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Harrow County

Harrow County, Vol. 6: Hedge Magic

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When a haint comes to Emmy asking for help, she's surprised to learn that one of her oldest friends may be turning against her. While Emmy has been focused on dealing with threats from the outside world, perhaps a much bigger problem has been brewing at home. Collects issues #21-#24 of the award-winning series!

120 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2017

About the author

Cullen Bunn

2,000 books983 followers
Cullen grew up in rural North Carolina, but now lives in the St. Louis area with his wife Cindy and his son Jackson. His noir/horror comic (and first collaboration with Brian Hurtt), The Damned, was published in 2007 by Oni Press. The follow-up, The Damned: Prodigal Sons, was released in 2008. In addition to The Sixth Gun, his current projects include Crooked Hills, a middle reader horror prose series from Evileye Books; The Tooth, an original graphic novel from Oni Press; and various work for Marvel and DC. Somewhere along the way, Cullen founded Undaunted Press and edited the critically acclaimed small press horror magazine, Whispers from the Shattered Forum.

All writers must pay their dues, and Cullen has worked various odd jobs, including Alien Autopsy Specialist, Rodeo Clown, Professional Wrestler Manager, and Sasquatch Wrangler.

And, yes, he has fought for his life against mountain lions and he did perform on stage as the World's Youngest Hypnotist. Buy him a drink sometime, and he'll tell you all about it.

Visit his website at www.cullenbunn.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
4,397 reviews70.3k followers
November 25, 2019
Hedge Magic is basically about forces pitting Emmy's best friend against her.


Bunn does a fantastic job (once again) showing Emmy's frustration and her fight against what she thinks is her true nature.


This is a great title for anyone who enjoys the horror comic genre.
Profile Image for Chad.
9,158 reviews1,002 followers
July 23, 2021
Something very bad is coming to Harrow County and it has all the haints terrified. Bernice thinks that the evil approaching might be Emmy even though they grew up as friends. This book has them at odds throughout until the real evil is revealed at the end of the volume. Looks like things could get very bad in the near future. Highly recommended.

Received an advance copy from Dark Horse and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
October 27, 2017
Well, well, well: The sixth volume of the harrowing Harrow County comes into my hands, just in time for Halloween, heh heh heh. Emmy is a good witch in this creepy but also somehow tender southern gothic tale, protecting her town, trying to keep her haints in control. Until now, when friend Bernice loses Lovey and fears Emmy might not be as good as she seems. The two are set against each other, facing, among other things, an angry keyhole ghost together.

The set up for the next volume is a group of people conjuring Kammi, Emmy's sister. Might she have something to do with the conflict between the two friends? It appears the series, sort of anthropological (did you know dragonflies are also known as "snake doctors" In Harrow County?) in presenting southern gothic material, is going darker! And with Tyler Crook back to do ALL the creepy dark.

Features: The skinless boy, the hissing, tattered skin, various woodland ghosts and goblins, great storytelling, great art, and two very relatable key female characters.

Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,973 reviews846 followers
June 25, 2019
Jumping from the story in volume 2, to this one volume 6, felt like a bit of a mistake. However, I really wanted to read this volume since this is a series that I quite like.

It took a while for me to get into the story, to be honest, mostly because I haven't read a Harrow County volume in a while and obviously reading this volume much has happened since I read Harrow County, Vol. 2: Twice Told.

However, Hedge Magi is a pretty good volume, can be hard to read this graphic novel without any previous knowledge about the series. But, you get the gist of the story pretty fast. I found myself quite caught up in the story towards the end, and just as it was truly getting good, did it all end! Sigh!

The art is still my big problem, I'm just not that fond of the drawings and how the characters look. But, in a way, it starts to grow on me, and I'm not totally put off. It's just that I feel every time I start to read a Harrow County volume that it takes a while for me to enjoy the story because of the art. Thankfully the stories are good!

3.5 stars

Thanks to Dark Horse Books for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Sud666.
2,186 reviews178 followers
December 19, 2017
The creepy, gothic rural setting of Harrow County continues in this good 6th volume. I gave this one one less star due to the rather artificial conflict between Emmy and Bernice. After all Bernice has seen Emmy do for the people and haints of Harrow, for her to be taken in by another witch and try to cuase harm to Emmy truly made me question her intellect as well as her character.

As to Emmy, whom I actually do like, I understand she is a good person.She truly is in her actions and overall aims. But when you're being attacked by acidic frogs-seriously, for a little bit, just put the nice girl aspect away. If Hester is as bad as everyone says she is-Emmy has a lot of growing up to do. Still, that irritation aside, this is another good addition to a great series. The who of the mysterious bad guy will surprise some readers. The art, as usual, complements this story.

Overall-Harrow County is a good, fun read. A well written story with personable characters. Count me in as a fan.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
February 2, 2019
Harrow County is heating up as a old friend might betray Emmy!

Bernice has lost her mentor. After the Snake keeper who taught Bernice everything dies, someone begins to turn her against Emmy. Blaming both the witch and the Haints for the death of Lovely. In doing so Bernice goes after Emmy, but will Emmy fight back? What will happen to our hero and also the many haints starting to follow her?

Good: The art as always works so well. It's so unique to this series, so special, I can't help but love it. The moments with Emmy and Bernice are harsh to view since they became such good friends. The haints get a little more depth, especially certain ones, and you actually feel for them. The ending is a great cliffhanger.

Bad: The way Bernice completely went against Emmy so quick felt a little forced and without too much merit.

Overall, great stuff. Harrow only ever had one volume that slipped some but other than that it's been great. A 4 out of 5.
Profile Image for Thomas.
2,043 reviews80 followers
November 8, 2017
I've been digging Harrow County quite a bit. The characters, the atmosphere, and the creepiness of the series has hit all of my interest levels, and I've enjoyed seeing how Bunn and Crook develop the series over each arc. Some of the arcs have been less interesting than the others, but the growth of the series overall has been fun to watch.

Hedge Magic returns to a thread the creators started a couple of arcs back, where Beatrice begins to learn her own magic, and feels a divide growing between her and Emmy. Here, they finally face each other with their magic, despite the fact that they've been friends for most of their lives. It creates a good character dynamic, and the conflict keeps the reader engaged.

The problem is how they choose to resolve that conflict. It's a deus ex machina moment, which was disappointing. The arc had developed to the point where neither character could trust the other, and instead of having the characters work out their issues by themselves, the creators bring in a haint to talk them down. Much of the writing in Harrow County has been strong, but it falters here in Hedge Magic. Much of that, I think, is due to how short these arcs are. Four issues doesn't seem like enough space to develop the conflict well enough to wrap them up convincingly.

The good news is that the creators still know how to create the creepy (Bunn knows how to write it, and Crook knows how to draw it), and that comes to the forefront with the keyhole ghost. Plus, that's the encounter that begins the conflict between Emmy and Beatrice, so it's not just a throwaway moment in the series.

Harrow County continues to impress, and like the blurb on the cover declares, this is a series that is "Highly recommended for people who like their horror more cerebral and creepy." I couldn't agree more.
Profile Image for Shadowdenizen.
829 reviews41 followers
November 4, 2017
Read as single issues.

Emmy has been one of the most compelling characters in this series for me, and I'm glad we get a bit more focus in her in this arc.

This remains one of the best comic titles you're not reading.
Profile Image for Robert.
3,750 reviews26 followers
May 26, 2019
I'm tearing through the series and the quality has remained consistently excellent --- so this review will be repeated till a stumble requires alteration.
Profile Image for Amanja.
575 reviews68 followers
October 11, 2019
Volume 6 is all about assumptions. Our young heroine Emmy has yet to do anything that would make someone think she's evil but everyone assumes she's evil cause she has the power that others have used for evil. Out here in the non magic world we all have potential for evil. Each and every one of us could kill. And yet, most people don't go around assuming the worst of everyone. But in Harrow County even Emmy's closest friend doesn't trust her. Since she could kill someone with the blink of an eye then she must have done it already, or she must be about to. With this assumption the fearful becomes the feared. Emmy's former companion gains a dark magic of her own and intends, actually intends, on doing harm. But she doesn't consider herself the monster. Much of this series deals with how assumptions mean more than behavior. No matter what Emmy does people will be distrusting of her because she could. We all could. It's just not as obvious for us non magic folks.

It's been interesting that Emmy has not yet given in to any dark temptations. She has flashes of thoughts that she could but she dismisses them right away. A lesser character would give in and then overcome but she has taken the righteous path the whole way so far. She is strong. She is the hero Harrow County needs but she is not the one they deserve.

for more reviews and content please visit my new blog amanjareads.com
Profile Image for Scott Rhee.
2,067 reviews109 followers
September 23, 2021
In Harrow County Volume 6, “Hedge Magic”: There’s a hunter out in the woods of Harrow County, but she’s hunting haints and demons; Emmy’s best friend Bernice seems to be working at cross purposes with Emmy; Lovey the witch is dead; snakes!; Emmy’s relatives from the meeting lodge are making schemes, one in which involves resurrecting Emmy’s evil twin…

Cullen Bunn’s magically addictive horror graphic novel series is the perfect series to binge-read for Halloween.
Profile Image for Jessica.
408 reviews56 followers
May 31, 2018
I think this collection/chapter of the story is my favorite thus far. I love a good old fashioned disagreement between friends only to show how important they are to each other. Bernie and Emmy are the best of best friends I have encountered in fiction and this is their theme song. This volume is proof even at our worst we should and hopefully all have that one friend who is the fiercest friend. Come rain, snow, sleet or snakes we know that person loves us flaws and all.
Profile Image for Elizabeth A.
1,984 reviews111 followers
November 28, 2019
This installment of this horror comic series pits two friends against each other. Both think they are right, and know the right thing to do. Is there room for both of them in Harrow County?

I continue to really the like the art, and that this story essentially has two young women at the heart of the tale. Those creepy Cottonmouths make a comeback, ugh. Also, am I the only one who wouldn't mind Priscilla and her kin living in my back yard? This one has a cliff hanger ending that portends serious family drama ahead. Perfect Thanksgiving reading. Heh.
Profile Image for Ostrava.
860 reviews20 followers
August 19, 2021
Come to think of it, we never see Emmy learn and adapt to her powers. It seems to come to her in some way, but it's not revealed to us how. I guess an entire arch dedicated to her adaptation would have been wasteful, but it's still interesting how the comic skipped it altogether.

As for Bernice, the fact that she made it out in one piece leads me to believe this will have a good ending. Or maybe, at least, a highly bittersweet one.

Gues we'll find out soon...
Profile Image for Caitlin.
952 reviews72 followers
November 3, 2017

In Hedge Magic, many of the threads that had been introduced in the earlier volumes of Harrow County are brought together again. Bunn and Crook are gearing up for one hell of a showdown in this town plagued by nightmares and demons. The paths on which Bernice and Emmy have been walking have placed them on different sides and as they each try to do what’s best for Harrow County, they come closer and closer to head-on collision. In Hedge Magic, friendship may not last forever.

This was one of those stories that I truly did not want to end. It went by entirely too fast considering that the next volume isn’t due out until March 2018. Bunn has been building this confrontation between Emmy and Bernice for several volumes now and it’s very well done. Because the readers have had a chance to see Harrow County from both the perspective of both girls, it is brutally difficult to see them at odds with each other. You almost want to reach in and shake them to get them to see sense. And by the end, we finally get to see that the Family isn’t quite done with Harrow County or the girls.

It’s gonna be a long wait until March.

Full series review here
Profile Image for Kayla (onthefritz).
665 reviews123 followers
April 10, 2019
Re-Read April 2019

"Sometimes a shadow was just a shadow. Emmy knew that much to be true. But on occasion… in Harrow County maybe more so than anywhere else in the world… a shadow was something more.”



Yesss this story is so addicting, I cannot stop! Can't wait to own all of the physical copies!!

Profile Image for Molly.
1,202 reviews53 followers
December 6, 2017
Bernice is back! Hooray! Sort of? I'm so desperate to see what becomes of Emmy and Bernice's friendship . . . and, well, of Bernice, and of the haints. The design of the goblin haints is both terrifying and adorable.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
1,547 reviews93 followers
June 26, 2018
This one had ups and downs. I loved Emmy and Bernice, but missed some of the horror elements. Still, I'm very much enjoying this series and can't wait for the next two volumes to come in for my at the lib.
March 27, 2024
i've felt fairly "meh" towards the series from the beginning, and i feel like i'm just reading to finish at this point. i'm just bored with emmy - she says the same things, has the same stance, and makes the same decisions pretty much every volume. the conflict in this one felt somewhat contrived and the pacing was absolutely bizarre. i thought i'd missed something between issues 3 and 4 in this one.
Profile Image for The_Mad_Swede.
1,374 reviews
December 1, 2018
Coming more or less straight out of the previous volume, Abandoned , the four-part arc deals with someone hunting haints, and the latter turning to Emmy for aid. It also deals with Bernice, who is now an apprentice of Old Lovey's, which may set her on a collision course with Emmy, despite their friendship. And perhaps there are parties who would like to see such turmoil flourish.

The mythology and storyworld keeps expanding, and it is a real treat to be along for the proverbial ride. The volume also, as per usual, contains very nice extras: sketchbook and a bestiary (which includes entries on the Skinless Boy, the Tattered Skin, Woodland Ghosts, and Goblins.

All in all, another great entry in the series, and I can hardly wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Jessica T..
474 reviews26 followers
February 27, 2018
So much going on... I don't even know where to begin. Usually comics become stale after being published for awhile.. NOT THIS ONE. Harrow county is continually improving with each volume. I cannot wait for volume 7.
Profile Image for Chloe.
62 reviews3 followers
November 14, 2017
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Daniel.
1,108 reviews7 followers
March 7, 2018
Amazing stories. Amazing art. This is a series you should check out
Profile Image for Myk Pilgrim.
Author 17 books72 followers
August 6, 2021
I never don't love Harrow County - It's by far my favourite contemporary horror comic.
If you're a horror person and you haven't read these yet, you're doing yourself a disservice.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 126 reviews

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