streets of New York where his unwanted ties to organized crime cause him nothing but pain. Everything changes when he crosses paths with the twin sister of his long-time enemy. After a steamy, one-night stand he faces the fight of his life, but it's not in the cage. The secret relationship that blooms between Romeo and his real life Juliet has him battling his family and a dark past rather than let her go.

The only lawyer in her hometown of Garnet, Jules Conner is also a volunteer Sheriff's deputy and co-owner of a successful MMA training center. Strong and dependable, Jules is always there for those who need her. Until one forbidden night in Las Vegas with Romeo leaves her feeling so alive she can't stop reaching out to the sexy, bad boy of the UFC, even knowing the forbidden love affair could jeopardize everything.

As the tide rises against them and the people they love work at keeping them apart, Romeo and Jules hold onto a dream for a better life together and vow to go down fighting rather than accept a tragic ending.

432 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 3, 2012

About the author

Kele Moon

23 books2,613 followers
A freckle-faced redhead born and raised in Hawaii, Kele Moon has always been a bit of a sore thumb and has come to enjoy the novelty of it. She thrives on pushing the envelope and finding ways to make the impossible work in her story telling. With a mad passion for romance, she adores the art of falling in love. The only rules she believes in is that, in love, there are no rules and true love knows no bounds.

So obsessed is she with the beauty of romance and the novelty of creating it, she’s lost in her own wonder world most of the time. Thankfully she married her own dark, handsome, brooding hero who has infinite patience for her airy ways and attempts to keep her grounded. When she leaves her keys in the refrigerator or her cell phone in the oven, he’s usually there to save her from herself. The two of them now reside in Florida with their three beautiful children, who make their lives both fun and challenging in equal parts—they wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 564 reviews
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,061 followers
January 17, 2013
I dedicate this review to my significant other. This book made me remember some of the crazy antics that we got into during the early years of our relationship. Well, and it also reminded me of the fact that he usually lets me read while he watches MMA on television (unless there's a knockout - then I have to stop what I'm doing and watch it with him as he rewinds and reviews it 20 times). These are good times, my love. Good times.

Note : I did not read the first book in this series because I'd seen mixed reviews. Since I'd noticed that many people liked the second book much better than the first, I went ahead and skipped to book 2 and it read completely fine without me knowing what had happened in book 1.

What I'd expected to be nothing more than a run-of-the mill contemporary romance-slash-erotic book turned out to be something which surpassed my expectations in the plot department. The story started out fairly quickly with a hookup (I appreciated the female being the instigator), which left me wondering what was going to happen for the next 90% of the book. Thankfully, there was more to this love story than meets the eye.

The family dynamics and fighting lifestyle reminded me a little of the 5th Street series vibe. Just swap out MMA fighters for boxers and there you go (although I'm wondering why there are traditional boxing gloves on the book cover?). Where I think the level might have been turned up a notch was with the addition of the "mafia family" element. I was impressed with much of the backstory - to the point where it has me wanting to find out what's going to happen with the other brothers in their books, especially Nova.

I loved the meeting in Vegas and the long distance relationship over the phone which went on for months. Those two things are exactly how my own relationship started with my husband. We met in person for the first time in Vegas, and then we spent a lot of time on the phone until we were able to see each other again. Ahh...memories.

Wow, the phone sex and video-conferencing sex was H-O-T. If you can't be with someone, get creative, right? Well, this was pretty flipping steamy for having absolutely no physical contact. Me likey.

It was nice to see that some of the secrets and angst were channeled into a flow which actually fit the ongoing story-line. There was some drama and one or two over-the-top moments, but I never felt like I was on a constant roller-coaster of ridiculousness. Everything tied together and the H/h learned to lean on one another in fewer steps than you often see in romance novels.
For the first time in his life he let down his guard by falling asleep, trusting Jules enough to let her take the wheel for him and not fuck it up.

Romeo chose Juliet instead.

So yeah. We started off sexy, continued sexy, got some interesting action/drama near the end... and now I'm going to try out the next book because I'm curious to see what happens next.

The few whammy moments :
~ Characters named Romeo and Juliet. Really? No...really?
~ A Jersey Shore reference when mentioning the cast of characters. Gah. Not the mental image I want to pull up when I'm trying to imagine the male lead as sexy. Now all I can conjure up are greasy juice-heads wearing too-tight clothing who like to fist pump for no apparent reason. I'm half Italian and I know that Italian men can be scorching without looking like a stereotype.
~ I'm all for close sibling relationships, but lying in bed up against your twin brother while he's clothed only in boxers is creeeeepy.
~ He had big hands. And I got to hear about it more than once. I don't know why but I've always been disturbed when there's a mention of big hands repeatedly in a book. Why doesn't he just touch her with his 'hands' and not his 'big hands?' I don't get it. Sasquatch always pops into my head.

This book provided from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
July 10, 2012
Review posted at: Swept Away By Romance

5 Spicy Stars!! O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?? He's in this book, and he's SCRUMPTIOUS!! I was captivated from beginning to end! My fan nearly blew up!! Yes, it was hot, hot, hot, but Jules and Romeo’s chemistry and the overall story is what made this read such a treat!! Romeo and Juliet you say?? Maybe your rolling your eyes and snickering…well don’t, because it worked and it worked VERY WELL!! I never once winced over the choice of names and when Romeo uses Jules’ given name…Juliet…YOU WILL MELT!!

“I’m not your enemy.” Romeo lifted his gaze to hers and studied her beautiful face under the bright Nevada sun. “Juliet.”

She gasped in surprise, her eyes growing wide. “I don’t—” She floundered. Her cheeks flushed pink as she narrowed icy eyes at him. “How?”

“That’s what Jules is short for, isn’t it?” he asked simply, refusing to look away. “Juliet.”

“I go by Jules,” she said rather than rise to the bait. For a brief moment it looked like she might reach over and snatch the card back. Her guard was obviously up, but instead of lashing out and rescinding the offer, she looked to his left hand that was wrapped in a white gauze bandage and sighed in defeat. “I’ll see ya at eight, Wellings.”

“I go by Romeo.”

Ahhhhhh *sigh swoon faint*!!!

The story starts off with a bang…deliciously steamy! Then it goes back to where Defying the Odds left off. So if you haven’t read the first book I strongly suggest that you read it before starting this one.

Big bad hot MMA fighter, Romeo Wellings, is a terror in the ring, but he’s a gentleman outside of it. He’s self-assured, proud, but not arrogant. He’s loyal and very devoted to his brothers. Jules is feisty, an incredibly strong woman in mind and body, tells it like it is, and her family and friends come first!! I had a huge girl crush on her. He’s city, she’s country, two worlds collide, but together they are PERFECTION!!

”She was a little too fit, a little too tall, and she probably intimidated most men because of it.

Romeo was six-six and weighed two hundred and sixty-one pounds at his last weigh-in. Most women tended to wilt under him, but he could tell this one was different, and he found that decidedly enthralling.”

The heat begins early on, but it feels right, because Romeo and Jules are RIGHT for each other. Raw passion, overwhelming need, their initial sexual encounter is EXPLOSIVE!!!

This is not just an erotic read; it’s about family and acceptance. Giving someone a chance, and understanding that sometimes the person that seems so wrong, can be so right! Compromise and working towards a common cause, especially where it concerns your family. And in the case of Wyatt… meddling, overbearing, pain-in-the-ass Wyatt…don’t assume, not is all as it seems…stop jumping to conclusions!!

The introduction of some new characters added another layer to the story. Chiuto”s an up and coming fighter, Casanova “Nova” and Valentino “Tino”, are Romeo’s younger brothers. Nova is edgy and protective and Tino is snarky and soft at heart, just like his older brother. I’m hoping each of these guys gets a book of their own. Of course, we catch up with Melody and Clay, and Wyatt, Jules’ meddling twin!

The book is fun, witty, sexy, and addictive. It’s well written, the dialogue is plentiful, it’s extremely sensual, but appropriate considering the amazing chemistry that Romeo and Jules have. It hit all the right buttons for me and it’s going to be hard to top this one as the series goes forward, but something tells me that Kele Moon is up for the challenge!

Sexy, Scrumptious...Romeo Wellings

** I was given a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
April 12, 2013
There was a lot more meat to this story than I ever expected to find in an erotic romance. Kele Moon has told a wholly original, completely fleshed out story here, complete with some intense suspense elements, multiple (multiple, multiple) hot sex scenes, phone sex scenes, loads of dirty talking, rough touching, throw me around baby sex...and tops it off with a Romeo and Juliet star crossed lovers theme that will knock your romantic socks off!!! I mean, how much more romantic can you get than Romeo and Juliet? But does this end in tragedy like the infamous Shakespearean couple's story? Hmmmmm.....

The story begins in book one, Defying the Odds, when Romeo Moretti first fights Clay Powers in the MMA title match, then saves the day by saving his woman from a madman ex husband. This is how the story of Romeo and Juliet begins...Romeo the hero!!! **sigh!**

Jules is thankful, takes him out to dinner, blah blah blah...these two hit it off instantly, and one of the things that I really love about this story is how they don't fight their attraction to each other. They both know what they want, they both get what they want. It's when Romeo decides to move to Jules hometown to train with Clay at their awesome training facility that things get weird. Because Romeo comes from a pretty bad mafia type family, and he's definitely NOT the favored son. He sure is favored by Juliet, though!
Here's my Romeo and Juliet...Italian hottie and fit and hot blondie...

In fact, his two brothers are beginnig to get in over their heads with their family business, and Romeo is doing everything he can to get them away from that life. Same as he's always done, big brother Romeo tries to save the day and take care of the only two family members he has left. But you can't save those who don't want to be saved.

Jules is a pretty badass chick, more ripped than the normal contemporary heroine, but just as much girl. She's afraid of being alone for the rest of her life, stuck in this little town, living in her childhood home with her twin brother. Romeo is her match, and she knows it, but she's a cop and a lawyer, and Romeo is a mafia son, ex con, and secretive about it all.

Needless to say, while these two are star crossed, theirs is still a seemingly impossible love. But love they do, and I did too! This is one hell of a passionate story...betrayals and lies and deception everywhere, but also burst-out-of-your-chest passion and the love of family and friends. Don't wait if you've been saving this!

ARC provided by Loose ID via Net Galley.
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,158 followers
July 12, 2012
Warning – highly corny review alert but I just couldn’t resist!!

This is a truly brilliant and decidedly erotic contemporary romance built around Shakespeare’s most excellent and lamentable tragedie of Romeo and Juliet – a story retold so many times in history and brought right up to date here in this one.

Romeo Wellings and Jules Conner are our star crossed lovers – their opposing ‘houses’ being different UFC camps with a strong competitive rivalry. He insists on calling her Juliet after the first time they meet even though she prefers to go by Jules.

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Romeo had waded in and saved Mel at the end of the last book and Jules offers to take him to dinner to thank him. Their attraction for one another is simply irresistible and they soon give in and spend one extremely hot and passionate night together. Make sure you have a partner or a battery operated boyfriend on standby after reading this one! The sex is so descriptive that I defy you not to feel like you are in Jules’ shoes – well, that is if she was wearing any! But, they have to go their separate ways the next day, return to their lives and opposing camps and should never really see each other again.

Parting is such sweet sorrow

But they cannot resist their feelings for one another and their affair continues as phone and video cam sex and even that is seriously hot – I swear I needed a fan! Romeo and Jules long for one another and they are falling in love - albeit long distance love. It’s so beautiful – Romeo has had a hard life and Juliet brings a peace to him he has never experienced before.

O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear;
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!

Romeo comes to Garnet to train with Clay and he and Jules continue their relationship in secret as Romeo’s family is Mafioso and definitely criminal and Jules and Wyatt are born and bred law enforcement so east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet.

Two households, both alike in dignity
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

So, as this is Romeo and Juliet after all, the intrigue deepens and the second half of the novel gallops along at a riproaring pace towards our suitably dramatic conclusion. It’s such a wonderfully told realisation of the classic story – Romeo is a man who has his deepest emotions awakened by his love for his Juliet. I love the way he loved her, cared for her, wanted to protect her and Jules is a kickass heroine – tough as nails yet strangely vulnerable emotionally.

There’s a strong family and especially a sibling theme running through this. Jules is very close to her twin Wyatt as they have lost both their parents and Romeo, who has been a father figure to his two younger brothers, Valentino and Casanova, both very colourful characters and he would die for them now, has also lost both his parents.

So, my review may be cheesy but the book certainly isn’t – it’s a high quality, deeply emotional erotic romance and I can’t wait for Wyatt’s story.

I know I’ve gone totally ‘quote happy’ in this review so please allow me this last one…..

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Romeo and Juliet


5 star erotic contemporary romance

Profile Image for Vanessa Booked Up.
962 reviews458 followers
April 17, 2015
4.5 Romeo & Juliet Stars!!

Ok well, I will really try my hardest to compose myself and act like an adult here, but I promise nothing!! What a sweet, delectable little treat of a book this was!! Truth be told...I am a COMPLETE and total mafia whore and have zero willpower when it comes to Italian men ESPECIALLY boxer/fighter Italian men...so, when I first met Romeo, my knee jerk reaction was...

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and of course...

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HOLY SHIT BALLS this is a HAWT MAN!!! Alpha, fierce, can kick some ass, prefers to be a lover, not a fighter (<--- hee hee, see what I did there?), drives a hot ass car and speaks I-freakin'talian!!!

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Right away I was hooked! I mean, holy hot prologue! Kick it off with some hot ass phone sex? Yes please!!

As soon as we really get underway though, I quickly realized that this was, by no means, a mere smut book...don't get me wrong, there is a lot of totally deelish smut here to enjoy but there is also a ton of story! This book starts on the heels of what wrapped up in Defying the Odds, book 1 of this series, which I actually did not read. I was told that you can pick up here in the series and you pretty much can. I was a bit confused in the very beginning, but the author did I good job of explaining everything, so I figured it out. Romeo has just lost his title to Clay, the hero from the first book and also stepped in to help Clay's girlfriend with a conflict with her ex. Juliet is Clay's attorney. Right away there are intense sparks flying and crazy chemistry between these two. Jules invites Romeo to dinner as a way of saying thank you for helping her friends. They are both in Las Vegas for just one more night.....and what a night it is!!

"What would you like us to be? Romeo countered tauntingly, his tone daring her to be honest.
"Sweaty and naked," Jules finally settled on. "Wild, sweaty, and naked. That's what I want us to be."

This was such a hot night between these two, starting with their sexual tension laden dinner followed by a lot of...
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But as soon as the cloud of lust clears the next morning, these two are forced to face reality. And their reality is that they live very far apart and are from opposing ways of life. Jules is a small town girl while Romeo is a city boy. Jules also has an extremely protective twin brother who is not a fan of Romeo's at all, while Romeo doesn't really do relationships.

I LOVED...this bears repeating L.O.V.E.D how these two never ever denied their attraction to each other from the very beginning. Never on a single page of this book was there any bullshit misunderstandings, miscommunication, or ANY of that type of needless filler crap that is polluting so many of the reads out there today. This was so refreshing!! These two were ADULTS and they were real from the get go about their feelings. They knew they were super into each other but they also recognized that any kind of road ahead would be a tough one.

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There's a ton going on around them as well. Romeo is pretty much indirectly involved in a life of organized crime, or he is at least guilty by association. His two brothers, Nova and Tino are more involved than he is and Romeo blames himself for this. This whole part of the story is a continuing one that I can tell is going to lead into the other book(s) in this series, as well as the Untamed Hearts series where both Tino and Nova will have their own books. But as far as this story, Romeo has come to terms with the fact that he will sacrifice anything for the safety of his brothers, regardless of the cost. Add in a few players who know very well how to cut Romeo where it hurts and the threat soon turns into a very real one for him.

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Jules is not only an attorney, but a cop as well in her local small town. She also practices MMA herself. (Holy scene on the karate mats!! Sweet baby Jesus on a stick, that was freakin' HOTT as hell!!) I loved Jules! She was a kick ass heroine who spoke her mind and wasn't afraid of going after and defending what she wants, ever. Romeo and Juliet are physically apart for the first chunk of the book, but when an offer to train in Jules' hometown of Garnet presents itself to Romeo, it's far too attractive of an offer to refuse, given the things that are going on around him on the home front.

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What ensues from there is a lot of sneaking around, passion, intimacy, and family secrets that kept me glued to my Kindle until the very last page of this book. I loved the hidden, soft side of Romeo that we got to see, only when he was with Juliet. I loved that there was A TON of intimacy in this book... not just sex, but real emotion that I could feel. The heart-pumping, goosebumps kind! So many tender and sweet scenes between these two that I know I will be re-reading.

The only reason that I did not give it 5 stars is because first, well there is a medical thing near the end that bothered me because it was unrealistic. But I used to work in health care so that is a personal peeve. No biggie. Secondly, while the book definitely held my attention the whole time, it wasn't as intense the whole time as I usually like my 5-star reads to be. This is definitely a more character driven book which is definitely not a bad thing. In fact, many may prefer this quality. There were peaks and valleys of the angsty, edge of your seat, plot-driven stuff that I love, but they weren't present the whole time. Definitely not a slow book, but...I don't know...not as exciting the whole time as I would have liked.

However what I totally DID NOT HATE was that this is a true ADULT book with mature characters that I have already grown to love. I had read in some of the other reviews in general for this author that she writes some deep, rich characters and that is certainly 100% accurate. Some of the best, most endearing secondary characters in anything I have read in quite some time.

I am immediately jumping into Crossing the Line next and am so excited!!

I very highly recommend this beautiful story. It will be going on my list for best reads of 2015!! (However, just to be clear, if you DO read it...Romeo belongs to me...oh, and Nova too...he's mine too!! ;) But there are plenty of other delicious men up for grabs here so, no worries! <3

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"Destiny meant for them to be together, even if everything else in their lives was opposed to it."
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,964 followers
July 12, 2012
3.5 stars.


I liked it well enough but I didn't love it.

I had a hard time with the beginning of Star Crossed. Love me some great dirty talkers, however, Romeo and Jules didn’t achieve a place in my Hall of Fame. Was I ever a happy camper when everything got better shortly afterwards. I was truly wowed by their erotic encounter in Las Vegas. Holy smokes! I totally loved it, and I ended up fantasizing by saying to myself “Romeo, please eat me too!” Romeo was deliciously scrumptious and sexy as all get out. Yes, I was drooling over this guy. At that time I had very high expectations, and I was very hopeful that Star Crossed would provide anything and everything I loved and needed in an erotic romance. Sadly, this was so not going to happen, and I even ended up skimming the sex scenes. I’d have loved to see more character and relationship development, and I’d’ve appreciated more dialogue too.
Basically the secondary characters are interesting. Initially I thought I’d want to read Wyatt’s story. He is Jules’s brother. In the beginning of the story I even liked him and I felt for him. But the more I read the less I liked him. Throughout the whole plot he is such a jerk (with a capital J). His behavior is pathetic, and he comes across as overly melodramatic. That said, Wyatt needs counseling and antidepressants.
About 60 % into the story, Jules is responsible for a huge mess. Naturally I’m aware that Romeo can shoulder some of the blame as well. Having said that, the more books I read I have to realize that lack of communication  or miscommunication, jumping to conclusions and living with the fallout are plot devices that are seriously annoying me. Oh, Jules, getting angry and refusing to think, ask, and then act has nothing to do with hormones. Grow up already. I get it that authors need to develop a story, and there’s a need to create conflicts as well. Again, I really understand it. However, the big question is how do you do it? I’m glad I’m not in the author’s shoes, that's for sure, because I agree it’s difficult to do it right. Ultimately I only judge the end result. The fact remains that the conflict was very predictable. Well, and then sometimes it’s not only about the predictability of a situation but even more so about the way the  author is willing to deal with a conflict. I believe the fallout and resolution are very important. Long story short, I can handle predictable conflicts if they are well done.
The heroine as well as the hero just wept too much for my liking. Admittedly, there is a reason for her crying jags, however, before we know she was already crying on a regular basis. I’m the first to admit that I love to see a hero coming apart. I don’t have the slightest problem with a crying man—I even welcome manly tears. However, if the tears are constantly welling up it’s not believable anymore. Everyone is hurting; everyone is angry; yeah, life is oh so miserable. When so many people are weeping then it will simply turn into a gooey sauce called melodrama. Cry me a river. Not. On the other hand, I found this quite interesting though. Personally I’m someone who weeps easily. That said, not once did I cry while reading Star Crossed. Go figure. Meaning, the schmaltziness factor was running on a high level. Actually, it was too high for me to care about it anymore. Moreover, the touchy-feely stuff did outrun the emotional factor. I just prefer deep rooted emotions and that will make me teary-eyed eventually. To be honest, I don't think that Romeo really came apart. Not once. Yes, he shed some tears from time to time but what I would like to see again is a man coming undone. Completely. It can be incredibly powerful. The best meltdown of a hero that I've had the pleasure to witness to date was Rhys in Kaylea Cross's Relentless. My oh my, this was so beautiful. To die for good. And very, very palpable. It touched me to my very core.

Conclusion (no jumping at all) :-)
Star Crossed is a decent and good enough read, and I’m sure this book will satisfy many readers since the story is spiked with a lot of sex scenes. Then again, I was just wondering what’s wrong with me because as a matter of fact, I prefer books with a more than average steam factor. As it is, maybe I feel this way because I’ve read a lot of erotica books and that type of things—a thick c*ck and “f*ck me, please”—are not so appealing anymore because it is always the same old story. It’s kinda clichéd too. I did a c*ck search and it is not surprising at all that eleven pages popped up on my Kindle that mentioned the term c*ck. I could very easily overlook the part of too much sex during the first half of the story if other important aspects of the book would have worked for me. As it is, Star Crossed left me somewhat disappointed though.
March 14, 2013
ARC provided by Netgalley

My Romeo


My Jules/Juliet


Absolutely looooooved this book. Much better than the first in my opinion.

"Tell me you love me, Juliet."
"I love you, Romeo." The confession slipped past her lips like a prayer than than a confession. "Only you. Always."



Jules lives in a small town, in the same house with her twin excompeting-UFC-fighter-turned-Sheriff brother Wyatt.

The Connors have a shitty luck in love, everyone in her family who falls in love loses their love for whatever reason and end up broken heart till they drop dead. So who does she fall in love with? A Romeo... like falling into a modern version of a Shakespeare play but with a kinky and violent twist.

Romeo is a tough Italian Stallion who had to take care of his 2 brothers his entire life. Keeping them alive, keeping them fed, keeping them away from their mafioso of a father...

This book picks up after the big event of book 1...

While in Vegas, days post Romeo's title ship loss and saving Jules' childhood friend's girlfriend... he runs into her. Attraction is instantaneous. Jules (or only Juliet to Romeo) as a thank you invites him for dinner. What starts as a dinner turns into a wild passionate night of sex... and from then on they can't stay away from each other... eventhough they should.


He's a bad boy through and through who has ties to Mafia, she comes from a Sheriff family. He's a big city boy, she's a country gal... but they have much in common on personal level... their love for the sport, their passion, their bluntness, and their love for each other.

They keep their relationship secret. Sneaking to see each other. Stealing moments to be in each others arms. There is even a scene where she is on the balcony and Romeo comes to see her. It's beautiful. Romeo has his hilarious posse of 2 brothers that cracked me up 'cause they were basically a stereotypical Italian boys. I loved it!
I just kept praying that it wouldn't have the R&J ending.


Overall I loved the book and how the characters were developed. It had everything for me: my type of humor, hot alpha males who know how to fight and defend, lots of steamy sex and a nice whoopsie moments after getting too wild and passionate that thought of a condom fly out of the window.

Hilarious Quotes:
Cowgirls, do it better

Italians do it better

"My brother's having a baby? Tino finally whispered.
"No, my sister's having a baby," Wyatt clarified, still mad enough to have an edge in his voice. "Your brother's just the cause of it.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
July 27, 2020
4.5 A True Star Crossed Love Story for Today's Times
* * * * * Spoiler Free
This is Kele Moon's continuing series of Battered Hearts.... a real-life Romeo and Juliet. Done with sexy, sexy dirty talk, action, and real risk-taking.

Please take the time to read this series if you like to become fully invested in characters that live through other books. Kele Moon
has a knack for hooking you into the lives of these characters, making you care about them and then letting them take you on their journey.

I was fully invested from the first book, Defying the Odds, and ran to read this one right after. I was lucky because it was already out. The next book Crossing the Lines is also out so this is a windfall as I cannot wait to get my next Kele Moon Fix.

As with Defying the Odds... there are terrific reviews... Duchess Nicole for me had the pulse of this series and she was why I started. I advise you to read her reviews as well as others if you wish to have a real breakdown of these books.

Defying the Odds (Battered Hearts, #1) by Kele Moon Defying the Odds (Battered Hearts, #1)
Star Crossed (Battered Hearts Book 2) by Kele Moon Star Crossed (Battered Hearts, #2)
Crossing the Line (Battered Hearts, #3) by Kele Moon Crossing The Line (Battered Hearts, #3)
Battered Hearts Boxed Set (Battered Hearts #1-3) by Kele Moon Battered Heart Boxed Set

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Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
March 6, 2015
4.5 MERDA Stars

WHEW...that was a HOT one! If you have not jumped on the Kele Moon train, well what the hell are you waiting for!

I sit and giggle as I think of MMA heavyweight Romeo Wellings and Jules Conner together. Once you read their story the whole "romantic theme" of forever love at first sight damned to end poorly is thrust upon you...then you realize Shakespear's couple has NOTHING on these two...

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Romance...sonnets...tortured moments...HELL NO. What we have here is a big bad, sexy as hell Italian alpha and a small town blonde powerhouse who may just be every bit alpha herself. I suppose you could say these two are the clichéd star crossed lovers, but honestly...they were an immediate force. HOT, DIRTY, SEXY, and POWERFUL. Too bad they shouldn't, no couldn't be together...could they?

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So they got a lot of family drama. Mafia tied brothers. Father's putting hits out and making the MMA sport corrupt for profit. Hell, even small a small town sheriff making waves and getting way to involved in others happiness. What a clusterf*** of drama.

But I cannot lie, I LOVED every minute of this read. From the take charge sexual appetite of Juliet to the sweet fall of Romeo...

“Tell me"...
"What'd you wanna hear?"
"That you want it ... I have to know you really need this from me. That you need it like I need it. 'Cause, Madonn', I need it really bad, and I'm scared to come at you if you're not there with me.”

Still Sweating...

Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,375 reviews1,343 followers
March 8, 2015
4.5 Fighting for Love Stars

“Romeo and Juliet didn’t have a happy ending. That’s how the story went, and no amount of real emotions or good intentions could change the outcome.”


Star Crossed is the second book in the Battered Hearts series. Kele Moon is a genius with words. Her characters are extremely likable yet carry flaws that make them realistic. The main series focuses on two siblings (twins) and their best friend. This is Jules' story.

“Bold is my middle name.”


Jules loves her brother Wyatt madly. She love Clay her best friend. She spends her days working as a lawyer, a cop, and teaches at the local gym (which she co-owns). Jules is rough around the edges and yet she is educated and an extremely classy lady. When Clay was battling Romeo "the Gladiator" in Las Vegas (check out book one if you haven't done so already), her whole life turns on it's axis. She meets Romeo and they end up spending the night together. It is a night like nothing she has every experienced before. She knows it could never turn into more between the two. He is a city boy and she is a good old fashioned country girl. Not to mention he seems to be a "bad boy". Her brother Wyatt would never allow her to be with him. Because Wyatt is her twin, she will do anything for him! Even if it means sacrificing happiness. Love has never been a friend to the Connor family.

“Oh, we can fall in love. Trust me, when a Conner falls in love it’s usually a terminal condition. Nothing cures it but death. We just can’t hold on to it. For some reason or another it just slips through our fingers and the end result ain’t pretty."-Jules


Romeo is an Italian Fighter. In contrast to Jules' upbringing, he hasn't had an easy life. He has two younger brothers who he raised. Because of his mother's connections to the Italian Mafia, he and his brothers are indebted to them. Romeo has been forced to balance his career, his love for his brothers, and his need to stay clear of the mafia. Meeting Jules changes everything Romeo. She awakens a desire in him. He knows he wants her. He wants more with her.

Jules and Romeo are separated and spend months texting, talking, and well other sexy things! The distance only pulls them closer together!

"Bad boy or not, she was falling for Romeo Wellings— hard."-Jules

“I was born ready for you, Juliet.”-Romeo


Clay invites Romeo to move to Garnet in order to train for his next fight. Of course he is drawn to Jules like a moth to the flame. The offer is just too good to refuse!

Once Romeo moves to Garnet, things reignite between the two of them. They continue their secret affair and things continue to build emotionally and physically between the two.

"He was Italian; hugging was like air to him, and having Jules in his arms felt like coming home."-Romeo


I love the small town of Garnet. I love the characters that float in and out of the story. But what made this story so unique? The love story between Romeo and Jules! Jules has always been afraid to be transparent. The strongest woman in the world and yet the thought of giving herself to someone has kept her paralyzed. Romeo breaks down every wall and moves in without an ounce of hesitation.

"I feel like I can’t breathe without her. It’s like drowning, you know?”-Romeo

Jules and Romeo are beginning to understand the depths of their feelings for one another when Romeo's past comes at him with a vengeance. Romeo knows he cannot risk Jules' safety. He decides to run.


Jules is too hard headed to give Romeo up. She doesn't care what her brother thinks. She doesn't care about getting a blessing from Romeo's brother. She only knows that she wants him. Romeo knows that he can only be right with her by his side.


"All this fiery passion and untamed sensuality Jules shared with him so easily was his alone, and now that he’d tasted it, he couldn’t let her go. He was doomed from the start. The moment their paths had crossed sealed his fate."-Romeo

Overall, Star Crossed was a phenomenal read. The connections between the great Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Star Crossed were well crafted and only made this read that much more enjoyable. The connection between the main characters was dynamic and heart felt. I truly enjoy a story with strong family undertones. I love the way that Ms. Moon continues to develop the family dynamics while keeping the main focus on the love story. The end of Star Crossed leads directly into the third book of the series (my absolute favorite). Bravo, Ms. Moon! Bravo!

“You only got one life to live. Might as well live it.”-Terry

Profile Image for S.
388 reviews91 followers
November 14, 2015
"Perfecting my wrestling and jujitsu is just the bonus. I'm coming to Garnett for you, Juliet."

Our hero is named Romeo, and our heroine is named Juliet. It was perfect for me! I love stories with outer obstacles so much more than when they create inner obstacles themselves! And mafia connections and families who hate each other are two a very tangible obstacle. I couldn't figure out how on earth they were going to get their HEA. But rest assure, they do!

"He’s a real bad boy." Jules felt her cheeks heat, thinking of how bad just how bad Romeo could be. "Not someone you'd wanna bring to your mama on Wednesdays or church on Sundays."

“Well, seeing as you ain't got a mama,” Terry started, giving her a sly smile, “and I ain't never seen your car in the church parking lot on Sundays, that doesn't sound like too much of a problem. Good looking?”

"God." Jules sighed longingly. "You don’t even know. That man’s hotter than Georgia asphalt in July."

This book touched my heart. It was purely a personal experience, and a very rare one. And for that I will always love this book. How can I describe it without giving too much away?

I believed in the romance. I loved that they slowly fell in love and there was no hushing around it once they realized it <3 Romeo fought Clay (the hero in #1) in Vegas, and it's where our hero and heroine meet. Let's just say that there chemistry is off the charts! The first part of the book is hawt! After that, they talk on the phone almost every night and slowly build their relationship, and I loved this part!

Romeo was every bright color in a life that'd been nothing but dull and organized until he fell into it. It was terrifying and dangerous, and she felt alive because of it.

Take a dose of romance, MMA and Sopranos and you get this book! I enjoyed it even more than the first, but I have to say that I had a hard time conjuring up a picture of Romeo in my mind. Heavyweight MMA fighter, and Italian playboy didn't mesh in my head. Lol!

Me likey a lot! Four big stars!

Thanks to Loose Id LLC and ARC NetGalley for providing me with an ARC. It was a pleasure!
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,449 reviews789 followers
February 19, 2018

HOLY CRAP THIS IS FREE!! Jump on this amazing book folks!!



**4.5 Stars**


I said it with the first book and I'll say it even louder with this one.....why the fuck did I wait so long to read this?!?!?!


And trust me, I've asked myself plenty of times while reading


And I've got nothing. No answer.

Romeo, you bad-ass, hot as fuck, in touch with his emotions Italian stallion! I fucking heart you...I heart you HARD!


Jules.....woman you are bad ass!! You're smart, strong, and most definitely not afraid to open your mouth and demand to get what you want!


This book was everything that I love about reading. It had steam, it had a great story, it had angst, it had action, it had family, it had humor....want me to keep going? Well too bad...I'm not going to. Pick up the damn book....NO, go get the series and enjoy the shit out of it!

And as for the ending......oooooooh boy.....things are getting interesting for ya Sheriff! Can't wait to see what's in store for Wyatt!!

Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,171 followers
June 19, 2013
5 Meant to be Stars


♪♫Love always finds a way
when the clouds have no silver lining
He comes through shining
Love always sees the light
through the darkest night
in a small way
Love always finds a way

Holding you near
After the storm has passed
It becomes clear
when all our tears have finally dried
that no matter how
we fools may try to turn the tide♪♫

Enough said!

Lyrics: Regine Velasquez - Love Always Find A Way
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,826 reviews1,401 followers
July 2, 2012
When people think of star crossed lovers, the most popular couple is Romeo and Juliet. I read this Shakespearean play when I was 14. While my friends gushed at how romantic it was, I was disgusted. I thought Romeo was a pussy and Juliet stupid. It was melodramatic and senseless for me. I just couldn't get into it. Thankfully in this story, Romeo is not a pussy and Juliet is a smart cookie.

When Ms. Moon created this new series with characters named Romeo and Juliet, I was half dreading and half anticipating. The star crossed lover trope is generally like a bad episode of Jersey Shores. (Wait, are there any good episodes of Jersey Shores?) The fact that Romeo is related to people in the mafia made me a bit wary of the book. For people who don't know, I loathe mafia tie ins. I don't like anything about it and find it all distasteful. (Yes, the Godfather Series does nothing for me.*Gasp*) I digress.

In this second installment, Romeo is the "enemy" of Juliet's friend Clay. More like Juliet's brother Wyatt is the one with the issue with Romeo - who was the "villain" MMA fighter. Wyatt hates Romeo. On top of it, Romeo has a rap sheet while Wyatt is a sheriff. Do you see where this is going? Pretty predictable, non? Other than the fact we know this is going to be an issue for both families, we don't know all the circumstances. Once Romeo's past is revealed, my heart breaks for him. I've liked him from the beginning so to find out how he ended up where he is, it just hurts. Yes, I shed a tear for him.

Juliet's hang ups seem trivial compared to Romeo's life. Still, Juliet is a woman I can admire and get behind. And I do mean, get behind. She's a serious kick butt martial artist AND she can shoot many different guns. She's my hero. I want to be like her. She's definitely not perfect but she's darn close. The relationship she hides with Romeo is hot. I can definitely say, Ms. Moon does not skimp on the hot sex. The sex in the gym - oh boy, "more please". This erotic novel is sweet, hot, and sweaty. I loved the mixing of martial arts into this book. I do enjoy MMA so I would say I have a soft spot for anything with MMA in it. I also imagined Romeo to look like a green eyed Cain Velasquez. Their fighting styles are completely different, but the look is how I see him.

This story is a heart warming theme, focused on family. What would you do for your family? Where are your loyalties? Is blood thicker than water? The ending of this story says it all. I loved it. I am also eager to learn more about Wyatt and this Tabitha heart-breaking bitch. I'm already predisposed to loathing her. I also would love a little side story about Tino and Nova. I like Nova. He's amazing. He's not exactly amoral, he code of ethics is very clear. He's pretty sexy. I recommend this book to romance lovers who enjoy a good fight to the death for your lover.
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews568 followers
July 11, 2012
This book was much longer and layered than the last. There was a lot of sex which I kind of skimmed and I loved the romance. Romeo is the rival of her friend Clay but they spend one awesome night together and after that exchange texts and video chat. I love how strong Jules, lawyer, multitasker, Deputy, almost Olympian became Juliet for Romeo. She is no longer one from the Conner family, known for their bad heartbreaks. Jules has never fallen for anyone, unlike her brother Wyatt the Sheriff who is still not over Tabitha, who left. I loved how Romeo and Juliet fall for each other. They sneak around when Clay trains Romeo.

Romeo was a guy not afraid of showing his emotions who was dealt a crappy card. He had spent two years in prison, which left his two brothers under the control of their mob father(not his father) and by the time he got out both his brothers were changed irrevocably, soldiers for the mob. His brother Nova the genius was the reason that their father took an interest in them. Their mother was his girlfriend on the side and when after her death Romeo refused contact, he had Romeo assaulted by dirty cops which led him to prison. Poor Nova, could see no way out of that life, his own father setting up Romeo. In the end Tino and Romeo got out but not him, all for brotherly love. You could not help but alternately dislike and like the two poor brothers who never had a chance once their dad got his clutches on them.

Wyatt having had only Jules for so long, wanting her protected. The book has a lot of action, shooting and a hell lot of build-up done for other books in the series. I am so waiting for Wyatt's book because as of right now Tabitha does sound like a bitch.

Overall a lovely romance!!
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,964 reviews33.8k followers
November 29, 2016
Very Solid 4 Stars

The two main characters had a lot of chemistry and great characterization overall.

The peripheral characters were also very good and I look forward to the next one featuring this female lead's twin brother. I loved the UFC backdrop.

The only thing that made it less than 5 stars was the ending, which seemed kind of rushed to me.

Overall, a very enjoyable read.

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Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews589 followers
October 31, 2013
There are many things I loved about this story and Romeo Wellings is at the top of the list! The devotion shared between Romeo and his two brothers added even more reading pleasure, making it my favorite in this series. A smoking hot, poignant love story that I enjoyed from beginning to end!
Profile Image for Tpagirl Loves Romance.
1,672 reviews173 followers
October 21, 2018
Star Crossed was Kele Moon’s second book in her Battered Hearts series. It was a modern day Romeo and Juliet between two MMA camps.

Juliet “Jules” Conner was the only attorney for two small towns. She was also a deputy to the Sheriff, who happened to be her brother. We met her as one of Clay’s best friends in book one, Defying the Odds. She was beautiful, smart, snarky and independent.

Romeo Wellings was the MMA fighter against Clay as well as the hero who saved Melody, book one. He was the enemy camp until the heroic act. He was also an illegitimate grandson to a New York mafia boss. He wasn’t active in the mob but with family ties, it was never far from his life.

The storyline was well written and I enjoyed the premise but I felt it was too slow in developing so it drug along at times. Otherwise I loved everything about Romeo and Jules. I also loved all of the secondary characters, primarily their hilarious bantering and loyalty to each other.

In addition to the normal push and pull within the relationship, Moon developed a strong friendship and ran a secondary story that added suspense and intrigue. I can’t wait to finish the series with Crossing the Line, focusing on Jule’s twin brother Wyatt.
Profile Image for Michele ~ la Smoocherina.
381 reviews303 followers
July 25, 2013

Reread July, 2013. I just love these characters. Kele Moon knows how to write. Romeo and Juliet come from different backgrounds but share so much in common.

I loved this book too! I thought the story of Romeo and Juliet was wonderful. The love Romeo had for his brothers really moved me. The sex scenes were so filled with love, it made them even hotter. Awesome stuff!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
233 reviews118 followers
February 9, 2017
4.5 Stars

I thought that this was a much more enjoyable read than Defying the Odds, which was Clay and Melody's story. Romeo and Juliet's story was much more realistic, meaning they didn't just fall in love the instant they saw each other. Of course like many couples, they had to face numerous problems which they fought and solved together. Compared to Defying the Odds, I thought that Star Crossed had much more passion in it. When I was reading, I really felt the love shared between Romeo and Juliet and that was one aspect that I enjoyed very much about Star Crossed. Something else that I REALLY loved was Valentino (Tino) and Casanova (Nova).

Let me just say this: Tino and Nova DESERVE their own stories <3 These two are definitely my most favorite characters following Romeo and Juliet. Tino, I think is just flat out hilarious. I think my most favorite scene with Tino was at the end when he was rubbing in everyone's faces how he won the 5K race during 4th of July. Aside from him always being funny, I really loved how he cares for He seemed really excited to be an uncle and I just really adore that about him. Tino can go from being silly as hell to serious in an instant. As for Nova, I love him too. Nova is certainly different from Tino but Nova has such an amazing gift. He and Tino really NEED their own stories.

So, the reason that I gave Star Crossed 4.5 stars is mainly because of the ending. The whole story was really enjoyable to read, but I felt as if the ending was a little too rushed. The author was probably trying to end it and not drag it out too long, but maybe she should've dragged it out longer. Reading the ending just felt weird. It was as if the ending was moving in fast motion. I'm happy with how the ending turned out, it was just that it felt really rushed.

Profile Image for Mou.
580 reviews125 followers
January 17, 2019
It was good.
It was messy.
It was safe.
I liked the heroine.
I liked the hero.
I liked the brother-sister, brother-brother relationship also. 😘😘😘
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
May 7, 2015
Reread : April 7, 2015

I decided to do a reread after reading The Slayer last week. I still love it second time around.

1st read: Nov 4, 2013

5 'Romeo & Juliet' stars

I love this Book 2 of Battered Hearts, it is much more emotional engaging that its predecessor. I guess the groundwork on the character development from Book 1 did help to make this read much more engaging because before I even started with this book I feels like I already know Jules Conner and Romeo Wellings. Jules is Wyatt's twin sister, who is a lawyer, a part time cop and also a self-defense trainer. She is a hardass and seriously intimidating chick. Romeo is Clay's arch-rival during the UFC champion title fight where Romeo lost to Clay. He is presume to be cocky and flashy, a total opposite from Clay.

This can work as a standalone as well because some of things that happen in Book 1 was explained clearly. Despite losing the title to Clay, Romeo stepped in to rescue Clay's girlfriend, Melody at Las Vegas when she was nearly kidnap by her psychotic ex-husband. We were then brought to the aftermath of the shoot out incident with Romeo meeting Jules for the first time. When he found out her full name is Juliet, he feels like moth being drawn to the flame. Despite the animosity between them, Jules was grateful for Romeo for saving Melody.

Jules was surprised to find out that Romeo is not what he seems in the public eye. He is not cocky and flashy, he is surprisingly down to earth and she feels attracted to him and make her interest known. After the supposingly fantastic one night stand they share, it surprises me that they continue a long distance 'relationship' despite going separate ways after leaving Vegas. Their initial texting and phone calls turns into sexting and webcam sex. Oh my. Unknowingly, Jules had been subconsciously having something special with Romeo over the distance for almost three months. There is so much longing and yearning between these two. Things turn interesting when Romeo decided to train with Clay at Garnet Town and Jules had to finally face her real life crush in flesh. She needs to play it cool, of course. She can't admit that he turn her into this lovesick puppy.

"Three rounds in the cage with me and you'll be running back to New York with your tail between your legs. I'm a scary bitch."
"Bruises don't scare me. Hurt me, baby. I like it."

Honestly, I just can't wait for Wyatt and others to find out about Jules' affair with Romeo. They decided to keep their relationship as a dirty little secret because of Romeo's past and Wyatt's obvious dislike at him.

We were also introduced to Romeo's brothers, Cassa'Nova' and Valen'Tino' that had a great part in the story. Loves their name, by the way. Kele Moon really did have a knack for making us fall in love with these secondary characters. Nova is the genius brother who is working for their Italian mob family, while Tino is the youngest brother who still doesn't know where he stand. Romeo had an ugly past dealing with the Moretti's family and he wants his brother away from the mess. I'm already half in love with Nova. These thightnit and affectionate Italian brothers makes my heart ache for them. You know without doubt they will kill and die for each other.

Things that happened towards the ending was pretty intense. Much more intense that I anticipated. Romeo's life was threaten by his tie-in to the mafia family and he had some drastic choices to make. I know the classic Romeo and Juliet's romance suppose to crash and burn, but I never thought we will face a similar life threatening tragedy that pull at all my heart strings. The climax has so much more emotional and intense scene not only between Romeo and Jules, but also between Romeo's brothers.

Jules' love and devotion to Romeo is simply amazing. I guess when a Conner fall in love, they fall hard. Nothing Romeo do will deter her away from him and she is adamant at keeping this man.

"You're the only chick I know who carries a .45 in her glove compartment and a shotgun in her trunk."
"You can never be too prepared."
"For what, World World War III?"

This is afterall a romance and we get our prerequisite HEA. I also can see a lot of potential for every secondary characters to get their story. The epilogue tease us on Wyatt and the appearance of his old flame. I'm anticipating whole load of angst and not quite sure whether I would have enjoy it. But so far, Kele Moon yet to disappoint me. I'm hoping to catch up on Clay and Romeo too.

Tino summed it up well for me. Love that boy.

"For a town without nightlife it seems like lotsa interesting shit happens around here. Never a dull moment in Garnet."
Profile Image for Wminbc.
1,136 reviews82 followers
March 12, 2013
Batthered Hearts #1 and #2 are now up on NetGalley...which can only mean they are seeking some hype for #3 coming out soon!!! Get yourself some of this fight action!

Loving Romeo again...


I loved this one! The book was similar in theme to 12 Rounds (finished last week) but so different and so good! Both books were actually!

I am taking up kickboxing with real MMA fighters with a pole dancing friend of mine and this book just confirmed what a freaking great idea that is! Jules rocks it out of the park. Juliet is smart, funny, loyal and smexy strong...Because as us pole dancers say: Strong is the new Skinny!

Romeo, Romeo, where fore art thou my Romeo? He was great, but the bad girl in me (that imaginary side that interacts with imaginary book men) really wanted Nova! Ahhhhh, Casanova, I hope he gets a book. He is so amazing that my heart ached from him. And then when he and Tino hugged up with Romeo...TEARS!

Then there is Tino, what a guy! Romeo's baby brother was the baby of the family, but he was the most devoted to taking Rom and Nova's backs. He will hopefully get a book along with Nova!

Back to Jules and Romeo...who despite it being their book, devoted much of their time and energy into protecting their families, their love and each other. The devotion is OFF the CHARTS. I love that tough Jules isn't afraid to cry over her love for Romeo. Romeo isn't shy about telling everyone he loves (and I mean EVERYONE) that he loves them...awesome! But having dated an Italian, I know how generous and gregarious they can be. Hmmmm, love me some Italian stallion!

Great book, even better than the first...and looking forward to Wyatt and Tabitha's book...she had better grovel!
Profile Image for Mizz.
1,074 reviews387 followers
March 26, 2016

Beware of Spoilers!

Star Ratings:
Heroine (Jules): 5/5
Hero (Romeo): 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Grovel: sort off
Cheating: none
HEA: yes with babies (my favourite kind)!
Triggers: none

Average score: 5/5

Best Lines: “I’d rather be dead than valuable to a bunch of bullies.” And “These country chicks, I’m not even kidding you, they’re fucking hardcore. They’ll kill your ass and make it look like an accident.”

Worst Lines: none!

Personal Review:
This was a great love story between a strong heroine and a smooth, NON-manwhore, hot hero.

I am in love with the literal heroes (Romeo, Valentino and Casanova)!! I hope Nova has a book!

Random Ramblings:
•This line made me think of ‘Making a Murderer’:
“Redneck cops are scary as shit”
•My heart hurt for Romeo and his brothers (by the way, loved the names!)
•I love a hero who is not afraid of showing his tears

Overall Feeling:
Me by the end of the book...
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
December 30, 2012
4 City Meets Country Stars!

Battered Hearts, Star Crossed is second book to Defying the Odds which I loved.

This is the story of Romeo & Juliet…Kele Moon style.

Romeo Wellings is a MMA Fighter from New York he is of Italian descent and has mafia ties and is all sorts of HOT! A reader can’t help but swoon over his description and his character. He is loyal and devoted to his two brothers Tino and Nova who just so happened to be wonderful additions to the series.

Jules is a three career driven woman. She lives with her twin brother Wyatt and is perceived to be intimidating to most men. She also is loyal and strong and turns out to the perfect match for Romeo Wellings.

Romeo was six-six and weighed two hundred and sixty-one pounds at his last weigh-in. Most women tended to wilt under him, but he could tell this one was different, and he found that decidedly enthralling.”

Romeo and Jules fall fast and readers aren’t subjected to the common plot of one of them pushing the other away because of all their differences. They both communicate their feelings from the start and it was so refreshing.

"Life's pretty friggin' mean most of the time. People got real problems and real shit to cry about, but this isn't it. This is the good stuff, and I've been kicked by life one too many times to just ignore it when something sweet falls into my lap." ~ Romeo

Although, full disclosure of past and present situations weren't given on both parts their feelings for one another were never questioned.

This couple was steamy and passionate and the video cam scene...WOW.

They faced so many obstacles and went through so much but when push came to shove, their families and friends surrounded them working together for the common good.

The story was sexy, witty and action packed. I am looking forward to Wyatt’s story!!
Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
July 10, 2012
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads
Blog rating: 4.5/5

“I want this night to be special,” Romeo admitted, sounding embarrassed as he did. His gaze ran over her for one hot moment before he sighed. “I need it – something to make life feel like it’s worth living, you know?”

Two night ago Jules had been celebrating this man’s defeat. She had shouted in triumph when Clay laid into Romeo viciously enough to be crowned heavyweight champion of the world, and everything about the moment had been amazing. Now the memory nearly ripped her heart out, and the realization was as bizarre as everything else about this night. She couldn’t give Romeo Wellings a heavyweight belt, but she could give him one night if that’s what he needed, because Lord knew, Jules needed it too.

This story starts with the events that ended Defying the Odds, book 1 in the Battered Hearts series. Romeo, having lost the heavyweight title earlier to Clay, had just helped save Clay’s girlfriend, Melody from her ex. He suffered minor injuries but was taken to the hospital all the same. Jules, one of Clay’s best friends and business partners, runs into Romeo later, insisting that she take him out to dinner as thanks for all that he did to help Clay and Melody. They have an instant attraction, but being on opposite sides in the MMA world, they should be enemies. They go to dinner, have a strong connection and spend one intense, sexy night together. They separate the next day, but Romeo has an invitation from Clay to come train with him at the training center he owns with Jules and her twin brother Wyatt. Romeo wants this badly, not only to help further his career but as a way to get some space between himself and his mob family.

Where the first book in the series had a stronger focus on the MMA world and actual fighting competitions, the fights are not center stage here. There are scenes following Romeo’s training, Romeo and Jules have a hot sparring session, and Wyatt lets his anger out on Romeo in a punishing fight. But the actual fighting wasn’t as present and I was just fine with that. Where those fights brought in an element of drama for Clay in his story, Romeo has all the drama he can handle with younger brothers both getting too involved in their father’s side of the family business. They’re a mob family and as much as Romeo hates it, he finds himself in the middle of it trying to find a way to keep his younger brothers safe. Nova is in too deep, having just replaced his father in the chain of command, but Tino, his youngest brother, goes with Romeo when he heads to Garnet to train with Clay. Unfortunately, the mob has a long reach and for the second time, they’re telling Romeo to throw his next fight. He didn’t do it the first time they asked and lost fairly, but this time the stakes feel higher and Romeo knows that he’ll have a target on his back if he doesn’t follow their orders and his life and now Jules will be in danger.

The romance between Romeo and Jules was so sweet and even more emotional than I was expecting. I had a very different impression of Romeo from book 1 then how he ended up truly being. He’s a man who’s been a father figure to his brothers from an early age, doing whatever it took to make ends meet after their mother died. He’s had the love from his brothers in his life, but he needs more, he needs Jules. She fills a hole in him that he can’t ever imagine living without again. After their one hot night together, the couple doesn’t see each other for weeks, but they text, talk and video chat (naughty video chats!) daily and they fall in love. They’re as close as two people can be when they finally set eyes on each other once Romeo gets to town to start his training. Jules is a tough woman, you cross her and she’ll put you in your place. But she and brother have been living lonely lives for way too long and she grabs on to Romeo with both hands. I loved that when they realized there was something very deep between them, they both committed and fell hard. Romeo knows that his family issues will eventually drive them apart, but Jules can’t stand the thought of letting love slip through her hands, especially after seeing what it’s done to her brother and she fights for it with Romeo.

If you don’t like emotional heroes, Romeo might not be for you. I love them. Romeo isn’t afraid to show his emotions, especially when it comes to his brothers or Jules. If he’s upset about something, he lets it out, if he needs to hug Tino, he does, he if needs to hold or be held by Jules it happens. For as badass as he is as an MMA fighter, he loves the people closest to him fiercely and it kills him to see the lives his brothers have fallen into and he blames himself for much of it. He’s an emotional guy and it made me love him all the more to see him express it.

He wanted to walk until he forgot everything, Tino who’d once been so full of love and joy, and Nova who’d planned on going to Harvard and doing something that made a difference in the world.

He wanted to walk until it didn’t feel like his fault that Tino had blood on his hands and Nova had dropped out of high school when he was sixteen.

He wanted to walk until it didn’t matter that he was probably going to die for a stupid fight and something as pointless as pride when he couldn’t help but feel like he had more to live for.

He wanted to walk until he forgot about Jules and the fact that he’d fallen in love with her when he knew this day was going to come.

Too soon.

He wanted to walk until it didn’t feel like his heart was going to shatter in his chest because he needed more time with her.

Whatever reasons he wanted to walk for, he knew he had to walk until he stopped crying.

Family plays a huge role in this story, as I’ve already mentioned Romeo and his brothers have much to deal with, but also Jules and her twin Wyatt get a lot of page time together. They’re all the other has had for years and they’re as close as siblings can be. Wyatt is a broken man. We don’t know much in the way of details, but a woman did a number on him years ago and he hasn’t recovered; he hasn’t let himself recover. His story gets set up in this one and I can’t wait to find out about the woman who’s made him the man he currently is. I can’t stand her already for seeing how it’s impacted Wyatt, but there are always two sides to every story and I’m excited to learn more about her and to know that Wyatt’s happy ending is coming.

I really loved this couple. Yes, there are cute jokes and references made to Romeo and Juliet, but this Romeo and Jules made me fall for them both, pretty much from the start. They’re such strong characters, but seeing them let go and be vulnerable with each other was engaging to read about and very romantic.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,050 reviews942 followers
July 12, 2012
Definitely a 5 star read...not only for a fab story, the chemistry between Romeo and Juliet but for the man that is ROMEO !!
And WOW Romeo is completely amazing and delicious !! I was hooked right from the start..life could have stopped if I'd let it, though towards the end I just had to put it down to catch my breath and to try and prolong it as much as I could! This story is funny, sexy and completely addictive....

The story is pretty HOT, but not only is it HOT (sorry did I already say that?!)it also has a great story line. And the other characters are fantastic, well we already know that Clay, Mel and Wyatt are FAB.

It's so well written and I'll be honest with you, I wasn't sure the whole "Romeo & Juliet" notion was going to work but it bloody well did! I never thought it was cheesy or done to death! It didn't cross my mind as I was reading it!

I recommend reading Defying the Odds to get the full effect of this story and the Battered Hearts series!!

So...we have Romeo who is a huge, hot and hard MMA fighter. He pretty much destroys anyone and everyone in the ring. However, he is also a bit of a gentle giant, in the sense that he loves with all his heart, he is loyal and devoted to the people he loves, he wants to be the best that he can be and he is conscious of what is right and wrong. He has been dealt a pretty tough hand in life!

Then we have Jules who is very self assured, independent, fierce and strong. She knows what she wants and she goes for it 100%. She again, is loyal and devoted to her family. Juliet is beautiful and very protective with a vulnerable side too.

Romeo and Juliet make PERFECT sense despite their very different backgrounds and where they come from. Their relationship is not only passionate but very real and shows that no matter who you are or where you come from it's all about love and fighting for what you want and believe in!!

So this is the story of Romeo and Juliet. Jules being Wyatt's twin sister and friends with Clay who was the focus of the first book in the series. Without giving spoilers this story picks up from where the last one ended and sees Juliet taking Romeo out for a meal as a thank you for an incident where he was a hero. They have never met before. They both feel an instant sexual attraction and as a result of Jules' direct personality, they end up in a hotel room. This was meant to be a one night only affair however it soon turns into phone sex, dirty texts and even Skype sex... *blush*!!!! Their long distance relationship continues, builds and heats up and ultimately turns into so much more when Romeo comes to Garnet to train with Clay. This is where their story begins in earnest...and what a ride!!!

"Say it. I need to hear it" - Romeo

"I love you Romeo" - Juliet

So yes, I absolutely LOVED this sequel, I actually preferred it a little bit to Defying the Odds which is pretty good going! The other characters like: Nova, Tino and Chiuto added complete humour and spice and all things....YUMMY and I am hoping they all get their own book!! Nova fascinated me, Tino was funny but had this endearing quality and Chiuto was a total enigma!!

And let me not forget Wyatt *sigh* ....I CANNOT wait for his story which I think is going to be pretty heart breaking....

I received an ARC copy from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
October 15, 2013
I just love Romeo y'all! If you ain't read this book, what the hell you waitin' for?? And if you have read this book, ain't Romeo HOT?

Lord have mercy! So...I forgot how backwoods COUNTRY Jules and Wyatt are. WOW! But I still loved this book. Just like book 1 (Defying the Odds) in the series--there wasn't a lot of angst in this book.

Star Crossed featured Juliet (Jules) and Romeo--no lie, their names were Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is a MMA fighter. He lost the champiomship to Clay (which took place in Defying the Odds). It was during the championship that Romeo and Jules meet.

They embark on a hidden affair. And a smoking HOT one at that. That skype sex.....HOLY HELL! Romeo finds himself in Garnet to train with Clay and Jules and Romeo take the relationship up a few notches.

The only real angst and drama came with Romeo and his mob connections. I loved how Jules was so forward and said what she thought and felt. She was completely honest with Romeo, which was quite refreshing. There wasn't a bunch of mis-communication drama.

Bottomline, the book was SMOKIN' HOT. It was a sweet story of opposites attract. It made me laugh, swoon, and change my panties several times. It can be read as a standalone, but there is character cross-over so I recommend reading the series in order.

Looking forward to Wyatt's book in November.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 564 reviews

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