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The Queen's Rising #1

The Queen’s Rising

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Born out of wedlock, Brienna is cast off by her noble family and sent to Magnolia House - a boarding house for those looking to study the passions: art, music, dramatics, wit and knowledge. Brienna must discover her passion and train hard to perfect her skill, in the hope that she will one day graduate and be chosen by a wealthy patron, looking to support one of the `impassioned'.

As Brienna gets closer to the eve of her graduation, she also grows closer to her smart (and handsome) tutor, Cartier. He can sense that she is hiding a secret, but Brienna chooses not to reveal that she is experiencing memories of her ancestors - memories uncovering the mysteries of the past that may have dangerous consequences in the present.

A daring plot is brewing - to overthrow the usurper king and restore the rightful monarchy - and Brienna's memories hold the key to its success. Cartier desperately wants to help Brienna, but she must chose her friends wisely, keep her enemies close and trust no one if she is to save herself and her people.

464 pages, Paperback

First published February 6, 2018

About the author

Rebecca Ross

12 books20.4k followers
Rebecca Ross is the #1 New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author of fantasy books for teens and adults.

She has written multiple highly acclaimed duologies, including LETTERS OF ENCHANTMENT, ELEMENTS OF CADENCE, and THE QUEEN’S RISING as well as two standalone novels: DREAMS LIE BENEATH and SISTERS OF SWORD & SONG.

When not writing, she can be found in her garden where she plants wildflowers and story ideas. She resides in Northeast Georgia with her husband and her dog. Find her on Instagram @beccajross or online at www.rebeccarossauthor.com.

Rebecca is represented by Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,399 reviews
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,090 reviews314k followers
February 7, 2018
I hate giving one star to any book, especially those that didn't particularly piss me off or anything like that, but I just didn't enjoy The Queen's Rising one little bit. I think I almost died of boredom.

It feels derivative of many other YA fantasy books but that alone isn't the problem - a lot of YA fantasy authors retell the same old recycled premise and some even manage to make it exciting; breathe new life into it with colourful characters or beautiful writing. Unfortunately, though, The Queen's Rising has no compelling hook. There was no moment where I felt pulled into the story, needing to know the answers and the fate of the characters.

The slow start gives way to an even slower middle that builds to an easy-to-predict climax. Where is the suspense? The questions? The heart-pounding thrills? There are none.

The Queen's Rising opens with Brienna being allowed to become an arden - an apprentice of sorts - at the esteemed Magnalia House, despite showing no real inclination towards any of the five passion fields: art, dramatics, music, knowledge and wit. It is clear that she is only accepted because her grandfather revealed some super secret information about her family and heritage.

It is especially strange how the story acts as if there is a whole mystery around Brienna’s family history, and yet there’s a convenient family tree at the front of the book, which spoils several reveals before the story has even begun. The shocking revelation of who Brienna is should shock literally no one.

Brienna spends six years at Magnalia House, during which time she gossips with the other girls, talks about plays and portraits and dresses, and how to impress the masters so they get to "passion" at the end of their studies. And she pretends there isn't a blossoming romance between her and Master Cartier, though one predictably - and unnecessarily - develops. It is a tough few chapters to suffer through.

After Master Cartier gives Brienna an old book on Maevan history, she begins to have visions from the year the magical Stone of Eventide disappeared. She soon, of course, finds herself caught up in a plot to recover the stone, steal back the throne from King Lannon, and return it to the rightful queen.

I found the entire book mind-numbingly slow. It was one of those situations where I kept turning the page, sure that just around the corner was the moment it would grab me and drag me in... but it never happened. There were so many tedious cycles of studying and chatting and searching and visions and travelling and ballgowns. I wouldn't have finished it if I hadn't received an ARC for review.

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Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
April 29, 2021

"There's a man on Maevana's throne where there should be a queen."
I'm not a DNF-er, but by-gosh...sometimes I wish I was.

It literally took me over a year to read this book.

And it's honestly been so long since I have read the beginning that most of the book has faded from my memory (which is honestly...quite unusual) and I just feel a vague sense of disinterest when it comes to this one.

From what I remember, Brienna needs to go to passion school (not THAT kind of passion, but if it was...at least the book would be interesting).

She's to master one of the five passions - art, dramatics, music, wit and/or knowledge - but quickly finds out that she's not talented, witty or particularly smart.

But by-gosh, she's got pluck...so she keeps trying. And trying. And trying. Annnnnd...you get the point.

Eventually she settles on knowledge, despite not having an aptitude for it.

(Also, side note, I can see why they'd want to train the ladies in the other four traits but knowledge? It was like straight memorizing facts...why not just buy a few books and call it good?)

She gets paired up with Hotty McHotness for her tutor and immediately, you KNOW what kind of relationship they will have.
He was my master, and I was his arden, and until I passioned there was to be nothing more between us.
(Also, is it just me or is the use of "passion" in this book really awkward? Everyone is passioning left and right but as much as it sounds dirty, it's supposed to be pure and innocent).

Anyway, she eventually gets picked up by a patron.
"This is my daughter, Amadine Jourdain, adopted through passion,"
Which, is also weird, not only cause of the phrasing but also adoption?

At first I thought it was a business arrangement, like they're patrons and they want the arts but....then the patrons keep calling her their daughter. It's weird. Cause she's an adult now...not a penniless 12-year-old orphan.

Anyway, now that she has a new family, thanks to their mutual love of her passion...she gets embroiled in a plot to take the crown because of YA reasons.

Plus, in this world queens are superior, so we get a lot of clunky phrases like this:
"Wipe that off your face," his older brother sneered. "Come fight me as a queen would."
thrown in as the world building.

All in all, I'm glad I can finally mark this one as read but by-gosh I wish I never read it.

It just felt so drab and boring.

I didn't care about any of the relationships.

The plot felt tired and recycled. I just couldn't stand it.

I am willing to admit that maybe if I didn't take a 12 month break in the middle of the book that MAYBE I would've enjoyed it a bit more...but I also want to point out that it takes an especially bad book to make me want to take a year-long break.

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Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,602 reviews11k followers
December 17, 2018
$1.99 on Kindle US today 12/17/18

Magnalia House was the sort of establishment where only wealthy, talented girls mastered their passion. It wasn't designed for girls who were lacking, for girls who were illegitimate daughters, and certainly not for girls who defied kings. I, of course, happen to be all three of those things.

This book was everything to me! I loved it so very much. Was it full of action and fighting. No, not really and guess what? That's okay!

I have to admit when I first saw the beautiful cover I knew I had to have it and then I read the summary and thought it sounded pretty good and I took the plunge. I just wish I would have gotten to it sooner!

Brienna is brought to Magnalia House when she was ten by her grandfather. Brienna couldn't think why he would take her from the orphanage and bring her to this school. She had no passion she could think of but he wanted to tuck her somewhere safe. So he told the Dowager that she could do a little bit of all the passions: art, music, dramatics, with and knowledge. Well, it didn't go very good. You're supposed to have one passion and study it for 7 years and see if you can find a patron who will get you started in the world.

Brienna ended up going through all of the passions and ending up with knowledge for her last 3 years. Her master was named Cartier and he was a mysterious man. When Brienna and Cartier started talking about Maevana, things started to change. Maevana has a long history of Queens and magic, but many years ago some of the things that helped with this magic was stolen away and the Queen killed along with any survivors. And the King that sits the throne to this day will kill of any rightful heir he might find. They are the Kavanagh family and there is one daughter in hiding, waiting to take back the throne.

When Cartier gives Brienna a book about the stone and some more of the history, she starts having visions. And when everyone leaves the school and she's left without a patron, she finally tells the Dowager about her visions. To Brienna's amazement, the Dowager said she needs to get her with a patron that no one can know about. She can't write to her friends, her grandfather, or Cartier and let them know where she has gone. For she is going to Maevana where is it very dangerous and get that stone to get the rightful Queen back on the throne.

Brienna's patron is a man with the last name of Jourdain ad he takes her on as his daughter. It's all very cloak and dagger stuff, but it must be done and he's very kind to her. And will protect her with his life and he did on the road back home.

"One thing you should know about me," he murmured, nudging his empty bowl aside. "If anyone so much as threatens my family, I won't hesitate to kill them."

"I am not even your blood," I whispered, surprised by his steely resolve. I had only been his adopted daughter for one day.

"You are part of my family. And when the thieves tore apart your things, threw your books in the mud, threatened you . . . I reacted."

I didn't know what to say, but I let my gaze remain on his face. My embers of defiance and irritation faded into darkness because the longer I looked upon him, my patron father, I sensed that something in his past made him this way.

"Again, I am sorry you had to see such of me," he said. "I do not want you to fear me."

I reached across the table, offering my hand. If we were gong to succeed in whatever plans we authored, we would have to trust each other. Slowly, he set his fingers in mine; his were warm and tough, mine were cold and soft.

"I do not fear you," I whispered. "Father."

He squeezed my fingers. "Amadine."

They had to change Brienna's name to keep her in disguise just in case. So he named her Amadine. And she also has a new brother named Luc. They were all very kind to her.

Luc works with Brienna to help her figure out how to get her visions of her ancestors back. She does get more visions and knows where the stone is and how to get it.

She finds out who her father is and that's not a great day.

Brienna also finds love in all of this madness and revelations she never would have believed. She finds hope and a family. It was just wonderful. But you have to read it for yourself to see how you feel as I am but one person.

Happy Reading!

Mel ♥

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List

Profile Image for Hailey (Hailey in Bookland).
614 reviews85.5k followers
December 19, 2017
I was super into this for the first bit, then I lost interest and was kind of bored, I found all the secret identities and family dynamics and court intrigues hard to keep track of. Honestly, the last 50 or so pages I ended up skimming because I was ready for it to be done. I had hoped that the dynamics and such would really grip me, but they just didn’t. So it was good, but not great!
Profile Image for SK.
487 reviews7,933 followers
April 30, 2024
"I will take and love all of you, Brienna MacQuinn, your shadows and your light, for you have challenged me; you have captivated me. And I desire no other but you."

Good premise but fell short. I preferred the first half of the book to the second. The bonds that we see Brienna forming with her sisters at the academy was so interesting to see. I liked the dynamic between Cartier and Brienna as well, the chemistry instantly clicked. Brienna's time at the academy was far more captivating.

The second half was quite underwhelming and I blame the pacing too. It was too slow and too much of complex family dynamics and history ruined it for me. It was so hard to keep track of all names 😩😩 I also missed Cartier a lot.

Romance wise? It's a slow burn and I adored the chemistry between Cartier and Brienna. The wait for them to kiss was excruciatingly long. We also get a "who did this to you" moment that had me swooning along with him tending to her wounds.

Brienna is a likable fmc. She is kind hearted, thinks of others first and I see a lot of growth for her in the next book. Cartier made me swoon and made the book so much more happening whenever he was present. He's got potential to be book boyfriend 👀 I wish to see more of the sisters from the academy tho in the next book. I wonder if we see Ciri?

The ending was unfortunately underwhelming for me. I like some of the plot twists but their execution fell a tad flat for me. Some of the reveals that happened throughout the book were predictable, although not off-putting.

Need me some beautifully written fantasy
Profile Image for High Lady of The Night Court.
135 reviews5,322 followers
June 24, 2019
“That is a true gift, to help others see the world in a different way.”

This book turned out be something that I did not anticipate. The idea of the book itself is very simple and the story leads with the protagonist and the concept of Passions in this world. The first quarter of this book would steer you to believe that this story would focus directly on the life of the protagonist and finding her patron while it has so much more to offer. The plot is much bigger than just the protagonist and the cause more noble and dangerous than one could fathom. The main course of the story embraces the protagonist to lean into the other side of her heritage and find her purpose in a world where she was previously lost.

The story was captivating. The characters were enchanting and enhanced different aspects of the book and brought the best and, sometimes, the worst out of each other. The book maintained a steady pace and no shred was ignored. All the different pieces that went into the foundation of this book upheld both the characters and the story as we read it. The world is built wonderfully, the story opens with a focus on the school that the protagonist, Brienna, goes to, to study her passion.

Brienna struggles to find her true passion, and in the last three years of her studies she chooses to take on the passion of Knowledge. Now, when Brienna has to impress a patron with her knowledge, she is filled with anxiety and is sadly unable to gain any patrons. But this is certainly not the end of her journey. I was extremely impressed with Brienna’s character. While having all the good qualities we would want a protagonist to have, she is not unrealistically portrayed. Her character brought the best out in the world and the rest of the characters brought the best out in her.

“You are a daughter of Maevana. You are made of ancient songs and stars and steel.”

Brienna aside, all the other characters played an essential role in building the story. Her fellow students, her teachers, and her grandfather all play their own role in the plot and help expand the world. While we only read from Brienna’s perspective we do understand a lot about the other characters in the story.

I loved the emphasis on the history of the world, the sort of prophecies, and the magic (even the limited amount we see). The plot of the story involves a lot of the noble families of Maevana, so watching the past of the country as a whole and then how these families were affected individually is a fascinating journey. . The past of Maevana tells us of the presence of magic in the hands of the past queens of Maevana, and while not much of the magic is shown to us, the possibility of the return of magic sets a new pace for the plot.

You can see the stark contrast between those representing good and evil in the way they approach family, duty, honor, and loyalty during these tumultuous times.
The intensity and depth of emotions than runs through the veins of these books are mesmerising. The concept of justice, mercy, war, peace, and sovereignty are meted out flawlessly to the reader in the vibrant dance of a story is in the books. And it only gets better in the second one, which I am currently reading.

I was completely entranced by all the aspects of this book and rate it 5 stars.
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
October 18, 2022
RRs last three books have been 5 star reads for me, so i wanted to go back and try some of her earlier stories. and while i wouldnt say this book is terrible, its totally obvious that this is a debut novel.

i mean, this is your pretty basic/standard YA fantasy book in terms of plot. the characters are likeable, the world-building is decent, the storyline is easy to follow (even predictable at times), and the writing has a nice flow to it. theres nothing really unique or spectacular stands out for me to note, but this has all of the components that i am well-acquainted with and expect for the genre.

overall, i did enjoy this. yes, part of me does wish it was a little more distinctive, especially because i know RR is capable of creating some truly remarkable stories, but every author has to start somewhere, right?

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,246 reviews101k followers
February 13, 2018
ARC provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

I feel like I keep reading YA SFF and just not feeling like there is anything new or unique. I went into The Queen’s Rising expecting to feel the same, especially amidst all the lower reviews I kept seeing on Goodreads, but this ended up being a treat to read. I really enjoyed this, and I was constantly surprised by the twists and turns. The only negative thing I can say is that the romance is a little on the skeezy side, and I’ll talk about that below, but if the romance wasn’t in this book, or started differently, this would have been an easy five star read for me.

“Bow to no king”

In this world there are Houses, which are small boarding schools that specialize in five passions: art, music, dramatics, wit, and knowledge. If you have a natural talent for one of these five categories, you will go away to school once you are ten-years-old and begin your education that will last for seven years. And the unique thing is the House will only admit one child per passion for those seven years, and each child is given their own personal teacher that they will study under for the entire seven years.

And upon graduating, you will be declared a master of your passion and you will be given a very special cape, which you see the main protagonist wearing on the cover of this book. Each different passion has a different color cape that is given. A party/gathering will also be held where people will come from all around the world to offer you patronage to work under them and become almost part of their family. Whether that be touring the country with your music passion cape and a band of other musicians. Or maybe using your knowledge profession to work under a doctor that needs help. There is a vast array of different jobs a graduating passion will be offered.

Our story follows Brienna, a girl who has had the identity of her father hidden from her. After her mother’s life was taken much too soon, Brienna has been raised by her grandfather until the age of ten. At ten, Brienna heard her grandfather make a desperate plea to the headmaster/owner of the Magnalia House. Agreeing to help hide Brienna, she is admitted into the House and she chooses the passion of art!

Sadly, Brienna soon realizes that maybe her talents are not aligned with art, so year two she tries something else, and then something else year four, and year five, and finally upon year five she asks for Master Cartier to teach her everything it takes to become a passion in knowledge in only three short years.

And then the story truly takes place at the end of Brienna and her classmates’ seventh year, where they are all hoping to get the patron of their dreams. Brienna isn’t ready to say goodbye to the friends who have been her sisters for the last seven years. Especially Merei, who was her roommate and who studied the passion of music, and who was probably my favorite side character. Seriously, this book highlights the power of friendship between these two girls and I loved every single part of it.

This story also centers around the two countries of Valenia and Maevana that are connected by a channel. Valenia is way more forward thinking, where Maevana is ran by an evil dictator king, even though it is supposed to be governed by a queen. The Magnalia House is in Valenia, but that doesn’t mean that many of the girls will have to cross over to Maevana with their patrons.

Brienna ends up going on quite the adventure, that is filled with twists and turns that I honestly didn’t see coming. This book seriously shocked me numerous times, and the storylines were just so well crafted! This was such an amazing debut novel and I feel so very honored that I was given an ARC for it.

Okay, let’s just get the bad out of the way. The romance in this didn’t feel good to read, for me personally. I suppose I will say: this lone paragraph will have very minor spoilers! But honestly, you learn very quickly that a romance is going to bloom between Brienna and her teacher of knowledge, Cartier. Romance is never at the forefront of the book, and is nonexistent for a large majority of it, but it is still sprinkled throughout. Now, once things progress, Brienna is eighteen, but that’s not the problem I even had with this romance, it is the fact that this teacher, who Brienna has trusted, and respected, has known her since she was ten-freaking-years-old! Like, this has a “grooming” feeling all over it, and I could never get past it. And I could write this entire review about the power imbalance between these two individuals alone. Also, the professors are referred to as master in this book, and it feels exceptionally bad to read when Brienna kept calling Cartier it. This was my only complaint about this book. If you take this out completely, or pretend that Cartier is just a guy Brienna meets on her journey, then it is a five star book. Sadly, I couldn’t ignore it, as hard as I tried, and it was the only negative thing in this story for me.

“But I will say this: no matter which path you choose, I will follow you, even unto darkness.”

But again, if you ignore the minor romance that is sprinkled throughout, this book is perfection. And the writing? Lord, the writing in this is magical. It made an over 400-page novel seem like 200. I couldn’t believe how fast I was turning the pages. I just wanted more and more and more! The writing was so lush and lyrical! And it was the perfect mixture of whimsical, yet still so very bloody.

Another thing I loved about this story was that it really is a love letter to found families. It has a running theme of how unimportant blood truly is, but how the people we choose to love and support mean everything. You guys know that I’m all about books with found families, and this one truly celebrated them.

Also, this is the first book in a series, but another thing I really loved about this book is that it totally reads like a standalone. I am 100% completely and utterly satisfied with the conclusion of this book, and even though I can’t wait for more, I love that everything felt wrapped up, yet still gives the promise for so much more. I’ll take a wonderful ending like this over a cliffhanger any day of the year.

Overall, I loved this and I can’t wait to see what is next! This is one of the best debut novels I’ve read and is one of the best ARCs I’ve read so far in 2018. It was a breath of fresh air among all the other YA fantasy novels that just have not been doing it for me lately. This was wonderful, and I hope you all give it a chance, because the inside of this book is as beautiful as the cover.

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The quotes above were taken from an ARC and are subject to change upon publication.
Profile Image for Yusra  ✨.
253 reviews515 followers
May 6, 2018
“I walked mindfully, my dress swallowing the last of my childhood as it whispered over the grass. I had prepared years for this one night, I thought, and breathed in the fragrance of the summer.
Where had time gone?
There was no answer as I welcomed the solstice.”

Wasn’t that beautiful? I agree. The publisher agrees, because he/she put this quote on the back of the hardcover.
But, this was not how the whole book was written. Some parts were rough, others almost melodic; which is why my heart is 50/50 on this book.

The truth is, this book was nothing special. In another time and place, I would find it lacking, but somehow it captured my interest. You’ve probably read this book before and it doesn’t exactly have the “wow” factor. But if you walk into it expecting nothing, it will give you that hint of satisfaction and interest. (i make no sense, i know, i have learned to accept that i shall never change).


◦ the worldbuilding was done so well. I still wanted more, but it was amazing. Ross’ writing leaves breathing room for imagination and visualization, while continuously crafting a kingdom of fourteen houses and separate lands.

◦ Brienna was an acceptable main character; she doesn’t make stupid decisions, she naturally seems flawless?

◦ I have a connection to all these type of fantasy books with apprentices?? you know what I mean? I found the ‘passions’ to be fascinating.

also the FEMINISM. the maevans treat their women right, lemme tell you.


◦ this is literally a ‘me’ problem and my lack of historical knowledge, but the atmosphere of a novel set in the 1500’s just wasn’t there. If you want me to feel historical vibes, don’t name some of the most powerful figures in the book “Tristan” and “Brendan”.

◦ I hate saying this, but it’s something that I can acknowledge as a reader. this was a debut novel, so the writing seemed very… debut. & despite loving and appreciating Six of Crows so greatly, it literally raised my standards too much. Like the sorry excuse for “planning” that the lords did was, uhm. lacking , and I’m no Kaz Brekker but I can plan better than that.

◦ everything seemed so… perfect? Like where was the action, the intrigue, the plot twists, the CONFLICT? Everytime something happened it just got resolved in a few chapters & that’s kinda boring.

◦ ok but - the shocking plot twist of who her father is literally will not shock you. The entire time she was around her father, i presumed she knew it was him & then he reveals it & SHE IS SO SHOCKED. Me: -_-

◦ family was thrown around like nothing. Brienna literally has like a million fathers (okay, she had two, but still) and the family dynamics just weren’t there. The man who adopts her and her foster brother all accept her and treat her as their own in the first few minutes of interaction and I? felt? nothing? I understand how this was supposed to make me feel all these ways but… I didn’t feel them.

◦ idk man, it was actually nothing special and I don’t have any clue why I liked this

◦ sure, sure, I liked Cartier and Brienna together but… it was unnecessary. Didn’t add to the story whatsoever, and the romance was bland too… so it’s a lose-lose situation. on the other hand, I appreciated the friendships between the Arden sisters but we didn’t get a lot of it :/

to any of you that have seen my recent update on my brain whilst writing reviews, this was what I was talking about; I had all these coherent thoughts in my head while reading, and then this is what came out.

& do I really want book 2?
at the same time, I can see this writer going places ; this is just a debut, I know there is so much more in store for her and can’t wait to see how she improves!
Profile Image for Nadhira Satria.
434 reviews844 followers
April 14, 2018

OH WOW OH WOW OH WOW. IM IN LOVE. This was one of my most anticipated release and bOI it exceeded all of my expectations?? I was hooked from the very first pages, I binged half of the book in one sitting. IT WAS AMAZING.

What I liked

1.The writing
The writing is just beautiful. It's honestly so good that it made this 439 pages book felt like 200. I love it so much.

The main character is compassionate yet brave and determined. We can see her developing and finding herself and it's amazing. Her journey of finding herself and her place in the world to discovering and making peace with it is just nfkjdgndskjf wow.

3.World Building
*screams in 80 languages* THAT WAS SDKJGDG YES BITCH. The world building was one of the best thing in this book I'm so shook. It's so rich, so well plotted, so beautiful brb I'm crying I mean look at that gorgeous map


What I didn't like



Profile Image for ☆karamel☆ (BIRTHDAY SZN!!).
137 reviews256 followers
January 21, 2024
10 🌟’s 

“Above us, the stars burned, slow and steady. Their light guided me home.” 

🌸My Thoughts🌸
This book was shockingly good. Considering I had only picked it up bc I thought the cover looked good. But I think its a beautifully written book. It’s kinda giving fairytale vibes a little but it’s not a fairytale really. If that makes sense, hopefully. I love the characters like the way they are written to be so daring and passionate. Not weak and dependent on others. All of them are so graceful and caring towards one another and don’t let anyone tear them down. And I was a little shocked after reading this bc there aren’t a lot of books like that. I think for me the female characters were just so amazing and fun to read about. And the romance with Cartier and Brienna really seemed like it was really from a fairytale. 

🌸Main Characters🌸

♡Brienna: She is so fierce and such a fighter. 💜 She risked her life so many times like when she was messenger for two of friends who were having a secret romance. And girl was like studying everyday nonstop. I so admire her for that bc knowledge is power. However I didn’t like how she had to give up her identity to go undercover to get rid of the king bc it required her to have to leave Cartier. 😭 They were so amazing together. On the bright side tho she found him later on and it was the cutest reunion ever. When it was time for battle, she did not hesitate she got on that field and started whipping that sword around defeating everybody. She was giving Jude vibes a little bit which I love. Bc they are both such badass fierce warriors. Like we need more female like this. 🙏💗💗💗

♡Cartier: Eventhough he isn't really a main character I added him anyways bc he is literally the best. He is so fine. 🤭 From his first scene to his last scene. I would go study with him just to be with him. The way I would never complain about studying ever again…. But he is just such a nice intelligent guy. He really looks out for everyone, especially Brienna. The way he does everything with such grace and passion really makes me love him even more. I cried when he had to leave her bc I wanted him to stay so bad and tell her how he felt. And the letters they wrote were so sweet. But when she stopped writing to him and he said he thought she didn’t want to talk or see him again…that broke my heart. 😭💔 I am so glad they got to see eachother again tho. 

🌸Side Characters🌸

I liked all of the side characters. They were fun and so interesting to learn about. Her close group of friends were just so passionate and caring with each other and I think they were perfect for Brienna considering her past. Even tho I had some second thoughts about her supposed friend Ciri who got jealous about the extra attention she was receiving from Cartier. She went off and I was like I’m gonna need for you to calm down. 🤨 Jourdain and Luc were so sweet taking her into their family while she was going undercover. There whole relationship had me thinking fr that they were all related and Jourdain was her dad and Luc was her brother. Allenach sucked idc who he is. Merei was one of my favorite characters tho bc she was always kind, protective, and caring of Brienna. Plus I loved her dedication to her music. 🥰 Yseult was such a warrior I loved when she slapped the king for every single time a queen was killed bc she they were female and supposedly unworthy of the crown. 💜👑

🌸Best Couple Moments- Cartier & Brienna🌸
♡Cartier broke a rule by touching Brienna
♡Cartier stepped out of his comfort zone to play a game with Brienna
♡Cartier asking her to wear her down 
♡Brienna wearing taking her hair down and putting flowers in it before she goes to see Cartier
♡He spent all his time looking for her when he thought she was “missing”
♡Cartier on his knees for her
♡HIm putting on her cloak 
♡He chose her cloak’s symbol to be Avianna a constellation that accompanies his own, Verene (it has stars the symbolize bravery in dark times

🌸Favorite Scenes🌸

♡Cartier teaching Brienna and Ciri

♡Orianna painting Brienna’s portrait

♡Brienna meeting Cartier for again after going “undercover” to overthrow the king

♡Yseult slapping the king for each person she lost aka all the queens who were killed bc they weren’t worthy enough

♡Everyone taking over the castle after having to kill one of the main important generals

🌸Favorite Quotes🌸

♡“You promise me that you will not hesitate to use it. That if a man so much as looks at you the wrong way, you won’t be afraid to show your steel.” (Jourdain)

♡“Who did this to you, Brienna?” (Cartier)
(the iconic who did this to you line I never tire of it 🤭)

♡“I will follow you.” (Cartier)

♡“I will take and love all of you, Brienna McQuinn, your shadows and your light, for you have challenged me; you have captivated me. And I desire no other but you.” (Cartier) ❤❤❤

♡“I wondered if i could truly do this, if i could build the first house of knowledge in Maevena, if i could inspire the passions in a land of warriors.” (Brienna)
(absolute queen fr)

♡“I was a historian as I was a teacher, and I was about to carve my path.” (Brienna)

♡“I will raise this House.” (Brienna)

♡“Above us, the stars burned, slow and steady. Their light guided me home.” (Brienna)

🌸Hopes for The Queen's Resistance🌸

♡More Cartier and Brienna scenes
♡More Jourdain, Brienna, & Luc scenes
♡More badass female scenes

🌸Last Thoughts🌸

I don’t regret reading this at all and I’m so glad I branched out and read something different than what I usually read. I love dark romance but every now and then its nice to read something thats a slower pace. So, I can’t wait to read the next book in this beautiful series. 
Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
726 reviews4,202 followers
October 21, 2018
“So we rise to the challenge knowing that the victory is already ours.”

The Queens Rising is getting a bit of hype here and there, and it has a wonderful cover, but this book was ultimately so disappointing for me.

books need a hook - something that makes you want to read on. This book had no hook for me. I didn't care about the characters, and the entire plot is fucking spoiled by a family tree on the first page !. So if you're gonna read this, DON'T READ THE FAMILY TREE, I BEG OF YOU. SAVE YOURSELF.

My favourite thing about this book was the worldbuilding. This book is loosely based off of 16th century Scotland but it had so many other elements interwoven into the worldbuilding that gave it lots of unique elements.

The first section of the book is about Brienna learning to passion - passioning is basically choosing one element of society (art, music, wit, knowledge, dramatics) and then mastering it. The process of becoming impassioned, and the selection process between students and benefactors was interesting, I really liked how the world was set up here.

I also think the court intrigue and politics that the action centred around were well constructed. The families and their histories were thoroughly explained and the court intrigue was definitely very rich. If you can enjoy a book purely for it's political intrigue and the way the characters have to maneuver around eachother you'd probably like this.

But for me, it wasn't enough. I found the pace of this book so incredibly slow. A plot didn't even start to form until about page 180. Urgh. Honestly, my problems with this book are fairly straight forward: I didn't connect to the characters, and I didn't find the plot compelling. So it flopped for me.

I also hated the romance. I dislike student/teacher relationships and it was so obvious what was going to happen. I didn't really feel the spark/chemistry between the love interests and so this element held no interest for me. Its also super fucking uncomfortable for me that the MC met the LI when she was TEN and has been apprentice since she was 14. Idk, it just does not feel good at all

Overall, I don't know what to say about this book except I just didn't like it by the end I was reading just to finish it. If you like politics heavy books you might enjoy this, but don't go into it expecting a tonne of action because there is none

Profile Image for nat.
460 reviews127 followers
March 6, 2018
“... no matter which path you choose, I will follow you, even unto darkness.”

what a stunning book!

my favorite part it’s the amount of background history, and the unexpected revelations that had me a little like this -> 😏.


“... I preferred quiet spaces and books over a room full of people.”

wow same!
Profile Image for Trina.
902 reviews3,899 followers
May 10, 2018
Wooooowwww. I loved this so much! This started out set in a boarding school, has a touch of hidden lineage and ancestral memories, morphed into a quest to reclaim the throne and restore magic to the land, and ended with a Medieval style battle.

The writing was beautiful. There is a heavy use of simile and certain wording that I feel some readers may find repetitive, but it just worked for me so well.

My favorite thing about this is that it's not following the chosen one. Brienna does have a big role to play, but she is the Frodo instead of the Aragorn.

I felt this story wrapped up so well and could be a standalone. In fact, I was surprised to see it will be a trilogy. Although I feel this is perfect as is and I don't need any sequels, I will definitely be checking them out because I loved this one so much.

There is a romance between characters who were previously student and teacher. Nothing developed while they were student and teacher, but I think you could tell something was brewing. Wanted to point this out because I know many people have triggers for this romantic scenario.
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
783 reviews1,259 followers
June 12, 2022
Ok, so I did enjoy this book. In fact I would have given it 4 stars. But there was one element that I could not get past and brought down the other redeeming features.

Let’s start with the good:
The World Building. Brienna has never known her father, and her mother died when she was a baby. Raised by her grandfather he evades all questions about her father. Managing to get Brienna into a prestigious boarding school where they work on one of 5 passions - wit, drama, music, art and knowledge.
Brienna struggles to find her true passion and when the time comes and her friends leave, she is given a new task. To work undercover to bring down a noble house who pushed the rightful queen off the throne.

So far so good. I loved the political intrigue and learning about the different noble houses and the history between Valenia and Maevana.

The writing was also very good, it kept a great pace and I was eagerly flicking through.

However, an element that was hinted at in the prologue eventually came to pass and left a sour taste in my mouth. The relationship between Brienna and Cartier. From the get go he is 8 years older than her and her teacher. I’m not a fan of teacher/student relationships anyway. But they met when she was 10 years old!!! And he was an 18 year old master - it’s just fucked up.
Yes, they don’t actually get together until she is 17 (still underage but there we are). But I just couldn’t get behind this at all.

I will still read the sequel because I’m intrigued to see where the plot will go. I’ll just have to try and ignore the ‘romance’.
October 15, 2023
I can't believe I've been sitting on this cute and entertaining little gem all this time!

𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐓𝐁𝐑 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐄 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐛𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐈 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐆𝐑 𝐭𝐛𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.
𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤!

Profile Image for • Lindsey Dahling •.
371 reviews751 followers
June 5, 2019
The book could’ve been a lot better if...

1. ...the pacing wasn’t so bad.
We legitimately watch Brienna hang out at school, telling us over and over how “lost” and “unworthy” she feels about her choice to passion in knowledge (after trying and failing most of the other passions) for SO MUCH OF THE DAMN BOOK. Then, suddenly, it’s the equivalent of graduation day, oh look—no one picks her, ahhh weird memories, yay random dude to become her patron, and now she’s a master swordsman. Then a bunch of riding in carriages, describing the sky/wind/flowers, war, okaythxbyenow.

Seriously. I need to see a doctor about the whiplash this book has caused.

2. ...this little known thing called character development happened.
I know, I know. I’m dreaming big here and asking a lot. But when I’m halfway through the book and I STILL don’t remember Brienna’s peers’ names, even though she constantly talks about how much she loves them, we may have a problem. And the problem isn’t my goldfish memory (for once). All seven of her classmates were basically the same generic sidekick friend. They just had violins, books, or paints as their unique dividers. Nothing else.

3. ...there was just A LITTLE BIT of depth.


I mean, really. Brienna only makes brilliant choices (I’m not being sarcastic) that lead to perfect results. Everything is tied up in a nice bow because she was easily able to predict everyone’s moves because THAT’S HOW BLAH THEY ALL ARE.

But, Lindsey....you’ve once again bitched about a book in all caps and run-on sentences. How could you possibly give it 3 stars?

The goddamn slow burn romance gets me every time. And this one did it pretty well.
Profile Image for Neeks.
150 reviews1,009 followers
May 15, 2021
4.5 Stars

When I think of some of my all time favourite books, they either have: a) beautiful, albeit kind of flowery writing b) a slow burn plot/romance/pace or c) both.
The Queen's Rising is one of the books that fell into the "both" category and I while I don't know what I expected from this book, I didn't expect this to become one of my new favourite fantasies!

The main character, Brienna is taken to Magnolia House (a boarding school with specialised learning for one of the five 'passions': art, music, knowledge, dramatics, wit) when she is 10 years old and while most people who become passions have a natural gift or talent, Brienna was accepted without due to the Headmistress feeling sorry about her parentage (which at this point, is still unknown to Brienna). Brienna tries out a few different passions eventually settling on knowledge, and despite not having a "natural gift" for it, Brienna's hardwork, determination and dedication becomes obvious in the text. Not only did I adore Brienna for all of these qualities, but I also loved how she was kind, loyal, driven and smart!

There is a huge cast of characters in The Queen's Rising, but not once did it feel confusing or overwhelming for me personally. I grew to like most of the characters and in particular, I loved the other five passion girls who I really hope we get to see more of in the next installment! Brienna's passion master (tutor), Cartier, was ONE OF MY FAVOURITES EVER. I honestly haven't liked a side male character this much in a very, very long time!

As I stated earlier, the plot is what I would consider to be slowish. There's not necessarily a lot of action and there is a mystery kind of element to it with lots of questions to be answered. A lot of the plot twists and questions were to do with Brienna's heritage and secret identities and there happens to be an arguably spoilery family tree at the beginning of the book. So I HIGHLY recommend skipping that altogether or just don't look at it too closely (like I did) so that way, a lot of the twists aren't spoiled before you actually start the book. There were a few plot twists I found a little predictable and some that completely took me off guard but I found the whole plot really enjoyable regardless!

The romance in this book is my FAVOURITE KIND OF ROMANCE. It's SUPERRRRRRRR slow burning but it was so exciting and swoonworthy (and I barely use the word swoonworthy). I'm not going to go into detail about who the romance is between and it's not even a major part of the book, but I can't express to you how much I loved it. I haven't felt so attached to a ship or pairing in a very long time. The romance was caring, careful, angsty and very sweet. I loved every second and I really, really need more omg

Rebecca Ross's writing is simply lovely. Her prose is flowery but still simple and her descriptions of Valenia, Maevana and the people in both lands, were exquisite. Ross's writing is the perfect blend of everything I love in a novel and I'm very disappointed this is her debut because that means I can't immediately read more of her beautiful words.

While I gave this 4.5 stars, I did knock off half a star simply because I felt like some things were a bit too neat. The ending in particular was in itself, an excellent ending, but it also felt things were resolved a little too easily? This definitely could have been a standalone but I am NOT complaining about there being more to come because ohmygodineedmorenow.

All in all, The Queen's Rising was a beautifully written, slow burn, immersive novel. It had excellent world building, a huge (but great) cast of characters and featured one of my favourite romances in a very long time. I seriously can not wait for the next installment (why did this JUST have to come out) and I'm kind of kicking myself for reading this so soon because now I have to wait longer.

(Again, to reiterate, there is a potentially very spoilery family tree at the beginning of the book so either don't look at it too closely or skip looked at it until after twists are revealed)
Profile Image for Natalie Monroe.
612 reviews3,772 followers
July 29, 2018
“One day, a queen will rise,” he whispered, as if the books had ears to eavesdrop. “Perhaps it will be in our lifetime, perhaps the one to follow us. But Maevana will remember who she is and unite for a greater purpose.”

My reading experience summed up in one gif:

The Queen's Rising takes a bunch of familiar YA fantasy concepts and fails to do anything new with them. We have the bring-magic-back-into-world quest, the find-a-magical-artifact scavenger hunt, a cruel, two-dimensional usurper king, and of course, the classic reinstate-the-rightful-queen-to-her-throne extravaganza.

Things happen, but they feel muted. There’s no urgency to this book, nothing that makes me want to keep turning pages. Perhaps it's hasty to say that Ross does nothing new—I did enjoy the lack of petty jealousies between the female ardens at Magnalia, where they train to be a passion in either wit, music, art, knowledge, or dramatics. There are strong sisterhood undertones to the narrative. But it's not enough to save this book from being a total snorefest. Some plot-turning decisions that characters make are really stupid, too.

The romance is equally bland. Anyone with a gram of foresight could tell Cartier, Brienna's passion master, would be the love interest. The only saving grace is that this book isn’t romance-centric, so I got to snooze through the monotone plot instead of the romance.

The writing is nothing to write home about either (haha). It tries too hard and simply comes off as cliche and purple:

“He could feel the magic teem about her, as tiny flecks of diamonds in her armor, as stardust in her hair, as moonlight on her skin.”

Cover's pretty though.

ARC provided by Edelweiss
Profile Image for sam.
409 reviews742 followers
March 18, 2018
Absolutely bloody unbelievable. I highly recommend y'all read this because if you haven't then you're missing out on a lot of action and political intrigue which might sound boring but I promise you the plot is amazingly fantabulous. Full RTC
Profile Image for Emma Jane.
234 reviews82 followers
April 30, 2018
This book had me by the first couple of pages. Rebecca Ross’ writing is very alluring and enchanting. Her words created a whimsical portrait of emotion, heritage and courage.

I recommend not going into this novel knowing too much, and being pleasantly drawn into to the story.
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,823 reviews432 followers
December 13, 2021
The Queen’s Rising by Rebecca Ross
1st book in the Queen’s Rising series. YA high fantasy.
At seventeen, Brienna studies for her passion (today’s version of humanities) of Knowledge in the kingdom of Valenia. She is approached for a secret mission to help dethrone the cruel king of Maevana. Deep into espionage, Brienna must decide who she can trust and who is just as likely to kill her.

The maturity of Brienna and the burdens she takes on are unimaginable. The visions she starts having change her life.
Filled with intrigue (after the first third) and danger.
I’m not sure the romance was necessary for her age but it added a safety net to her mission.
Overall I enjoyed the adventure and world building.

🎧 I listened to this book via Hoopla and my local library. The narration was done by Suzanne Elise Freeman who did a marvelous job with voice variations and emotional expression. Without benefit of the family tree and maps, some of the names and details were a bit murky.
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,145 reviews6,461 followers
November 10, 2020
“She walks with grace upon the clouds, and the stars know her by name.”

representation: none from the 23% I read.

[trigger warnings are listed at the bottom of this review and may contain spoilers]

DNF at 23%

Unfortunately this just wasn't holding my attention so I decided to DNF. It just seemed like a generic YA fantasy that I've read a thousand times and I didn't find the characters or plot engaging enough to keep going :(

trigger warnings (only up to 23%): loss of loved ones (in the past).

Thank you to HarperCollins Publishers Australia & NetGalley for the review copy!
369 reviews238 followers
December 26, 2018
2 stars.

I was so disappointed by how dull The Queen's Rising was. After reading Emily May's review, a part of me should've known what I would not enjoy this book. In fantasy novels, I do like when politics and magic are involved, but The Queen's Rising was too boring for me to enjoy.

The Queen's Rising has politics and magic mixed in. By all means, I should've enjoyed it. But I didn't. Mainly it was because of the slow pacing and how boring everything was. I skimmed read the last part just so I finish it.

There was so much potential. Yet it was all squandered by a slow, boring plot. I would definitely recommend The Winner's trilogy. It doesn't have magic, but it has politics that is engrossing as well as having great characters.

Our protagonist Brienna is struggling to find her passion in life. Where she lives, a person can be trained under five passions: dramatics, wit, knowledge, art, and music. Brienna was brought to Magnalia house, a school to train for passions, under her grandfather's request and since then, she has yet to master what she wants to passion in. This brings up her past and how that past could be connected to a kingdom that is in desperate need for a queen.

What sounds like a promising plot is dulled down by slow pacing, a character that doesn't have a proper motive, and a lackluster world.

Brienna, as a protagonist, didn't make sense. What I mean is she didn't have a proper motivation to even be involved in the story. Yes, she has ties that could help take down a king, but when she is given the opportunity, she just jumps on that decision. She goes with the flow instead of thinking for herself. She just listens to those around her and follows their orders. You could argue that she's doing this because it's right, but even then she doesn't think for herself or even her own safety. Instead of just automatically agreeing with someone, she should've put more consideration into what she was getting herself into. She could die and yet she still goes with it because someone said so. A weak protagonist in my opinion.

The pacing of the story was slow. Like, turtle crawling slow. I was maybe invested for about a hundred pages before I started to get bored out of my mind by how slow everything was. I kept expecting for things to start getting interesting but nothing happened. It lost me so many times to the point where I forgot what page I was reading when I set it down for a while.

Speaking of the pacing, there's also an issue with how Brienna became quickly attached to the people around her. There are people who are complete strangers to her and she makes friends with them quickly. It just didn't make sense how she could form a bond so quickly with people she knows nothing about.

Then we have the worldbuilding which is basically nonexistent. Magic and politics are focal points of the story but are never fully explored or implemented into the story. It's just a bunch of there's-this-and-there's-that stuff and I did not like any of it.


The Queen's Rising was a disappointment. I wasted my time reading a boring story with a weak protagonist. I sure as hell am not going to continue on with this series.

Thanks for reading my review!

Profile Image for Lea (drumsofautumn).
635 reviews655 followers
September 22, 2020
Video Review

The Queen's Rising is one of the most promising debuts I have ever read. Going into this I was definitely hesitant. While this seemed like the kind of YA Fantasy I absolutely love, I also have incredibly high expectations for it.
But lo and behold, this blew me away! I would go as far as to say that this is the first book in the five years since I first read GRACELING by Kristin Cashore that came close to THAT kind of Fantasy that I love with all of my heart.

The Queen's Rising had a certain simplicity about it that I've always loved in the Graceling Realm trilogy. This is a story that does not need to rely on relationship drama or tropes to keep you engaged. It just does. Throughout +450 pages I didn't find myself bored by this story ONCE. I always wanted to continue, always wanted to explore more of the world and characters.

The main character, Brienna, is absolutely wonderful. She goes through an amazing character development. She starts as a strong character but throughout the novel she comes to terms with who she is, what she wants in life and proves how brave she is throughout her whole journey. Not once did Brienna make me sigh with annoyance or incomprehension which is also thanks to basically no use of tropes.

The world building and plot is exactly what I wanted from this book. It's a political story with an intriguing world building that was very easy to understand. I loved how we slowly unravelled the history of it all. There's much more I wanna know about the world and I can't wait for Rebecca Ross to explore more of that.
My eARC had family trees and a map, which I found absolutely gorgeous and can't wait to see in the final print copy. I would recommend not looking at the family trees until you read the book though.
The pacing was very well done too. It definitely has that "first book" kind of feeling but I thought even the slower parts were well done because they were packed with intriguing information. I found myself absorbing everything like a dry sponge!
Some things are predictable but it was never anything that took away from my enjoyment but rather a "OMG YES I KNEW IT" kind of triumphant moment!

There's some wonderful female friendship portrayed in here, which sadly gets stripped away from us way too early in the book, but no worries when you hit that point, we get more later on. The found family theme is STRONG throughout this book.
Now if you know me, I CARE about romance, like, a LOT and this romance did not disappoint. This was definitely what put me under its spell the quickest in this book. I was invested in TWO SECONDS. While the romance is a pretty strong theme in the beginning of the book, it's still a slow burn and something that I think even people with an aversion for romance won't mind. It definitely moves more to the background after the first quarter or so and is never something that leads to the main character making dumb decisions.
I found myself incredibly invested, not only with the romance, but with all of the characters and their relationships. WHY YES I DID TEAR UP A FEW TIMES OKAY. The feelings were STRONG in this one.

As you can see, there's not really any flaw for me to point out here. As I said, if you enjoy the GRACELING REALM trilogy I think you should give this a try. DON'T SCOLD ME IF YOU DON'T LOVE IT AS MUCH! I know that series is hard to beat but as I said, this is one of the rare book that came close to what I felt. I think it's also great for fans of THE REMNANT CHRONICLES by Mary E. Pearson, HIS FAIR ASSASSIN by Robin LaFevers or the STUDY TRILOGY by Maria V. Snyder.
Overall a great debut that, despite its similarities to other series, absolutely stands out in this genre!

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I received an ARC of this through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Maggie ☘.
577 reviews748 followers
November 3, 2018
“But your art creates a window into another world,” I said, smiling at her. “That is a true gift, to help others see the world in a different way.”

I have slightly similar feelings toward this book as I have for Ash Princess, another new release of this year. These two books have very little in common, per se, it's the fact that both of them were on the enjoyable side, just not impressive or memorable in any way. Both of them felt like a compilation of other YA fantasies.

I didn't dislike any of the characters here, nor did I overly care about any of them. The MC, Brienna, was likeable enough, and I did like the various girl friendships she developed at the academy.

The romance was, well, iffy. The first time the MC met the love interest was at the age of 10, when she got into the academy of Passions. Then he became her Master (and she called him such, as the rest of the students, for most part of the book which that was extremely weird as well) of Knowledge when she was 14. At the age of 17/18, she started to develop a romance with him in this book, later on. And it's just very weird to me.. It's not about the fact that he's around 10 years older, which isn't all that uncommon especially in fantasy, but the fact that he knew her since she was a child is something I can't get past.

Each to their own. But in the end, I didn't hate them, nor did I loved them together. The fact that I didn't sense, couldn't sense, any romantic chemistry between them didn't help either.
Though thankfully, this book wasn't to much romance centered as that would've certainly affected my rating.

I liked the first half of the story, which took place at Magnalia House, the academy of Passions (art, knowledge, music, dramatics and wit).
The beginning (about 20%) of the second half was slightly boring and uneventful, but the story became more interesting once again in the last part.

The various plot twists were not surprising in the least, as the author foreshadowed too heavily, which made the revelations very unsurprising. And no, I didn't read the 100% spoilery family tree beforehead as I was warned about it so I just skipped all of them and then read it afterwards, and it was all still so obvious!

But overall, the storyline - along with some parts of the world building - might've been the thing that I was invested in the most in this book, though it was definitely more on the slow paced side.

What I really liked were the flashbacks the heroine had. Won't reveal more as it wold be a spoiler, but I really liked the parallels.

The writing was ok, but not as refined and beautiful as I thought it might be starting this book. I think it may've been the influence of the pretty cover or I probably read somewhere that the prose in this book was quite flowery. And yes, it tries to be rather purple and for a first book does fine, though the important word is tries and fails to be truly beautiful or striking or outstanding in any way. It seemed rather generic to me as the writing in other YA fantasies I've encountered recently.

I also did like the culture of Maevana, these people know how to treat women right! Maevana slightly reminded me of some kind of Norse (though some said Scottish) inspired culture. While Valenia, with its fashion and manners, reminded me of a Baroque time inspired period. Which made the two cultures an interesting contrasts to one another.

The cover is also pretty beautiful, the colour, all the shades of blue, the black edges, and constellations!

Overall, enjoyable, though more or less on the avarage side, YA fantasy. I don't have anything overly bad to say about this book, nor any glowing praise. It was a pretty great read for the time being.

“There are many secret doors around us, in plain sight. We just don't take the time to find and open them.”
Profile Image for Chelsies Reading Escape.
631 reviews403 followers
February 28, 2018
Queens Rising follows Brienna as she get pulled into a plot to overthrow the King of another kingdom. Thats not a spoiler since its mentionned in the summary, but I did find the Goodreads summary a bit misleading. In her kingdom people can study to become one of five passions; art, music, wit, dramatics and knowledge. After discovering she has no talent for the other passions Brienna finally settles on knowledge. Brienna was a likeable character and her struggle with her mixed heritage added some depth to the story. I loved the dog Nessie and how she was protective of Brienna. Animal companions in books are awesome.

The angsty romance was cute despite the age difference. I do wish the romantic interest had more personality. I liked him, but I felt like I didnt get to know him that well, which is the same way I felt about most of the characters. All the female friendships were really sweet and added a lot to my enjoyement. I loved Briennas relationship with her roommate Merei. There was also some heartwarming family dynamics when she gets adopted as a passion daughter. I really loved her patron and his fatherly protectiveness. Brieena wasnt forced to join the rebellion like the summary leads us to believe and I like it better this way.

I found the writing easy to get into. Plus the world was interesting with its the five passions, lost magic, and the differences between the two kingdoms. I do wish we would have gotten more information about the magic system though. I dont know if its because Ive been reading some historical fiction lately, but I felt like this had a similar vibe to it so if you like that genre you might really enjoy this. I thought the plot wasnt very original and had a pretty slow pace with little action to be seen until the very end. However it was refreshing to have Brienna helping the rebellion without being a lost princess.

Once Brienna finds out who's memories she was seeing it should have been obvious to her who her father was, especially with her having studied genealogy as a passion of knowledge. Theres also a family tree at the start of the book that defeats the purpose of the big father twist. The other major twist was also super obvious to me. I still really enjoyed the ending. It wrapped up so well that it could easily be a standalone. There isnt anything left unfinished so I have no idea where the author plans to take the next 2 books in this trilogy. Overall this book had qualities that made it enjoyable, but had nothing super exciting about it.

*received for review consideration*
Profile Image for Bibiana In Bookland.
334 reviews1,900 followers
October 28, 2019
Una ambientación alucinante en la que la autora te va adentrando poco a poco, hasta que formas parte de todo ese mundo. Unos personajes que me han encantado, aunque a veces me parecía algo precipitado algunas relaciones, pero que han conseguido que sufriera y disfrutara con ellos. La protagonista es una chica que tiene dudas, es alguien inseguro al principio y se aprecia una evolución a lo largo del libro, con un claro y determinante momento al final que te hace ver en quien se ha convertido. Me ha gustado mucho el tema de las pasiones, me ha parecido original y cautivador. El final me ha gustado mucho, aunque para mi gusto ha sido un poco precipitado, pero tal como acaba me da la sensación de que podría ser claramente un libro autoconclusivo, pero forma parte de una bilogía.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,630 reviews425 followers
April 20, 2019
—Te aceptaré y te amaré entera, Brienna MacQuinn, con tus sombras y tu luz, porque me has desafiado, me has cautivado. Y no deseo a ninguna otra, más que a ti —susurró él mientras enredaba los dedos en mi pelo, en mis flores silvestres, y me acercaba a él.

No pensé que me iba a gustar tanto y ´pues la verdad es que sí.
Tiene un estilo como la trilogía Del Ganador te da como el feeling no quiere decir que sea igual, pero referente a la época al estilo del mundo que creó la autora You Know

Yo pensé que el principio iba estar aburrido pero no me lo pareció me mantuvo entretenida sobre todo conociendo lo referente al nuevo mundo y luego el misterio de los personajes.

Lo que más me gustó es que no fue tan cliché la autora twist a la trama que no me los esperaba, creí que iba a ir en la línea como todos los libros de fantasía y distópicos de YA.

Los protagonistas me gustaron mucho pero como es típico mi favorito es CARTIER, fue lo mejor del libro lo amé.
Yo espero que en el siguiente libro haya más amor se necesita. Y frases como esta.

—Hace cuatro meses —dijo él—, creí que sabía cuál era el mejor camino para ti. Había llegado a amarte, tan profundamente, que quería asegurarme de que eligieras la rama que te mantendría cerca de mí.
Solo cuando te dejé ir te encontré de nuevo, del modo más maravilloso.

En cuanto al villano me pareció MEEEEH sólo apareció una vez en el libro no tuvo construcción ese personaje y ni digamos de la batalla final para el olvido. (estoy haciendo esta reseña una semana después de haberlo leído y ya se me olvidó )

Sé que hay una segunda parte pero fácil se puede leer como un libro autoconclusivo, sin necesidad de tener que leer el siguiente y eso es lo que me gustó.

En cuanto a la puntuación estoy un poco confundida porque en realidad no es un libro malo como para ponerle 3 estrellas pero tampoco es tan wow.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,399 reviews

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